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"glass" - 305 õppematerjali

glass on äärmiselt viljakas helilooja; ta on kirjutanud muusikat ansamblitele, oopereid, sümfooniaid, kontserte, filmimuusikat ja klaveripalu.

Shattered Glass

sisu oleks korrektne, vastutada ajalehe õigeaegse ilmumise eest. 6. Mida kujutab endast faktikontroll? Kuidas seda tehakse, too välja erinevaid viise, kuidas fakte kontrollida saab, mille abil? Faktikontroll on kontroll faktide õigsuse üle. Fakti õigsust saab kontrollida, näiteks intervjureerida inimesi ja küsida teatud asja kohta, kui nad seda kinnitavad, siis on faktil tõepõhi all. 7. Kuidas eksis loo peategelane Glass ajakirjanduseetika vastu? Ta mõtles lood ja artikklid välja, arvates, et need ei tule kunagi välja. Ta otsis lisa infot internetist. Meediaeetika ütleb, et artikklid peavad olema tõesed ja mitte väljamõeldised. 8. Kuidas oli Glassil võimalik nii kaua oma toimetajaid, kaastöölisi ja avalikkust petta? Ta oli väga osav ja ettevaatlik. Kui ta kedagi nn ,,intervjueeris", siis ta tegi märkmeid, mis andsid alust, et ta on tõesti intervjuu teinud. 9

Meedia → Meedia
16 allalaadimist

Through the Looking-Glass

Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll The BLACK kitten had once again made a mess in the living room with a ball of worsted ­ you see it could have not been the white kitten, Snowbell, as she was having her face washed by Dina. Alice caught the black kitten and settled into an arm-chair to wind up the worsted again. Soon forgetting all about it she started wondering if Kitty could play chess. And thus her favourite game of "Let's pretend" started. Suddenly the Looking-Glass House caught Alice's attention. She had always been wondering about the Looking-Glass world. It was so tempting. Without even noticing she was on the mantelpiece and through the looking-glass. The room was quite uninteresting and untidy. But there were some interesting things ­ the pictures on the wall were alive and so were the pawns on the chessboard and the words in the book were only...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Philip Glass ja Terry Riley

keelpillikvartetti. Riley on leiba teeninud ka pianistina mängides erinevates lokaalides, paralleelselt töötas mitmetes ülikoolides India muusika õppejõuna. Üks kuulsamaid teoseid on "In C" (1964), mis koosneb 53 erinevast moodulist, millel on igaühel oma muster, ent kõik moodulid põhinevad ühel helistikul. Levimuusikat mõjutas tugevalt Riley album "A Rainbow in Curved Air" (1968). Samuti peetakse oluliseks tema teost "Persian Surgery Dervishes" (1972) kahele orelile. Philip Glass (1937) Ameerika minimalist, kes kuulub tänapäeval enim esitatud heliloojate hulka. Ise nägi end mitte minimalistliku heliloojana, vaid korduvate struktuuride loojana, ja samuti pidas ta end klassikuks, selles mõttes, et tundis väga sügavalt ja põhjalikult Bachi, Mozarti ja Schuberti teoseid, nende harmooniat ja kontrapunkti. Pärit leedu juudi-immigrantide perest. Muusikaga puutus kokku väga varakult ­ tema isal oli

Muusika → Muusika
26 allalaadimist

Alice from Through the Looking-Glass

I'm Alice, seven years and six months old and very good at daydreaming. I think so because my favourite phrase, that I use very often, is ,, Let's pretend" whether it is about pretending that Kitty is a chess pawn or that I'm going through the looking-glass. I always take my best friends, Snowbell, Dina and Kitty, with me to my quests but they seem to appear as someone else so I usually recognise them only later. But it doesn't matter. They're my best friends in the real world and I talk to them all the time. I think my characteristics come out the best during my dreams. For example I am very curious and I never settle with what's right in front of me. I always want to see more and to do that you also have to be very determined and brave. I wanted to see more from the Looking-Glass world than just the livingroom and after I was offered the chance to become a queen I did not once give up on the long trip to the Eighth Square. Even when ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Humpty Dumpty from Through the Looking-Glass

My name is Humpty Dumpty ­ a perfect name for me as it means the good and handsome shape I am. I hate to be called and egg. I think it is very provoking. I look rather like any human being ­ I have two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Maybe my head is a bit bigger than usual but it is very beautiful. Actually I am glad to be a bit different from humans as I don't really see the different in their faces. I mean they all look alike. It would be way easier if some had, let's say, both eyes on one side of their nose. I love my life. I sit here, with my legs crossed, on this high and narrow wall and I am not afraid to fall. Well and even if I did fall, which will never happen, then the king promised me to send all his horses and his men and put me in my place again. But there is no need for it since this wall is my home and I am very sure in my capability of staying here. My most valuable asset is my cravat. It sometimes upsets me when others can...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


PUHASTUSAINED Tallinn 2009 PUHASTUSVAHENDID Klar Glass Klaas- ja portselannõude loputusvahend Kasutamiseks nii kodustes, kui tööstuslikes nõudepesumasinates klaasnõude pesul. Annab klaasnõudele kirka läike. Väldib veeplekkide tekkimist klaaspindadele. Mofix KDS Desinfitseeriv nõudepesuvahend käsitsipesuks Hea rasvu ja valke lagundava toimega nõudepesuvahend käsitsipesuks. Kasutuskontsentratsioon: 50-100ml/10 liitrit vee kohta. Pesta nõud pesulahuses puhtaks

Turism → Puhastusteenindus
36 allalaadimist

Muusikaajalugu 20.saj

Teosed muutuvad pikemaks, koosseisud suuremaks. Näiteks teos "Different Trains". Teos räägib holokausti ohvritest. Lavamuusika Dokumentaalsed video-ooperid, koostöös tema naisega. Näiteks "The Cave". Video koosneb dokumentaalkaadritest, kus intervjueeritakse erinevate religioonide inimesi, kes ärägivad usu figuuride tähendusest tänapäeval. Muusikaline koosseis kammerlik. Siis ilmub video-ooperite triloogia, mis käsitleb tehnika võidukäigu teemat. Philip Glass Reichiga võrreldes veidi kommertsim ja lihtsam. Tänapäeva enamestitatav helilooja. Glass käis Juilliardis, õppejõud D. Milhaud. Ta võeti vastu ka kui filmihelilooja. Ka Martin Scorsese filmile "Kundun". Tuntuim minimalistliku ooperi viljelejaid maailmas. Komponeerib muusikaliste piltidena. Kuulsamaid teosed moodustavad nn portreee-ooperite triloogia. Esimene ooper "Einstein on the beach" tõi kohe ülemaailmse tuntuse. Antud teoses

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
15 allalaadimist

XX sajandi muusika

................................................................................................. 7 Olivier Messiaen........................................................................................................... 9 Minimalism..................................................................................................................... 10 Steve Reich................................................................................................................ 10 Philip Glass................................................................................................................. 11 Avangardism.................................................................................................................. 11 John Cage.................................................................................................................. 12 Pierre Boulez............................................................................................................

Muusika → Muusika
477 allalaadimist

Muusikaajalugu - alates romantismist kuni postmodernismini

36. Karlheinz Stockhausen a. Saksa avangardse muusika juhtfiguur, serialism, aleatoorika, panus elektronmuusikasse b. Kombineeris akustilist ja elektroonilist muusikat 37. Minimalism a. 60ndate keskel Ameerikas b. Muusikaline algmaterjal napp, lihtsad ja lühikesed kujundid, ühte kujundit korratakse c. Helikeel heakõlalie (konsoneeriv) ja dissonantsideta 38. Steve Reich a. New York, filosoofia, Julliard b. Minimalism, Aasia ja Aafrika kultuurid 39. Philip Glass a. USA minimalist, tänapäeva esitatavaim helilooja, filmimuusika looja b. Minimalistliku ooperi looja ­ "Einstein on the Beach" 40. Postmodernism ja selle alaliigid. a. Mitmete stiilide ühisnimetaja (postminimalism, eklektism, uustonaalsus, uuskompleksus) 41. Arvo Pärt a. Tintinnabuli ­ Lihtsad harmooniad, sagedased kaunistamata noodid ja kolmkõlad, mis kõlavad nagu kellahelin, tempomuutused

Muusika → Muusika
81 allalaadimist

Moonutatud tõde

Faktikontrolli saab teha, kasutades erinevaid meetodeid või materjale, või intervjueerides erinevaid inimesi ja saada selle kaudu teada, kas fakt on tõene ( fakt on arvatavasti tõene, kui mitu erinevat inimest kinnitab sama asja). Fakt võibki olla korrektne, kuid ei pruugi, kui leidub mitu allikat, mis viitab fakti tõesusele. Allikateks võivad olla erinevad raamatud, ajalehed, Internet, erinevad inimesed, videod jne.. 7. Kuidas eskis loo peategelane Glass ajakirjanduseetika vastu? Meedia-eetika tähendab kriitilist arutelu selle üle, mis on kellegi jaoks moraalne. Glass ei kontrollinud fakte, mida ta kirjutas. Ta mõtles lugusid välja ja arvas, et ta väljamõeldised ei tule kunagi välja. Ta otsis infot Internetist ja kirjutas oma lugudesse faktide nime alla visioone. Sellega tegi ta väga palju kahju lehele ja kogu ajakirjandusele. 8.Kuidas oli Glassil võimalik nii kaua toimetajaid, kaastöölisi ja avalikkust petta?

Meedia → Meedia
33 allalaadimist

Laboratory work no.1 english

Aim of the work Creating a solution from solid compounds, separating compounds from mixtures using their differences in solubility, determining the percentage of table salt in a sand-salt mixture. Used compounds Solid sodium chloride in a mixture with sand, dried to a constant weight at 105ºC. Equipment Beaker, glass rod, funnel, conical flask, measuring cylinder (250 cm 3), hydrometer, filter paper. 1) In a conical flask, dissolve the NaCl from a previously weighed sand-salt mixture. To do that, add about 50 cm3 of distilled water to the mixture. Stir the solution with a glass rod and then filter it. For filtration, fold the filter paper in half twice. Cut one corner for

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Almost invisible mirrored treehouse

Gerli Helts 2015 Martna Local School Almost invisible mirrored treehouse These little treehouses, which look like cube, are just perfect. Everyone will be able to get them transported and installed in their desired location. In house there is a ability to watch uninterrupted view trough the glass, because ceilings and walls are made of glass. Illustration 1: Reflection of the trees The house idea was bring to reality by Britta and Kent Lindvall, who desided to build their dream house in one of the most beatiful places of Northern Sweden. They wanted to by surrounded by the natural forests and undisturbed nature. To guests they wanted to offer a unique experience by living within nature’s quarters. Materials, which were used to create this

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

100 kuulsamat kokteili

Acapulco B52 · 6 cl rum · 2 cl Kahlua · 1,5 cl Cointreau · 2 cl Baileys · 1,5 cl lime juice · 2 cl Grand Marnier · 1 tea spoon powdered sugar Preparation : Pour softly in a liqueur glass the · 1 egg's white ingredients in the order above, in order to make each "float" above the previous. Alabama Slammer · 3 cl Amaretto B and B · 3 cl Southern Comfort · 4 cl cognac · 1,5 cl sloe gin · 4 cl Bénédictine

Toit → Kokandus
143 allalaadimist

20. sajandi muusika.

aleatoorika ja musique concrete ­ konkreetne muusika salvestatud helidest -kuidas kirjeldaksid seda muusikat? Uudne, võõras -Nimeta 3 avangardistlikku heliloojat John Cage Pierre Boulez Karlheinz Stockhausen 8. Minimalism -millised on minimalistliku muusika tunnused (5) Minimaalne algmaterjal Lühikesed ja lihtsad muusikalised kujundid Teemaarenduse puudumine Palju kordusi Heakõlaline helikeel -nimeta minimalistlikke heliloojaid (2) Steve Reich Philip Glass 9. Arvo Pärt -millise muusikasuuna juurde kuulub? Postmodernism -kuidas nimetatakse tema autoristiili? Mida see nimetus tähendab? Tintinnabuli-stiil, mis sulandab kaks ühehäälset strukturaalset liini ehk meloodia- ja kolmkõla- hääle üheks orgaaniliseks tervikuks -nimeta 2 teost tintinnabuli stiilis "Passio" "Los Angeles" 10. Heliloojad ­ Mis maalt pärit, millise muusikavoolu esindajad, nimeta mõni põhiteos.

Muusika → Muusika
18 allalaadimist


Rakvere Ametikool Referaat RIHO RÄSTAS AS13 Autokeemia Referaat Juhendaja: Pertti Pärna 2014 Aquapel Anti-Fog - uduvastane vahend Aquapel Anti-Fog - uus spetsiaalvahend, mis vähendab klaaside sisepindade uduseks muutumist. See tagab niisketes oludes parema nähtavuse, klaasid ei ole enam seest udused ega jääs ja sõidu alustamine muutub ohutumaks! AQUAPEL GLASS TREATMENT - klaasitaastaja - klaasivaha Aquapel Glass Treatment on uusimal tehnoloogial põhinev klaaside taastaja. Erinevalt klassikalistest silikoonide baasil klaasivahadest, mis ainult katavad klaasi vahasarnase libeda kihiga, loob Aquapel klaasi molekulidega keemilised sidemed ehk "saab klaasi osaks", mitte ei kleepu lihtsalt pinnale. See tagab kuni 6 korda parema vastupidavuse. Taastaja muudab klaasi pinna siledaks. Nii paraneb klaasipuhastajate töö efektiivsus,

Auto → Auto õpetus
18 allalaadimist

Estonian teen

I don’t argue with my parents lot. When I argue then mostly about how much do I have to study and why I don’t take school a much more serious. I really don’t have any reasons to argue with my parents because I like following rules. How is school life for you? I like school because then I can talk to my friends. School and studying isn’t very hard but sometimes it’s abnormal how much teacher give you a homework. The school atmosphere is very good in our glass but our glass doesn’t speak a lot to our parallel glass because they really hate us. What are the biggest pressures for teens in your city? Võru doesn’t have many pressures but maybe the biggest problem is that in Võru there is no place to be with your friends. In our city luckily is no problem with criminality. Is there a difference in Estonia between the north and the south? No, our country is small and there aren’t big differences. Maybe the biggest difference is

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Minimalismi teerajajaid Knekompositsioon Its Gonna Rain 1965 metafoor kardetavale tuuakatastroofile salvestas katkendi preestri jutlusest veeuputusest Faasinihketehnika (phasing) omavahelisest faasist vlja libisevad makilinditsklid nimetas kontrollitud kaoseks City Life 1995 Steve Reich Ensemble hendatud elektroonilised pillid/aparaadid, naturaalsed pillid, olmemra V osa Heav smoke originaalsalvestised World Trade Centeri pommiplahvatusest (1993) tekkinud tulekahjukaosest Philip Glass 1937 Minimalismi teerajajad Koyaanisqatsi (elu, mis on tasakaalust vljas) Philip Glass Ensemble hopi-indiaanlaste keeles ngemus kahe erineva maailma kokkuprkest - linlik elu/tehnika ja looduskeskkond muusikat esitatakse ka live-variandina, taustaks helitu film Minimalistlik ooper: Einstein on the Beach 1976

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
27 allalaadimist

Home Assignment/Empirical Social Research

Karl sits on the floor and starts to watch a television (comes advertisement). Mother is leaving from behind of Karl to the kitchen. Karl notices this right after the advertisement is over and turns his face to see mother. Now he starts to pout again, stands up and runs to the kitchen. Because of mother heard his cry she starts to shout: "Come here son!" When Karl arrives to the kitchen, he calms down. He is watching up to mum and tells: "Drink, drink!" Mother passes her glass of water. Karl drinks and afterwards puts the glass on the floor. Mother is asking "Thank you?" and extends her hand in the direction of the glass. Liisa Karu Karl raises the glass from the floor and gives it to mum. Mother says again thank you. Then Karl sits on the floor and plays with a cat and dog. Mother is doing some stuff in kitchen. Karl tries to pull the tail of

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Articles - konspekt

Articles 1. We use a / an when we are talking about something for the first time. He is wearing a suit and a tie. They have an elephant 2. We use the when we are talking about a specific person or thing, or if there is only one, or if it is clear which one we are talking about. She took a glass of water and started to drink. (one of many glasses of water) She took the glass of water nearest to her. (a specific glass) 3. We use no article when we are talking about people or things in general. English people drink a lot of tea. (English people in general) The English people in this hotel are very nice. (specific English people) 4. We use a / an to say what kind of person or thing someone or something is (often with an adjective, or to say it belongs to a particular group. You have a nice house. That's a very expensive car! A cat is an animal a bus is a vehicle.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Am i an optimist or pessimist

Am I an optimist or pessimist We live a hard life, we need to deal with many problems. And everyone looks at these problems in there own way. Some of the people are optimistic and the others are not. But is my glass half-full or half-empty? To answer this question I have to weigh all the pros and cons. For example, sometimes in hard situations I just give up, because I just can no longer force this. But I still know, that somewhere deep in my heart there is hope that everything will be alright. That is why I can proudly call myself an optimistic person! And I want to give you good advice! Even on those days when nothing in your life seems to be going

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Artikkel 1.Artikli kasuamine loendamatu nimisõnaga. Snow, sugar, love, water, glass *Üldiselt loendamatu nimisõna ette artikkel ei käi. _ snow in white.artiklit ei tule This plate is made of _ glass. Artiklit ei tule *A/an ei kasutada loendamatu nimsõna ees mittekunagi. *"The" on võimalik kasutada loendamat nimisõna ees siis, kui see on väga täpselt määratletud. 1. The snow in our street is dirty. 2. The water in the River kunda is (hopefully) not polluted. 3.I like _ sugar. The sugar in this bowl is too yellow. 4.A bowl of sugar. 5. i'd like o have a tee/ a coffee. Pole loendava, aga tähendaa, et tahan tassi kohvi/teed. 2.Loendatavad nimisõnad.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

"All Marketers are Liars" presentatsioon

Marketing? Marketing is about spreading ideas, and spreading ideas is the single most important output of our civilization. Marketers and consumers Marketers believe they are in charge and consumers listen to them Successful Marketing Customers worldviews got there before you did People only notice new and guess First impressions start the story Great marketers tell the story they believe Marketers with authenticity survive Every marketer tells a story wine tastes better in a $20 glass than a $1 glass $80,000 Porsche Cayenne is vastly superior to a $36,000 VW Touareg $225 Pumas will make our feet feel better and look coolerthan $20 nonames Marketers fail Selfish Scurilous Fiji water How did Fiji water become one Is it because it tastes that of the bestselling brands of much better or is more bottled water in the United nutritious? States ­ even though it's one of the most expensive? Nope..

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


................................................... 9 1.2.1 WEATHER SHIELD - tugevdatud polümeeride baasil kaitsevaha...............12 1.2.2 Pihustatav vahashampoon, tagatud parim autopesu.......................................12 1.2.3 VAN DER CAR ............................................................................................13 1.3 Autoklaaside hooldamine.....................................................................................14 1.3.1 Nano Glass Treatment....................................................................................14 1.3.2 Autoglym Car Class Polish............................................................................ 14 1.3.3 Autoglym Fast Glass...................................................................................... 14 1.3.4 RainX udueemaldaja ..................................................................................... 15 1.3.5 Sonax Glass Polish ...........

Majandus → Kaubandus ökonoomika
40 allalaadimist


Subject: environmental situation at Poku Date: 22 February 2012 As a member on the Nature Club I have decided to write a report describing the environmental situation and make some recommendations based of the opinion poll. The situation at Poku is satisfying. Water and noise pollution is low because there are no cities around here. Wildlife is good and getting better because we have beautiful forests near Poku which gives good living and development places for wild animals. Paper and glass recycling is well organized. We have paper and glass containers and workers are cleaning them daily basis. Due to the fact that overall life in Poku is good we still have some problematic things to consider. Nowadays government has started to cut trees near Poku. This affects development of animals living in these areas because it takes away living areas of these animals. Air pollution is also rising because of overall pollution coming from distant cities and from cars that tourists use

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Modern Tallinn

It has an exhibitions dedicated to the history of cinema in Estonia. Architects were Anto Savi, Margus Soonets and Jürgen Lepper. NOA RESTAURANT Opend in 2014 The building has been specially built for the restaurant. The interior is simple and full of light and all tables have a view to the sea. VIIMSI SECONDARY SCHOOL The ground floor of the school is in the shape of a sun weel. Different wings of the building meet in the middle and from an atrium with a glass roof and a water wall. Architects: Illimar Truverk, Eero Endjärv, Priit Pent and Raul Järgi. NO99 STRAW THEATRE Opend in 2011. It served it's purpose as the summer theatre for NO99. This building has proven that it is possible to build public buildings out of highly flammable materials as straws. TALLINN DESIGN HOUSE It has diverse collections of Estonian design. Designers: Ivo Nikkolo, Kristina Viirpalu, KÄT, Piret Ilves, SOMA jewellery, Liisa Soolepp.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Big Ben

Several small rooms are built into the lower part of the tower, including a small prison cell. The Clocks The cast iron frame of the clock face was designed by AW Pugin, who was responsible for much of the Gothic decorative elements of the Palace of Westminster. The dials are 23 feet in diameter and the faces themselves are not solid, but is composed of many small pieces of opal glass, assembled like a stained glass window. Several of the central pieces of glass can be removed to allow inspection of the hands from inside the clock tower. The numbers on the clock faces are each two feet high. An inscription in Latin below each clock face translates as "God save our Queen Victoria I". At the time of its construction the clock mechanism was easily the largest in the world, and it is still among the largest today

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Meeli Kõiva

omas ajas. Elulugu Loonud monumentaaltöid ja valgusskulptuure avalikesse hoonetesse ja eramutesse Eestis, Soomes, Rootsis, Belgias, USAs. Kavandanud üle 30 klaas- monumentaalteose. Esinenud näitustega, ettekannetega ja konverentsidel üle maailma. Esinenud näitustega Tallinnas, Malmös, Helsingis, Brüsselis ja New Yorgis. Meeli Kõivast avaldatud pikemad artiklid rahvusvahelistes ajakirjades: * Helene Waiss "Stained Glass Quarterly of America", * Thomas Lawrence "Manhattan Arts International", * Vicky Kastanias "The World of Glass". Meeli Kõivast on kirjutatud üle 60 artikli erinevates keeltes. Aastail 1994­2008 on Kõiva elanud ja töötanud Soomes, Rootsis, USA-s, Saksamaal, Belgias. Koostööprojektid Helsingi, Stockholmi, New Yorgi ja Seattle'i tipparhitektide ja inseneridega. Meeli Kõiva isa Harri Kõiva oli ehitusinsener ja karikaturist, ema Ottilie-Olga Kõiva on folklorist

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
5 allalaadimist

Tabel muusikavooludest (hilisromantism - postserialism)

Absurdikunst Arvo Pärt Mikropolüfoonia Pointilism Giorgy Ligeti MINIMALISM 1960-ndad Ameerikas Heakõlalisus, Philip Glass Glassworks Ehk kordustemuusika, Steve Reich Opposite trains UUSTONAALSUS minimaalne muusikaline John Adams Ooper ,,Nixon in China" materjal, lihtsustatud, (POSTMINIMALISM)

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
65 allalaadimist

Litter in our country

of bins is not a major factor in littering. Sometimes you can see the bin in the street, and a pile of litter half a meter away from it. The main reason of littering is behaviour. The more litter people see on the street the more inclined to litter. For example, cinema complexes, football ground and theatres are cleaned up but such areas as parks and streets are neglected. But people don't think that litter can be dangerous. It can especially be dangerous when it involves items such as broken glass, needles and syringes. Litter can get into the drainage system and block it. Litter scattered all over the city. Makes it look ugly. And it usually costs a lot of money to clean up the city every year. But the biggest problem is municipal dumps, because they cause environmental pollution. Most of the municipal dumps are filled with plastic bags, different wrapping, shopping bags and supermarket bags. We can also see empty cans from different drinks, broken glass and others

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Brazil's national drinks

Once almost unknown outside Brazil, the drink has become more popular and more widely available in recent years, in large part due to the rising availability of first-rate brands of cachaça outside Brazil. The International Bartenders Association has designated it as one of their Official Cocktails. Caipirinha's are easy to make. All you need is a little cachaca, a lime or tow and some cane sugar (plain sugar will be fine as well). Make this drink in a lowball glass, or any other glass available. Cachaça Cachaça is a liquor made from fermented sugarcane. It is the most popular distilled alcoholic beverage in Brazil. It is also known as aguardente, pinga, caninha or other names. Cachaça is mostly produced in Brazil, where, according to 2007 figures, 1.5 billion liters (390 million gallons) are consumed annually, compared with 15 million liters (4.0 million gallons) outside the country. It is typically between 38% and 54% alcohol by volume. When it is homemade it can be

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


ROCKBAR HENRI KOMPUS EI-52 WHAT IS A ROCKBAR? • Glass fiiber+ plastic • Composite reinforcement COMPARISON COMPOSITE REINFORCEMENT STEEL REINFORCEMENT ROCKBAR 2 • Density 1000 (g/cm3) High • Tensile 0,56 7,8 strenght 550 (MPa) Low • Corrosion- &

Ehitus → Betoonitööd
3 allalaadimist


QUANTITIES Kogused, hulgad Quantities a packet of crisps – pakk krõbinaid a glass of juice – klaas vett a tin of cat food – purk kassitoitu a cup of tea – tass teed a bar of chocolate – tahvel šokolaadi a bottle of water – pudel vett a bunch of bananas – kimp banaane a pot of yoghurt – tops jogurtit a carton of milk – (tetrapakk) piima a loaf of bread – päts leiba a bag of sweets – pakk komme a kilo of cheese – kilo juustu two slices of bread – kaks viilu leiba

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Apple cake

Apple cake Ingredients: 200g Butter 4 Eggs ½ glass Sugar 2 glasses Flour 1 teaspoon Baking powder 5-10 apples 1 teaspoon cinnamon __________________________________________________________________________ 1.Melt the butter and let it cool 2.Whisk eggs with sugar and salt, mix and melt with margarine 3.Add flour with baking powder and mix with the dough evenly 4.Pad the apples and cut into thicker slices 5.Raise the dough in a greased plate, smooth 1cm thick layer. 6.Spread apple slices in the batter and gently push. Sprinkle cinnamon over apples

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essay: My Ideal Home

space, therefore, this is fulfilled only essential things. On the right hand, there is a low cupboard, which is next to the vase of globeflowers. On the opposite wall, there is rocking chair and a peg. The ceiling is painted white and cream colored carpet covers the parquet. The next room consists of dining and livingroom. This is the biggest and the brightest room in this house. A rich mintcream walls and hardwood floors these two are well contrasted with furniture. One wall is all glass with a nice view of the ocean, so it's left almost uncovered. Only dining table and four chairs in oak are located close to it. This way you should have a good view at sunset. It is even better in autumn and spring, when you can enjoy it at dinner time. Above the table there's big chandelier lamp, also one painting on the wall. It depicting the wild rocky coastline. On the opposite wall, there is fireplace and threepiece suite, consisting of a sofa and two armchairs in

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist


vaid üht alkoholi, ühte lahjendajat ning ühte garneeri (või üldse mitte). Näited: Bloody Mary, Soti viski soodaveega, rumm koolaga jne. Soovitus: hoidke klaase jahedas või jää peal ­ jahutatud klaas hoiab kauem joogi jahedana. See niinimetatud ,,vanatüüpiklaas" toob silme ette kohe viskit joovad meesterahvad, kellel on käes sedasorti madalad klaasid. Kutsutakse ka ,,lowball ghlass" (vastandina highball glass`ile) või ka rocks glass (jääklaas), kuna sellest juuakse ka jääga joodavaid alkohoolseid jooke. Klaas mahutab tavaliselt 150 300 ml ning kasutatakse nn ,,lühikeste" segujookide (alkoholialuseline short drink seigituna või lihtsalt lisatuna jääga täidetud klaasi) ning jääga puhtalt joodavate jookide serveerimiseks. Näited: Black ja White Russian, viski ,,on rocks", Mai Tai jms. Tegu on sihvaka, kõrge ning kumera kujuga

Turism → Restoraniteenindus
36 allalaadimist

Weird Food(s)

Weird Foods Snake Wine  Snake wine is an alcoholic drink produced with steeped whole snakes in rice wine or grain alcohol.  Varieties Steeped: A large toxic snake can be placed into a glass jar of rice wine and left to steep for many months. Mixed: The body fluids of the snake are mixed into wine and consumed immediately in the form of a shot. Fried Spiders  These little chaps are tarantulas, served with a lime and black pepper dip. Recipe The spiders are tossed in a mixture of MSG, sugar, and salt; crushed garlicis fried in oil until fragrant, then the spiders are added and fried alongside the garlic

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Subaru Legacy 1998 Kere

06 in) dia. (51) Front upper pillar (Inner) 7 mm light 8 mm (0.31 in) dia. (35) Rear quarter outer corner patch (0.28 in) dia. (58) Rear floor, near floor strut 15 × attaching hole 5.2 mm (0.205 in) (52) Front seat belt adjust plate 20 mm (0.59 × 0.79 in) dia. dia. attaching hole 12 mm (0.47 in) oblong hole (39) Front rail center notch dia. (40) Front glass upper locating notch (53) Rear door hinge middle hole 10 RH: 6.5 mm (0.256 in) dia., LH: mm (0.39 in) dia. 6.5 × 10 mm (0.256 × 0.39 in) (54) Rear floor, near door 8 mm (0.31 dia. oblong hole in) dia. B: LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT AND ROOM 1. SEDAN B5M0188B

Auto → Auto õpetus
5 allalaadimist

Dear Sir, Dear Madam

I stayed in your hotel from 28th November to 29th November. My handbag breaty big. It is square and red with yellow triangular diamonds on it. In my handbag there is my gold necklaece with green emeralds on it. There are also pair of earrings with sapphires and gold watch with small rubies on it. There is a dark silk scarf with leopard print. There are also my housbend gold ring with big silver emerald and white gold bracelet with purple diamonds on it. There is my glass ashtray with golden tiger on it. There are my Lacoste parfume and my redish lipstick. There is also my new eight megapixels camera and some pictures. I hope that you will find my handbag and return it to the same address which I enclosed with this letter. Yours faithfully , Mary Mills

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

The london eye

Anu Adamson The london eye Construction The tallest Ferris wheel in Europe It's 135 m tall, and 120 m diameter large 32 sealed glass capsules. It moves 26 cm per second, so it's always moving. History It was formally opened by Tony Blair on 31st December 1999, but sense it had some technical problems, it got opened to public on 9th March 2000. In 2007 Tussauds group bought the wheel. Somthing intresting Modelled on the original Chicago Ferris Wheel, it was 94 metres (308 ft) tall and was the first of over 200 Ferris wheels built by Australian engineers Adam Gaddelin and Gareth Watson.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonia Medical Spa Hotel esitlus

Our three different hotel buildings offer comfortable accommodation to guests of different tastes and means. Green House 97 places of accommodation: single and double rooms, family rooms and suites with Jacuzzis or saunas. All rooms have air conditioning. 108 places of accommodation: single and double rooms, rooms for three and suite. The Green House and the White House are connected with a glass gallery. 280 places of accommodation: single and double rooms, suites. All hotel rooms are hypoallergenic. Standard rooms have comfortable beds, desks, satellite TV, telephones, toilets and shower rooms. Most rooms have balconies. Extra beds are available. All hotel buildings are equipped with ramps and lifts.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Ways to protect the environment

Plant a tree (or a few!) in your yard as a family project. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the long list of health- and environment- improving benefits of having trees around include reducing your air-conditioning costs by providing shade; possibly raising the property value and resale appeal of your home; pulling carbon dioxide out of the environment and creating oxygen; improved water quality; and providing you with calming surroundings. . RECYCLE GLASS RECYCLE PAPER Recycled glass reduces related air By using waste paper to produce new paper disposal problems are reduced. pollution by 20 percent and Just the Sunday papers would save related water pollution by 50 more than half a million trees every percent. If it isn't recycled it can week. take a million years to decompose. 

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Economy of england

Region Important cities Industry Farming South Bristol, Weymouth, Cheddar cheese, sheep West Poole, Plymouth, cider, tin, stone, Exeter , Salisbury, Bath, clay, engineering, Gloucester ship building, electronics, food processing, computers, cars. South East Oxford,Reading,Windsor The largest oil Fruit refinery,hovercroft farms,Lamberhurst, factories,nuclear Apples,hops,brewing power station, beer East of Cambridge , Norwich , Fishing , cereals, sugarbeet, England Ipswich, fru...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


The King and Queen think that he is acting strange because he is in love with Ophelia. So they put him in a room with Ophelia to find out for sure. But Hamlet was mean to her, so his uncle thinks Hamlet knows he killed his father and that's why he's mad. Ophelia goes crazy because Hamlet says he doesn't love her and she drowns herself. Her brother blames Hamlet and challenges him to a duel. At the duel, Claudius puts poison in a glass of wine and on the swords because he wants to kill Hamlet. The Queen drinks the wine by mistake and dies. Hamlet and Ophelia's brother stab one another with the poison swords and they both die, but Hamlet kills the king just before he dies.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Liha-Kött Vorst-en korv Kotlet-en biff / en kotlet Praetud kana-en kycklig Lihapallid-köttbullar Fisk och skaldjur-koorik En sill-heeringas Krevett-En räka. Turks-torsk Piimakaubad- mejerivaror Juust-en öst Juustutükk-ostbit Muna-ett ägg Jogusrt-en yoghurt Kastmed ja maitseained Tahkem moos-en marmelad Ketsup-en ketchup Sinep-en senap Suhker-socker Sool-salt Pipar-pepper Kaste-en sås Saia tooted Leib-ett bröd Limpa-leivapäts Sai,soolane kukkel-en fralla Võileib-en smörgås(ar) Kook-en kaka Magus saiake-en bulle Tort-en tårta Hernesupp-ärtsoppa Siirup-sirap Hot dog-varm korv,grill korv Puder-gröt Jäätis-glass Müsli-en müsli Maisihelbed-en corn-flakes/ en flingor Riis-ett ris Pasta- en pasta, makaroner Joogid Kohvi- ett kaffe Tee-ett te Vesi-en vatten kakao ­( choklad limonaad-en läsk õlu-en öl mahl-en juice morss-en saft vein-en vin tume vein-rött vin hele-vitt vin Köögi,aed-viljad-grönsaker Tomat-en tomat Kurk-en gurka Sibul-en lö...

Keeled → Rootsi keel
29 allalaadimist

Descrpition of two girls

Julia She is a young adult, at 19 years of age, but she looks a bit older than her age. She is curvaceous, with an hour-glass figure. She is a red-head ­ with wavy red hair, that she most of the time wears in the bun. She also has freckles on her face and arms. Her face is heart-shaped with high cheekbones. She has big round and green eyes. Her eyebrows are arched. She has a narrow nose with a little birthmark near it. She has full lips and they are usually smiling. Kate She is in her teens, 15 years old. She's quite tall and a little plump. Her hair is straight, but thick and heavy. She has an oval face with high cheekbones. Her skin is smooth and tanned. She has grey almond-shaped eyes with thick lashes and her eyebrows are arched. Her lips are pursed, though she's usually talking and laughing. She also has a birthmark on the right side above the lip. She has a broad nose and regular teeth. Her chin is a little bit pointed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Popsicle and lollipop

POPSICLE AND LOLLIPOP About popsicle ● a water-based frozen snack ● ice lolly, ice poles, freeze pops, popsicle ● made by freezing flavored liquid around a stick (fruit juice) History ● Frank Epperson at the age of 11 ● 1905 ● he left a glass of powdered soda and water with a mixing stick in it outside during a cold night How to make ● ● take the popsicle containers ● put whatever you like in it-juice, yoghurt, fruits, or everything together) ● place a stick in it and put it in a freezer ● after a few hours take it out and enjoy About lollipop ● a type of sweet candy consisting mainly of hardened, flavored sucrose with corn syrup on a stick ● intended for licking

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kohustuslik sõnavara teenindajale

mida aletraniitivna külalisele pakkuda. Good afternoon / good evening! (Please, may I have your attention please. Thank you.). You have today 3-courses menu: For a starter there is a.....nt Tomato and mozzarella salad /Oriental salad, For a main course : ......nt Chicken fillet, with rice and creamy fencol sauce And .....nt Tiramisu for desseret. Coffee, tea and water is included. If you would like to have any other drinks it is payable separately. I would suggest a glass of white / red house wine or maybe a glass of Estonian beer? Tere päevast, õhtust (Tervist, kas ma tohin paluda hetkeks teie tähelepanu) Teil on tänaseks tellitud 3-käiguline menüü. Eelroaks on .....nt tomati ­ mozzarella salat Pearoaks on ..... nt mee ja sinepiga glasuuritud seakarbonaad..... Ja magustoiduks ..... nt Tiramisu kook Kohv, tee, jäävesi kuulub lõunasöögi juurde. Kui teil on soovi mõnda muud jooki juua ­ õlut, veini, mahla, cocat, siis see on eraldi raha eest

Turism → Turism
8 allalaadimist

Life in future

Life in future I think that technology will definitely influence our lives, but I don't think that life will be better than now, rather worse. The air won't be suitable for breathing so there will be probably some kind of masks or glass cities, where to live. Water won't be drinkable and people will buy all needful water from shops, actually not from shops but from the internet, because there won't be shops anymore. Food nearly won't exist anymore; energy will come in tablet form. Transport will be a lot comfortable and faster. Cars will be soundless and all vehicles will whir ten times faster. You will think nothing of taking a holiday in outer space. Students will learn from TV, recorders and teaching machines. They will get pills to make them learn faster. We shall be healthier, too. There will be no common colds, cancer, tooth decay or mental illness. But this will be artificial and impermanent....

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

) 4. Puhkemine-onset 5. Kruus-gravel(Gravel considered a small stone pieces) 6. Hape-acid(H2SO4 is a strong acid) 7. Uudsus, uudisesse-novelty 8. Põlgus,solvumine-contempt 9. Kõõlus-sinew(The sinew conects muscle to bone) 10. Kannatus,mure-distress 11. Habeme tüügas-stubble 12. Elavus,joovastus-exhilaration 13. Katuseta istekohad publikule-bleachers 14. Kaastunne-compassion 15. Ventima(aega)-stall 16. Kildukas purunema-shatter(The glass shattered into a thousend pieces) 17. Läbi imbuma-pervade 18. Juhmistama, oimetuks lööma-stun 19. Mässama, vastu hakkama-mutiny 20. Nõutuks tegema-baffle 21. Tagasi võtma, tagasi tõmbuma-withdraw 22. Vinguma-whine 23. Minema viskama-dump 24. Kummuli minema-capsize 25. Alla neelama, üle ujutama-engulf(The flames rapidly engulfed the house) 26. Viskama, heitma-pitch(She pitched the stone into the river) 27. Välja tõrjuma-displace 28. Reetma,ära andma-betray 29

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


KONTSEPTUALISM Neli põhilist lähtekohta Kunstiteos on IDEE, ÜLDMÕISTE, mitte materiaalne objekt Keele ja kunsti erinevuse ähmastamine Kunsti kommertsialiseerumise taunimine Sotsiaalne staatus ei tohiks omada võimu kultuuri üle Concept Märksõnad: idee, kontseptsioon, eesmärk, kriitika, keel Kunstniku kui teostaja roll väike Primitiivsus, lihtsus levinud, kavatsused selged Deklareeriti, et tuleb loobuda tühjade vormide produtseerimisest Nimed ja numbrid Jõuline ettekuulutaja kunstnik-dadaist Marcel Duchamp Algus 1958, Pariisis Iris Clert'i galeriis "Tühjus" 1967. aastal määratleb ja propageerib Sol LeWitt Mõjukaim Joseph Kosuth "Kunst tõestab ennast ise nagu matemaatikagi" - J. Kosuth "Kui keegi ütleb, et miski on kunst, siis see ongi kunst" - D. Judd John Baldessari (s. 1931) "A TWO-DIMENSIONAL SURFACE WITHOUT ANY ARTICULAT...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
25 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun