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"basic" - 671 õppematerjali

basic – 1964, Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, PDP-8 – 1965, esimene kommertsiaalselt edukas miniarvuti, Digital Equipment Corp Esimene Floppy disk – 1967, IBM Douglas Englebarti demo – 1968, esitletakse arvuti hiirt, hüperteksti kasutamist, kahe osapoole suhtlust võrgus audio ja visuaalne INTEL´i asutamine – 1968, Moore, Noyce ja Grove, hargnes pm Fairchild Semist AMD asutamine – 1969, Sanders ja 7 teist.

Kasutaja: basic

Faile: 0

Ehitus maksumusehindamine I loeng

Loeng nr 1. Sissejuhatus 1.1. Ajalooline areng ehitusmaksumuse määramisel Iidsetest aegadest on inimesed enne ehitamise alustamist vajanud teavet selle kohta, millised kulusid ehitus endaga kaasa toob. Ehituse maksumuse prognoosimine pole sama, mis maksumuse plaanimine, samuti kui ilma prognoosimist ei saa nimetada ilma plaanimiseks. Mõlemal juhul võib tegelik olukord kujuneda väga erinevaks oodatust, seda täiesti sõltumatult prognoosijast. 19. sajandi alguseni tehtud prognoosid rahuldasid inimeste vajadusi küllaltki hästi ja enamik tähtsatest ehitustest võeti ette kas lihtsalt heas usus edule või siis väga jõukad inimesed ehitasid oma lõbuks ning mõlemal juhul leiti lõpuks ka vajalikud vahendid, ehitise lõpetamiseks. Ehitusprotsess koosnes seejuures paljudest küllaltki lihtsatest ja sõltumatutest ning suhteliselt püsivate kuludega tööoperatsioonidest. Vaatamata sellele tekkisid aga ka siin vead ehituse maksumuse hindamises. Esimene...

Ehitus → Ehituse maksumusehindamine
50 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

231 Surface TextureContour Measuring Instruments Explanation of Surface CharacteristicsStandards Basic surface texture parameters and curves Amplitude parameters (peak and valley) Amplitude average parameters Rp Rt Ra

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Mitmene regressioonmudel I

Teemad · Mitmene lineaarne regressioonmudel ­ Mitmese lineaarse regressioonmudeli parameetrite hindamine ­ Parameetrite tõlgendus ­ Standardiseeritud kordajad Mitmene regressioonmudel I ­ ANOVA tabel ­ F-test ja mudeli statistilise olulisuse kontroll ­ Korrigeeritud determinats...

Majandus → Ökonomeetria
23 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksamipiletid ja vastused

Katkestused: 96 - 102 - Need katketused on reserveeritud programmide jaoks. Kuidas programmid neid kasutavad, ei ole kindlaks määratud. Katkestus: 103 - Seda katkestust kasutab laiendatud mälu ohjurprogramm. Katketused: 112 - 119 - Neid katketusi kasutavad ohjurprogrammid Katkestused: 128 - 240 - Neid katkestusi kasutab teie arvuti ROM -is salvestatud programmeerimiskeel BASIC, kui teie arvuti ROM üldse sisaldab keelt BASIC. Katkestused: 241 - 255 - Neid katkestusi esialgu ei kasutata. Võibolla omistatakse neile mingi tähendus tulevikus. 3. Mälude klassifikatsioon MÄLU Memory Suvapöördus mälu Primary Jadapöördus mälu

Informaatika → Arvutid i
938 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

tegevuskursside määratlemist ja ressursside jaotamist eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Ta defineeris struktuuri kui ettevõtte disaini läbi mille strateegiat juhitakse. Muutused ettevõtte strateegias viivad uute administratiivsete probleemideni, mis vajavad uue struktuuri väljatöötamist, mis võimaldaks uut strateegiat rakendada. Tema kolmeastmeline lähenemine joonistab struktuuri, mis vastab strateegiale: o select a basic organisation design; o modify the design as needed; o supplement it with coordinating mechanisms & communication arrangements. x Igor Ansoff ­ saavutamaks lüli ettevõtte mineviku ja tuleviku tegevuste vahel on Ansoff välja toonud neli strateegia võtmekomponenti: o toote-turu skoop(ulatus) ­ selge arusaam milliste toodete või äri eest ettevõte vastutab o kasvu vektor ­ (Ansoffi maatriks?) pakub võimaluse uurimaks, kuidas kasvu saavutada

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

29. The crown dependencies.- there are two small parts of the British Isles which have special political arrangements. These "Crown dependencies" are the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Each has complete internal self-government, including its own Parliament and its own tax system. Both are `ruled' by a Lieutenant Governor appointed by the British government. 30. The educational system in Britain. ­ the basic features of the British educational system are the same as they are anywhere else in Europe: full-time education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years; the academic year begins at the end of summer; compulsory education is free of charge, but parents may spend money on educating their children privately if they want to. 3 stages: primary, secondary, tertiary(further education at university or college).

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
71 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

British Cuisine Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksamipiletid 2013

Igale katkestusele vastab kas üks BIOSi või mingi ohjurprogrammi funktsioon. Katkestused: 96 - 102 - Need katketused on reserveeritud programmide jaoks. Kuidas programmid neid kasutavad, ei ole kindlaks määratud. Katkestus: 103 - Seda katkestust kasutab laiendatud mälu ohjurprogramm. Katketused: 112 - 119 - Neid katketusi kasutavad ohjurprogrammid Katkestused: 128 - 240 - Neid katkestusi kasutab teie arvuti ROM -is salvestatud programmeerimiskeel BASIC, kui teie arvuti ROM üldse sisaldab keelt BASIC. Katkestused: 241 - 255 - Neid katkestusi esialgu ei kasutata. Võibolla omistatakse neile mingi tähendus tulevikus. Mälude klassifikatsioon. Klassifikatsioon I - Nõuded mälule on vastuolulised: võimalikult suur maht, võimalikult väiksel infokandjal, võimalikult väike pöördumise aeg (kiire), võimalikult väike energiatarve

Informaatika → Arvutid i
377 allalaadimist

Side eksami spikker

etherneti pakett;8 bait - preambul - ülesannetes ei arvestata;6 bait - saaja aadress;6 bait - saatja aadress; 2 bait ­ pikkus;46-1500 - andmed (data);CRC - 4 bait. Ethernet võrgu (10 Mb/s) kanalikihis kanti üle pakette pikkusega 64 baiti. Leida 512-baidise infosõnumi ülekandeaeg. ­P2is 48+48+16+32=144 b (ehk 18B). Seega yhes paketis on 64-18= 46B s6numit. 512/46=[12] paketti. Kogu ylekantav baitide hulk 12*64=12*46+12*18=768B=6144 b. t=6144/10000000=6,144*10-4s Ethernet võrgu kanalikihis kanti üle pakette pikkusega 128 baiti. Leida 512-baidise infosõnumi ülekandeaeg. ­ 128-18=110 512/110=5 5*128=640B=5120 b.5120/10astmes 7 t=5,12*10-4sEthernet võrgu kanalikihis kanti üle pakette pikkusega 128 baiti. Milline on kasuliku info ülekande efektiivsus? 18B p2is-110B kasulik. Efektiivsus 110/128=86% Ethernet võrgu kanalikihis kanti üle pakette pikkusega 64 baiti. Milline on kasuliku info ülekande efektiivsus? ­64-18=46=> 46/64=72% Ethernet võrg...

Informaatika → Side
411 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Eksam

came 7.Varem tegeles ta müügitööga, nüüd on ta tegelenud personalijuhtimisega juba 2 aastat He used to be a salesman, but now he has been working as a personel manager for 2 years alreday 8.Mina sinu asemel laseksin selle artikli tõlikda If I were you, I would have that artcle translated 9.Kui ta e-õppes osaleks, oleks tal kergem toime tulla oma põhitööga If he took part in e-study, it would be easier for him to do his basic work 10.Kui neid andmeid ei avaldataks iga-aastaselt, ei saaks ma oma aruandeid koostada If that data were not published yearly, I would be unable to do my reports 11.Kui firma oleks tasunud kõik rved õigeaegselt, ei oleks nad praegu makseraskustes If the company had payed their bills on time, they would not be in difficulties with paying at the moment 12.Kui ta homseks tööd ei esita, teda kaitsmisele ei lubata If he does not give in his paper by tomorrow, he will not be able to defend it

Keeled → Inglise keel
168 allalaadimist

Robert Bolton "Igapäevase oskused"

Igapäevased oskused Robert Bolton «Sotsialiseerumise tulemusena omandab inimene juba mõningaid suhtlemisoskused. Kuid inimese toimetuleku taset saab nende oskuste osas tõsta. Igaüks suudab olla inimsuhetes määratult mõistvam, aupaklikum, soojem, ehedam, avatum, otsesem ja konkreetsem. Korralike teoreetiliste teadmiste, paslike eeskujude ja rohkete isikliku kogemuse võimaluse abiga on võimalik inimlikumaks saamise protsessi veelgi kiirendada» (G. Gazda). 1 Oskused, mis aitavad ehitada silda inimeste vahele «Inimese suurim saavutus maailmas on isikute vaheline suhtlemine» (K. Jaspers). Meie ühiskonnas on harv juhus, et inimesed jagavad seda, mis on tõesti oluline - õrnu, arglikke, tõrksaid tundeid, hapraid, tundlikke, tugevaid avaldusi. Üksikolekud: 1) Loo...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
43 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

The only drawback was getting the mattress for free off of craigslist. Next time I’d pay a little money for one that was less dirty.” This problem is not an engineering design problem, but the way in which it is documented is identical. Proper documentation includes three parts: problem definition, design description, and evaluation. All three are required to communicate your solution. The figure below shows the basic organization of any design report and should be the model for any report that you write. The following sections provide more detail about the content for each part. Page 2 of 9 Problem Definition In this part you describe the problem you set out to solve. You provide sufficient detail so someone can both understand why the problem is significant and how it has been solved in the past. Your problem is

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist


lead and zinc mines. These metals are now more valuable than gold. They are sent by train to be smelted in Port Pirie. Much zinc is then sent to Tasmania for refining. Afterwards the zinc is used for making iron sheeting for roofs, building and water storage tanks. The latest scientific discoveries in Australia are copper, tin, tungsten, bauxite, `rare earths' and uranium. Oil has also been found in Western Australia. Iron and steel are still the basic metals. People. The first inhabitants in Australia were the Aborigines. They came to Australia from Indonesia. Aborigines were nomads. They like to be called the indigenous Australians. The white people discovered Australia much, much later. Now there are almost 20 million Australians, but more than half of the continent is almost empty. Most of the people live in one sixth of the country. They live mostly in

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Puitbrikett, t 2541 2496 2502 2557 2474 2288 Kuivad lepahalud, 50 755 807 703 668 588 501 cm, rm Märjad lepahalud, 50 537 575 587 587 551 521 cm, rm Tükeldamata ja lõhku- 401 403 412 453 400 354 mata küttepuud, tm K asutatud kirjandus 1. Wood Fuels Basic Information Pack. 2000. Jyväskylä. 191 lk. 2. European Biomass Statistics 2009. 2010, AEBIOM. 3. J. Lepa jt. Alternatiiv- ja väikeenergeetika. 1997, Tartu. 67 lk. 4. Developing technology for large-scale production of forest chips. Wood Energy Techno- logy Programme 1999 ­ 2003. In: Technology Programme Report 6/2004. 2004: Helsinki. 5. Grothantering. SCA SKOG, 1990. 6. ,,Eestis olemasoleva, praeguse või juba kavandatud tootmise-tarbimise juures tekkiva biomassi ressursi hindamine". 2007

Metsandus → Metsandus
6 allalaadimist

Microsoft Operatsioonisüsteemid

· Windows Mobility Center on juhtpaneel, mis koondab kõige olulisem teave, mis on seotud mobiili (heledus, heli, aku / toide kava valik, traadita võrgu, ekraani orientatsiooni, esitlemist seaded, jne). · Windows Meeting Space asendab NetMeeting. Kasutajad saavad jagada rakendusi (või kogu oma desktop) koos teiste kasutajate kohaliku võrgu või üle interneti kasutades peer-to-peer tehnoloogiat (suurem versioonid kui Starter ja Home Basic saab ära hosting võimeid, Starter ja Home Basic väljaanded piiratud "liituda" reziimis) · Shadow Copy loob automaatselt iga päev varukoopiaid faile ja kaustu. Kasutajad saavad ka luua "varikoopiate" seades System Protection Point kasutades System Protection sakk System juhtpaneel. Kasutaja võib esitada mitu versiooni faili kogu piiratud ajalugu ning anda võimalus taastada, kustutada või kopeerida need versioonid. 23

Informaatika → Microsofti...
75 allalaadimist

Murdmaasuusataja treeningprotsess ja sauna kasutamine taastumisvahendina

Dealing with this subject, the peculiarities of cross-country skiing are reckoned with, as the author is engaged in cross-country skiing. In the first part (only referative) of this research, information about the periodisation of training, the main energy production mechanisms during training, the principles and necessity of heart rate monitoring and common training methods used in endurance sports is given. In the second part, basic information is given about one of the most common methods of recovery – sauna bathing. Relations between the characteristics of training and sauna bathing after training were found experimentally: two respondents carried out a 6-month experiment, where heart rate data in the morning, during training and during sauna after training was collected throughout 27 days in total. The analysis was based on comparing the parameters of sauna bathing to other data

Sport → Suusatamine
12 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

As previously mentioned, many characters in both texts Á sometimes also acting as interpreters Áspeak either `the global language', English, or French at various levels of proficiency, from highly advanced to very basic. In their wish to establish intercultural communication, the speakers of foreign languages continuously translate themselves (and their cultural identities) into the Western travellers' Downloaded by [KU Leuven University Library] at 06:11 02 June 2015 language

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Keel ja Kõne

Ülikool Akadeemia Nord KEEL JA KÕNE Koostanud: P1p Ago Kitsemets Tallinn 2009 Sissejuhtus.....................................................................................................2 Kõne sotsiaalne päritolu......................................................................................5 Keele struktuur................................................................................................ 6 Keele omadused...............................................................................................8 Kõne areng lapsel...........................................................................................................................9 Kõne areng raskendatud tingimustes.....................................................................11 Kõnetegevuse liigid..............................................

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
183 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö tenniselöökidest

Summary The main objective of the practical work was to create a video for educational purposes. The target audience were people, who want to start playing tennis or are on a beginner level. Another aim was to find out about the history of Estonian tennis and the technical side of the strokes. The research is divided to four chapters. The first chapter contains the historical information about tennis in Estonia, tournaments and an overview of tennis clothes. Chapter two presents basic tennis rules that are necessary for playing tennis on a lower level. Chapter three concentrates on main strokes and their technique and also on foot work. The photos of tennis grips and film-making process are included in the appendices. I would like to thank my tutor Marek Koitla, Ann Maria Muuli, who was my sparring partner and Matthias Vetevool, who helped to film my research work. 2 Sisukord Sissejuhatus .................................

Sport → Sport
19 allalaadimist

Pink Floyd

# # Bm # Hello # # A # Is there anybody in there ? # # G Em # Just nod if you can hear me # # Bm # Is there anyone at home ? # # Bm # Come on now # # A # I hear your feeling down # # G Em # I can ease your pain # # Bm # And get you on your feet again # # Bm # Relax # # A # I'll need some information first # # G Em # Just the basic facts # # Bm # Can you show me where it hurts? # # # D A # There is no pain you are receding # # D A # A distant ship smoke on the horizon # # C G # You are only coming through in waves # # C G # Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying # # D A # When I was a child I had a fever #

Muusika → Muusika
8 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

teachers who did not have access to Text Adaptor. Positive outcomes suggesting teachers' increased knowledge and linguistic awareness around text adaptations when they used the tool has inspired additional research toward developing additional tool features to support authoring of content-area texts for English language learners. Ordinate, a subsidiary of Harcourt, has been developing language tests since the 90's where basic language abilities such as reading or repeating are tested (Bernstein, 1999). This is another way of avoiding the high error rate in open-ended speech recognition for spontaneous speech. They showed correlations around 0.80 between their tests and other widely used language tests such as ETS's TOEFL (Bernstein, DeJong, Pisoni, & Townshend, 2000). Cucchiarini et al. (Cucchiarini, Strik, & Boves, 1997a, 1997b) developed a speech

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

enter the country and can live and work there without restriction. Generally, in order to have the right of abode in a certain country, a person must be a citizen of that country. Those with permanent residency of the country generally have a de facto right of residence but it can be revoked in certain circumstances, for example for being convicted of crimes. 16. Print media- (newspapers and magazines). Print media is one of the oldest and basic forms of mass communication. It includes newspapers (national, regional and local), magazines and other forms of printed journals. All of them have established online presences. However, the digital reach of the various titles differs greatly: whereas over half of The Guardian and The Telegraph readers are based online now, 91% of The Times readers still read its print version. 17. Fleet Street- the home of the British press until the 1980s; a metonym for the British national press. 18

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

TÜ Keeletüpoloogia kordamisküsimused (2016)

sellele, kuidas nende ainuke tuumargument S joondub (aligns) transitiivse lause kahe tuumargumendiga A ja P (st kas S on A või P moodi.) Jagatud ergatiivsus (split ergativity) - nähtus, kus S, A ja P markeering on mõnes kontekstis nagu akusatiivkeeltes, mõnedes nagu ergatiivkeeltes. Kui keeles on jagatud ergatiivsus, mis seostub verbi aja või aspektiga, siis leiame ergatiiv- absolutiiv-süsteemi tüüpiliselt minevikus või perfektis. 11. Sõnajärje tüpoloogia. basic word order? põhiprobleemid: keelte valik, on keeli milles polegi kindlat sõnajärge, võiks nii jagada: a) vaba sõnajärjega keeled b) määratud sõnajärjega keeled tüüpilise järje määramisel on abiks: sünnipärase kõneleja intuitsioon sagedus (kõige usaldusväärsem) markeeritus pragmaatiline neutraalsus 12. Sõnajärje korrelatsioonid. Sõnajärjetüübid: SOV 45% SVO 42% VSO 9% VOS 3% OVS 1% OSV 0

Keeled → Keeleteadus
69 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine KT2

11. Millised on juhi ja liidri erinevused? 12. Selgitage McKinsey 7S teooria olemust ja toimimise põhimõtet. Juht - ​strateegia, struktuur, süsteemid Liider - ​Isikkoosseis, stiil, oskused, jagatud väärtused Strategy ​– the route that the organization has chosen for its future growth; a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable competitive advantage • ​Structure ​– the framework in which the activities of the organization's members are coordinated. The four basic structural forms are the functional form, divisional structure, matrix structure, and network structure. • ​Systems ​– the formal and informal procedures, including innovation systems, compensation systems, management information systems, and capital allocation systems, that govern everyday activity. • ​Style ​– the leadership approach of top management and the organization's overall operating approach; also the way in which the organization's employees present

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
14 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine I Kontrolltöö

2 58. 7S teooria (McKinsey) selgitus • Strategy – the route that the organization has chosen for its future growth; a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable competitive advantage • Structure – the framework in which the activities of the organization's members are coordinated. The four basic structural forms are the functional form, divisional structure, matrix structure, and network structure. • Systems – the formal and informal procedures, including innovation systems, compensation systems, management information systems, and capital allocation systems, that govern everyday activity. • Style – the leadership approach of top management and the organization's overall operating approach; also the way in which the

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
39 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude Referaat

Üks viirusetüüpidest on Trooja hobune, mis tähendab elektronkirjale lisatud andmejuppi. Ta näib ohutuna, kuid milles sisaldub kood. Selle elluäratamine annab (tõsi küll piiratud) kontrolli arvuti üle. Kui saate tundmatult saatjalt sõnumi, millele on lisatud mingi fail, siis enne faili avamist veenduge, et tegu pole täidetava failiga. Windowsi arvutitel kuuluvad nende hulka: ADE Microsoft Access Project Extension ADP Microsoft Access Project BAS Visual Basic Class Module BAT Batch File CHM Compiled HTML Help File CMD Windows NT Command Script COM MS-DOS Application CPL Control Panel Extension CRT Security Certificate DLL Dynamic Link Library DO* Word Documents and Templates EXE Application HLP Windows Help File HTA HTML Applications INF Setup Information File INS Internet Communication Settings ISP Internet Communication Settings JS JScript File JSE JScript Encoded Script File LNK Shortcut

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
89 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Much of the evidence presented in this book, then, comes from my experience posing as a compliance professional, or aspiring professional, in a large variety of organizations dedicated to getting us to say yes. One aspect of what I learned in this three-year period of participant observa- tion was most instructive. Although there are thousands of different tactics that compliance practitioners employ to produce yes, the majority fall within six basic categories. Each of these categories is governed by a fundamental psycholog- ical principle that directs human behavior and, in so doing, gives the tactics their power. This book is organized around these six principles. The principles- reciprocation, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity-are each discussed in terms of their function in the society and in terms of how their enor-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Side konspekt 2020 / eksami kordamisküsimused

Hybrid Automatic Repeat-Request • uses incremental redundancy • user data is transmitted multiple times using different codings • user device saves packet and combines it later with the retransmission *Even if the retransmitted packets are corrupted, their combination can yield an error-free packet • Scheme combining ARQ and Forward Error Correction • FEC decoding based on all unsuccessful transmissions • Stop-and-Wait (SAW) protocol • Two basic schemes -Chase Combining * same data block is sent at each retransmission - Incremental Redundancy (IR) * Additional Redundant Information sent at each retransmission Töö põhimõte kokkuvõtvalt ARQ: ARQ refers to Automatic Repeat Request i.e. if sender doesn’t receive Acknowledgement (ACK) before timeout, the receiver discards the bad packet and sender shall re-transmits the packet. ARQ procedure is

Informaatika → Side
74 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

The Unintentional Dark Horse Let's be clear: I'm neither a doctor nor a PhD. I am a meticulous data cruncher with access to many of the world's best athletes and scientists. This puts me in a rather unusual position. I'm able to pull from disciplines and subcultures that rarely touch one another, and I'm able to test hypotheses using the kind of self-experimentation mainstream practitioners can't condone (though their help behind the scenes is critical). By challenging basic assumptions, it's possible to stumble upon simple and unusual solutions to long-standing problems. Overfat? Try timed protein and pre-meal lemon juice. Undermuscled? Try ginger and sauerkraut. Can't sleep? Try upping your saturated fat or using cold exposure. This book includes the ndings of more than 100 PhDs, NASA scientists, medical doctors, Olympic athletes, professional sports trainers (from the NFL to MLB), world-record holders,

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

they're already assholes and it's too late. 6. Concentrating on something important can make you lose track of your soap opera. 7. Debunking the bunk is everyone's responsibility. 8. Don't ask me to pay for anyone else's mistakes. I make enough of my own. 9. Even those who possess real magic must beware of being misled by "magical thinking." 10. Everyone knows what shit tastes like. 11. Exclusive occupancy of a private room is a basic human right. 12. Fair compensation for genius is wealth. 13. God's not perfect, so it's a pretty good bet that you're not, either. 14. Good institutions help to overcome human moral inertia. 15. I am not one of your little friends. 16. If a dimension is anywhere it's everywhere. 17. If God's not crazy, why are you? 18. If one makes a promise one shouldn't have made it cannot stand against the obligation to do the right thing. 19

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist


ORGAANILINE KEEMIA II osa (Pildiallikas: ) 7.2 ALKEENID Alkeenideks nimetatakse küllastumata süsivesinikke, kus süsiniku aatomite vahel esineb üks kovalentne kaksikside. Alkeenide nimetuse tunnuseks on lõpuliide ­EEN, mis viitabki kaksiksideme olemasolule süsivesiniku molekulis. Alkeenide üldvalem on CnH2n ALKEENIDE HOMOLOOGILINE RIDA JA NIMETUSTE ANDMINE Küllastumata süsivesinike homoloogilised read algavad süsiniku aatomite arvust kaks, sest mitmikside saab tekkida ainult kahe süsiniku aatomi vahel. Teades alkeenide homoloogilise rea üldvalemit, saame kirjutada selle alusel kõikide vastavate alkeenide valemid. ALKEEN ALKEENI NIMETUS ...

Keemia → Keemia
74 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

interrelations between internal parts of the composition. Even the simplest forms turned out to be highly complex, especially when seen against its total environment, lighting conditions and the position of the spectator. Artists: Agnes Martin, Robert Ryman, Brice Marden, Frank Stella, Cy Twombly. Graffiti. Graffiti's prevalence was ordained by the aerosol can. The subway of New York became a popular venue during the 1970s. Some basic forms of graffiti are tags and trains ("worms"). By the 1980s, graffiti had been driven out 8 of the subways, as the trains were covered with special easy-to-clean paint. Soon, the art was dismissed. Some artists offered advertisements for a fee which led to stores, shops, garages and the like to being decorated with fancy and colorful drawings. Apartment buildings became the preferred choice of canvas

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

interrelations between internal parts of the composition. Even the simplest forms turned out to be highly complex, especially when seen against its total environment, lighting conditions and the position of the spectator. Artists: Agnes Martin, Robert Ryman, Brice Marden, Frank Stella, Cy Twombly. Graffiti. Graffiti's prevalence was ordained by the aerosol can. The subway of New York became a popular venue during the 1970s. Some basic forms of graffiti are tags and trains ("worms"). By the 1980s, graffiti had been driven out 8 of the subways, as the trains were covered with special easy-to-clean paint. Soon, the art was dismissed. Some artists offered advertisements for a fee which led to stores, shops, garages and the like to being decorated with fancy and colorful drawings. Apartment buildings became the preferred choice of canvas

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus kodutöö 3

1 1 21 4 13 1 6 7 1 4 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 7 4 15 8 6 31 44 7 16 22 41 3 13 19 17 7 3. Kodutöö Ülesande variantide saamiseks sisestage oma õpingukoodi number lahtrisse, mille nimi Koostage loengutes ja praktikumises tehtud näidete eeskujul Visual Basic' protseduurid/funk ülesandes nimetatud andmetega. Funktsioone peab saama kasutada Exceli valemites. Sub-protseduuride käivitamiseks paigutage töölehele graafilised kujundid / käsunupud. Lahendada tuleb ainult enda variandi ülesanded, teiste variantide lahendusi ei tohi esitatavas failis Lahendustega fail laadige üles Moodle kursusel. Töö esitamise tähtaeg on 15. november kell 1. Koostada VBA funktsioon, mis leiab parameetrina antud aastaarvu järgi antud aasta isadepäeva k...

Majandus → Ärilogistika
75 allalaadimist


devices by children? Pro arguments Counter arguments Pro arguments Why is it important to include computer classes in schools around the world? 1. The use of technology in the classroom can enhance learning. 2. Learning how to use a computer can provide even the youngest students with early knowledge of necessary job skills, from typing and basic research, to learning graphic design, for example. 3. Computer skills allow a child to become exposed to new ways of thinking, using both their creative and logical thought processes. Math, science, art, and other subjects can be incorporated into lesson plans in fun and interesting ways for children of all ages and learning capabilities. As any teacher knows it is essential to keep students engaged. With today's tech-savvy generation

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Does choosing this approach mean you have to go from a 100 MHz processor to a 500 MHz processor just to keep the garbage collection interval short? Avoiding Excess Speed Choosing a bus architecture and a processor that is fast enough to do the job is important, but it can also be important to avoid too much speed. It may not seem obvious that you wouldn’t always want the fastest bus and the fastest microprocessor, but there are applications where that is exactly the case. There are two basic reasons for this: cost and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility). Cost The PC/104 standard defines mechanical and electrical characteristics of PC boards, optimized for embedded applications. PC/104 CPU boards come with the original PC/104 bus, which has electrical and timing characteristics System Design 7 similar to the ISA bus used in personal computers and is capable of data trans- fers in the 5 Mbytes/sec range

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist


Fortunately or unfortunately, the Cadillac is no longer the measure of success for most Africans. It is now the Lexus, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Jaguar or Acura. In Africa, there are more Mercedes Benz, BMW and Jaguars than there are people. This is a continent which has been declared the Poorest Continent of the 20th Century. Since most of the countries gained pyrrhic victories in gaining independence from their former colonial masters, this is a continent which has been unable to provide basic necessities to its citizens-good roads, pipe borne clean water, good light, good health care, or even good governance. In most cases, you see huge squalor of strewn dirty garbage piled high, and mosquito infested waters. And yet all around it you see cars upon cars of Lexus, BMW, Mercedes Benz and other luxury cars. AFRICANS LIVE FOR TODAY. LET TOMORROW TAKE CARE OF ITSELF AND BE DAMNED. Africans are considered the most loyal to product brands. It is a herd mentality

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


labelled as social pedagogy, these tendencies easily harbour with a kind of relativism. To link nende tõlkimine together the current teaduskeelde practice and theory of social pedagogy, it is Erinevate essential for the Estonian vanuserühmade ja eelkõige theorists and practitioners noorte sotsiaalprob-eemide to obtain the basic teema on knowledge about the kasvatusteadustele current status and sedavõrd üldomane, et problems of theory of mitmed selle aspektid on social pedagogy in its muutunud tudengitele ning homeland - Germany. In isegi koolitajatele ja this article, I render an juhendajatele ahvatlevaks overview of the recent kergema vastupanu teeks.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
166 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

programmi, mis mõistis spetsiaalseid makrosid. Aja jooksul programmi modifitseeriti, laiendati, integreeriti andmebaaside ja uute tehnoloogiate toega ning lisati objekt-orienteeritud kontseptsiooni jne. Tulemuseks on PHP viies versioon. Kui vaatame programmeerimiskeelte populaarsust, siis näeme, et PHP on praegusel hetkel kolmandal kohal (eelmisel aastal aga viiendal). Arvestada tuleks ka sellega, et PHP on põhimõtteliselt serveripoolne skriptikeel. Java, C, C++ ja Visual Basic – neid kasutatakse rohkem tarkvara loomiseks aga see ei tähenda seda, et neid ei või kautatada ka veebiinfosüsteemide loomisel. Koht Programmeerimiskeel Reiting 1 Java 18.718% 2 C 16.891% 3 PHP 10.390% 4 C++ 9.911% 5 (Visual) Basic 8.729%

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
54 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

that creates a single plan for the framework and seeks to achieve flow of products and information linkage and coordination between through a business process of other entities in the pipeline i.e. suppliers and costumers, and the organization it self. COMPONENTS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT The following are the five basic components of Supply Chain Management: 1. Plan:- This is the strategic portion of SCM. You need a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for your product or service. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less and delivers high quality and value to customers. 2. Source:- Choose the suppliers that will deliver the goods and services you need

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Piletid vastustega

Each of these p regions is called a gate.Most JFETs have the two gates joined internally to achieve a single external gate lead, tuhus the device acts, as though it has only a single gate.In JFET the gate-source diode is always reverse biased.Because of this, only a very small reverse current can exist in the gate lead. Depletion-modeMOSFET: Figure shows a structure and a way to bias an n-channel depletion-mode MOSFET with a p-region called a substrate.In its most basic form, the mosfet looks like a voltage-controlled resistor, the resistance of which varies nonlinearly with the input voltage.In the on-state, tis resistance can be less than 1ohm, while in the off-state, the resistance increases to several hundreds of megaohms, with picoampere leakage currents. Enhancement-mode MOSFET:When the gate voltage is positive enough, electrons fill all the holes touching the silicon dioxide. The effect is the same as creating of a thin layer in n-

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
159 allalaadimist

Arvuti viirused - referaat

platvormi kõige kõrgemale turvatasemele ehk süsteemsete draiverite piirkonda juurduv ning seetõttu raskesti ravitav viirus Infis. Teiseks teatasid antiviiruskompaniid kuu lõpus esimese MS Projectile kirjutatud, kuid sisuliselt multi platvormse makroviiruse avastamisest, mis suutis nakatada ühtmoodi hästi nii MS Projecti, kui MS Wordi faile. Kolmandaks ilmutas end juba juulist tuntud ja viirusekirjutajate tähelepanu programmeerimiskeelele Visual Basic Script (VBS) tõmmanud ning üheks kurva kuulsusega viiruse LoveLetter esivanemaks saanud skriptiviirus Freelinks. Novembris vapustas maailma teade uuest e-posti kaudu levivast ,,stealth"-usside põlvkonnast, mis ei kasutanud oma koopiate levitamiseks enam kirjadele lisatavaid faile ning juurdusid arvutitele kohe peale nakatunud kirja avamist. Esimeseks selliseks ussiks oli BubbleBoy, millele järgne KakWorm. Eranditult kõik seda tüüpi ussid

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Ensümoloogia alused. Kordamisküsimused

When H-bonded and buried they are effectively no longer polar. The pK of the imidazole of His (6.7) means that at physiological pH it can function either as an acid or a base. Many enzymes use His as a general acid/base catalyst. Cys can make disulfide bonds, which act as covalent cross-links. Charged side chains are usually found on the surface. Buried ones tend to have several H- bonds to "diffuse" the charge. Salt bridges are ion pairs between an acid and basic amino acid. The Asp side chain is more rigid than that of Glu due to the shorter chain in Asp, thus Asp is more frequently found in the active sites of enzymes. Kvaternaarstruktuur on eriti oluline mitmest subühikust koosneva valgu funktsioneerimiseks (ensüümide korral allosteeriline regulatsioon) Ensüümkatalüüsi iseloomustavad kineetilised parameetrid. Homogeense keemilise reaktsiooni kiirus on reagentide kontsentratsiooni muutus ajas ja selle

Bioloogia → Ensümoloogia alused
140 allalaadimist

Raamatu ajalugu - kokkuvõte

The scriptorium of the monastery was usually located over the chapter house. Artificial light was forbidden for fear it may damage the manuscripts. There were five types of scribes: · Calligraphers, who dealt in fine book production · Copyists, who dealt with basic production and correspondence · Correctors, who collated and compared a finished book with the manuscript from which it had been produced · Illuminators, who painted illustrations · Rubricators, who painted in the red letters The bookmaking process was long and laborious. The parchment had to be prepared, then the

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
22 allalaadimist

Eesti Advokatuur – kutseorganisatsioon ja avaliku halduse kandja

Harta eesmärgiks on mh aidata advokatuure, kes püüavad rajada oma sõltumatust ning teadvustada advokaadi rolli tähtsust ühiskonnas. Harta on suunatud advokaatidele enestele, otsustajatele ja avalikkusele üldiselt. Arvutivõrgus: EN_Code_of_conductp1_1306748215.pdf. 8 Arvutivõrgus: 9 Arvutivõrgus: 10 Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers. Adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990. Arvutivõrgus: law/lawyers.htm. 11 Vabariigi presidendi kõned 1992–2001. Vabariigi President Lennart Meri Eesti Advokatuuri 75. aastapäeva aktuskontserdil 8. juunil 1994. Arvutivõrgus:

Õigus → Ev õiguskaitsesüsteem
22 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud ja andmeside

Arvutivõrgud ja andmeside Üldine Osi mudel - on ISO ja ITU-T koostöös 1977.a. valminud andmesideprotokollide kontseptuaalne mudel. OSI 7-kihilise arhitektuuriga baasmudel annab loogilise struktuuri konkreetsetele andmesidevõrkude standarditele. Tegelikus elus on andmesidevõrkudes kasutusel terve rida erinevaid protokollistikke (TCP/IP, NetWare, AppleTalk, DECnet, ATM, SNA ja SS7 jne.), mis ei vasta täpselt OSI mudelile (näit. on paar OSI kihti ühendatud üheks kihiks vms), kuid põhimõtteliselt täidavad need kõik ühtesid ja samu funktsioone ning OSI mudel on heaks õppevahendiks ka teiste protokollistike tundmaõppimisel. 1982.a. said ISO ja ITU-T valmis ka OSI protokollistandardid, kuid esiteks oleks nende kasutuselevõtt nõudnud täielikku loobumist kõigist teistest protokollidest ja teiseks olid vahepeal tekkinud ja jõudsalt arenenud Internet oma TCP/IP protokollistikuga ning Ethernet ja Token Ring kohtvõrgud, siis 1996.a. lõpetati jõuping...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
44 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

soldiers who had invaded were given the ownership of land and of the people living on it. A strict feudal system was imposed. 12. Magna Carta. In 1215 King John was forced to sign the document, drawn up by the noblemen of England. It limited his power and extended the rights of his subjects. The Magna Carta is a well-known charter of personal and political liberty. Later, especially in the 17th century, the document was seen as a statement of basic civil rights. Four copies have survived. 13. The Wars of the Roses. During the 15th century, the power of the greatest nobles, who had their own private armies, meant that constant challenges to the position of the monarch were possible. These power struggles came to a head in the Wars of the Roses, in which the nobles were divided into two groups, one supporting the house of Lancaster, whose symbol

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
13 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüssteemide Referaat

1 s OPERATSIOONISÜSTEEMID Referaat Juhendaja: 2011 2 Sisukord Operatsioonisüsteemi põhiülesanneteks on:......................................................................................9 3 Operatsioonisüsteemid: Windows, OS/2, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS Operatsioonisüsteem (operating system) on arvuti juhtprogramm, mis määrab kuidas arvutis programme täidetakse (käivitus, juhtimine, haldamine ja järelvalve). Operatsioonisüsteem ehk opsüsteem (operating system, lühend OS) on arvuti süsteemitarkvara, mis käivitatakse arvutis alglaadimisprogrammi poolt ning mis...

Informaatika → Informaatika
87 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemide alused

Sisukord Sisukord............................................................................................................................................1 Operatsioonisüsteemid:.....................................................................................................................2 Operatsioonisüsteemi tüübid:............................................................................................................2 Operatsioonisüsteemide ehitus:.........................................................................................................3 WINDOWS.......................................................................................................................................3 Kasutus..............................................................................................................................................4 OS/2.........................................................................

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemid
42 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Went to nearby cities. J comm in Uzbekistan grew 80%. Small families in comm prior to. 51,000 Js, Bukharins, now 95,000 in 1959. Same growth in almost every SU area of Central Asia and Caucasus, doubling local pop. Who are these? Skilled workers, accountants, doctors. Continued in this trajectory in Tashkent. In contrast, Sephardi Js less educated, menial labor, shop keepers. 2 J communities, distinct ethnically, denominationally, class (esp), basic identity. See selves as SU Js. Bukharin, Georgian, mtn Js see themselves as Js; conn to SU regime is looser, haven't benefitted from SU authority. Live in diff parts of city or outside of it. Almost no contact, no friction. Ashkenazis, like going to zoo to see Bukharin Js. Bukharins see as uppity, not going to marry. Effect ­ Js cease to be factor in policy decisions. Js had been near other Euro powers. Not as important. Important for policy from 45 onwards in terms of domestic needs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun