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"communication" - 435 õppematerjali

communication - Power-2009.pdf 2. John Fiske „Intoduction to Communication Studies“ Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002 id=J3XzYCuDLNYC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onep age&q&f=falsei 3. Denis McQuail “McQuaili massikommunikatsiooni teooria” Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus,

Maaväline elu

Maaväline elu Anne Borkmann, 12b Kõik me oleme näinud filmides tulnukaid, lendavaid taldrikuid, mõistetamatuid inimrööve ja katseid, lugenud raamatutest viljaringidest, UFOdega lähikokkupuudetest ja palju muud ulmelist. Kas kõik see tuleneb inimeste lennukast fantaasiast või on neil reaalne tõepõhi ka all? Varem mütoloogias ja religioonis ei tehtud selgelt jumalatel ja tulnukatel vahet. Selletõttu ei saa me rääkida varajastest uskumustest maavälise elu kohta. Ufo-fenomen jõudis avaliku huvi keskmesse alles 20.sajandil. Praeguseks on välistatud elu leidmine Kuult, Marsilt ja Veenuselt ning on mindud üle kaugemal avakosmosesse. 1960.aastatel hakati tegema tõsiseltvõetavamaid otsimiskatseid. Alguses kasutati uurimuste tähistamiseks lühendit CETI (Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence), kuid hiljem nimetati see ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
21 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt 2020

 Hollerith Eksam– Eksam ehitas perfokaartidega masina USA rahvaloenduse andmete töötlemiseks  Hollerith’i Eksamfirmast Eksam=>IBM  colossus Eksam – kolmas digitaalne arvuti (1943/44), osaliselt programmeeritav  saksa krüptomasinad Eksam- EksamEnigma machine is a cipher device developed and used in the early- to mid- 20th century to protect commercial, diplomatic, and military communication. It was employed extensively by Nazi Germany during World War II, in all branches of the German military  Turing Eksam– Eksamaitas ehitada colossust ideoloogia ja matemaatikaga, T. test = tema eksperiment otsustamaks kas arvuti suudab näidata inimtasemel intelligentset käitumist  Shannon Eksam– Eksamtema magistritöö sidus Boole Eksamalgebra, Elektrilülitid Eksamja Eksam-skeemid, Bitid Eksamja Eksaminfo Eksam

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
96 allalaadimist

Ameeriklased hiinas (inglise keeles)

States, almost completely spoken within Chinese American populations. Over 2 million Americans speak some variety of Chinese, with Standard Chinese becoming increasingly more common due to immigration from mainland China and Taiwan.[13] Although Chinese Americans grow up learning English, some teach their children Chinese for a variety of reasons: preservation of an ancient civilization, preservation of a unique identity, pride in their cultural ancestry, desire for easy communication with them and other relatives. Chinese Americans have made many large strides in American society. Today, Chinese Americans engage in every facet of American life including the military, elected offices, media, academia, and sports. Perhaps the most common landmark of the Chinese impact in America is the prolific number of Chinese restaurants that have cropped up in every corner of the U.S.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri esitlus

cooperated with its counterparts in Latvia and Lithuania. During the ,,Augustputs", he was in Finland and he worked as hard as possible for the recognition of the Republic of Estonia. After the first non-communist-style multi-party election in 1990, Meri was appointed to the post of Foreign Minister. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lennart Meri's first task was to create the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His goal was to establish an open communication channel to the West, and at the same time to represent Estonia more widely on the international scene. In 1992, Lennart Meri left his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was the Estonian Ambassador to Finland for a short period of time. In the autumn of the same year he was nominated for president of Estonia. He lost in the first round big to Arnold Rüütel, but got a second round, and he turned out to be elected. On September 20, 1996, Lennart Meri

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus Suhtekorraldusse (Kordamine Eksamiks)

Sissejuhatus suhtekorraldusse Kordamine eksamiks 1. Suhtekorralduse professionaalsus ja eetika. Suhtekorralduse professionaalsus seisneb: Suhtekorralduse eetika seisneb: Iseseisvusel Usaldusel Vastutustundel (ühiskonna & avalike huvide ees) Aususel Asjatundlikkusel Lojaalsusel Austusel (eriala vastu) Sotsiaalsel vastutusel Ühistunde loomisel Konfliktide lahendamisel Võimul Erialastel oskustel • Teoreetiline eetika võib olla hea / halb; õige / vale. • Eetilised konfliktid: Huvide konflikt - Isiklikud suhted Whistleblowing - Salajase /...

Muu → Sissejuhatus suhtekorraldusse
15 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri

cooperated with its counterparts in Latvia and Lithuania. During the „Augustputš“, he was in Finland and he worked as hard as possible for the recognition of the Republic of Estonia. After the first non-communist-style multi-party election in 1990, Meri was appointed to the post of Foreign Minister. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lennart Meri’s first task was to create the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His goal was to establish an open communication channel to the West, and at the same time to represent Estonia more widely on the international scene. In 1992, Lennart Meri left his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was for a short period of time the Estonian Ambassador to Finland. In the autumn of the same year she was nominated for president of Estonia. She lost in the first round of the big Arnold Rüütel, but got a second round, and it turned out to be elected. On September 20, 1996,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Mass Media topic

Mass Media Mass media is a term used to describe those means of communication which can reach large or mass audiences. The most important are probably Television, Radio, the Press and the Internet. Britain and America invented a lot of the technology used by the various modern communications media. In 1829, the typewriter was invented in America. In 1837, the telegraph was invented in Britain. In 18 76, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in America. This made it possible to talk to people thousands of miles away. The telephone is a

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

My Kinda Town - Task to practise adjectives in English Langu

Location: My kinda town is located in the south of Europe on the westernmost tip of the country. The region it belongs to is bordering two seas, one in the west and another one to the southwest It is situated on the mainland about 20 km off the coast. It has mainly flat terrain with several hills. Climate: My kinda town has the Mediterranean climate. There are 4 seasons; however spring and autumn are very short. Usually summers are dry and very warm, winters are rainy and mild. Temperatures during winter only occasionally fall below the freezing point and snow generally is seldom seen. In the summer, the temperatures range from mild to very warm. Spring is relatively warm and autumn ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse kunsti kajastamine eesti meedias

looma võimaluse kaasaegse kunstiga suhestuda, et siis juba teadlikult oma isiklikke seisukohti kujundada. Jagaksin lõpetuseks veel Juri Lotmani (Lotman, 2000 (1969) ) vana õpetust, et kultuurikeeli tuleb õppida sama hoolega nagu võõrkeeli, kusjuures kaasaegse kunsti keel ei ole kindlasti kõige lihtsamate killast. Aga selle õppimine tasub vaeva. Kasutatud kirjandus Jurgen Ruesch, Gregory Bateson . (1951). Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry. Lotman, J. ( 2000 (1969) ). Universe of the Mind: a Semiotic Theory of Culture. Peeter Vihalemm, Marju Lauristin, Ragne Kõuts-Klemm. (2016). Meediasotsioloogiline uuring „Kultuuriajakirjanduse sisu ja kasutajaskond““ lõpparuande I osa: kokkuvõte. Meediasotsioloogiline uuring „Kultuuriajakirjanduse sisu ja kasutajaskond““ lõpparuande I osa: kokkuvõte. Saar, J. (2001 ). Kunstilooming ja eneselooming

Kultuur-Kunst → Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused
7 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

4. The employer shall, without delay, report any serious and/or fatal occupational accidents and situations of serious danger to the competent authorities. If necessary, the employer shall update the safety and health document recording measures taken to avoid any repetition. Article 6 Communication, warning and alarm systems The employer shall take the requisite measures to provide the necessary warning and other communication systems to enable assistance, escape and rescue operations to be launched immediately if the need arises. Article 7 Keeping workers informed 1. Without prejudice to Article 10 of Directive 89/391/EEC, workers and/or

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

Phrasal verb - break

form the Social Democratic Party. Break out START If something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts: War broke out in 1914. Fighting has broken out all over the city. ESCAPE to escape from prison: They broke out of prison and fled the country. Break down MACHINE If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working: Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road. COMMUNICATION If a system, relationship or discussion breaks down, it fails because there is a problem or disagreement. CRY to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry: When we gave her the bad news, she broke down and cried. Break up If someone who is talking on a mobile phone is breaking up, their voice can not fully be heard. STOP CLASSES When schools and colleges, or the teachers and students who

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Giant Panda - slideshow

an enemy. · Cubs make a very loud squeaky cry. Paws · The front paws of a panda are very different from other bears due to a special bone found in their wrists. The panda's sixth toe, an opposable thumb is used for grasping bamboo. The panda uses this bone in same way humans use their thumbs, mainly for grasping food. Sense of Smell · Pandas leave scent marks in their territories. The scent marks serve as a major form of communication. Pandas can determine from the scent if another panda is in the area, including if the other panda is male or female, how recently they left their scent and in the case of female if they are in a reproductive period. · To mark their location, pandas will back up to a tree and rub their scent glands on the tree, then use their tail to spread the scent. Some pandas, particularly males will back up on the tree until they are virtually

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Merde Actually

were not any downfalls then people would not notice the luck and happiness in their lives. In conclusion I can honestly say that I liked this book a lot. I have also read the first part, which was as good as this one, but in the end I can say that they complement each other. I enjoyed reading it and there was not a time when I wished that it would be over already. I would recommend this novel to everybody who is interested in cultural communication and real life problems, which get clever solutions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


SISSEJUHATUS Euroopa Liit on poliitiline, majanduslik, kultuuriline ja sotsiaalne liit, mis ühendab Euroopa riike. ELi kuulub praegu 27 liikmesriiki. Euroopa Liidus elab umbes 500 mln inimesi. Liit seab endale järgmised eesmärgid: ­ edendada majanduslikku ja sotsiaalset progressi, kõrget tööhõive taset ning saavutada tasakaalustatud ja püsiv areng, eriti sisepiirideta ala loomise, majandusliku, kultuurilise ja sotsiaalse ühtekuuluvuse tugevdamise ning ühisraha hõlmava majandus- ja rahaliidu loomise kaudu; ­ kinnitada oma identiteeti rahvusvahelisel tasandil eelkõige ühise välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika rakendamise kaudu, kaasa arvatud ühise kaitsepoliitika järkjärguline kujundamine, mis võib viia ühiskaitseni, ­ tugevdada liikmesriikide kodanike õiguste ja huvide kaitset liidu kodakondsuse sisseseadmise kaudu, ­ säilitada ja arendada liidus vabadu...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu poliitikad
63 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 3 variant

Сравнить Канбан и Скрам Scrumikokkuvõte  The Product Owner sets the Product Backlog During the Sprint Planning, the Product Owner determines a piece of the top of that list –the Sprint Backlog –and decide how to mplement itThe Team has a time-box to reach this goal: the sprint Each day, the Team measures its progress during a 15 minutes meeting: the Daily Scrum Meeting During the whole project, the Scrum Master ensures that the Team is still focused on its objective At the end of the Sprint, the completed work has to be potentially shippable The Sprint ends with the Sprint Review and the Retrospective. The Scrum process is completed when all Stories making up the Product Backlog are implemented, or the budget is consumed, or when the time is over. Kanbani võimalikud eelised Scrumi ees Lihtsus Puudub suurte Backlogide haldamine Puudub“time boxing” Sprint Backlogide jaoks Puuudub arendamise edukuse hindamine ja mõõtmine Scrum Boar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
86 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

· UN as a collective security instrument · Arms control agreements · Response to humanitarian crises · Domestic analogy: that what works within states can be made to work between states · Assumption that democracy is what enables progress in domestic sphere · How is this transferred to the international level? · Spread democracy, to bring about international society of `good citizens' · Increase the opportunities for cross border communication ­ lessening divisiveness and creating common interests Constuctivism; What states do depends on what states' identities and interests are, and identities and interests change. Identities and interests are not pre-given but come into existence as states act. Anarchy is the outcome of state interactions ­ not a given Self-help is not an immutable feature of international anarchy. Anarchy and self-help are social constructs .Social

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Resources for a Beginner Tester

How to Start Learning about Testing Revised 8.05.2017 by Helena Jeret-Mäe This is a collection of materials that I typically send to someone who wants to know more about testing. I recommend to go through Part 1 in the given order. Part 2 presents further resources organized by category. This is just the beginning... But you need to begin somewhere :) Part 1: Diverse Half-Measures and Increased Serendipity 1. Watch this - Open Lecture by James Bach at Estonian Information Technology College 2. Learn 5 testing skills in 4 hours: by Helena Jeret-Mäe and Joep Schuurkes 3. Read this article by Michael Bolton to learn how to immediately start finding issues. 4. Sign up and participate in a Weekend Testing Europe session to learn from and interact with other test...

Informaatika → Tarkvara testimise alused
15 allalaadimist

Turundusvõimalused Facebookis

12 13 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD A customer engagement cycle for Web 2.0. Strategic Direction.Vol. 28 Iss 10 pp. 6 – 8 (10.10.2016) Brogan, C. (2010). Social media 101: Tactics and tips to develop your business online. John Wiley & Sons. EdgeRank. (09.10.2016) Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication. 13(1), 210-230. Facebook. (09.10.2016) Gratton, S. J. Gratton, D. A. (2012). Zero to 100,000: social media tips and tricks for small businesses. Que Publishing. Hansson, L., Wrangmo, A., Solberg Søilen, K. (2013). Optimal ways for companies to use Facebook as a marketing channel. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. 11(2). 112-126. Kalda, K. (2009) Mis on sotsiaalne meedia ja turundamine sotsiaalmeedias?

Majandus → Turundus
13 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

enter the country and can live and work there without restriction. Generally, in order to have the right of abode in a certain country, a person must be a citizen of that country. Those with permanent residency of the country generally have a de facto right of residence but it can be revoked in certain circumstances, for example for being convicted of crimes. 16. Print media- (newspapers and magazines). Print media is one of the oldest and basic forms of mass communication. It includes newspapers (national, regional and local), magazines and other forms of printed journals. All of them have established online presences. However, the digital reach of the various titles differs greatly: whereas over half of The Guardian and The Telegraph readers are based online now, 91% of The Times readers still read its print version. 17. Fleet Street- the home of the British press until the 1980s; a metonym for the British national press. 18. National newspapers- 69

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Veebiteenused (kordamisküsimused ja vastused kontrolltööks)

 SOA annab meile raamistiku, kus mitmed mittefunktsionaalsed nõuded on juba täidetud. – Näiteks turvalisus – Arendajad keskenduda äriprobleemidele. VEEBITEENUS o A Web service is a service offered by an electronic device to another electronic device, communicating with each other via the World wide web. In a web service, web technology such as the HTTP, originally designed for human-to-machine communication, is utilized for machine-to-machine communication, more specifically for transferring machine readable file formats such as XML and JSON. In practice, the web service typically provides an object- oriented web based interface to a database server, utilized for example by another web server, or by a mobile application, that provides a user interface to the end user. Another common application offered to the end user may be a mashup, where a web server

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
55 allalaadimist


etappidest erinevate inimeste/sihtrühmade puhul ja suunata turundustegevusi juba oluliselt täpsemalt. 4 P MUDEL SOTSIAALTURUNDUSES (T. Hiob) Sotsiaalturunduses rakendub kommertsturundusele sarnaselt 4P printsiip ehk turunduskontseptsioon kasvab välja nelja aspekti arvestamisest: toode (Product), hind (Price), koht (Place) ja promotsioon (Promotion). Erinevad autorid on tavapärasele 4P mudelile teinud ka lisandusi: Alcalay ja Bell (University of California, dep. Of Communication ; 2000) on lisanud mudelisse viienda P-na positsioneerimise (Positioning). Seymoure H. Fine (The State University of New Jersey) toob sisse veel kolm P-d: Producer (turundaja või promotsiooni tellija), Purchaser (sihtrühm oma ootuste ja vajadustega) ja Probing (uuringud) (Fine, Seymour H. 1990). P. Kotleri ja N. Roberto (Northwestern University) poolt on rõhutatud Personnel (toote vahendajad

Majandus → Turundus
51 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

constitutional crisis or not. There is a complex discussion about the legal "stateness" of the EU, but it certainly is a state if one uses a functional definition, which is what matters for PA and which is what is done here. What is more, the EU is a Continental "state", organized and working along Continental, viz. French and/or German, lines. Further, the state is not only as capable to act and as necessary as it ever was ­ the tools that challenge it, such as the new ways of communication and organization, have at the same time immensely increased its powers. Most importantly, key economic and development issues of today, sustainability, dynamic development, innovation, and technology, actually foster the role of the state in economic growth. (See Reinert 1999) The Schumpeterian, innovation-based world cannot be imagined without a capable state actor. If we follow Carlota Perez' theory of Techno-Economic Paradigm Shifts (2002), then we are now entering the synergy phase of the

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Biosüstemaatika alused konspekt

teaduslikuks kui seda ei ole võimalik ümber lükata. Viis rahvusvahelist nomenklatuuri koodeksit: ·International code of botanical nomenclature ·International code of zoological nomenclature ·International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants ·International code of nomenclature of bacteria ·International code of virus classification and nomenclature Vienna Code eessõna: "Unambiguous names of organisms are essential for effective scientific communication: names can only be unambiguous if there are internationally accepted rules governing their formation and use." Taksonite tunnused Organismide tunnuste (atribuutide) uurimine, analüüsimine ja kirjeldamine on süstemaatiku üks olulisemaid töövaldkondi. Veelgi olulisem ja aeganõudvam on tunnuste varieeruvuse uurimine eksemplari, populatsiooni, liigi või ka kõrgema taksoni piires. Selle uurimistöö käigus uuritakse reeglina tuhandeid eksemplare, mille tulemusena tekivad mahukad andmebaasid

Bioloogia → Biosüstemaatika alused
26 allalaadimist


Meediateooriad kommunikaator Sõnum on sõnum saatja kohta, see on saatja arusaam sündmustest, see ei ole tegelikkus. Sõnum on alati eneseväljendus. Meedia on institutsioon, institusioon kindlustab et inimesed tegutsevad kindlas olukorras kindlal viisil. Institutsioonid võimaldavad inimestel tegutseda koos, et käitutakse mingis olukorras ühte moodi. indiviid on organisatsioonis rollitäitja, indiviid võib täita erinevaid rolle. Rollitäitja on seotud ülesande ja tegevusega. - Individuaalsed toimijad: - Kollektiivsed toimijad: sõltuvad oma liikmete eelistustest ja on nende polt kontrollitud nt erakonnad, sotsiaalsed ühendused - Korporatiivsed toimijad: üksikisikute organisatsioon Iga üksikisik täidab sotsiaalsetes institutsioonides erinevaid rolle. Nt earollid, soorollid, klassirollid Aktant(rollitäitja) ja indiviid on erinevad Ind...

Meedia → Meediateooriad
18 allalaadimist


eelistatud, aga võib olla aegu, millal avatus ei ole parim valik suhtes. • asetab suhted sirgjoonelisele skaalale, kuid mõned suhted võivad samme vahele jätta või minna tagasi intiimsuse seisukohalt. Samuti on see teooria tugevasti juurdunud individuaalsesse mõtteviisi, mis võib piirata selle rakendamist ja kollektivistliku kultuuri kirjeldamist. (Miller 2005) KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Miller, Katherine (2005). Communication Theories. New York: McGraw Hill. Dillon, Michele (2010). Introduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability in the Twenty-First Century. Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell. Turner, Jonathan H. (2001) Handbook of Sociological Theory. New York: Plenum Press. Appelrouth, S & Edles, L. Desfor (2007). Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era. Pine Forge Press. ELEKTROONILISED ALLIKAD URL:$210 (19.01.2012)

Muu → Vahetusteooria
3 allalaadimist

Case Google

content the user is engaged in creating such as in Gmail and Google Groups. By providing ad funded web services, Google could solve one of the fundamental contradictions of its business model, to generate revenue users have to click a sponsored link in a search a search results and leave Google, in other words they want people to leave as possible by dishing up the most relevant ads as possible to the user's search. By moving people online to use Google's communication and productivity tools, they are creating numerous new opportunities. Scanning users mails, messages, documents and to-do's, Google gains insights about what sort of services or products that their advertisers offer which the users might be interested in. By channeling people into their own services rather than making other sites visible, Google could be reducing the democratic nature of web. Google will have to think

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne, MS VICTORIA I, Laondus

Ise jäin praktikaga väga rahule kuna sain enda koolis õpitud teadmisi rakendada ja näen nüüd asju palju selgemalt, sellele kõigele aitaks kaasa väga professionaalne ja sõbralik kollektiiv. SUMMARY I had my first practical on board M/S Victoria I. I worked in the depot. My job was accepted goodis,check over goods , piece out goods, poxing goods. In the practice i got a lot of new things to know. I got to know how depot really looks like.I got to practice communication, I also got the goods ordered In M/S Victoria I was nice and pleasant to work, my teammates was very helpfull and friendly. Im happy that i had my first practice on cruise ship M/S Victoria. LISA

Logistika → Baaslogistika
70 allalaadimist

Ray Krock ja McDonald's

182) 1961 aastal pandi tööle kompleksne hamburgerite ja muude McDonald'sis müüdavate toodete valmistamise ja serveerimise koolituskeskus, mida juhtis Fred Turner ja kus said 24.02.1961 lõpudiplomi esimesed 14 õppurit. Loosungiks sai tudengitele siiani töötav Ray Krocki ,,gospel" : Quality (kvaliteet) Service (teenindus) Cleanliness (puhtus) Value (hind) Töö ladusamaks organiseerimiseks restoranis hakati kõikides tegevustes rõhuma kolmele alustalale: Communication ( kommunikatsioon) Coordination ( koordinatsioon) Cooperation ( koostöö) Korraliku koolituse saanud töötajad andsid väga hea panuse firma edu jätkumisele ja nii oli 1958 aastaks müüdud esimesed miljon hamburgeri ning 1965 aastaks üle kogu maa juba avatud 710 restorani 44 osariigis. 1965 aastal oli USA's aga 1000 töötavat Kentucky Fried Chicken nimelist restorani , 325 Burger Chef restorani ja 100 Burger Kingi. Kiirtoitlustustööstus kasvanud USA's 6,2 mijrd

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
5 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

S-57 IHO’s special publication No. 57. IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data S-61 IHO’s special publication No. 61. IHO Product Specification for Raster Navigational Charts S-62 IHO’s special publication No. 62. IHO Codes for producing Agencies S-63 IHO’s Special publication No. 63. IHO Data Protection Scheme SATCOM Satellite Communication SENC System ENC SOLAS IMO’s convention for Safety Of Life At Sea WEND World ENC Database WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984 Term Explanation Validation Process which aims to secure that an ENC is produced according to IHO standard S-57 BIMCO Worlds largest Association of shipowners and others

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist


teine pole nõus. Põhjustab suhetes probleeme. Mängud - suhtlemisvorm, käikude ahel, mis viib ettemääratud tulemuseni; iseloomulikuks jooneks on varjatud loomus ja tasu. Nt. alkohoolik (vt. Berne, E. (2001). Suhtlemismängud. Mängud ja manipulatsioonid inimsuhetes. Väike Vanker) Mitteverbaalne tasand suhtlemisel Allikad: McKay, Davis ja Fanning "Suhtlemisoskused" Hargie, O. ja Dickson, D. (2004). Skilled Interpersonal Communication. Research, Theory and Practice. 4th Ed. NY: Routledge Mitteverbaalsed infokandjad, sh kehakeel - zestid, poosid, miimika, silmside, kõnega kaasnevad helid, hääletoon, kõne tempo, pausid. Kujundatav füüsiline külg (nt. riided, riietumise stiil). Müüt: iga liigutus tähendab midagi. + Kehakeele mitmeti tõlgendamise võimalus. Varasemad kogemused (kategooriate olemasolu) Valikuline tõlgendamine Konteksti olulisus Mitteverbaalse kommunikatsiooni eesmärke

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemispsühholoogia
38 allalaadimist

Kaubamärgiomaniku ainuõigus versus paralleelimport

piiranguid, kui need on õigustatud kõlbluse, avaliku korra või avaliku julgeoleku seisukohalt; inimeste, loomade või taimede elu ja tervise kaitsmiseks; kunstilise, ajaloolise ja arheoloogilise väärtusega rahvusliku rikkuse või tööstus- ja kaubandus omandi kaitsmiseks. 14 K. Kurisoo. Paralleelimport ­ kondlikt kaubamärgiomaniku ainuüiguste ja üldise vabakaubanduse vahel. Juridica V/2003, lk 349 15 Euroopa Komisjon. Commission Communication on parallel imports of properietary medicianal products for which marketing authorisations have already been granted. Brussels: 30.12.2003, lk 6 ­ Kättesaadav arvutivõrgus: 16 K. Kurisoo. Paralleelimport ­ konflikt kaubamärgiomaniku ainuõiguste ja üldise vabakaubanduse vahel. Juridica V/2003, lk 350 17 C. Ginter. Intellektuaalomandi kaitse ja paralleelimport. Juridica III/2009, lk 159

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
23 allalaadimist

TTK-Taktikalised Tingmärgid

BP Battle Position BRHD Bridgehead BSA Brigade Support Area BTY Battery BZ Buffer Zone C2 Command and Control C C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence CAP Combat Air Patrol CAS Close Air Support CATK Counterattack CCP Casualty Collection Point CCP Communication Check Point CFA Covering Force Area CFL Co-ordination Fire Line CINC Commander in Chief CIV Civilian Collection Point COLT Combat Observation and Lasing Team COMMZ Communication Zone COORD Co-ordinate/Co-ordination COS Chief of Staff CP Check Point CPX Command Post Exercise CSAR Combat Search and Rescue CSS Combat Service Support CSSA Combat Service Support Area CTL Control

Sõjandus → Sõjandus
86 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of television

Watching television can be compared with reading books. It provides an outlet for creative talents. By the beginning of the 21-th century TV became a coloured world network. Numerous programmes people can receive by satellite or cable. The choice of the channels ranges from six to twenty. These channels show programmes of various kinds from documentaries, current events and sports to programmes American films and science fiction cartoons. Now this medium of communication allows people to see and speak with each other if they are separated by thousands of kilometres. TV bridges between Russia and the USA once were very popular. They showed that TV was a unifying force and that our planet in reality is a small world. Previously innovations were promoted on TV. TV shocked, surprised and stimulated. It brought ballet, opera, and theatre to big masses of people. It was even in the vanguard of new drama. Moreover, TV can keep children quiet. If they are noisy

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

Country study test # 3 1. Why was it often said that ,,the sun never sets on the British Empire"? ... is used to describe an empire of such a large extent that, at any one time, at least part of its territory is in daylight. This was a saying refering to the fact that Britian had colonies all around the world. 2. What is the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations that support each other and work together towards international goals. 3. When was it founded? 1931 4. Who were the founder members? Great Britain, the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland), Canada, Newfoundland (since 1949 part of Canada), Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. 5. Are they still members? Why? Irish Free State left in 1949 with the republic of ireland acts, Newfoundland (since 1949 part of Canada), 6. What was the difference between the British Empire an...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Kuuldeaparaadi ja sisekõrva implantaadi mõju kõne arengule

KUULDEAPARAADI JA SISEKÕRVA IMPLANTAADI MÕJU KÕNE ARENGULE Referaat Juhendaja: Sisukord Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................3 Sisekõrva implantaat...................................................................................................................4 Kuuldeaparaadi mõju keele arengule..........................................................................................5 Sisekõrva implantaadi mõju keele arengule................................................................................5 Kokkuvõte...................................................................................................................................7 Kasutatud kirjandus..................................................................................................

Meditsiin → Hoolduseabivahendid
8 allalaadimist

Juhtumi halduse protsess

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Infotehnoloogia teaduskond Informaatikainstituut JUHTUMI HALDUSE PROTSESS Referaat õppeaines ,,Infosüsteemide ülalhoid" (IDU1341) Juhendaja: Indrek Hiie Esitatud: 21.12.2016 Tallinn 2016 Sisukord Mõisted................................................................................................................... 3 Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................... 4 Juhtumi haldus........................................................................................................ 4 ITIL.......................................................................................................................... 4 ITILi ajalugu........................................

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide ülalhoid
16 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impact that these processes have on the consumer society (online, Consumer behavior is a hotbed of psychological research, as it ties together issues of communication (advertising and marketing), identity (you are what you buy), social status (among peers and potential mates), decision making, and mental and physical health (online, Consumer behavior is the way the consumers recognize specific needs for travel, search for and evaluate information, make purchases and then evaluate

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Kättesaadav: [01.12.2011] 3. Luik, P. Sotsiaalsed probleemid virtuaalmaailmas., Tartu Ülikool, 2009. Kättesaadav: df [01.12.2011] 7. Eetikaveeb. Arvuti ja ühiskond. Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus. Kättesaadav: [01.12.2011] 4. Caplan, E. S. Preference for online social interaction: A theory of problematic internet use and psyhosocial well-being. Communication Research, 2003. 5. Tiks, O. Rootsis üritatakse internetipedofiiliat seadusega keelata. Postimees, 2007. Kättesaadav: [01.12.2011] 6. Eetikaveeb. Privaatsus ja jälgimine. Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus, Kättesaadav: [01.12.2011] 8. Bynum, T. Computer and Information Ethics. 2011 spring edition. Kättesaadav: [01.12.2011] 9. Eetikaveeb

Filosoofia → Insenerieetika
34 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


ISIKUTAJU Referaat Sissejuhatus Isikutaju erineb teiste nähtuste ja objektide tajust, sest inimene on tunduvalt keerukam ning tajumisel hakatakse käitumist interpreteerima. Inimene pole teise suhtes ükskõikne ning tajumisel kujuneb inimeste vastastikune mõju. Inimeste vastastikune taju ja tunnetamine on üks keerukamaid ja ulatuslikumaid valdkondi suhtlemispsühholoogias. Et selles valdkonnas paremini orienteeruma õppida, on kasulik teada mõningaid tajupsühholoogias kasutatavaid mõisteid: · Tajumine on psüühiline protsess, mille vahendusel isiksus määratleb ja kirjeldab ümbritsevat maailma, so inimesi, nähtusi, sündmusi ja olukordi. · Taju kui tegelikkuse meelelise peegelduse peamised vormid on aisting, taju ja kujutlus. Aistingu ja taju puhul on tegemist väliste stiimulite (esemed, objektid, stseenid, mitmesugused ärrita...

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemise alused
260 allalaadimist


Viljandi Ühendatud Kutsekeskkool Teenindusosakond Arvutiportide kasutamine seadmete juhtimiseks Referaat Koostaja: Tomas-Daniel Naanuri AT07 Juhendaja: Kaido Jaanus Vana-Võidu 2008 Sisukord: Sisukord: .................................................................................................................................... 2 Mis on arvuti port?......................................................................................................................3 Portide tutvustus ja nende kasutamine........................................................................................ 4 Jadaport (Serial port)..........................................................

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
55 allalaadimist

Lapse arengu keskkond

Õpikeskkonna ülesehitus Alati, kui laps klassi siseneb, peab ta end tundma teretulnuna. Klassiruum on lapsekeskne ja värvirikas. On oluline, et ruum oleks arusaadavalt õpifunktsionaalne, kuid samas peab õpikeskkonnast õhkuma ka rõõmu ja mängulisust. Oma klassi tood sa kõigepealt kohale ennast, enda huvid ja selle, kuidas sa mõistad lapsi. Hiljem, kui oled lastega tutvunud, tekib ruum sinust ja lastest. Lapsel on lasteaeda minna palju kergem, kui talle meeldib keskkond, kuhu ta läheb. See on ikkagi koht, kus koolieelne veedab suurema osa oma päevast. Oluline on tekitada usaldust ka lastevanemates ­ teadmist, et nende laps on turvalises kohas. Oma klassi tood sa nii või teisiti kaasa iseenda. Ja alguses on see normaalne, et klassist peegeldub vastu suurelt osalt sina ise. Mida aeg edasi, seda rohkem tekib ruumi osakesi igast ühest, kes seal ,,poole kohaga elavad". Klassi üldine ülesehitus peab olema organ...

Pedagoogika → Lapse sotsiaalne areng
25 allalaadimist


KALAKAUBANDUS KORDAMISTEEMAD/KÜSIMUSED 1. Kaubanduse erinevad vormid. Jae -ja hulgikaubandus Hulgikaubandus ·Hulgikaubandus on kaupade ja teenuste ostmine eesmärgiga neid edasi müüa või professionaalselt kasutada. ·Olenevalt riigist hulgikaubanduse osatähtsus on väga erinev. Jaekaubanduse ülesandeks on kaupade ja teenuste müük lõpptarbijale isiklikuks kasutamiseks (väikestes kogustes). ·Jaekaubandus on lõpplüli 2. Jaekaubanduse -ülesanded, -jagunemine, -suunad. Jaekaubanduse ülesandeks on kaupade ja teenuste müük lõpptarbijale isiklikuks kasutamiseks (väikestes kogustes). Jaekaubanduse jagunemine ·Kaupluste müük ·Otsemüük (see on müük vahendajateta, müüjalt otse kliendile) ·Otsemüük ei ole müümine interneti, telefoni või posti kaudu tellimise teel. 1.Sihtturu määramine; (ka kauplustel on oma kindel sihtturg); 2.Positsioonimine ehk oma koh...

Merendus → Kalakaubandus
20 allalaadimist

Ettevõtja intervjuu

Arvan, et küsimustikus pakuti palju erinevaid küsimusi, et üliõpilased saaksid valida enda jaoks just neid, missugustele nad tahavad saada vastuseid . Mina valisin need küsimused, mis tundusid mulle kõige tähtsamad. Töö koostamisel kasutasin võetud intervjuud ja olen külastanud antud ettevõtte kodulehekülge Intervjueeritud ettevõtja andmed Intervjueeritud ettevõtja: Kenno Kirspuu Ettevõte: Benefic Communication OÜ Adress: Roosikrantsi 11, 10119 Tallinn, Eesti Reg nr: 11936517 Tel: +372 53 593 911 Kenno Kirspuu +372 52 990 90 Kaido Kaljulaid E-mail: [email protected] W:

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
188 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

·Cannot support the information requirements of enterprise-wide decisions ·Many data warehouse efforts begin with independent data marts ·Some data marts have both dependent and independent features Dependent Data Marts ·Dependent data mart is warehouse-based ·`Depends'on the data warehouse as the source for its data ·May actually be a subset or view of the data warehouse ·Provides summaries and aggregations of selected DW tables 26. Five Communication Patterns 27. The Concept of Message Oriented Middleware ·High throughput and scalability to many thousands of senders and receivers ·"Quality of service"options, including guaranteed,"exactly once"delivery ·Dynamic reconfiguration, such as the capability to add, delete or move senders or receivers ·Queuing(store-and-forward) ·Publish-and-subscribe(subject-or content-based addressing mechanisms) 28. Tightly Coupled RPC-based and Hub-and-spoke Architecture Tightly Coupled RPC

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist


Red Ensign. It also constitutes part of the flags of the Commonwealth nations such as Australia (and its states New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia), New Zealand and Tuvalu; and, in addition, of the U. S. State of Hawaii and the three Canadian states of British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario. 1.5 National Flags as Political Instruments National flags constitute a powerful instrument for communication and participation. This is one reason why flags are not merely colourful ornaments. Instead, identification and representation are the key functions of the earliest kinds of symbolism. Symbolic devices have been employed to identify groups and territories throughout history, while, at the same time, they have been used symbolically to differentiate communities from one another: the relationship between `us' and `others' isintimately linked to communal forms of

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist

Side konspekt 2020 / eksami kordamisküsimused

Pertaining to computer networks, a downlink is a connection from data communications equipment towards data terminal equipment. This is also known as a downstream connection. The uplink port is used to connect a device or smaller local network to a larger network, or connect to the next "higher" device in the topology. For example, the edge switch connects "up" to the distribution layer managed switch. Lühidalt - The communication going from a satellite to ground is called downlink, and when it is going from ground to a satellite it is called uplink Duplex distance is the space between the uplink and downlink frequencies. The duplex distance for GSM is 80 MHz, where each channel has two frequencies that are 80 MHz apart. 3. Tihendamise meetodid, millised on sides kasutusel Sagedustihendus FDMA (lainepikkuse järgi WDMA), aegtihendus TDMA, koodtihendus CDMA, ruumiline tihendus SDMA.

Informaatika → Side
74 allalaadimist


kasutamine peab toimuma täpselt pakendi juhiste järgi. Tuleb näidata võimalust end kaitsta kahjuliku toime eest kinnaste, maskide jm kasutamisega. Erilist rõhku tuleb pöörata laste ohutusele, selgitades vanematele kodukeemia lastele kättesaamatuse tagamise olulisust. Kasutatud allikad (1) Deng F., Olesen P., Foldbjerg R., Dang D. A., Guo X., Autrup H. "Silver nanoparticles up- regulate Connexin43 expression and increase gap junctional intercellular communication in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549". Nanotoxicology; 2010 Jun 4; lk 186-195. (2) Barbolt TA. "Chemistry and safety of triclosan, and its use as an antimicrobial coating on Coated VICRYL* Plus Antibacterial Suture (coated polyglactin 910 suture with triclosan)". Surgical Infections; 2002 March; Suppl 1: S45-53. (3) "Bakteritapja triklosaan võetakse vaatluse alla", 09.04.2010, Tarbija 24, toimetaja Marina Lohk. Internetiviide:

Meditsiin → Arstiteadus
78 allalaadimist


KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Linnamägi, Ü., Asser, T. (2004). Dementne inimene, koormus ühiskonnale. Eesti Arst, 83(4), 256 - 261. Linnamägi, Ü., Braschinsky, M., Saks, K., Võrk, E., Lääts, T. (2008). Käsiraamat dementsete haigete hooldajale. Tallinn: Iloprint; Eesti Alzheimeri Tõve Ühing. McEvoy, P., Plant, R. (2014). Dementia care: using empathic curiosity to establish the common ground that is necessary for meaningful communication. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, 477 ­ 482. 10

Meditsiin → Õendus
26 allalaadimist

Unit 5 p.102-105

3. It's a mobile phone, but it can be used as a walkie-talkie, too. It's quite an interesting little gadget. 4. A laptop is easy to carry with you, but it's not as powerful as a proper desktop computer. 5. A word processor is a software application which helps you type, format and edit texts. 6. Before attempting any repairs, make sure you have cut off the power source. 7. Text messaging has gained popularity over the last few years, becoming one of the most common forms of communication. 8. I'm sorry I couldn't take your call before; the signal on my phone was too weak. 9. If the fonts are too small for you to read, change your monitor settings. 10. All of the computers in the three buildings are linked to each other and to the main server. FIXED PHRASES 1. in private ­ behind closed doors = eraviisiliselt, üksi 2. in any event ­ anyway =igal juhul 3. in light of ­ because of = kunas, millegi valguses 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun