Kuidas saada vastust? *Tuleb küsida 1-2 eksperdi käest või väga paljude käest. *Analüüsid – SWOT, PEST, 4 (6) Eesmärk – teadustöö kirjutamise kogemus, bakalaurusetöö kirjutamise kogemus. Anda üliõpilastele teoreetiline ettevalmistus ja reaalne kogemus ärialaste praktiliste ja akadeemiliste ülesannete lahendamiseks teaduslikel meetoditel. 2015 plaan : • Vähendada kodutöö kirjaliku osa mahtu • Uurida ettevõtete asemel kaastudengeid • Alustame uuringu ettevalmistust kohe esimestes seminarides Kodutöö üldteema ‘innovatsioon/ õppimisvõime’ Kvantitatiivne küsimustik Kvalitatiivne case-study – intervjuud (avatud küsimused, läheb sügavuti) Kodutöös on kohustuslik leida 25 kontakti Kvantitatiivne küsimustik: statistiline analüüs, seosed kodutööti erinevad – valim 50 Kvalitatiivne intervjuu – trantskribeerimine, within-case analüüs, märksõnade leidmine. Psühholoogilised faktorid: • Values • Traits • Beliefs • Emotions • Cog
Edith D. de Leeuw, Joop J. Hox, Don A. Dillman INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF SURVEY METHODOLOGY ÜLESANNE Õppeaines: SISSEJUHATUS ERIALASSE Tehnoloogia ja ringmajanduse instituut Õpperühm: Juhendaja: Tallinn 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 1 THE CORNERSTONES OF SURVEY RESEARCH 1.1 Introduction The idea of conducting a survey is deceptively simple. It involves identifying a specific group or category of people and collecting information from some of them in order to gain insight into what the entire group does or thinks; however, undertaking a survey inevitably raises questions that may be difficult to answer. How many people need to be surveyed in order to be able to describe fairly accurately the entire group? How should the people be selected? What questions should be asked and how should they be posed to respondents? In addition, what data collectio
PSYCHOLOGY PART 1: CORE Biological level of analysis Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. 1) Behavior can be innate, because it is genetically based. Evolution may play a key role in behavior. 2) Animals may be studied as a means of understanding human behavior. 3) There are biological correlates of behavior. Cognitions, emotions and behaviors are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine system. Explain how principles of the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 1) Correlational studies: Study by Buss, who hypothesized that across cultures, men will prefer to marry younger women because of greater reproductive capacity and women will place greater value on a potential mate's earning potential to provide survival advantages. This evolutionary hypothesis was tested in 37 cultures by sending out questioners. 2) Twin studies (type of correlational stud
UNIVERSITY OF TARTU DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Using Blogs as a Platform in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Research paper Tartu 2010 ABSTRACT This work analyses the usefulness of blogging in teaching English as a foreign language. The definition of the term `blog' is provided along with the advantages and disadvantages of blogs' usage in practice. The analysis of language skills developed by students throughout the use of blogs for learning purposes is given in the paper with possible limitations that blogs have. Author of this paper also shares personal comments about the experience in the field. In this paper it is also described which research methods are planned to be employed for the conduction of research project. 2 ABSTRACT.........................
Ergo Pikas Integration of Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling DISSERTATION Tallinn 2010 2 UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Author: Ergo Pikas- Civil Engineering student, Faculty of Construction, Tallinn University of Applied Sciences Supervisor: Rafael Sacks- Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil and Env. Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology Consultant: Roode Liias- Professor and Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology Title: Integration of Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling Archived: University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Construction ABSTRACT This research can be divided into two. The first part investigates the current state of the construction industry, while the second part looks at new emerging busin
EHITUSTEADUSKOND Ehitustootluse instituut KUIDAS MUUDAB MUDELPROJEKTEERIMINE TERASKONSTRUKTSIOONIDE PROJEKTEERIMIST, VALMISTAMIST JA EHITAMIST? HOW ARE 3D AND BIM CHANGING THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEX STEEL STRUCTURES? EPJ 60 LT Üliõpilane: Tanel Friedenthal Juhendaja: Prof. Roode Liias Kaasjuhendaja: Prof. Carrie S. Dossick Tallinn, 2010.a. Olen koostanud lõputöö iseseisvalt. Kõik töö koostamisel kasutatud teiste autorite tööd, olulised seisukohad, kirjandusallikatest ja mujalt pärinevad andmed on viidatud. …………………………………………….. (töö autori allkiri ja kuupäev) Üliõpilase kood: 041399 Töö vastab magistritööle esitatud nõuetele …………………………………………?
Thesis “How is it possible to calculate IT security effectiveness?” Kristjan Kivimaa August 2022 1 Abstract In IT Security world, there is lack of available, reliable systems for measuring security levels/posture. They lack the range of quantitative measurements and easy and fast deployment, and potentially affects companies of all sizes. Readily available security standards provide qualitative security levels, but not quantitative results – that would be easily comparable. This deficiency makes it hard for companies to evaluate their security posture accurately. Absence of security metrics makes it complicated for customers to select the appropriate measures for particular security level needed. The research question for this research project is – “How is it possible to calculate IT security effectiveness?”. The aim of this research is to use this reference m
Tallinna Polütehnikum Automation Author: TomTom2 Group :AA-09 Instructor: Marina Zotikova Tallinn 2010 Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................3-4 Person Knowledge Technologies supports......................................................................4-6 Online Essay Evaluation Service.....................................................................................6-7 WordNet lexical database................................................................................................7-8 Practice Online (TPO)......................................................................................................8-9 Conclusion..........................
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