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"scope" - 102 õppematerjali

scope – Scientific Committee for Protection of Environment SOS – Save Our Soils, päästke meie mullad, rahvusvaheline mullakaitseprogramm, Maailma looduskaitsestrateegia (WCS-I) osa. SOS on nii globaalse kui ka regionaalse mullapoliitika lähtekohti.


Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse IDU3530 © Karin Rava 1. Erialagrupid infojuht (Chief Information Officer) infotehnoloogia juht (Chief Technology Officer) infosüsteemi projektijuht infosüsteemi rühmajuht süsteemianalüütik süsteemiarhitekt ja -disainer süsteemi administraator andmebaaside spetsialist / administraator programmeerija 2. Süsteem on omavahel seotud osade (komponentide) organiseeritud kogum mis töötab ühise eesmärgi nimel teisendades süsteemi sisendeid väljunditeks millega toimub süsteemi soovitud eesmärgi saavutamine tervik, mis on midagi enamat kui selle elemendid eraldi võetuna Ntx: bioloogilised süsteemid: taim, loom, inimene, vereringe mehhaanilised süsteemid: auto, mootor ökoloogilised süsteemid: loodus sotsiaalsed süsteemid: organisatsioon, grupp, sõprus, pakkumine-nõudlus 3. Süsteemi üldine mudel organiseeritud ja koordineeritud inimeste grupp koos vastavate tööviiside, rutiinide j...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
184 allalaadimist


9) kes tasub tarnel vajalike igat liiki kontrolloperatsioonide ehk inspektsioonide kulud; 10) müüja kohustused pakendi ja markeeringu osas; 11) kohustused vastastikuse abi osutamise osas; 12) vaidluste lahendamise kord (kohus või vahekohus – arbitraaž); 13) tehingu hind ja vääring; 14) sanktsioonid ja vääramatu jõud; 15) lisad, nt standardsed tegevusjuhised, töö ulatus (teenuste korral, sh töömaterjalid ja – tarvikud, IT-vahendid, töömaht, scope of work), riiklikud või tööstusharu erinõuded, teenuse kvaliteedinõuded (service level) või kaubaspetsifikatsioonid, hinna struktureerimine. c. Lepingu sõlmimise etapid Oferent teeb pakkumuse (ofert) ja aktseptant võtab pakkumuse vastu (aktsept) Ofert – piisavalt määratletud lepingu sõlmimise ettepanek, mis on tehtud konkreetsele isikule ja millega väljendatakse tahet olla lepinguliselt kohustatud, st antakse lubadus midagi teha või millegi tegemisest hoiduda

Logistika → Logistika ja tarneahelad
23 allalaadimist

Ostujuhtimise eksami konspekt

Loeng 1 Tarneahela komponendid: toormaterjal, komponendid, tootja, hulgimüüja, jaemüüja,tarbija Tarneahela juhtimise alla kuulub kõikide osade juhtimine a la kliendisuhted, teenindus, nõudlus, tellimuste täitmine, tarnijasuhted, tootearendus, tagastus. Tarneahela juhtimine- äriprotsesside integreerimine alates klientidest kuni algtarnijateni, kes pakuvad tooteid ja teenuseid. Tellimine(ordering,buying)- ostutellimuse koostamine ja tarnijale edastamine temaga varem kokkulepitud tingimuste raames. Tellimus esitatakse olemasoleva info põhjal tarnija toodete või teenuste kohta. Ostuprotsessi olulised etapid nagu päring ja läbirääkimised ei ole veel aset leidnud. Täiendtellimus (home call)- sama mis eelmine ainult et tarnijaga on nüüd kokku lepitud ostumahud ja muu oluline (tingimused, makseaeg).Tarnijat teavitatakse tellimuse suurusest ja soovitud tarneajast. Ostmine (operatiivne ostmine, buying)- hanke läbiviimisega seotud tegevused nagu...

Logistika → Ostujuhtimine
79 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

For example, multidisciplinary care was a particular concern in the 1960s; partnership working in the 1970s; and shared care and disease management in the 1980s and 1990s (see Table 1). What we now refer to as `integrated care' is an umbrella term, encompassing diverse initiatives that seek to address fragmentation, but that differ in underlying scope and values (Stein and Reider, 2009). From 1997 to 2010, the Labour Government emphasised a need for greater integration as part of the drive for improved quality, efficiency and patient outcomes. Initiatives such as `integrated care pathways', `patient-centred care' and `shared decision-making' are examples of attempts to align clinical, managerial and service user interests, and to

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Tarkvaraprojekti esijalgne kavandamine

Tarkvaraprojekti esialgne kavandamine Tarkvaraprojekti esialgsel kavandamisel koostatakse tarkvaraarenduskava. See hõlmab järgmisi tegevusi: · Projekti visiooni määratlemine, · Põhiotsustaja määratlemine, · Projekti eesmärkide määratlemine, · Riskihaldus, · Efektiivsete personalikasutuse strateegiate kujundamine, · Ajaarvestus. Nagu eelmisest punktist nähtub, peab ka Tarkvaraarenduskava suhtes rakendama muudatuste juhtimise skeemi. Käsitleme järgnevas lühidalt tarkvaraarenduskava iga alajaotust. Projekti visioon. Enne mistahes projekti käivitamist peab projektimeeskond projekti põhieesmärgi suhtes kujundama ühised arusaamad ja need ka kirjalikult lühidalt formuleerima. Põhieesmärk peab olema kõrge, kuid reaalne. Halvim on, kui projekti täitjad saavad aru eesmärkide ebareaalsusest, kuid projekti juhtkond mitte; sellisel juhul täitjate motivatsioon langeb kiiresti. Visioonist peaks lähtuma, määratlemaks, mida loodav tarkvara peab võimalda...

Haldus → Projektijuhtimine
111 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise e-konspekt

(George Washington University. 2002) Initiating from that module the post-graduation paper is divided into three parts: 1. Analysis – contains identification of problem, comparison of different solutions and analysis of project management field. Study of project management standards, review of training courses and research of software usability are also included. 2. Design – contains identification of learning objectives, setting the scope of content, elaborate learning and assessing methods. Basic research is made in activity tree analysis and in describing the project management activities with IMS metadata. The realization of learning objects and metadata is based on XML-files. To simplify the sorting of learning objects was created metadata database. The queries between metadata proved, that it is possible to create different sequences of learning objects to satisfy different stakeholders

Informaatika → Infosüsteemi projekteerimine
39 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
90 allalaadimist

Inimõigused, kaasuste kokkuvõtted, õigus isikuvabadusele

authorities and `abuse of powers'. The Commission concluded, by eleven votes to two, that there had been a violation of Article 5(1). Where the Convention refers directly back to domestic law, as in Article 5 (art. 5), compliance with such law is an integral part of Contracting States' "engagements" and the Court is accordingly competent to satisfy itself of such compliance where relevant (Article 19) (art. 19); the scope of its task in this connection, however, is subject to limits inherent in the logic of the European system of protection, since it is in the first place for the national authorities, notably the courts, to interpret and apply domestic law (see, inter alia and mutatis mutandis, the Winterwerp judgment of 24 October 1979, Series A no. 33, p. 20, § 46). Several points of French law have been disputed in the instant case. Even if the arguments of

Õigus → Inimõigused
28 allalaadimist

Business Plan

“Your Fitness” Business Plan Prepared May 2012 Contact Information name email phone Your Fitness Business Plan Executive Summary “Your Fitness” it is envisaged, will be the third extension of “The Muscle Shop” company’s development strategy.  Extensive research over the last two years has gleaned information to suggest this project would be successful project. The new gym will create a personalized environment for both females and males, for all fitness levels, to pursue  their   sporting, competition and personal fitness goals. A special focus will be paid by creating heavy weight lifting capabilities  and equipment for professional body builders. This new gym facility will serve people in Dublin ……. area which include …………., …………… and …………...  The area has a some sports and fitness clubs, however ,”Your Fitness” has the unique ability to cater to all the fitness level form, amateur to professional body bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

There is every chance that this interest will be further increased by the publication of Larkin’s letters to Monica Jones in 2010. The private letters draw one’s attention not merely to the poet’s life, but also to the romantic aspect of his personality: the author who first builds up his life, then projects it into poetry. Although I will keep references to Larkin’s life in this study to a minimum, I am not suggesting that the biography must by definition be outside the scope of Larkin criticism. Discussing Larkin’s life is justifiable, since it helps us understand his poems, although in many cases it has also proven to be distorting or misleading. It is revealing that even those authors who overtly reject the methods of biographical criticism, such as John Osborne in Larkin, Ideology and Critical Violence in 2008, make use of the biography, at least to a certain extent. In the centre of the book edited by Regan one finds a hilariously subversive

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

vanishes, at least for the case of definite descriptions. In this preferred understanding of (7), the description occurs in what Russell called "secondary" position; that is, we have construed its underlying quantifiers "at least," "at most," and "whoever" as falling inside the "not." The previous, dispreferred paraphrase gave the description "primary" posi- tion, placing it first in the logical order with the "not" inside and governed by it. A meaning distinction of this kind is called a scope distinction: in more contemporary terminology, the secondary reading is that on which the quan- tifiers take "narrow" scope, falling inside the scope of "not"; on the primary reading the quantifiers are outside the scope of "not," and "not" is in their scope. Definite descriptions 17 Frege's Puzzle An example featuring a definite description: (8) The present Queen of England is [one and the same individual as]

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

through factories and warehouses to the end customer." Supply chain event management (abbreviated as SCEM) is a consideration of all possible occurring events and factors that can cause a disruption in a supply chain. With SCEM possible scenarios can be created and solutions can be planned. Some experts distinguish supply chain management and logistics management, while others consider the terms to be interchangeable. From the point of view of an enterprise, the scope of supply chain management is usually bounded on the supply side by your supplier's suppliers and on the customer side by your customer's customers. Supply chain management is also a category of software products. 4 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT AND SCM Logistics Management Supply Chain Management

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Vaatluspraktika 2010

Jüri Uljas. Vaatluspraktika. Mainori Kõrgkool 2010. 1 VAATLUS Programm Kevad 2010 Jüri Uljas [email protected] Eesmärk: Praktika eesmärgiks on sotsiaalpsühholoogiliste teadmiste rakendamine igapäevaelu kontekstis, vaatlusoskuste ning sellealase uurimistöö oskuste arendamine. Tähtaeg: kevad 2010 1-2. Inimese uurimise tasandid. Eetika teaduses. Petmine teaduses. Uurimustele esitatavad nõuded: objektiivsus, seesmine ja väline valiidsus, reliaablus. Teooria ja uurimus. Uuringute alustamine ­ tutvumine kirjandusega ja andmebaasidega. 3-4. Vaatlus. Vaatluse liigid. Käitumise kaardistamine: Koha-keskne ja indiviidi-keskne kaardistamine. Vaatluse organiseerimine. Vaatlusega seotud ohud ja vead. Nõuded arvestuseks: 1. Loengutest osavõtt on kohustuslik. 2. Iseseisva vaatluse programmi koostamine ja teostamine mitte vähem kui 10 tunni ...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
116 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

the ideas they contributed to the topic planning. The teacher then praised the contribution of every child taking part of the session and assured that every idea provided by the children are taken seriously and used in various contexts across the curriculum. In short, this exercise demonstrates that children in Cadle are not approached by the tokenistic manner where they have asked `to say what they think` but have no `choice about the way they express those views or the scope of the ideas they can express`.130 Instead children are `involved in every step of planning and implementation`.131 Their views are taken seriously and they form part of the decision making process.132 Overall, Mr Richards believes that RRSA has had a positive impact upon children`s emotional and academic development. He notes that the adoption of the RRSA programme resulted with a slight fall in `academic outcomes` very shortly and noticing the actual impact

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika

as well as on other directives covering individual categories of measuring instruments and which have been published since 1971. Measuring instruments, which have been granted an EEC type approval and an EEC initial verification, can be placed on the market and used in all member countries without further tests or type approvals. Mõõtevahendite direktiiv Measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC For historical reasons the scope of legal metrology is not the same in all countries. A new directive, the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) has been developed and once it comes into force, most of the existing directives related to measuring instruments will be repealed. 31. MÕÕTEVAHENDITE KOHUSTUSLIK TAATLUS MÕÕTESEADUSE ALUSEL § 11. Taatlemine (1) Mõõtevahendi taatlemisel hinnatakse, kas metroloogilisele kontrollile kuuluv mõõtevahend

Metroloogia → Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika
317 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

As a result, the concepts finally adopted for research are often vaguely defined. When thinking about the process that leads from theoretical constructs to survey questions, it is useful to distinguish between conceptualization and operationalization. Before questions can be formulated, researchers must decide which concepts they wish to measure. They must define they intend to measure by naming the concept, describing its properties and its scope, and defining important subdomains of its meaning. The subsequent process of operationalization involves choosing empirical indicators for each concept or each subdomain. Theoretical concepts are often referred to as ‘constructs’ to emphasize that they are theoretical concepts that have been invented or adopted for a specific scientific purpose (Kerlinger, 1986). Fowler and Cosenza’s (Chapter 8)

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Despite the legal status, the company turnover of which exceeds 100 000 GEL in any continuous period of 12 calendar months must file an application for VAT registration to the Revenue Service and process the accounting in compliance common standards. Individual entrepreneurs, small and micro business are eligible for certain simplified accounting rules and tax exemptions. Legislative Base Law of Georgia on Entrepreneurs October 28, 1994 Article 1. Scope of application of the law 1. This law regulates the legal forms of entrepreneurial entities. 2. Entrepreneurial activity is a legitimate and continuous undertaking that is carried out for the purpose of gaining profit individually or in a corporate manner. 3. Creative art, science, medicine, architecture, legal defense or notary, audit, advisory (including tax advisory), agriculture or forestry related activity of physical persons is not

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

6.9.2011 18 3 9/6/2011 Projektijuhtimise valdkonnad · Project Integration Management · Project Scope Management · Project Time Management · Project Cost Management · Project Quality Management Projektide portfellihaldus · Project Human Resource Management · Project Communication Management · Project Risk Management · Project Procurement Management PMBOK (2004) 6.9.2011 19 6.9.2011 20

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

whose meanings are changing in other ways. Meat once meant ‘food in general’ while flesh had a wider coverage than at present, taking in both living flesh and dead flesh as food. Individually considered, each word has contracted its field of reference, but taking them together it becomes clear that a certain reclassification has taken place. Collide, once used mainly of pairs of trains and ships in motion, has expanded its scope, merely as a result of technological change, so as to refer to motor vehicles and aircraft. With this momentum it has been able to achieve generalization not only to the encounter of almost any objects whose paths might cross (e.g. pedestrians, sub-atomic particles, etc.) but also to the meeting of a moving object with a static one (e.g. a car colliding with a tree). 32. Metaphor and metonymy

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Turundus juhtimine

13. Suhtevõrgustiku osalised, võrgustiku roll kliendisuhete juhtimisel. Suhtevõrgustikud on kliendisuhete juhtimise väärtusahela üks astmetest: Kliendiandmebaasi Kliendiandmete Suhtevõrgustike Väärtuste Kliendi elutsükli Analüüsi analüüs loomine arendamine juhtimine segmenteerimine SCOPE Võrgustiku osalised on - kliendid, kellele tahetakse väärtust luua koostöös hankijate (pakkujad), partnerite, omanike ja töötajatega. Klientidega koostöös peaks jõudma paremate pakkumisteni, mis annavad klientidele rohkem väärtust ja mille läbi on võimalik tootjal rohkem müüa või teenida. Pakkumine ei pea olema ainult oma ettevõtte keskne, vaid siin võib kaasata ka teisi partnereid (ostuga kaasnev kingitus).

Majandus → Turundus
277 allalaadimist

Innovatsiooni loengu kordamisküsimused

Loeng 1: Millest tuleneb vajadus aru saada innovatsiooni erinevatest tahkudest ning millised teadusvaldkonnad tegelevad innovatsiooni uurimisega? Innovatsiooni ajendab võime näha seoseid, märgata võimalusi ja neid ära kasutada. Ettevõtted saavutavad innovaatiliste tegude kaudu konkurentsieelise. Innovatsiooni uurimisega tegelevad majandus, sotsioloogia, psühholoogia, poliitika, juhtimine, ajalugu, geograafia, tehnika teadused, IT. Kirjeldage, kuidas innovatsioon annab ettevõtetele konkurentsieelise; tooge näiteid. Konkurentsieelist loovad organisatsioonid, kes suudavad kasutada uut teadmist, tehnoloogilisi oskusi ja kogemusi uuenduste loomiseks oma toodetes ja teenustes ning nende loomise ja kättetoimetamise meetodites. Samuti on konkurentsieelise allikaks peetud suutlikkust pakkuda kiiremat, odavamat, kvaliteetsemat teenust. Southwest Airlines saavutas USA efektiivseima lennufirma positsiooni, kuigi oli konkurentidest palju väiksem...

Majandus → Innovatsioon
153 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

its geographical distribution, as well as use ininternational organizations and diplomatic relations. [4] The authour’s personal interest in this issue predetermined the choice of the topic. The rapid spread of the English language all over the world and its broad employnment in our country defines the actuality of the given research paper. This work seeks to understand why English has become the language of international scope, what future awaits this language, how many people speak it worldwide and what is the history of the English language expansion in the world. The current work examines the history of the English language, tracing the origins of English as a global language, as well as the role of English in the modern world. The subject of the research is the study of the English language as itself, its history and possible future perspectives within the context of increasingly globalized world

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

Summary Principles of designing Marine Protected Area networks and international co-operation in the Baltic Sea The acknowledgement for need of marine protected areas (MPA) has lead to an increasing expansion of the latter. It has been noted that individual MPA's can not conserve biodiversity in the long run. Hence the need for MPA networks that connects the established and new protected areas is essential. MPA networks can ensure better biodiversity and habitat protection. The scope of marine protected areas depends on the specific goals, species and habitats that need protection. Unambigiously determined MPA size does not exist. When designing a protected area, it is important to take into consideration the species specific repercussions to abandonment of habitats and fragmentation, with habitat composition of species. Reasearch indicate that the diversity of communities and average size of

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist


Kanbanis on oluline Pull-põhimõte Kanbanis üldiselt Ärieesmärk = MMF 11. loeng ­ Extreme programming Working software is the primary measure of progress. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Extreme programming - a software-development discipline that organises people to produce higher-quality software more productively How it works (atleast in codeborne): customer describes problem, we give rough estimate, we agree on: hourly price, approximate scope or time storytelling ­ customer + the whole team Iteration meeting - every week (the time between iteration meetings can vary up to 2 weeks) preferably with client, story details are discussed, customer defines priority demo of added functionality daily work - stand-up meeting, open workspace development - pair programming, test-driven development, refactoring no big design up front (BDUF), simple desing(just enough design) collective code ownership, automated acceptance tests

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivsete meetodite üldkursus

kirjeldamine ja uurimine · Teadus meetoditest · Teatud teaduses kasutusel olevate põhiliste uurimisprintsiipide, strateegiate süsteem · Teatud teaduses kasutusel olevate uurimismeetodite kogum. LISAKS (toon mõned definitsioonid ingliskeelsena, kuna need on mu enda jaoks nõnda arusaadavamad kui siis, kui ma tõlkima hakkaksin): A system of broad principles or rules from which specific methods or procedures may be derived to interpret or solve different problems within the scope of a particular discipline. Unlike an algorithm, a methodology is not a formula but a set of practices. Paradigma Paradigma varustab teadlasi eeldustega, mida nad peavad silmas oma uurimusi planeerides ja läbi viies. See on üldine ja ühine vaade uuritava tegelikkuse iseloomule ja selle uurimisviisidele. LISAKS: A typical example or pattern of something; a model. A worldview underlying the theories and methodology of a particular scientific subject.

Muu → Ainetöö
91 allalaadimist

American Literature

The Song of Hiawatha is an 1855 epic poem, in trochaic tetrameter, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, featuring an Indian hero. It is loosely based on the legends and ethnography of the Ojibwe (Chippewa, Anishinaabeg) and other Native American peoples as contained in Algic Researches (1839) and additional writings by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, an ethnographer and United States Indian agent. In sentiment, scope, overall conception, and many particulars, Longfellow's poem is very much a work of American Romantic literature, not a representation of Native American oral tradition. Longfellow insisted, "I can give chapter and verse for these legends. Their chief value is that they are Indian legends." Longfellow had originally planned on following Schoolcraft in calling his hero Manabozho, the name in use at the time among the Ojibwe of the south shore of Lake

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Kuritegude viktimoloogiline analüüs kui preventsiooniline koosseis

112 Afektilaadsete, psühhopaatiliste ja sonimishäirete adekvaatne ravimiteraapia koos ratsionaalse psühhoteraapiaga võib soodustada psüühiliste häiretega isikute jaoks sotsiaalset adapteerumist, käitumise normaliseerumist ja riski vähenemist sattuda agressiivsete kuritegude ohvriks. 109 . (2007). . []. 7. Märts 2009 a. 110 Kury, Obergfell-Fuchs, & Woessner. (2004). The Scope of Sexual Victimization in Germany. Germany: University of Freiburg, lk 589. 111 Yeater, E. A., Naugle, A. E., O'Donohue, W. T., & Bradley, A. R. (2004). Sexual Assault Prevention With College-Aged Women: A Bibliotherapy Approach. Violence and Victims. USA: Springer publishing GO. Volume 19, Number 5, lk 593. 112 Revolution. (2007). . []. 24. Märts 2009 a.

Õigus → Kriminoloogia
21 allalaadimist

Murdmaasuusataja treeningprotsess ja sauna kasutamine taastumisvahendina

Additional extensive research is needed on this topic due to lack of resources this experiment confronted. In conclusion, this research gave a moderately comprehensive overview of endurance training with the specialities of cross-country skiing and sauna bathing as a method of recovery from training, focusing on experimentally found connections between characteristics of training and effect of sauna after training. Technical and tactical elements of cross-country skiing were beyond the scope of this research. Information given about training and found about recovery by sauna bathing could come useful to athletes, trainers and other associated people in cross-country skiing, but also in other disciplines. 53

Sport → Suusatamine
12 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

устройствах однотипно и однотипно же добавляется в очереди), говорят о том, что это – домен QoS. Мы будем рассчитывать на то, что установки, которые мы сейчас делаем через групповую политику, будут аналогично восприниматься сетевыми устройствами – это уже out of scope для этой статьи, но для полноценной поддержки QoS в организации это сделать нужно. Иначе нет никакого особого смысла тщательно классифицировать трафик, потом помечать, а потом на первом же коммутаторе в процессе отправки в uplink валить всё в одну кучу с логикой FIFO.

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist


This, too, I see as obvious. I'd rather have a house full of mess-making kids, than just one, lonely and uninspired. On the other hand, perhaps a student could learn enormously more from a tutor than in a classroom packed with other students. Again, there must be an ideal ratio, plus age considerations, as well as the nature of the topic being taught, to consider. A pet peeve of mine is how competitive athletics play an excessive role in schools. Schools cannot limit their scope to mere teaching of abstractions, such as algebra and grammar. They also need to instruct about health, including diet and exercise. Yet sports programs take too much money and time, which otherwise could be used in artistic endeavors, or to buy more computers and books or special tutors. I especially loathe collegiate athletics, which become farm teams for professional clubs. These have no valid role at institutions of higher learning.

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

· Rejection of ,,emptiness" of the mind · A trust in feeling above intellect · A dream of reviving ,,the aristocracy of the spirit" · Not ,,art for art's sake" · But ,,art for MY sake" Why the Novel Matters. The novel-Definition: a prose narrative of considerable length, the novel deals with a human character in a social situation, man as a social being. Plot, character development and an illusion of reality. Lawrence: the scope and the degree of truth. Prose or verse, society or no society. The truth about man, man as a whole. Criticism of modern civilization · Education of reason-disregard of feelings · Modern man is ignorant of feelings: the body, the inner truth · Modern social animal suppressed by machinery, ignorant of one's natural instincts: · Unhappy, empty, frustrated, sterile: no harmony between men and women · Ts: portrays the situation

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

MARCELLUS 8 Is it not like the king? HORATIO As thou art to thyself: Such was the very armour he had on When he the ambitious Norway combated; So frown'd he once, when, in an angry parle, He smote the sledded Polacks on the ice. 'Tis strange. MARCELLUS Thus twice before, and jump at this dead hour, With martial stalk hath he gone by our watch. HORATIO In what particular thought to work I know not; But in the gross and scope of my opinion, This bodes some strange eruption to our state. MARCELLUS Good now, sit down, and tell me, he that knows, Why this same strict and most observant watch So nightly toils the subject of the land, And why such daily cast of brazen cannon, And foreign mart for implements of war; Why such impress of shipwrights, whose sore task Does not divide the Sunday from the week; What might be toward, that this sweaty haste Doth make the night joint-labourer with the day:

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

oData transparency: In bit and byte oriented protocols, there is a problem if a control character (for ETX (End of Text) ·Same as ETB, only no more blocks will follow. ITB (End of > Differences with HDLC ­ length of protocol field (1B or 2B) byte-oriented protocols) or the start-of-frame flag (for bit-oriented protocols) appears in the actual data. Intermediate Transmission Block) ·Same as ETB, except that the receiving statio Differs from HDLC because of multiaccess MAC that provides · Maximum payload length (default: 1500) This was not likely to happen in ASCII text, but is very likely with binary data. This is known as a data will not acknowledge after the error checking. EOT (End of Transmission) framing/error detection: · Type of CRC (2B or 4B) transparency problem an can be...

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Andmeturve konspekt / kokkuvõte

Andmeturve Meelis Roos Kursiivis tekst on Meelis Roosi loengukommentaaride põhjal lisatud. Kollasega märgitud osa kohta on Meelis Roos öelnud, et seda on ta tavaliselt eksamil küsinud. Kava · Turvaeesmärgid, ohud, riskianalüüs, turvapoliitika, turbestrateegiad, turvatasemed, turvastandardid · Mitmekasutajasüsteemide turve, DAC & MAC, usaldatavad süsteemid · Autentimismeetodid, paroolid, NIS(+), Kerberos, NT domeenid, LDAP kataloogid, Active Directory, single signon · PKI (avaliku võtme infrastruktuuride) idee, rakendamine autentimisel ja signeerimisel, hierarhiad · Ohud võrgus, tulemüürid, krüpto rakendamine · Rünnakute avastamine: IDS (Intrusion Detection System), logimine; taasteplaanid; turvaprobleemide PR · Viirused, ussid, trooja hobused, tagauksed, ... · Privaatsus ja anonüümsus Internetis · Pöördkodeerimine, seadused, kopeerimiskaitsed, ... Kirjandus · Infosüsteemide turve 1: turvarisk. Vello Hanson, Märt Laur, Monika Oit, Kr...

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
32 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

2. Produce plans collaboratively with those who will do the work 3. Reveal and remove constraints on planned tasks as a team 4. Make reliable promises 5. Learn from breakdowns 3.3.311 Levels of the Last Planner System LPS can be understood as a mechanism for transforming what SHOULD be done into what can be done, thus forming an inventory of ready work, from which Weekly Work Plans can be formed. It is about work structuring which extends in scope from an entire production system down to the operations performed on materials and information within the system. Assignments that are included in Weekly Work Plans are the promise by the last planner what they actually WILL do in the following week. Thus we can say LPS has two main focuses: short term planning and the development of a social system on site. LPS consists of five different levels, each level more detailed than the preceding one

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Mõistete seletav sõnastik (pikk)

Mõistete seletav sõnastik Abiootilised (keskkonna)tegurid ­ organisme ümbritsevast anorgaanilisest (eluta) maailmast tulenevad ökoloogilised tegurid. Adaptatsioon, adapteerumine ­ organismide või nende osade ehituse või talitluse kujunemine selliseks, st see tagab paremini isendi või liigi säilimise ja populatsiooni arvukuse suurenemise. A. tagajärjel suureneb organismi ja keskkonna kooskõla, tekib võimalus uut tüüpi toidu, uute elupaikade, signaalide jms. kasutuselevõtuks, suureneb organismi elutegevuse tõhusus. A. võib toimuda nii organismi elu jooksul (kohanemine e. isendiline a.) kui ka paljude põlvkondade kestel (kohastumine e. evolutsiooniline a.). A-ks nimet. ka kohastumise tulemust ­ kohastumust. Aerotank ­ aeratsioonikamber, kus reovesi kontakteerub aktiivmudaga või täpsemalt mikroorganismide biomassiga. Mikroorganismid kasutavad reovee orgaanilist ainet oma elutegev...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
95 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

Some architectures employ dedicated logic and routing resources for optimizing high-speed functions such as carry chains, wide decodes, etc. The PROM, PAL, AND PLA are three related devices. They share an architecture that consists of AND and OR planes. Additional features such as programmable I/O blocks, storage registers, etc., may be included in these devices. Commercial, military, and space devices use a variety of programmable elements. A complete list is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Some aerospace examples are given below. arhitektuur The architecture consists of an array of logic blocks and routing channels. Two I/O pads fit into the height of one row or the width of one column. All the routing channels have the same width (number of wires). Each circuit must be mapped into the smallest square FPGA that can accommodate it. For example, a circuit containing 14 logic blocks and 10 I/O pads would be mapped

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

formation of the authorized (share) capital. 2. Exempt from the payment of duty goods imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation and (or) exported from this territory as free help and (or) to charity by states, governments, international organizations, including the provision of technical assistance. 3. Exempt from the payment of duties: equipment, including machines, equipment, and materials are included in the scope of delivery of the equipment and components (except for excisable goods) imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation in respect of loans to foreign governments and international financial institutions accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation. Exemption is made only in cases where this is provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation. 47 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

to microprocessors for embedded applications. xi System Design 1 Most embedded microprocessor designs involve processing some kind of input to produce some kind of output, and one or both of these is usually analog. The digital portions of an analog system, such as the microprocessor- to-memory interface, are outside the scope of this book. However, there are some system considerations in any design that must interface to the real world, and these will be considered here. Dynamic Range Before a system can be designed, the dynamic range of the inputs and outputs must be known. The dynamic range defines the precision that must be applied to measuring the inputs or generating the outputs. This in turn drives other parts of the design, such as allowable noise and the precision that is required of the components.

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist

Tiit Lauk humanitaar

JAZZ IN ESTONIA IN 1918–1945 Abstract The present study covers an understudied part in the Estonian cultural history – how Afro-American jazz music reached our cultural space and the phenomena related to this. Such an angle is not an alien one to other nations either – here and there, since its very appearance, jazz has created contradictory opinions varying from deep admiration to total denial and ban. Thus the aim of this study has been to find out how jazz reached Estonia, its scope of penetration in Estonia, factors facilitating or hindering this and its influence on the general cultural (and musical) background. Mainly inductive analysis – a versatile and detailed treatment of the subject matter – has been used in processing the relatively scarce published sources and materials found in both Estonian and foreign archives as well as in private collections. Beside these sources, the author has also made use of interviews (N=47) and questioning

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


1.küsimus Õiguspsühholoogia aine,objekt,meetodid Õiguspsühholoogia ühte ossa kuulub kriminaalpsühholoogia. Keerulised on õiguse ja psühholoogia vahekorrad.On väidetud,et õigus ja psühholoogia tegelevad paljuski ühiste asjadega,sest mõlemad distsipliinid püüavad mõista(seletada),ennustada ja reguleerida inimeste käitumist sotsiaalses keskkonnas.Nende vahel on mitmeid erinevusi: Õigus rõhutab konservatiivsust,psühholoogia rõhutab arengut,muutlikkust; Õigus on autoriteedile tuginev,psühholoogia empiiriline; Õigus põhineb poolte vastandumisel,psühholoogia tugineb ekspereminteerimisele; Õigus on ettekirjutav,psühholoogia kirjeldav; Õigus on reaktiivne,psühholoogia proaktiivne; Õigus on operatiivne,psühholoogia akadeemiline Defineerime kriminaalpsühholoogiat kui psühholoogiliste lähenemiste,teooriate ja meetodite kasutamist kriminaalse käitumise mõistmisel,selgitamisel,prognoosimisel ja kontrollimisel.Krimi...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
642 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanc...

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Public International Law is a system of law, different from domestic law. Why is this system unique? Usually law regulates relations between people, people and the state etc, PIL regulates relations between states. Thats why PIL is important for international relation students. PIL influences the life of everybody, it doesn't regulate people directly but indirectly (through the decisions of the states), because it's everywhere. It's like air. E.g. when you want to send a letter to Brazil, you put a stamp from your own country and send it from your post office and the letter gets delivered. Why is this so easy, because there are certain international conventions that regulate postal services. E.g. traffic signs are almost the same everywhere, why? Because of certain int conventions that require the states to have more or less unified traffic signs. States apply international regulations to national regulations and they ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


their eternal problems in the widest and deepest sense. The need to be concise and comprehensive has directed the choice of music. I have attempted to elicit the most essential without analysing all of the details. However, the reverse may happen and some of the essential may get lost. Nevertheless, it is impossible to handle all the challenges of one specific musical field in a single book. Several questions connected with creativity, both of the musician (inducements, scope of ideas, intentions) and the listener-auditor (traditionalism, novelty, subjective wishes), can be answered most effectively by the music itself. Thus many unanswered questions remain. Therefore, this book should be considered as an attempt to convey a general picture. Moreover, I had to set limits in the treatment of the historical-cultural status forming an integral part of the whole. A book on this subject may be conceived in two different ways:

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

the ring gear should be renewed in the 25 Use feeler blades to check the tolerances 13 The removal and refitting of piston rings is following way. Drill the ring gear with two and if they are outside the specified values, however well within the scope of the home holes, approximately 7 or 8 mm (0.3 in) renew the pump (see illustration). mechanic. Do this by sliding two or three old diameter and offset slightly. Make sure that feeler blades round behind the top you do not drill too deeply or you will damage Oil seals and gaskets compression ring so that they are at the flywheel.

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist


Sissejuhatus Majanduspoliitika loengukonspekti käesolev variant on pärit 2015. aasta kevadest. Selle alusel lugesin ma õppeainet TTP0010 “Majanduspoliitika” TTÜ majandusteaduskonna bakalaureuse õppekava üliõpilastele 2015/2016. õppeaasta sügissemestri teisel poolel. Kahtlemata muutub Eesti majanduslik ja sotsiaalne olukord väga kiiresti ning seetõttu peab paratamatult muutuma ka majanduspoliitika loengukursus. Kuid käesolev loengukonspekt on loodetavasti siiski õppematerjalina kasutatav ka lähiaastatel. Peaaegu kõik, mis loengukonspektis kirjas, on varem juba kusagil öeldud. Õppematerjali puhul ei tohiks see aga olla puudus – tekst püüab edasi anda olemasolevaid teadmisi. See loengukonspekt ei pretendeeri õppematerjalina mitte mingil juhul teaduslikule uudsusele ja selles on vähe viiteid. Loengukonspekti koostamisel on kasutatud paljusid erineva struktuuri ja kontseptsiooniga majanduspoliitika õpikuid, majanduspo...

Majandus → Akadeemiline kirjutamine
56 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

fluence and will be discussing some of the most important of them in this book. After a time, though, I began to realize that the experimental work, while nec- essary, wasn't enough. It didn't allow me to judge the importance of the principles in the world beyond the psychology building and the campus where I was examin- ing them. It became clear that if I was to understand fully the psychology of com- pliance, I would need to broaden my scope of investigation. I would need to look to the compliance professionals-the people who had been using the principles on me all my life. They know what works and what doesn't; the law of survival of the fittest assures it. Their business is to make us comply, and their livelihoods depend on it. Those who don't know how to get people to say yes soon fall away; those who do, stay and flourish. Of course, the compliance professionals aren't the only ones who know about

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist


SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK: TEEMA 1!! 1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tšcnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: • sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; • mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; • teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma mõtteid väljendada; • loogika kui teadus (õpetus, filosoofia vms), mis uurib keeles väljenduva mõtlemise kõige...

Õigus → Õigus
39 allalaadimist


1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tscnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: · sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; · mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; · teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika ja loogika
27 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

soluble. An extensive study of how boar taint than in castrates. However, generally low is perceived by assessors is given by a series ratings were given for boar flavor. Dry-cured of papers by Annor-Frempong et al. (1997a, ham from castrated pigs had improved aroma b, c, 1998) and Nute et al. (1988). Although and taste. It was concluded that in cooked a full description of these works is outside pork loin, boar taint was much more intense the scope of this present chapter, these papers than in dry-cured ham from the same pigs. may be of interest to those working on boar Therefore, the process of curing (which in taint. this case used a curing solution of 98% Work described by Banon et al. (2003) sodium chloride plus 2% potassium nitrate investigated the differences in boar taint in and sodium nitrate in equal proportions, and

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun