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"jobs" - 339 õppematerjali

jobs - nõuandja Apple´is. 1994.- koostöö Microsoftiga.


Professions and Jobs 1)Find the words and give translations. A D R E T S A M D A E H N U R A X Y M R T R R E E M R Y C Q B R A S E P N G G E S M T Y I E B C P Z U E N Y N D T X H G A H Q I G H O A B P S P N L A E Z U G N N V O A S U S A R Q I E Y R E M R A F I

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Steve Jobs

Pelgulinna gümnaasium 10P Anna-Stina Reinas Steve Jobs Juhendaja: Õpetaja Tiina Nõges Tallinn 2014 SISUKORD •Tiitelleht • Apple Macintos •Sisukord • Mõõ •Steve Jobs • NeXT arvu •Pere • Apple hakkab kasum •Varajane elu teenim •Haridus • Riistvar •Karjääri algus • Probleemid terviseg •Apple’i algusaastad • Surm •Apple Lisa • Kasutatud allika STEVE JOBS • Täisnimi on Steven Paul Jobs • Sündis 24.veebruar 1955 San Fransiscos, suri 5

Informaatika → Arvutite ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Visaul Image

The Visual Image Person on the picture A is not important to the visual image, as well he should be able to play music. The model on picture B is definitely a visual image so important because it relates to his work. An artist in picture C visual image is not important for him,as the ability to draw or paint. Cook in picture D is not visual image important as well he should be able to make food. The official in picture E is visual image important because he must be creadible that he could give advise. It is hard to say which job is the most difficult to do well. I do not judge people on how they look, because the first impression may be wrong decision. In my opinion I think the fashion and art is influenced people's perception of beauty and ability, because people have been accompanied by the current fashion and it will become more beautiful by following it. Someone is attractive, if he/she is able to properly express yourself and and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Jobs and occupations

Jobs and occupations 1. dentist ­ a filling has come out of one of your back teeth 2. an optician ­ you think your eyes need testing 3. a chiropodist ­ you find you have an ingrowing toe-nail 4. a chiropractor, a masseur, a physiotherapist 5. a hairdresser ­ your fringe is getting a bit too long 6. a photographer ­ you want a portrait photograph of yourself 7. a solicitor ­ you have decided to sue somebody 8. a travel agent ­ you fancy a holiday in the sun 9. a broker ­ you want advice on investment or insurance 10. a piano tuner ­ your grand piano isn't sounding quite right 11. an antique dealer ­ you want to find a 400-year-old grandfather clock 12. a vicar ­ you are planning a church wedding 13. mechanic ­ your car won't start 14. a bookmaker ­ you want to place a bet on the 3.45 race at Ascot 15. an undertaker ­ someone in the family has just died 16. a driving instruct...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Jobs I like

Jobs I like In the near future I want to find work as rapporteur, it is a good opportunity to earn extra money. At the moment I`d like to have time evening job, after school, of course. For example, I would like to wash dishes, with the machinery. After high school I`m probably going to study economics. I want to open their own cafe, breaking through the corporate world must be educated. Primary school I wanted to become a singer, but I realized that I`m not suitable for this purpose. Stewardess, it seems an interesting profession, as it offers the opportunity to travel a lot. Is a small chance that I`m gonna craftsmen, because I love crochet. Or gonna fashion designer. Maybe I`m gonna teach literature. (Especially do not believe it.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Steve Jobs Presentation

Click icon to add picture Click icon to add picture Steven Paul Jobs 24. Feb 1955 ­ 5. Oct 2011 Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco. Adopted at birth by Paul Reinhold Jobs (1922­1993) and Clara Jobs (1924­1986). He frequented afterschool lectures at the HewlettPackard Company in Palo Alto, California, and was later hired there, working with Steve Wozniak as a summer employee. Following high school graduation in 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester, he continued auditing classes at Reed, while sleeping on the floor in friends' rooms, returning Coke bottles for food

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

Snake Milker Jobs

Snake Milker Jobs Leon Kann Viktor Vikulov Snake Milker Jobs  Snakes. Just the word will send chills down the spine of many people. Over 2,000 types of snake hide out on Earth, 400 of those snakes are venomous, deadly, reptiles. They slither and slide and are generally a creepy creature. Most people would choose to steer clear of snakes all together. Now it may sound crazy, but there are some people that choose to work with snakes – the deadly ones. They are called snake milkers. Quick Facts About Snake

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Steve Jobs - karismaatiline juht

Karismaatiliste organisatsioonide eesotsas on inimesed, kes on nö jumala kingitused. Ta on erinev tavalistest meestest, varustatud üleloomuliku, üleinimlike või vähemalt eriti erandlike võimete ja omadustega. Järgijatel ja õpilastel on absoluutne usaldus liidrile. Karismaatiline autoriteet tõrjub varasemat ja on revolutsioonilise jõu mõjuga. Tänapäevases maailmas, paljud kasvavad elavad firmad on juhitud karismaatiliste inimeste poolt nagu Steve Jobs ­ individualistid kel on tugev ühendus jumala ja puhta visiooniga, individualistid kes on parimate juhtimisomadustega ja kes loovad kontakti inimestega, omavad vajalikke oskuseid , et tulla efektiivselt toime kasvava organisatsiooniga. Kui sellised liidrid nagu Jobs lahkuvad või lähevad erru, võib olla ekstreemselt raske leida inimest, kes täidaks samahästi liidrirolli juhtimissüsteemis. Kui Steve Jobs lahkus elavate seast, võttis ta kaasa endaga karismaatilise juhtimisstiili, mis

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keel 9.klass Unit 9 words

fame-kuulsus employ-tööle võtma, tööd andma,( tööd alustama) qualification-kvalifikatsioon, erial. ettevalmistus part-time work/job-osalise tööajaga töö full-time work/job-täispika tööajajga, põhikohaga töö payment-tasu specific-eriline, spetsiifiline self-employed-füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja, FIE CV-elulookirjeldus, curriculum vitae Rescue-päästmine; päästma career lesson-kutsenõustamise tund vocational-kutsehariduse- course-kursus vocational course-kutseõpe college-kolledz factory-vabrik praise-kiitus; kiitma peace of mind-meelerahu disappointment-pettumus rapidly-kiiresti demand-nõudlus; nõudmine; nõudma massive-hiigelsuur version-variant, versioon underage-alaealine founder-asutaja, rajaja personally-isiklikult select-valima establish-kehtestama alcohol-alkohol guideline-juhtnöör, suunis gap-auk, tühimik innovative-uuenduslik innovator-uuendaja entrepreneur-ettevõtja salary-töötasu, palk reference-(tööotsija) soovitaja; soovituski...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Extra deutsch 9

EXTRA Deutsch 9 Jobs für Nic und Sam Übungen Übung 1 Adjektive Wer oder was ist so? 1. kindisch a. Sam 2. süß b. Anna 3. k.o. c. Nic 4. berühmt d. Nic 5. beeindruckt e. Sam und Nic 6. perfekt f. Sascha 7. müde g. das Casting 8. mysteriös h. Saschas neue Chefin 9. fantastisch i. Shakespeare 10. wütend j. Kate Moss 11. lächerlich k. Nic 12. dumm l. Sascha 13. beliebt m. Fußballer Übung 2 Der Imperativ Wer soll das machen? Unterstreiche die richtige Antwort. 1. Sascha: Na, dann steh auf! Sam und Nic / Nic 2. Anna: Komm her! ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

Referaat Apple'i kohta

Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasium Philip Saksing APPLE INC Referaat Juhendaja Marge Kanniste Pärnu 2010 SISUKORD 1. Apple'i ajalugu 3 2. Steven Paul Jobs 4 3. Stephen Gary Wozniak 5 4. Apple'i tooted 6 5. Macintosh 7 6. iPod 8 7. iPhone 9 2 Apple'i ajalugu Apple Inc. on Ameerika multifunktsionaalne korporatsioon, mis kujundab ja toodab elektroonikat, tarkvara arvutitele ja personaalseid arvuteid. Firma kõige tuntumad tooted

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
76 allalaadimist

Steve Jobs ja ettevõte / referaat

Rakvere Ametikool Rainis Jõepera Av12A STEVE JOBS JA ETTEVÕTE Referaat Juhendaja: Tiina Ervald Rakvere 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Miks valisin just selle teema? Selle teema valisin endale kuna olen n-ö Apple fänn ning soovin teada saada mida ja kuidas inimene kõike vapustavat oma kätega on teinud ja tutvustada ka teistele milline inimene oli Steve Jobs. Käesolev töö annab ülevaate Steve Jobsi tegemistest , põhimõtetest ja mõistetest. Töökoostamisel teemaga tutvuti peamiselt internet teel. 1.1 ÜLEVAADE ELUST 1.1.1 Kes oli Steve Jobs ? Steve Jobs oli USA infotehnoloog ja ettevõtja, firma Apple Inc. üks asutajatest ja kauaaegne peadirektor Steve Jobs oli must-valge suhtumisega mees ­ inimene või toode või teenus oli tema jaoks kas täielik saast või siis imepärase geniaalsuse ilming.

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
41 allalaadimist

IT gurud

IT GURUD Referaat Tallinn 2008 SISUKORD SISUKORD.................................................................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................ 3 TÄHTSAD INIMESED ARVUTITE MAAILMAS.................................................................. 4 Steve Jobs................................................................................................................................4 Vannevar Bush........................................................................................................................4 Tim Berners-Lee.................................................................................................................... 4 Douglas Engelbart.........................................................................

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
48 allalaadimist

Kuulsaimad IT mehed

IT gurud Steve Jobs Apple Computersi üht asutajaliiget ja karismaatilist juhti Steve Jobsi on korduvalt nimetatud arvutitööstuse rokkstaariks. 1955. aastal Kalifornias, Silicon Valley piirkonnas sündinud Jobs on tänu oma saavutustele ning kirjule eluloole saanud miljonite tulihingeliste Apple`i fännide, lihtsate arvutikasutajate ning massimeedia huviobjektiks. Ta elab Palo Altos, Kalifornias ning juhib hetkel Apple Computersi ja animastuudio Pixar tegevust. Kui Steve Jobs ja Steven Wozniak 1976. aastal loodud Apple I nimelist arvutit turustama asusid, ei osanud nad undki näha pöörasest müügiedust, mis nende tootele imekiirelt osaks sai. 1977. aastal otsustasid mehed asutada

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
31 allalaadimist

The most needed jobs in 21-st century

The most needed jobs in the 21st century Our world is growing bigger every day. Different kinds of people have different needs. There are some people who lead them on the right way to do something right. There's a need of a disaster and emergency management consultants, a leisure consultants and a global mobility specialists. What jobs they actually are? The main task of a disaster and emergency management consultant is writing exercises about chemicals, radiation, plane crashes, and terrorism. Companies order a consultant to their offices and then consultants make them clear about it. How to react in different situations, what to do with toxic substances etc. It's a bit like creating a film. Of course disaster and emergency management consultants can fly around the world lot.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Apple areng tänapäevani

Juhendaja: Anneli Mägi Tartu 2011 Sissejuhatus Käesolev töö teeb kokkuvõtte Apple Inc. leiutistest, saavutustest ja arengust. Valisin sellise teema, kuna see firma huvitab mind ja soovisin selle kohta rohkem teada saada. Samuti on Apple ajaloos toimunud palju firma arengut mõjutavaid muudatusi, seega tundus mulle see teema oluline. 2 1. Apple algus Firma Apple Inc. rajasid esimesel Aprillil Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak ja Ronald Wayne. 3.jaanuaril 1997 tehti Apple ümber aktsiaseltsiks ilma Ronald Wayne'ita, kes müüs oma osaluse 800 dollari eest Jobs'ile ja Wozniak'ile.[1] Mike Markkula, kes oli mulitmiljonär, kuna tegeles aktsiaturul, aitas Jobsi ja Wozniaki hädast välja, inversteerides firmasse 250 000 dollarit. Tänu sellele sai ta kolmandiku firma omanikuks ja Apple Inc. kolmandaks töötajaks.[2] [3] 1.1. Esimesed arvutid

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
41 allalaadimist

Silmapaistvate ärijuhtide juhtimiskogemusest

uudseid lahendusi. Elon Muski edukuse aluseks on eelkõige edukas ajaplaneerimine, mil ta jõuab 24 tunni jooksul teha ära väga palju. See on Elon Muski suur konkurentsieelis. Musk on väga haritud inimene ja tema eelistab teleka vaatmisele palju raamatuid lugeda. Tesla juht on suur iseõppija, kuid ka õppetegveuse ja töö kõrvalt oskab ta võtta vaba aega ja pidada erilisi tähtpäevi. Teine imetlusväärne äritegelane kelle tooksin oma essees välja on kindlasti Steve Jobs. Tema oli infotehnoloog, ettevõttja ja üks Apple asutajtest ja kauaaegne tegevjuht. Steve Jobs kukkus küll ülikoolist välja, kuid tema karjäär ostus vägagi edukaks. Tema üheks eduteguriks on efektiivne tiim ning kirg oma tööd tehes. Tema juhina oli kindlasti perfektsionist - ta pidi alati uhke olema oma toote üle, vastasel juhul ta ei saatnud seda välja. Steve'i vaimusära ning kirg oli eelduseks loendamatutele uuendustele, mis rikastavad tänapäeval meie kõigi elu.

Majandus → Juhtimine
5 allalaadimist

Essee "Teenager and pocket money"

Should teenagers nowadays earn their pocket money. Many children earn their pocket money by doing some jobs at home, but lots of them do not need to work for it. I think that it depends on the specific children whether his/her parents should pay him/her. My parents do not give me money for bringing firewood or mowing the lawn. They have never paid me for such jobs and I think I would feel rather bad if they did. I have understood that I need these domestic jobs done as much as everybody else in my family. My mother doesn't get paid for feeding me, so why should I be better than her. I know a family where one of the children gets paid for simple domestic jobs and the other does not. It seems unfair to me. On the other hand, I find that getting paid for chores could be rather good motivator for younger kids. In the world full of computers and TVs we are getting lazier day by day. Children nowadays may need this motivating

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Apple presentatsioon

1972. aastal suundus õppima Reed`i Kolledzisse. On ise öelnud järgnevalt: Kui ma ei oleks neid loenguid külastanud, siis ei oleks Mac omanud mitmeid erinevaid fonte, proportsioonis tähevahesid jne. STEVE WOZNIAK Käsitsi ehitatud esimesed arvutid. Suur roll tarkvara loomisel. Lennuõnnetus Juuli 1976 TIMothy d. COOK Liitus 1998.aastal Ülesandeks vastutada ülemaailmse müügi eest. 2007.aastaks äridirektor. APPLE`I ALGUSAASTAD 21-aastane Steve Jobs, 26-aastane Steve Wozniak ja 42-aastane Ronald Wayne asutasid ettevõtte "Apple Computer" 1. aprillil 1976, et hakata müüma arvutit Apple I Arvuti hinnaks 666.66 dollarit. 1977 järgmine arvuti. Hinnaks 1298 dollarit LANGUS Aastast 1978 kuni 1983. Jobs lahkus firmast aastal 1985 suurte erimeelsuste tõttu. 1994.aastal kaebas Apple Microsofti kohtusse kuid kaotas kohtuasja. TAASSÜND 1994.-koostöö koos IBM´i ja Motorolaga. Jobs- nõuandja Apple´is. 1994.- koostöö Microsoftiga.

Meedia → Meedia
54 allalaadimist


...................... 3 2.1Tänu millele tõusis Gates maailma rikkaimaks inimeseks?.................................3 2.1.1Microsoft Eesti.............................................................................................. 4 2.2“Elu ongi ebaõiglane — lepi sellega!”.................................................................5 3Steve Jobs’i edulugu................................................................................................. 6 3.1Kuidas Steve Jobs sai nii edukaks ettevõtjaks?...................................................7 3.1.1Jobs’i elu meistriteos jõudis Eestisse............................................................7 3.2Seitse elu põhimõtet.......................................................................................... 8 4Kokkuvõte............................................................................................................... 10 5Kasutatud materjalid......................................

Majandus → Mikro- ja makroökonoomika
3 allalaadimist

Most needed professions in estonia in 21st century

All people in our society have a role. All adults should have jobs. That means that they need to choose a profession. Some professions are more needed in our society than others. Nowadays in Estonia we need mostly newer professions, connected with computers and things like that, bust also some older professions... The most needed profession is builders. The cities grow and new buildings are being razed. When you walk in the streets then you can see everywhere that some buildings are

Keeled → Inglise keel
299 allalaadimist

University or work?

because this will help you on the road of choosing between work or university. If you choose to go to the university you need to know specifically what do you want to study and be sure of your decisions. Going to university may be expensive, because tuition fees can be high and you will probably need to take loans to pay it or even take a part-time job. But university definitely means higher salary and better education because most of the jobs require higher education or specific degree. Working is better than university in a way that you will be making money straight away and may start saving money to invest it in future. As well as you would only depend on yourself. But there are also cons: you will be manual laborer and you can do only these jobs which do not need any skills or university education. In that case people change their jobs often because they are constantly seeking jobs with higher salary.

Keeled → Business english
1 allalaadimist

Elu 2050 aastal

How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very diffrent then. By the year 2050 pollution levels in cities will have decreased because scientists will have invented environmentally-friendly cars. By the year 2050 people will be living longer because scientists will have found cures for many diseases. By the year 2050 we will be going to other planets because space travel will have improved. By the year 2050 we will be doing more creative jobs because computers will be doing the most boring jobs. By the year 2050 there will be no more rainforests as we will have cutted them all down. By the year 2050 people will be living in cities under the sea because normal cities become too crowded. By the year 2050 there will be more poor people as there will be fewer jobs. By the year 2050 crime will have increased as there will be more people whitout job.

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

The iPod Revolution Presentsioon(PowerPoint)

The iPod revolution Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 2011 Introduction and history iPod is media player made by Apple iPod was the product that changed Apple and the world It was created by Steve Jobs to provide better music player. It was firstly released on october 2001 iPods Every Autumn Apple gomes out with a new redesigned model or generation There are five iPod model and 23 generetions. iPod have got different model to play music, surfing web, transfering data, playing games. iPod prices start at 49$ up to 399$ Memory between 1GB up to 160GB Popularity iPod has became very popular after it came out in 2001 Simplicity Ease to use buttons and understandable menu

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Most needed professions in Estonia in 21st century

Most needed professions in Estonia in 21st century All people in society have a role. All adults should have jobs. Some professions are more needed in society than others. In Estonia we need mostly newer professions, connected with computers. I think doctor is a most needed profession. We have so many illnesses and nobody knows what it is. We need people, who help us to cope with them. In Estonia doctors earn not much money, that's why a lot of them go to foreign country to work and to earn their living. The second most needed profession is connected with computers. More growing computer

Keeled → Inglise keel
149 allalaadimist

Future career

Future career Around the world there are so many different peole who do different jobs. My mother works in a hospital. She's a nurse of extraordinary medicine. She loves her job, because she thinks it's interesting to help all these people. She has also worked in a bank and when she was younger she was a secretary. When she graduated high school she wanted to become a stewardess, but life went the other way. My father works in Finland. He is a builder. Sometimes he is abroad for several months. He worked couple of years ago at the same hospital where my mother works. He was an

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Summry - Apple Inc.

Summary This is a summary of the presentation “Apple Inc.” by xxx. In the presentation, I talked briefly about Apple – it’s history, founders, the Apple’s park, logo and Apple’s devices. Firstly, Apple is a technology company that is the world’s largest information technology company by revenue. It was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. In the article „Apple Park opens to employees in April“ the author described the park and mentioned that to honor Steve Jobs memory and his enduring influence on Apple and the world, the theater at Apple Park will be named the Steve Jobs Theater. He then continued to talk about what does the Apple Park include. For example, it includes a 100 000-square-foot fitness center for Apple employees and an Apple store.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The importance of college

Nowadays many students decide to continue to higher education which means going to university after high school, in order to improve their prospects in further life. It is my considered opinion that higher education is necessary for a number of reasons. To begin with, people who lack educational degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs in service and manufacturing industries since today's job market is competitive and employers may not be interested in hiring candidates who do not have a degree. While employees with higher education have a better opportunity to get jobs with a lot of benefits and greater salaries. What is more, a lot of university courses include practical parts and work experience. Having a previous job experience in the field they have chosen, before they actually enter to the job

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Steve Jobs Steve Paul Jobs sündis 24. veebruaril 1955 San Franciscos. Ta oli lapsendatud. Steve Jobs oli 20aastane, kui ta asutas 1976. aastal koos Steven Wozniakiga oma vanemate garaazis Apple Computeri.1977. aastal otsustasid mehed asutada müügi ametlikuks reguleerimiseks firma, mis sai nimeks Apple Computer Inc.Firmat

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
15 allalaadimist

It gurud

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs sündis 24 veebruar 1955. Steve Jobs oli 20-aastane, kui ta asutas 1976. aastal koos Steve Wozniakiga oma vanemate garaazis Apple Computeri. Kümme aastat hiljem oli tema firmal 4000 töötajat ja firma väärtuseks 2 miljardit dollarit. Kuid 1985. aastal pidi Jobs enda firmast lahkuma ja see mõjus talle tema enda sõnade järgi nagu hoop kõhtu. Ta ei olnud nii pettunud ja asutas NeXT Corporationi - ja kui Apple 1996. aasta lõpus NeXTi ostis, naasis Jobs võidukalt enda loodud firma etteotsa, et tulla välja maailma vallutanud iMaci ja iPodiga. Vannevar Bush Vannevar Bush sündis 11. märtsil 1890. aastal Everettis, Massachusettsis. Hoolimata sagedastest haigustest ja nõrgast tervisest,

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
20 allalaadimist

Which is better-a well paid job or an interesting and fulfilling job?

They do not consider child's interest and child is also too shy to stand up. In the end, people should be confident and pursue what they're interested in. It is getting popular to work in many different work areas in life. Before people studied one profession and work as it till they get old. Today's people are easily bored, they search for something interesting. People want to get rid of the routine and because of that, they change jobs quite often. They do not even look the salary of the job. They are just looking for something that makes life more enjoyable. In today's world, people are worried about whether they even get a job. Lots of people are unemployed and in this situation they accept every job offer despite the fact that the job does not need high education level, but at least, it pays the bills. In other words, sometimes there is no other option than to do unsatisfying job

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Toila gümnaasium Getter Marii Kalvik & Fred-Georg Pääro 2014 Apple  Asutatud: 1. aprillil 1976  Asutajad: 1. Steve Jobs 2. Steve Wozniak 3. Ronald Wayne . Peakorter: Cupertino, California . Käive: 170,910 mld dollarit (2013) . Töötajaid: üle 80 000 (2013) Valdkonnad  Arvutitarkvara  Arvutiriistvara  Tarbeelektroonika  Tarkvara elektronturustus Tuntuimad tooted  Riistvara: Macintoshi, Ipod, Iphone, TV ja Ipad  Tarkvara: Mac OS X, Itunes, Ilife, Iwork, IOS Steve Paul Jobs  (1955-2011)  USA infotehnoloogia ja ettevõtja  Apple inc. Kaasasutaja ja kauaaegne

Informaatika → Informaatika
1 allalaadimist

Most needed profession in Estonia in 21th century

Most needed profession in Estonia in 21st century Nowadays, it's very difficult to say, which job is most important. There is very much jobs, in Estonia. It is very individual, and every people emphasize different jobs. I think, importand and eventful is medico profession. People who are saving peoples lifes, they need respect. I can only suppose what kind of hard work it really is. Maybe healty people dont value this job, but people who have been sick or take part in some accident, they know how needed occupation it is. Secondly it would be policeman profession. There is very much criminals, in Estonia, and in all world. But policemans trying take care of people safety

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Victorian life - Briti ajalugu

15. Victorian times Life and conditions of Victorian people Children were expected to help towards the family budget. They often worked long hours in dangerous jobs and in difficult situations for a very little wage. For example, there were the climbing boys employed by the chimney sweeps; boys and girls working down the coal mines, crawling through tunnels too narrow and low to take an adult. Some children worked as errand boys, crossing sweepers, shoe blacks, and they sold matches, flowers and other cheap goods. During the Victorian era, the population grew immensely. At the end of 19th century the population had grown three times bigger in Great Britain

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
3 allalaadimist

Choices after secondary school

Choices after secondary school Many people are in the secondary school. After graduation there are two choices there to go: to the university or to work. In university people will get smarter and will have better jobs I future, but if they choose to go to work they can start independent life. Firstly, in university people will gain higher education. Educated people will get better jobs with bigger income. Also they can improve on their work and make career. People who have big income can afford their family better life, because they can bay all that is necessary. Secondly, people get smarter in university. People who have graduated university are often very smart and do not get in trouble. They are very good talking partners, because they have an opinion about every problem (almost). Thirdly, people who are going to work after school can start their own independent life

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Is job satisfaction more important than money?

Is job satisfaction more important than money? There are many people who are in jobs they dislike. If you ask them about unsatisfying jobs, they definitely will answer that they do it because money is more important than job satisfaction. On the contrary, I do not agree with them. Firstly, money cannot buy you happiness. Like it is said, chase money and you will always be running. Moreover, you have only got one life to live happily and happy are you only then, when you have a rewarding job. Secondly, do what you love and the money will follow

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


Tel 64 58 933 65 Renard Square 12 October 2009 London SE6 WH9 Dear Sir or Madam Hello I am a student from Tallinn and I am looking for a summer job in the US. I was hoping that you could help me answer some of my questions. I have a lot of experience in construction work and also as a salesman, I have worked in several other jobs as well. I will send you my complementary CV later. First I would ask you what type of jobs do you have available in California? It doesn't have to be a construction or a salesman job, it could be something else too. About accommodation, how is it arranged, how much does it cost and how far away is it from the job location? I also wanted to ask you if the plane tickets are included and if they are not how much will they cost me. Another thing I am interested in is the work permit

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


accurately. In a lot of printing houses the press operator must also prepare the printing plates and insert them into the press. When inserting the plates, the press operator must check that the plate is correctly seated on the cylinder. During maintenance, the press operator must clean different parts of the machine. The printing blankets must be cleaned often, because they collect a lot of ink and paper dust. The press operator must also do complicated jobs, like changing the ink rollers. Because of the high speed of the printing press, the rollers wear out and deform very fast. To change the rollers the printing unit must be completely dismantled. The press operator has many jobs that require good eye and fast reaction time.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
3 allalaadimist

Apple'i lühikokkuvõte

ehitatud Wozniak'i poolt. Komplekti kuulus emaplaat, protsessor ja muutmälu. Apple I 'te hakati müüma 1976. aasta juulis ning tema hinnaks oli 666,66 dollarit (hetke mõistes 2548 dollarit, kui arvestada inflatsiooni). Apple tehti ümber aktsiaseltsiks 3. jaanuaril 1977 ilma Wayne'ita, kes müüs oma osaluse 800 dollari eest Jobs'ile ja Wozniak'ile. Multimiljonär Mike Markkula pakkus omaltpoolt ekspertteadmisi ärivallas ja samuti 250 000 dollarit kapitali. Steve Jobs alustas tööd Apple Lisa väljatöötamisega aastal 1978, kuid 1982. aastal oli ta sunnitud sealt lahkuma sisetülide tõttu. Seejärel võttis ta üle Jef Raskini projekti nimega Macintosh. Selle tulemusena tekkis võidujooks kahe meeskonna vahel, kumb suudab oma toote ennem turule paisata ja Apple'i päästa. Lisa tiim võitis ning aastal 1983 turule toodud personaalarvuti oli esimene, millel oli

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Banning smoking

body is accustomed to smoke too much, and if they can not reach your collection they become nervous. Smoking damages the nerve cells. If a person does not smoke anymore, he starts to heal the whole feeling in a few days. Physical form and stamina will increase slowly. Economically, the person holds a total of smoke at the expense of thousands of euros a year. When people stop smoking, lose many of their jobs. Some people live just because of the fact that they produce smoke. Many companies go bankrupt. Only improves human health, there is less risk of getting lung cancer. As many will lose their jobs may also be affected his health as it does not lead to longer take care of themselves. Children and young people, please do not smoke - it is harmful to yourself.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What are the most needed professions in the 21st century?

I know we have a lot of doctors, but a lot of them go to a foreign country. Mostly because of the low salary in Estonia. In my opinion the second most needed profession is a really good goverment employee. Estonians want some changes in their lives. Our goverment employees only think about earning more money. The third most needed professions is actually needed the most, it's connected with computers, as I first mentioned. More growing computer using and replacing jobs with robots and computer programmes leave some people without jobs. That's why people need to know more and more about computers. Companies need someone to look after the computers and they also need computer repairmen who know how to fix computers. There are viruses in the computers and hackers who try to brake in the computers and every companies computers need to be protected. I guess that the most needed professions in our country are the same in other developed countries

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The Advantages and Disadvanatges of Having a Part Time Job

Part-Time Job During Studies. Many students work while attending school for many different reasons. It can be difficult to balance work and school, but it can certainly be done. Actually,there are many advantages such as earning money,a new experience and development of the organization skills. However, you should take into account some disadvantages, for instance, the lack of time and stress. Generally speaking,students can benefit a lot from part-time jobs. The first advantage is that students can earn money. Earning money by themselves is good way to learn how to be independent. Students don't have to ask money from the parents and they can see that earning money is not so easy. Second advantage is that students can acquire more experiences and polish their skills when taking part-time jobs. For example, if someone enjoys teaching, working part-time as a tutor may help him or her improve teaching skills and gain experiences.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sense and sensibility

Only change to get rich by women`s was marriage with the rich man. In movie was mostly talked about high class people. Womens didn´t have the opportunity to take a part in policy. Richer womens had change to hire a butler, so they did´t have to do household job. Women`s free time activities where mostly: music( mostly violin or piano), handcrafting , celebrations and reading. Men`s had a big role in society. Men`s had all the important jobs. Better-paid jobs where : politician, lawyer and to go army and get rich. Men`s free time activities where mostly :hunting, cricket and card games. In this time the people where very polite with each other, especially high-class . They always greeted each other and they where well-educated. The relationship with both side where also good. Mostly the different people classes didn´t communicate with each other, because they had different manners.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Are men better directors than women ?

Name: Chlen Zhopov Subject: Essay Are men better directors than women ? It is common that top executives in big companies are mostly men. But does that necessarily mean that women are not suitable for such responsible, effort and leadership demanding jobs? I do not think so. First of all, I would like to say that this tradition is coming not only from history, but from evolution. In nature, masculine representatives of most species are stronger, more agile and aggressive than feminine representatives, because their biological function is to be the main breadwinners and defenders of their families, while females' main functions are to distribute that bread within the family, raise, feed and look after the progeny. Of course there are exceptions

Filosoofia → Ärieetika
17 allalaadimist

Why did I choose university education over vocational training?

Those are just some of the questions that may arise when we start talking about the topic. Going to the university was once only for the children from wealthier families. Now as we have a lot of free higher education available, many people tend to use this wonderful opportunity. Although it might seem a great way to start building your way towards future career, it might not be the best way. Why? Because we have reached the stage where we have more people with higher education than we have jobs that require that kind of educational degree. To fix the issue, numerous studies have been carried out and many of them recommend choosing vocational training over universities or going to the university only if you have plans for your future career. Relying on the last point before mentioned I have to say that I chose university education over vocational education because I have had a dream of becoming a real estate developer and broker since my early childhood and there was no specialty

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Apple Powerpoint esitlus.

org http://upload. Apple Apple Inc. (varem Apple Computer, Inc.) on rahvusvaheline ettevõte, mis arendab ja toodab riistvara, tarkvara ning muud tarbeelektroonikat. Ettevõte on asutatud 1. aprillil 1976 California osariigis Cupertinos. 3. jaanuaril 1977 muudeti ta aktsiaseltsiks. Üks Apple'i Apple'i asutasid Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne. asutajatest ­ Steve Jobs Apple'i algne riistvara Apple

Majandus → Majandus
10 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

2.1.1.Leia kompleksotsinguga Quick Search artikleid teemal Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene a) otsivälju "All Fields" - leidsin 176 kirjet b) otsivälju "Ei controlled terms"- leidsin 4 kirjet 2.1.2. Leia Tehnikaülikooli teaduri Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Compendex a) mitu artiklit leidsid? Leidsin 59 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals 2.2.1.Leia Jim Browni artikkel Tools for all jobs. a) Ava artikli täistekst ja leia, millist firmat Jim Brown juhatab - Tech-Clarity Inc b) Kirjelda otsistrateegiat: otsiprofiil: au(Jim Browni) AND (Tools for all jobs) 2.2.2. Ava andmebaasi ProQuest tesaurus: Advanced Search/Thesaurus a) esita kitsamad ja laiemad märksõnad, mida võib kasutada ökosüsteemide (ecosystems) kohta kirjanduse leidmisel. - laiemad (broader) märksõnad: environment

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
16 allalaadimist

Illegal Immigration in America - essee

Illegal immigration is not a new issue in the United States. For many years immigrants have crossed the American border through Mexico, the Pacific Ocean or some other way. Also there are people who enter the country with a visa but stay for a longer time than it allows them to. Every day thousands of immigrants come to the United States and in March 2010 the estimated number of illegal aliens in the States was about 11 200 000. About eight million of them had jobs. But why are there so many illegal immigrants in the US? Is it truly that difficult to get a green card in the United States? It actually is - the whole process can be very time-consuming and confusing. Sometimes the waiting lists for green cards can be as long as 15 years. There are different ways of getting a green card, one of them is family sponsored, meaning that people with close relatives or family members who are US citizens are eligible for a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Pirates of Silicon Valley filmi kokkuvõte

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus The Pirates of Silicon Valley filmi kokkuvõte Iseseisevtöö Tartu 2011 The.Pirates.of.Silicon.Valley filmi kokkuvõte Konkureerisid IBM, Microsoft ja Apple Sel ajal oli IBM kõige kõrgem valitseja elektroonika vallas. Alguses nad niisama proovisid igasugu asju teha ning nad leiutasid nn ,,Blue Box", millega sai helistada igalepoole tasuta(AT&T kasutas samuti). Steve Jobs müüs enamasti asju ja pidutses nii palju, kui sai. Steve Wozniak leiutas igasugu elektroonikat, mis oli põhiliselt vembutamiseks. Ta üritas leiutada arvutit ning sellest teatati isegi ajakirjale, millega oleks ta saanud kuulsaks. Bill Gates ja Paul Allen olid huvitatud ka elektroonikast, ühel hommikul kui talle toodi plakat, kus otsitakse programmeerijat ning oskaks ehitada arvutit. Bill Gates oli vaimustuses, sest nad saavad ehitada Altair tõlkemasina. Nad võitsid konkursi ja said

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
8 allalaadimist

France school

professional 'lycée'. The latter enables them to acquire a professional diploma in order to pursue further vocational studies or integrate the workplace. Links between the professional and the general and technological study programmes and between the C.A.P. (Certificate of Professional Aptitude) and the professional baccalaureate are facilitated. The C.A.P. gives access to manual worker or qualified employee jobs and aims to provide direct access into the world of work. Pupils can also take a 2-year course of studies towards a professional qualification called a B.E.P. (Certificate of Vocational Proficiency) in one of four fields (social and health careers, driving jobs and road transport services, the catering and hotel industry, and the optics-eyewear sector). In a professional lycée, the BEP course is integrated into the three-year programme of the professional baccalaureate.

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun