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"waters" - 156 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: waters

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Arengupsühholoogia konspekt

· Arengupsühholoogia tegeleb vanusega seotud kogemuslike ja käitumuslike muutustega. Distsipliini juured on filosoofias, kuid laste teaduslik uurimine sai alguse evolutsioonibioloogia valguses üheksateistkümnendal sajandil. Alates sellest ajast toimunud suure sotsiaalsed ja majanduslikud muutused on viinud selleni, et laste, teismeliste ning täiskasvanute kasvu- ja arenguprotsesside parem tundmaõppimine on muutunud hädavajalikuks. 1920. Aastaks oli arengupsühholoogiast saanud elujõuline iseseisev distsipliin, kuid selleks ajaks olid tekkinud ka vastandlikud koolkonnad, kes pidasid oluliseks pärilikkuse ja keskkonna mõjude erinevaid aspekte. Valdkond oli killustunud ning vajas sünteesimist, et arengule koosmõju avaldavaid bioloogilisi ja sotsiaalseid faktoreid paremini mõista. Sünteesimine viidi läbi peamiselt kahekümnenda sajandi keskpaigas tekkinud suurtes teooriates, millel peatume lähemal...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
137 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia eksamikonspekt

tarbimisvalikute sarnasus keskklassiga Alamklass: marginaliseeritud ja tõrjutud, sotsiaalametite kliendid, pikaajalised töötud, kodutud, immigrandid, etnilised vähemused; sotsiaal-ruumiline segregeeritus: getod, vastavate gruppide piiratud integreeritus ühiskonda Klasside olemuse muutumine 1. Klassid paberil – analüütiline kategooria vs identiteet, kuuluvustunne (P.Bourdieu) 2. Klassid on surnud – staatuskonventsionalism (Paulski ja Waters 3. Klassid ei ole surnud – pigem keerukamad – majanduslike tegurite müju ebavõrdsuse taastootmises on säilinud Mobiilsuse liigid Vertikaalne: liikumine sotsiaalses hierarhias ülevalt alla Horisontaalne: liikumine samal sotsiaalsel tasandil Põlvkonnasisene: individuaalne karjäär tööelu jooksul Põlvkondadevaheline: põlvkondade-vahelised erinevused Struktuurne: majanduslikud ja sotsiaalsed muutused, mis mõjutavad mobiilsuse määra ühiskonnas tervikuna Vaesus

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
6 allalaadimist

10kl. Muusika kokkuvõte

Ühed peavad Joplinit geeniuseks, 60ndate lihvimata teemandiks, (vähemalt) võrdses suurusjärgus Hendrixiga, Morrisoniga, kellega tahes. Vastaspool tõrjub seda lipukirja käsitlusega teisejärgulisest krampkirglejast, kes ehk vaid ajalooliseks ääremärkuseks kõlblik. Mõttetu sõda muidugi. Jimi Hendrix sündis 27.Novembril 1942.aastal. Noor Jimmy tundis erakordselt suurt huvi muusika vastu, saades mõjutusi kõigilt tolle aja suurematelt muusikutelt, nende seas B. B. King, Muddy Waters, Buddy Holly ja Robert Johnson. Imetlusväärne on Jimi juures ka see, et ta oli täielikult iseõppinud ning ei osanud nooti lugeda, mis sundis teda veelgi rohkem keskenduma muusika kuulamisele. 1958. a. suveks oli Al (Jimi isa) Jimile ühelt oma sõbralt ostnud 5-dollarilise kasutatud akustilise kitarri. Kuna Jimi oli vasakukäeline, pani ta pillile keeled tagurpidi, et tal oleks võimalik kitarri mängida. Peatselt liitus Jimi ka oma esimese ansambliga The Velvetones

Muusika → Muusika
124 allalaadimist

Eesti referaat

Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Estonia Topic Alice Tärk, 9b Tallinn 2007 FACTFILE Area: 45 228 sq km Poplulation: under 1.4 million Capital: Tallinn Language: Estonian Currency: Eesti kroon (EEK) Main religion: Lutheran National holiday: 24 February (anniversary of the republic) National flower: Cornflower National bird: Barn Swallow National stone: Limestone LOCATION The Republic of Estonia is the northernmost and smallest of the three Baltic States. It is located on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea in the north east of Europe. To the east the country borders Russia. Latvia is the countries neighbour to the south. From the west the coast of Estonia is washed by the Baltic Sea and from the north by the Gulf of Finland. The length of the coastline is approximately 3 800 km. The longest distance from east to west is 350 km, while nort...

Keeled → Inglise keel
174 allalaadimist


Ravi seisneb keha valgustamises värvilise valgusega, sobivad värvid määrab terapeut. Ravi eesmärgiks on vigase aura loomuliku tasakaalu taastamine. See on mahe ravi, mis võib aidata ka foobia all kannatavaid inimesi, eriti neid, kelle hirmutekitajaks on värvid( kromofoobia). 12 Kasutatud kirjandus: · ,,Haiguslikud hirmud" Urve Liivamägi 2000 · ,,Tuntud ja tundmatud foobiad" Richard Waters 2004 13

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
35 allalaadimist


Canada is the world's largest producer of zinc and uranium and a world leader in many other natural resources such as gold, nickel, aluminium, and lead; many, if not most, towns in the northern part of the country, where agriculture is difficult, exist because of a nearby mine or source of timber. 7. Climate Because of its great latitudinal extent, Canada has a wide variety of climates. Ocean currents play an important role, with both the warm waters of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic and the Alaska Current in the Pacific affecting climate. Average winter and summer high temperatures across Canada range depending on the location. Winters can be harsh in many regions of the country, particularly in the Prairie provinces, where daily average temperatures are near -15 °, but can drop below -40 °C with severe wind chills. Coastal British Columbia is an exception and enjoys a temperate climate with a mild and rainy winter.

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

Famous quotes · "I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress."[2] · "Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters." · "To make a contented slave it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken the moral and mental vision and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason." · "I assert most unhesitatingly, that the religion of the South is a mere covering for the most horrid crimes - a justifier of the most appalling barbarity, a sanctifier of the most hateful frauds, and a dark shelter under which the darkest, foulest,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


Edinburgh, the country's capital and second largest city, is one of Europe's largest financial centres. It was the hub of the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, which saw Scotland become one of the commercial, intellectual and industrial powerhouses of Europe. Scotland's largest city is Glasgow, which was once one of the world's leading industrial metropolises, and now lies at the centre of the Greater Glasgow conurbation which dominates the Scottish Lowlands. Scottish waters consist of a large sector of the North Atlantic and the North Sea, containing the largest oil reserves in the European Union. The Kingdom of Scotland was an independent state until 1 May 1707 when it joined in a political union with the Kingdom of England to create a united Kingdom of Great Britain. This union was the result of the Treaty of Union agreed in 1706 and put into effect by the Acts of Union that were passed by the Parliaments of both

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist


oArengupsühholoogia käsitleb vanusega seotud erinevusi käitumises, tunnetusprotsessides ja inimsuhetes Läbiv küsimus on pärilikkuse ja kultuuri roll arengus Temaatiline jaotus: füüsiline, motoorne, kognitiivne (intellektuaalse funktsioneerimise) ja sotsiaal- emotsionaalne areng. Kronoloogiline jaotus: · imikuiga: sünnieelne periood, vastsündinu, imik, väikelaps (0-2. eluaasta) - infancy · varane lapseiga ehk eelkooliiga (2.-7. eluaasta) · keskmine lapseiga ehk kooliiga (7.-12. eluaasta) · murdeiga (12.-19. eluaasta) · varane täisiga (20.-30.ndad eluaastad) · keskmine täisiga (40.- 50.ndad eluaastad) · hiline täisiga (pärast 60. eluaastat) · vanuriiga (70+) Kultuurierinevused: Kas sotsialisatsiooni eesmärgiks rohkem seotus teiste inimestega või iseseisvus ja eneseteostus? On kultuure, kus rohkem tähelepanu füüsilisele arengule kui mänguasjadega mängimisele. Varieerub ka mänguasjade arv, raamatute arv. Vastsünd...

Pedagoogika → Arengupsühholoogia
509 allalaadimist

Psühhofarmakoloogia leong 5

toimega. Pikemaaegsel toimimisel kahjustab maksa. Ärritab nahka. Kloroformi segamine orgaaniliste lahustitega on ohtlik. Mingil juhul ei tohi kloroformi segada atsetooniga, sest kloroformi reaktsioon aluselistes lahustes atsetooniga on tugevalt eksotermiline. Samuti ei tohi kloroformi mingil juhul segada tugevate aluste ja kloreeritud süsivesinikega - võib tekkida plahvatus) · 1884 - Karl Köller avastab kokaiini paikselt tuimestava toime · 1934 - Lundy, Waters ­ lühiajaline veenisisene üldanesteesia tiopentaaliga · Üldanesteesia Kasutatakse intravenoosseid ja/või inhaleeritavaid anesteetikume, mille toimel patsient magab · Regionaalanesteesia Lokaalanesteetikumide toimel blokeeritakse valuimpulsi edasijuhtimine närviteedes ­ Lokaalanesteesia ­ Epiduraalanesteesia ­ Spinaalanesteesia Hea anesteetikumi omadused · Anesteesia kiire saabumine ilma ebameeldivate kõrvalnähtudeta · Anesteesia sügavuse kiire muutumine vastavalt vajadusele

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
33 allalaadimist

Ameerika ühendriigid

The Mississippi is the major river of North America and the United States. It flows from north-western Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico. It is a significant transportation artery and when combined with its major tributaries (the Missouri and the Ohio rivers) it becomes the third largest river system in the world (at 6,236 km). The western tributaries are the Red River, the Arkansas and the Missouri. The eastern tributaries are the Tennessee and the Ohio. Its name means the Father of Waters in the red Indian. Together with its tributaries it forms 20,000 km of navigable waterways. Other important rivers are the Colorado and the Columbia that flow into the Pacific Ocean, and the Rio Grande. The rivers of the Pacific basin are rapid. There are many hydro-electric power-stations on them. Over 800 rivers cross the continental (48) states. Most are small branches and/or tributaries of larger rivers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Logistika 1 KT küsimuste vastused

kõrvaldamispunktini. 5. Korjevoog ­ osa tagasisuunalisest voost, sisaldades nii jäätmekäitluse kui ka taastuvkasutatava materjali voo. 6.Defineerida logistikat lühidalt. Logistika ­ tegutsemine, mis vastutab materjalide ja info liikumise eest tarnijatelt organisatsiooni, läbi tegevuste organisatsioonis ja sealt kliendile. Logistika vastutab materjalide liikumise ja ladustamise eest tarneketis. (2003, Donald Waters ,,Logistics. An introduction to Supply Chain Management")) 8. Keda rõhutavad ameeriklased, defineerides logistikat? Ameerika spetsialistid, defineerides logistikat, rõhutavad kliendi teenindamist. Firma jaoks ei lõpe logistika siis, kui ta on lähetanud oma toote kaubandusse. Logistiline mõtlemine, strateegia, peab minema kuni lõpptarbijani. 9. Mis põhierinevus on logistika juhtimisel ja tarneketi juhtimisel? Euroopa Logistika Assotsiatsioon määrab järgmiselt:

Logistika → Logistika alused
265 allalaadimist


The official language of the USA is English; Spanish is also widely spoken. The currency of the USA is the United States Dollar. Lakes and rivers The Mississippi is the major river of North America and the United States. It flows from north-western Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico.The western tributaries are the Red River, the Arkansas and the Missouri. The eastern tributaries are the Tennessee and the Ohio. Its name means the Father of Waters in the red Indian. Together with its tributaries it forms 20,000 km of navigable waterways. Other important rivers are the Colorado and the Columbia that flow into the Pacific Ocean, and the Rio Grande. The rivers of the Pacific basin are rapid. There are many hydro-electric power-stations on them.Over 800 rivers cross the continental (48) states. Most are small branches and/or tributaries of larger rivers.The great lakes between the USA and Canada are joined together by rivers and canals

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Uurimismeetodid psühholoogias kordamisküsimused (2018)

Mittesüstemaatiline Süstemaatiline Etoloogia ­ loomade (ja inimeste) käitumist uuriv teadusharu Süstematiseeritud vaatlus ­ mida vaatleme (käitumisviiside kategoriseerimine) ja kuidas vaatleme? Iga kategooria esinemise sagedus Etogramm ­ mingi liigi esindaja spetsiifiliste käitumiste täielik loend Eksperimentaal vaatlus Eksperimentaalne sobiv olukord tekitatakse eksperimentaatori poolt Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters & Wall, 1978 ­ ema ja lapse käitumine lahusolekul ja taaskohtumisel 27. Uurijate osalemise määr vaatluses. Täielik osavaatlus Uurija asub uuritavate sekka Uurija täidab sisulist rolli Uurija tegelik roll varjatud + tõesed andmed; täpne info siseasjade kohta; vaadeldavad käituvad loomulikult; võimalus vaadata situatsioone, mis pole vaatluseks avatud - eetilisuse probleem; vaatleja mõju vaadeldavatele; uurijal rollikonflikt;

Psühholoogia → Uurimismeetodid psühholoogias
253 allalaadimist

Rudyard Kipling

Some of Kipling's earliest and fondest memories are of his and sister Alice's trips to the bustling fruit market with their ayah or nanny, or her telling them Indian nursery rhymes and stories before their nap in the tropical afternoon heat. His father's art studio provided many creative outlets with clay and paints. Often the family took evening walks along the Bombay Esplanade beside the Arabian Sea, the dhows bobbing on the glittering waters. Kipling's days of "strong light and darkness" in Bombay were to end when he was five years old.[21] As was the custom in British India, he and his three-year-old sister, Alice (or "Trix"), were taken to England--in their case to Southsea (Portsmouth), to be cared for by a couple that took in children of British nationals living in India. The two children would live with the couple, Captain and Mrs. Holloway, at their house, Lorne Lodge, for the next six years. In his autobiography,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Finantsplaan Kriisiabi

TALLINNA TRANSPORDIKOOL  Kärt Ojala MTÜ TÜRI NAISTE JA LASTE KRIISIKODU Äriplaan Juhendaja: Jaan Kotkas Tallinn 2014 ÄRIPLAAN Teenuse Teenuse valdkond Sotsiaal Nõustamine, koolitus nimetus MTÜ Türi Naiste ja Laste Teenuse osutaja nimi Reg. kood Kriisikodu Aadress ja Interneti Türi 72215, Tallinna 25 postiindeks koduleht Telefon Mob. 56 43 210 E-kiri ...

Majandus → Äriplaan
18 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia üldkursus

Sotsioloogia üldkursus Loengumärkmed I SOTSIOLOOGIA ­ teadus inimühiskonnast, sotsiaalsetest suhetest ja sotsiaalsest käitumisest. Sotsioloogia sünd: 19. sajand Auguste Comte, 1838 ,,Cours de la philosophie positive" (socius, ld ­ kaaslane; societas, ld ­ühiskond; socium, ld ­ kollektiiv; logos, kr ­ sõna, õpetus) Sotsioloogia uurib inimest kui kaaslast (kui kollektiivi või ühiskonna liiget)! Peamine mõtteviis: inimkäitumine kujuneb rühmades, kuhu inimesed kuuluvad; inimühiskond on struktureeritud ja diferentseeritud, pidevas muutumises. Me oleme need, kes me oleme, sest me elame teatud ühiskonnas, teatud ruumis ja teatud ajal! C. WRIGHT MILLS (1950ndad) Sotsioloogiline kujutlusvõime ­ mõista ajaloolises kontekstis inimeste eluvõimalusi, nende tähendust ja mõju inimeste käitumisele. Sotsioloogiline kujutlusvõime aitab mõista, missugune on suhe eraelu ja avaliku elu sfääride vahel. Sotsioloogia esitab 3 liiki küsimusi: ...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
539 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

children, detests the life in family, or be in a couple, he does not believe in anything and he does not wait anything of the life. His acid tone, bitter and slightly sardonic vision of the life that he displays to us in his work is a reality slap. He scorns the “literary life” and also the things that normally soften everybody: the romantic love, the memories of the childhood, the nature, etc. Surprises the expanded of a the controversy that continues dividing the waters between those who admire it and who detracting it, often protected by the divergent readings that are made about his work, even so it is undeniable that we are in front of one of the maximum poetic referents of our era, that it has reached to millions of people without pretentions, nor trimmings whose direct language identification foul language work continues surprising today and whose declining vision and displeases demanded changes is a vision with which we can still felt identified nowadays

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist


second. We will lose another 72 square miles to encroaching deserts, as a result of human mismanagement and overpopulation. We will lose 40 to 100 species, and no one knows whether the number is 40 or 100. Today the human population will increase by 250,000. And today we will add 2,700 tons of chlorofluorocarbons to the atmosphere and 15 million tons of carbon. Tonight the Earth will be a little hotter, its waters more acidic, and the fabric of life more threadbare. The truth is that many things on which your future health and prosperity depend are in dire jeopardy: climate stability, the resilience and productivity of natural systems, the beauty of the natural world, and biological diversity. It is worth noting that this is not the work of ignorant people. It is, rather, largely the result of work by people with BAs, BSs, LLBs, MBAs, and PhDs. Elie Wiesel made a similar point to the Global Forum

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia eksmiks kordamine

2. Loeng – Ühiskonna areng ja (majandus)sotsioloogia 2. Loeng – Ühiskonna areng ja (majandus)sotsioloogia kujunemislugu kujunemislugu 1. Riigi, ühiskonna ja majanduse arengu eeltingimused A. Smith’i järgi, selle kriitika 6. Riigi, ühiskonna ja majanduse arengu eeltingimused A. Smith’i järgi, selle kriitika Riigi rikkuse ja ühiskondliku arengu eeldused: Riigi rikkuse ja ühiskondliku arengu eeldused:  tööviljakuse kasv, mille tagab tööjaotus;  tööviljakuse kasv, mille tagab tööjaotus;  turukonkure...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
13 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

The Customs Code of Georgia used to govern customs procedures. However, from January 1, 2011 the new Tax Code of Georgia took effect which also includes the provisions regulating customs. As mentioned, the Tax Code of Georgia regulates customs issues, i.e. the actions and procedures related to the movement of goods across the economic territory of Georgia. The economic territory of Georgia encompasses the territory of Georgia, including territorial and inland waters of Georgia and the airspace as well. Goods entering the economic territory of Geor- gia are subject to registration according to the procedures established by Georgian legislation. According to the Law, commodities are defined as material property, including money, securities, electric and thermal energy, natural gas and water. Customs Reform As a result of customs reforms undertaken by Georgia, the customs procedures have become ad-

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

Even in the dry season there is usually some water remaining in Lake Eyre, Rivers The Darling River is the longest river in Australia, flowing 2,739km from northern New South Wales to its confluence with the Murray River at Wentworth, New South Wales. (Some geographers treat the Darling and the lower Murray as a single river, 3,000km long. This is largely a matter of semantics). Today the Darling is in poor health, suffering from overuse of its waters, pollution from pesticide runoff and prolonged drought, possibly the result of manmade global warming. In some years it barely flows at all. The river has a high salt content and declining water quality Deserts Deserts of Australia cover a large portion of the land in Australia. Most of the deserts lie in the central and northwestern part of the country. The Great Victoria Desert is a barren, arid and sparsely populated desert ecoregion in southern Australia

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

The Mississippi river is the major river of North America and the United States. It flows from north-western Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico. It is a significant transportation artery and when combined with its major tributaries (the Missouri and the Ohio rivers) it becomes the third largest river system in the world (at 6,236 km). The western tributaries are the Red River, the Arkansas and the Missouri. The eastern tributaries are the Tennessee and the Ohio. Its name means the Father of Waters in the Red Indian. Together with its tributaries it forms 20,000 km of navigable waterways. The Colorado River is a river in the south-western United States, approximately 1450 miles long, draining a part of the arid regions on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. The natural course of the river flows into the Gulf of California, but the heavy use of the river as an irrigation source for the Imperial Valley has desiccated the lower course of the river in Mexico such that it

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

There is normally only one original series; all others are some form of copy of the original. There is normally no coordination between the different governments’ paper chart series and no synchronization of the update frequencies. The original series are most often produced by the coastal state, but some coastal states have arrangements with other states to produce the original chart series covering their waters. Examples are France for parts of the Pacific and some parts of the African coast and Indian Ocean, the Netherlands for parts of the Caribbean, the United Kingdom for parts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Three nations produce and maintain a worldwide chart series. These are the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. A number of other

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist


currant, alder buckthorn; the plants in the ground vegetation: ferns, meadowsweet, cabbage thistle, water avens, nightshade. Iseloomulikud taimed alusmetsas on: toomingas, mustsõstar, magesõstar, paakspuu; alustaimestiku taimed on: sõnajalad, angervaks, seaohakas, ojamõõl, harilik maavits. HERB- RICH MIXED ON WET GLEY SOILS - SOOVIKUMETSAD This group consists of forests which grow on soils periodically suffering from overmoisture, formed under the influence of carbonate waters and with a peaty humus horizon. See grupp koosneb metsadest, mis kasvavad perioodiliselt liigniiskuse all kannatavatel muldadel, mis on kujunenud karbonaatsete vete mõjul ja turvastunud huumushorisondist. These forests are rich in different herbs. Need metsad on rohttaimederikkad. The meadowsweet (Filipendula) site type is common on leached, podzolik and whitish grey Angervaksa (Filipendula) kasvukohatüüp on tavaline leostunud, leetjatel ja kahkjalt glei- ja küllastunud turvastunud muldadel

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist


Billie Holiday viis sisse jazzilikumad maneerid ning blues sai veelgi suurema kuulsuse. Ühesõnaga blues sai väga suure osa jazzist endale ning nad hakkasid koos eksisteerima. Blues arenes aga omasoodu edasi ning arenesid välja omakorda erinevad stiilid: Delta(Charley Patton, Tommy Johnson, Robert Johnson, Willie Brown jne) ja Lousiana(Jamer Brooker, Guitar Slim, Dr John jne) bluesile lisandus elekter ja sellest said alguse Chicago(Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, Jimmy Reed, Buddy Guy, Ottis Rush jne) ja Texas(Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Willie Johnson, Johnny Winter jne) blues. Kõik arenes samamoodi nagu hakkas arenema jazz ning nad tegid seda ka osati ka käsikäes. Tekkisid veel mitemed erinevad bluesi valdnonnad nagu näiteks Britti Blues, kelle eestvedajateks olid Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, Yardbirds(Eric Clapton, Jimmi Page ­ Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck) ja Rhythm and Blues, mille kuulsaim artist oli Kindlasti Ray Charles

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
44 allalaadimist


19 elavneb, muutub loovamaks ja esineb rohkem mängu erinevaid vorme. Samuti laste tervis paraneb ning haigusi on vähem. (Fjørtoft 2001, 111-112). Et arendada laste positiivset ellusuhtumist, omavahelist koostööd, uudishimu ja iseseisvust, on õuesõppel täita väga suur roll. (Katz 1999, viidanud Maynard & Waters). Samuti suhteliselt vähe kasutatakse lisaks õuealale ka võimalust mängida vabas looduses. (Maynard & Waters 2007, 262). Loodushariduse eesmärk on luua võimalus teadlike kodanike tekkeks, kes tunnevad biofüüsilist keskkonda ja sellega seonduvaid probleeme, on teadlikud, kuidas neid probleeme aidata lahendada ning on motiveeritud lahenduste nimel tegutsema. (Stapp, 1969, 30, viidanud Gilbertson jt 2006). Bakalaureusetöös „Lasteaia õueala õpikeskkonnana” tuuakse välja, et lasteaedade õpetajad peavad õueala mängimisega seotud keskkonnaks, kuid ei kasuta eesmärgipärase

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
27 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Arengupsühholoogia kokkuvõte

Lapse kõne ja suhtlemise areng Miks uuritakse? *Teaduslikus uurimistöös. *Kliinilises praktikas. *Lapsepsühholoogi igapäevases töös, kuna kõne arengu tase ennustab lapse edaspidist kõne arengut (eriti hästi just kõneprobleeme ja 2. eluaastal mõõdetuna), kuid ka lapse arengut teistes valdkondades. Kõne arengu perioodid 3. kuu algul ­ koogamine 4. kuul ­ lalisemine 9. kuu ­ ehholaalia periood 9. kuu ­ asju nimetama 9-24. kuu ­ ühesõnaliste lausungite periood 1.5aastaselt 20-50 sõna 24. kuu ­ umbes 250 sõna, kahesõnalised lausungid 30. kuu ­ umbes 500 sõna, kolmesõnalised lausungid 3-4aastastel lastel erandsõnade kasutamisel ülereguleerimine Eesti lapse esimesed sõnad (nimetatud 254 ema poolt) Emme (167) Aitäh (153) nämm-nämm (78) anna (37) issi (33) daa-daa (26) tita (16) kutsu (12) kiisu (12) ai-ai (10) Suured individuaalsed erinevused kuni 3.-4. eluaastani Tüdrukud poistest ekspressiivse keele arengu poolest e...

Pedagoogika → Arengupsühholoogia
602 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

There are over 100 varieties of freshwater fish species, varying from the giant European catfish (in the Tagus International Natural Park) to some small and endemic species that live only in small lakes (along the western lakes for example). Some of these rare and specific species are highly endangered because of habitat loss, pollution and drought. Upwelling along the west coast of Portugal makes the sea extremely rich in nutrients and diverse species of marine fish; the Portuguese marine waters are one of the richest in the world. Marine fish species are more common, and include thousands of species, such as the sardine (Sardina pilchardus), tuna and Atlantic mackerel. Bioluminescent species are also well represented (including species in different colour spectrum and forms), like the glowing plankton that are possible to observe in some beaches. There are many endemic insect species, most only found in certain parts of Portugal, while

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist


4. Helsinki Commission-koduleht 5. EurLex: 83/513/EMÜ- Kaadmiumiheidete piirväärtused ja kvaliteedieesmärgid (EÜT L 291, 24.10.1983, lk 29); 6. RT I 2000, 6, 38 - Toidus lubatud saasteainete loetelu ja piirnormid 7. RTL ; 2001- Veekeskkonnale ohtlike ainete nimistud 1 ja2 8. EurLex: 84/156/EMÜ 9. 10. Europa Liidu Teataja C168/44; 2007 11. Voigt, Heinz-Rudolf "Concentration of heavymetals in fisch from coastal waters around the Baltic Sea";1999.a 12. Elintarvikevirasto. Riskiraportti, elintarvikkeiden ja talousveden kemialliset vaarat. Valvontaoppassarja 2/202: 5-11 13. Mustaniemi A, Hallikainen A, Witick A Elohopean saanti kalasta ja muusta ravinnosta. Elintarvikevirasto, tutkimuksia 13/1994 14. "Kalastaja" 2002. Nr. 22 lk. 50-55 15. Leili Järv, magistritöö, Ahvenast Eesti rannikumeres ja tema saakide prognoosimise võimalustest 1997, lk.3 16. Neuman,E . 1977

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Psühhofarmakoloogia konspekt

Ajalugu · Teadvuse hälvitamine looduslike gaasidega eelajaloolistest aegadest · XIX sajandi künnisel soovitab Humphrey Davy kirurgidele "naerugaasi" (N 2O) 1844, 16.10.1846 demonstreerib William Morton Bostonis Harvardi arstidele dietüüleetri toimet · 1847 James Simpson kasutab sünnitusabis kloroformi · 1884 - Karl Köller avastab kokaiini paikselt tuimestava toime · 1934 - Lundy, Waters - lühiajaline veenisisene üldanesteesia tiopentaaliga Anesteesia meetodid · Üldanesteesias kasutatakse intravenoosseid &/või inhaleeritavaid anesteetikume, mis panevad magama · Regionaalanesteesias - lokaalanesteetikumide toimel blokeeritakse valuimpulsi edasijuhtimine närviteedes (lokaalanesteesia, epiduraalanesteesia, spinaalanesteesia) Hea anesteetikumi omadused · Anesteesia kiire saabumine ilma (ebameeldivate) kõrvalnähtudeta ning toksiliste kõrvaltoimete puudumine

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
166 allalaadimist

Arengupsühholoogia eksamiks kordamine

Arengupsühholoogia Kuldvillak:  Nii nimetatakse kõnest arusaamist: retseptiivne kõne  Nii nimetatakse u. 4. elukuul tekkivat täis- ja kaashäälikute kombineerimist: lalisemine  Need on eesti laste esimesed sõnad: emme, aitäh, nämm-nämm  Selles vanuses hakkab laps kasutama kahesõnalisi lausungeid: 2aastaselt  Chomsky lõi selle kõne omandamise teooria: kõneorgani teooria  Dekontekstualiseeritud kõne viitab sellele: rääkimine asjadest, mida ei ole siin ja praegu  See on kuulsaim lapse kiindumusstiili mõõdik: võõra situatsiooni katse  Seda kasvatusstiili iseloomustab kõrge nõudlikkus ja madal soojus: autoritaarne kasvatusstiil  Need on sotsiaalsete reeglite tüübid: moraalsed, konventsionaalsed, personaalsed, prudentsiaalsed  Seda demonstreeris Pavlovi katse koertega: klassikaline tingimine  Selle alla kuuluvad empaatia, abistamine ja heateod: prosotsiaalne käitumine  Nii nimetat...

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
42 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

3) Geothermal heat pumps use stable ground or water temperatures near the earth's surface to control building temperatures above ground. 13. 4 Direct use of geothermal energy The direct use of hot water as an energy source has been happening since ancient times. The Romans, Chinese, and Native Americans used hot mineral springs for bathing, cooking and heating. Today, many hot springs are still used for bathing, and many people believe the hot, mineral-rich waters have natural healing powers. After bathing, the most common direct use of geothermal energy is for heating buildings through district heating systems. Hot water near the earth's surface can be piped directly into buildings and industries for heat. A district heating system provides heat for 95 percent of the buildings in Reykjavik, Iceland. Examples of other direct uses include: growing crops, and drying lumber, fruits, and vegetables. 13.5 Geothermal power plants

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

idea remark--remarks, warmth--*warmths One class or more: Nouns in English can be assigned to a primary or default class. Nevertheless, it is often possible to coerce a noun from one class to another, with a concomitant meaning change. Proper count: There are three Evas in the class. Count noncount (mass): After the accident, there was cat all over the road. Mass count: The waitress brought three waters to the table. - dual class membership: some nouns can be seen from the point of view of count or noncount nouns. I want an evening paper. Wrap the parcel up in brown paper - a different lexical item a garment ­ clothing, a laugh ­ laughter, a `permit ­ permission, a job, a task ­ work, a poem - poetry - conversion: nouns may also be shifted from one class to another by means of conversion A: What cheeses have you got today? B: Well, we have Cheddar, Gorgonzola, and Danish blue.

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

The Quebec Act made thing worse. The Continental Congress severed relations with UK George Washingotn was appointed a commader of military forces. 80 000 loyalists left for Canada Canada as a british colony In 17 C Henry Hudson explored Hudson Bay The English fur traders established posts at the mouths of Rupert and Moose Rivers on James Bay and Hudson river on Hudson Bay Hudson Bay Company. Drained all the land by the waters flowing into Hudson Bay 18 C Upper C belonged to Britain and lower to French 1848 Act of Union- 2 provinces were united into one and given internal government Australia as British colony 1770 Captain James Cook landed at Botany bay and claimed the East coast of Australia for Britain British government decided to dump its surplus felons there, established a penal colony Merino sheep, gold Transportation of convicts ended in 1840 to east

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


organization running with smooth efficiency. By then the Japanese had completed the basic outline for a dawn attack on Pearl Harbor. The plan had been conceived in the fertile brain of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief Combined Fleet, Imperial Japanese Navy. Early in the year, he had ordered a study of the operation, contending that "If we have war with the United States, we will have no hope of winning unless the United States fleet in Hawaiian waters can be destroyed." By May 1941, studies had shown the feasibility of a surprise air attack, statistics had been gathered, and operational planning was under way. In the middle of that month, the U.S. Navy took an important step in the radio intelligence field. It detached a 43-year-old lieutenant commander from his intelligence berth aboard U.S.S. Indianapolis and assigned him to reorganize and strengthen the radio intelligence unit at Pearl Harbor

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


A standard combine header will cause excessive seed loss to the ground from shattering, so a special sunflower header should be obtained, or a conventional header can be modified by adding catch pans, deflectors and possibly a smaller reel. The modifications are intended to collect the sunflower head while minimizing stem material collection. (A guide on modifying standard grain heads for use in sunflower harvest is available from the authors, MU Extension -- Agronomy Office, 214 Waters Hall, Columbia, MO 65211.) Cylinder speeds should be relatively slow, from 300 to 450 rpm. A proper concave adjustment is necessary to prevent dehulling the seeds. Seeds can be stored at up to 12 percent moisture for short periods, but should be dried to 9 percent moisture for long-term storage. It is best to have on-farm storage available, since some of the current market outlets in Missouri accept sunflower delivery only during certain time periods. Sources of sunflower seed

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

Foreword Bridging rivers, gorges, narrows, straits, and valleys always has played an important role in the history of human settlement. Since ancient times, bridges have been the most visible testimony of the noble craft of engineers. A bridge can be defined in many ways, but Andrea Palladio, the great 16th century Italian architect and engineer, hit on the essence of bridge building when he said "...bridges should befit the spirit of the community by exhibiting commodiousness, firmness, and delight." In more practical terms, he went on to explain that the way to avoid having the bridge carried away by the violence of water was to make the bridge without fixing any posts in the water. Since the beginning of time, the goal of bridge builders has been to create as wide a span as possible which is commodious, firm, and occasionally delightful. Spanning greater distances is a distinct measure ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist


Most of the coastline is so broken by bays and inlets that no point on the island is more than 120 km from the sea. Climate and Surface Britain has a mild climate which is influenced by the Gulf Stream, an ocean current which flows past the British Isles and brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico. Steady south-west winds blow across the current and bring warmth in winter. In summer, the ocean waters are cooler than the land. Winds over the waters come to Britain as refreshing breezes. The sea winds also bring plentiful rains. Britain is not as cold as most places so far north. Summers are mild, with daytime highs about 220C in the south, about 180C in Scotland. Winters are cool – night-time temperatures drop nearly to freezing, but rarely much below, except in the colder Scottish highland areas. Within Britain there are differences of climate and rainfall between north and south, east and west

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

their feet as the subway roared by below, while I grinned like an idiot and flexed my toes. New York was a brand new love affair for me. I was starry-eyed and it showed. So I had to really work at playing it cool as I made my way over to the building where I would be working. As far as my job went, at least, I'd gotten my way. I wanted to make a living based on my own merits and that meant an entry-level position. Starting the next morning, I would be the assistant to Mark Garrity at Waters Field & Leaman, one of the preeminent advertising agencies in the US. My stepfather, mega-financier Richard Stanton, had been annoyed when I took the job, pointing out that if I'd been less prideful I could've worked for a friend of his instead and reaped the benefits of that connection. "You're as stubborn as your father," he'd said. "It'll take him forever to pay off your student loans on a cop's salary." That had been a major fight, with my dad unwilling to back down

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

Too full of gab, and too impertinent And free with your advice on all occasions. DAMIS But . . . MADAME PERNELLE You're a fool, my boy--f, o, o, l Just spells your name. Let grandma tell you that I've said a hundred times to my poor son, Your father, that you'd never come to good Or give him anything but plague and torment. MARIANE I think . . . MADAME PERNELLE O dearie me, his little sister! You're all demureness, butter wouldn't melt In your mouth, one would think to look at you. Still waters, though, they say . . . you know the proverb; And I don't like your doings on the sly. ELMIRE But, mother . . . MADAME PERNELLE Daughter, by your leave, your conduct In everything is altogether wrong; You ought to set a good example for 'em; Their dear departed mother did much better. You are extravagant; and it offends me, To see you always decked out like a princess. A woman who would please her husband's eyes Alone, wants no such wealth of fineries. CLEANTE But, madam, after all . . .

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Lennart Raudsepp Roomet Viira SPORDISOTSIOLOOGIA Alljärgnev õppevahend on mõeldud sissejuhatava kursusena spordi sotsioloogiasse. Kuna sellekohast õppekirjandust kehakultuuriteaduskonna bakalaureuseõppe üliõpilastele eesti keeles ei ole, oli vajadus sellise õppemateriali koostamiseks olemas. Teiseks eesmärgiks sellise õppevahendi koostamisel oli pöörata üliõpilaste tähelepanu küsimustele, mis on seotud spordi kui sotsiaalse elu ühe osaga. Õppevahend koosneb neljast peatükist. Esimese peatükis antakse ülevaade spordisotsioloogia mõistest ning iseloomustatakse spordi ja ühiskonna vahelisi seoseid. Teine peatükk on pühendatud spordi sotsialiseerumise temaatikale ning lähemat käsitlust leiavad teemad, mis on seotud spordi ning indiviidi suhetega. Paljusid spordiga seotud inimesi huvitab näiteks küsimus kuidas toimub endiste sportlaste üleminek "nor...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
55 allalaadimist


people. This is a continent which has been declared the Poorest Continent of the 20th Century. Since most of the countries gained pyrrhic victories in gaining independence from their former colonial masters, this is a continent which has been unable to provide basic necessities to its citizens-good roads, pipe borne clean water, good light, good health care, or even good governance. In most cases, you see huge squalor of strewn dirty garbage piled high, and mosquito infested waters. And yet all around it you see cars upon cars of Lexus, BMW, Mercedes Benz and other luxury cars. AFRICANS LIVE FOR TODAY. LET TOMORROW TAKE CARE OF ITSELF AND BE DAMNED. Africans are considered the most loyal to product brands. It is a herd mentality. Whether it is in politics or in business, people know the Black mentality. Because of this herd mentality, companies discount Africans when it comes to advertising campaigns. Blacks are considered afterthoughts or to fulfil certain

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

barrier extsts-v rh ereby perm itt ing m o istu re-lad en , weste rly winds sp n ng ing from warm ocea n ic waters to di st ribute pr ecipitation uniform ly across Europe. However, by the tim e th ese currents of air reach the

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

I was glad I had the window seat. We'd rolled the windows down -- the Suburban was a bit claustrophobic with nine people in it -- and I tried to absorb as much sunlight as possible. I'd been to the beaches around La Push many times during my Forks summers with Charlie, so the mile-long crescent of First Beach was familiar to me. It was still breathtaking. The water was dark gray, even in the sunlight, white-capped and heaving to the gray, rocky shore. Islands rose out of the steel harbor waters with sheer cliff sides, reaching to uneven summits, and crowned with austere, soaring firs. The beach had only a thin border of actual sand at the water's edge, after which it grew into millions of large, smooth stones that looked uniformly gray from a distance, but close up were every shade a stone could be: terra-cotta, sea green, lavender, blue gray, dull gold. The tide line was strewn with huge driftwood trees, bleached bone white in the salt waves, some piled together against the edge of

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


Kuressaare Ametikool Koostanud Sirje Pree 2000/2007 ‗ 2 Sisukord ‗............................................................................................................2 SISUKORD.............................................................................................3 SISSEJUHATUS......................................................................................6 Arengupsühholoogia mõiste......................................................................................8 ARENGU MÕJURID EHK ARENGUFAKTORID.......................................13 ERINEVAD TEOORIAD INIMESE ARENGUST........................................18 Psühhoanalüütikud...................................................................................................21 Erikson.....................................................................................

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
197 allalaadimist

Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu 2010

2010. a on koobas järve kaldal, kus suur jõejumal valvab jõe lätete üle ja valgest marmorist nümf suigub koopa pimeduses. Koopast edasi viib küpressidest ääristatud tee künkale, kus troonib valge kuppelehitus (Panteon). "Nymph of the Grot, these sacred springs I keep and to the murmurs of the waters sleep: Ah, spare my slumber, gently tread the cave and drink in silence, or in silence lave." (inskriptsioon kuju postamendil) Üleüldse hakkas 18. saj jooksul inglise aed muutuma tänapäeva mõistes pargi moodi moodustiseks. Nn piiratud alad, taraga piiratud põllud ja karjamaad olid kõige eraldatumad osad maastikus. Kogu 18. saj vältel oli Inglismaa farmirahvus, kuid üksikfarmid olid enamasti väikesed ja neil oli vähe põllumaad.

Arhitektuur → Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu
45 allalaadimist

Keskkonnakaitse lõpueksami küsimused-vastused

magestajaid. Mis puudutab veel USA võimalikke arenguid, siis on paljud teema kajastajad pidanud USA-d üheks järgmiseks kiire kasvuga piirkonnaks. Veepuuduse küsimus on saamas järjest aktuaalsemaks paljudes USA rannikuäärsetes osariikides, kus põudade progresseerumine, põhjavee sooldumine ja kiiresti kasvav rahvastik on tõsiselt kahandamas nii pinna- kui ka põhjaveevarusid Aastal 2006 prognoosis Global Waters Intelligence (GWI), et aastaks 2010 kasvab globaalne merevee magestamise turumaht 64,3 milj m3-ni päevas (aastal 2006 39,9 milj m3 päevas) ning 2015.aastaks 97,5 milj m3-ni. GWI hiljutine ülevaade näitab, et tegemist oli t selgelt konservatiivse prognoosiga ning tegelik kasvutempo on olnud märksa kiirem. Käesoleva aasta esimese poolaasta seisuga ulatus GWI andmetel magestamistehaste globaalne koguvõimsus 62,8 milj m3-ni päevas

Ökoloogia → Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev...
238 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

perfringens in the FDT, due to the fluo- warm temperatures. In such conditions, most resces surrounding the black colony. With vegetative cells of competitors die off, while more confirmation, this test will help authori- the spores of C. perfringens have a chance ties determine when to close beaches to to survive, germinate, and grow into large protect the public from contamination by numbers (about 10,000 to 1 million per fecal microbes in recreational waters. gram). When ingested by a susceptible person, these will start to sporulate in the Salmonella small intestine due to the favorable anaerobic environment there. The gene coded for spor- Salmonella is the classic example of food- ulation also controls the release of an entero- borne infection. Salmonella enteritidis was toxin that is responsible for the diarrhea isolated in 1884 and still is an important characteristics of C

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun