Weather forecast. Millions of people tune into the weather forecast each evening on television. Most of them imagine that the presenter does little more than arrive at the studio a few minutes before the broadcast, read the weather, and then go home. In fact, this image is far from the truth. The two-minute bulletin which we all rely on when we need to know tomorrow's weather is the result of a hard day's work by the presenter, who is actually a highly-qualified meteorologist. Every morning after arriving at the TV studios, the first task of the day is to collect the latest data from the National Meteorological Office. This office provides up-to-the-minute information about weather conditions throughout the day, both in Britain and around the world. The information is very detailed and includes predictions, satellite and radar pictures,
Weather Answers 1. Changeable weather 2. Cloudy weather 3. Cold weather 4. Dry weather 5. Hot weather 6. Icy weather 7. Rainy weather 8. Snowy weather Sunny weather :3 9. 10. Warm weather 11. Wet weather 12. Windy weather :3
The Weather and Climate 'Funny weather we are having' is a statement of the obvious we have used for generations as a greeting. When the deep cold lasts long and heavy snow and blizzards give us the shivers we replace "funny" with something stronger, such as "terrible", "ghastly". At times like these people ask what is happening to the weather. So we go to the experts, who tell us in language appropriate to the subject, what happened yesterday, what is happening today, and what might happen in the next few years. Weather and climate specialists all over the world have collected a vast quantity of information. They can describe what is happening around us. With satellites they can forecast more accurately what might happen in the immediate future. Their research has produced evidence of why
Weather in England Britain is an island country and the surrounding sea gives England a varied climate. The main influence on climate is close proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, that's why the climate of England is classified as oceanic climate , with warm summers, cool winters and much rain throughout the year. As Britain have such a variable climate changing from day to day, it is difficult to know what weather will be on next day. In general there are warm summers and cool winters. Summers are cooler than those on the continent, but the winters are colder. Eastern parts are drier, cooler and less windy. Northern areas are generally cooler, wetter and have a smaller temperature range than southern areas. The highest temperature in England was 38.5 degrees at 10th August 2003. Winters are cool, wet and windy. Temperatures at night rarely drop below
Geography and climate/weather When I think about the UK I think about London and its sights. the second thing that pops into my mind the weather and how they talk and complain that the weather is bad and it is raining, The weather in the UK is actually changeable and it doesn't rain all the time They are in the Temperate climate zone and the Gulf stream affect their weather. so there are no extreme weather conditions Much of the land in England is low lying. forming meadows and pastures Upland areas are generally confined to northern England The Pennines are a range of mountains and hills in Northern England The Midlands' largest city is Burmingan.. It is one of England’s principal industrial and commercial areas. The highest point of the UK is Ben Nevis which is located in Scotland and the longest river in the UK is the Severn which begins in Wales. Scotland and Wales
Weather and Nature in Estonia. I want to tell about Estonian weather.Estonian weather is very different.It can be in winter ime around 30C and half a year later there will be +30C. Best time, of course, is July.Then is a quite warm.Temperature is about +25C.But in fact, there is no summer at all.This is because Estonia is rather wet,windy,rainy and cloudy country. Spring is usual, rather cold, but sun is already shines.On March and April can happen that during ay there is
hurried there to look for gold. Since World War , New Zealand has moved towards its own unique national identity and place in the world. New Zealand was the first sovereign state to give votes to women. Weather and climate: New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere, which of course means mid summer is at Christmas time while mid winter is June/July. The climate is oceanic temperate. The seasonal variations in New Zealand weather are smaller than continental North America or mainland Europe. North Island has a warm mild climate, almost sub-tropical in the extreme north. Auckland average summer temperature (January) is about 21C and winter is 11C. Annual rainfall in North Island is around 125-150cm, the west receiving slightly more rain than the east. South island is colder. Energy and natural resources: Despite a comparatively small population and abundant natural resources, New Zealand is a net importer of energy
· See sisaldab 30 või 40 samaaegset kauplemispositsiooni võlakirjadesse, valuutadesse, aktsiate indeksitesse ja kaupadesse, et vältida hindade mõjutamist kontsentreerudes fondi vaid ühele alale. · Fond suleti uutele investoritele aastal 2006, kui ta jõudis etteantud maksimaalsele fondi rahatasemele · Aastal 2011 teatas fond, et on raha kaotanud ainult kolmel aastal 20 tegevusaasta jooksul ja keskmine aastane tagasimakse oli 18%. All Weather fond · Rajati aastal 2006 · Sisaldab madalaid makse klientidele, globaalseid inflatsiooniga seotud võlakirju ja globaalseid fikseeritud tulumääraga investeeringuid. · Fond algatati kui firma looja, Ray Dalio, isiklik usaldusfond ja oli järgnevalt klientidele avatud. · Fondi eesmärk oli luua kõrged tulud, mis olid kohandatud riskiga. Tulud pidi ületama üldise turu tulu. · Fond koosneb $46 miljardist ja on üks suurimaid fonde USA-s alatast 2011
Gümnaasium Prague referaat Autor: Klass: Juhendaja: 2010 CONTENTS 1. Contents 2. Introduction 3. Compendium about Prague 4. Important about Czech Republic and Prague 5.-7. History 8. Independence 9. Main sights 10. the Czech Republic 11. List of famous people from Prague 12. Geography 13. Weather and climate 14. Population 15. Culture 2 INTRODUCTION The Czech Republic lies at the heart of Central Europe and at its center is the beautiful and historic city of Prague. With a population of some 1.3 million residents, the city lies on either side of the Vltava River in the middle of Bohemia that is one of the three
Introduction Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti or Eesti Vabariik) is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by the Russian Federation (338,6 km). The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people closely related to the Finns, with the Estonian language sharing many similarities to Finnish. The modern name of Estonia is thought to originate from the Roman historian Tacitus, who in his book Germania (ca. AD 98) described a people called the Aestii. Similarly, ancient Scandinavian sagas refer to a land called Eistland, close to the German term Estland for the country. Early Latin and other ancient versions of the name are Estia and Hestia. Until the late 1930s, the ...
2. Järsk paduvihm-sudden downpour 3. Jääkülm päev- freezing cold day 4. Valge särav härmatis- white glittering frost 5. Ala oli rängalt üle ujutatud- area was badly flooded 6. Lumi hakkas sulama ja tänavad muutusid väga libedaks- the snow started to melt and streets became very slippery 7. Paks udu- thick fog 8. Ilmateade ennustab tormiseid päevi-weather forecast predict stormy days 9. Ta töö sõltub ilmast- his work depends on the weather 10. Ilm on ettearvamatu- weather is unpredictable 11. Temperatuur kukub alla nulli- temperature falls beyond zero 12. Inimesed valmistavad end ette hirmsaks ilmaks-people prepare themselves for bad weather 13. Talverehve kasutatakse harva- winter tyres are seldom used 14. Veekindlad joped ja vihmavarjud- waterproof coats and umbrellas 15. Keskmine aasta temperatuur- Annual tempearature over the year 16. Ilma väljavaade- weather outlook 17. Auto klaasipühkijad- car windscreen wipers 18. Lumesahk- snowplough 19
A Report To: the Tallinn TouristWeather Office (FOR EXAMPLE) From: Mati Keskküla (FOR EXAMPLE Date: 26.11.2008 (FOR EXAMPLE Subject: Something about Tallinns weather In Tallinn we have a very interesting weather.We have rain,snow,ice,sun,cold,warm and even lightning.We also have windy-,sunny-,cloudy-and stormyweather. In summer there are several positive things · A warm weather and a light wind.So you do not need to put on many clothes. · We have lovely beaches and there is only sand no rocks.the water is cool and you can swim in it very well. · In winter we have white and soft snow that is very beautiful.It covers the streets and the building tops. However,there are many things that not might like us about weather · The winters are cold and you need to put many clothes on.As well as you have to watch out that you could not get cold.
Roald Dahl “The Landlady” Worksheet 1 1. Find information about the setting: town, time of day, weather. TOWN: Bath TIME OF DAY: nine o’clock in the evening WEATHER: air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice 2. At the beginning, we find out that the story is about: a) a young man who is looking for a pub in London b) a young man who is looking for a place to stay in Bath + c) a young man who is cold and tired because of a long train journey. Bill has come there: a) to make new friends b) to take on a new job + c) to find loggings The houses along the street: a) are in good condition b) are no longer lived in c) are in need of repair + 3. Find information about the first character: full name, age, job, travelling FULL NAME: Billy Weaver AGE: 17 JOB: he came...
1) Describe the photo!! · Describe what you can see and what is happening in the photos. · Say where it's happening: ie on the left/right, at the bottom/top, in the middle,behind, in front · Use Present Continuous. What are they doing? · What clothes are they wearing? · What's the weather like? · Are they inside or outside? · Use adjectives. Do they look happy, sad, angry bored, tired? · How does the photo make you feel? · Would you like to be there? Why/Why not? 2)Comparing and contrasting photos!! · Similarities; all, most, some, both..also, as well, too · Differences; ..but/however/whereas/while/on the other hand.. Although.. 3)Speculate about the situation!! Use may/might/must/could/can't be... He seems to/appears to be.
Forests Ireland has only about 8 % of his whole land covered with forests. Centuries ago people destroyed the forests Now there is mostly peat. Economy 25 % of europe computers come from ireland Ireland had a big economic boom in late 20'th century but now its back on top Ireland has the second highest per capita income of any country in the EU next to Luxembourg Construction plays big part in Irish economy The weather Irish think there is 4 kinds of weather Typical Irish weather is few minutes rain , few minutes sun then again rain and so on Energy About 98% of Ireland's final energy is produced by burning coal, petroleum, peat, or natural gas Ireland has lately put a lot of effort in using renewable energy Peat burning powerstation in Bellacorrick Wind farm in Donegal Flora Because of its mild climate species such as palm trees, grow in Ireland.
The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are sure about the greenhouse effect. They know that greenhouse gases make the Earth warmer by trapping energy in the atmosphere. Climate Change: Climate is the long-term average of a region's weather events lumped together. For example, it's possible that a winter day in Buffalo, New York, could be sunny and mild, but the average weather the climate tells us that Buffalo's winters will mainly be cold and include snow and rain. Climate change represents a change in these long-term weather patterns. They can become warmer or colder. Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease. Global Warming: Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer Earth may lead to
I am häving the time of my life, dancing and singing along to the music at the latest WOMAD festival with thousands of ohter fans from all over the country. The World of Music, Arts and Dance, or WOMAD, tries to give us a taste of the musical styles that are enjoyed all over the world, and it has become so successful that WOMAD festivals are now heldi n several countries. The fun is not only experienced by Athose in front of the stage. Although peole spirits are high, the weather is a major probleem for this British festival. A common sight is peole wearing not comfortabel clothes. I like that weather there. I do better go now, write to me. Best Regards Kristo .
Õhumassid Õhumassid · Õhumassid on enam- vähem ühesuguste omadustega suured õhu kogumid · Õhumassid haaravad enda alla tuhandete ruutkilomeetrite suurused maa-alad Mandrilised ja merelised õhumassid · Mandrilised õhumassid on kuivad, sest tekivad maismaa kohal · Merelised õhumassid on niisked, sest tekivad mere kohal Ekvatoriaalne õhumass (EÕM) · Õhk on kuum ja niiske Troopiline õhumass (TÕM) · Õhk on kuiv ja soe Parasvöötme õhumass (PÕM) · Parasvöötme mandriline õhumass on kuiv, talvel külm ning suvel soe · Parasvöötme mereline õhumass on niiske, talvel soojem ning suvel jahedam kui parasvöötme mandriline õhumass Antarktiline ja arktiline õhumass (AÕM) · Õhk on kuiv ja külm Õhumasside tekkepiirkonnad Lingid · · Frondid Atm...
selle isiku sõnu täpselt kordamata. (otsesest kõnest kaudsesse kõnesse). Kaudkõne sissejuhatamiseks kasutatakse mitmeid ütlemist, arvamist, mõtlemist, küsimist või tõotamist väljendavaid verbe. Tähtsaimad neist on : say, tell, think, ask, want to know. Direct Speech (Otsene Kõne) Reported Speech (Kaugkõne) Oliver says, "I`m not from poor family." Oliver says that he is not from poor family. Pille says, "The weather has been awful." Pille says that the weather has been awful. Asja Selgitavad tabelid. Statements. When transforming statements, check whether you have to change: · pronouns · present tense verbs (3rd person singular) · place and time expressions · tenses (backshift) Type Example Direct speech "I speak English." Reported speech (No He says that he speaks backshift) English.
English textbook fot form 10. Part 2 Unit 1 exercise 7 1. Under the weather A know nothing at all about EE something 2. GG Like lightning B putting money aside for possible bad times FF 3. nice weather for ducks C something good always comes from some- thing bad DD 4. a face like thunder D looking very angry 5. AA don't have the foggiest idea E feeling unwell 6. CC every cloud has a silver lining F rainy and wet 7. BB saving for a rainy day G very fast 8
! · At first i will go to the plane that should get me in Africa. In half way something happens to the plane and it crashed. I was the only survived people. With me there was a parrot who survive to. Island · Suddenly I was in some creepy island.I didn't know what to do, and I began to look for other people.But there wasn't any people just one annoying parrot and many other kind of animals. Weather · The weather was very stormy. I was looking for shelter. I didn't found anything besides a large tree. I sat under a tree and waited until the storm subsides. There was cold and wet. I was scared. Shelter · Under that big three i built my own shelter. I picked up twigs and fallen trees. I found some rope at the aircraft.And so I built my shelter.I was looking food, every barry and fruit that seems to be okay and i can eat
• PRESENT SIMPLE + IF +PRESENT SIMPLE • Note: There is no comma when the „IF“ is between the two clauses. • My father takes me to school if I am late. • Let me know if somebody calls. • Call us if there is any trouble. • It is cloudy if it rains. I CONDITIONAL • Use this conditional to show a likely or possible outcome that will probably happen if a specific condition is met. • If she studies for the test, she will get a good grade • If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go to the beach. • If Peter gets a raise, he will buy a new car. • If he doesn’t hurry up, he will be late. How to use it? • IF + PRESENT SIMPLE, + WILL + VERB • If she studies for the test, she will get a good grade • If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go to the beach. • If Peter gets a raise, he will buy a new car. • If he doesn’t hurry up, he will be late. Wou can also turn it around: The result first and then the condition.
termin "kontoritunnid" (official office hours) tähendab juhtimisstruktuuride ametlikku tööaega, milliseks tavaliselt on tööpäevade 08.00 17.00. 9. Selgitage mõistete "Weather working day" ja "Weather permitting" erinevust. WWD (tööks kõlblik ilm) kaipäevade arvestusest lülitatakse välja kogu halva ilma aeg sõltumata sellest, kas see segas konkreetse lasti käitlemist või mitte. Vedaja seisukohast ebasoodsam. Weather working day. This expression means a working day or pan of a working day during which it is possible (if the vessel is loading or discharging) or would be possible (if the vessel is not loading or discharging) to load or discharge the cargo without interference due to the weather. If such interference occurs, or would have occurred if cargo operations had been in progress, there shall be excluded from the laytime a period calculated by reference to the
Ripen / 'rapn / küpsema Prevailing / pr'vel / üldlevinud, ülekaalus olev Dampness / 'dæmpns / niiskus, rõskus Precipitation / prsp'ten / sademed Distribute / d'strbju:t / levitama, jagama The climate is mild and temperate and has an influence on everything. It is influenced by the surrounding seas. The climate is the primary talk subject. In winter there is an average of only an hour or two of sunshine a day. The Weather Wintry / 'wntr / talvine, jäine Set in / set n / algama, võimust võtma Spell / spel / hoog Localised / 'lklazd / paigutama, lokaliseeruma They say that you can experience four seasons in the course of one day. English wisely comment current weather, not the entire day. The weather is always unpredictable. Questions 1) British Isles is the geographical name of islands that consist of Great Britain, Ireland and many small islands
Form 10A 2009 Introduction The climate is cyclical England is in the middle latitude The English weather changes frequently 52% of the year is overcast England is washed by the warm Gulf Stream Spring March, April, May Wild areas may still be cold and muddy Animals start emerging from their hibernation Plants start blooming Sun and showers Summer Plants and animals start breeding Warm weathers The landscapes are covered with flowers Warm rain The average temperature ranges from 10 0C 150C Britain's highest temperature recorded is 38.5°C in August 2003 Autumn
day lasts only 6 hours. It is not completely dark at night from the beginning of May until the end of July. Estonia, on the coast of the Baltic Sea, is at the same latitude in Europe as central Sweden and the northern tip of Scotland. In North America, the middle latitude of Estonia passes through the Labrador peninsula and southern coast of Alaska. However, due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream, the weather in Estonia is considerably milder than the continental climate characteristic of the same latitude. The temperature in the summer months (June September) is typically 15ºC...18ºC and in winter 4ºC...5ºC. Estonian weather offers many surprises. Temperatures may fluctuate by 20ºC. In the early morning the thermometer might read 12ºC and by afternoon it may already be 10ºC. Although it doestn't always snow in winter, there tends to be about 10cm
o Shrove songs o Danced by bagpipes 4. Shrove Tuesday traditions. o People went in the sauna, before dinner o Food was on the table throughout the day o Eaten 9x o Recommended to cut hair, then grew beautiful and healthy hair SLIDING TOOLS IN THE PAST: · Washing bat · Linseed bag · Linen cloth · 0 · Shrove ride with horses · Little bench feets upwards · Fir's branches SHROVE TUESDAY'S WEATHER WISDOMS: · When there is a melt on Shrove Tuesday, there 's gonna be short spring · When there is cold weather on Shrove Tuesda, there's gonna be cold spring · When there is a snowdrift you can get a lot of grain · Long icicles betoken long linen · Wind betoken a lot of berries · Snowfall a lot of insects in the summer SHROVE TUESDAY'S FOODS: · Bean's and pea's soup · Grit's porridge · Pig's feets · Semlas SHROVE TUESDAY'S PROPHECY:
Education in Ireland is free at all levels, including college. The construction sector, which is inherently cyclical in nature, now accounts for a significant component of Ireland's GDP. ( ehitus/tõõstus sektor, mis on loomupäraselt tsükliline , mängib nüüd iirimaa GDP's märkimisväärset rolli - GDP =SKT ) In 2005, Ireland was ranked the best place to live in the world, according to a quality of life assessment ( hindamine ) by Economist magazine. The weather Irish think there are 4 kinds of weather , rainy spring , rainy summer , rainy autumn and rainy winter and only the lastone is a bit diffrent from others , its more like sleet ( lõrts) The typical Irish weather is few minutes rain , few minutes sunny then again some rain and sun will shine for a bit more again. Energy The vast majority ( enamus ) of Irish energy needs are met by fossil fuels. About 98% of Ireland's final
(that) he was tired. cold. Reporting special questions Direct Speech Indirect Speech "What did you do Tell me what you had yesterday?" done yesterday. "When will you come Tell me when you would home?" come home. "Who won the game?" Tell me who had won the game. Read the sentences and write them in the indirect form. 1. Nancy asked her mother, "What is the weather going to be, rainy or sunny?" 2. The teacher asked her class, "Who will take part in the competition?". 3. Mary asked her friend, "What did you do during your winter holidays?". 4. Lucy asked her new friend, "When were you born?" 5. The tourist asked a policeman, "How can I get to the centre of the city?" 6. Wife asked her husband, "When will you come home from work?" 7. The mother asked her children, "Who will help me to lay the table?" Reporting general questions
.. many tears .... she could. 25) Billy took ..... guitar and played a few chords. 26) The telephone rang ..... a funny way. 27) Samantha locked .... the lambs and hurried .... to find the pigs, too. 28) Harry took Hermione's petite hand ..... and smiled. 1.2 Read the text and answer the questions below. /.../ 22 May, Tuesday It's cold, probably too cold to maintain any hope, yet, we have survived two storms, so why not overlive this one as well? /.../ Kaoru said the weather will be better tomorrow, but sooner or later we'll face the same problem again we have no food. / .../ The only thing to do now is to pray and hope that tomorrow will start. The nights are really dark in the north so the sun is as a new flow of life every day. 23 May, Wednesday Nothing's changed we're dying. /.../ The food is at its end and water, too, is `mysteriously' disappearing. The fact is that team A is stealing it Joshua found
Motocross Carl Mattias Räägel 11A Viimsi Secondary School About · Extreme sport · Motorsport · Fastest one wins · Timed qualifying · 2 races · Start What you need · Car · Trailer · Bike · Protective gear · Time · Money · Luck with the weather
-40° C, and in the summer it can be as high 20° C. There are two real seasons: a growing season and a dormant season. The growing season is when there is no frost and plants can grow (which lasts from 100 to 175 days). During the dormant (not growing) season nothing can grow because it's too cold. Taiga- Long, cold winters, and short, mild, wet summers are typical of this region. In the winter, chilly winds from the arctic cause bitterly cold weather in the taiga. The length of day also varies with the seasons in the taiga. Winter days are short, while summer days are long. The average temperature is below freezing for six months out of the year. The winter temperature range is -50 to -1° C The high in summer can be 20° C. The summers are mostly warm, rainy and humid. They are also very short with about 50 to 100 frost free days. The total precipitation in a year is 300 - 850 mm 4. Connect the climate diagram and biome.
SOLAR PANEL TTÜ 2016 WHAT IS SOLAR PANEL? • Panel which work by solar energy HISTORY • 1954 • Giacomo Luigi Ciamician • Company «Bell Labaratories» HOW DOES SOLAR PANEL WORK? PRODUCTS POWERED BY SUNLIGHT SATELLITE POWERED BY SOLAR ENERGY ADVANTAGES&DISADVANTAGES • Ecofriendly • Sustainability • Extensive range of applications • Cost • The need for cleaning • Weather
My Favourite season My favourite season is summer,because then sun shines and the weather is warm. When it's summer i'm usually out of town in country-side.We swimm almost every day.Then me and my cousin are with our friends. But when i'm in town i am usually at home or with mine friends. I really love summer because there isn't no school.
Rakvere Ametikool Referaat RIHO RÄSTAS AS13 Autokeemia Referaat Juhendaja: Pertti Pärna 2014 Aquapel Anti-Fog - uduvastane vahend Aquapel Anti-Fog - uus spetsiaalvahend, mis vähendab klaaside sisepindade uduseks muutumist. See tagab niisketes oludes parema nähtavuse, klaasid ei ole enam seest udused ega jääs ja sõidu alustamine muutub ohutumaks! AQUAPEL GLASS TREATMENT - klaasitaastaja - klaasivaha Aquapel Glass Treatment on uusimal tehnoloogial põhinev klaaside taastaja. Erinevalt klassikalistest silikoonide baasil klaasivahadest, mis ainult katavad klaasi vahasarnase libeda kihiga, loob Aquapel klaasi molekulidega keemilised sidemed ehk "saab klaasi osaks", mitte ei kleepu lihtsalt pinnale. See tagab kuni 6 korda parema vastupidavuse. Taastaja muudab klaasi pinna siledaks. Nii paraneb klaasipuhastajate töö efektiivsus, klaas muutub vett ja mustust hülgavaks ning kao...
Jazz rock e. Jazz fusion Janne Paavel ja Karli Väits 9.klass Jazz rock ● Muusikastiil, mis ühendab džässi teiste muusikastiilidega, nagu pop, rock, folk, reggae, funk, metal, kantri, RnB, hip hop, elektrooniline muusika ja maailmamuusika. ● Stiil sündis Ameerika Ühendriikides 1960. aastate keskel. Tunnused ● Basskitarri kasutamine meloodiapilina ja rõhutuatud rütmimudelite kasutamine. Stiili esindajad ● Weather Report ● Mahavishnu Orchestra ● The Tony Williams Lifetime ● Return to Forever ● Headhunters ● Soft Machine ● Colosseum Joe Zawinul ''Birdland'' Jazz Fusioni grupp 1976.a Tänan kuulamast!
London RAIN NOORMANN AA-14 How I got there? My mum recommended the trip. Went there with my girlfriend. By bus. The trip lasted for 12 days. Travelled through many countries. London and Paris Paris architecture. People in Paris. Underwater tunnel. First thing we did in England. London`s architecture. What`s special about London? Would I like to go back there? Why? Reasons why I would like to go back there- People Food Many tourist attractions Weather Shopping centers Thank you for listening!
aspiring edasipüüdlik facility abivahend, hõlpsus (-ies- tarbed) assign määrama fair õiglane (n.s.-na näitus) award-winning auhinnaline fall kosk bargain soodus ost familiar tuttav, harjumuspärane, familiaarne boiling hot tulikuum fans fännid bothered murelik, endast väljas feel a bit under the weather külmetunud olema feel up to sth valmis olema, (millegi break puhkus tegemise) tujus olema broaden laiendama, avardama fiesta fiesta, pidustus, festival brochure brosüür, reklaamprospekt fir nulg (Abies) cable kaabel first aid kit esmaabipaun
Hungarian Meteorological Service (HMS). ALADIN The high-resolution limited- area hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic model developed and operated by several European and North African countries under the leadership of Météo-France. Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Du tch, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian. ALADIN/AROME By running the ALADIN model, the prediction of large-scale (100 – 1000 km) weather processes (e.g. fronts) is targeted, thus applying a relatively coarse, 8 km horizontal resolution over a domain covering the continental part of Europe. By running the AROME model the main goal is the prediction of small-, or meso-scale (10 – 100 km) weather phenomenon (e.g. thunder-storms, squall-lines, meso-scale convective systems) with high reliability, thus this model is run on a 2.5 km horizontal resolution over the Carpathian-basin.
Egypt By: Eget Lina 10D weather I'd like to go when it's summer because in winter there is a lot of rain. In summer: Hot and dry climate. Temperatures average between 26.7 and 32.2 °C in summer I love the sun Expensive, money Currency- Egyptian pound (EGP) One Euro()= 9.45 EGP Comparison: Estonian (museums) ticket price is usually-5 euros Egypt (museums) ticket price is usually-417.82 EGP= 44.20 Abu Simbel temples Beautiful nature Beauty of temples Very famous Giza Necropolis One of the most known Chephreni sfinks Miracle of the world Egyptian Museum History of Egypt King Tutankhamun Pharaohs Thank you for listening
She brought some hamburgers outside to have dinner in fresh air and to please her husband. They are barbequeing outside. The man has a blue shirt, shorts and grey sneakers on. He is holding a spade (?) for cooking and flipping burgers. On his shoulder, he has a towel. The woman is wearing a white blouse and an apron. She is holding a plate with hamburgers and she is reaching it towards the man. I can also see a table and a plate with meat on it. Both, man and woman are smiling. the weather is warm and sunny and it is probably the best day for some outdoor cooking
Keskpiirkond Centre Keskpiirkond ● 6 departemangu: Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Indre, Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher ja Loiret. ● Elanikke: 2 480 000 (2004) Pindala: 39 151 km² ● Keskus: Orléans ● Suurim linn: Tours ● Keskpiirkond Loire jaotab kaheks ● ● Kõrgeimaks punktiks on Mount Saint-Marien (504 m) Kliima: üldiselt jahe ● Juust & vein Juust: ● ● Sainte Maure de Touraine ● Crottin de Chavignol ● Vein: ● Vins de Touraine, Vins du Centre, Vins de l’Orléanais Majandus Põllumajandus ● Turism ● Tööstus ● Vaatamisväärsused Loire'i oru lossid ● üle 300 lossi ● Vaatamisväärsused ● Chartres, Orléans ja Tours. ● Külastatakse muljetavaldavaid katedrale Kasutatud materjalid ● http://www.french-at-a- ● http://www.regions-of- ● q=chartres+cathedral+france&biw=1366&bih=600 &source=lnms&tbm=isch&s...
· Plans · Promises, threat · Formal language Future simple Will + I · Weather forecast · Conditional sentence · Expecting · Action what definitely happen · Polite (asking) · Waiting progress
Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasium PRANTSUSMAA Referaat 11. A 2011 RIIGIKAART Minu joonis Tegelik kaart Minu põhiliseks veaks oli eksimine riigi väliste kontuuridega. Unustasin kaardile märkida ka saare. Selle põhjuseks võis olla kehv mälu. ANDMED Prantsusmaa asub Euraasia mandril, Euroopa maailmajaos. Prantsusmaa naaberriigid on Belgia, Luksemburg, Saksamaa, Sveits, Itaalia, Monaco, Andorra ja Hispaania. Prantsusmaa piirneb kagust Vahemerega loodest Atlandi ookeaniga. Prantsusmaa on tähe kujuline. Prantsusmaa pikkus ja laiuskraadid: 45 kraadi pl ja 5 kraadi ip. Pariisi geograafilised kordinaadid: 48.856667°N 2.350833°E. Pariisi kaugus minu kodulinnast on 1863 km. Kellaaja erinevus Eesti ja prantsusmaa vahel on 1...
2000 mm, lõunaosas 2000-3000 mm. Tegelikult eristatakse nelja aastaaega: kagumussooni maist septembrini (vihmaperiood), mussoonijärgset perioodi oktoobris (üleminekuperiood), kirdemussooni novembrist veebruarini (kuiv periood) ja mussoonieelset perioodi märtsist aprillini (kuuma periood). Aasta jaotamine vihma- ja kuivaperioodiks mõjutab suuresti ka põllumajandust – riigi erinevates osades kasvatatakse erinevatel aastaaegadel erinevaid kultuure. (Raudsepp et al 2010; Weather in Thailand 2012) Kuigi riik asub sademeterikkas piirkonnas, on niisutus vajalik (kasvatatakse mitmeid kultuure, mis vajavad enam niiskust kui kuivaperioodil sademetest saadav on). Seega on loodud Taisse ulatuslikud kanalite süsteemid. Riisi kasvatamiseks kasutatakse ka vett, mida säilitatakse tammides ja veehoidlates, riik on investeerinud miljon dollarit aksiaalpumpade kasutamiseks, tagamaks alade niisutatuse. (Irrigation 2015)
Number nine is EPAL repair marking nail and manufacturer code – production date is number 10. SLAID 5 This graph shows the dimensions of pallets that are sanctioned by International Organisation of Standardization. SLAID 6 Addition to using wood , pallets are also made of plastic, metal and cardboard. SLAID 7 On this picture are the typical parts of euro- pallets. Most typical pallet size is 1200x800cm. Wooden pallets can withstand a lode of 1,5 tonnes and have quite good weather resistance. SLAID 8 Pallets are mostly used for transport and storage. It is estimated that almost 2 billion pallets are used worldwide and about 500 million newones are made each year. SLAID 9 Broken pallets and ones that are made for one- time use are usually chopped and burnt for heat. SLAID 10 Pallets are also used to make furniture for indoor and due to their good weather resistance thay can be also used for outdoor furniture. Takeing them apart, sawing them into pieces and then
Jazz rock Jazz rock on muusikastiil, mis ühendab dzässi teiste muusikastiilidega, nagu pop, rock, folk, reggae, funk, metal, kantri, RnB, hip hop, elektrooniline muusika ja maailmamuusika. Stiil sündis Ameerika Ühendriikides 1960. aastate keskel, kui dzässartistid hakkasid dzässi miksima elekrooniliste pillidega ning souli ja RnB rütmidega. Tuntumaid stiili esindajaid on Weather Report, Mahavishnu Orchestra, The Tony Williams Lifetime jt. Hard rock Hard rock on muusikastiil, mille põhilised tunnused on jõuline korduv motiiv basskitarripartiis ja kitarri madalatel keeltel, jõuline laulustiil, ühtlane ja enamasti sünkopeerimata trummipartii, iseloomulikehelimuundurite kasutamine elektrikitarri puhul ning maksimumini viidud helitugevus. Hard rocki juured on rhytm and blues`is (näiteks ansambel The Rolling Stones).
Raudteejaam haapsalus The train connection between Tallinn and Haapsalu started in 1905 and was disrupted in 1995,which makes it symbolic in more ways than one that the Estonian Railway Museumis in Haapsalu. It was here that the railways of tzarist Russia began. The railway station building was built into the resort town, favoured by the tzarist family and nibility of Russia, according to a special project: in order to keep the crowned heads away from rain or other weather conditions, the unique 216 meter long platform was covered with a roof in its entirety. The train station includes a passanger building, an imperial pavilion and a passage connecting both. In addition to the unique passanger building, the most notable exhibits of the museum include old trains and engines, the storage building, the water tower, a depot, the revolving bridge and the houses of the railway workers.
idast läände piki ekvaatorit ning võimaldavad külma, toitainete rikka, Lõuna- Ameerika looderannikust pärineva vee tõusu ehk upwelling’ut (vt 2.2). Ka need samad tuuled lükkavad pinnakihi vett läände, mille tulemusena vesi koguneb Vaikse ookeani lääneosas. Indoneesia ranniku keskmine merepinna kõrgus on umbes 0,5 meetrit kõrgem kui on Peruus. [12,14] Joonis 6. Vaikse ookeani tüüpiline seisund. (Allikas: Effects of ENSO in the Pacific. National Weather Service. patterns.htm) Vaikse ookeani lääneosas kuhjuva vee piirkonnas tekitavad passaadid 150 meetrilise paksusega sooja veekihi lääne osas, mis surub termokliini alla, samal ajal kui see tõuseb veepinnale idas. Pinnapealne 30 meetriline ida termokliin võimaldab tuultele tõmmata vett alt, mis on tavalselt palju toitainete rikkam kui pealisvee kiht. [12] 10
breathtaking natural beauty, inspiring temples, renowned hospitality, robust cuisine and ruins of fabulous ancient kingdoms. From the stupa-studded mountains of Mae Hong Son and the verdant limestone islands of the Andaman Sea, to the pulse-pounding dance clubs of Bangkok and the tranquil villages moored along the Mekong River, Thailand offers something for every type of traveller. By far the best time to visit is between November and February when the weather is kind and the beaches are at their finest. This period is Thailand's main season for national and regional festivals. The peak season is November to late March, with secondary peak months in July and August. Kingdom of Thailand Ruler: King Bhumibol Adulyadej (1946) Land area: 198,455 sq mi (514,000 sq km) Population (2007 est.): 65,068,149 Languages: Thai (Siamese), English Capital: Bangkok, 6,320,1