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"relation" - 185 õppematerjali


Isiksusepsühholoogia kordamisküsimused

9. Positiivsete ja negatiivsete emotsioonide/afektide seosed Suure Viisiku, Panksepa Super Seitsme ja Gray BIS/BAS-ga. Kuidas seostub impulsiivsus eelnimetatutega? V LOENG Millised on küsimusele vastamise etapid? Kas nende järjestus on alati (tingimata) sama? Mis vahe on sõna-sõnalisel ja pragmaatilisel tähendusel? (literal vs pragmatic meaning) P. Grice’i maksiimid: kvaliteedi-, suhte, kvantiteedi-, moodusemaksiimid (quality, relation, quantity, manner). Millist reeglit rikutakse kui küsimusele “kas teil on kella?” vastata “jah, vasaku käe peal”? Sobiliku vastusevariandi valimine. Miks ei saa eeldada, et vastusevariantide tähised (nt numbrid 0...6, 1...7 või -3...+3) ei kanna mingit informatsiooni ega ole seetõttu tähtsad? Kuidas saab kontekst mõjutada küsimuste tähenduse mõistmist? Näited ... Miks on vaja eristada hinnangu tuletamist (computing) selle meenutamisest (recalling)? Kumb protsess

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
71 allalaadimist

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education

Valuing and encouraging what we see as children's spontaneous self-directed explorations need to remain an important consideration in structuring learning environments of young children. However, in order to solve pictorial problem, children also require active assistance in (a) pursuing their own intuitive interests in the visual culture that surrounds them. (b) helping them achieve success in meeting their own pictorial expectations, and (c) exploring their emerging metacognitive abilities in relation to their pictorial production and strategies that can enhance this production. It draws on the use of peer as well as adult- generated examples and readiness to discuss ways in which different systems of pictorial representation can be further mastered and extended to suit children's specific needs and ambitions. While advocating a much greater sensitivity to and use of cultural models in early childhood education, it is important to clarify

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

The notification shall be made at least 30 days before the commencement of the work. Subject to paragraph 2, prior notification shall also be made of the use for the first time of each subsequent group 4 biological agent and of any subsequent new group 3 biological agent where the employer himself provisionally classifies that biological agent. 2. Laboratories providing a diagnostic service in relation to group 4 biological agents shall be required only to make an initial notification of their intention. 3. Renotification must take place in any case where there are substantial changes of importance to safety or health at work to processes and/or procedures which render the notification out of date. 4. The notification referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall include:

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

a senior officer responsible for delivery, a dedicated budget)? Context d) Is the proposed integration project associated with any other improvement programmes? How will this impact on local integration? What competing national or local agendas do you need to consider? e) Which sectors are involved and what is their role in relation to integration (for example, patients/public, primary care, acute care, third sector, private sector)? What are the potential consequences of integration on other parts of the health/social care economy? f) How will you bring in strong, visible leaders from each integrating organisation or group to champion the change? How will you ensure dialogue and consensus across stakeholders

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

Common law – the legal system in England and most of the US that has developed from old customs and court decisions, rather than laws made by politicians Continental law – legal system originating in Europe in which legal codes serve as main source of law Two main traditions of law in the world – common, continental. These systems have different sources. Common law systems have developed gradually. The governments didn’t try to codify every legal relation like in continental law, judges did not merely apply the law, they also made the law, their decisions could become precedents for other courts. Judges attempted to apply existing customs and laws to each new case, rather than having government write new laws; similar cases had to be solved in the same way (doctrine of precedent) This doctrine of precedent is still the central feature of common law – if a similar dispute has been resolved in

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Somalia, Mindanao, and parts of India, Russia and the Balkans. Hindu civilization, located chiefly in India, Nepal, and culturally adhered to by the global Non-resident Indians and People of Indian Origin, the diaspora. The Sinic civilization of China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam. This group also includes the Chinese diaspora, especially in relation to Southeast Asia. Japan, considered a hybrid of Chinese civilization and older Altaic patterns. The civilization of Sub-Saharan Africa is considered as a possible 8th civilization by Huntington. The Buddhist areas of Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Arunachal Pradesh, Kalmykia, parts of Nepal, parts of Siberia, and the Tibetan government-in-exile are identified as

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Üldökoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

1. Ökoloogiateaduse uurimisobjektid Ecology (from Greek: , "house"; -, "study of") is the scientificstudy of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings.[1] Ecology includes the study of plant and animalpopulations, plant and animal communities and ecosystems. Ecologists study a range of living phenomena from the role of bacteria in nutrient recycling to the effects of tropical rain forest on the Earth's atmosphere. Autökoloogia on ökoloogia haru, mis tegeleb organismide keskkonnanõudluste ja keskkonna- suhete uurimise ja kirjeldamisega.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
126 allalaadimist

Boolean Functions and their Cryptographic Criteria

Since for any 𝑥 ∈ 𝐴 , the summand is 1 and for any 𝑥 ∈ 𝐴 , the summand is −1, we get the equation. ∎ If and only if the function is balanced the weight of a Boolean function can be expressed though it’s Walsh transform: 1 𝑤𝑡(𝑓) = 2𝑛−1 − 𝑊𝑓 (0𝑛 ) 2 Lemma 3.2. There is a straight relation between the Fourier and Walsh transform of a function: 𝑊𝑓 (𝑢) = 2 𝑛 𝛿(𝑢) − 2𝐹𝑓 (𝑢), 1, 𝑢 = 0 𝑛 where 𝛿(𝑢) = { . 0, 𝑢 ≠ 0 𝑛 7 Lemma 3.3. 0, 𝑣 ≠ 0 𝑛 ∑𝑊 𝑓 (𝑥)𝑊𝑓 (𝑥 ⊕ 𝑣) = {

Informaatika → krüptograafia
1 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

Examples of pronunciation teaching We need to draw our students' attention to include individual sounds, word stress, and intonation but they also need help with connected speech. Working with sounds We often ask our students to focus on one particular sound. We demonstrate how it is made and show how it can be spelt or show the position of the lips when this sound is made and get St-s to make the sound and say words. The phonemic chart is laid out in relation to where in the mouth the forty-four sounds of southern British English are produced. Adrian Underhill (Macmillan Heinemann) What makes this chart special? Each sound has a separate square, the teacher or the student can point to the square to ask students to produce that sound or recognise which sound is being produced. The teacher might point 3 sounds to make a word or vice versa. It can be left on the classroom wall.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

· Understatement which deliberately lessens the size or significance of something (he has just 5 words in his vocabulary) · Understatement which affirms something through denying its contrary. It is used when a person does not want to sound too categorical (He isn't very honest) 3) Stylistic devices based on the interaction of primary and secondary meaning Zeugma--a word (often a verb) stands in the same grammatical relation to 2 words or more. When applying to one of them, it has the direct meaning and when applying to the other word, it has figurative meaning (he opened the window and his heart to me). The effect is irony and humour. Pun--a play of words. The humorous use in 2 or more meanings or of words that sound alike but have different meaning [homonyms, polysemantic words] (What makes the tower of Pisa lean? It never eats.) Semantically false chain--it is enumerating objects without logical connections. The

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at and-conditions

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


nous devons être capables de vivre et d'agir ensemble. (p. 399 et p. 400) En tant que sociologue, J. Demorgon a recours au concept de « multiculturel », qui correspond simplement au constat d'une coprésence de différentes cultures dans la même société, alors que le concept de « pluriculturel » correspond à un projet de formation de citoyens qui, ayant vécu « une expérience diversifiée de la relation à plusieurs langues et cultures autres », sont capables de mettre en oeuvre « des combinaisons, des alternances, des jeux sur plusieurs tableaux » et « des savoir-être soulignant l'ouverture, la convivialité, la bonne volonté (dans la gestuelle, les 12 mimiques, la proxémique générale) ». Il n'en reste pas moins que, comme le dirait Monsieur de

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
2 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise e-konspekt

5.9. Typicallearningtime – õpiobjekti läbimise kestus (näiteks 01:30:00) 5.10. Description – selgitus, kuidas õpiobjekti kasutada 5.11. Language – kasutuskeel 6. Rights – ressursi kasutamise tingimused 6.1. Cost – kas ressursi kasutamine on tasuline (näiteks yes, no) 6.2. Copyrightandotherrestrictions – kas ressursil on autorikaitse (yes, no) 6.3. Description – kasutamisõiguste täiendavad kommentaarid 7. Relation – õpiobjekti seosed teiste õpiobjektidega 7.1. Kind – seose liik (näiteks IsPartOf, HasPart, …) 7.2. Resource – viide seotud ressursile 7.2.1. Identifier – teise ressursi identifikaator 7.2.2. Description – teise ressursi lühikirjeldus 7.2.3. Catalogentry – teise ressursi asukoht 8. Annotation – õpiobjekti kommentaarid 8.1. Person – kommenteerija nimi 8.2

Informaatika → Infosüsteemi projekteerimine
39 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

This is a post-refereeing final draft. When citing, please refer to the published version: Cohen, S.A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.02.002 LIFESTYLE TRAVELLERS: Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

give, V: __ NP PP give, V: Semantic roles: agent, experiencer, patient, theme, recipient, beneficiary, location, goal, source Grammatical relations: subject, direct object, indirect object Voice is a grammatical category which makes it possible to view the action of a sentence in either of two ways, without change in the facts reported. a. The boy ate the yellow apple. b. The yellow apple was eaten by the boy. The active-passive relation involves two grammatical levels: the VP the clause The formula of the active-passive correspondence: NP1 + active VP + NP2 ~ NP2 + passive VP + (by NP1) The passive with and without agents: (a) the agent is not known or difficult to state; (b) the agent is self-evident from the context; (c) mentioning the agent is avoided due to special reasons; (d) there is a greater interest in the passive subject; (e) as a cohesion-building tool in the discourse.

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist


accumulate oil components. Whilst these components may not cause any immediate harm, their presence may render such animals unpalatable if they are consumed by man, due to the presence of an oily taste or smell. This is a temporary problem since the components causing the taint are lost (depurated) when normal conditions are restored. The ability of plants and animals to survive contamination by oil varies. The effects of an oil spill on a population or habitat must be viewed in relation to the stresses caused by other pollutants or by any exploitation of the resource. In view of the natural variability of animal and plant populations, it is usually extremely difficult to assess the effects of an oil spill and to determine when a habitat has recovered to its pre-spill state. In recognition of this problem detailed pre-spill studies are sometimes undertaken to define the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a habitat and the pattern of natural variability

Geograafia → Geograafia
116 allalaadimist

Relatsioonid ja funktsioonid

klas s ideks mis omavahe l ei lõiku j a katavad kogu hulga A. S amas s e klass i kuuluvad elemendid on omavahe l ekvivalents ed. Eelmis es näite puhul kuuluvad s amas s e ekvivalen ts iklas s i arvud, mill e j agamis el arvuga n annavad s amas ugus e j äägi. D ef: relats ioon i, m is on ref lek s iivn e, an tis üm m eetrilin e ja tran s itiivn e n im etatak s e m itteran gek s järjes tu s ek s . (p artial ord er relation , p os et A) Tuntui mad näited mi tterang ed võrratus ed erinevatel arvuhulkadel K ontrollime refleks iivs us : iga a korral kehtib a< = a antis ü mmet ria : a< = b ja b< = a järeldub tõepooles t a= b trans itiivs us a< = b ja b< = c j äreldub a< = c D ef: relats ioon i, m is on an tiref lek s iivn e ja tran s itiivn e n im etatak s e ran geks järjes tu s ek s . Tuntui mad näited ranged võrratus ed erinevate l arvuhulkadel < K ontrollime

Matemaatika → Matemaatika ja statistika
55 allalaadimist

Relatsioonid ja funktsioonid

klas s ideks mis omavahe l ei lõiku j a katavad kogu hulga A. S amas s e klass i kuuluvad elemendid on omavahe l ekvivalents ed. Eelmis es näite puhul kuuluvad s amas s e ekvivalen ts iklas s i arvud, mill e j agamis el arvuga n annavad s amas ugus e j äägi. D ef: relats ioon i, m is on ref lek s iivn e, an tis üm m eetrilin e ja tran s itiivn e n im etatak s e m itteran gek s järjes tu s ek s . (p artial ord er relation , p os et A) Tuntui mad näited mi tterang ed võrratus ed erinevatel arvuhulkadel K ontrollime refleks iivs us : iga a korral kehtib a< = a antis ü mmet ria : a< = b ja b< = a järeldub tõepooles t a= b trans itiivs us a< = b ja b< = c j äreldub a< = c D ef: relats ioon i, m is on an tiref lek s iivn e ja tran s itiivn e n im etatak s e ran geks järjes tu s ek s . Tuntui mad näited ranged võrratus ed erinevate l arvuhulkadel < K ontrollime

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
6 allalaadimist

TPT automaatika eriala kursuse töö

This solution is designed for reduced power assemblies ( few kW). The speed control cannot be a regulator at the same time. This is an aged system where control principle is developed on the basis of the electrical characteristics of motor, using power amplification but without a feedback loop and is described as ,,open loop". The speed of the motor is defined by an input value, it may vary depending on disturbances (load, temperature, supply voltage). The speed range is defined in relation to nominal speed. A Speed regulator is a controlled drive. It features a control system with power amplification and a feedback loop and is described as ,,closed loop". The speed of the motor is defined by a reference value. That value is continiously compared with a feedback signal, which is an image of the motor speed. This signal is supplied either by a tachogenerator or by a pulse generator connected ate the motor shaft end. If a deviation is

Masinaehitus → Automaatika alused
57 allalaadimist


of aero-ionization...................................................................................................................... 15 The omnipresent but constantly fluctuating natural radiation and ionization are related factors of the physical universe. Generally, the individual is aware how subtle the changes in some atmospheric variables such as temperature, humidity, or air movement affect the human body. Less obvious is the relation of the ionization of the atmosphere to the changes in the soma. 2 Objectives of the studies to be summarized here include the determination of how ionized air triggers these several changes, the mechanisms involved, and their relationship and interaction.....................................................................................................

Meditsiin → Esmaabi
89 allalaadimist

Halliste luha taimkatte muutustest

42. Pärtel, M., Mändla, R., Zobel, M. 1999. Landscape history of a calcareous (alvar) grassland in Hanila, western Estonia, during the last three hundred years. Landscape Ecology, 14, 187-196. 43. Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1999. Small-scale plant species richness in calcareous grasslands determined by the species pool, community age and shoot density. - Ecography 22: 153-159. 44. Pärtel, M., Zobel, M., Zobel, K. and Van der Maarel, E. 1996. The species pool and its relation to species richness - evidence from Estonian plant communities. Oikos 75: 111-117. 45. Reintam, L.,1962. Mullateadus. Tallinn. 46. Sarv, T. 1984. Kui palju on Eestis puisniite? Eesti Loodus 6: 360-361 47. Stevens, M.H.H. & Carson, W.P. 1999. Plant density determines species richness along an experimental fertility gradient. Ecology 80: 455-465. 48. Zobel K., Liira, J. 1997. A scale-independent approach to the richness vs biomass relationship in ground-layer communities. Oikos 80:325-332

Botaanika → Rakendusbotaanika
2 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Public International Law is a system of law, different from domestic law. Why is this system unique? Usually law regulates relations between people, people and the state etc, PIL regulates relations between states. Thats why PIL is important for international relation students. PIL influences the life of everybody, it doesn't regulate people directly but indirectly (through the decisions of the states), because it's everywhere. It's like air. E.g. when you want to send a letter to Brazil, you put a stamp from your own country and send it from your post office and the letter gets delivered. Why is this so easy, because there are certain international conventions that regulate postal services. E.g. traffic signs are almost the same everywhere, why

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

suffered the most.However, even shortly after the Wall Street Crash of 1929, optimism persisted; John D. Rockefeller said that "These are days when many are discouraged. In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone. Prosperity has always returned and will again." There were multiple causes for the first downturn in 1929, including the structural weaknesses and specific events that turned it into a major depression and the way in which the downturn spread from country to country. In relation to the 1929 downturn, historians emphasize structural factors like massive bank failures and the stock market crash, while economists (such as Peter Temin and Barry Eichengreen) point to Britain's decision to return to the Gold Standard at pre-World War I parities. Ernest Miller Hemingway Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), born in Oak Park, Illinois, started his career as a writer in a newspaper office in Kansas City at the age of seventeen

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist

Raamatu ajalugu - kokkuvõte

could be melted, and reformed into a blank. The custom of binding several wax tablets together (Roman pugillares) is a possible precursor for modern books (i.e. codex). The etymology of the word codex (block of wood) also suggests that it may have developed from wooden wax tablets. In the 5th century, Isidore of Seville explained the relation between codex, book and scroll in his Etymologiae (VI.13): "A codex is composed of many books; a book is of one scroll. It is called codex by way of metaphor from the trunks (codex) of trees or vines, as if it were a wooden stock, because it contains in itself a multitude of books, as it were of branches." Middle Ages Manuscripts Folio 14 recto of the 5th century Vergilius Romanus contains an author portrait of Virgil

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
22 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

It was given all the land whose rivers drained into the Hudson Bay, which became known as Rupert's Land. HBC was formed in 1670, and was given all the land whose rivers drained into the Hudson Bay, which became known as Rupert's Land. It was the only company allowed to trade fur, they had no competition. It was at one time the largest landowner in the world. 24. Recent political developments in the north in relation to global warming. The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that addresses issues faced by the Arctic governments and the indigenous people of the Arctic. It has eight member countries: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. Due to the climate change and melting of the Arctic sea-ice, more energy resources and waterways are now becoming accessible

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Committee. Rubinstein, Stalin's Secret Program, try to understand Sov context, what they wanted todo. Doctors Plot, Zhdanov died from heart problems. Pravda, Izvestia, 53, guilty are J doctors in Kremlin, disproportional. From above. Jan-Mar, scary period for Js in high occuptions. Stalin died. Look in context of other peoples, nations, to understand J minority. Js fully integrated in interior until 48. Now it begins to seem that will not be, not equal. All Js, certain type of Js? Relation to IL, influence on what happens on SU Js. 18 Mar Stalin's secret pogrom: the postwar inquisition of the j anti-fascist committee - %party members? Indicted late? Office of security. Struggle for/against nationalism. Anti soviet vs anti-Semitic. Tied to Il, raising army, intl Js. Yiddish dying, need preserve culture. Nation wo territory, autonomous rights. From ghetto? P 104. Not enough evidence for show trial. Scared of betrayal. Scare Lithuanians, Ukrainians, still fighting. MBG found file

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

1 Tervisekäitumine II loeng 2017 Moodle

Tervisekäitumine, 2 Tervisekasvatus noorsootöös PSP6034.LT Kevadsemester 2017 Sirje Vaask, MPH, PhD Loodus- ja terviseteaduste instituut Õppeaine hindamine 1) Kursus lõpeb arvestusega – vajalikul tasemel läbitud test (valikvastustega). Viimase seminari eelnevalt - arvestus Moodles 9 mai õhtul kell 19- 20 2) järeltest Moodle keskkonnas + vestlus 3) Arvestuse saamise eelduseks on iseseisvate tööde esitamine ja ühise projektitöö esitamine, tervisekäitumise edendamisele suunatud projekti ning selle ettekandmist ja arutelu viimasel korral. Noorsootöö: Tervisekasvatus noorsootöös – moodustab see osa, 60%: hindeline Tervisekäitumine, TE teooriad/mudelid Tervis Tervise edendamine Haigus Elukvaliteet Tervisekaitse Ebavõrdsus tervises Tervisekasvatus Enesetõhusus Rahvatervis Paikkond Haiguste ennetamine Haigestumus,suremus ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
36 allalaadimist

American Literature

Then slowly tortured until his life was worse than death. Overall Hester not confessing her crimes may or may not have worked out, we can't tell from the information in the book. Roger Chillingworth, as he is now called, is also a sinner. He commits the most sins of anyone in the whole book. He starts by marrying Hester without love. He says "We have wronged each other. Mine was the first wrong, when I betrayed thy budding youth into an unnatural relation with my decay." He feels like he didnt deserve such a young, beautiful wife and doesn't blame her for cheating on him. He does blame whoever she did it with. Which is why he commits his next sin. He sins when he comes back into Boston saying is name is Roger Chillingworth. His real last name is Prynne, like Hester. He uses this lie to gain access to the town in a way he wouldn't have been able to if he used his true identity. Thanks to

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


123­156. 26. Transition Report 1999. Ten years of transition. European Bank. 27. Truu, M. L., Contogiannis, E. Macroeconomics. Cape Town, 1987. Summary The states of transitional economy are unique by their economical processes. One of their individualities was their possibility to create modern institutions as the state budget, the tax system and the local municipalities on an empty place. Today it's obvious that all these have become controversial in relation with experiments of this kind, especially in Estonia. The influence of the tax system on the development of Estonian society, especially on the state budget, the inflation, the unemployment, the local municipalities and the private sector in 1993-1999 was weak. 28 The Estonian tax system was changed in 2000. Since 1 January 2000 the corporate profit is no more taxable in Estonia

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
246 allalaadimist

Uimastite kahjulikkus inimese tervisele ja perekonnasuhetele.

Problems with the police Squabbles with friends Apartment ejection Home väljakolimine Drug use has ceased to become someone or hide the murder. Problems that arose was the police as well as a number of: For most young people were sober, or to the language of young people into the cold. Also, older respondents had a kainerisse release. In addition, the cold got to them in an initial fine of times, it is not so great. Public order in relation to acts purjuspäi purjuspäi drugs or the actions, which should put the responsibility at a later date if they have been sober. And the killings, etc.

Muu → Teadus tööde alused (tta)
260 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

another wider or more general meaning”. • rose and flower ‘rose is a flower’ • rose – hyponym • flower – hyperonym The same word (i.e. its different senses) may be a hyponym of several superodinates: axe (kindof tool but also kind of weapon) Co-hyponyms – a group of hyponyms of a hyperonym • chair, desk, table, stool – co-hyponyms • furniture – hyperonym Meronymy (partonymy) and holonymy • Part-whole relation • meronym – ‘part of’ • trunk, branch – meronyms • tree – holonym Subtypes of meronymy central type (component of integral object) 1) member – collection tree / forest; card / deck 2) portion – mass slice / pie; grain / salt 3) stuff – objekt gin / martini; steel / bicycle 4) feature – activity paying / shopping; dating / adolescence 5) place – area oasis / desert; Everglades / Florida 44

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

distinctions. For example: bachelor – spinster, mother – father, uncle – aunt etc.  There are morphologically marked nouns that have gender distinctions. For example: prince – princess, god – goddess  Case → Case is a grammatical category that shows a syntactic and semantic relation between the word the case applies to and the rest of the elements of the sentence. According to traditional English grammar, there is only one case that applies to the noun. It is called the genitive (or possessive).  This case can be recognised by the ending –‘s. Some of the semantic functions of –s’ are:

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

the species) and also a certain amount of concern for their offspring. But the most marked difference between man and beast is this: the beast, just as far as it is moved by the senses and with very little perception of past or future, adapts itself to that alone which is present at the moment; while man -- because he is endowed with reason, by which he comprehends the chain of consequences, perceives the causes of things, understands the relation of cause to effect and of effect to cause, draws analogies, and connects and associates the present and the future -- easily surveys the course of his whole life and makes the necessary preparations for its conduct strangely tender love for his offspring. She also prompts men to meet in companies, to form public assemblies and to take part in them themselves; and she further dictates, as a consequence of

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

user selected scales presenting user selected chart items. Due to the limited physical size and the limited resolution of computer monitors the chart image generated from ENCs does not fully imitate the known appearance of the paper chart. This apparent disadvantage is compensated by the ENC being a database: special ECDIS operational functions continuously retrieve the ENC content to give warning of impending danger in relation to the vessel’s position and its movement. ENC Data Format In order to facilitate the world-wide uniformity of ENCs issued by different bodies, the IHO Special Publication S-57 “IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data” is used. S-57 generally describes the standards to be used for the exchange of digital hydrographic data between national Hydrographic Office’s and for the distribution of digital data and products to manufacturers, mariners, and other data users.

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Rootsi kirjanduse ajalugu I osa

men även gestalter hämtade från den bibliska, grekiska, romerska och fornnordiska mytologin. Berättande dikt/dramatik Bacchi Tempel (1779) avhandlade hans ordenssällskap. Han blandar hötidlig form (alexandrin) med delvis brulesk, karnevalisk innehåll.  Rokoko – naturen är alltid befolkad, människor är viktiga, insalv av barock- intresset för döden och förgänglighet  Gustavianism/nyklassicism – bra relation med kungen, Han levererade politisk propaganda till stöd för kungen och stod för poetisk och musikalisk underhållning vid hovet; hyllningsdikter till Gustav IIIje  Svensk vistradition- enkla visor tas upp och omarbetas: melodierna i hans sånger lånade han liksom andra sångförfattare ofta från melodier som var populära i hans samtid. De kom från opera och operett, dansmusik, folkvisor med mera, och arbetade om dem så de passade hans syfte.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

answers have shown that most of them evaluate their knowledge of English as average (38%) and as good (37%) accordingly, only 3 people thought their abilities to speak were poor and bad, which only proves the popularity and high priority of English among the questioned. However, all of them have their own ways of learning English, 43% of the respondents claimed they study the English language additionally apart from school. The next four questions concerned the relation of the English language and Estonian reality, in the context of culture, politics and education. So, as it is demonstrated in the figure 2. 53% of the people answered the question admitted that we get under the influence not only of the language but the culture it brings with it, thus changing our own culture and identity. Whether this is bad or not, a difficult question to ask. Figure 2. Acceptance of another culture with the English language

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

Instead, this pa- per is intended to focus on the viewer as the key element of subtitling reception, and more specifically, on the viewer's ability to read subtitles, which is usually ex- pressed by means of two different parameters: characters per second and words per minute. Karamitroglou published the article entitled "A Proposed Set of Subtitling Standards in Europe" in issue number 2 of Translation Journal in 1998. This art- icle covers many aspects in relation with subtitles, their format and the profession- al conventions at stake. With a somewhat prescriptive intention, the author pro- poses some linguistic "best practices", as far as creation of subtitles is concerned. In terms of reading speed, he mentions that a tested value for "average readers" (i.e. aged 14­65 years, and who belong to a middle-high social class from an edu- Babel 59:4 (2013), 406­420. © Fédération des Traducteurs (fit) Revue Babel doi 10.1075/babel.59.4

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

Eesti psühholooge

Tulving, E., Schacter, D.L., & Stark, H.A. (1982). Priming effects in word- fragment completion are independent of recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8, 336-342. Tulving, E., & Schacter, D. L. (1990). Priming and human memory systems. Science, 247, 301-306. Tulving, E. & Watkins, O.C. (1977). Recognition failure of words with a single meaning. Memory and Cognition, 5, 513-522. Tulving, E. & Wiseman, S. (1975). Relation between recognition and recognition failure of recallable words. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 6, 79-82. Warrington, E. K., & Weiskrantz, L. (1968). New method of testing long-term retention with special reference to amnesic patients. Nature, 217, 972-974. Eesti psühholooge 11 Lisa 1 Eesti psühholooge Jaak panksepp J

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
147 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 2 mõisted

Established church The Church of England is the established church, which means that: 1.)the Monarch is the Supreme Governor of the church, 2.)the Church performs a number of official functions, 3.)Church and State are linked. To disestablish Disestablishmentarianism refers to campaigns to sever links between church and state, particularly in relation to the Church of England as an established church. It was initially a movement in the United Kingdom in the 18th century. The established churches in Wales and Ireland could not count on even nominal adherence by a majority of the population of those countries. In Ireland, the predominantly Roman Catholic population campaigned against the position of the established Anglican Church of Ireland - eventually disestablished in Ireland from 1 January 1871.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Avalike suhete põhjalik konspekt

suhtekorraldust jäämäega, et paremini selgitada inimeste suhtekorralduse tajumise ja kompleksse tegelikkuse vahekorda. Suhtekorralduses tähendab nn jääemäe sündroom, et nähtava ja tegelikult kõige väiksema osa jääemäest ehk suhtekorraldusest moodustavad suhtekorraldustehnikad ehk jäämäe veepealne osa (Black 1993) · Denny Griswold, avalike suhete matriarh ja ajakirja Public relation news asutaja, on esitanud oma nägemuse suhtekorraldusest: Suhtekorraldus on juhtimisfunktsioon, mis hindab avalikku hoiakut, identifitseerib avaliku huviga inimese või organisatsiooni poliiktikad ja protseduurid, planeerib ja viib ellu tegevusprogrammi, et teenida avalikkuse poolt mõistmine ja aktsepteerimine (Griswold, 1978). · Suhtekorraldus on spetsiifiline tegutsemisfilosoofia, mille järgi juhtkond koostab

Sotsioloogia → Avalikud suhted
137 allalaadimist

Aastatöö teemal Bahai usk

independently, supported by the principles of collective security federal recognition and the creation of the world, that religion is in accordance with reason and science. These ideals are the result of the detention of Baha'i congregation actively supported by international organizations such as the United Nations. Service to mankind is the central doctrine of the second Baha'i faith, Baha'is have been initiated in relation to which the thousands of social and economic development projects - most of them modest, such as schools, public health and environmental projects in the villages - all over the world. 35 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1. `Abdu'l-Bahá... = Baha'i usu algus ja areng - `Abdu'l-Bahá., (08

Teoloogia → Religioon
22 allalaadimist

Rasedate ja imetavate emade toitumissoovitused

TAI. Tallinn Enkin, M, Keirse, M.J. 2000. A Guide to Effective care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Oxford University Press.525 lk. Fairburn, C.G, Welch, S.L (1990) The Impact of Pregnancy on eating habits and attitudes to Shape and Weight. International Journal of Eating disorders, Vol. 9 No 2:153-160. Hilton, J.J. (2002). Folic Acid Intake of Young Women.JOGNN Vol 31, No 2 Imetamise nõustamise treeningkursus. UNICEF, 1993 Legoiu, P, Tamimi, R.M (2004). Diet during pregnancy in relation to maternal weight gain and birth size. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 58:231-237. Lowdermilk, D.L. Perry, S.E, Bobak, I.M. (2000). Maternity & Women's Health Care. Seventh edition. Mosby, Inc. May, K.A., Mahlmeister, L.R. 1990. Comprehensive Maternity Nursing. Nursing Process and the Childbearing Family. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1253 lk. Nordic Council. Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004. Nord 2004:13. Olds, S.B, London M.L. Ladewig, P.W 1992

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
32 allalaadimist


Fred Karlssoni "Üldkeeleteadus" lk 15-48 ­ Sissejuhatus (KUNI OSANI 1.5) 1. Keele mõiste. Keel on märgisüsteem, mida inimene kasutab selleks, et suhelda ja mõtteid avaldada, on nö mõtlemise tööriist. Keel on kommunikatsiooni või arutluse vahend, mis kasutab märke ja nende kombineermise reegleid. Keel koosneb üksustest ja üksused märkidest. Märke on erinevaid: sümbol, indeks, ikoon. Märke iseloomustab tähenduse ja vormi omavaheline seos. Ometi ei ole märgi ja tähenduse vahel alati seost (sümbol) 2. Verbaalne ja mitteverbaalne suhtlus. Verbaalne suhtlus ­ Sõnaline, keeleline. Tähtsamad elemendid sõnad ja sõnalühendid. Keeleline suhtlus on kahesuunaline ja mitmeti interaktiivne. Ainult inimene suudab sõnadega fantaseerida, teha nalja, olla irooniline, valetada. Inimesed on vaba mõistusega agendid kes otsutavad ise, millest või miks nad rääkida tahavad. Kõne on kirjaga võrreldes primaarne. Tekkis samuti tunduvalt varem. Kõnelemisel on väga...

Filoloogia → Eesti foneetika ja fonoloogia
114 allalaadimist

Füüsika kokkuvõttev konspekt

on elektrivälja vektori siht igas ruumipunktis. mahtuvuste summa C=C1+C2+..Cn. Jadaühendus-liidetakse kogumahtuvuse Fundamentaalfüüsikas peetakse Gaussi leidmiseks mahtuvuste teoreemi üheks olulisemaks, kuna ta seob jõuväljade valemite pöördruutsõltuvuse Elektrivälja energia-Laetud kondeka katete (ingl. inverse square relation, tähendab, et vahelises ruumis on elektriväli. Selle välja kaugmõju väheneb allikast eemaldumisel energia E avaldub kujul E=CU²/2. kuna võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga, valemina U=Ed, siis on elektrivälja energia võrdeline ) füüsikalise ruumi ka väljatugevuse ruuduga.elektrivälja kolmemõõtmelisusega. energia ruumtihedus w=0E²/2. 1

Füüsika → Füüsika
405 allalaadimist


tank. Two centrifuges are required to be used in a large engine. The first acts as a purifier to remove water, soluble, sludge etc while the second acts as a clarifier to remove solids. From the service tank the oil flows to one of the electrically driven booster pumps. From there it is fed through the preheater, and the fine filter to the engine fuel pumps. LUBRICATING SYSTEM When two solids are in contact and move in relation to each other, there arises a resistance to this movement known as friction, i.e. a force is created which attempts to prevent such movement. The frictional resistance can be reduced considerably when a fluid layer is introduced between the two surfaces moving against each other. Correct lubricating of any engine is necessary for satisfactory operation, in that the supply of lubricating oil serves the following purposes. 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Study of heat transfer coefficient in helical coil

T - temperature differences at inlet and outlet of the coil, K Q=U·A· Tlm (0) Where, Q ­ heat transfer rate, W 6 A ­ heat transfer area, m2 U ­ overall heat transfer coefficient, W·m-2·K-1 Tlm ­ log mean temperature difference, K If a graphical plot of Q against A·T lm is made and if a linear relation between the two variables is verified, then the average global heat transfer coefficient corresponds to the slope of the line. It is considered that the U does not vary with time. Prediction of the overall heat transfer coefficient In a tubular heat exchanger where the mechanisms of heat transfer involved are conduction and convection, the overall heat transfer coefficient can be predicted by the following equation. 1 1 x 1 = + +

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Keeleteadus konspekt 2018 sügis

struktureerimist ja "vaatlemist". Kujutamise viiisid: Struktuuriline skematiseerimine (jaotatavus jts) Perspektiivi asetamine (kust/kuidas/ jne keel maailma kirjeldab) Tähelepanu jaotamine (figuur ­ foon). Jagame maailma nii, et mingi referent on alati tähelepänu fookuses ja ülejäänu on taust, mille taustal me iseloomustame. Jõudünaamika (põhjuslikud suhted) (The relation of grammar to cognition, ptk Talmy rmtst Toward a Cognitive Semantics) Kognitiivsed ~ tunnetuslikud põhisuhted ­ materjalist, sisust. Valdkonnad, mille suhtes me mõistetama. Nende valdkondade ja nende referendite suhted on tunnetuslikud põhisuhted. (Langacker ­ tema joonistab neid jooniseid ring ringi sees jne. Kui kirjeldad grammatikat grammatika abil siis it's a mess ja asi ei saagi selgeks, Talmy) Inklusioon Identsus

Keeled → Keeleteadus
37 allalaadimist

Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon

Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon ,,Kultuur on mõistuse (mind) kollektiivne programmeerimine" (Geert Hofstede) "Culture is how things are done here" (John Mole) Kultuuri määrab suuresti see, mis temas on või ei ole problemaatiline. Etümoloogiliselt indo-euroopa "kultuur" ja "kommunikatsioon" ei paista olevat seotud. kwel ­ püsivalt elama, siit: harima mei ­ liikuma, kaupu vahetama, siit: ühine (ladina communis, inglise common, vrld ka ladina munus ­ kingitus) "Kommunikatsioon" on kultuur pigem laiemas tähenduses, "kultuur" pigem tsivilisatsiooni/kõrgkultuuri tähenduses. Kanooniline suhtlussituatsioon (John Lyons): Suuline suhtlus kahe lähestikku seisva inimese vahel, kes teineteist näevad ja kuulevad, loomuliku keele märkide abil. Kanoonilisest situatsioonist hargnevad edasised: kirjalik suhtlus osapoolte vahel, kirjalik suhtlus kujuteldava osapoolega, suuline suhtlus erinevate meediumite...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuridevaheline...
60 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö AS Tamsalu Kalor

of AS Tamsalu Kalor, and by graphs and verbal explanations described the number of employees, the amount of heat production and sale in different time periods of the companies history. Then, the author has given a overview of the different tools (boilers, district heating pipeline, chimney) that are used in the heat production, and their impact on Tamsalu's heat price. Due to the fact that a significant part of the heat price is in direct relation with the fuel price in the market, the author has also described the usage 40 of fuel and its price in different time periods in companies history by verbal explanations and graphs. In the final chapter of the research, the author has described AS Tamsalu Kalor's housing sector and its condition. Furthermore, due to the fact that the author had an

Energeetika → Soojusmajandus
8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun