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"actual" - 263 õppematerjali


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- võimalik toode = hõlmab kõik, mida saab kasutada klientide ligimeelitamiseks ja hoidmiseks. Kui laiendatud toote puhul on tegemist kõigega, mis on juba tehtud või tegemisel, siis võimalik toode on veel tegemata või mida on võimalik teha. 24. Turu kvalifitseerijad ja turu võitjad: 25. Mis on logistika 4 reeglit? 1. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX – ole võimalikult loominguline! 2. ANALYSE COSTS AND BENEFITS – analüüsi kõiki variante ja mõjusid 3. THINK ABOUT ACTUAL CUSTOMER NEEDS – WHAT LEVEL OF QUALITY, PRECISION ETC IS REQUIRED – tunne oma turgu, mis on prioriteedid, mis PEAB olema saavutatud, mis kõigest VÕIB olla. 4. KEEP IT SIMPLE – paljud suurepärased lahendused jäävad teostamata lihtsalt sellepärast, et selleni jõuti liiga hilja. 26. Mis on EVA e. majanduslik lisaväärtus? Lisandunud väärtus on vahe summa vahel, mida klient on nõus maksma ja ettevõtte poolt kauba tootmiseks tehtud kulude vahel. See ei ole sama mis kasum!!!

Logistika → Baaslogistika
132 allalaadimist

Pärandkoosluste eksamiks

Üldmõisted Pärandkooslused ( pool-looduslikud kooslused) on inimese ümberkujundatud looduslikud kooslused eelkõige puisniidud, loopealsed, lamminiidud, rannaniidud, aga ka teised karja- ja heinamaad, mis sellisena püsivad mõõduka inimmõju (niitmine, karjatamine) tingimustes. Niitmine, valikraie, ekstensiivne karjatamine, kulupõletus on koosluse muutmise looduslähedased viisid, mis ei vii valdava osa liikide väljalangemisele nagu kamara ümberkündmine, mulla teisaldamine, tugev väetamine või mürgitamine. Inimmõju lõppemisel muutuvad pärandkooslused loodusliku suktsessiooni käigus looduslikuks koosluseks (enamasti metsaks). Pärandkooslused klassifitseeritakse: esimeseks on aruniidud, mis on turvastumata ja üleujutuseta muldadel ning jaotuvad looniitudeks e. alvariteks e. loopealseteks(s.h. loopuiskarjamaad), pärisaruniitudeks (s.h. pärisarupuisniidud ja ­karjamaad), nõmmeniitudeks ja paluniitudeks, Teiseks on lamminiidud e. luhad (s.h. lam...

Maateadus → Pärandkooslused
148 allalaadimist

The Witch Trials in Salem

However, given the moral climate of the time, it seems someone has to be found guilty of witchcraft, even though firm evidence of wrongdoing is becoming hard to come by. Metaphorical usage In modern terminology 'witch-hunt' has acquired usage referring to the act of seeking and persecuting any perceived enemy, particularly when the search is conducted using extreme measures and with little regard to actual guilt or innocence. It is used whether or not it is sanctioned by the government, or merely occurs within the "court of public opinion". The first such use reported by the Oxford English Dictionary dates to 1932. Another early instance is George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia (1938). The term is used by Orwell to describe how, in the Spanish Civil War, political persecutions became a regular occurrence.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
6 allalaadimist


Vastused 1.1. Sissejuhatus, aine alusmõisted, skeemid, klassifikatsioonid 1. Tootmine on protsess mille käigus valmistatakse esemeid ja materjale.Tooted on tootmisprotsessis valmivad esemed ja materjalid. Ka mis tahes ese või esemete kogum,mida ettevõte (aga miks mitte ka üksikisik!) valmistab. Tooteid tarbib inimene vahetult või vajab tootmise edasiarendamiseks. Tooteks võib olla ka teenus, projekt, programm, telesaade jms. Põhitoode on selline toode, mida valmistatakse müügiks. Põhitoodeteks on näiteks masinad,arvutid, autod, laevad, telerid jms; samuti aga ka mitmesuguste seadmete koostisosad -- detailid(kruvid, mutrid, kirjaklambrid, rõngastihend jne.) ja koostud ehk lihtsalt - komponendid. Abitoodeteks loetakse aga sellised tooted, mis on tootjale vajalikud põhitoodete valmistamisel ja mida mujal ei valmistata või mida pole mingil põhjusel kasulik teistelt osta. Need on kõigepealt mitmesugused töövahendid, -abinõud ja -riistad, mõn...

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid i, ii
142 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

regular wordformation is also in wline with the idea…that diminutives (like doggy) and augmentatives (like super-cool) are instances of wordformation. Four types of affixes: An infix is placed within a word; they are rare in English ( -o- narcology -i- calciferous ) 22. Combining forms 23. Back-formation “…a kind of derivation in reverse, in which a supposed affix is removed from a word”. It is the process of forming a new word (a neologism) by extracting actual or supposed affixes from another word; shortened words created from longer words. Verb: back-form (itself a back-formation). Backformation is a form of shortening in which the omitted material is or is perceived to be a formative, typically an affix. Itsomission produces a new form with a meaning related to but distinct from that of the etymon. Backformation has been a surprisingly productive source of new words.”

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

concept that is based on context and appropriateness: it is efficient to achieve a certain effect with a minimum of resources. But this effect, in the case of the state, is denoted by several auxiliary but necessary conditions such as the ones mentioned above; it is never profit maximization. (It could be argued that most activities carried out by the public sector are there precisely because no direct profit or gain can be made.) If you go for savings and neglect context and even the actual goals, you will not be efficient but rather the ultimate wastrel. (Not for nothing are wastrels and misers considered to be the same type of sinner in Dante's Hell.) This misunderstanding of the concept of efficiency and the depolitization that comes with it are typical symptoms of technocracy and bureaucracy, which NPM professes to oppose but which, as Eugenie Samier has demonstrated, it rather fosters. (2001) As

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

On the other hand, in a specific study of the influence of social networks on feelings of well-being among the elderly a far more detailed picture of wellbeing is needed and a series of questions has to be asked, each question measuring a specific aspect of well-being. These different approaches are illustrated in the text boxes noted later. Survey methodologists have given much attention to the problems of formulating the actual questions that go into the survey questionnaire (cf. Fowler & Cosenza, Chapter 8). Problems of question wording, questionnaire flow, question context, and choice of response categories have been the focus of much attention. Much less attention has been directed at clarifying the problems that occur before the first survey question is committed to paper: the process that leads from the theoretical construct to the prototype survey item (cf. Hox, 1997). Schwarz (1997) notes that large-

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

Such a document can be: certificate of ownership of any non-residential premises lease office (production) of non-residential premises (usually with a copy of the certificate of ownership of the lessor's premises); Registration is also possible at the address of permanent residence (residence registration) on the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region of its head (CEO). The tax authorities have the right to inspect the actual location of the company at the address specified in the statute. In the absence of registration at the company could be fined in the amount of 5,000 rubles ( EUR 120). Most often, the fact of being the company's registered address is checked by banks, customs authorities and leasing companies. However, a recent increase in the address verification by the security services of major Russian companies with state participation. For major tenders

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused keskkonna ja säästva arengu ökonoomikast 2018

Kordamisküsimused keskkonna ja säästva arengu ökonoomikast 2018 1. Keskkonnaökonoomika definitsioon ja valdkond Keskkonnaökonoomika ­ ökonoomika, mis tegeleb looduskapitaliga. Majandusteaduse haru, mis käsitleb looduskeskkonna kaitse ja loodusressursside (nii taastuvate kui taastumatute) kasutamisega seotud majandusküsimusi. On allikaks keskkonnapoliitilistele ideedele ja vahendiks vastavate ideede põhjendamisel. 2. Malthuse teooria - teooria käsitleb rahvaarvu kasvu ja selle mõju inimkonna sotsiaalmajanduslikule käekäigule. Malthus arvas esimesena, et ,,ületootmine ja kogunõudluse ebapiisav tase tekitavad majanduses probleeme". Võttes aluseks USA rahvastikku, näitas, et rahvastiku suurenemine on geomeetriline, samal ajal kui toidu tootmine on aritmeetiline, mis teatud hetkel tähendab paratamatut näljahäda ja populatsiooni kokku kukkumist. Malthus alahindas tehnoloogilist progressi ­ praeguse tehnoloogiaga saab samalt pindalalt korda...

Majandus → Keskkonnaökonoomika
119 allalaadimist


Muslims believe that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel on many occasions between 610 and his death on July 6, 632. The Qur'an was written down by Muhammad's companions (sahabah) while he was alive, although the prime method of transmission was orally. It was compiled in the time of Abu Bakr, the first caliph, and was standardized in the time of Uthman, the third caliph. The Qur'an in its actual form is generally considered by academic scholars to record the words spoken by Muhammad because the search for variants in Western academia has not yielded any differences of great significance and that historically controversy over the content of the Qur'an has never become a main point. The Qur'an is divided into 114 suras, or chapters, which combined, contain 6,236 yt, or verses. The chronologically earlier suras, revealed at Mecca, are primarily concerned with

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist


pages. The top-echelon recipients of MAGIC clearly could not afford the time to read all this traffic. Much of it was of secondary importance anyway. Kramer and Colonel Rufus S. Bratton, army G-2 Far Eastern Section chief, winnowed the wheat from this chaff. Reading the entire output, they chose an average of 25 messages a day for distribution. At first Kramer supplemented his translations with gists for recipients too busy to read every word of the actual intercepts, starring the important ones, but he abandoned these in mid-November under the pressure of getting out the basic material. Bratton, who had been delivering summaries of MAGIC in the form of Intelligence Bulletins, began on August 5 to distribute MAGIC verbatim at Marshall's orders. This, however, had the effect of increasing the volume. Marshall complained that to absorb every word of it he would have had to "retire as Chief of Staff and read every day

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


successfully resolve the dangerous situations. It's concluded, that more effort should made to improve cooperation between assistant policemen and police, for example, to organize joint events and training in order to improve mutual confidence between the parties. Increasing trust between the police officers and assistant policemen can grow only through the cooperation, better preparation process of assistant policemen, thorough more training and also through actual police work. The survey results also revealed, that both parties see a significant problem of assistant policemen rights to act by law, which in many cases do not allow them to do practical work in full 27 involvement. The author of the research estimates, that at least a part of the responsibilities and rights of assistant policemen haven't thoroughly analyzed by legislator.

Õigus → Õigus
8 allalaadimist

Iisraeli-Palestiina konflikti ajaloolised tagamaad (12.10.2009) Peterson, Ü (2008) Juut ja muslim - kohe näha, et vanad sõbrad 13.09.2008, [WWW] (12.10.2009) Käärma, I (2002) ÜRO saamatus Palestiinas [WWW] (06.11.2009) RÉSUMÉ The Historical backround tothe Israeli State in Palestine Anneli Kritsmann-Lekstedt The present study is actual due to the fact that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the world's longest conflict in the 20th as well at the beginning of the 21st centuries in the sense of national tensions and hot war. The controversy between the two nations, the Israelites and Palestinians and their ancestors, has lasted for more than a century. It has given rise to many questions and different historical visions. Many uninitiated

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist


The OPEC Reference Basket, a weighted average of oil blends from various OPEC (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) countries Midway Sunset Heavy, by which heavy oil in California is priced There are declining amounts of these benchmark oils being produced each year, so other oils are more commonly what is actually delivered. While the reference price may be for West Texas Intermediate delivered at Cushing, the actual oil being traded may be a discounted Canadian heavy oil delivered at Hardisty, Alberta, and for a Brent Blend delivered at Shetland, it may be a Russian Export Blend delivered at the port of Primorsk. Petroleum industry The petroleum industry is involved in the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often with oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and petrol. Petroleum

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

Kat believes that if every soldier got the same food and the same pay, the war would end quickly. Kropp proposes that the declaration of wars should be conducted like a festival. He thinks that the generals and national leaders should battle one another with clubs in an open arena--the country with the last survivor wins the war. Paul and his friends remember the recruits' barracks with longing now. Even Himmelstoss's petty humiliations seem idyllic in comparison to the actual war. They muse that Himmelstoss must have been different as a postman and wonder why he is such a bully as a drill sergeant. Kropp mimics Himmelstoss and shouts, "Change at Löhne," recalling a drill in which Himmelstoss forced them to practice changing trains at a railway station. Kat suggests that Himmelstoss is like a lot of other men. He remarks that even a dog trained to eat potatoes will snap at meat given the opportunity. Men behave the same way when given the opportunity to

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

Tribunal is a form of extra-court adjudication. Tribunals are set up when ordinary courts lack necessary expertise, are too formal, too slow, costly. There are over 50 types – most are called tribunal, some are called commission, committee or just courts. All tribunals are subject to judicial review, by the High Court which examines reasons behind tribunals’ decisions. Council of tribunals is set up to check that procedures are fair, but they have no actual power and can only advise the government of problems. In Estonia Labor Dispute Committee Tribunal (a special court or group of people who are officially chosen, especially by the government, to examine (legal) problems of a particular type) is one of the two main forms of extra-court adjudication (to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something). There are over 50 different types of tribunal. Most tribunals are

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Interaktiivne Turundus - Rene Arvola - mõisted ja mudelid - kordamisküsimused

INTERAKTIIVNE TURUNDUS    Põhimõisted:   ● Vahetus, tehing (exchange, transaction)  Turundustegevusi ühendab vahetuskonseptsioon. Vahetuse tulemusel saadakse soovitud  toode teiselt subjektilt hüvituse vastu.  Sellist ostja ja müüja vahelist kokkulepet nimetatakse tehinguks.    Eristatakse nelja vahetuse vormi:  ­ Turu vahetus  ­ Suhte vahetus  ­ Ümber jagav vahetus  ­ Vastastikune vahetus    ● Turu vahetus (market exchange)  Lühiajalise orientatsiooniga ja omakasust motiveeritud.   Turu vahetus toimub sellele eelnenud ja sellele järgnevast vahetusest sõltumata.    ● Suhte vahetus (relationship exchange)  Pikaajaline orienteeritus.   Areneb poolte vahel, kes on huvitatud pikaajalise, toetava suhte loomisest.    ● Ümber jagav vahetus (redistribution)  Eksisteerib poolte vahel, kes töötavad kollektiivse üksusena.   Üksuse liikmed astuvad vahetusse, sest soovivad omavahel ressursse jagada.   Maks...

Majandus → Turundus
39 allalaadimist

Laeva elektriseadmed lisaküsimused

TKAR reading at aft mark m AP aft perpendicular - süvisenäit ahtriskaalal ahtriperpendikulaar TKM mean draught; 0.5*(TKF + TKA) m WL actual waterline - keskmine süvis tegelik veeliin 3. Igas antud lastimisstaadiumis on laev kergelt kreenis, trimmis ja pikipaindes. Skaalad, millelt võetakse süvisenäidud, asuvad küll perpendikulaaride lähedal, kuid mitte täpselt nende peal. Seepärast peab rakendama mitut parandust, et suhteline süvis kätte saada.

Merendus → Laeva elektriseadmed
84 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

does not require to distinguish one individual from another; quick to assess; R simple disadvantages subjective / AW; dominant species may be over-estimated; max 3 (b) (i) line established, from shore to dune slack / from… to…; quadrat used; 2 suitable size / actual size stated (minimum 0.25m ); R if no units given placed continuously / at specified intervals along line; key to identify species; abundance recorded in each quadrat; bare ground recorded; max 4 (ii) 1 ACFOR scale converted to numerical scale; 2 reading at each site recorded (on graph paper);

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


The Russian memoir literature does not feature any consensus on the extinction of the empire. 154 All the advocates of the preservation of the Soviet Union, including Gorbachev, blame the collapse on the local elites, separatists, nationalists, and party nomenklatura, citing the desire to get a bite of the public property rather than the nation’s desire for freedom as the leading motive. Those who idealise the empire mostly discard any actual analysis of the national issue, instead eulogising the unprecedented burgeoning of nations under the Soviet regime and socialism as such. These memoirs demonstrate that the liberation movements of the Baltic peoples played a very important, in some aspect even pioneering role in the annihilation of the Soviet Union, whereas the principal underlying reason was Russia’s own pursuit of sovereignty. Some derzhavniks’ writings on the Baltic issue are over-

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

Although the sequence variants of the gemmules (see 2.2. Robustness of the method). Nevertheless, in whole ITS region cannot be presented using this approach, the practice there is much more available material for characterization results provide specific profiles for every individual analysed. Even of an individual and the analysis of a single gemmule is neither though the results of direct sequencing may not describe the actual necessary nor practical. and entire set of sequence variants (i.e. which combinations of There have been only a few studies describing intraindividual heterogeneities exist), these results are reproducible; accordingly heterogeneity in sponges. In the first publication [16], the ITS the method is applicable. The sequences obtainable from clones of region of the marine sponge Crambe crambe was analysed. The

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Side konspekt 2020 / eksami kordamisküsimused

Annab meile : Transmit diversity Spatial multiplexing Milleks? : To achieve high peak data rates To improve cell capacity To improve cell throughput 22. Mida näitab antenni võimendus The term Antenna Gain describes how much power is transmitted in the direction of peak radiation to that of an isotropic source. Antenna gain is more commonly quoted than directivity in an antenna's specification sheet because it takes into account the actual losses that occur. Asjalikum seletus : Antenna gain indicates how strong a signal an antenna can send or receive in a specified direction. Gain is calculated by comparing the measured power transmitted or received by the antenna in a specific direction to the power transmitted or received by a hypothetical ideal antenna in the same situation. Pv = Ps ∙ Gs ∙ Gv / FSL Gs on saatja antenni võimendus [kordades] Gv on vastuvõtja antenni võimendus [kordades]

Informaatika → Side
74 allalaadimist


Otsustan iseseisvalt VS üritan sobituda standarditega Järeldus- uurimustest tuleb välja et kol kult isiksuom vähema ennustusega. See pole tegelt kultuuriülene Isik ja õiguse subjekt- - isiku mõiste kultuuriti erineb. Kes on üldse isik? Sotsioloogid pööravad tähelepanu sellele, et indiviidi olemust üldistakse kogu rahvale Tõeline mina- autentsus. Tundub usutav idee, sest meile on arvamusi, mis on juurdunud ning ei oska nende põhjust seletada. True self VS actual self- objektiivne eneseteadvus- teadlikkus endast kui objektist. Peeglist vaadates saan aru, et see olen mina. (Kaladel nt ei ole) peeglitest. Enese äratundmise aluseks primitiivne enese-representatsioon. Petmine valetamine ja empaatia on tänu eneseteadvusele võimalik sisekõne- broca piirkonna aktivatsioon eneseteadvuse/refl ülesannete puhul. Selle abil reg enda käitumist ISIKSUS-2 Vaadet: indiviidile omased harjumused, käitumismustrid, sügavam olemus

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

It creates the brick wall effect: the results of preceding stages will be thrown over the wall into the hands of other project parties, and this causes a loss of information and competence. However, the flow of accurate information in project-based delivery systems (the construction industry) is crucial for successful project outcomes. In general (this applies to both contracting approaches), if a contractor has made a bid under the actual estimated price, what frequently happens is that the contractor abuses the change process, relying on error- and omission-ridden design documentation. For example, the contractor uses cheaper and lower quality materials, which very often leads to friction and disputes between the owner and the project team. 13

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist


So go ahead and eat the whol Moist, rich and dreamily creamy. Every biteful is sinfully delicious. Our NY-style classic, but now you can count it as a fruit serving. Like a Chocolate Crème Egg, except a three layer cake. Topped with icing bunnies and marshmallow c Summer sunshine, ripe blueberries and sugary lemonade. Takes you back to the good ol' days. Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. May turn your lips and teeth purple, but probably worth it. Made out of actual hummingbirds. No, not really. But this pineapple and banana cake may attract a fe Spicy and sweet-- the best thing about Autumn. Bring it to Thanksgiving, or kick off the holiday season eating the whole thing yourself. Much easier to eat than bobbing for apples, but the caramel icing will still leave you sticky. A bite of this cake will give you a great deal more pleasure than biting the limbs off a gingerbread ma A French classic. Its name means "Yule Log

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
4 allalaadimist

Russian philology

aroused disorder and dissent. Peter, warned by the Streltsy, escaped in the middle of the night to the impenetrable monastery of Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra; there he slowly gathered adherents who perceived he would win the power struggle. Sophia was eventually overthrown, with Peter I and Ivan V continuing to act as co-tsars. Peter forced Sophia to enter a convent, where she gave up her name and her position as a member of the royal family. Still, Peter could not acquire actual control over Russian affairs. Power was instead exercised by his mother, Natalya Naryshkina. It was only when Natalya died in 1694 that Peter, now age 22, became an independent sovereign. Formally, Ivan V remained a co-ruler with Peter, although he was ineffective. Peter became the sole ruler when Ivan died in 1696. Peter was 24 years old. Peter grew to be extremely tall as an adult, especially for the time period. Standing at 6 ft 8 in

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Metafüüsilised väited, mis ei lange punktide 1 ja 2 alla, on sisutud. Kõik moraali, esteetikat ja religiooni käsitlevad väited on mittekontrollitavad ja mõttetud. 1945 Konrad Zuse began work on Plankalkul (plan Calculus). The first algorithmic programming language, with an aim of creating the theoretical preconditions for the formulation of problems of a general nature. John von Neumann wrote "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC." Grace Hopper recorded the first actual computer "bug." 1946 In February, the public got its first glimpse of the ENIAC, a machine built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert that improved by 1,000 times on the speed of its contemporaries. Fully programmable (Turing complete) all-electronic computer Initial versions required rewiring to reprogram. Used for ballistic calculations for the military & for calculations for the thermonuclear bomb. START OF PROJECT: 1943 COMPLETED: 1946 PROGRAMMED: plug board and switches

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist


colourpoint coat with blue eyes. It was developed in the 1980s by crossing the British with the Himalayan. OPAL (COLORPOINT AMERICAN SHORTHAIR) In the 1990s, breeders of appleheaded (roundheaded) Siamese were invited to register their cats as Opals. Little has been heard of the Opal since then although the traditional style of Siamese goes from strength to strength (despite the registry's rather bizarre refusal to allow its actual breed name to be used in articles or reviews in case it erodes, rather than promotes, the breed). The Opal appears to be a Colourpoint American Shorthair. THAI POINTED AND THAI SIAMESE The Thai Pointed is a naturally occurring colorpointed (Blue-point, Lilac-point) Korat variant. Korats are related to Siamese and have interbred naturally in their native Thailand. The Thai Siamese is a European term for the traditional style of Siamese derived purely from non-ultra-typed Siamese cats.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

2 From a University of Chicago Business School Student hile waiting to board a flight at O'Hare, I heard a desk agent announce W that the flight was overbooked and that, if passengers were willing to take a later plane, they would be compensated with a voucher worth $1O,000! Of course, this exaggerated amount was a joke. It was supposed to make peo- ple laugh. It did. But I noticed that when he then revealed the actual offer (a $200 voucher), there were no takers. In fact, he had to raise the offer twice, to $300 and then $500, before he got any volunteers. I was reading your book at the time, and I realized that, although he got his laugh, according to the contrast principle, he screwed up. He'd arranged things so that compared to $10,000, a couple hundred bucks seemed like a pittance. That was an expensive laugh. It cost his airline an extra $300 per

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksami materjal

quantities < 10k). An ASIC can be made that is a so-called hard copy of an FPGA - that is, an integrated circuit with the same functionality as the FPGA, but faster and consuming less power. To define the behaviour of the FPGA it is required to use a Hardware Description Language (HDL) or a schematic designed using an Electronic design automation tool. Either of these, when compiled, will generate a net list, that can be mapped to the actual fpga architecture. When done the binary file generated is used to (re)configure the FPGA device. Näited:SRAM, Anti-fuse, EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH FPGA-de projekteerimine Depending on the particular device, the program is either 'burned' in permanently or semi- permanently as part of a board assembly process, or is loaded from an external memory each time the device is powered up. This user programmability gives the user access to complex

Informaatika → Arvutid i
476 allalaadimist

Arvutid 1 eksam

quantities < 10k). An ASIC can be made that is a so-called hard copy of an FPGA - that is, an integrated circuit with the same functionality as the FPGA, but faster and consuming less power. To define the behaviour of the FPGA it is required to use a Hardware Description Language (HDL) or a schematic designed using an Electronic design automation tool. Either of these, when compiled, will generate a net list, that can be mapped to the actual fpga architecture. When done the binary file generated is used to (re)configure the FPGA device. Näited:SRAM, Anti-fuse, EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH FPGA-de projekteerimine Depending on the particular device, the program is either 'burned' in permanently or semi- permanently as part of a board assembly process, or is loaded from an external memory each time the device is powered up. This user programmability gives the user access to complex

Informaatika → Arvutid i
587 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

Altair  Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-yourself computing fans. No monitor, no keyboard  Keyboard and cassette drive can be added  Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display 1974  Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800 computer for US$439 in kit form. It uses the Intel 8080 processor. The Altair pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up, as an actual computer was not available. 1974 Alto  A personal computer to be used for research  Cost: $32,000  Never produced for profit  First serious machine to feature a modern user interface: windows, mouse, etc invented by Engelbart in 1964  Great influence on Macintosh  Great influence on Microsoft C language: first half of 70s  Influences/derivation history: from ALGOL to C  ALGOL 58/60: Hoare, Perlis, Dijkstra, Kurtz, ..

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

2. Responsibility for presentation of goods to the portal rests with the person carrying out transportation of the goods. 3. Presentation of goods imported to the economic territory of Georgia takes place in: a) Land border checkpoints ­ by placement of the goods in the control zone after accomplish- ment of a border checkpoint control; b) International seaports ­ by presentation of a manifest; c) International airports ­ by presentation of manifest and actual cargo in 15 minutes; d) In the case of importation of goods to places other than a portal ­ by actual placement of goods in a control zone identified by the tax authority (portal, terminal, other zone of control or any other location indicated by the tax authority). 45 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 45 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

oversimpli cation, but that's okay. Oversimplifying is one of the next things I'll mention as a tool. But if 4,000 is roughly a pound of fat, and my BMR makes it pretty easy to shave o some huge number of calories per day, it suddenly becomes very clear how to lose lots of weight without even doing any exercise. Add in some calculations on how many calories you burn doing, say, 30 minutes of exercise and you can pretty quickly come up with a formula that looks something like: BMR = 2,900 Actual intake = 1,800 Deficit from diet = BMR ­ actual intake = 1,100 Burned from 30 minutes cardio = 500 Total deficit = deficit from diet ­ burned from 30 minutes cardio = 1,600 "So that's 1,600 calories saved in a day, or almost half a pound of bad weight I could lose in a single day. So for a big round number, I can lose 5 pounds in a week and a half without even working too hard. When you're 50 pounds overweight, getting to 10% of your goal that fast is real.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

Brain technology has developed rapidly during the past century and is now used extensively in neuropsychology because it provides an opportunity to study the active brain. EEG ­ Prints out brainwaves, registers patterns of voltage change in the brain. PET scan ­ monitors radioactive glucose metabolism in brain. Produces colored maps of brain activity. Can record ongoing activity. fMRI ­ provides 3D pictures of the brain structures, using magnetic fields and radio waves. It shows actual brain activity and has a higher resolution that PET scans. Experiments with animals are still used a lot because this enables psychologists to study specific biological correlates of behavior using invasive techniques (removing or scarring brain tissue). Prior to the development of modern technology, one of the most common ways to study the brain was case study. Often case studies provide researchers with a situation that they could never ethically reproduce in a laboratory

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Õpilaste Suhtumine Seksuaalvähemusse

That lasted for the most part until the 20th century, when sexual roles were redefined and people dared to talk about sexuality. This subject was chosen because the author is interested in how the role sexual minorities play in society is changing. There is little Estonian literature on the topic, so the author wants to give an overview about the problems sexual minorities face and inform about their situation. The topic is very actual, but is has not been discussed much in Estonian media. Prevailing opinions are generally not very positive and prejudices dominate among lots of Estonians. This paper is divided into three chapters: the first describes different sexual orientations, their presumable causes and the development of related terms, the second chapter gives an overview of sexual minorities in modern society and the third presents an analysis of a study conducted by the author.

Muu → Teadus tööde alused (tta)
114 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

EU Internal Market Group Work I: History and Purpose of the Internal Market Please connect terms (numbers) with correct description (letter), for example 17 M 1 Common Market A ... is characterized by free movement of goods between the participating countries, but autonomous external trade policies in relation to non-participants. 2 Comparative B A top-down approach to integration that can be best Advantage explained by market failure. 3 Customs Union C Allows for specialization, specialization leads to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

undermining children`s opportunity to be taken seriously by adults. Their perceived intellectual incompetency and irrationality frames the childhood as an a-political arena of thought and practice in which children are portrayed as being `unable to articulate a set of coherent political views`.60 While on the one hand the Newsround news stories of the Iraq War encouraged children to discuss the war at school and in school assemblies, the actual political participation of children during the youth protests against the Iraq War in 2003 were 57 Cyntia Carter and Stuart Allan, `Public Service and the Market: A case Study of the BBC Newsround Website, Intervention Research, 1(2) (2005) 209-225 (p.220). 58 Cyntia Carter and Stuart Allan, p. 220. 59 Such et al, p. 304. 60 Brocklehurst, p.379 15 being greatly downplayed by the media

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

needs of a particular culture. That's why the hero has a thousand faces. A note about the term "hero": As used here, the word, like "doctor" or "poet," may refer to a woman or a man. THE HERO'S J O U R N E Y At heart, despite its infinite variety, the hero's story is always a journey. A hero leaves her comfortable, ordinary surroundings to venture into a challenging, unfamiliar world. It may be an outward journey to an actual place: a labyrinth, forest or cave, a strange city or country, a new locale that becomes the arena for her conflict with antagonistic, challenging forces. But there are as many stories that take the hero on an inward journey, one of the mind, the heart, the spirit. In any good story the hero grows and changes, mak­ ing a journey from one way of being to the next: from despair to hope, weakness to strength, folly to wisdom, love to hate, and back again

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Informaatika 1 - tekstikorpuse analüüs

10.2005 10.10.2005 22.11.2005 Jüri 22.10.2005 25.10.2005 31.12.2005 Anne 23.09.2005 12.12.2005 10.11.2005 3 4 8 10 T, 18. okt 2005 T, 1. nov 2005 3 4 T, 8. nov 2005 T, 29. nov 2005 The difference between dates of assignment and actual completion (red stands for handing in late) 16.12.2005 9 7 7 17 1.12.2005 4 5 6 2 16.11.2005 13 15 14 13 23.12.2005 25 0 53 24 20.12

Informaatika → Informaatika
50 allalaadimist


defaults and therefore many most banks looked for solutions to restructure the loans, keep the payment defaults and volume low. Since this work does not take into account all the factors within each country, the credit market cycle patterns need further investigation. In conclusion the theoretical linear statistical models are important for finding trends in market and cyclical fluctuations, but for short-term analyzis this approach can be too robust. In a crisis, it is necessary to assess the actual development of the property market, analyze and compare it to the experience of other countries and to develop general attitudes to make the impact of systemic risks to a minimum. 70 Lihtlitsents lõputöö reprodutseerimiseks ja lõputöö üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks Mina, Kerli Matvere 1. annan Tartu Ülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) enda loodud teose "Euroopa Liidu

Majandus → Maailma majandus
4 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia arvestus

Psühholoogia arvestus Kordamisküsimused 1. Enesehinnang 2. Johari aken 3. Prosoodia 4. Polükrooniline ja monokrooniline ajakäsitlus 5. Puudutuste funktsioonid 6. Võimukad poosid 7. Pilkude funktsioonid (5 – annavad infot, reguleerivad suhtlemist, väljendavad intiimsust, võimaldab sotsiaalset kontrolli, võimaldab teostada ühist ülesannet) 8. Asjalik, sotsiaalne ja intiimne pilk 9. Feromoonide funktsioonid (5 – edastsavad infod emotsioonide kohta, mõjutavad menstruaaltsükli kulgemist, aitavad imiku ja ema kiindumustunde kujunemisele, petetavad omasoolisi ja meelitavad vastassugu, aitavad leida geneetiliselt sobiliku partneri) 10. Suhtlemisdistantsid (4 – Intimne distants, personaalne distants, sotsiaalne distants, avalik distants) 11. Petmise tunnused 12. Sotsiaalsete suhtumiste ring 13. Transaktsionaalne analüüs (ego-tasandid ja transaktsioonid) 14. Sõltuvussüsteemid (Boulding) 15. Ene...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
159 allalaadimist

Finantsjuhtimine ja raamatupidamisarvestus

5% The estimated return given the price of the stock is however 20%. Here this means that the stock is under-priced. We can buy the stock at a lower price than fundamentally correct price. Explanation: How it works? Let us assume that we have the stock that pays 2 EUR dividend forever without any growth. The correct price (given CAPM) should be 2/18.5% = 10.81EUR 32 Now if the actual price is 10EUR (2/20% = 10) in the market, this stock is under-priced and should be bought. In addition: In the seminar we also discussed a hypothetical example: given the stock is correctly priced (also estimated return would be 18.5%), should the investment fund buy the stock or not. The action that should be taken by the investment fund manager now depends on his expectations about the future. The beta of the fund is low initially. If the manager expects

Majandus → Majandus
110 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

and similar customs. *The 7 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms ­ The first of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, which was popularly known as the Heptarchy (or the Seven Kingdoms), was founded in the latter half of the 5th century. Englan was divided into seven ancient kingdoms: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Wessex. The period supposedly lasted until the kingdoms began to consolidate into larger units, but the actual events marking this transition are debatable. *St Patric and the Christianization of Ireland ­ was a Christian missionary and is the patron saint of Ireland. Legend says that Patrick tought the Irish about the concept of the Trinity by showing people the shamrock, a 3-leaved clover. The christianization of Ireland began in the fourth century AD, before the arrival of St Patrick, but it was not until Patrick arrived that Christianity was firmly planted. He was a leader of deep piety, humility,

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

executed the previous instruction. If the previous instruction was a branch, then the next-instruction fetch could have been to the wrong place. Branch prediction is a technique that attempts to infer the proper next instruction address, knowing only the current one. Typically it uses a Branch Target Buffer (BTB), a small, associative memory that watches the instruction cache index and tries to predict which index should be accessed next, based on branch history. Optimizing the actual algorithm used in retaining the history of each entry is an area. · Peidikmälu, vahemälu (Cache). Põhimälus paiknevad täitmise ajal programm ja temaga seotud andmed. Programmi kiire täitmise üheks eelduseks on suure ja kiire põhimälu olemasolu. Mida suurem on põhimälu, seda väiksemaks jääb võimalus, et ülesande lahendamiseks vajalikku informatsiooni tuleb osaliselt hoida tunduvalt aeglasemas massmälus. Põhimälu

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

Rosie It's unknown territory. We don't know enough about what effects it may have on the human body. You 4 know, they talk about how GM food 1 h 2 e 3 d 4 a could affect our digestion, cause 5 b 6 c 7 f 8 g allergies, that sort of thing. 5 1 unfriendly Leo There's a lot of controversy around it, but no actual evidence to 2 incorrect prove that GM food does us any harm. 3 completely Rosie I don't agree with that 4 totally argument, I'm afraid. There may be no 5 perfectly evidence right now, but it's the long- 6 wrong term effects that I'm concerned about. 7 virtually Leo Well any change has potential 8 highly consequences. You could make exactly

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Elamusel põhineva teemapargi arendamine lastega peredele

balance, so that visitors could listen, look, taste, touch and smell. Although, there is also another way if all senses could not be involved - getting an experience without actually experiencing. There was a research conducted in Japan, where they investigated the neural mechanisms underlying consumer perception of products with visual designs that are accompanied by implied sensory experiences. Functional magnetic resonance imaging showed, that those brain areas involved in the actual perception of the relevant stimuli was also involved in the sensory experience implied by the product design. So the gustatory senses could be activated by visual design. Designer and the one who order it, should have consensus about what is going on. It is wise to form a start assignment document explaining the purpose, dates, responsibilities and budget of the design project. It should be clear, what is the problem that needs to be solved

Turism → Turism
10 allalaadimist

Poliitilisest maailmast arusaamine James N.Danziger

Administratsioon paeks olema poliitikute "teener" aga tänapäeva probleemiks on see, et need rollid on tihti vahetunud (bürokraatia ülemvõim), sest: - bürokraatidel on oma tegevusvaldkonnas suuremad teadmised kui poliitikutel - nende võimalus ressursside jagamise üle otsustada annab neile mõjuvõimu klientide üle - poliitikud ja kliendid vahetuvad kiiresti, samad ametnikud jäävad. M. Weber: "in modern state the actual ruler is necessarily and unavoidably the bureaucracy" Meid ootab ees helge tulevik 21 22 4. KOHTUSÜSTEEM "Loodusriigis" on "jõud õiguseks". Kaasaegses ühiskonnas on aga reeglid, mis määrab inimestevahelise läbikäimise õige printsiibist lähtudes. Kohtusüsteemi peamine ülesanne on reeglite kohaldamine. Reeglite kohaldamine

Politoloogia → Riigiteadused
19 allalaadimist

Kriminaalse käitumise vallandaja: keskkond või geneetika

The theories of both nature and nurture are very controversial and have been long debated. As stated there are two different points of view as to the cause of criminal behavior. Some people believe that individuals are born with genetic traits that make them criminal. This philosophy is referred to as the nature theory. Others believe in the nurture theory which states that criminals are a product of their environment that they are living in. The author finds this subject, that has always been actual, fascinating and believes that there could be given an answer to this complex question, and any kind of criminal behavior could be prevented. This research indagates and studies thoroughly criminal behavior and both possible causes of it that are believed to be the reason of any kind of possible criminal activity. In this study both 93 nature’s and nurture’s characteristics and differences are being unobstructed as scrupulously

Psühholoogia → Käitumine ja etikett
27 allalaadimist

Mõõtmestamine ja tolereerimine

MÕÕTMESTAMINE JA TOLEREERIMINE 2 ×16 tundi Teema Kestvus h 1. Sissejuhatus. Seosed teiste aladega 2 Mõisted ja terminiloogia. GPS standardite maatriksmudel 2. Geometrilised omadused. Mõõtmestamise 2 üldprintsiibid. Ümbrikunõue, maksimaalse materjali tingimus 3. ISO istude süsteem. Tolerantsiväljad 2 4. Istud. Võlli ja avasüsteem 2 5. Soovitatavad istud. Istude rahvuslikud süsteemid 2 6. Istude kujundamise põhimõtted 2 Istude analüüs ja süntees 7. Liistliidete tolerantsid. 2 Üldtolerantsid 8. Geomeetrilised hälbed. Kujuhälbed. 2 Suunahälbed 9. Viskumise hälbed. Asetsemise hälbed. Lähted 2 Nurkade ja koonuste hälbed ja tol...

Metroloogia → Mõõtmestamineja...
235 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun