USA: West Coast Kristiina Sekljutskaja 11A West Coast · The "West Coast", "Western Seaboard", or "Pacific Coastline" are terms for the westernmost coastal states of the United States. · It most often comprises California, Oregon and Washington. Arizona and Nevada, while not coastal states, are often included due to their proximity to the Pacific Coast and their economic and cultural ties to California · As of 2007, the estimated population of the West Coast ranged from approximately 5060 million, depending on which states are included in the estimate. · Major coastal cities on the West Coast include San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas. ·West Coast includes: ·Washington ·Oregon ·Arizona ·Nevada ·California Washington · Named after George Washington, the first President of the United States · Capital: Olympia · Largest city: Seattl...
The name short foot was first mentioned in 1353, the name brev is mons in latin. Short foot is a street between Rataskaevu street and Long foot in the old town of Tallinn. The name that is used nowadays was translated from german by anton thor helle and it is Lühike jalg. Pikk jalg (lit. long leg/foot), One of the oldest streets in Tallinn, previously known as Strantstrasse (beach road) (1362); Pikk jalg (long-leg) is a steep narrow road which was once the only way into the fortress. It runs from Pikk in the lower town right up to Lossi plats and the Nevsky cathedral. A couple of cafes in the old houses along Pikk jalg offer excellent views and genuine ambience, as well as plenty of caffeine to help you up the hill. The gate tower at the end dates from around 1380. Because of the names short and long Tallinn is sometimes called a limping city. Short Leg is also sometimes called street-stairs, because it is made complet...
HISTORY OF ESTONIA Estonians are one of the longest-settled European peoples, whose forebears, known as the "comb pottery" people, lived on the southeastern shores of the Baltic Sea over 5,000 years ago. Like other early agricultural societies, Estonians were organized into economically self-sufficient, male-dominated clans with few differences in wealth or social power. By the early Middle Ages most Estonians were small landholders, with farmsteads primarily organized by village. With the collapse of the Russian empire in World War I, Russia's provisional government granted national autonomy to Estonia. A popularly elected assembly (Maapaev) was formed but was quickly forced underground by opposing extremist political forces. The Committee of Elders of the underground Maapaev announced the Republic of Estonia on February 24, 1918, 1 day before German troops invaded. After the withdrawal of Ger...
Raha funktsioonid Nimi Kristen Sempelson Järgnevalt on kirjas raha funktsioonid. Too iga funktsiooni kohta üks näide: 1.vahetusvahend: raha on vahetatav kõikide teiste kaupade vastu ning asendab ostja ja müüja vahelistes tehingutes barterit. 2.arvestusühik: raha on ühismõõduks kaupade väärtuse mõõtmisel ja võrdlemisel. 3. akumulatsioonivahend: raha on vara, mille väärtus püsib põhimõtteliselt läbi aja. Raha saab koguda ja kasutada tulevikus tehingute tegemisel. Raha omadused Raha peab olema: 1. stabiilne - raha väärtus ei tohi kõikuda. 2. kaasaskantav - raha peab olema väike ja kerge, et seda saaks kaasas kanda. 3. kulumiskindel - füüsiline vastupidavus. 4. ühtlane - ühesugused rahad peavad olema sama ostujõuga. 5. jagatav - põhiühik jaguneb alamühikuteks. 6. äratuntav - raha peab olema lihtne ära tunda ja raskesti järgi teha. Selgita, mida need omadused tähendavad? Mõtle, kas ...
Country Studies The United Kingdom Test revision questions Form 11 1. What are the capitals of the 4 constituent countries? England London; Wales Cardiff; N-Ireland Belfast; Scotland - Edinburgh 2. Order the invaders in correct chronological order: Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Romans, Celts, Vikings. Celts > Romans > Anglo-Saxons > Vikings > Normans 3. How did the Celts influence Britain? The Celts were in Britain long before the English language existed. Celtic influence on English is minimal. There are more Amerindian words in English than Celtic ones. 4. How many people approximately speak English? 300million as mother tongue, 470million as 2nd language. 5. Who (which tribes) gave the base of the English language? Anglo-Saxons 6. Describe Wales. Part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, population: 3,064,000, Wales has a distinctive culture including its...
The Membership of World Organisations Merilin Tamme Xa Tallinna Järveotsa Gymnasium 2008 The schedule · 04.04.1949 establishment of NATO. · 1951 Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE) was created near Paris in France. Later, SHAPE was relocated to Mons in Belgium. · 1952 Greece and Turkey join NATO. · 1955 Western Germany joins NATO. · 1982 Spain joins NATO. · 1991 Rome summit. Estonia is one of the founding members of the NACC. · January 1994 Brussels summit. Estonia joins PFP on 3 February. · March 1995 Estonia submits the first Individual Partnership for Peace (IPP) to NATO. It contains priority areas of cooperation with NATO and future cooperation events, altogether in 23 subject fields. · March 1997 beginning of involvement of Estonia in peacekeeping mission in SFOR (Stabilisation Force) in Bosnia Herz...