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"relation" - 185 õppematerjali


Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

All heterogeneities in ITS1 appeared between positions 163 and 180. Five of them were substitutions: 163 G/T, 169 A/T, 173 A/ T, 174 A/T, 180 T/C; all given in relation to the consensus of different E. fluviatilis sequences found in NCBI GenBank, numbers representing the positions in ITS1. The ITS1 length variation was caused by the differences in a homopolymer T-track length with

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

The chapters are dealing with the following: Ch 1. Meaning and utilization of a database, types of objects. Ch 2. Activation of the Access database system, saving a database. Ch 3. Composing tables; major components of a database. Ch 4. Means of creating the forms of the data to be entered. Composing Input Mask and Validation Rule to limit the information to be entered in the fields. Ch 5. Allocating the data into multiple tables, which is typical for relation databases; creating diferent types of relationships validated between the tables. Ch 6 & 7. Meaning and types of queries, composed to retrieve required data from the database. Ch 8 & 9. Means of creating diferent reporting and forms. With the help of the attached Wizard several simple reports and forms are composed. The ways of adapting the obtained reports and forms according to the special need are demonstrated.

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

C and 20 C The movement for women´s emancipation started in 18 C claiming legal and civil equality for women. In 19 C II half women were given the right to retain separate income after marriage and to possess tjeir own property. They as well could not be treated as chattels of their husbands, women were leagl guardians of thier children after divorce or death of a husband. 19 c also focused on wife beating, physical cruelty, white slavery of prostitution, relation between the sexes The campiagn for female suffrage dated from 1860´s. More active involvement in politics, right to vote- In 20 C after the WW II women over 30 ratepayers, got the right to vote, later all over 21 The House of Windsor George V 20 C Edward VIII 20 C George VI 20C Elizabeth II 20-21 C World War I 1914-1918 Antanta- England, France, Russia; triple alliance- Germany, Italy, Austria 1914 4 august Britain was forced into war

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


3-34). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. S: Grice, P. (1989). Logic of conversation. In P. Grice, Studies in the Way of words (Chapter 2, pp. 22-40). Harvard niversity Press. Küsimused Sudman jt (1996) põhjal: Millised on küsimusele vastamise etapid? Kas nende järjestus on alati (tingimata) sama? Mis vahe on sõna-sõnalisel ja pragmaatilisel tähendusel? (literal vs pragmatic meaning) P. Grice'i maksiimid: kvaliteedi-, suhte, kvantiteedi-, moodusemaksiimid (quality, relation, quantity, manner). Millist reeglit rikutakse kui küsimusele "kas teil on kella?" vastata "jah, vasaku käe peal"? Sobiliku vastusevariandi valimine. Miks ei saa eeldada, et vastusevariantide tähised (nt numbrid 0...6, 1...7 või -3...+3) ei kanna mingit informatsiooni ega ole seetõttu tähtsad? Kuidas saab kontekst mõjutada küsimuste tähenduse mõistmist? Näited ... Miks on vaja eristada hinnangu tuletamist (computing) selle meenutamisest (recalling)? Kumb protsess toimub

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

Understatement is an essential part of English humor (e.g. "He was just five words in his vocabulary." Affirming by denying: not bad = good.). The function of understatement apart from humor is not to sound too categorical. (8) III. Stylistic devices based on the interaction of primary and secondary meaning (Lexical Stylistic Devices) 1. Zeugma (from Greek "to join") - a word stands in the same grammatical relation to 2 words in the context (e.g. "He opened the window (direct) and his heart to me (figurative metaphorical)"). When it applies to the first word it has direct meaning, when to the other ­ metaphorical. 2. Pun (play on words) ­ the humorous use of a word in two meanings (polysemantic words) or the words that sound alike but have different meanings (homonyms) (e.g. "What makes the tower of Pisa lean (:1., 2. ) ­ It never eats). 3

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

1_fl_i-v L1. SISSEJUHATUS Mõtlemine on käsiteldav kui igasugune aktiivne vaimne protsess. Tulemuslikku mõtlemist iseloomustab abstraheerimine, analüüs ja süntees. Mõtlemisvahendite põhjal võib seda jaotada · kaemuslik-motoorne, · kujundlik · sõnalis-loogiline (verbaal-loogiline). Sõnalis-loogiline mõtlemine tugineb mõistetele. Verbaalne mõtlemine avaldub inimese oskuses ... · opereerida mõistetega, neid võrrelda ja analüüsida; · püstitada hüpoteese, formuleerida kontseptsioone ja teooriaid; · seletada olemasolevaid teadmisi; · saada uusi teadmisi olemasolevate põhjal. Ratsionaalne mõtlemine on järjekindel ja reeglipärane (ehk loogiline) mõtlemine. See võib olla korrigeeritud kogemusega, mille allikaks peetakse tegelikkust. Eesmärgiks on sageli tegelikkusega kohanemine. Irratsionaalne mõt...

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

must take their chances of these things, and happily I am not in such circumstances as to make five shillings any object. There are undoubtedly many who could not say the same, but thanks to Lady Catherine de Bourgh, I am removed far beyond the necessity of regarding little matters." Mr. Wickham's attention was caught; and after observing Mr. Collins for a few moments, he asked Elizabeth in a low voice whether her relation was very intimately acquainted with the family of de Bourgh. "Lady Catherine de Bourgh," she replied, "has very lately given him a living. I hardly know how Mr. Collins was first introduced to her notice, but he certainly has not known her long." "You know of course that Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Lady Anne Darcy were sisters; consequently that she is aunt to the present Mr. Darcy." "No, indeed, I did not. I knew nothing at all of Lady Catherine's connections. I never

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Õiguse filosoofia loengukonspekt

And even those who defend the 'benefit' theory of rights are far from using the idiom of Aquinas, since (in common with ordinary language-speakers and lawyers in all modern languages) they think of 'a right' as something beneficial which a person has (a 'moral [including legal] quality' in Grotius's terminology), rather than 'that which is just in a given situation', the ensemble of juridical relationships established, by rules, between two or more persons in relation to some subject-matter (act, thing, or state of affairs). 12 Leviathan (1651), ch. xiv; in Raphael (ed.), British Moralists, vol. 1, para. 56. Thus, for Hobbes as for Hohfeld, liberty is simply the negation of duty; and this 'libertyright' is the only right Hobbes has in mind.[end] Bellum omnium contra omnes on vaadeldav nt kodusõdades. H. nägi [6]inimese väljapääsu sellest hukatuslikust olukorrast inimese egoistlikes

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
129 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, while eastern and southern parts belonged to Russian Empire. Only after World War II did Ukraine attain its present borders as a republic within the Soviet Union. That history partly explains Ukraine's voting patterns, political sympathies, and outlook on the future. Population of Western Ukraine largely supports politics paying EU card (Yusteshenko, Tymoshenko), while industrial Eastern regions support Yanukovych as Politian closely associated with better relation / integration with Russia. 1.1.2. Post-Independent Ukraine. Economy and politics 1990-s When Ukraine became independent in 1991, there were expectations that it would in the near future become a wealthy free market democracy and a full member of the European and Euro-Atlantic communities. Ukraine never fulfilled those expectations. Instead, it is seen as an underachiever, sometimes as a sick man of Europe, and perhaps even as a potentially

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

itself is rehearsed and reconstructed after the event. A flashbulb memory may simply be a narrative convention. In addition, current attitudes and emotions may influence or distort people's memories. Emotion starts with a process of cognitive appraisal to assess whether the situation is relevant for survival, well-being, goals or values. Emotions cause people social exchange and sharing, which serves as rehearsal of the memory. Memory researchers have studied the relation between confidence and accuracy inside and outside the laboratory, and for many types of events. Overall, confidence and accuracy are weakly related. People often swear by inaccurate memories. In general, distinctive and emotionally arousing events in our lives have a memory advantage. However, even for such events, a memory can feel like it happened just yesterday when, in truth, it is foggy. Sociocultural level of analysis

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused: Elektriväli ja magnetväli.

· Elektriväljad on sõltumatud; laengule mõjub summaarne väli. · Elektrivälja tugevuse voog läbi kinnise pinna on võrdne selle pinna sisse jäävate laengute summaga. Viimast nimetatakse Gaussi teoreemiks; pideva ruumlaengu korral on võrrandi paremas pooles summa asemel integraal. Fundamentaalfüüsikas peetakse Gaussi teoreemi üheks olulisemaks, kuna ta seob jõuväljade valemite pöördruutsõltuvuse (ingl. inverse square relation, tähendab, et kaugmõju väheneb allikast eemaldumisel võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga, valemina ) füüsikalise ruumi kolmemõõtmelisusega. Gaussi teoreem. Väljatugevuse kahanemise kompenseerib laengut ümbritseva sfääri pinna suurenemine (pindala kasvab võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga) Magnetvälja graafiline kujutamine. Kui lähtuda oletusest, et jõujoonele asetatud (magnetiline) dipool pöördub otsaga, kus

Füüsika → Füüsika
214 allalaadimist

Füüsika eksami küsimuste vastused

· Elektriväljad on sõltumatud; laengule mõjub summaarne väli. · Elektrivälja tugevuse voog läbi kinnise pinna on võrdne selle pinna sisse jäävate laengute summaga. Viimast nimetatakse Gaussi teoreemiks; pideva ruumlaengu korral on võrrandi paremas pooles summa asemel integraal. Fundamentaalfüüsikas peetakse Gaussi teoreemi üheks olulisemaks, kuna ta seob jõuväljade valemite pöördruutsõltuvuse (ingl. inverse square relation, tähendab, et kaugmõju väheneb allikast eemaldumisel võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga, valemina ) füüsikalise ruumi kolmemõõtmelisusega. Gaussi teoreem. Väljatugevuse kahanemise kompenseerib laengut ümbritseva sfääri pinna suurenemine (pindala kasvab võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga) Magnetvälja graafiline kujutamine. Kui lähtuda oletusest, et jõujoonele asetatud (magnetiline) dipool pöördub otsaga, kus

Füüsika → Füüsika
140 allalaadimist


” ■ FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE LASTING If you were raised by parents who continually told you what a good person you were, who loved you, encouraged you, supported you, and believed in you, no matter what you did or didn’t do, you would grow up with the belief that you were a good and valuable person. By the age of three, this belief would lock in and become a funda- mental part of the way you view yourself in relation to your world. Thereafter, no matter what happens to you, you would hold to this belief. It would become your reality. If you were raised by parents who did not know how powerful their words and behaviors could be in shaping your personality, they could very easily have used destructive criticism, disapproval, and physical or emotional punishment to discipline or control you.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia – ja metodoloogia

Kuhn suggests that there is a central assumption that science is independent of the historical context (note that he himself does not hold this view). Thirdly Kuhn argues that when a revolution has occurred there is a need to rewrite the science textbooks. This rewriting follows a pattern. Thus the central problems which were solved in order to create the paradigm change are reframed as the only problems that existed prior to the paradigm change. The main scientific players are then described in relation to this problem solving exercise. Fourthly through this revisionism science is presented as a cumulative endeavour whereby incremental improvements in solutions to central problems lead to the paradigm change. In this manner the subtleties around the scientific revolution become invisible. Kuhn gives examples to support his argument about the importance of historical context in scientific revolutions. This chapter addresses an important criticism of

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
38 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Developmental Biology 140:253–260. reticulum into the sarcoplasm. S-nitrosylation Callow, E. H. 1948. Comparative studies of meat. II. of a cysteine in the ryanodine receptor will Changes in the carcass during growth and fattening increase its activity. This effect is reversible and their relation to the chemical composition of the fatty and muscular tissues. Journal of Agricultural (Kobzik et al. 1994). Because muscle con- Science 38:174. tains all the compounds needed to form these Carlin, K. R., E. Huff-Lonergan, L. J. Rowe, and S. M. intermediates, it stands to reason that they Lonergan. 2006. Effect of oxidation, ph, and ionic

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

g. "He was just five words in his vocabulary." "She has not a thought for years." Affirming by denying: "She is not particularly honest indeed." "My patience is not inexhaustible." Not bad = good.). The function of understatement apart from humor is not to sound too categorical. III. Stylistic devices based on the interaction of primary and secondary meaning. 1. Zeugma (from Greek "to join") - a word stands in the same grammatical relation to two words in the context (e.g. "He opened the window (direct meaning) and his heart to me (figurative metaphorical meaning).") When it applies to the first word it has direct meaning, when to the other ­ metaphorical (e.g. "He took his hat and his leave." "Mrs. Turpin would get out of bed and humor, put on kimono, airs and the water to boil her coffee." "She possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart."). 2

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

As magic wand or bridal ring. Adjective Most verbs mean action, something done, Verb To read and write, to jump and run. How things are done the adverbs tell, As quickly, slowly, badly, well. ition Adverb Prepos The preposition shows relation, As in the street or at the station. Conjunctions join, in many ways, Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase. The interjection cries out, "Heed! Interjection Conjunction An exclamation point must follow me!" 2 The Capital Letter

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Füüsika konspekt

59 · Elektrivälja tugevuse voog läbi kinnise pinna on võrdne selle pinna sisse jäävate laengute summaga. Viimast nimetatakse Gaussi teoreemiks; pideva ruumlaengu korral on võrrandi paremas pooles summa asemel integraal. Fundamentaalfüüsikas peetakse Gaussi teoreemi üheks olulisemaks, kuna ta seob jõuväljade valemite pöördruutsõltuvuse (ingl. inverse square relation, tähendab, et kaugmõju väheneb allikast eemaldumisel võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga, valemina ) füüsikalise ruumi kolmemõõtmelisusega. Gaussi teoreem. Väljatugevuse kahanemise kompenseerib laengut ümbritseva sfääri pinna suurenemine (pindala kasvab võrdeliselt kauguse ruuduga) Elektriväli aines. Eespool toodud valemite tuletamisel oletasime, et mingid muud kehad peale punktlaengute ja katses ei osale

Füüsika → Füüsika
282 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

1. Väited tulenevad andmetest. Propositions and insights direct selection and inclusion of the "next" concepts arise out of your data informant or slice of data." 2. These are systematically worked out in relation · Sarnasuste ja erinevuste võrdlemine. ,,Grounded to the data in the course of the research theory involves constant comparative analysis whereby groups are compared on the basis of 3. Võrreldakse kirjandusega. These are systematically compared against existing theoretical similarities and differences"

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

operator of the agreement, their suppliers, contractors and carriers and other persons involved in the execution of works under the agreement on the basis of agreements (contracts) with the investor and (or) operator, and the services provided in the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign legal entities investors or operators of production sharing agreements in relation to the performance of such agreements; turnover between the investor and the operator of a production sharing agreement for the donation of inventory items required for performance of work under this agreement, as well as operations to transfer funds to finance such work in accordance with the estimates approved in the established order of the said agreement; the transfer of momentum investors of the newly created or acquired property

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

Isolation is complete for him. He is used for another purpose, through this character faulkner illustrates the idea of order in the south. Whenever something is different he starts crying and raises an alarm, if something is not used to having. Ofcourse we could argue that his part of the story is the most difficult to understand. He illustrates the southerners preoccupation with time. Faulkner believed in the interconnectedness of public and personal historys and he believed in the relation of the past to the chaotic present. Quentin believes that it is his mission to save the Compson honour by stopping time, arresting it. He thinks that if he manages it, this will also eliminate decay in Compson family. He smashes his precious grandfathers watch. This scene shows that time is stronger and he cannot control it, then he chooses death. Realizes that he can't fight time. Jason doesn't time aboout the past or honour of his ancestors, he couldn't care less about

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


published. By far the bulk of the volume consists of the columns of words printed in large Gothic type that Trithemius used in his systems of cryptography. But in the work's Book V appears, for the first time, the square table, or tableau. This is the elemental form of polyalphabetic substitution, for it exhibits all at once all the cipher alphabets in a particular system. These are usually all the same sequence of letters, but shifted to different positions in relation to the plaintext alphabet, as in Alberti's disk the inner alphabet assumed different positions in regard to the outer alphabet. The tableau sets them out in orderly fashion—the alphabets of the successive positions laid out in rows one below the other, each alphabet shifted one place to the left of the one above. Each row thus offers a different set of cipher substitutes to the letters of the plaintext alphabet at the top. Since there can be only as many rows as

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


The tone poem concludes with Kalevipoeg’s death, his forgotten magic sword cuts his legs off, and a funeral march follows. The idea for the overture served as preparation for the ballet 1 The first performance was in October, 1938. The State Broadcasting Symphony orchestra was conducted by Raimund Kull. 2 Not the traditional image. Kalevipoeg which the composer would start two years later. To sum up, the treatment of this sublime subject has been miscarried in relation to characterisation and theatrical display. In the opinion of Artur Lemba: The recent work Kalevipoeg of Eugen Kapp has been written in a modern fashion…with sturdy instrumentation. The second theme is clear and expressive in the decorative-hued content which does not, to my regret, exhibit the Estonian character that should be the main precondition for a composition where Kalevipoeg is to be depicted. 1 VII. FURTHER MATURING OF SYMPHONIC MUSIC: HEINO

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Rootsi kirjanduse ajalugu 1880-

bildskapandet, hans lugna närhet till det folkliga och bibliska språket och hans envisa koncentration på det subjektiva nydanande, och ur den synvinkeln är han en av den svenska modernismens portalfigurer. I Bödeln (1933, även drama) gestaltas ondskans problematik på ett pregnant sätt i en medeltida miljö och dubbelexponeras sedan med nutida brutalitet, innan bödeln själv tar till orda i ett tal som sätter människans eviga skoningslöshet, kyla, längtan och godhet i relation också till kristendomen. I den första delens primitiva medeltida krogmiljö är bödeln främst synonym med ondskan, i den moderna restaurangscenen vänder sig satiren tydligt mot nazismen men bödeln höjer sig till sist över detta förfall. Boken var också en av de skrifter som brändes av de tyska nazisterna 1933; i Der Stürmer kallades Lagerkvist en "judenknecht" (judedräng), något han enligt sonen Ulf tog som en hedersbetygelse. Den väckte starkt gensvar i Sverige

Keeled → Rootsi keel
12 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

Large quantities of reinforcement were positioned next to the cable anchor. Planning how to support the cable anchor within the forms in preparation for concreting was much easier with the 3D view, which could be manipulated and cross-sectioned in multiple directions. 104 Fig. 9.8.7 Cut section views showing reinforcement details in relation to other cast-in hardware, such as the large cable anchor assemblies. Design and planning of temporary structures and clash detection. Initially, the site crew were provided with many drawings of the formwork, but this did not include the extensive formwork support towers and other temporary structures, such as scaffolding for access. As a result, the site team decided to

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Andekusest ja andekatest lastest IQ is controlled, does motvation still p re v i e w / i d = 2 3 2 4 / k o l l o k v i u m i + predict achievement? Intelligence, 30, ettekanne_kaia+laidra.pdf, vaadatud 71–100. 23.08.2009. Gallagher, J. J. (1985). Teaching the Laidra, K. (2007). Adolescent persona- gifted child. New York: Allyn & Bacon. lity: Develoment, interrater agreement, and relation to academic achievement. Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple intelli- Dissertationes psychologicae Universitatis gences. New horizons. Basic Books. Tartuensis, 20. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Gottfried, A. E., Gottfried, A. W. Kirjastus. (1996). A longitudial study of aca- Laidra, K., Pullmann, H., Allik, J. demic intrinsic motivation in intel-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
112 allalaadimist


record v. to make a written or oral notation; to copy adj. recorded Syn. register n. record n. recording n. recorder The coldest temperatures in the United States have been recorded at International Falls, Minnesota. Many businesses are using recordings to answer consumer questions. relate v. to tell; to show a connection between two adj. related things n. relation Syn. communicate n. relationship Although they did not agree with the plan, they did not relate their opposition to it. What is the relationship between supply and demand? suspect v. to think that something is true, but adj. suspected having no proof n. suspicion n. suspect Syn. speculate He suspected that the substance was not present in the compound.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

be removed from under the vehicle by releasing the downpipe from the manifold and unhooking the flexible suspension hangers (see illustrations). 3 Assemble the complete system, but do not fully tighten the joint clips until the system is back in the vehicle. Use a new exhaust manifold/flange gasket and check that the flexible mountings are in good order, also check the connecting flange joint. 4 Set the silencer and expansion box in their correct attitudes in relation to the rest of the system before finally tightening the joint clips. 5.1 Carbon canister location (wheelarch 5.7 Carbon canister purge solenoid 5 Check that with reasonable deflection in liner removed) - CFI engine location - CFI engine either direction, the exhaust does not knock 8 Disconnect the battery negative lead. A Canister purge B Wiring plug against any adjacent components

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

A New Earth

judgment, a story. For you to be right, of course, you need someone else to be wrong, and so the ego loves to make wrong in order to be right. In other words: you need to make others wrong in order to get a stronger sense of who you are. Not only a person, but also a situation can be made wrong through complaining and reactivity, which always implies that “this should not be happening.” Being right places you in a position of imagined moral superiority in relation to the person or situation that is being judged and found wanting. It is that sense of superiority the ego craves and through which it enhances itself. IN DEFENCE OF AN ILLUSION Facts undoubtedly exist. If you say: “Light travels faster than sound,” and someone else says the opposite is the case, you are obviously right, and he is wrong. The simple observation that lightning precedes thunder could confirm this. So not only are you right, but you know you are right. Is there

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Kaitsealade külastuskoormuse hindamise juhend: seiremeetodite arendamine ja rakendamine

Framework: A Simplified Process for Making Management Decisions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10(1), pp. 31-51. Finney, S.K., Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Yalden, D.W. 2005. The effect of recreational disturbance on an upland breeding bird, the golden plover Pluvialis apricaria. Biological Conservation, 121 (1), 53-63. Gallet, S., Roze, F. 2002. Long-term effects of trampling on Atlantic Heathland in Brittany (France): Resilience and tolerance in relation to season and meteorological conditions. Biological Conservation, 103 (3), 267-275. Gill, J.A., Norris, K., Sutherland, W.J. 2001. Why behavioural responses may not reflect the population consequences of human disturbance, Biological Conservation 97, 265- 268. Goss-Custard, J.D., Triplet, P., Sueur, F., West, A.D. 2006. Critical thresholds of disturbance by people and raptors in foraging wading birds, Biological Conservation 127, 88- 97.

Loodus → Loodus
7 allalaadimist

Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga

National Academy of Sciences. Washington D.C: National Academies Press. ISO EN 7730. Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort, 1994. ISO/FDIS 13789. Thermal performance of buildings -- Transmission and ventilation heat transfer coefficients -- Calculation method. Jaakkola, J.J.K., Heinonen, O.P., Seppänen, O. 1989. Sick building syndrome, sensation of dryness and thermal comfort in relation to room temperature in an office building: need for individual control of temperature. Environmental International 1989; 15: 163-168. Janssens A, Hens H. Interstitial condensation due to air leakage: a sensitivity analysis. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 2003;27(1):15–29. Johansson, P., Samuelson, I., Ekstrand-Tobin, A., Mjörnell, K., Sandberg, P.I., Sikander, E. Kritiskt fukttillstånd för mikrobiell tillväxt på byggmaterial – kunskapssammanfattning.

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
66 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

Department of th e Inter ior or th e Wo rld Bank. sym bols are not t he same on all maps. You can use th ese map s to explo re yo u r world, One map m ight sho w a city with a discover co n nec tions bet ween places, and see sq uare. Map legends or keys help relation ships between places a nd peoples. explain t he symbols used on a map. But thi s a tlas is m o re than ju st a wealth of You ca n find o ut m o re abou t legends information . It is fun to look a t to o. You will an d th e m a p sym bo ls used in this atlas

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist


examination. If one ignores the characteristic of the ears, one sees a beauty similar to the Angora cat: a long, close coat of hair, albeit less rich, covers the body. The hair is silky-soft and shining and the colour is usually a light yellow (isabelline) or a dirty white yellow, although some have the usual colouring of the common house-cat. In size it considerably exceeds house-cats and is stronger. The ears hang completely, as with our hunting dogs and are large in relation to cats. Although the Chinese cat is found in considerable numbers in its homeland, it rarely arrives at European animal markets. Only one such cat has reached us in the flesh; we acquired this years ago when a sailor returning from China brought it into Hamburg. The accompanying illustration is based on this. In character it is like the Angora cat and somewhat inactive. It also prefer to live by a warm fire, is a little sensitive to attention, hears badly and is at its

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

practice. A representative list of films appears in Appendix I. You might also select a single movie or story of your choice and keep it in m i n d as you take the Writer's Journey. Get to know the story of your choice by reading or viewing it several times, taking brief notes on what happens in each scene and how it functions in the drama. R u n n i n g a movie on a V C R is ideal, because you can stop to write down the content of each scene while you grasp its meaning and relation to the rest of the story. I suggest you go through this process w i t h a story or movie and use it to test out the ideas in this book. See i f your story reflects the stages and archetypes o f the Hero's Journey. ( A sample worksheet for the Hero's Journey can be found in Appendix 3 . ) Observe how the stages are adapted to meet the needs of the story or the particular culture for which the story was written. Challenge these ideas,

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
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Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T...

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