Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting. _ 8 They _________________________________ (have) a party because it's her birthday. _ 9 I sometimes ____________
Entertainment and Art Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) I like this book, and I've read six capitals/chapters/prefaces already. b) It's not a proper drawing, only a rough/plan/sketch. c) The play is very long but there are three breaks/intervals/rests. d) At the cinema I don't like sitting too near the film/screen/stage. e) We heard a piece by Mozart performed by a German band/group/orchestra. f) Her second book was very popular and became a best buy/seller/volume. g) I like the painting but I can't stand its ugly border/frame/square. h) Robert's new book will be broadcast/published/typed in August. i) I liked the acting, and the costumes/dressing/outfits were good too. j) The best act/place/scene in the film is when Jack meets Kate. Task 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. Announcer composre critic editor playwright author conductor director novelist sculptor a)
I'm going to walk. f became very close and we've remained 3 it was completely successful 5 I've been revising for the last two so ever since. I went through a really hours. c 3 1 T He considered giving chase, but tough time just before my A levels: I had some family problems which left 6 He's been spending more time there's a fine line between blind me feeling pretty low and she really got with his family lately. a love and stalking. me through all that. Even now she's the Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 6 Maturita Solutions Advanced Workbook Key 2 F ... then he waited ..
ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Our environment is constantly changing. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing. Current environmental problems make us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. Unless we address the various issues seriously we are surely doomed for disaster. Current environmental problems require urgent attention. 1. Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution
Feelings and Opinions 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) When Dick saw his neighbour kick his dog he became angry/nervous. b) Sue wasn't really interested/interesting in the film. c) We were both afraid/anxious that we would miss the plane. d) I wish you wouldn't snap your fingers. It's very annoying/worrying. e) You're not scared/thrilled of spiders, are you? f) If we forget to do our homework, our teacher gets cross/terrifying. g) Tim completely lost his temper! He was absolutely furious/upset. h) Your written work is full of careless/naughty mistakes. 2. Replace the word(s) in italics with a suitable word from the box. Use each word once. confused fascinating scared depressed dull glad naughty upset a) I'm afraid the children have been very badly-behaved today. b) I felt a bit frightened when I went into the dark room. c) Jean was very unhappy when her kitten was run over. d) This f
Crime and the Law Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Sally didn't realise that she had broken/countered/denied the law. b) The police have banned/cancelled/refused parking in this street. c) I must remember to get a/an agreement/licence/permission for my television. d) The president admitted that there had been a breakdown of law and crime/government/order. e) Jim's parents wouldn't agree/allow/let him go to the demonstration. f) Jake was arrested because he had entered the country falsely/illegally/wrongly. g) Talking to other students is against the law/orders/rules of the examination. h) The two men were arrested before they could commit/make/perform any more crimes. i) I had to take the company to court/justice/law to get the money they owed me. j) Smoking is compulsory/prohibited/refused near the petrol tanks. Task 2. Match word in the box with a suitable description (a-l). blackmailer; forger;
CHAPTER 1 GETTING TO KNOW THE TOEFL WHAT IS THE TOEFL? The TOEFL is a comprehensive English language examination required by more than 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world. In addition, foreign born professionals frequently need a TOEFL score for certification to practice their profession in the United States or Canada. The TOEFL is a timed test that consists of the three sections listed here. THE TOEFL Section 1 Listening Comprehension 50 questions 35 minutes Part A Statements 20 questions Part B Short Dialogs 15 questions Part C Minitalks and Extended Conversation
Shops and Shopping Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargains/sales. b) On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/shoppers. c) It costs £9, so give her £10, and she'll give you £1 change/rest. d) I don't go to that supermarket because it's a bit priced/pricey. e) You cannot return goods without the original recipe/receipt. f) Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. g) A carrier bag is free with each buyer/purchase over £10. h) If you pay cash, we can give you a 10 per cent cutting/discount. i) How much did you pay/spend for your new shoes? j) This is a good shoe shop, but the costs/prices are very high. Task 2. Rewrite each sentence so that it includes the word given in capitals. a) I can't manage to see what the price is. Let's ask MAKE inside. I can't make out what the price is. Let's ask inside. b)
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