Billie Holiday elulugu Lapsepõlv Billie Holiday, sünnijärgselt Eleanora Fagan Gough, kaootiline elu algas Baltimores 7.aprillil, 1915. Laulja isa, Clarence Holiday, oli kuueteist aastane jazz-kitarrist ja bändzo mängija, kes hiljem kuulus Fletcher Hendersoni orkestrisse. Ta ei abiellunud kunagi lapse ema Sadie Faganiga ning jättis ta koos tütrega maha. Holiday ema oli samuti väga noor, kolmeteist aastane. Ema oskamatuse või hoolimatuse tõttu jäeti Billie tihti vanaema või sugulaste hoida. Paraku sugulased suhtusid temasse kui teenijasse. Billie saadeti kümneselt katolikku kooli1, sest tüdruk tunnistas üles, et teda on vägistatud. Kahe aasta pärast sai ta sealt välja tänu perekonna sõbrale. Olles kogenud mentaalseid kriise, kolis Billie koos oma emaga 1942. aastal New Jerseysse ja hiljem Brooklyni. Karjääri redel
Billie Holiday Üheks tuntuimaks dzässilauljaks on Billie Holiday, sünninimega Eleanora Fagan. Ta sündis 7. aprillil 1915. aastal. Täpsed andmed tema elu algusaastate kohta puuduvad, kuid on teada, et ta ema, Sarah Julia Harris, visati kodust välja, kui ta 13aastaselt rasedaks jäi ning ta kolis Philadelphiasse. Seal sündis Eleanora Fagan. Ilma vanemate toetuseta võttis Sarah ühendust oma poolõe Eva Milleriga, kes elas Baltimore's ning kelle ämmast sai järgnevaks kümneks aastaks Eleanora põhihooldaja.
My dream vacation I would travel with a person who is similar to me, is in great shape,is interested in science and is durable.We would travel to u.s.a with a private jet and travel to nasa with a car.Then we would travel to space with a space rocket.we would go to a space station which is hovering 360 km above Earth.we would stay in space for one month because it is too expensive to travel between Earth and space.we would get around by flying in the space station because there is zero gravity in space. There can by some curious incidents while we are in space like the sun rising behind the Earth.
I've traveled a little, mostly in Finland, Sweden and Latvia. But for me and my family like to travel and discover new places in Estonia. But my favorite is the holiday trip to Sweden. We traveled by boat to Sweden, where we visited many museums, cathedrals, and the Gallery. Sweden at meeldiub me most architectures, as the country houses are so special. I've been to Sweden twice, and definitely will go back there again. In addition, we usually visit the zoo, museums, and buy hand-made souvenirs. I like to follow the plot in the street, because they behave and dress differently. I was traveling for three days together in Sweden.
The school holiday – time for new challenges and adventures Changes and challenges can come in many forms. An holiday is the perfect place to try something new, to push yourself to a new limit and realise your dreams. You can do something that you've never tried before, like going to new places or take part of the adventure games. You can go to the gym or run every day 5 km. I like to go hiking in the woods or just take a daytrip to a city where I have never been before. The other possibility is to go for a mental challenge, like learning new language, or reading an interesting book
kool aasta Billie Holiday nimi klass Sisukord 2 Sissejuhatus Billie Holiday oli üks kuulsamaid jazzmuusika naissoost tähti, kelle lühike elu sisaldas mitut abielu, kõrgelennulist karjääri ja muud, mis käis kuulsuse juurde, esile tõstetuna narkootikume. 3 Varajane elu Billie Holiday, sünnijärgselt Eleanora Fagan, sündis Philadelphias, Pennsylvanias USAs 7. aprillil, 1915. aastal. Tema ema oli pärast kaheteistaastaselt rasedaks jäämist kodust Baltimore'ist pagendatud ning sinna kolinud. Nad olid mustanahalised ja vaesed, kuid üks hetk, kui emake sattus hea tööots, kogus ta nii palju raha, et nad said endile 900$ eest endale maja osta ning pidid sealtmaalt `elama kui leedid'. 1926 saadeti ta The House of the Good
Beachside holiday home Hello, Me and my family want to spend a month in England, so we need to rent a holiday house there. I read about your offers, but still I have a few questions. Could I bring my dog? We can not leave him with anyone, so we should to take our dog with us. Problems did not would be in the house, she is well-behaved. Because we have a car, then I would ask also whether parking is free or paid? Is there are fridge in the kitchen? Bed linen and towels are also included in the price? Is the internet there? Wifi or something.
For and against Camping holiday Camping holidays become more and more popular nowadays. People like to spend their vocation in nature, far away from computers, internet, TV and mobile phones. They want to go somewhere where they can listen to the wild nature. Is the nature always better choice? Camping holiday is good for humans health because of breathing fresh air. In town there are too many pollute things which damage and is bad for your health. Walking is good our body, because when you walk then you burn the calories. In the wild nature your eyes are relaxing, they do not have the stress as in town. This kind of vocation is more cheaper than vocation in the spa or hotel. Most of camping places are free so you do not have to pay money for it. There are huge amount of camping places, all most
The Holiday Habits of Estonians The aim of the report is to show estonians holiday habits. It is based on the survey where people had to speak about their holiday habits. The interviews revealed that estonians do not like to rest and relax a lot in Estonia. The majority of young people like to go travelling with their parents to some famous and interesting places. It was found that younger people do not want to go to sunny places, they just want to have interesting time. According to the survey younger people do not have same habits as older people. On the other hand some people just want to go to sunny places and be there for a long time
Dear Sir/Madam I'm writing to ask for more information about the 'Swedish Dream' holiday which i saw on the internet. Me and my friends are very interested in Sweden and would like to go on this holiday but we would like to ask some more things about the trip. Firstly, i would like to get some more information about the hotels and the cities we are going to visit. I was also wondering if there's going to be a tour guide to talk about the history of Sweden. Could you tell me more about these things? Secondly, I am a little bit worried about my health
The Most Exciting Holiday of My Life About a year ago I went to Spain to spend a week of my summer holiday there. I was there with my family and with aunt and her husband. We were in a nice hotel near the beach. The second day I wanted to go shopping in the city but my parents disagreed. They suggested that we should go sightseeing. At last we found that we could go walk in the beach where also were many shops. But it was miles away, so we had to rent a car. We could rent a car from our hotel's reception. Unfortunately we were told that all cars were hired out
Report The aim of this report, is to describes the holiday habits of Estonians and gives our opinion about the habits of the older people and the younger ones. The Report is based on the people's responses to the survey carried out by the students of the Jõhvi Gymnasium. The interviews revealed that estonians do not like to rest in Estonia. The majority of young people like to spend their holidays in Russia, the Baltic Countries and Spain. Most of the older people surveyed said that
ilmumine tõi olukorda pöörde. Tema suur, tüse ja käskiv toon lausa nõudis tähelepanu, ootamatud 6) Neegrite olustikumuusika meloodilised ja rütmilised avastused tegid tenorsaksofoni üheks populaarsemaks pilliks jazzmuusikas. b) Jazzvokalism; Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra Kui Hawkins on saksofoni rehabiliteerija, selle pilli jazzmuusikasse sissetooja, siis Lester Youngi Sellel pole midagi tegemist klassikalise laulukooliga. Toetub afrolikule vokaalmuusikale ning
Say, hey! Hear the sound of the falling rain Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!) The shame The ones who died without a name Hear the dogs howling out of key To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!) And bleed, the company lost the war today I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives On holiday Hear the drum pounding out of time Another protester has crossed the line (Hey!) To find, the money's on the other side Can I get another Amen? (Amen!) There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (Hey!) A gag, a plastic bag on a monument I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives On holiday (Hey!) (Say, hey!) (3,4) "The representative from California has the floor" Sieg Heil to the president Gasman Bombs away is your punishment
The most popular destinatios is Egypt. The average length of trips is 3-7 days. What kind of transport and accomodation people use. With whom they travel. The majority of young people said that they often use a bus or thumb lift. Older people said that they prefer a comfort, so they use a plane and they stay in a hotel. The interviws reveales that people travel with friend and family. Few people said that they travel with their workmates. Both, young people and old people said that on the holiday vacation or on a trip they go sightseeing, shopping and just relax. In conclusion, I think that Estonians like to travel and as time goes by, they do this more often.
Souvenirs de vacances J'adore partir en vacances. J'aime les vacances actives à la plage, parce qu'il y a le soleil, le calme et la mer. Pendant la journée, on peut se bronzer et jouer au volley sur la plage. Le soir, on peut manger au restaurant et faire un tour de la ville. C'est super. Personnellement je trouve que la meilleure saison pour les vacances est l'été parce que le plus important pour moi c'est d'avoir du beau temps, le soleil et la chaleur. Je préfère me déplacer en avion parce qu'à mon avis pour les longs trajets un avion est plus rapide et confortable que le train. Je préfère passer mes vacances au bord de la mer parce que j'aime la mer et la plage. Généralement je loue un appartement ou une villa et je profite des vacances pour faire du sport, aussi j'aime bien passer du temps avec ma famille. Tous les ans, je pars en vacances avec mes parents à Constanza ; mais cette ...
My summer holidays In my summer holidays I was out a lot. I went camping in Rõuge. We were there three days. We went there in the midday about 12 o' clock. I sunbathed there and then I went swim to the Rõuge Suurjärv. In the evening we grilled the sausages and after that we went to the sauna. In next day we went ride with the speedboat on the lake. In third day I went rollerskating and in the evening we went back to the home. In summer I was in beach a lot. Usually I went to Kubija beach. I sunbathed and swimmed there. In summer I babysat. The baby was ten month old. I went to the Otepää Seikluspark in my summer holidays too.
Holiday time My holiday began from a class trip to Tartu. There we visited the Estonian National Defence College. Afterwards, I took a bus ride to Tallinn, where I spent the rest of my holiday. Due to my brother moving house, I had to help him out with that. The majority of the work involved stacking firewood from one shed to another, whilst sorting it out to dried and raw. During free time, we went shopping into different shopping centres. I left Tallinn on Saturday, so I would have a day to prepare for school.
Travelling and holidays 1.go on holiday/vocation- minema puhkusele 2.a holiday-maker, a travel agent- puhkaja, reisi korraldaja 3.a holiday in the mountains- puhkus mägedes 4.a camping holiday- puhkus laagris 5.a seaside holiday- mereäärne puhkus 6.a cruise,a package tour- kruiis, pakett reis 7.a coach tour, a charter flight- bussi reis, charter reis 8.go on an excursion, go on a trip- minema ekskursioonile, minema reisile 9.see the sights/go sightseeing- vaatama vaatamisväärsusi, vaatamisväärsustega tutvuma 10.lie on the beach, to sunbathe- lebotama rannas, võtma päikest 11
Dear Hanna, Hi! How are you? I would love to see you, we should go out someday. Anyway, i've finally got some time to write a letter and tell you something about my holiday. It was amazing, I think you would love it too! I went to Capo Verde and we stayed in a lovely hotel. It had everything you needed restorants, shops, tennis coarts, sea etc. The rooms were also beautiful: big bathrooms and every bedroom had a balcony and huge bed. We tooked a road trip all over the island. We saw Blue eye, sharks and the saline. The best thing of these were the sharks, it was scary but also amazing. I think that you should go ther too,
Easter. The date of Mardi Gras changes every year. In the year 2008 it is on the 5th of February. "Fat Tuesday" is also the last day that Catholics can eat meat before Lent, the forty-day period of fasting before Easter The cities most famous for their Mardi Gras celebrations include New Orleans, Louisiana; Venice, Italy; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many other places have important Mardi Gras celebrations as well. It is a federal holiday in Alabama, Florida and in 8 counties of Lousiana. History In 1829, some young men returned to New Orleans, Louisiana, from a visit to Paris. Carrying on a lively French custom, they dressed in costumes and masks and paraded through the narrow streets of the French Quarter of New Orleans. More people joined and followed them until they caught the attention of the ladies of the town, who leaned over their balconies and threw chocolates and kisses to them
Halloween also known by Halloween or All Hallow's Eve is an annual holiday observed around the world on October 31, the night preceding All Saints Day. Typical Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, watching horror films, as well as praying and attending vigils or church services.Trick-or- treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children go in
Morgan Holiday Home Address: My address: 6 February 2014 Beachside Holiday Home Dear Sir or Madam, My family is planning to spend a month in England and we wish to rent a holiday house. I have found the advertisement in the Internet and I am going to ask some questions. First of all I wonder if pets are allowed in the house of family booking? We have a dog and that would be really very difficult to leave him at home alone for two weeks. What about extra fee car parking? How much would it cost? Is there a fridge in the kitchen? I am also interested in price. All the rent costs 252 €? Including bed linen & towels? Or we have to take along our toiletries
Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot
Dear Meg Thanks a lot for your letter. It was so interesting to hear about English traditions. I wrote about an Estonian holiday. Halloween, or Hallowe'en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses" and carving jack-o-lanterns. The term Halloweenis shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day", which is now also known as All Saints' Day. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century
Hi Mürka It been a long time since i last wrote to you, and i have a lot to say. This holiday has been a especially exciting and fun. I`m just sad that this great holiday is going to end with this week. I had a trip to Finland, where a tried a mountain skiing and other really cool stuff. The trip lasted 1 week and we had a lots of fun in this time. Some favourite things that i did in Finland was skiing and I also liked the amusement park. During my next holiday i hope to visit Estonia, because you`ve said a lots of good things about this place. I´ll hope to meet you personally on my next holiday, but there`s couple of months scool till it. I`ll hope you`ll soon write me back and suggest me some good places to visit in Estonia. Yours Hainz
Dear Thailand Getaway representative I am writing to you regarding my recent holiday with you and I have some problems in this regard. The holiday you advertised included snorkelling, but it turned out that you did not have the necessary equipment that I had to buy for myself. Bicycle rental was also part of the holiday package, but unfortunately there were no free bicycles to rent, which made me spend too much on transport. Also, the ride with the elephants did not go as planned, because the queue was long and I had to wait a very long time. I was also very disappointed by the beach, because the beautiful sandy beach you promised turned out to be dirty and very crowded. As this holiday not only caused me inconvenience and frustration, but also caused additional
use that calculate the New Year differently Independence Day Independence from the Russian Empire in 1918. Independence re-declared from the Soviet Union in 1991 An Independence Day is an annual event commemorating the anniversary of a nation's assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a group or part of another nation or state; more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries observe their respective independence days as a national holiday, and in some cases the observance date is controversial or contested. Good Friday Moveable Friday Good Friday is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known
Valentine's Day Saint Valentine's Day is an annual holiday held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions.The holiday is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards .. The holiday first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.hModern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards.The sending of Valentines was a fashion in nineteenth-
England Halloween Table of contents 1. Introduction 2.Threats 3.Halloween pranks 4.Picture 56.History of Halloween 7.Luther's celebration 89. Turnips and Halloween 10.New elements 11.Druids in Britain 12.Picture Halloween is a holiday in many English speaking countries that is celebrated on the night of October 31st. Children wear costumes and they go to peoples' homes saying "Trick or treat!" to ask for candy, sweets in the United Kingdom, or lollies in Australia, and then people give it to them. This practice originally involved a threat. A threat is when someone says that they will do something bad if they do not get what they want. In this case the threat could be
8th February, 2015 Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to enquire about Beachside holiday home as I am planning to go on holiday with my family. I found your advertisement in the Internet which seemed suitable to me, but I need more details. The first thing I would like to know is whether we can take our dog with us, or are there extra conditions? As we usually travel by car and it is said in your advertisement that it is possible to park a car, but I wonder if we have to pay extra for it. I hope you can also let me know about the holiday house which has 2 bedrooms and a kitchen
The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to hunt, fish and grow food. They also taught them, how to use fish for fertilizer in growing corn, pumpkin and beans. The Pilgrims had a good harvest. Governor William Bradford issued a proclamation establishing a day of Thanksgiving to God. The first Thanksgiving was cooked and served out-of-doors. The celebration lasted for 3 days.It was successful. Thanksgiving Day was established by the United States Congress as a legal federal holiday. Many of the traditions come from that first Thankgiving celebration. Today, for many Americans, Thanksgiving is a four-day holiday. People eat turkey, squash, corn. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts. It is the most important holiday in America.
Turismipakett 1.päev 10.00-11.00 Majutamine Viisnurga Holiday Home (Uulu küla, Tahkuranna vald, Pärnu maakond, 86500 Uulu ) ( Peamaja ees on suur terrass koos välibasseiniga, kus on hea suvel mõnusalt aega veeta. Kõikides tubades on miniköök koos vajalike toidu- ja jooginõudega, tualettruum duššiga ja WiFi ühendus. Ühes numbritoas on lisaks saun ja kahes numbritoas mullivann. ) 11.00-11.30 Sõit Lottemaa Teemaparki(Lottemaa asub mere ääres, männimetsa roheluses. Sõida 8 km Pärnust Riia suunal mööda Via Balticat ja kohal Sa oledki
ta New Yorki, et asuda õppima prestiižikas Juilliardi muusikakõrgkoolis. Juilliard jäi juba järgmisel aastal pooleli, kuna enam ahvatles klubides Charlie Parkeri grupis mängimine. Esimese oma nime all tehtud Miles Davise mälestusmärk Poola linnas Kielces plaadi andis ta välja 1947. 1969. aastal avaldas Miles Davis paljude meelest džäss- rocki alguseks peetavad albumid In A Silent Albumid Billie Holiday Billie Holiday sünninimega Eleanora Fagan; 7.aprill 1915-17.juuli 1959oli USA lauljatar, keda peetakse üheks tuntuimaksb džässilauljaks. Teda on kutsutud ka Lady Day'ks. Ta sündis džässimuusikust isa perekonnas. Teismeeas laulis Billie New Yorgi džässiklubides. Elulugu Ta ema oli ainult 13-aastane, kui Billie Baltimore'is sündis. Ta isa mängis mitmes bändis kitarri ja oli enamik aega tööl.
Maarja Mägi 11B Christmas celebrations in Estonia In Estonia, Christmas time is considered to be the most important time of the year. In recent times, Christmases have grown to be more a commercial holiday. What is more, Estonian Christmas celebrations have been changed due to German cultural influences. Christmases in Estonia on the whole have two meanings: first one is to celebrate the birth of the Christ and secondly it marks the whole period of mid-winter festivities. In Estonia's folk tradition, Christmas (in Estonian "jõulud" is of ancient Scandinavian origin and has no connection with Christianity) was a time of year to celebrate the shortest day and longest night
Advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year Many students take a gap year before going to university after graduating from high school to have a little longer holiday after being in school for twelve or more years. But, is it the best choice? What good or bad could that do? For sure one year makes a difference, it can make people lazier, but it can also give time to think about his/her future plans. There can be many reasons for a gap year: money, people go to work or some people go to the army for not taking a year for the army during studies in the university or just being tired of school.
Quality system of Estonia (..Name..) (..Class..) What is that? Rural accomodation quality rank of: Home accomodation Guesthouse Holiday house Holiday village Holiday camping For how long? • For 3 years Necessity Gives the client info of the level of the accommodation service and the quality Increasing the credibility of the enterprise for provider Help for the starting enterpreneurs of this field Better understanding of client expections/needs Increasing competitiveness and crediability of (rural) tourism Who gives these? Estonia Rural Tourism Accomodation Ranking * **- third rank accommodation
) ja järgmisele reale kirjuta nimi.( Nime lõpus ei tohi olla punkti!) a. Nt. (taandrida)Best wishes, Samantha b. Nt. (taandrida)With love, Samantha (Sobib ainult siis kui tüdruk kirjutab kirja või kui poiss kirjutab kallimale!) Kiri näiteks, reisimise kohta: Dear Sam, How are you? Sorry I haven't written you for a while, because I was on a holiday in Turkey. I stayed in a 5 star hotel with my family and my best friend Tom. Our hotel was by the sea and near to the city. Our hotel had different facilities, it had a pool, gym, handicap facilities and many more. Staff in our hotel were really helpful and polite. We spent most of our time by the pool or by the sea. On our trip we sunbathed, went swimming and parasailing. Parasailing was really magnificent experience, I loved it! On our holiday we also went
Estonian national holidays Christmas Christmas , also referred to as Christmas Day, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 or January 7 that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, Church celebrations, and the display of various decorations--including the Christmas tree, lights, mistletoe, nativity scenes, and holly. In many countries there are many different types of decorations used depending on the traditions and available resources. However , in Estonia people bring Christmas tree in and decorate it with straw ,glass balls and candles. Estonians eat sauerkraut and black pudding.
THAILAND GETAWAY 12/01/2008 Dear Sirs I have just returned from a holiday in Thailand Getaway. I am writing to express my annoyance about a number of points. First of all, the beaches were dirty and crowded. As a result, I didn't see any clean and free places where for suntanning. I like snorkelling, but you have not snorkelling equipment for all the family. Take a tour by elephant was impossible because queue was too long. Even bikes were out of order. All these points made me very annoyed. I insist on paying back a half of the sum I paid for the holiday.
P Ä R N U Pärnu is a seaside town. It is situated on the south-west coast of Estonia. It is a very popular holiday destination in summer. It's also situated between the sea and the Pärnu river. Pärnu was first mentioned in the 12th century, so it is older 700 years old. In the middle ages Pärnu was a very important trading centre. It was a member of the Hanseatic League. Pärnu became a resort town in the 1830s when a group of businessmen founded the first bathing establishment. Before that today's Beach Park's area was just wet pasture. In the 1930s Pärnu cecame especially popular
ee Prepositions of time at 8 o'clock at the weekend at 10.30. at the moment AT at midnight / midday at the end of ... at night at Christmas / at Easter I start work at 8 o'clock. She can't sleep at night. We are going on holiday at the end of October. Are you busy at the moment? on Sunday(s) / Monday(s) on Monday morning ON on 25 April / 6 June on Saturday evening on New Year Day Goodbye! See you on Friday. I'm meeting Jill on Monday morning. The concert is on 22 November. in April / June in summer / spring / ... IN
Riho Kirsipuu Group nr 2 20.11.2015 Formal Letter Dear Sir or Madam, I just returned from my holiday, which was not what we were looking for. There were some problems I want to talk about, which was not mention in brochure. Firstly, when we arrived at the airport, there were not any coach waiting for us but brochure said that transfer was included. Because of that we had to take a taxi and it was very expensive. What is more, the beach was far from hotel which was unpleasant surprise. In addition,
Leftovers from Christmas lunch Popular meat Baked Ham and Mince Pies with Brandy Butter or a slice of Christmas Cake How to celebrate Boxing Day? Attend a sporting event Remember those who have provided a service to you during the year Remember those in need Go shopping Celebrate with friends St Stephen's Day In Ireland, Boxing Day is known as ,,St Stephen's Day" Hunting the wren Wren song Collecting money for charity 26th of December in Estonia Public holiday Eating leftovers Spending time with the family Relaxing Thank you for listening
with English , such as : Slan ("goodbye") Slán abhaile ("get home safely") so it can be quite hard to understand them sometimes Attempts have been made to offer support for the language through the media , so far it has gone quite well ( made diffrent shows in irish language or so ) You can check the map for the percentage of people speaking Irish in Ireland. St. Patrick's day As everybody already knows St' Patrick's day is a public holiday of the Republic of Ireland But its also a holiday in Montserrat , in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. In the rest of Canada, Great Britain, Australia, the United States and New Zealand, it is widely celebrated but is not an official holiday Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish people and increasingly (kasvavalt) by non-Irish people (usually in Australia and North America). Celebrations are generally themed around all things Irish and, by association, the colour green
Anzac Day Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War One. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their countries. Queen`s birthday The Queen's Birthday holiday is a moveable feast in Australia and New Zealand. It celebrates the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II who is not only Queen of the United Kingdom but also Queen of Australia and New Zealand, where the Queen's Birthday is a public holiday celebrated on a Monday but on different dates. In Australia, except in the state of Western Australia, it is celebrated on the second Monday of June. The holiday also marks the start of the Australian ski season
Estonian food Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium 8A Grete Tiigiste, Mirjam Kalamees 2012 Estonian cuisine individualities In Estonia eat: Pork Rye bread Sauerkraut Fish (dried, salted fresh) Blood sausage Ancient habits Food wasn't ample. Peasant ate a lot porridge. Peasant grow provisions themselves. Estonian ate a lot rye bread. Holiday meals In Estonia are lots of holidays. On every holiday eat differently. Christmas Estonian eat a lot at christmas. Examples: Potatoes and sauerkraut Blood sausages Gingerbreads Shrove Tuesday On shrove Tuesday are two main foods: Buns with whipped cream Pea soup Easter On Easter dye eggs and then knocked them broken. After that people eat the eggs. Fish Estonian eat a lot fish. We dry, cure and fry fish. Estonian eat also salted fish.
A Storm at Sea Kelin Kuznetsova 8.B It was a cloudy afternoon, when Jason, Paul and Tony were on a sailing holiday last summer. It all took place at a calm sea. Jason was standing on the deck of the boat when he saw black clouds gathering in the sky. He realized that the storm is not far from them. A minute later they found themselves in the middle of the storm. Huge waves were crashing and the boat was rocking from side to side as thunder rolled across the sky. They were extremely scared. They understanded that they were in huge danger, so Tony radioed for help
at first at the weekend BY by accident by cheque by Rembrandt by chance by mistake by Shakespeare by bus/train/car/ship, etc. by post/airmail by the time FOR for breakfast/lunch/dinner for help for a swim for a drink (go to a place) for a holiday for a walk for fun (=for amusement) for a while FROM from time to time from that day on from now on IN in agony in the countryside in love (with) in an armchair in disbelief in one's opinion in cash in the distance in other words
Tartu Located in the South of Estonia, Tartu is one of Estonia's most beautiful cities. I chose to write about Tartu, because with its beautiful green parks and spectacular culture, it's the perfect holiday destination. There are many really beautiful buildings that have been restored after World War II. Most of them are in the heart of the city. There's also a place called the Dome Hill. It's a hill where you can see various monuments and there are also the ruins of the Dome Church. Currently, the building is occupied by a history museum and the visitors can use an observation platform on the roof and enjoy a picturesque view of the city