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"guidelines" - 84 õppematerjali

guidelines On Hand Hygiene In Health Care (2009). World Health Organisation. France . (29.10.14).


TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING GUIDELINES Report Composers: Meelika Koitjärv EABM03 000502 Sandra Oisalu EABM03 000484 Tallinn 2004 2 PREFACE

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Guidelines for writing tasks

Writing tasks Formal letters 120 words I Tegemist on ametliku kirjastiiliga ja lühivormid (don't, can't, I'm etc.)on keelatud! Kaotate kohe punkte II * Dear Mr. Smith (ja eesnime ei tohi kirjutada!!!) * Kui teame nime, siis lõpp Yours sincerely ja allkiri ja ülesandes antud nimi * Kui nime pole öeldud, siis Dear Sir or Madam * Kui nime ei tea, siis lõpus Yours faithfully ja allkiri ja ülesandes antud nimi Enda nime ei tohi mitte mingil juhul kirjutada!!!!! Te olete kas Jürid või Marid, Urved või Urmased jne. Kirjade tüübid: 1) Kui peate kirjutama kirja , kus tuleb kelleltki nõu küsida, siis alustage: I am writing to ask if you could help me with... I am writing to ask for your advice... Ja lõpetage I would appreciate if you could give me your advice as soon as possible või I look forward to receiving your advice... 2) Kui peate kirjutama kirja , kus tuleb ise nõustada, siis alustage: I am writing in reply to your letter asking a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
231 allalaadimist


Haiglanakkustega puutuvad kokku kõik tervishoiuasutused üle maailma. Üldised prognoosid näitavad, et enam kui 1,4 miljonit patsienti üle kogu maailma on pidevalt mõjutatud haiglanakkustest. (Guidelines On… 2009: 6). Haiglanakkused ohustavad patsientide turvalisust, suurendavad nende kannatusi, põhjustades pikaajalist töövõimetust, suurenevad kulutused nii patsientidele, nende peredele kui ka tervishoiule, mistõttu pikeneb haiglas viibimise aeg ning tõuseb suremus. (Sax jt 2007; Guidelines On… 2009). Kätehügieen on eelkõige vajalik selleks, et kaitsta teisi inimesi mikroorganismide levitamise ees, seda ei tohi unustada ning sellele tuleb pöörata suurt tähelepanu. (Sax jt 2007: 9). Käsi tuleb pesta selleks, et vähendada transiitmikrofloora ja orgaanilisest mustuse ülekandmist käte kaudu. Käsi ei tohi pesta liiga kaua ja liiga intensiivselt, sest üleliigne käte hõõrumine rikub nahka kaitsva pH (happe-leelise tasakaalu), selle tagajärjel muutuvad

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
21 allalaadimist

Understanding Health

Introduction ◦ Name: Mairis Õispuu ◦ Studying: Food Engineering and Product Development ◦ Topic: Nutrition and Weight Control ◦ Importance of this topic Section 1. The Basics of Nutrition ◦ Carbohydrates ◦ Fats ◦ Proteins ◦ Vitamins ◦ Minerals ◦ Water ◦ Fibre Section 2. A Balanced Diet ◦ The Food Groups ◦ Milk and milk products ◦ Fruits and vegetables ◦ Breads and cereals ◦ Sugar, refined fats, and oils ◦ Meat group ◦ Vegetarianism ◦ Dietary Guidelines Section 3. Weight Problems ◦ What is the right weight for you? ◦ Body composition ◦ Two types of obesity ◦ Causes of weight problems ◦ Psychological reasons of eating ◦ Lack of exercise ◦ Speed of eating ◦ Junk food Section 4. Methods of Weight Control ◦ Planning a weight-control program ◦ The need of exercise ◦ Changing your eating habits ◦ Fad diets ◦ Sweating ◦ Commercial groups Conclusion ◦ Learned about basics of nutrition and how to plan balanced diet.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


suvel me kaevame aias, ujume, lamame liival. Ja peamine osaleja nendes kõikides tegevustes on meie käed. Nii mustus, tolm, mikroobid esimest korda ilmnevad täpselt käe pinnal. Et vältida haigust igaüks meist, peab hoolitsema õige kätehügieenist. Kätehügieen on kõige tõhusam viis kaitsta patsiente ja tervishoiutöötajaid nakkuse leviku eest. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Boyce, J., Cookson, B., Damani, N., Falletti, C. (2009). WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care. First global patient safety challenge. Clean care is safer care. (16.11.2012). Boyce, J., Goldmann, D., Larson, E., Girard, R., Mehta, G. (2005). WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care (advanced draft): a summary. (16.11.2012). Haigla nakkustõrjestandardid. (2002). Tallinn: EV Sotsiaalministeerium. Stone, S. (2001)

Meditsiin → Hügieen
93 allalaadimist


KASUTATUD ALLIKAD: Euroopa Liidust: Vaba entsüklopeedia: SEB Ühispank, Innopolis Konsultatsioonid AS, "Kohalike omavalitsuste ootused ja vajadused Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondide rakendamise programmperioodil 2007-2013", Tallinn, 2005, kättesaadav: Euroopa Liidu ühtekuuluvuspoliitika instrumendid ja eesmärgid, COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, 2007­2013, Brussels, 05.07.2005, kättesaadav: Poliitikauuringute keskus PRAXIS, Tallinn, 2005, kättesaadav: "Euroopa Komisjoni hinnang Eesti majanduskasvu ja töökohti kasitleva riikliku tegevuskava kohta", pressiteade, 18.11.08, kättesaadav:

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu poliitikad
63 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

and long-term unemployment. The contribution of the Amsterdam Treaty: coordinating Member States’ employment policies at Community level. The European Employment Strategy 1997-2004: employment guidelines; national action plans; Joint Employment Report; recommendations. The re-launch of the European Employment Strategy in 2005: focus on growth and jobs, and with the aim to simplify and streamline the Lisbon Strategy. The Employment Guidelines 2005-2008 and 2008-2010: devoted specifically to employment to boost the Lisbon Strategy. They aimed to contribute to fostering full employment, to improve quality and productivity at work and to strengthen social and territorial cohesion. Employees’ participation: Objectives: - The EU supports and complements Member States’ activities relating to employee involvement with a view

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

How to become successful?

Although, I think that there can be no such thing as a "script of how to be successful". Success is measured by everyone on their own and everyone sees success differently. If one doesn't strive towards being wealthy, but wants abundant free-time to think of oneself as successful instead, then my recommedations brought out above would be useful for them. All in all, I think figuring out the definition of successful and setting the most crucial principles are the main guidelines for one's case. So as I wish to have a decent job in the sience field, I think of those two things as of the things I have to follow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The picture of Dorian Gray

The picture of Dorian Gray The Picture of Dorian Gray is a philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890. We meet our three central characters at the beginning of the book, when painter Basil Hallward and his close friend, Lord Henry Wotton, are discussing the subject of Basil's newest painting, about handsome young man named Dorian Gray. Henry told Basil that it's his best work yet and should it sent to the best art gallery in London. Basil refuses to send, because he has pu too much of himself into it. Lord Henry wants to meet this mysterious boy, but Basil doesn't want him to because he's afraid that Henry will change and influence Dorian by his clever words. However, Lord Henry gets his wish--Dorian shows up that very afternoon. The both men thinks that Dorian is very good-looking man with his bright blue eyes and gold hair. Also he had an open, honest face, no dark sec...

Keeled → British literature
1 allalaadimist


vees halvasti lahustuv. Aniliin põleb tahmava leegiga. See imendub hästi suukaudsel sissehingamisel. Keskmine surmav doos inimese puhul on 25 mg/l õhus. Aniliin pole eriti bioakumuleeruv aine ning neeldub tahkesse ainesse vähesel määral. Aniliini kasutatakse riide, toiduvärvide ning ka ravimite valmistamiseks. 8 Kasutatud allikad A. Tuulmets. 2002. Orgaaniline keemia. Avita Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. 1999. Aniline. Kättesaadav: (09.11.15) EuropeanCommission. 2003. Aniline. Kättesaadav: (09.11.15) H. Raudsepp. 1967. Orgaaniline keemia. Valgus, Tallinn MaterialSafetyDataSheet. 1999. Aniline. Kättesaadav: (07.11.15)

Keemia → Keskkonnakeemia
9 allalaadimist

Essee platseebo efektist

eetilistele probleemidele vaatamata võib platseebo olla üks kõige efektiivsemaid ja tähtsamaid elemente iga ravija jaoks. Kasutatud allikad Freedman, B. (1987). Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research. N Engl J Med, 317. 141- 145. Fuente-Fernandez, R. & Stoessl, A.J. (2004). The Biochemical Bases of the Placebo Effect. Science and Engineerig Ethics, 10, 143-150. Gaudiano, B.A. & Herbert, J.D. (2005). Moving From Empirically Supported Treatment Lists to Practice Guidelines in Psychotherapy: The Role of the Placebo Concept. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61(7), 893-908. Kemp, A.S., Kalali, A.H., Schooler, N.R., Alphs, L., Anand, R., Awad, G. ... Vermeulen, A. (2008) What Is Causing the Reduced Drug-Placebo Difference in Recent Schizophrenia Clinical Trials and What Can be Done About It? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36 (3), 504-509. Lau, J.T.F & Mao, J. (2003). Ethical issues related to the use of placebo in clinical trials. Hong Kong Mcd J, 9 (3), 192-198.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
80 allalaadimist

Basalioom: etioloogia, kliiniline pilt, ravi

5. Roewert-Huber J, Lange-Asschenfeldt B, Stockfleth E, Kerl H. Epidemiology and aetiology of basal cell carcinoma. Br J Dermatol. 2007;157(SUPPL. 2):47-51. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.08273.x. 6. Vantuchová Y, Cuík R. Histological types of basal cell carcinoma. Scr Medica. 2006;79(5­6):261-270. 7. Rezakovic S, Zuzul K, Kostovic K. Basal cell carcinoma: review of treatment modalities. J Dermatology Clin Res. 2014;2(5):1035. 8. Telfer NR, Colver GB, Morton CA. Guidelines for the management of basal cell carcinoma. Br J Dermatol. 2008;159(1):35-48. doi:10.1111/j.1365- 2133.2008.08666.x. 7

Meditsiin → Silmahaigused
8 allalaadimist


2.2. Õendusplaan 21.11.2018 8 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Ackley B.J., Ladwig G.B. (2008). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook. An Evidence Based Guide to Planning Care, 8th Edition. St Louis: C.V. Mosby Co. Cooper K., Gosnell K. (2014). Foundations of Nursing, 7th Edition. St Louis: Elsevier, Mosby. (21.11.2018) Doenges M.E., Moorhouse M.F., Murr A.C. (2010). Nursing Care Plans Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span, 8th Edition. USA: F. A. Davis Company. Urden L. D., Kathleen M. S., Lough M.E. (2015). Priorities in Critical Care Nursing, 7th Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences. redir_esc=y&hl=ru&id=yJjTBgAAQBAJ&q=renal+clinical+assesment#v=s nippet&q=renal%20clinical%20assesment&f=false (21.11.2018) Herold G. (1999) Sisehaigused. Loengutele orienteeritud käsitlus. Tallinn. Peate. I., Nair M., Wild K. (2014)

Meditsiin → Õendus
41 allalaadimist


14 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Abrams P., Hashim H. (2008) How should patients with an overactive bladder manipulate their fluid intake? BJU Int 102(1): 62­6 Johnson TM., Sattin RW., Parmelee P., Fultz NH., Ouslander JG. (2005). Evaluating potentially modifiable risk factors for prevalent and incident nocturia in older adults. J Am Geriat Soc 53(6): 1011­6 Doenges M.E., Moorhouse M.F., Murr A.C. (2010). Nursing Care Plans Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span. (18.10.18) Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, et al. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ 2 320:1240­3 Chobanian A.V., Bakris G.L., Black H.R. (2003). Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Hypertension. 42:1206­1252.

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
70 allalaadimist


Keskmiselt on arteriaalne rõhk RR (Riva-Rocci ­ arstid, kes kirjeldasid vererõhu mõõtmist) 120/70mmHg. Normipiirid arteriaals Hüpertooniline klassifikatsioon: (Euroopa Hüpertensiooni juhised 2003 ­ PPT ­ Google'is!) Hüpertensiooni defineeritakse üle 18-aasastel täiskasvanutel kui süstoolse vererõhu (SVR) kõrgenemist üle 140 mmHg ja/või diastoolse vererõhu (DVR) kõrgenemist üle 90 mmHg. Klassifikatsioon vererõhu väärtuste alusel ( WHO-ISH Guidelines Committee 1999,täiendatud ESH,ESC 2003) üle 18-aasaste patsientide jaoks, kes ei saa antihüpertensiivset ravi Max - Süstoolne (mm Hg) Min- Diastoolne (mm Hg) Optimaalne vererõhk <120 <80 Normaalne vererõhk 120-129 80-84 Kõrge-normaalne vererõhk 130-139 85-89

Meditsiin → Normaalne ja patoloogiline...
39 allalaadimist

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat

Jooksvatest ettevõtmistest teada andmiseks ja metoodika ühtlustamiseks soovitatakse raamatukogudel jagada tehnilist informatsiooni ja teha koostööd digiteerimisprojektides. Loodetakse, et raamatukogud töötavad välja elektrooniliste arhiivide haldamise ja säilitamise rahvusvahelised standardid ja metaandmed, mille puudumine takistab erinevate tulemuste koostalitlusvõimet ja suurendab teravalt kulutusi. Viited: The Public Library Service: IFLA/Unesco Guidelines for Development (Rahvaraamatukogude teenindus: IFLA/UNESCO arengusuunised) välja töötanud IFLA rahvaraamatukogude sektsiooni töörühm, mida juhatas Philip Gill. (Münhen: Saur, 2001). EBLIDA guidelines on library legislation and policy in Europe (EBLIDA suunised raamatukogusid käsitlevate Euroopa õigusaktide ja poliitika kohta) / Council for Cultural Co-operation, Culture Committee. Council of Europe (Kultuurikoostöö Nõukogu kultuurikomitee. Euroopa Nõukogu, 2000). 3.3

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist


When elites spoke, journalists listened and recorded the information, distilled it, and passed it on to the public for their consumption. The public is not smart enough to understand complicated, political issues. Furthermore, the public was too consumed with their daily lives to care about complex public policy. Therefore the public needed someone to interpret the decisions or concerns of the elite to make the information plain and simple. Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel propose several guidelines for journalists in their book "The Elements of Journalism". Because journalism's first loyalty is to the citizenry, journalists are obliged to tell the truth and must serve as an independent monitor of powerful individuals and institutions within society. The essence of journalism is to provide citizens with reliable information through the discipline of verification, as well providing a forum for public criticism. Professional and ethical standards

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

factory farms, fur farms and laboratories. After the liberation they provide animals with good homes or places to live out their natural lives free of suffering. Animal Liberation Front’s other goal is to cause economic damage to those companies that profit from animal abuse and to bring out to open abuses against animals. Since they are group with no central leadership they work in small groups and everyone who is vegetarian or vegan and follows ALF guidelines can regard themselves as part of Animal Liberation Front. [3] Since ALF don’t have centralized leadership it means they cannot give out one statement about their views on hunting, but looking around their webpage there are several statements that condemn hunting and hunters even going to statements like "Hunting for Sport is a Sin". They also have questions and answers section where hunting for cultural reasons or hunting for survival is deemed unjustifiable. [3]

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Project Plan

for underground spaces in the Northern Pointe Development cannot be established with certainty, owing to the preliminary nature of this study and the large number of unresolved controlling factors. Yet it is evident that space will be required and must be set aside for natural light. Accordingly, we believe that space for natural light and view must be initially allocated on the basis of approximate judgment in lieu of more fixed guidelines. To this end, 15% of the total gross floor area, or some 42,500 square feet, is allocated for natural light and view throughout the underground areas. We expect that during further development of this project, new information may suggest some adjustment of this allocation. Conclusions Preceding analysis has delineated the clear limitations of space available for development below grade on the Northern Pointe site. At this juncture it would appear reasonable to expect that 166,350

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu ajaloo kokkuvõte

loob 2,5 miljonit uut töökohta. Ühtekuuluvuspoliitika 2007-2013 erineb poliitikast aastatel 2000-2006 mitmel viisil: suurem rõhk majanduskasvul ja tööhõivel ning vastutuse detsentraliseerimine eesmärkide ja määruste lihtsustamine; abikõlblikkuse reeglite voolujoonelisus; finantseerimine ainuallikast ja paindlik finantsjuhtimine ELi, riikliku ja kohaliku tasandi algatused koondatakse üle ühte dokumenti, mis kannab nime Community Strategic Guidelines (Ühenduse strateegilised suunised) Enne 2004. aastat olid ühtekuuluvuspoliitika toetuse põhilised saajad läänepoolsed Euroopa riigid: Kreeka, Portugal, Iirimaa, Ida-Saksamaa, Itaalia ja Hispaania. 2004. aastal kümne Ida- Euroopa riigi liitumise järel kandus enamus toetustest üle itta. EL ja maailm Euroopa Ühendusel on ainupädevus kaubanduse valdkonnas, mistõttu ta osaleb

Geograafia → Geograafia
28 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

loob 2,5 miljonit uut töökohta. Ühtekuuluvuspoliitika 2007-2013 erineb poliitikast aastatel 2000-2006 mitmel viisil: suurem rõhk majanduskasvul ja tööhõivel ning vastutuse detsentraliseerimine eesmärkide ja määruste lihtsustamine; abikõlblikkuse reeglite voolujoonelisus; finantseerimine ainuallikast ja paindlik finantsjuhtimine ELi, riikliku ja kohaliku tasandi algatused koondatakse üle ühte dokumenti, mis kannab nime Community Strategic Guidelines (Ühenduse strateegilised suunised) Enne 2004. aastat olid ühtekuuluvuspoliitika toetuse põhilised saajad läänepoolsed Euroopa riigid: Kreeka, Portugal, Iirimaa, Ida-Saksamaa, Itaalia ja Hispaania. 2004. aastal kümne Ida- Euroopa riigi liitumise järel kandus enamus toetustest üle itta. Euroopa Liit ja maailm Euroopa Ühendusel on ainupädevus kaubanduse valdkonnas, mistõttu ta osaleb

Geograafia → Geograafia
18 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

(or rejects) the appointment of the Commission as a whole. The President of the European Parliament (Parliament's speaker) is Martin Schulz. The European Parliament has three places of work – Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg and Strasbourg (France). The European Council The role of the European Council is to provide the European Union with the necessary impetus for its development and to define the general political guidelines. The European Council is the group of heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the council's own President and the President of the European Commission. The European Council was established as an informal body in 1975(1961); it became an official EU institution in 2009 when the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force. The European Council has no formal legislative power. It is charged under the Treaty of

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

(standards and guidelines), rahvusvaheline kontroll ja pingeread (agentuur), sisemised mehhanismid (eneseparandus), kvaliteedikultuur (sisemine norm) • Analoog tsiviliseerumisega – normi internaliseerumine. Kui kaugele erinevad eluvaldkonnad (äri, meditsiin, haridus, riigikaitse) on (kvaliteedi) arengus jõudnud? • Praktilised sammud hariduses • Akrediteerimissüsteemid alates 1990date algusest • European Standards and Guidelines 2005 • Eestis: 1200 õppekava aastatel 1997-2008 • Mõjuanalüüs BV: palju energiat, tulemus tagasihoidlik • Eesti uus süsteem: üleminekuhindamine + tagasisidele orienteeritud kvaliteedihindamine • Kontroll vs kvaliteedikultuur Elukvaliteet • Teemaks 1970datel, koos heaoluühiskonnaga. Väärtuspilt eemale ellujäämisvajadustest, päevakorrale vaba aeg, eneserealisatsioon, hea elu, elu mõte …

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Müeloomtõbi Diagnoosimis- ja ravijuhis

maksa, neeru haigused maksa, neeru haigused -42- 8. Kasutatud kirjandus 1) Vähihaigestumus Eestis 2000, Eesti Vähiregister (2003) 2) Criteria for the classification of monoclonal gammopathies, multiple myeloma and related disorders: a report of the International Myeloma Working Group, British Journal of Haematology (2003) 121: 749-757 3) Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of solitary plasmacytoma of bone and solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma, United Kingdom myeloma Forum, British Journal of Haematology (2004) 124: 717-726. 4) Myeloma management guidelines: a consensus report from the Scientific Advisors of the International Myeloma Foundation, The Hematology Journal (2003) 4: 379- 398 5) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology, National Comprehensive Cancer Net- work

Meditsiin → Biomeditsiin
3 allalaadimist

Immunoloogia seminaritööd

Selleks, et jõuda koerte atoopilise dermatiidi haiguse diagnoosimiseni, tuleb esmalt uurida koeral levinud parasiitide, bakteriinfektsioonide ja toiduallergiate esinemist eri diagnostilise võtete ja dieediga. Carbone, M., Neuberger, J.M. Autoimmune liver disease, autoimmunity and liver transplantation. J Hepatol, 60 (2014): 210–223. Hensel, P., Santoro, D., Favrot, C., Hill, P., Griffin, C. Canine atopic dermatitis: detailed guidelines for diagnosis and allergen identification. . BMC Veterinary Research (2015) 11:196. Jiang, S., Hinchliffe, T.E., Wu, T. Biomarkers of an autoimmune skin disease – psoriasis. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2015 (4):224-33. Li, Q-Z., Wakeland, E.K. Autoimmune Diseases in the Bioinformatics Paradigm. Genomics Protemics Bioinformatics. 2015 (13):205-207. Marsella, R., Sousa, C.A., Gonzales, A. J., Fadok, V.A. Current understanding of the

Bioloogia → immunoloogia
15 allalaadimist

Uriini analüüsid

LABORIÕPE Teema 1 SISUKORD A. Uriini kogumine 2 B. Uriini analüüsi näidustused 3 C. Uriini analüüsi astmeline strateegia 3 D. Uriini füüsikaline uurimine 4 1. Hulk 4 2. Läbipaistvus 4 3. Lõhn 5 4. Värvus 5 5. Erikaal 5 6. pH 5 E. Uriini keemiline uurimine 5 1. Testribad 5 2. Uriini keemilise uurimise tehnika 5 3. Proteinuuria 6 F. Uriini sademe värvimine ja mikroskopeerimine 7 Uriini sademe mikroskoopiline uurimine 7 1. Uriini sade neeru-kuseteede ta...

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
16 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

Ühtekuuluvuspoliitika 2007-2013 erineb poliitikast aastatel 2000-2006 mitmel viisil: 1) suurem rõhk majanduskasvul ja tööhõivel ning vastutuse detsentraliseerimine 2) esmärkide ja määruste lihtsustamine; abikõlblikkuse reeglite voolujoonelisus; finantseerimine ainuallikast ja paindlik finantsjuhtimine 3) ELi, riikliku ja kohaliku tasandi algatused koondatakse üle ühte dokumenti, mis kannab nime Community Strategic Guidelines (Ühenduse strateegilised suunised) . Kodanike Euroopa Euroopa Komisjon peab Euroopa kodakondsust Euroopa integratsiooniprotsessi tugevdamise ja kindlustamise oluliseks elemendiks ning sellest tulenevalt toetatakse jätkuvalt Euroopa kodanike kaasamist ühiskonnaelu kõikidesse aspektidesse, võimaldades neil osaleda üha tihedamalt kokku kasvava Euroopa ülesehitamises. Et seda efektiivsemalt toetada võeti 2006

Politoloogia → Diplomaatia
9 allalaadimist

Ehitusmaterjalide referaat I kursuse tudengile.

Sinu Nimi EHITUSMATERJALID REFERAAT Õppeaines: EHITUSMATERJALID Ehitusteaduskond Õpperühm: Sinu rühm Juhendaja: Lektor õppejõu nimi Kuressaare 2011 Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 2 Metallide korrosioon ja kaitsmine korrosiooni eest....................................................................3 Mineraalvillad ­ toorained, tootmine, omadused ja kasutamine.................................................8 Rull-katusekattematerjalid (PVC, SBS)....................................................................................14 Raskebetooni koostismaterjalid ja nõuded nendele.................................................................. 20 Viitamine....................................................................................................

Ehitus → Ehitusmaterjalid
136 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

The provisions are general regulations on accounting and business operations of his organization in enterprises and institutions, the rules of compilation, presentation and publication of the financial statements. The third level of regulation includes regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, other government agencies, establishing basic rules that should be used when drafting the provisions of the fourth level. The fourth level consists of guidelines and recommendations for the organization and accounting of certain types of assets, liabilities, and other business transactions. The recommendations are designed to help organize the accountant accounting process, draw 49 up internal guidelines for businesses and other local regulations on the management of primary documentation, accounting, registration and compilation of data. Normative

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Laeva elektriseadmed lisaküsimused

· Kemikaalitankeritele IBC koodeksis, jagu 2.5 ja BCH koodeksis, jagu 2.2 · Gaasitankeritele IGC koodeksis, jagu 2.5 ja GC koodeksis, jagu 2.3 · Reisilaevadele SOLAS-is, jagu II-1, reegel 8 · Üle 80 meetri pikkustele kaubalaevadele püstuvusnõuded tõenäoliste vigastuste korral SOLAS-is, jagu II-1, osa B-1 · Avamere varustuslaevadele IMO resolutsioonis A.469(XII) "Juhtnöörid avamere varustuslaevade projekteerimiseks ja ehituseks ­ Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Offshore Supply Vessels). 2. Vigastatud laeva sisenev vesi koguneb üldjuhul laevakere alaossa, viies sel moel laeva raskuskeset allapoole. Laeva siseneva vee kogus sõltub üleujutatava ruumi täituvustegurist, s.o. ruumi mahuprotsendist, mis ei ole kauba, varustuse, ballasti või kütuse all kinni. 3. Vigastatud laeva sisenev vesi põhjustab laeva süvise suurenemise ja muudab sellega

Merendus → Laeva elektriseadmed
84 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Islam Assemblers: ********and ******* ************** 8a form 2011.a Table of contents · Introduction · Muhammad · Angels · Five Pillars · Golden Age · Prophets · Family Life · Modern times Intoduction For other meanings, including people named 'Islam', see Islam (disambiguation). Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Allah), and the teachings and normative example of Muhammad, often considered by the adherents of Islam as the last Prophet of God. In addition to referring to the religion itself, the word Islam means 'submission to God, 'peace', and 'way to peace'. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

ja vajaduste rahuldamiseks. Praegu on see ainus standard ISO 9000 perekonnas, kus on võimalik kolmandate osapoolte sertifitseerimine. ISO 9004:2000, Quality management Juhised kvaliteedi järjepidevaks parandamiseks systems - Guidelines for performance moel, kus kõik osapooled võidavad ja mille improvements eemärgiks on suurem kliendi rahulolu. 43 Guido Leibur Kvaliteedijuhtimise põhimõtted 1. Kliendile orienteeritud organisatsioon 2. Juhtimine (Leadership) 3. Inimeste kaasamine 4. Protsessikeskne lähenemine 5

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

higher risk of coronary artery disease. Individuals who followed a plant based diet were found to have lower death rates for coronary artery disease, even with smoking, body mass index and social class being adjusted. It was predicted that vegetarians would have a 25% less chance of developing coronary artery disease, and vegans 57% compared to non-vegetarians.27 The American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee has set fat intake guidelines for Americans to help prevent heart disease. The recommendation for daily fat intake is between 25 and 35 percent of total calories, and the daily saturated fat intake is advised to be kept under 7 percent of total calories.28 This means that adult women, consuming 2200 calories a day on average, are advised to keep their saturated fat intake under 154 calories for optimal health. In contrast, adult men, consuming 2500 calories a day on

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Toitumine raseduse ajal 39d0b51ea1cd %40sessionmgr10&vid=5&hid=12&bdata=JmxvZ2luLmFzcCZzaXRlPWVob3N0LWxpdmU %3d#db=a9h&AN=52741653] 15.10.2011 Kaarma H, Saluste L, Linkberg R, Kuivjõgi K. Rasedate toitumine ja võimlemine: metoodiline juhend: Tartu: Tartu Ülikoolii sünnitusabi ja günekoloogia kateeder, 1992. Rasedus. [] 15.10.2011 Mottola MF, Hansel W, Bray GA, Ryan DH. Guidelines for nutrition and exercise during pregnancy. Nutrition and reproducing, Vol 8 Book Series: Pennington Centre Nutrition Series. Volume: 8 Pages: 397-408, Published: Usa 1998. [ product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=11&SID=W2Ailmbk@dmK7f85Cim&page=1 &doc=2] 15.10.2011 Raud, magneesium ja rasedus. [] 15.10.2011 Raukas R, Raal O

Toit → Toit ja toitumine
18 allalaadimist

Fanconi aneemia

(Carpenito 2013:707,716). (Hays 2014:340). KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Carpenito, L. J., (2013) Handbook of nursing diagnoses, fourteenth edition. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams and Wilkin, Philadelphia. USA. Fanconi anemia and its diagnosis. (2014). Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc. (23.12.2015). Hays, L. (ed). (2014). Fanconi Anemia: Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management, Fourth Edition. Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc. 421 pg. pendix.pdf (31.12.15). Herdman, T.H. (2012) NANDA Internationali õendusdiagnoosid: definitsioonid ja klassifikatsioon 2012-2014, Tartu Elmatar. Lipton, J.M., (2015). Fanconi Anemia. (25.12.2015). Tarraste. S., Tupits. M. (2015)

Meditsiin → Õendus
18 allalaadimist

Õendussekkumised Pulmonoloogia

The pathogenesis of lung emphysema: lessons learned from murine models. Netherlands:Utrecht University Repository. Bronchodilators.Side effects. (2014). NHS. (01.10.2018) Corbridge S., Wilken L., Kapella MC., Gronkiewicz. (2012). An Evidence Based Approach to COPD: Part 1. The American Journal of Nursing, 112(3): 46-57. DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000412639.08764.21 Doenges M.E., Moorhouse M.F., Murr A.C. (2010). Nursing Care Plans Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span Glucose 5% Intravenous Infusion BP. (2006). The electronic Medicines Compendium. (01.10.2018) Herdman, T., Kamitsuru S. (Eds.) (2014). NANDA. International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classifications, 2015-2017. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Herold G. (1999) Sisehaigused. Loengutele orienteeritud käsitlus. Tallinn. Khan S., Fell P., James P. (2014)

Meditsiin → Õendus
121 allalaadimist


11 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Durstine, J.L. (2009). Kuidas tulla toime kolesterooliga? Sinu teejuht terve südame juurde. Tallinn: Odamees. Edwards, R. (2013). Lipids explained: screening to treatment. Primary Health Care, 23, 1, 32- 38. Halloran, L. (2013). Hyperlipidemia Management. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 9, 9, 617-618. Halloran, L. (2014). Clinical Implications of New Cholesterol Guidelines. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 10, 10, 870-871. Hea une kümme käsku. Tallinn: Eesti Unemeditsiini Selts. (22.05.2016). Jenkins, D.J.A., Jones, P.J.H., Lamarche, B., Kendall, C.W.C., Faulkner, D., Cermakova, L., Ramprasath, V., Souza, R., Irland, C., Patel, D., Srichaikul, K., Adbulnour, S., Bashyam, B., Collier, C., Hoshizaki, S., Josse, R.G., Leither, L.A., Connelly, P.W., Frohlich, J. (2011)

Meditsiin → Tervislik elulaad
12 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

approach to those IT employees that are insufficiently familiar with it Document the general guidelines Arrange trainings for IT employees Key personnel leaving the company High Medium High Motivational interviews Employment of a system of involving rewards

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

collaborative 3D approach. Secondly, until recently there has been almost no demand for BIM from neither public nor private sector clients. In 2001, Riigi Kinnisvara Aktsiaselts (State Real Estate Ltd.) was established with the objective to guarantee the saving and effective provision of real estate services to the executors of state authority. 8 years later, in 2009 they developed national Building Information Modeling guidelines. The first, and so far the only public building to explicitly require the use of BIM in Estonia was the 44,760 square feet (4,158 m2) Police and Emergency Services building in Narva – tendered in April, 2010. Another reason to explain the slow adoption rate of BIM is the fact that in 2010, two of the biggest universities in Estonia, the University of Tartu (UT) and Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) had only a few BIM courses in their curriculum. The five year MSCE

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 2 mõisted

bishop, chaplain or elder. Nonconformists In English church history, a nonconformist was a Protestant Christian who did not "conform" to the governance and usages of the established Church of England. Free Churches A "free church" is a Christian denomination or independent church that is intrinsically separate from government (as opposed to a theocracy, or an "established" or state church). They operate under the guidelines of complete separation of church and state. A free church does not define government policy, and a free church does not accept church theology or policy definitions from the government. A free church also does not seek or receive government endorsements or funding to carry out its work. Maintained schools funded by the state. Schools maintained by the local education authority (LEA, or, in Northern Ireland, by Education Authority). Some of those schools are voluntary

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

taken, shall be included in the risk assessment. 4. In the case of activities involving exposure to several hazardous chemical agents, the risk shall be assessed on the basis of the risk presented by all such chemical agents in combination. 5. In the case of a new activity involving hazardous chemical agents, work shall only commence after an assessment of the risk of that activity has been made and any preventive measures identified have been implemented. 6. Practical guidelines for the determination and assessment of risk, and for their review and, if necessary, adjustment, shall be developed in accordance with Article 12(2). Article 5 General principles for prevention of risks associated with hazardous chemical agents and application of this Directive in relation to assessment of risks 1. In carrying out his obligation to ensure the health and safety of workers in any activity involving hazardous chemical agents the employer shall take

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

In 2003 and 2004, Friends of the Earth's chemicals league table rated us first among cosmetics retailers in the UK. Following feedback from Friends of the Earth, we also published a set of principles, which will guide our efforts to be responsive to stakeholders' concerns: The Body Shop will manage the use of chemicals in a responsible manner by: applying the precautionary principle to the use of chemicals continuously reviewing and updating our criteria and guidelines for the development of new products implementing action plans for the timely and realistic phase-out of relevant chemicals from our formulations conducting regular reviews of our use of chemicals against published lists of hazardous substances engaging with stakeholders to help inform our strategy and action plans communicating our position to our product suppliers conducting open and transparent communication with customers

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

The third approach is to develop models that are based on a "gold standard" formulated by experts. To date this mechanism for developing models is more theoretical than applied. If normative models can be created for the relevant dimensions of writing (i.e., age and writing genre), then other variables could be tailored on an a priori basis to generate a statistical blueprint for the ideal response. The blueprint may or may not be aligned with human ratings. For example, the guidelines for a few high-stakes writing programs explicity direct raters to ignore expressions of non-standard English. However, raters find this a difficult challenge, even when exposed to comprehensive training programs. When presented with an expression of non-standard English, a typical rater will inevitably undervalue the essay even though an answer may be functionally equivalent to a response given in standard English. AES would have the capacity to

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Euroopa liidu referaat

Ühtekuuluvuspoliitika 2007-2013 erineb poliitikast aastatel 2000-2006 mitmel viisil: · suurem rõhk majanduskasvul ja tööhõivel ning vastutuse detsentraliseerimine · eesmärkide ja määruste lihtsustamine; abikõlblikkuse reeglite voolujoonelisus; finantseerimine ainuallikast ja paindlik finantsjuhtimine · ELi, riikliku ja kohaliku tasandi algatused koondatakse üle ühte dokumenti, mis kannab nime Community Strategic Guidelines (Ühenduse strateegilised suunised) Enne 2004. aastat olid ühtekuuluvuspoliitika toetuse põhilised saajad läänepoolsed Euroopa riigid: Kreeka, Portugal, Iirimaa, Ida-Saksamaa, Itaalia ja Hispaania. 2004. aastal kümne Ida- Euroopa riigi liitumise järel kandus enamus toetustest üle itta. 20 Kodanike euroopa Euroopa kodaniku idee on väga uus

Geograafia → Geograafia
24 allalaadimist


ja mittepatenteeritav derivatsioon nimetatud valdkondadest. Arvamus aga eirab omadusi ja loob patendi, mis on haavatav kohtuvaidlustega. Teisalt aga loob see situatsiooni, kus ülevaataja on liialt aldis arvama, et omadused viitavad asjaolule, kus kõik nanotehnoloogilised leiutised on olemuselt ebakindlad. Vaade paneb liialt suure koorma just nimetatud omadustele 69 United States Patent and Trademark Office: Utility Examination Guidelines, Docket No. 991027289-0263-02, RIN 0651-AB09. 70 D. Almeling (viide 45), lk 16. 71 Ühendriikide Föderaalkohus asjas Ziegler, 992 F.2d 1197 (Fed. Cir. 1993). 72 D. Almeling (viide 45), lk 6. 23 ja muudab patendi süüdistustele haavatavaks. Kokkuvõtvalt peavad nanotehnoloogiliste patentide taotlejad välja tooma kindla reaalmaailmas esineva kasulikkuse, eelkõige vaidluses

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

and to the Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, and Technology architecture phases. Within Information System Architecture, it is applied to both the Data Architecture and Application Architecture. 9. TOGAF 9 COMP TOGAF 9 includes many new features including · Increased rigor including a formal Meta Model that links the artifacts of TOGAF together · Elimination of unnecessary differences · Many more examples and templates. Additional guidelines and techniques include · A formal business-driven approach to architecture scoping and segmetation · Business capability-based planning · Guidance on how to use TOGAF to develop Security Architectures and SOAs 11.SW Component A software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independentlyand is subject to composition by third parties 12. Distributed Component 13

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

1 Tervisekäitumine II loeng 2017 Moodle

Tervisekäitumine, 2 Tervisekasvatus noorsootöös PSP6034.LT Kevadsemester 2017 Sirje Vaask, MPH, PhD Loodus- ja terviseteaduste instituut Õppeaine hindamine 1) Kursus lõpeb arvestusega – vajalikul tasemel läbitud test (valikvastustega). Viimase seminari eelnevalt - arvestus Moodles 9 mai õhtul kell 19- 20 2) järeltest Moodle keskkonnas + vestlus 3) Arvestuse saamise eelduseks on iseseisvate tööde esitamine ja ühise projektitöö esitamine, tervisekäitumise edendamisele suunatud projekti ning selle ettekandmist ja arutelu viimasel korral. Noorsootöö: Tervisekasvatus noorsootöös – moodustab see osa, 60%: hindeline Tervisekäitumine, TE teooriad/mudelid Tervis Tervise edendamine Haigus Elukvaliteet Tervisekaitse Ebavõrdsus tervises Tervisekasvatus Enesetõhusus Rahvatervis Paikkond Haiguste ennetamine Haigestumus,suremus ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
36 allalaadimist


60 Tegurid, mida tuleb arvestada lastide ja sõidukite ohutuks stoovimiseks ja kinnitamiseks laevadel. Resolutsioon 533(13) Elements to be taken into account when considering the safe stowage and securing of cargo units and vehicles in ships Juhised maanteetranspordivahendite kinnitamiseks ro-ro-laevadel. Resolutsioon 581 (14) Guidelines for securing arrangements for the transport of road vehicles on ro-ro ships IMO/ILO juhendid kaupade pakkimiseks konteineritesse ja vedukitesse IMO/ILO guidelines for packing cargo in freight containers and vehicles Koodeksi eesmärgiks on soodustada lastide ohutu stoovimise ja kinnitamise rahvusvaheliste standardite edendamist, tuletades laevaomanikele ja operaatoritele meelde, et laevad peavad vastama kavandatud eesmärkidele Üldised põhimõtted Kõik lastid peavad olema stoovitud ja kinnitatud selliselt, et vältida ohtu meeskonnale ja laevale. Selle nõude täitmise tagavad õigesti koostatud lastiplaan ja vastava

Merendus → Laevandus
54 allalaadimist

Tartu nähtavad linnastruktuurid. Kevin Lynch`i teooria rakendus

. 3-28. Cambridge Neis, P., Zipf, A., 2007. Realizing focus maps with landmark using openls services. Bonn Omer, I., Goldblatt, R., Or, U., 2005 .Virtual City Design Based on Urban Image Theory. The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 42, No.1. pp. 1–12 Pacione, M., 2005. Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. 368 – 387. London Strohecker, C., 1999. Toward a Developmental Image of the City: Design through Visual, Spatial, and Mathematical Reasoning. Sydney Vinson, N., G., 1999. Design Guidelines for Landmarks to Support Navigation in Virtual Environments. Proceedings of CHI. Ottawa Westwood, S., Williams, J., 1997. Imaging Cities: Scripts, Signs, Memory. London 38 LISAD 39 Lisa 1. 40 41 Lisa 3. Ehitusaasta Ehitusaasta1940- Ehitusaasta 1991- Ehitusaasta 2000- Maamärk -1940 1991 2000 2008

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
13 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

For a good introduction into designing and writing effective questions, see Fowler and Cosenza (Chapter 8). It should be emphasized that even carefully designed questionnaires may contain errors and that a questionnaire should always be evaluated and pretested before it may be used in a survey. In Chapter 10 Campanelli provides the reader with information about the different methods for testing survey questions and gives practical guidelines on the implementation of each of the methods. Respondents can be a source of error in their own right when they provide incorrect information. 15 This may be unintentional, for instance when a respondent does not understand the question or when a respondent has difficulty remembering an event. But a respondent can also give incorrect

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun