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· doteerima tarbijat Miks peaks valitsus tahtma kehtestada tasakaaluhinnast kõrgema hinna? Et doteerida tootjat 29 Nõudmine & pakkumine ei ole staatilised: NÕUDMINE PAKKUMINE Võib muutuda Reageerib aeglase- väga kiiresti malt, kuna on seotud ressursside ümberpai- tamise vajadusega 30 Effect of a shift in the demand curve P S g Pe1 D1 O Qe1 Q31 Nõudluskõvera nihe P S g Pe1 D1 O Qe1 Q32 Nõudluskõvera nihe P S g Pe1 D2 D1

Majandus → Majandus (mikro ja...
213 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars- töölehed

Lk 1 1. Intention- kavatsus, tahtmine, tahe, eesmärk 2. Instead- selle asemel, see- eest 3. Forsake- loobuma, hülgama, maha jätma 4. Spin- heietama, keerlema, tiirlema, ketrama 5. Shift- muutma, nihutama, vahetama, ümberlülitus 6. Paradigm- musternäidids, aluspõhimõte, raamistik 7. Spread- levitama, laotama, laiali asetama 8. Irrelevant- ebaoluline, tähtsusetu, mitteasjakohane 9. Infomercial- reklaamuudis Lk 2 1. Chariot- sõjavanker, võidusõidukaarik 2. Superstitious- ebausklik 3. Overwhelm- üle kuhjama, üle koormama 4. Function- toimima, tegutsema, tegevus, ülesanne 5. Embrace- omama, embama, hõlmama Lk 3 1. Significant- oluline, tähtis, märkimisväärne 2. Glassblower- klaasipuhuja 3. Artisan- käsitööline 4. Pursue- järgima, jälitama, püüdlema, otsima 5. Fervently- innukalt, kirglikult 6. Beverage- jook 7. Convey- edasi andma, vedama, üle kandma 8. Venture- riskantne ettevõtmine, spekulatsioon, riskima 9. Profound- sügav, põhjalik 1...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Addiction and drugs

Mushrooms work by disrupting how your nerve cells and the neurotransmitter serotonin interact throughout the brain and spinal cord. By changing the normal functioning of serotonin in the brain, mushrooms distort the way you process information and can make you hallucinate. When you hallucinate, it becomes difficult to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. You may see, feel and hear things that don't exist. You can also have rapid and intense emotional mood swings. This shift in perception can be frightening. It can cause panic attacks and a complete loss of contact with reality. As you can imagine, in this state of mind, it can be very easy to have a dangerous, or even fatal, accident. 6 5. LSD LSD (or its full name: lysergic acid diethylamide) is a potent hallucinogen that dramatically alters your thoughts and your perception of reality. It was discovered in 1938 in a fungus that grows on rye and other grains

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 3 - prognoos

population. Combined, the world’s two largest religious groups would make up more than two-thirds of the global population in 2100 (69%), up from 61% in 2050 and 55% in 2010. It bears repeating, however, that many factors could alter these trajectories. For example, if a large share of China’s population were to switch to Christianity (as discussed in this sidebar), that shift alone could bolster Christianity’s current position as the world’s most populous religion. Or if disaffiliation were to become common in countries with large Muslim populations – as it is now in some countries with large Christian populations – that trend could slow or reverse the increase in Muslim numbers. Regional and Country-Level Projections In addition to making projections at the global level, this report projects religious change in 198 countries and territories with at

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Evolutsioonimehhanismid kordamisküsimused

- fatherland] a. ilmselt põhiline liigitekke moodus 2) parapatriline – külgnev [para – beside] a. tavaliselt eristatav hübriidne tsoon 3) sümpatriline – olemasoleva liigi populatsiooni sisene [sym – with] a. reproduktiivne isolatsioon tänu nt ajalisele barjäärile. või nt host shift –taimpatogeensete putukate peremeesliigi vahetumine anagenees – evolutsioon otseliini pidi, ühe liigi asendumine teisega; kladogenees – mitme liigi põlvnemine ühest liigist, biodiversiteedi suurenemine liigitekkele võib viia veel nt hübridiseerumine, kromosoomide arvu muutus, etc. vikariantne sündmus – liigiteke tänu kontinentide triivile. liigitekke toormaterjaliks on liigisisene geneetiline varieeruvus.

Bioloogia → Evolutsioonimehhanismid
31 allalaadimist

Lõuna Aafrika rahvusköök

36% of total vineyard plantings) in present vineyards, followed by pinotage and shiraz. White varieties still represent more than two-thirds of the total, but this has moved from an imbalance of 15% red and 85% white in 1990. In 2000 more than 80% of all new plantings were red, with shiraz, cabernet and merlot at the top of the list. At the same time, 87% of all vines uprooted were white, mostly chenin blanc, white French and colombard. There is a shift from chardonnay to sauvignon blanc, a varietal which lends itself to a larger range of styles and quality levels. All in all, in the year up to the end of 2000, 6 042.7 hectares of new vines were planted. In 2000 the total grape crop was about 1-million tons, from which 830-million litres of wine were made by 355 active cellars, of which 185 were non-estate "private producers", 92 registered "estates", 69 co-operatives and nine producing wholesalers South African cuisine

Toit → Kokandus
49 allalaadimist

Tehtud funktsioonide kasutamine

Matemaatikafunktsioonid Tööjuhend Järgnevates ülesannetes algandmed asuvad vasakul pool üleval nurgas. Funktsioone tutvustavas tabelis on järgmised veerud: Kasutatavad arvud 1. veerg - funktsiooni nimetus Excelis 72 12.4 2. veerg - ülesanne koos lahenduskäiguga 18 5 3. veerg (oranž) - lahenduskäigu sisetamine: sisesta siia eelmises veerus 2 75 tulemusega. Valem algab alati võrdusmärgiga! 0.3 2 4. veerg - funktsiooni kirjeldus 2 0 NB! Olenevalt ülesandest erineb kohati veergude järjestus ning ülesande k sqrt SQRT(A4)/SQRT(A5) 2 ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
21 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

of which is getting high praise) and when external suppliers are used, chaebols have so much power over them that any independent development is almost impossible. (Marlow, 2015) •In the past the state has made efforts to make chaebols more efficient by forcefully restructuring them. By now it is clear that this will not be enough. The state has realised that it needs to limit the economy’s dependence on large companies. Also, in order to stay competitive, there needs to be a general shift away from hardware and towards services. (Mundy, 2014) •There have been government initiatives launched to foster the start-up model of business, especially when it comes to funding (the largest financing mechanism is Growth Ladder Fund, with about $2.7bn in assets), but generally the regulatory and business environment is still considered too rigid, conservative and geared towards large conglomerates to bring about any substantial change. (Jung-a, 2014)

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

• European referendum • Minister of Foreign Afairs • Withdrawal clause • Popular initiative • Border guard VI loeng IX loeng Democratic deficit To give people control over their own lives and to give the word “democracy” a meaning, fundamental changes are needed in the areas outlined above. There needs to be created institutions capable of solving European-wide problems that have escaped the control of nation-states. There needs to be a fundamental shift of power down to the lower levels, closer to the people and to the problems. There needs to be an introduction of democracy at the place of work in order to transform the labour/capital conflict, and in the local community. We shall now look at these in turn. Second order national elections (Reif and Schmitt, 1980) - National electoral programmes (developed by national parties) + very small room for European programmes

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Mullatööde masinad

6. MULLATÖÖDE MASINAD. Kordamisküsimused. 1. Mullatööde masinate otstarve ja mullakihi eraldamise meetodid. Mullatööde masinate peamine otstarve seisneb vastava paksusega pinnasekihi eraldamises looduslikust ladestusest selle kobestamise, lahtilõikamise või lõhkumise teel ning eraldatud pinnasemassi ümberpaigutamises ruumis. Pinnase kihi massiivist eraldamiseks kasutatavad traditsioonilised meetodid on: a) mehhaaniline meetod e. lõikamine, mida üldistatult nim kaevamiseks b) hüdromehaaniline töötlemine c) lõhkamine d) kombineeritud meetodid. 2. Mullatööde masinate liigitus otstarbe järgi. Ehituslikke mullatöid teostatakse kindlas, praktikas väljakujunenud tehnoloogilises järjekorras, millest lähtuvalt jaotatakse ka mullatööde masinad tehnoloogiliste tunnuste ja otstarbe järgi järgmistesse gruppidesse: a) ettevalmistustööde masinad b) kaevamis-transportmasinad c) kaevamismasinad e ekskavaatorid d) tihendusmasinad e) hüdromehhaniseerimis-...

Ehitus → Ehitusmasinad
44 allalaadimist

Liikurmasinate erialane inglise keel

Movable bridge 60. Lahtikäiv sild 61. Mowing 61. Niitmine 62. Mowing machine 62. Niiduk 63. Mucker 63. Skreeper 64. Multi-layer course 64. Mitmekihiline kate 65. Multi-wheeler 65. Mitmeteljeline sõiduk 66. Municipal road 66. Vallatee, linnatee jmt. 67. Nearside lane 67. Välisrada 68. Night shift 68. Öine vahetus 69. Nodule 69. Graanul 70. Noise level 70. Müratase 71. Non-rigid pavement 71. Mittejäik kate 72. Non-skid treatment 72. Libedusetõrje 73. Net weight 73. Netokaal OP vocabulary 1. Observation well 1. Kontrollkaev 2. Obstruction 2. Takistus 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

Pakkumine Supply Предложение Nõudluskõver Demand Curve Кривая спроса Nõudlusseadus Law of Demand Кривая предложения Normaalne hüvis, kaup Normal Good Нормальное благо Nõudluskõvera nihe Shift in the Demand Curve Смещение кривой спроса Hind Price Цена Nõutav kogus Quantity demanded Количество спроса Tuluefekt Income efect Эффект дохода Asendusefekt Subtitution efect Эффект замены

Majandus → Majandus
24 allalaadimist

Valemite kodutöö

m, cm h, cm r,cm Sk, cm^2 Sp, cm^2 6.0 5.0 3.0 56.548668 28.2743339 31.3 30.5 7.0 688.32295 153.93804 10.0 8.7 5.0 157.07963 78.5398163 300.0 293.9 60.0 56548.668 11309.7336 Summa: 57450.6 11570.5 Keskmine: 14362.7 2892.6 m - koonuse moodustaja H - koonuse kõrgus r - põhja raadius 1. Arvuta välja koonuse küljepindala, põhjapindala, täispindala ja ruum 2. Anna piirkondadele F3-F6, G3-G6, H3-H6 ja I3-I6 nimed 3. Leia pindalade ja ruumalade kogusumma ja keskmine väärtus kasuta 4. Vastused anna kümnendik täpsusega 5. Leia mitu % moodustab iga koonuse ruumala nende ruumalade summ 6. Anna J veerule % vorming ja näita vastuses kahte komakohta 7....

Muu → Andme- ja tekstitöötlus
8 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

27. Clipped compounds A special case of clipping, with which you can produce a word from a compound word by reducing its parts, yet retaining the meaning. Like sci-fi, science fiction. 28. Conversion Or zero-derivation! Conversion – a type of derivation where no suffix is used to change the word class. A linguistic process that assigns an already existing word to a new word class (part of speech) or syntactic category. This process is also known as a functional shift or zero derivation. Conversion is the derivation of a new word out of one that already exists. The part of speech of a word is changed by conversion. However, conversion does not make use of affixes; it does not add anything to the base. Thus, conversion sometimes is referred to as “zero-derivation” or “zero-affixation”. There are different types of conversion, e.g.: 1) verb to noun: to jump – a jump 2) adjective to verb: empty – to empty 3) noun to verb: the water – to water

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

document, reversing his earlier belief that it was pro-slavery, a view he had shared with William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison had publicly demonstrated his opinion of the Constitution by burning copies of it. Douglass' change of position on the Constitution was one of the most notable incidents of a division that emerged in the abolitionist movement after the publication of Spooner's book The Unconstitutionality of Slavery in 1846. This shift in opinion, as well as some other political differences, created a rift between Douglass and Garrison. Douglass further angered Garrison by saying that the Constitution could and should be used as an instrument in the fight against slavery. With this, Douglass began to assert his independence from the Garrisonians. Garrison saw the North Star as being in competition with the National Anti-Slavery Standard and Marius Robinson's Anti-Slavery Bugle.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


economy to a more market-oriented economy that is still within a rigid political framework under Party control. The reforms replaced collectivization of Chinese agriculture with privatization of farmlands, increased the responsibility of local authorities and industry managers, allowed a wide variety of small-scale enterprises to flourish, and promoted foreign investment. Price controls were also relaxed. These changes resulted in mainland China's shift from a planned economy to a mixed economy. China became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2001.[55] China's accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) was a goal achieved after nearly fifteen years of exhausting negotiations carrying many legal, political and social implications for all parties. China was finally able to convince WTO members that without China, the WTO is only partially a worldwide trade organization

Geograafia → Geograafia
49 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

drawing down their forces to roughly 50,000, and they are on track to remove all of their troops by the end of next year according to the agreement signed by President Bush with the Iraqi government. Newly promoted Lloyd Austin, an US army general noted that "hostile enemies" continue to threaten Iraq and pledged that the US commitment will not change. Meanwhile, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, announced the shift from combat operations to prepare Iraqi forces to assume responsibility for their own security, after seven years of war. The Iraq War The Iraq War, Second Gulf War or Operation Iraqi Freedom was a military campaign that began on March 20, 2003, with the invasion of Iraq by a multinational force, led by troops from the United States under the administration of President George W. Bush and the United Kingdom under the Prime Minister Tony Blair

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Fotograafia referaat

EUROAKADEEMIA Kujunduskunsti teaduskond Kerly Aavik IV kursus FOTOGRAAFIA Referaat Õppejõud: Igor Ruus Tallinn 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus ................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Kaamera obskura ................................................................................................................ 4 2. Valgus ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Valge valgus ................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Optiline kiirgus ............................................................................................................ 5 2.3 Valguse allikad ......

Kultuur-Kunst → Fotograafia
30 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

 Sitcom – situational comedy (clipped compound)  Monergy – money energy (blend)  Op art – optical art (one of the elements clipped)  Autochanger – automatic record changer Sometimes suffixes are added, which make the words longer again.  Preggers – pregnant  Barbie – barbecue  27. Conversion Conversion, also known as reclassification, zero derivation or functional shift, is a phenomenon, where a word, without adding any affixes, is being used in a different word class. Conversion is productive in English.  Noun to verb o Bottle, pot, highlight, fingerprint, holiday, nuke, friend (defriend, unfriend), skyrocket, trash talk, emcee  Verb to noun o Catch, bounce, meet, swim  Adjective to verb o Dirty,  Past participle to adjective

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


tasandil. Järgmisena valitakse objekt, millest on vaja midagi ära lõigata ehk kärpida. Kärpimisega eemaldatakse see osa joonest, mis kärpimisjoonest jääb valikupunkti poole või mitme kärpimisjoone puhul nende vahele. Käsklust TRIM saab valida: 1) Modify ribalt ikoonile vajutades 2) Kirjutades käsuribale TRIM Kui valida käsklus TRIM: - Kuvatakse kirje: Select cutting edges/select objects (vali lõikejooned) ­ valida joon(ed) ja - Select object to trim or shift (vali objekt/joon, mida tuleks kärpida/lõigata) ­ klõpsata hiire vasaku klahviga joonel, mida on vaja kärpida. 9 EXTEND ­ joone pikendamine Käsku EXTEND kasutatakse joonkujutise pikendamiseks etteantud piirjoonteni. Laiade joonte puhul arvestatakse joone keskjoont. Pikendatavad objektid võivad olla kujundatud käskudega ARC, LINE, PLINE ja RAY. Käsku EXTEND saab valida: 1) Modify ribalt ikooni abil

Informaatika → Arvutigraafika
266 allalaadimist


(Aleuudid, Kuriilid, Mariaani saared ja Tonga saared, Jaapan, Kamtsatka); kontinent-kontinent: Himaalaja, Alpid, Uraal, Skandinaavia mäed. Murrangud ja maavarad Murrang tekib kahe maakoore ploki vahele, kui need nihkuvad teineteise suhtes. Seotud maavärinatega. Murrangutega seotud kivimid on rikkad maakmineraalide poolest. Plate boundary ­ an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of lithosphere shift. () ­ , . San Andrease murrang San Andrease murrang on piiriks Põhja-Ameerika ja Vaikse ookeani laama vahel. On näide nihkemurrangust, millised tüüpiliselt esinevad ookeanilise koore aladel. Vaikse ookeani laam liigub Põhja- Ameerika laama suhtes loodesse kiirusega mõni cm aastas. Hüdroloogiline tsükkel Mitte ükski organism ei saa elada ilma veeta. Kogu evolutsioon on arenenud nii, et kõik elav Maal on kohastunud tarbima vett.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
27 allalaadimist


Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus AA-09 ANDMEBAASID Referaat Johanna-Margret Kakko 2010 SISUKORD ANDMEBAASID. Informatsioon ja andmed. Andmebaaside põhifunktsioonid. Andmebaaside tüübid. Andmelaod ja andmeaidad. ANDMEBAASIDE PÕHIMÕISTED. Objektid, atribuudid, võtmed, indeksid. Seosed 1:1, 1:M, M:M. Atribuutide tüübid. Normaliseerimine, normaalkujud (3). Semantilised mudelid (UML). Andmebaaside käivitamine (installeerimine, avamine). Uue andmebaasi loomine (objektsüsteemi analüüs). Olemasoleva andmebaasi kopeerimine. TÖÖ TABELITEGA. Tabeli väljade lisamine, kustutamine, ümbernimetamine. Primaarne võti. Väline võti. Unikaalne entifikaator. Tabelite seostamine (relatsioo...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
78 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

system and the greater social mobility in Britain today means that this trend is more clearly noticeable than was once the case. (Wells 1997) - `the sudden emergence of a new type of English' results from irresponsible disregard for the facts. 3. Commonly cited salient features of Estuary English · l-vocalization, milk miwk · glottalling, using a glottal stop · happY-tensing; happy, coffee, valley · yod coalescence; Tuesday, tune, attitude, duke, reduce · diphthong shift, FACE, PRICE and GOAT vowels (wotshor nime?) (Wells 1997) perhaps to a phonemic split (wholly holy) (Wells 1994) The features that Wells excludes from EE's phonetic make-up that are typical of Cockney are: · h-dropping, so that Cockney hand on heart becomes ('and on 'eart). · th-fronting, using labiodental fricatives instead of dental fricatives This turns I think into /a fink/ and mother into /move/ (Wells 1997) However, Coggle (1993) claims that TH fronting in word-medial and word-final

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Sõna ,,kuni" asendab pikk kriips, numbrite vahel ilma tühikuteta (vahemikud: aasta- arvud, kellaajad jne, nt: 1968­1986, 12.00­15.00). Arvväärtuse ja mõõtühiku tähise vahel on tühik; nt: 15 m, 200 g. - NB! Protsendimärk järgneb numbrile vaheta: 30%. Lisaks: 45, kuid 27 C. - Ühiku tähis ei tohiks üksi, ilma arvväärtuseta, minna järgmisele reale. Selle välti- miseks on soovitav tavalise tühiku asemel panna mittelahutav tühik (ctrl + shift + vahesõrmis), siis on nad arvuti jaoks üks sõna. - Sama moodi oleks vaja visuaalselt eraldada, samas lahutamatult koos hoida suure- mate arvude numbrid: 10 000, 520 000. Tehtemärkide kõrval on tühik (2 + 3 = 5). 8 3 VIITAMINE Kunstihariduse osakonna uurimistöödes kasutatakse nimele ja aastale viitamise süsteemi. 3.1 Viide tekstis

Kultuur-Kunst → teaduslikku uurimistöö...
8 allalaadimist

Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

259. temporary agency work ­ vahendatud töö 260. transferring the money to a bank account ­ kandma raha pangaarvele 261. paying in cash ­ sularahas maksma 262. minimum wage ­ töötasu alammäär 263. set-off wage ­ tasaarvestus 264. compensation of expenses ­ kulude hüvitamine 265. business trip ­ töölähetus 266. overtime work ­ ületunnitöö (hours worked more than normal working time) 267. night work ­ öötöö 268. shift work ­ vahetustega töö 269. part-time work ­ osaajaline töö 270. work on days off ­ töötamine puhkepäevadel 271. work on public holidays ­ töötamine riigipühadel 272. on-call time ­ valveaeg 273. incapacity pension ­ töövõimetuspension 274. pregnancy- and maternity leave ­ rasedus- ja sünnituspuhkus 275. paternity leave ­ isapuhkus 276. parental leave ­ lapsehoolduspuhkus 277. leave without pay ­ palgata puhkus 278

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

of where in that chain the value creation should take place becomes crucial. By working more closely with specialist providers, greater levels of customer value can often be achieved at less cost to the supply chain as a whole. Hewlett Packard has adopted this concept for many of its products such as the Desk Jet printer, even going to the lengths of re-designing it so that a generic semi-finished global version could be built centrally with localisation being performed by regional partners. Shift the de-coupling point: A major problem in all supply chains, but significantly worse for global business, is that they have little visibility of 'real' demand. Because global supply chains tend to be extended with multiple echelons of inventory between the point of production and the final market place they tend to be forecast driven rather than demand driven. In other words decisions on production and distribution are based upon forecasts or orders (which

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Mis on uurimistöö?

Võru Kesklinna Gümnaasiumi uurimistööde koostamise juhend Juhendi koostamisel on kasutatud Eesti Ajalooõpetajate Seltsi ja Tartu Descartesi Lütseumi juhendeid Uurimistöö on kõige kasulikum praktilise väljundiga õppetöö vorm Soovitusi uurimistöö koostamiseks 1. Mis on uurimistöö? Uurimistöö on uurimusliku protsessi konkreetne tulemus- kirjalik aruanne sellest, mida uuriti, kuidas uuriti ning millised on järeldused ja tulemused, milleni töö käigus jõuti; protsess ja töömeetod, mille käigus analüüsitakse uuritavat probleemi süstematiseeritud ja asjakohaselt struktureeritud viisil. Uuring - lühiajaline v. ühekordne andmete kogumine, piiratud mahuga uurimisülesanne. Uurimus - trükis ilmunud v. kirjalik uurimistöö. Kodu-uurimistöö - on uurimuslik töö, mille temaatikaks on oma kodukandi v. mõne muu piirkonna (nii ajaloo kui tänapäeva, loodus- kui inimkeskkonna) uurimine. Referaat ...

Majandus → Majandus
25 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

from rock and soil. The nation is the world's largest producer of zinc and the fifth largest producer of lead. Among the provinces, Ontario is the top producer of non-fuel mineral resources, followed by Quebec, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland. Each year Canadian companies spend over US$600 million to find or develop new mines and fuel supplies. However, environmental concerns and increased regulation have led many Canadian mining companies to shift exploration elsewhere. Latin America is becoming a favorite choice for Canadian mining companies. While overall mineral production is dispersed throughout Canada, fuel production is concentrated in the west, with a few major exceptions. Canada is a major exporter of energy and fuels. In 1998, natural gas was the main export with 34.2 percent of total, petroleum was next at 28.6 percent, hydroelectricity at 20.7 percent, coal at 11.4 percent, and atomic energy at 5.1 percent

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist


1. Veondus ja veerem Veondus on majandusharu, mis tegeleb kaupade ja inimeste, laiemas mõistes ka informatsiooni siirdamisega ühest punktist teise. Veonduse tehnilise baasi moodustavad veerem ja infrastruktuur. Veondus jaguneb: · reisijatevedu (ühistransport) ­ kaug-, linnalähi- ja linnavedu; · kaubavedu ­ rahvusvaheline (eksport-, import-, transiit-), kohalik (linnadevaheline ja linna-) ning tootmissisene vedu (viimane ei kuulu veonduse kui majandusharu koosseisu). Veoviisid: raudtee-, auto-, mere-, sisevee-, õhu-, toru- ja linna elektritransport; Liiklusteed: raudteed, teed ja tänavad, mereteed, siseveeteed, lennukoridorid, torujuhtmed, rööbasteed; Rajatised: jaamad, sillad, meresadamad, jõesadamad, lennuväljad, pumbajaamad, kontaktvõrk; Veerem ­ Reisijate ja kaupade veol kasutatavate liiklusvahendite kogum, nt: · Autod · Haagised ja poolhaagised · Vedurid ­ Nt elektri-, diisel- ja auruvedurid · Mootorvagunid ja vagunid · Maagiveo...

Logistika → Transport
195 allalaadimist

Valgud ja geenid

New research published in Science shows that it's possible to convert one strain to another. · So, for example, the researchers were able to take a strain that was sensitive to a drug and grow it for a number of generations in the presence of the drug. A small fraction of the prions appear to be drug resistance at the start, and these become the majority after a number of generations. In the same way, it's possible to shift a population so it grows in better on different cells, or even better in cultured cells instead of the brain. · If all of that sounds familiar, it should--this is precisely the behavior we call evolution when it happens to a living organism or virus. · The researchers propose that there are a number (possibly more than a dozen) of low-energy potential prion structures that are separated by higher energy barriers. When a prion converts a normal protein, it typically forces

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksam

Iga kanali ribalaius moodustab 1/3 kogu kasutatavast sagedusvahemikust. Et vähendada vastastikusi häireid kasutatakse vahetus läheduses vaid mittekattuvaid kanaleid (1, 6 ja 11). Häirete allikaks võib olla ka samas sagedusvahemikus töötav traadita telefon või mikrolaineahi. Signaalide edastamiseks kasutatakse erinevaid faasmodulatsiooni lahendusi. Väiksematel kiirustel (1Mb/s) kasutatakse diferentsiaalfaasinihkega modulatsiooniviisi (differential binary phase shift keying, DBPSK). Kiirusel 2Mb/s kasutatakse DQPSK (differential quadrature phase shift keying) diferentsiaalset kvadratuurset faasmanipulatsiooni. Selle modulatsiooniviisi korral kasutatakse nelja võimalikku faasinihet ja iga faasinihkega antakse edasi kaks (2) bitti andmeid. DQPSK võimaldab sama sagedusriba kasutades edasi anda kaks korda kiiremat andmevoogu võrreldes DBPSKga. Seda kasutatakse ka edastuskiirusel 11Mb/s. Standard 802.11b on

Informaatika → Informaatika
46 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksam

Iga kanali ribalaius moodustab 1/3 kogu kasutatavast sagedusvahemikust. Et vähendada vastastikusi häireid kasutatakse vahetus läheduses vaid mittekattuvaid kanaleid (1, 6 ja 11). Häirete allikaks võib olla ka samas sagedusvahemikus töötav traadita telefon või mikrolaineahi. Signaalide edastamiseks kasutatakse erinevaid faasmodulatsiooni lahendusi. Väiksematel kiirustel (1Mb/s) kasutatakse diferentsiaalfaasinihkega modulatsiooniviisi (differential binary phase shift keying, DBPSK). Kiirusel 2Mb/s kasutatakse DQPSK (differential quadrature phase shift keying) diferentsiaalset kvadratuurset faasmanipulatsiooni. Selle modulatsiooniviisi korral kasutatakse nelja võimalikku faasinihet ja iga faasinihkega antakse edasi kaks (2) bitti andmeid. DQPSK võimaldab sama sagedusriba kasutades edasi anda kaks korda kiiremat andmevoogu võrreldes DBPSKga. Seda kasutatakse ka edastuskiirusel 11Mb/s. Standard 802.11b on

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
17 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

Internally , nodes store, ability to hold separate sessions with different stations(on multipoint line) 2. the sending process. process, & transfer data in parallel Transmission control circuit - interface between node & link: · PISO Secondary Station - can only communicate with the In order to specify that this is a SNAP frame, the DSAP/SSAP shift register: parallel->serial conv. for transmission · SIPO shift register: serial->parallel conv. for primary station. Secondary stations only talk to each other via a Primary station: is set to AA hex. receiveing · bit, character, frame synchronization · set data rate, data format · error control: receive command frames from Primary, transmit response frames to Primary. 3. The Sub-Network Access Protocol (SNAP) field: 5 bytes

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist


inimese tööülesannete täitmine sõltub auditoorsest informatsioonist. 6 Ajutine kuulmise kaotus pideva müra tulemusena Kuna kuulmine üldiselt taastub pärast teatud aja kulumist, saab kuulmise kaotust mõõta lühikese aja jooksul pärast kahjustamist. Tavaliselt tehakse seda 2 minutit pärast kahjustamist. Kuuldava piirkonna algust nimetatakse "temporary threshold shift at 2 min (TTS2). Suhe TTS2 ja müra akustilise taseme vahel pole lihtne. Mõned helitasemed ei produtseeri mõõdetavat TTS2 mida võiks arvestada mõjumise kestvusest. TTS2 kasvamine on proportsionaalne mõjumisaja logaritmiga, moodustub alguses kiiresti ning mõjumisaja pikenedes aeglasemalt. Kuulmise taastumine ajutise kuulmise kaotuse korral, kui tase TTS2 on alla 49 dBA, toimub samuti logaritmilise funktsioonina ja on taastumisajaga proportsionaalne

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
87 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Tabelitöötlus

2.Exceli vaade...............................................................................................................................................2 3.Põhilised mõisted.......................................................................................................................................2 4.Töö alustamine ja lõpetamine.................................................................................................................... 2 5.Töökeskkonna elemendid ja nende kohaldamine...................................................................................... 3 6.Menüüde lühiülevaade............................................................................................................................... 4 7.Menüüriba..................................................................................................................................................4 8.Nupuribad.................................

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
309 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

increments units just so we have a name for them. The 5° increment is now 5/.625 or 8 units. Now our formula looks like this: 10 Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Timer increment value = 8 units ¥ Number of timer counts per interrupt 32 units per interrupt This gives us the same result as before (825 at 1000 RPM, 166 at 5000 RPM), but division by 32 can be performed with a simple shift operation instead of a complex software algorithm. A change such as this may make the difference between a simple 8-bit microcontroller and a more complex and expensive microprocessor. All we did was change measuring degrees of rotation to mea- suring something that is easier to calculate. Word Width If you are connecting a processor to a 12-bit ADC, you will probably want a 16-bit processor instead of an 8-bit processor. While you can perform 16-bit

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist

Informaatika I arvestustöö 2014 TTÜ

5 76.7 82.3 88 79.7 88.7 81.7 77.8 79.3 82.4 85.2 85.7 96.8 89.3 76.3 83.9 76.9 78 83.4 81.1 79.1 79.5 82 81 66 78.4 74.5 87.3 81.6 84.4 80 80.6 kõigepealt osa kuhu tahetakse sagedust saada, siis sisestada valem (Frequency) ja siis vajutada shift + alt + en Chart Title 80 70 60 50 40 30 20

Informaatika → Informaatika
90 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 2

grayscale-based methods. The final result of this approach, whose flow-chart is illustrated in Figure 13, consists of an index N indicating the percentage of pilled area. Such a value is lastly related with the fabric pilling grade. Moreover, the classification of the pilling grade using the N value for different groups of fabrics is proposed as a future work. FIGURE 12. Pilling segmentation performed in [28]. The extended mean shift algorithm was also used to try to solve the segmentation of fabric pilling images in [29] by introducing two main steps: image pre-filtering and final segmentation. Laboratory test performed by authors shows that the proposed algorithm can get excellent segmentation if an optimal choice of the 3 required threshold parameters is assumed. Figure 13. Flow-chart of the method proposed in [28].

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

A New Earth

without naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you into the formless. There is an inner opening, however slight, into the realm of spirit. This is why these three “en-lightened” life-forms have played such an important part in the evolution of human consciousness since ancient times; why, for example, the jewel in the lotus flower is a central symbol of Buddhism and a white bird, the dove, signifies the Holy Spirit in Christianity. They have been preparing the ground for a more profound shift in planetary consciousness that is destined to take place in the human species. This is the spiritual awakening that we are beginning to witness now. THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK Is humanity ready for a transformation of consciousness, an inner flowering so radical and profound that compared to it the flowering of plants, no matter how beautiful, is only a pale reflection? Can human beings lose the density of their conditioned mind structures and become like

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

sub-divided between those papers which charge a cover price and those which are distributed for free. The regional and local press has suffered long-term decline. 20. Free newspapers- financed by local advertising (a weekly circulation of some 35 million) – The Metro – ‘Britain's first urban national newspaper’ (launched in March 1999 in London, now available in 13 cities; one million copies distributed daily) 21. Broadsheets- The main motivation cited for this shift is that commuters prefer papers which they can hold easily on public transport, and it is presumably hoped that other readers will also find the smaller formats more convenient. It remains to be seen how this shake-up will affect the usage of the term "broadsheet". The largest of newspaper formats and is characterized by long vertical pages (typically 22 inches or 560 millimetres). The term derives from types of popular prints usually just of a single sheet,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


­ Let go forward (aft) spring! ­ () ! 22. Vööri (ahtri) ots on ära antud ­ The head (stern) line gone ­ () 23. Andke ära kõik otsad! ­ Let go all! ­ 24. Kõik otsad ära antud ­ All gone fore and aft ­ 25. Kas ahter on klaar? ­ Is it clear astern? ­ ? 26. Ahter on klaar! ­ Aft is clear! ­ ! 27. Pange vendrid valmis ­ Have (get) the fenders ready ­ ! 28. Haalake laev ... meetrit edasi (tagasi) ­ Shift the ship ... metres ahead (astern) ­ ... ! Ohutus sildumisoperatsioonidel. 1. Haalamisele lubatakse ainult neid meeskonnaliikmeid, kes omavad vastavat erialast ettevalmistust, ning on läbinud ohutustehnika instruktsiooni. 2. Laeva pardal viib haalamise ohutustehnikaalase instruktsiooni läbi vanemtüürimees. 3. Haalamise käigus kontrollib ning vastutab õigete töövõtete järgimise eest tüürimees, kes juhib töid kohapeal. 4

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
48 allalaadimist


velocities, railguns have greater range, less bullet drop, less time to target, and less wind drift, bypassing the physical limitations of conventional firearms. Railguns are of particular interest to the military, as an alternative to current large artillery. Railgun ammunition, in the form of small tungsten missiles, would be relatively light, easy to transport and easy to handle. And because of their high velocities, rail gun missiles would be less susceptible to bullet drop and wind shift than current artillery shells. Course correction would be important, but all missiles fired from rail gun artillery would be guided by satellite. It would be more difficult to engineer small arm rail guns, mainly because of recoil. Recoil is determined by the momentum of the escaping projectile. Multiplying a projectile's mass by its velocity yields its momentum, which for high-velocity rail gun projectiles would be considerable

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia KT II

intronites või isegi viimasest eksonist veel allavoolu. Enhancerid on eukarüootidele väga iseloomulikud, samas prokarüootides peaaegu puuduvad. Nad võivad käituda regulaatoritena ka ümberkeeratult (inverted) ja on tihti rakutüüp-spetsiifilised, omades aktiivsust vaid teatud rakutüüpides. Enhanceralade tuvastamiseks kasutatakse ilmselt samasuguseid analüüsimeetodeid nagu teiste valku siduvate saitide uurimiseks. 2 levinuimat on DNaasI footprinting ja EMSA (electrophoretic mobility shift assay). DNaasI footprinting põhineb asjaolul, et kui valk istub DNA peal, siis ta kaitseb viimast eksonukleaaside aktiivsuse vastu. EMSA on kasulik meetod DNAd siduvate valkude kvantitatiivseks analüüsiks. 16. Nimeta vähemalt 3 üldist bioloogilist protsessi, kus enhancerite aktiivsusega kontrollitakse geeni ekspressiooni tasemeid? Enhancerite näiteid: (1) Pärmi GAL1 ja GAL10 geenid. Need 2 geeni on reguleeritud ühe enhanceri juuresolekul

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
290 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

Europe and the USA. Figure 4. Global bioethanol production projection (USDA, 2012). Bioethanol is mainly produced in Brazil and the USA. Biofuels production and its increase in the future is closely linked to the oil prices. A study (Timilsina, 2011) has found that 25% increase in oil price (from 2009 baseline figures) in 2020 would cause a 20,4% increase in global biofuel production. In turn, increasing oil prices would shift land away from food production as it becomes less profitable. Secondly, increasing oil prices would especially increase the food prices in countries, where its production is energy intensive. According to the International Energy Forum Report, the targets set by the European and US government won't be achieved, but biofuels production will still increase significantly. It is projected to rise from today's 1% to 7%, in 2030. The highest rise in biofuels will take place

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

registered at the position, these intensity values of a position were by direct sequencing. This makes our method advantageous for summed up, and the sums were used for normalization. characterizing a sponge individual based on direct sequencing the The intrinsic values were used to model the expected signal ITS region. intensities for different frameshift (or phase shift [13]) combina- tions, depicting the mixture containing various amounts of 2. Repeatability and robustness of the method sequences of different length due to indel events in the specific 2.1. Repeatability of the results obtained using the region. Signal intensities from these simulations of hypothetical proportion model. The first experiments to test the repeat-

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

valitakse seejärel Insert Data and Time. Avanevast dialoogiaknast Data and Time valitakse meelepärane vorming. Leheküljenumbrite lisamiseks käitutakse analoogiliselt, valitakse Insert Page Number ning sobiv esitus avanevast dialoogiaknast Page Number. 8.3.12. Aruande objektide redigeerimine Objekti redigeerimiseks märgistatkse see esmalt. Kui soovitakse redigeerida korraga rohkem kui ühte objekti, hoitakse märgistamise ajal Shift klahvi all. Objekti: · teksti sisu muutmiseks vajutatakse klahvi F2 · kustutamiseks vajutatakse klahvi Delete Access- lihtne ja vajalik 42 · suuruse muutmiseks venitatakse märgistatud objekti ümber tekkinud vastavat musta ruudukest, kuni saavutatakse sobiv suurus · pukseerimiseks klikatakse hiirega sellel. Objekti saab nihutada, kui kursor on käe kujuline.

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

students and intellectuals.Growing tension-Berlin wall-symbol of prison. Castro power in Cuba. Cuban missile crisis (Krushchec). Rising nuclear threat. Victories and losses. On a larger scale: opportunity to shake up the ,,old society" in many social aspects incl. Methods of education: personal, political freedom, sexual freedom, free love Liberation world-wide Liberation world-wide: fall of colonial regime in many counties, India, South-Africa. Students opposind the war in Vietnam. Pacifism, shift from conservatism to liberalism and back. Accessible education, women's lib-important political right. Technological advances. Tv, computers, world opening, communicaion, connections New Consciousness: mass culture, counter-culture, cult of personality. New-consciousness: revolution not on poverty but on affluence-not primitive layers fighting for basic needs but intellectuals struggling for inner freedom.

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist


4. In 1835, James Espy began extensive studies of storms from which he developed a theory to explain their sources of energy. (A) documented (B) Precise (C) crucial (D) comprehensive 5. One of the most beneficial effects of the automobile has been to permit nearly everyone in the automotive countries to travel for recreation. (A) adverse (B) advantageous (C) fundamental (D) practical 6. A major shift in propulsion technology during the postwar period caused the world to adopt jet propulsion as the power source for military and passenger aircraft. (A) expansion (B) advance (C) switch (D) discovery 7. Throughout the nineteenth century, a succession of improvements in textile machinery steadily increased the volume of cloth and garment production. (A) attractiveness (B) refinement (C) quantity (D) caliber 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kirjeldav statistika

1. Märgi ära lahtrite piirkond, kuhu tulevad arvud C27:C30 2. Sisesta funktsioon FREQUENCY 3. Näita ära andmete piirkond Data_array ja klasside ülemised piirid Bins_array 4.Lõpetamiseks vali klahvikombinatsioon Ctrl + Shift + Enter Lugemisaeg, s 72 94 99 116 82 130 92 134 105 129 131 86

Matemaatika → Statistika
256 allalaadimist


Kuna maatriksite korrutamise tulemusena on maatriks, siis tuleb arvutada maatriksi suurust ja märgistada hiirega ruudustik , mis sisaldab sama palju ridu ja veerge kui tulemusmaatriks. Seejarel tuleb funktsioonide ikoonist fx valida MMULT. Funktsiooni käivitamisel tuleb dialoogikasti sisestada lähtanmed (ühele reale esimese maatsiksi elementide aadressid ja teisele reale ­ teise maatriksi elementide aadressid). Tulemuse saamiseks tuleb vajutada korraga kolme klahvi Ctrl + Shift +Enter. Vastus ilmub eelnevalt hiirega märgistatud tabelisse. Ülesandeid 1.1.Arvutada: 2 11 - 5 - 4 - 1 8 2 11 - 5 - 4 - 1 8 + - 1.1.1. 0 - 7 1 - 1 2 9 1.1.2. 0 -7 1 - 1 2 9 2,25 - 7,125 ( - 2) 14,5 0 3,75 - 1,15 1.1.3

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
283 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun