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"cock" - 18 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: cock

Faile: 0


Kakaduu ­ cockatoo Tikutaja ­ snipe Kalakotkas ­ osprey Tuttpütt ­ grebe Kaljukotkas ­ goldeneagle Tutttihane ­ crested titmouse Kalkun ­ turkey Tuuletallaja ­ wind-hover Kana ­ hen Tuvi ­ dove Kanaarilind ­ canary Vabakana ­ ptarmigan Kanakull ­ gos hawk Varblane ­ sparrow Kiivitaja ­ lapwing Vares ­ crow Koolibri ­ humming bird Vint ­ finch Kotkas ­ eagle Vutt ­ quail Kukk ­ cock Ööbik ­ nightingale Kuldnokk ­ starling Öökull ­ owl Kurg ­ craue Öölind ­ noeturual bird Käbilind ­ conebird Öösorr ­ nightjar Kägu ­ cuckoo Lagle ­ brent Laulurästas ­ song-thrush Leevike ­ bullfinch Lepalind - redstard Linavästrik ­ wagtail Luik ­ swan Lõoke ­ lark Metsis ­ capercailye Musträstas ­ blackbird Paabulind ­ peacock Papagoi ­ parrot Part ­ duck Pingviin - penguin Põldpüü ­ partridge

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni sisekommunikatsioon

Vormistus: Tee kindlasti tiitelleht, sisukord, nummerda leheküljed. Lehe veerised on ka vaja muuta. Organisatsiooni sisekommunikatsioon Sissejuhatus Igas organisatsioonis on väga oluline sisekommunikatsioon ja selle juhtimine, sest sisekommunikatsiooni tõrgetest tulenevad ebakõlad ja arusaamatused peegelduvad ka organisatsioonist väljapoole mõjutades selle mainet ja pidurdades eesmärkide täitmist. Allüksuste vaheline kiire, ülesannete täitmiseks piisav ning arusaadavalt sõnastatud info vahetamine tagab efektiivse tööülesannete täitmise ja on strateegiline funktsioon, et meeskond töötaks ühtselt ning sünergiliselt. Kommunikatsiooniteooria üks rajajaid Fiske (1997: 39) on määratlenud kommunikatsiooni kui info liikumist subjektilt „A“ subjektile „B“. Bovée ja Thill (1995: 7) määratlevad seda kui informatsiooni ja idee vahetusprotsessi organisatsioonis. Teoreetik Argenti (2009: 128) meelest on sisekommunikatsioon oma olemuselt üksteist ...

Majandus → Organisatsioonikäitumine
41 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

1. Kingapael-shoelace(My shoelace came undone) 2. Keeris-whirlpool 3. Kube(me piirkond)-groin(How painful is it when a guy gets hit in the groin?) 4. Puhkemine-onset 5. Kruus-gravel(Gravel considered a small stone pieces) 6. Hape-acid(H2SO4 is a strong acid) 7. Uudsus, uudisesse-novelty 8. Põlgus,solvumine-contempt 9. Kõõlus-sinew(The sinew conects muscle to bone) 10. Kannatus,mure-distress 11. Habeme tüügas-stubble 12. Elavus,joovastus-exhilaration 13. Katuseta istekohad publikule-bleachers 14. Kaastunne-compassion 15. Ventima(aega)-stall 16. Kildukas purunema-shatter(The glass shattered into a thousend pieces) 17. Läbi imbuma-pervade 18. Juhmistama, oimetuks lööma-stun 19. Mässama, vastu hakkama-mutiny 20. Nõutuks tegema-baffle 21. Tagasi võtma, tagasi tõmbuma-withdraw 22. Vinguma-whine 23. Minema viskama-dump 24. Kummuli minema-capsize 25. Alla neelama, üle ujutama-engulf(The flames rapidly engulfed the house) 26. Viskama, heitma-pit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

British humor

Sarcasm and self-deprecation Deadpan delivery Insensitive to other cultures No subject is taboo Lack of subtlety, crass THEMES INNUENDO ­ SATIRE ­ imply to sth or ridiculing human someone vice or weakness Sexual humor Most commonly Shakespeare polititians ,,Young men will Irony, sarcasm, do't if they come parody to't/By Cock, they ,,I'm not young are to blame" enough to know everything." THEMES ABSURD ­ surreal Unreasonable Monty Python Compared to The Beatles influence on music 3 of 6 ­voted among 50 greatest comedians ever THEMES MACABRE ­ SURREAL AND Black humor CHAOTIC Grim and ghastly So bad, it's good atmosphere, decay, death

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele arvustus sarjale Jeeves and Wooster

Film review Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy television series. It's adapted by Clive Exton from P.G Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. The series was produced by Picture Partnership Productions for Granada Television and screened on the ITV network from 1990 to 1993. It starred was Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster and Stephen Fry as Jeeves. The stories are set in England and the United States in the 20 th century but it describe action in 1920s and 1930s when the Second-World-War was taken place. ,,Jeeves and Wooster" have 23 episodes. The first season are directed by Robert Young, the second by Simon Langton and the two last series are directed by Ferdinand Fairfax. The theme song is an original piece of music in the jazz/swing style written by composer Anne Dudley. Like I was saying the action discribe 1920's and 1930's and that's the reason why the jokes are more controlled than today. You can see and feel the 30's environment an...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Robert Burns

Robert Burns Robert Burns was born in a small cottage in Alloway on 25 January 1759. By the time of his death, aged 37, on 21 July 1796, he had become Scotland's bestloved poet and, perhaps more importantly, the symbol of the regeneration of a nation. At Mount Oliphant, when he was 15, Robert wrote his first song, Handsome Nell, for his partner in the fields at harvest time, Nellie Kirkpatrick. Robert had to work as a flax dresser in Irvine to earn money for family but his real passion was poetry. At the age of 27 he had 3 children, two of them were twins. In July of 1786, Burns had succeeded in publishing the first book of his poems, the "Kilmarnock Edition", which became enormously popular. He decided to move to Edinburgh where new editions of his poetry were published. He made a number of tours of Scotland and began collecting traditional Scots songs and tunes for "The Scots Musical M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Eesti-inglise-vene laeva mehaanika terminoloogia sõnastik

filter filter, strainer gaasiline töökeha gaseous working medium gaasitihedus gas tightness gaasiturbiinülelaadimine turbocharging, gas turbine charging hammasratasajam gear, gearing hammasrataspump gear, (gear-wheel-) pump impulssülelaadimine pulse supercharging indikaatorkasutegur indicated efficiency indikaatorkraan indicator cock indikaatorvõimsus indicated power jahutussüsteem cooling system jahutusvesi cooling water jugajahutus jet cooling juhtõhk control air kahepoolse toimega mootor double-acting engine kahetaktiline mootor two-stroke engine kanaljahutus bore cooling karter, karteriruum crankcase keps connecting rod kepsu alumine pea connecting rod big end

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
39 allalaadimist

Hard rock

rock Typified by a heavy use of distorted electric guitars, bass guitar, drums, and often accompanied with pianos and keyboards Developed into a major form of popular music in the 1970s and reached a commercial peak in the mid to late 1980s Led Zeppelin, The Who, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Guns N' Roses Definitions A form of loud, aggressive rock music Has sometimes been labelled cock rock for its emphasis on overt masculinity and sexuality and because it has historically been predominately performed and consumed by men: in the case of its audience, particularly white, working-class adolescents In the late 1960s the term heavy metal was used interchangeably with hard rock, but gradually began to be used to describe music played with even more volume and intensity Despite differentiation, hard rock and heavy metal have existed

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist


Polite English 10. nädal Unit 7. Hobbies Present Simple 11. nädal Sports and games Parts of the body Television, radio, music, books play basketball , play the piano Hobbies in our family I ­ myself, you ­ yourself, ... Polite English Thanksgiving 12. nädal Unit 8. Who killed Cock Robin? Subject questions Inventors Future Simple ­ will / going to A poem Names of birds Polite English. I'll help you 13. nädal Unit 9. Forest party Revising animal names 14. nädal At a birthday party Time expressions, prepositions Dishes Names of dishes

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

recent aggravation with Cross himself. I wanted him. Bad. But he was no good for me. Honestly, I could screw up my life on my own. I didn't need any help. My flushed forehead touched the air-conditioned glass. "Let it go, Cross." "I am. You're too much trouble." His lips brushed behind my ear. One of his hands pressed flat to my stomach, the fingers splaying to urge me back against him. He was as aroused as I was, his cock hard and thick against my lower back. "Turn around and say good-bye." Disappointed and regretful, I turned in his grip, sagging against the door to cool my heated back. He was curved over me, his luxurious hair framing his beautiful face, his forearm propped against the door to bring him closer. I had almost no room to breathe. The hand he'd had at my waist was now resting on the curve of my hip, tightening reflexively and driving me mad. He stared, his gaze searingly intense.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


lubricator ­ määrdeseadis; lubrikaator ­ correspond ­ vastavuses olema ­ orifice ­ ava ­ CYLINDER COVER The cylinder cover is made of steel and has a central bore for the exhaust valve, which is attached by means of four studs. The cover furthermore has bores for the fuel valves, which are mounted by means of spring housings with disc springs under the nuts of the studs. Other bores have been provided for starting valve, starting air inlet, safety valve and indicator cock. A ring is welded underside of the cylinder cover whereby a cooling water space is formed. Another cooling water space is formed around the exhaust valve seat. These two spaces communicate through a large number of radial cooling bores. The cooling water is supplied from the upper part of the cooling jacket surrounding the cylinder liner and passes through water transitions and bores in the cover to the space underside the cylinder cover. From here the water is led through the cooling

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Informaatika I tunnitöö "Tabelid 3. Otsimine"

"Sõnaraamat" Leida eestikeelsele sõnale ingliskeelne vaste Sõnad om lehel "Sõnad" tulpades "eesti" ja "inglise" eesti inglise kass cat ähim väikseim väärtus tsimiseks! eesti inglise ahv monkey elevant elephant gepard cheetah hiir mouse hirv deer hobune horse hunt wolf jänes hare kalkun turkey kana hen karu bear kass cat kobras beaver koer dog kukk cock küülik rabbit lammas sheep lehm cow lõvi lion mäger badger põder elk põrsas piglet rebane fox rott rat siga pig siil hedgehong tall lamb tiiger tiger varss foal vasikas calf veeb Funktsioon VLOOKUP VLOOKUP (otsitav; tabel; t_tulp; otsimisviis) Otsimine vertikaalses tabelis Otsib väärtust tabeli esimesest tulbast

Informaatika → Informaatika I (tehnika)
2 allalaadimist

Kunst raekojas

Kunstnik n�itab selle t��ga �limalt meisterlikku materjalitunnetust. V�rvide intelligentne vastandamine ja koosm�ju, kus puuviljad on vaadeldavad nii eraldi kui ka �hte tervikusse sulanduvatena, on lummav. Iga puuvili ja mari n�ib eheda ja koheselt nopitavana; autor oleks nagu tabanud viljade viimase magusaima hetke, mis k�sib neid s��a kohe, kuni k�ik veel v�rske on ja mitte hiljem, sest miski maine ei ole igavene. ****** Jan Wellens de Cock oli Flaami maalikunstnik ja oluline p�hjamaade renessansiaja meister, keda peetakse �heks varaseimaks maastikumaali viljelejaks sealse 16. sajandi alguse kunstis. 1506. aastast on teada, et ta kuulus Antwerpeni P�ha Luuka gildi ning oli 1520. aastal selle juhataja koos Joos van Clevega. Tema karj��ri kohta ei ole palju andmeid, ent kunstniku elulooliste faktide hulka loetakse ka tema tegevus nime all Jan de Cock

Kultuur-Kunst → Eesti kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Speak of it: stay, and speak! Stop it, Marcellus. MARCELLUS Shall I strike at it with my partisan? HORATIO Do, if it will not stand. BERNARDO 'Tis here! HORATIO 'Tis here! MARCELLUS 11 'Tis gone! Exit Ghost We do it wrong, being so majestical, To offer it the show of violence; For it is, as the air, invulnerable, And our vain blows malicious mockery. BERNARDO It was about to speak, when the cock crew. HORATIO And then it started like a guilty thing Upon a fearful summons. I have heard, The cock, that is the trumpet to the morn, Doth with his lofty and shrill-sounding throat Awake the god of day; and, at his warning, Whether in sea or fire, in earth or air, The extravagant and erring spirit hies To his confine: and of the truth herein This present object made probation. MARCELLUS It faded on the crowing of the cock. Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

“Ajastu muutub, kas ka inimene?”

Motherfucker, I hit em up Kadafi: I'm from N-E-W Jerz., where plenty murders occurz No point to come, we bringin drama to all you heardz Local check the scenario, Little Caes' I bring you fake G's to your knees Coppin pleas to 'De Janeiro' Lil Kim, is you coked up, or doped up? Get ya lil Junior Whopper click smoked up, what the fuck is you STUPID?!?! I take money, crash and mash through Brooklyn with my click lootin, shootin and pollutin ya block with 15 shots cock glock to your knot Outlaw mafia click movin up another notch And you popstars popped get dropped and mopped All your fake-ass east coast props brainstormed and locked Edi: Youse a, beat biter, a Pac style taker I'll tell it to ya face u aint nuttin shit but a faker Softer than Aliz-A with a chaser Bout to get murdered for the paper E.D.I. Mean approach the scene of the caper like a loc, with little ceaser in a choke hold Totin smoke, we aint no muthafuckin joke

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Punk rock kokkuvõte

Tema nimi tuleneb asjaolust, et paljud skate punkarid olid rulaga. Bändid hulka järglasi NOFX, Suicidal Tendentsid, rihmaratas, Pennywise, Ten Foot Pole ning nöörile Out. Street punk Street punk on töölisklassi zanr punk rock, mis kujunes 1980-ndate alguses, mis on osaliselt mässu tajuda kunsti pretensioonidega esimese laine Briti punk. Street punk tekkinud Oi! stiil, mida sooritavad bändid nagu Sham 69, Angelic Upstarts, Cockney nõustu Cock TERMINAATOR ja UK Subs. 2 Tone 2 tone (või kaks tooni) oli muusika zanr loodud Inglismaal 1970 by kinnistamist elemendid ska, punk rock, rocksteady, reggae-ja popmuusika. Specials, Inglise Beat, Madness ja Bodysnatchers on tähelepanuväärne 2 tone ansamblid. Celtic punk Celtic punk on Celtic fusion subgenre. See on põhimõtteliselt punk rock koos mõjutusi keldi muusika. Sageli ansamblid lisada Celtic vahenditega nagu torupill, viiul, tina vile, akordion, mandoliin või Banjo

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

"). IV. Syntactic structures beyond one sentence 1. Syntactic parallelism ­ repeating the syntactic pattern (repeating word order) to enhance the semantic and rhythmic effectiveness. a) complete parallelism ­ the word order is completely the same (e.g. "In the beginning, blankness. In the end, voidness.") b) partial parallelism ­ some deviations from the pattern (e.g. "The cock is crowing,/ the spring is flowing."; "The small birds twitter, / the lake does glitter.") 2. Antithesis ­ the opposition of two strongly contrasted ideas combined with syntactic parallelism (e.g. "I am the poet of the body / I am the poet of the soul."; "Crafty men condemn studies; simple men admire them."). The function of antithesis is to strengthen a controversial nature of things. Antonyms are used.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist


Young directors showed promise: Jaan Tooming (b. 1946), Mikk Mikiver (1937-2006), Evald Hermaküla (1941-2000). As a common denominator for the work of the young, activity of search and strengthening of form are remarkable. Tooming catches our attention with his evocative amplification of human inner tensions, many-faceted actions and vivid plasticity. In the best drama we meet refined human relations, pondering the basic values in life: Enne kukke ja koitu (Before the Cock Crows, 1969) by August Kitzberg. The accent on the psychological can be felt in the operas of this decade. The use of Western literary romantic sources is the characteristic feature: Eugen Kapp’s Rembrandt and Eino Tamberg’s Cyrano de Bergerac. One of the prolific Estonian composers of the third generation, Heino Jürisalu (1930-1991) composed his First Symphony in 1970. Jürisalu was a versatile composer, he has also written oratorios, film and light music

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun