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"complete" - 475 õppematerjali


There should be a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous products like cigarettes and alcohol

That makes me agree with the ban, to keep children away from bad habits. People who already smoke or drink mostly don't care about the advertisements and are not affected by them. It can clearly be seen that such adverts are only useful for the companies who gain money from new "addicts". Since new smokers increase pollution and make streets full of cigarette packs then it's very bad for people who want to live a good life on our planet. Because of all that I totally agree on a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous products. It wouldn't affect old users, but could help to prevent other people from starting. I think there should also be a ban on advertising of hygienic products, because this is something people should also choose themselves, without any help of strange advertisements.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Metallurgia e-test

Question 1 Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Kuidas muutuvad terase kõvadus ja plastsus süsinikusisalduse kasvades? Select one: a. süsinikusisaldus ei mõjuta neid omadusi b. kõvadus tõuseb, plastsus suureneb c. kõvadus langeb, plastsus suureneb d. kõvadus tõuseb, plastsus väheneb Question 2 Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Millise reaktsiooniga toimub väävli eraldumine terasest? Select one: a. FeS + CaO CaS + FeO - Q b. FeS + Mn MnS + Fe + Q c. MnS + CaO CaS + MnO - Q d. 2FeO + Si2Fe + Si + Q Question 3 Complete Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Millised on kristallvõre defektid? Select one: a. vakants, dislokatsioon, punktdefekt b. joondefekt, pinnadefekt, kristallvõre c. ruumdefekt, tera, dislokatsioon d. vakants, dislokatsioon, poor Question 4 Complete Mark ...

Materjaliteadus → Konstruktsioonimaterjalide...
165 allalaadimist

Test 04 - Kogunõudmine ja kogupakkumine

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on neljapäev, 30 märts 2017, 7:32 State Finished Completed on reede, 7 aprill 2017, 10:50 Time taken 8 days 3 hours Marks 15.0/15.0 Grade 10.0 out of 10.0 ( 100 %) Question 1 Keinsistliku koolkonna käsitluses on nii hinnad kui palgad lühiajaliselt jäigad, mistõttu võib makroökonoomiline tasakaal saabuda allpool ühiskonna Complete potentsiaalset tootmismahtu. Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 Select one: True False Question 2 Kogunõudmise kõvera negatiivset tõusu põhjustavad: Complete Select one or more: Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 raha reaalväärtuse efekt - hinnataseme tõus t...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
255 allalaadimist

Test 02 - Tööturg

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on reede, 24 märts 2017, 9:28 State Finished Completed on reede, 24 märts 2017, 9:48 Time taken 20 mins 2 secs Marks 19.3/20.0 Grade 9.6 out of 10.0 ( 96 %) Question 1 Tööjõu hulka kuulub tööealise elanikkonna majanduslikult aktiivne osa, need on töösoovijad, kes on tööd leidnud, ja töösoovijad, kes pole tööd leidnud. Complete Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 Select one: True False Question 2 Isik, kes ei ole tööga hõivatud, kuid soovib rakendust leida, otsides aktiivselt tööd ja on valmis töö leidmisel kohe ka tööle asuma, klassi tseeritakse Complete Rahvusvahelise Tööorganisatsiooni ILO reeglite...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
273 allalaadimist

Test 01 - Rahvamajanduse arvepidamine

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on reede, 10 märts 2017, 7:03 State Finished Completed on reede, 10 märts 2017, 7:25 Time taken 21 mins 44 secs Marks 12.0/12.0 Grade 10.0 out of 10.0 ( 100 %) Question 1 Rahvamajanduse koguprodukt on aasta jooksul riigi residentide poolt riigi majandusterritooriumil ja ka väljaspool seda valmistatud lõpptoodete ja - Complete teenuste väärtus turuhindades. Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 Select one: True False Question 2 Lõpptoodanguks võime lugeda mingi perioodi tooteid ja teenuseid, mida kasutatakse kas lõpptarbimiseks või ekspordiks, mitte aga edasiseks Complete töötlemi...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
300 allalaadimist

Test 03 - Tarbimine ja säästmine

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on neljapäev, 30 märts 2017, 7:23 State Finished Completed on reede, 7 aprill 2017, 10:31 Time taken 8 days 3 hours Marks 15.0/15.0 Grade 10.0 out of 10.0 ( 100 %) Question 1 Millised alljärgnevaist on olulised eratarbimist ja säästmist mõjutavad tegurid: Complete Select one or more: Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 tulevased hinnaootused oodatav sissetulek ja intressimäär valitsuse poolt kehtestatud maksumäärad majapidamise suurus ning pereliikmete vanuseline jaotus Question 2 Lineaarset tarbimisfunktsiooni kujutava tarbimisjoone tõusu väljendab säästmise piirkalduvus (M...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
131 allalaadimist

Test 06 - Raha pakkumine

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on teisipäev, 11 aprill 2017, 7:05 State Finished Completed on teisipäev, 11 aprill 2017, 7:32 Time taken 26 mins 55 secs Marks 13/13 Grade 10 out of 10 ( 100 %) Question 1 Sümbolraha väärtus põhineb tema sisemisel väärtusel, kaupraha omab aga väärtust tänu valitsuse korraldusele. Complete Mark 1 out of 1 Select one: True False Question 2 Raha funktsioonideks on olla Complete Select one or more: Mark 2 out of 2 väärtuse kogumise ehk akumulatsioonivahend vahetusvahend maksevahend ...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
317 allalaadimist

Test 05 - Eelarvepoliitika

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on neljapäev, 30 märts 2017, 7:35 State Finished Completed on reede, 7 aprill 2017, 11:04 Time taken 8 days 3 hours Marks 7/7 Grade 10 out of 10 ( 95 %) Question 1 Valitsussektori eelarve puudujääki on põhimõtteliselt võimalik nantseerida kas Complete Select one or more: Mark 1 out of 1 laenates raha kodumaalt emiteerides raha laenates raha välismaalt suurendades maksukoormust Question 2 Tugeva majanduslanguse "raviks" oleks sobivaim vahend Complete Select one or more: Mark 1 out of 1 otseste maksude maksumäärade alandamine ...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
120 allalaadimist

Test 08 - Inflatsioon

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on teisipäev, 2 mai 2017, 10:44 State Finished Completed on neljapäev, 4 mai 2017, 9:38 Time taken 1 day 10 hours Grade 10 out of 10 ( 100 %) Question 1 Nõudlusin atsioon on põhjustatud järsust tootmiskulude kasvust. Complete Select one: Mark 1 out of 1 True False Nõudlusin atsioon tekib, kui kogunõudlus kasvab kiiremini kui kogupakkumine. Lisaks erasektori nõudluse kasvule võib nõudlusin atsiooni tekitada ka ekspansiivne raha- või eelarvepoliitika. Kuluin atsioon (pakkumispoolne in atsioon) tekib tootmiskulude järsu kasvu tõttu (toooraine ...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
94 allalaadimist

Test 07 - Rahapoliitika

BCU3620 MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on neljapäev, 20 aprill 2017, 12:22 State Finished Completed on neljapäev, 20 aprill 2017, 12:45 Time taken 22 mins 45 secs Marks 12/13 Grade 9 out of 10 ( 90 %) Question 1 Fisheri vahetusvõrrandi kohaselt on ringluses oleva raha hulga ja selle käibekiiruse korrutis võrdne nominaalse SKP-ga (ehk üldise hinnataseme ning Complete aastas toodetud kaupade-tenuste reaalväärtuse korrutisega). Mark 1 out of 1 Select one: True False Fisheri vahetusvõrrandi kohaselt M × V = P × Y , kus M on raha pakkumine, V - raha käibekiirus (loetakse konstandiks), P -...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
335 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Invocation summary notes MRdd

are enigmatic, because it is meant for intellectuals and intellectuals don't like whne things are too simple, they like to speculate and stretch their minds. This is catering this need and at the same time leading them to Ultimate Truth. Concept of infinity ­ if you take something out from infinity infinity still remains the same. Even if you take many infinities out of one infinity, still it remains the same. INVOCATION OVERVIEW Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Complete Absolute Truth Absolute Truth has many manifestations ­ Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan. In Isopanishad that is sruti, the Absolute Truth is not called by personal name, because upanisads are giving transitional knowledge, they take people from karma kanda towards bhakti. Srila Prabhupada follows this practice and he almost never uses the word "Krishna" in the whole Isopanishad. He uses impersonalists' words to bring them beyond impersonalism.

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

How to write a manual

How to Write a Manual Know the material--and the product--inside out. Make certain you understand the procedure completely--from both a practical and a theoretical standpoint. Ensure that you can successfully carry out the process you'll be describing by going through the necessary steps yourself repeatedly until you are convinced that you know how to complete them properly and explain them clearly. 2 Assume that your reader knows nothing at all about the process you'll be describing when you write your manual. This will remind you to take nothing for granted as you explain how to complete the procedure and will prevent you from leaving gaps in your explanation that your reader will find frustrating. 3 Use diagrams to clarify information that would be difficult to convey accurately in words.

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Open Access andmebaas, Emerald, EbscoHost, e-ajakirjade andmebaas A-Z, RRi andmebaas

Esitage kirje. Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. PsycArticles, ,,school violence" ­ SU subject, ,,bullying" ­ SU subject, year of publication 2008-2013 Twemlow, S W & Fonagy, P & Sacco, F C & Vernberg, E & Malcom, J M. (2011). Reducing violence and prejudice in a Jamaican all age school using attachment and mentalization theory. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 28, (4), 497-511. 8. Leidke andmebaasist Academic Search Complete täistekstilisi artikleid meedia mõjust lastele (children, mass media influence), mis on ilmunud perioodil 2006-2013 a. perioodikaväljaannetes. Valige välja üks artikkel ja saatke enda e-posti aadressil. Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Academic search complete. ,,children" ­ SU subject, ,,mass media influence" ­ su subject, published date: 2006-2013, publication type: periodical, full text! Paremalt: e-mail. 9. Leidke oma erialaseid ajakirju. Mitu ajakirja leidsite

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
19 allalaadimist

Test 1 Form 11

.................................................................  His exam results were fantastic but he says they were OK. I think he is level-headed and modest  She always thinks about other people before herself. I think she is generous.  My uncle always brings us expensive gifts for holidays. I think he is rich and generous  He is never willing to listen to others or accept new ideas. I think he ise narrow-minded. 2. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences. * The children have been as good as silk / gold all morning. * After the divorce Clare felt as free as a bird / bee. * Stories about fairies and dwarfs are as old as ABC / the hills. * You have to be as quiet as a bat / mouse or you wake our baby up. * You should eat more. You are as thin as a feather / a rake! 3. Complete the sentences with the correct past tense of the verbs.  Helen had(have) a shower, brushed(brush) her teeth and went( go) to bed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Work or university

advantages for getting a good job. Today employers value high-quality vocational qualifications, so it might not be as good as choice as continuing your education. However, if a student chooses to continue his education, he has many possibilities, for example, university or vocational education. At a university he can choose what he wants to study and for how long, for instance, to get a bachelors degree he has to complete three years of study at a university. And after graduating from university he can, continue with post-garduate studies to complete a masters degree and then doctoral degree. But he can also decide to continue with vocational education, where he directly develops expertise in a praticular technology. To sum up, after secondary school students have two choices: university or work. However, in my opinion it is better to go to university and continue your education before going to work, because

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

School system in the USA

attend as an undergraduate school. These are schools that offer either a two-year degree called an associate degree or a four-year degree called a bachelors degree in a specific course of study. That course of study is called the major. While most schools that offer a four-year degree will admit students who have not yet chosen a major, all students are required to select a major by their second year at school. Students who complete an associate degree can continue their education at a four-year school and eventually complete a bachelor degree. Graduate school Students who have obtained a bachelor's degree can continue their education by pursuing one of two types of degrees. The first is a master's degree. This is usually a two-year degree that is highly specialized in a specific field. Students who want to advance their education even further in a specific field can pursue a doctorate degree, also called a PhD

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Future Tenses

2) Talking about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (I am doing) WITH A FUTURE MEANING Use: 1)Talking about descisions and arrangements (sbdy has decied and arranged to do smthing). He is playing squash on Monday afternoon 2) You can use present contiuous for an action just before you begin to do it. FUTURE CONTINUOUS Form: will+be+ing Use: 1) Somebody will be in the middle of doing something. This time next week I'lle be swimming in the pool. 2) Talking about complete actions in the future. FUTURE PERFECT Form: will+have+past particilke (3.vorm) Use: 1) Saying that something will already be complete bf a time in the future. ::The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Test Unit 14.

Test Unit 14 1. Translate. 1)täielikult kaduma - disappear wholly 2)haiguste käes kannatama - suffer from illnesses 3)Ameerika põliselanike hõimud - Native Americans tribes 4)Ameerikat avastama - discover America 5)ametlik keel - official language 6)orjusele lõppu tegema - make end slavery 7)traditsioone ja kultuuri hoidma - hold traditions and culture 8)immigrantide arv - number of immigrants 2. Complete the sentences. 1)The capital of Norway is Oslo. 2)Pirjo lives in Finland and she speaks Finnish. 3)Michail comes from Moscow. He speaks Russian. 4)What nationality are you? ­ I'm Estonian. 5)The Dutch live in Holland. 6)Uwe's grandparents live in Germany. They speak German. 7)Michael comes from Australia. He speaks Australian. 8)Eve lives in Ireland and loves Irish music. 3. Write in reported speech. 1)The teacher asks what the capital of Latvia is.

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Exercises on reported speech

Exercises on reported speech Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses. 1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. → She asked  2. "How are you?" Martin asked us. → Martin asked us  3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?" → He asked  4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. → The mother asked her daughter  5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. → She asked her boyfriend  6. "What are they doing?" she asked. → She wanted to know  7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. → He wanted to know  8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" → The teacher wanted to know  9. "How do you know that?" she asked me. → She asked me  10. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. → My friend asked me  Complete the sentences in reported speech using introductory verbs. 1...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keel Harjutused enesekontrolliks

14) I told them that they really don`t know anything 15) Are you interested........literature? 16) It depends........the weather. 17) Do you 7. Translate using the Modal Verbs. ( 5 points ) 1) Kas sa oskad malet mängida?( oskus ) 2) See on saladus. Sa ei tohi seda kellelegi rääkida.( keeld ) 3) Me peame kiirustama.( käsk ) 4) Kate peaks vähem maiustusi sööma.( soovitus ) 5) Kas ma tohin sinuga kaasa tulla?( luba ) 8. Complete these sentences by adding suitable Personal and Possessive Pronouns. ( 5 points ) e.g. Mary and I do our homework together. 1) If you can`t ski, we will teach........ 2) How will you 3) She put on.......hat and left the room. 4) Robin works during........holidays to earn money. 5) "Hands up!" shouted the masked man and they all put........hands up. 6) In the evening the boys watched TV with........parents.

Keeled → Inglise keel
81 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester.

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist


3032. 4. Leidke eajakirjade otsivahendit AtoZ kasutades, millise andmebaasi vahendusel ja mis aastast aastani on meie ülikooli arvutivõrgust juurdepääs ajakirja Academy of Management Review täistekstidele? (vt. juhendit) Vastus: ajakirjale "Academy of Management Review" on meie ülikooli arvutivõrgust juurdepääs andmebaasi(de)st: Business Source Complete, aastast 1976 kuni tänaseni ja JSTOR Business I Archive Collection, aastad 19762006. 5. Leidke EBSCOhost andmebaasidest üks täistekstiga artikkel teemal maavärinad (earthquakes) Vastuses esitage artikli autor, pealkiri, ajakirja nimetus, aastakäik (Volume), number (Issue) ja artikli paiknemise leheküljed. Lisage artikli täisteksti sisaldava andmebaasi nimetus ja kasutamise kuupäev. (vt. juhendit)

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
79 allalaadimist

Market Leader Advanced (3) – Unit 12

weep- showing emotions with crying idle- lack of motion or energy shout foul- to shed tears because of grief or pain fine-tuning- to make small adjustments in for optimal performance scope- getting information required to start a project slack time- the amount of time that a group is ahead of schedule on a project Gantt chart- chart that illustrates a project schedule over-assign mindless- no ability to think critical path of a project- complete projects on a time by focusing on key tasks cloud the schedule ingredients- different parts needed to finish the job take a roll call- checking if people are present a bottleneck- when things come to a point and slows down because two masses cannot share the same space at the same time. poised for- not moving but ready to move gridlocked- a complete lack of movement or progress resulting in a backup congestion- being overcrowded procurement- the act of getting possession of smth

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Agreeing & disagreeing

5. That's just what I think. 5.0 AGREEING 5.1 Expressing complete agreement We say one thing and mean another? Exactly. You mean, you can't fool all the people all of the time? Exactly. You mean it's possible to ignore the Green Party, but you can't ignore their policies when a general consensus of people come to support them? Exactly. Once the level of benefit is higher than their take-home pay, why should they do a job?

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Keskvõrde ja ülivõrde tööleht koos reeglitega

We put more or less in front of two-syllable on longer adjectives For adjectives that end in one vowel + one consonant, we double final consonant and add ­er Superlative(ülivõrre) We add ­est to one-syllable adjectives We add ­est to two-syllable adjectives that end in ­y (-y changes to ­iest) We put most or least in front on two-syllable or longer adjectives We always put the in front on the superlative 1. Complete the table BASE FORM COPRATIVE SUPERLATIVE POPULAR MORE POPULAR THE MOST POPULAR worse better thin big more beautiful the cheapest more fashionable pretty

Keeled → Inglise keel
74 allalaadimist

Progress test 3 (unit 3) VASTUSED 10.klassile

PROGRESS TEST 3 (Unit 3) All right answers here  1.Fill in the missing words.Write only one word in each gap. 1.INSERCT 2.COLD 3.DATES 4.IF 5.WILL 6.HAVE 7.PASSPORT 8.MOUNTAIN 9.THINGS 10.SITUATED 11.RANGE 12.HELD 13.THESE 14.BOILING 15.SETTING 16.TEMPERATURE 17.RUN 18.CELEBRATE 19.CASE 20.TAKE 2.Circle the correct item. 1. A-INCLUDED 2. B-PLENTY 3. B-SURE 4. A-UNSPOILT 5. C-CUT 6. A- BY 7. B-EXTENSIVE 8. C-UP 9. B-TOUCH 10. A-WILL BE 3.Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two or five words including the word given.Do not change the word given. 1. IF HE DOESN´T GET INTO UNIVERSITY,HE WILL GET A JOB. word ( UNLESS) – HE WILL GET A JOB unless he gets INTO UNIVERSITY 2. TAKE YOUR ID BECAUSE THEY MIGHT ASK YOU FOR IT . word (CASE)-TAKE YOUR ID in case they ask YOU FOR IT. 3. I’LL WRITE TO YOU THE MOMENT I SETTLE INTO MY NEW HOUSE. word (SOON)- I’LL WRITE TO ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Health and the body

c) The police discovered the dead person buried in the garden d) One thing you can say about Ann, she has certainly got intelligence. e) They have a new house right in the centre of the countryside. f) Italian is actually Mary's native language g) Before I dived in the water, I took a deep mouthful of air h) After dinner, Jack had a pain from eating too much i) Shirley had a strange expression on her face j) David managed to grow a lot of hair on his face 3) Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. Cheek, knees, neck, throat, waist, chin, lips, nose, thumb, wrist a) After speaking for two hours, the lecturer had a sore ............. b) Terry was on his hands and............. , looking for the fallen coin. c) Paul gave his aunt an affectionate kiss on the............. d) There was such a terrible smell that I had to hold my ............. e) Stan is deaf, but he can understand people by reading their .............

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Past tenses

· · Past tenses Past Simple is used for: Past actions which happened one immediately after the other. E.g. She stood up, went up to her and grabbed her wrists. Completed actions or events, which happened at a stated past time. E.g. I went to the cinema last night. Past habits or states. E.g. my grandfather always wore a hat. Complete actions not connected to the present with a stated or implied time reference. E.g. Beethoven created wonderful classical pieces. Time expressions used with Past Simple: yesterday, last week/month etc, ago, then, just, now, when, in 1991, etc Past continuous is used for: Actions in the middle of happening at a stated past time. E.g. She was flying to Paris this time last Monday. A past action in progress interrupted by another past action. The longer

Keeled → Inglise keel
84 allalaadimist


Sentences 1) After his father's death Charles became withdrawn and was in complete denial for months. Pärast oma isa surma muutus Charles endassetõmbunuks ja oli kuid täielikus eituses. 2) Even months of persuation couldn't make Maria change her mind. Isegi kuude pikkune veenmine ei suutnud Maria meelt muuta. 3) Anna was desperate for recovering from chickenpox. Anna oli tuulerõugete vabanemisest meeleheitel. 4) It was hard for Maria to accept the boys' apology since they had scared her to death.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

I Love English 6 Workbook e-õpik lk. 1-27

.. (7 win) lots of prizes. She ... even ... (8 be) on TV. Kelly ... (9 break) her arm twice while doing a jump on the ice, but she's OK now. Last year she ... (10 travel) to Canada to practise in a training camp. I'm sure sometime in the future she ... (11 win) an Olympic medal. By that time, I ... (12 be) a famous author and she ... (13 ask) me to write a book about her way to the top. That's why I ... (14 start) taking notes of her and my other classmates' results. 3. Complete the exercise with the verbs in the past simple, the past continuous, or the past perfect tense. Do you remember? I went I was / we were going I had gone I couldn't wait for the first day of school to show off the new bike which I ... (1 get) as a birthday present. As I ... --- 5 (2 want) to look cool riding up to the front steps, I ... (3 put) on my new skirt. When I ... (4 reach) the school, I ... (5 make) a big mistake and ... (6 smile) at my friends instead of watching where I was going

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Entertainment and Art

e) We heard a piece by Mozart performed by a German band/group/orchestra. f) Her second book was very popular and became a best buy/seller/volume. g) I like the painting but I can't stand its ugly border/frame/square. h) Robert's new book will be broadcast/published/typed in August. i) I liked the acting, and the costumes/dressing/outfits were good too. j) The best act/place/scene in the film is when Jack meets Kate. Task 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. Announcer composre critic editor playwright author conductor director novelist sculptor a) The orchestra would not be so successful with a different .... conductor... b) I want a book on art, but I don't know the name of the …… c) We must see the new film by that Italian …… d) The…… said that the sports programme is on after the news. e) Harry writes for the theatre, but he is not only a ……

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool õenduse õppetool Õ19(K) Melani Veremiy SÖÖMISE JA JOOMISE ELAMISTOIMING IMIKUTEL Referaat aines Uurimistöö alused I Juhendaja: Kadri Kööp Tallinn 2018 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS....................................................................................................................3 1.SÖÖMISE ELAMISTOIMING IMIKUTEL......................................................................5 1.1.Rinnaga toitmine....................................................................................... 5 1.2.Pudelist toitmine....................................................................................... 6 1.3Lisatoit....................................................................................................... 7 2.JOOMISE ELAMISTO...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
78 allalaadimist

Otsing andmebaasides

Valin andmebaasi Ebscohost, sealt database PsycArticles. Otsingusõnadeks school violence ja bullying. Full texti kastikesse teen linnukese. Aastates valin 20052010. Sain 4 tulemust. Bauman, S., Del Rio, A.(2006) Preservice teachers' responses to bullying scenarios: Comparing physical, verbal, and relational bullying. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(1), 219-231. Andmebaas Ebscohost, PsycArticles. 12. Leidke andmebaasist Academic Search Complete täistekstilisi artikleid meedia mõjust lastele (children, mass media influence), mis on ilmunud perioodil 20062010 a. perioodikaväljaannetes. Valige välja üks artikkel ja saatke enda eposti aadressil. Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Valin database'i Academic Search Complete. Otsisõnadeks panen children, mass media influence. Valin full text. Ilmumise vahemikuks määran 20062010. Publication Type: Periodical. 13. Leidke oma erialaseid ajakirju

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
74 allalaadimist

Media and Advertising

Media and advertising 1. Complete the collocations in each sentence with an appropriate word from the box. broadcast bulletin coverage forecast media brochure campaign edition manual novel a) Read the instruction ..manual. before using your new word-processor. b) 'David Copperfield' is an autobiographical ……………. c) What did it say on the weather …………….? d) This is a party political……………. on behalf of the Democratic Party.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn

The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn is an exceptionally complete and well-preserved medieval northern European trading city on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The city developed as a significant centre of the Hanseatic League during the major period of activity of this great trading organization in the 13th-16th centuries. The combination of the upper town on the high limestone hill and the lower town at its foot with many church spires forms an expressive skyline that is visible from a great distance both from land and sea.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keel - KT unit 9 8.klass

psychologist. 6) Ma olen sageli masenduses ja puhkem nutma ­ I often feel depressed and burst into tears. 7) Tim oli kaua aega haiglas ja seetõttu jäi õppimisega maha -Tim was in a hospital for long time and fell behind with his stunding . 8) Kas satahaksid külastada uut lõbustusparki ? - Would you like the visit the new amusement arcade ? Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form. It wasn't easy to talk my brother into coming to the beach with ud but he finally agreed. I can't stand walking int the rain Liz felt like bursting into tears when she found out that her frined had lied to her. I'ts nor worth dealing with that problem Jake wanted to convince me to take up scuba diving but i didn't feel like trying it . You seem to be worried.I think you should ask someone for advise .

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Statistika Test-01

BCU0431 STATISTIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on pühapäev, 12 veebruar 2017, 8:25 State Finished Completed on pühapäev, 12 veebruar 2017, 8:44 Time taken 18 mins 38 secs Marks 19.0/20.0 Grade 5.7 out of 6.0 ( 95 %) Question 1 Selgita valimi mõistet. Kuidas tagada valimi juhuslikkus ning milleks seda vaja on? Complete Mark 4.0 out of 5.0 Valim - üldkogumist väljavalitud väike objektide grupp, kellelt saadud andmete põhjal tehakse järeldus terve üldkogumi kohta.  Selleks, et tagada valimi juhuslikkus on mitmeid võimalusi. Näiteks: juhuväljavõtt, süstemaatiline väljavõtt, tüüp- ehk seeriaväljavõtt, kõikne valim. Selleks, et valim annaks üldkogumi kohta objektiivset j...

Matemaatika → Statistika
21 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 7

2 Kas ma saan teid aidata? Can I help you? 3 Kas teil on seda punast dressipluusi M suurusele? Do you have this red sweatshirt in size M? 4 Kus ma saan seda proovida? Where can I tray it on? 5 Siin on teie tsekk ja raha tagasi. Here is your receipt and your change. 6 Majapidamistarvete osakond asub teisel korrusel ekskalaatorite kõrval. The homeware department is on the first floor, next to escalators. 7 kasutatud asju ostma buy second-hand 8 piinlik juhtum embarrassing incident 2 Complete the sentences. Use much, many, a lot of. 1 Is there much snow in the garden? 2 I´m going shopping. How much bread do you need? 3 Look at the lake! I´ve never seen so many swans before. 4 I´m really upset. I made very many mistakes in my maths test. 5 We can go to the cinema tonight. I don´t have much homework for tomorrow. 6 Why is there so much noise in the garden? What are the children doing there? 7 There is a lot of soup left. We can have it for dinner tomorrow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
72 allalaadimist

KT 7. klassile

I usually have a main dish and a dessert for lunch. 2) Ettekandja tõi meile menüü. The waiter brought us the menu. 3) Praetud munad, viil röstsaia ja tass teed, palun. Fried eggs, a slice of toast and a cup of tea, please. 4) Me tellisime kala friikartulitega ja õunavormi. We ordered fish and chips and apple pie. 5) Kas sulle meeldib kartulipüree? Do you like mashed potatoes? 6) Millestki koosnema. consist of something 2. Complete the text. (lõpeta tekst). A lot of , any , anything , some , something Jack realised he needed something to get Jill out of the car. They didn't have any time to lose. He knew he didn't have anything in his caravan to break the window. ,,We've had a lot of great moments together," he thought. At first he couldn't see anything in the darkness but after some time his eyes got used to it and he found a spade under the table. Suddnely he felt something moving around his leg

Keeled → Inglise keel
112 allalaadimist


1. Missing Executive Summary ­ The analyzed marketing plan lacks any sort comprehensive summary that would clearly outline the nature of the project. The plan starts with a market analysis and requires the reader to go through several sections before being able to start guessing as to what are the goals, objectives, strategies and products in question. The reader will need to read most of the plan in order to obtain a more or less complete general understanding of the offer. This will serve as a major obstacle for anyone seeking to grasp the main idea behind the plan at a glance. 2. The Situational Analysis is spread throughout several sections of the plan and lacks structure. The plan provides a decent analysis of potential customers and does a good job at analyzing those, but fails to focus on competitors, one of the integral parts of any complete Situational analysis. 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


4. If I have money, .....this book.(buy) 1. Go to bed when the movie finishes. 2. They won´t get married until they find a place to live (not get). 3. If I see Emma, I'll tell her you are looking for her (tell). 4. If I have money, I´ll buy this book.(buy) Sources · · · Test on Conditional Type 0 and 1 Use present simple or will to complete sentences + identify the type 1. Not go to bed earlybe tired in the morning 2. Leave ice cream in the sunmelt 3. Mix blue and redget purple 4. Not study hardnot pass your exams 5. Miss the buslate for school 6. Go to the partyhave fun 7. Heat waterboil 8. Need youcall you 9. Get there earlywait for me in the hall 10. You're busy nowcan talk later

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Education and learning

c) After leaving school, Ann studied/trained as a teacher. d) Peter decided not to go in/enter for the examination. e) My sister learned/taught me how to draw. f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test. g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart. h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term. i) Martin failed/missed his maths exam and had to sit it again. j) If you have any questions, raise/rise your hand. Task 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. cheat copy memorise pay revise concentrate divide pass punish underline a) Our teachers used to punish us by making us stay behind after school. b) If you…….twenty-seven by nine, the answer is three. c) Try to……. the most important rules. d) It is difficult to …….attention in a noisy classroom. e) Pauline tried her best to …….the end of year examinations.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Crusades and Richard Lionheart

Made by: Siim Reimand Crusades Holy wars. The purpose -to retake the Holy Land. Christ -would come when the Christians control Jerusalem. For almost 200 years. Nine crusades! 1 Crusade st 2 Crusade nd (1096-1099) (1145-1149) Urban II called a Launched in 1147. council Was a complete Thousands of warriors failure. attacked Muslims and Christians took no Jews to gain the land new territory. for Christians. 3rd Crusade (1189-1192) o Richard I, Philip II, Frederick Barbarossa set out. o Along the way Frederick drowned. o Phillip went back home. o Richard won several victories but couldn't retake Jerusalem. o The English had to give up and head home.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


e) Everyone agrees that the environment/nature must be protected. f) There has been another increase/rising in the level of crime. g) There are few jobs here and many people are away from work/unemployed. h) The train was in a/an accident/collision with a bus on a level crossing. i) The driver of the bus admitted that he had done/made an error. j) No ships are sailing today because of the high/storm winds. 2 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. disaster emergency hooliganism living disease injuries rubbish earthquake floods invasion slums a) Food has been sent to areas in Africa suffering from …........................... b) Many people live in overcrowded…........................... on the edge of the city. c) The cost of…..........................

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Source: Tatari et al (2007) + What's available currently Current products offering construction planning through BIM Navisworks Synchro 4D Vico Constructor Tokmo The level of integration and planning resolution is extremely limited There are many different information sources which need to be synchronised in order to offer complete project management solution + Why a new system Currently no systems in the market that offer such functionality Lean production management Product and Process model integration In practice being successfully exploited by a select few, with manual intervention Sutter health DPR BIM offers a natural visual and central platform + Simple Concept Diagram

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


The most notorious mythical creature of modern time, Nessie, is said to dwell in the lake. With an air of mystery, the intriguing area of Loch Ness should not be missed. WHERE I WANT TO GO Luskentyre Beach Luskentyre beach is situated on the spectacular west coast of South Harris in the Outer Hebrides. One of the most beautiful color-washed coastal areas of Scotland, its blue-green seas shimmer against creamy sands and the vibrant green hillside. Elcho Castle Elcho Castle is a handsome and complete 16th century fortified mansion with three projecting towers on the banks of the River Tay. The remarkably complete house of the 1500s was the country retreat of the wealthy Wemyss family. It is managed by Historic Scotland and is open to visitors throughout the summer. I think that Scotland is very interesting and it is a very beautiful country. Thank you for watching! :)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Twin towers

TWIN TOWERS Karl Reispass Basic Facts 8 years to complete · 10000 workers to construct · Buildins weighed 200.000 tons · 43.600 windows · 12000 miles of electric cables · Designed knowing that a plain could hit the building · Very strong building · The buildings were of steel construction Basic facts · 1993 terrorist act · 2001 terrorist act · Collapsed at free falling speed · heat, which is high enough to weaken the steel Burning Towers Obvious cause of an explosion Obvious cause of an explosion Legit.jpg

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sagedusmuundur micromaster mm440

6 Sisesta sagedusmuunduri andmed, need saad sagedusmuunduri külje peal olevalt kleebiselt. Esmalt vali õige seade, selle leiab Device seadete valikust. Siis vali seade õige tüüp, selle leiab Type seadete valikust. Siis vajuta Insert ikoonile, sellega lisatakse seade oma õigele kohale programmis. Lõpetuseks tuleb vajutada Complete. Sellega oleme loonud omale uue projekti! 7 Mootori konfiguratsioon: Vali MICROMASTER 440>Configuration>Reconfigure drive (akna ülemises osas, valik tavaliselt kollast värvi). Siin määratleme mootori parameetrid, mida hakkame juhtima MM440-ga. Määrame standardiks Euroopa (kW), 50 (Hz). 8

Mehaanika → Mehhanismide elektrisüsteemid
12 allalaadimist

Food-Restaurants and Cooking

d) Please help/serve/wait yourself to salads from the salad bar. e) Waiter, can I see the catalogue/directory/menu, please? f) This fish is not what I called/commanded/ordered. g) This dish/plate/serving is a speciality of our restaurant. h) Have you tried the crude/raw/undercooked fish at the new Japanese restaurant? i) Paul never eats meat, he's a vegetable/vegetarian/vegetation. j) Have you decided what to have for your main course/food/helping? Task 2. Complete each sentence (a-j) with a suitable ending (1-10). Use each ending once. a) Dinner's nearly ready. Can you lay ...6… 1. up if you dry and put the dishes away. b) There's some meat in the fridge. Just warm 2. it up in the microwave oven for a few minutes. c) Keep an eye on the milk or it might boil 3. coffee you made for me this morning. d) Jack likes his steak rare but I prefer mine well 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs task key

Doze off Fall asleep Magama jääma Turn down Reject Ära ütlema Butt in Interrupt segama Cover for Replace asendama Track down Find leidma Cut down Reduce vähendama Fill in Complete täitma Strip off Undress Lahti riietuma Pile up Accumulate kogunema Gulp down Eat/drink quickly kugistama Hold up Rob röövima Brush up Improve parandama Tart up Decorate kaunistama Give away Reveal Nähtavale tooma Mess about Waste time Aega raiskama Break off End lõpetama Make up Invent Välja mõtlema

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun