European Union Exam 1949 France, UK and the Benelux countries decide to set in place a Council of Europe. 1951 Treaty of Paris signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). 1957 Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). 1959 July, seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) – Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – decide to establish a European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1960 Creation of European Free Trade Association 1961 UK applies to join the Community. 1962 The Parliamentary Assembly changes its name to the European Parliament. 1965 The Treaty merging the executives of the three Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) is signed in Brussels; enters into force on July 1, 1967. Empty chair crisis 1966 Luxembourg compromise – solution for the empty chair
European Union Research Compose: x X School 2009/10 What is European Union? The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries. EU population is almost a half milliard European union stands for caring and fair community. All EU members are devoted to peace, democracy, human rights respecting and working together to spread these values all the world. History The beginning of EU might consider the year 1951, when European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was constitute. Six countries joined with it for peace: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, France and Germany. With that move, coal and steel industry were put under one organisation, so war was almost impossible between these six country. Cooperation in different areas improved, when in 25. March 1957 Treaties of Rom , European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Community memorandum of association were signed. These were sundry
Private School of Audentes Links between English speaking countries and Estonia Author: Kristin Liiv Supervisor: Mari Martma Tallinn 2006 2 Table of contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................4 First links............................................................................................................................. 5 20th century..........................................................................................................................5 Recognition.......................................................................................................................... 9 Conclusions........................................................................................................................10 References.........................
The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union where are 27 member states drom European continent. The EU operates through a system of independent institutions and decisions are made by the member countries. EUs population is of over 500 million inhabitants which is 7.3% of the world population, there are 23 different languages and for now 17 countries are using EUs common currency Euro. EU was founded after World War II, when Europe was struggeling in social and political devastations. In 1948 a congress in Hague was held to discuss ideas about the development of European political co-operation. There were many important political figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Winston Churchill. On 9th May in 1950 French Minister of Foreign Affairs proposed that France and the Federal Republic of Germany should combine their coal and steel resources and let other European countries join also. From that on, the 9th of May has been considered as the birth of European Union and is now c
Introduction Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti or Eesti Vabariik) is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by the Russian Federation (338,6 km). The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people closely related to the Finns, with the Estonian language sharing many similarities to Finnish. The modern name of Estonia is thought to originate from the Roman historian Tacitus, who in his book Germania (ca. AD 98) described a people called the Aestii. Similarly, ancient Scandinavian sagas refer to a land called Eistland, close to the German term Estland for the country. Early Latin and other ancient versions of the name are Estia and Hestia. Until the late 1930s, the name was often written as Esthonia in most Englis
EL eksam European Institutions Council of the European Union – Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu (ministrid) - Legislative ja budgetary - Peab läbirääkimisi õigusaktide üle ja võtab need vastu (väga oluline otsustaja) otsustajaks vaja majorityt - Koordineerib liikmesriikide poliitikaid (majandus, haridus, kultuur, tööhõive jne) - Arendab EL ühist välis- ja julgeolekupoliitikat - Sõlmib rahvusvahelisi lepinguid (annab komisjonile volitused pidada EL nimel läbirääkimisi) - Võtab vastu eelarve (koos parlamendiga) - Liikmeteks valitsuse ministrid igast ELi liikmesriigist vastavalt arutamisele kuuluvale poliitikavaldkonnale st esindab riike; permanent representaties (COREPER) - Eesistuja!!! - Asutati 1958 ECSC raames Council of Europe – Euroopa Nõukogu - Rahvusvaheline organisatsioon; 47 riiki Euroopast ja Aasiast - Tegevusvaldkonnad: inimõigused, sotsiaalõigused, k
The Troubled Peace 1 a) The Nazis didn't care for any other nationalities, they used people who weren't German only for ''slave work'' . Germanys only concern was to keep themselves happy and powerful. They wanted to make themselves the superior race. Hitlers idea of the perfect race, the Aryan race also didn't help, because the Aryan race should have people with light eyes,hair and skin, they should be tall and powerful. He didn't care for people who didn't meet his expectations of the perfect race. In his eyes all other groups of people like the Russians, Jews and just crazy, crippled or diseased people were worthless and didn't have any other use than for slave work or just killing. b) After the war twenty-four major political and military leaders of Nazi Germany, indicted for aggressive war, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, were brought to trial before the British, French, Russian and American judges. More than 100 additional def
Ireland Ireland (Irish: Éire, Irish pronunciation:) is a country in north-western Europe. The modern sovereign state occupies about five-sixths of the island of Ireland, which was first partitioned on 3 May 1921. It is bordered by Northern Ireland--part of the United Kingdom--to the north, by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Irish Sea to the east and the Celtic Sea and St George's Channel to the South and South-East. The legal name of the state is simply "Ireland", but its legal description the Republic of Ireland is sometimes used to differentiate the state from the island. On 29 December 1937 Ireland became the successor-state to the Irish Free State, itself established on 6 December 1922. Ireland was one of the poorest countries in Western Europe and had high emigration. The protectionist economy was opened in the late 1950s and Ireland joined the European Communities (now the European Union) in 1973. An economic crisis led Ireland to s
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