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"allocation" - 54 õppematerjali

allocation –  jaotamine      Cash discount – hinnaalandus sularahaga    

Cost Accounting notes

Chapter 2 - Cost terms and purposes. Direct costs of a cost object are related to the particular cost object and can be traced to it in an economically feasible (cost-effective) way. Cost tracing is used to describe the assignment of direct costs to a particular cost object. Indirect costs of a cost object are related to the particular cost object but cannot be traced to it in an economically feasible (cost effective) way. Cost allocation is used to describe the assignment of indirect costs to a particular cost object. Cost assignment is a general term that encompasses both tracing direct costs and allocating indirect costs. Factors affecting direct/indirect cost classification: Materiality of the cost in question - the smaller the amount of cost, the more immaterial the cost is, the less likely that it is economically feasible to trace the cost to a particular cost object. Available information-gathering technology

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimisarvestus ja kulujuhtimine

Strateegiline juhtimisarvestus ja kulujuhtimine 1 If the allocation base is machine hours, then Overhead allocation rate is $453,600 /10500 machine hours = $43.20 per machine hour Overhead allocated Job 215 Job 325 $1,728.00 $2,592.00 2 Average cost per farme Purchasing $35.00 $875.00 $280.00

Majandus → Juhtimisarvestus
73 allalaadimist


Monopoly Market Power In pure competition sellers are "price takers." ­ No seller (or buyer) has the ability to influence the market price. In most markets, at least one or more of the conditions required for pure competition are violated. This gives sellers or buyers the ability to influence the market price and allocation of resources Pure competition results in an optimal allocation or resources given the objective of an economic system to allocate resources to their highest valued uses or to allocate relative scarce resource to maximize the satisfaction of (unlimited) wants in a cultural context. Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Diferentseeritud lähenemine töötajaskonna planeerimisele kui võimalus tasakaalustada tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist

pakkumist ­ Arvuline aspekt ­ Kompetentside aspekt · Tulenevalt keskkonna keerukusest ja määramatusest on nõudlus ja pakkumine pidevas muutuses ning tasakaalu hoidmine keeruline · Planeerimise sisu ja rõhuasetused tulenevad organisatsiooni eripärast · Vajaliku inimressursi väärtus on organisatsiooni jaoks siseselt erinev Artiklid Lepak, D. P., & Snell, S. A. 1999. The human resource architecture: Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy of Management Review, 24: 31­48. Scott Snell David Lepak University of Rutgers Virginia University, School of Management and Labour Relations Missugused on teie arvates selle artikli peamised ideed? ·Organisatsiooni inimressursi/inimkapitali analüüsimisel ja hindamisel?

Majandus → Töö- ja palgakorraldus
14 allalaadimist

Kodune lugemine - 150 sõna

76. Instantiate - Looma, algväärtustama 77. Bystander - Kõrvaltvaataja 78. Originator - Algataja 79. Simultaneous - Üheaegne 80. Liaison - Esindaja 81. Vendor - Müüja, tarnija 82. Procurement - Saamine, hankimine 83. Procurement agency - Varustusettevõte 84. Encompass - Ümbritsema, hõlmama 85. Fleet - Laevastik 86. Merchant fleet - Kaubalaevastik 87. Monitoring - Jälgimine 88. Stock - Kaubavaru 89. Dispensed - Jaotatud 90. Pipeline - Torujuhe 91. Lead time - Ettevalmistusaeg 92. Allocation - Paigutamine 93. Requisition - Tellimus 94. Workload - Töökoorem 95. Rationing - Nomineerimine 96. Ledger - Pearaamat 97. Imbalance - Tasakaalutus 98. Assessing - Hindamine 99. Assortment of products - Tootevalik 100. Trader - Kaupmees 101. Idle - Market 102. Proximity - Ligidus 103. Ratio - Tegur, koefitsent 104. Operating unit - Tootmisühik 105. Stockpilling - Kogumine 106. Benchmarking - Võrdlev analüüs 107. Dispersal - Laialiajamine, hajumine 108. Poll - Küsitlus 109

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

150 uut sõna logistikutele

83. Procurement agency Varustusettevõte 84. Encompass Ümbritsema, hõlmama 85. Fleet Laevastik 86. Merchant fleet Kaubalaevastik 87. Monitoring Jälgimine 88. Stock Kaubavaru 89. Dispensed Jaotatud 90. Pipeline Torujuhe 91. Lead time Ettevalmistusaeg Jaotamine, eraldamine, 92. Allocation paigutamine 93. Requisition Tellimus 94. Workload Töökoorem 95. Rationing Nomineerimine 96. Ledger Pearaamat 97. Imbalance Tasakaalutus Kritiseerimine, 98. Assessing hindamine 99. Assortment of products Tootevalik 100. Trader Kaupmees 101. Idle market

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Windows ülesanne

mällu, lisab kirja ja kirjutab tagasi kettale, faili-organisatsiooni moodul - töötab failide loogiliste ja füüsiliste blokkide tasemel. Tema ülesandeks vaba kettaruumi arvestus , baas-failisüsteem - genereerib üldiseid kettalt blokkide lugemise ja kirjutamise käske, teab kettabloki aadressi, Sisend/Väljund kontroll - madalaim tase, koosneb seadmedraiveritest ja katkestuste töötlejast , Seadmed - FAT ja FAT32 (File Allocation Table), exFAT - on FAT32 failisüsteemi järglane, mis kaotab selle vead (extended FAT), NTFS (New Technology File System) on Microsofti OS'is toetatud kaasaegne failisüsteem, ReFS (Resilient File System) 5. Millised on Windows 10 süsteeminõuded (system requirements)? Protsessor - 1 gigahertz (GHz) või kiirem protsessor või SoC RAM - 1 gigabyte (GB) 32-bit süsteem või 2 GB 64-bit süsteem Kõvaketta ruum - 16 GB 32-bit süsteem OS 20 GB 64-bit süsteem OS

Informaatika → Operatsioonsüsteem
2 allalaadimist


Programme, andmeid, infot säilitatakse arvuti välismälus failidena. Faile eristatakse nende failinimede järgi. Fail (file) on terviklik andmekogum, millele on antud nimi ja mis asub arvuti välismälus. Kuna enamasti on arvutis tuhandeid faile, siis sorteeritakse need otstarbe, sisu või omaduste järgi suurematesse gruppidesse või kaustadesse (kataloogidesse, teekidesse). 2. Erinevad kohalikud failisüsteemid 1.1. FAT Failipaigutustabel (FAT ­ File Allocation Table) on failisüsteemi ehitus, mille puhul operatsioonisüsteem paigutab failid klastritesse. Iga fail kasutab minimaalselt üht klastrit. Klastrid koosnevad fikseeritud suurusega sektoritest ja on adresseeritud n-bitiste kannetega aadressiruumi (tabelisse), kus n on sõltuvalt FAT-i versioonist 12 (FAT12), 16 (FAT16) või 32 bitti (FAT32). · FAT12 ­ viitab failisüsteemile, mida kasutas esimene IBM PC 1981. aastal. FAT12

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
26 allalaadimist

Space Business

Information concerning each space object to be submitted to the UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affaires) 1. Names of launching states: France & Luxembourg 2. An appropriate designator of the space object/its registration number 3. Date & territory/location of launch : Kourou 4. Basic orbital parameters 5. General function of the space object : TV broadcasting Orbit/Spectrum allocation procedure Advanced publication (at least 2 years before): Luxembourg designates the volume of orbit/ spectrum that it requires International coordination between member states of the ITU What is ITU and which role is it playing? ITU International Telecommunication Union aims ü Equitable access to orbit/spectrum resources ü Efficiency of orbit/spectrum use ü

Õigus → Äriõigus
30 allalaadimist


TCP/IP, Properties. 3) : Use the following IP aadress Use the following DNS server addresses. 4) IP aadress: 192.168.1.<81..95> Subnet Mask: Default gateway: Preffered DNS server: OK Close . 2.3 Logige sisse ruuteri seadistuse veebiliidesesse. URL , .. 2.4 Häälestage ruuter. 1) , , (default: admin) : Estonia . , reset . , . 2) Internet Settings Connection to ISP. : IP Allocation Mode: Static IP address IP Address: 192.168.0.<81..95> ( IP , ) Subnet Mask: ISP Gateway Address: Primary DNS Address: Apply. 3) LAN Setting / Unit Configuration LAN Settings IP Address, .. Subnet Mask ­ Apply. 2.5 Demonstreerige internetiühenduse toimimist. 3 . , , Switch / . , RESTART . -- 2.2 ­ ­ Obtain an IP address automatically / Obtain DNS server address automatically

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Lendude hilinemisest põhjustatud kulude juhtimine Estonian Air AS näitel

Sankt Peterburg Maandumistasu: ei sõltu Parkimistasu: sõltub kellaajast (iga Pulkovo kellaajast ega kuupäevast 24 tunni kohta) 72 Lisa 5. Taktikaliste kulukalkulatsioonide tulemused Taktikaline hilinemiskulu (EUR) B737-300 / 15 minutiline hilinemine / Madal kulustsenaarium cost allocation phase ► direct @ ground A direct airborne incurred @ ground B OOOI sequence ► IN OUT OFF ON IN description ► @ gate A off-gate A airborne off-gate B @

Logistika → Ärilogistika
12 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö nr2: „Drivers of Convergence in Eleven Eastern European Countries“

While this pillar of the European growth model has obvious benefits for workers, it discourages labor participation and is a burden on the public finances. Europeans do indeed work less and retire earlier than Americans. Over the last four decades the effective retirement age in Europe has systematically declined in Europe even though life expectancy has risen significantly. Relatively low labor mobility adds to the problems Europe faces in achieving efficient allocation of labor within and between countries. 3. Kas Euroopa Liidus peaks olema ühtne põllumajanduspoliitika kõikide liikmesriikide jaoks või peaks see olema iga liikmesriigi pädevuses? Põhjenda oma arvamust. Üks asi millega ma nõus ei ole on see, et on pandud mingid mõõdud ja kvalifikatsioonid peale. Et näiteks 6 cm kurk ei sobi, peab olema 4 cm. Samamoodi, kui põllumajanduslik prdukt ei ole näiteks mingil aastal nii kõrge kvaliteediga, siis seda müüa turul ei saa.

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
2 allalaadimist


3.2. 360 kB flopiketta viirused. 4. Ülekirjutavad viirused. 5. Parasiitviirused. 6. Mälus mitteresidentselt paiknevad viirused. 7. Mälus residentselt asetsevad viirused. 7.1. Alla 640 kB (segmendis A000). 7.2. Üle 640 kB. 7.2.1. Viirused mis kasutavad BIOS/Video/Shadow RAM-i (segment A000 - FFFF). 7.2.2. Viirused, mis kasutavad extended/expanded mälu. 8. Spawning (companion) viirused. 9. Viirused, mis manipuleerivad failipaigutustabeliga (FAT - File Allocation Table). 10. Viirused, mis nakatavad MBR-i (Master Boot Record, Partition Table). 11. Kataloge nakatavad viirused. Kokkuvõte. Arvutiviiruste suhtes kõige tundlikumaks on osutunud IBM PC-ühilduvad arvutid. Nendel arvutitel on avastatud praktiliselt kümme korda rohkem viiruseid kui teistel. Seni on viiruste suhtes kõige töökindlamaks osutunud Macintosh tüüpi arvutid. Üldiselt võib IBM tüüpi arvuti viirused jagada kahte suurde gruppi. Esimeseks

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
30 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

Capital budgeting ­ rahalise eelarve Accounting standards ­ raamatupidamise koostamine standardid Capital employed ­ rakendatud kapital Acquisitions ­ äritehingud Capital expenditure ­ investeerimisplaan Activity based costing ­ teenus Cash ­ sularaha Allocation ­ jaotamine Cash discount ­ hinnaalandus sularahaga Amortization ­ suretamine maksmisel Apportionment ­ jaotusosa Cash flow ­ rahavoog Assets ­ väärtused Cash flow forecast ­ rahavoogude ennustus Assets utilization ratio ­ väärtuste

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Project Plan

Accordingly, we believe that space for natural light and view must be initially allocated on the basis of approximate judgment in lieu of more fixed guidelines. To this end, 15% of the total gross floor area, or some 42,500 square feet, is allocated for natural light and view throughout the underground areas. We expect that during further development of this project, new information may suggest some adjustment of this allocation. Conclusions Preceding analysis has delineated the clear limitations of space available for development below grade on the Northern Pointe site. At this juncture it would appear reasonable to expect that 166,350 square feet of space could be accommodated below grade, easily accommodating the three-level design. Further expansion below grade to the north of the Grant Community Center may constitute

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

labor 1

ruuteri WAN liides puutumata. Samm 4: Ruuteri IP aadress on nüüd Avame selle aadressi Internet Explorer’iga ja sisestame vaikeparooli (admin). Samm 5: Seadistame ruuteri kohaliku võrgu poolsed parameetrid 3COM liidese LAN Settings vaate alt. Siin võtame lihtsalt DHCP maha, kuna me määrame oma võrgus IP aadresse manuaalselt. Samm 6: Seadistame ruuteri välise võrgu poolsed parameetrid 3COM liidese Internet Settings vaate alt. Siin määrame IP Allocation Mode’i staatiliseks, et hilisemad tegevused oleks lihtsamad. Ruuteri jaoks määrame: IP address: 192.168.0.(80 + suvalise arvuti # meie kohtvõrgust) Subnet Mask: ISP Gateway Address: (st switch’i ruuteri poolse liidese IP aadress) Primary DNS Address oli 2015. aasta kevade seisuga Samm 7: Nüüd võime ühendada ruuteri WAN pordi switch’iga. Katsetame võrguühenduse olemasolu. Kui kõik töötab, on aeg ülesanne õppejõule esitada.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
93 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud praktikum

t ra teha) 2.3 Logige sisse ruuteri seadistuse veebiliidesesse. Avage vabalt valitud browser (Internet Explorer/Chrome/Firefox) URL reale kirjutage saadud ruuteri IP aadress. Default gateway on 3COM puhul (seda neb, kui arvuti IP on seatud automaatseks ja Start>Run>cmd alt kasutades ksklust ipconfig.) Avanenud lehele logige sisse ( default parool on admin) 2.4 Hlestage ruuter Valige riik ja edasi. Vasakult menst valige Internet Settings. IP Allocation Mode>Static IP: 192.168.0.<81..95> (Kasutage punktis 1.2 kasutatud arvuti IP'd) Subnet mask: Default gateway: Preferred DNS server: Apply 2.5 Demonstreerige interneti henduse toimimist. Ditto. Kui tekib probleeme vib teha Network Connectionsi alt Disable, Enable ja vahel on vajalik ka ruuteri juhe tagant tmmata ja tagasi panna ca 10 sec'i prast. Vib vajalik olla ka teistes punktides. 3. Muutke ruuteri turvaseadeid. 3

Informaatika → Informaatika
125 allalaadimist


Failisüsteemid FAT Failipaigutustabel (FAT – File Allocation Table) on failisüsteemi ehitus, mille puhul operatsioonisüsteem paigutab failid klastritesse. Iga fail kasutab minimaalselt üht klastrit. Klastrid (loogilised üksused) koosnevad fikseeritud suurusega sektoritest (füüsilised üksused) ja on adresseeritud n-bitiste kannetega aadressiruumi (tabelisse), kus n on sõltuvalt FAT versioonist 12 (FAT12), 16 (FAT16) või 32 bitti (FAT32). Failipaigutustabel sisaldab iga kettal oleva faili algusklastri kannet, mis omakorda sisaldab viita

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist

Turkey and the European Union

the region Turkey could be drawn into conflicts that work against European, Central Asian and Middle Eastern integration and peace (Joseph, J.S., 2006). In conjunction with this point, the addition of new long external borders will present a major challenge to the EU as it will involve critical policies and issues such as migration, asylum and drug-smuggling. TURKEY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE EU INSTIUTIONS The participation of Turkey in the EU institutions will affect dramatically the allocation of power and influence on decision-making, policy formulation and the dynamics of the broader European political arena. As a large member state, Turkey will have a powerful voice in the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers where decisions are mostly made by qualified majority. This shift of power from the Western Christian capitals to the eastern Islamic frontier is already causing skepticism and reactions in some countries (Joseph, J.S., 2006). TURKEY AND CYPRUS

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The cost of production

The costs of production Production Decisions about production require individual agents to make decisions about the allocation and use of physical inputs. · Objectives of agents, technology, availability and quality of inputs determine the nature of these decisions. Since the objectives are often pecuniary, it is often necessary to relate the decisions about the physical units of inputs and outputs to the costs of production. · If the prices of the inputs and the production relationships are

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

RAS operatsioonisüsteemid - reaalajalised tuumad

· Kõigi eelnevate parameetrite mõõtmise võimalus. Ajakriitilise RAS puhul kõige olulisemad piir- ajad ja usaldusväärsus 62. Mis on protseduur-orienteeritud disain, selle puudused ja eelised? (?) · Instruktsioone grupeeritakse protseduurideks / funktsioonideks ­võimalik luua mooduleid,struktureerida programmi · RAS korral pakub huvi 1. Parameter Passing Techniques - Erinevad parameetrite edastamise meetodid 2. Dynamic Memory Allocation - Dünaamilise mälujagamise meetodid 3. Strong typing - Jäik tüpiseerimine 4. Abstraktsed andmetüübid 5. Eriolukordade töötlus 6. Modulaarsus 63. Mis on objekt-orienteeritud disain, selle puudused ja eelised? Objektorienteeritud disaini puhul jagatakse süsteem arusaadavateks ja hallatavateks osadeks. Need on suhteliselt iseseisvad ning osade loomisel arvestatakse, et neid peaks saama mitmes olukorras kasutada.

Tehnoloogia → Reaalajasüsteemid
19 allalaadimist

Social Problems

of crime and seeks to understand how changing social, political, psychological, and economic conditions may affect the current definitions of crime and the form of the legal, law enforcement, and penal responses made by society. These structural realities remain fluid and often contentious. For example, as cultures change and the political environment shifts, behavior may be criminalised or decriminalised, which will directly affect the statistical crime rates, determine the allocation of resources for the enforcement of such laws, and influence the general public opinion. Similarly, changes in the way that crime data are collected and/or calculated may affect the public perceptions of the extent of any given "crime problem". All such adjustments to crime statistics, allied with the experience of people in their everyday lives, shape attitudes on the extent to which law should be used to enforce any particular social norm. There are many

Keeled → Inglise keel
70 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society Coca-Cola Company's role in IPE Final paper Tallinn 2018 Brief overview The Coca-Cola Company is an American corporation founded in 1892 and today engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale of syrup and concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated beverage that is a cultural institution in the United States and a global symbol of American tastes, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (Encyclopædia Britannica). Coca-Cola is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands and nearly 3,900 beverage choices. Led by Coca-Cola, one of the world's most valuable and recognizable brands, their company's portfolio features 21 billion- dollar brands, 19 of which are available in reduced-,...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist


businesses. Major sectors of the Jamaican economy include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism and financial and insurance services. Tourism and mining are the leading foreign exchange earners. Supported by multilateral financial institutions, Jamaica has, since the early 1980s, sought to implement structural reforms aimed at fostering private sector activity and increasing the role of market forces in resource allocation. Since 1991, the Government has followed a programme of economic liberalization and stabilization by removing exchange controls, floating the exchange rate, cutting tariffs, stabilising the Jamaican currency, reducing inflation and removing restrictions on foreign investment. Emphasis has been placed on maintaining strict fiscal discipline, greater openness to trade and financial flows, market liberalisation and reduction in the size of government

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


3.2. 360 kB flopiketta viirused. 4. Ülekirjutavad viirused. 5. Parasiitviirused. 6. Mälus mitteresidentselt paiknevad viirused. 7. Mälus residentselt asetsevad viirused. 7.1. Alla 640 kB (segmendis A000). 7.2. Üle 640 kB. 7.2.1. Viirused mis kasutavad BIOS/Video/Shadow RAM-i (segment A000 - FFFF). 7.2.2. Viirused, mis kasutavad extended/expanded mälu. 8. Spawning (companion) viirused. 9. Viirused, mis manipuleerivad failipaigutustabeliga (FAT - File Allocation Table). 10.Viirused, mis nakatavad MBR-i (Master Boot Record, Partition Table). 1. Katalooge nakatavad viirused. 4.1 Spawning virus. Esimene Spawning või Companion tüüpi viirus avastati 1990.aasta aprillis. Selleks oli AIDS II. See oli esimene teadaolev viirus, mis kasutas "korrespondeeriva faili tehnikat", nii et nakatatav sihtmärk: EXE-fail jäi tegelikult muutmata. Viirus kasutas ära DOS-i omapära lugeda kõigepealt COM-faili ja seejärel alles EXE-faili, juhul kui

Informaatika → Informaatika
56 allalaadimist

II KT kordamisküsimused vastustega

o Structure ­ the framework in which the activities of the organization's members are coordinated. The four basic structural forms are the functional form, divisional structure, matrix structure, and network structure. o Systems ­ the formal and informal procedures, including innovation systems, compensation systems, management information systems, and capital allocation systems, that govern everyday activity. o Style ­ the leadership approach of top management and the organization's overall operating approach; also the way in which the organization's employees present themselves to the outside world, to suppliers and customers. o Skills ­ what the company does best; the distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the organization.

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
2 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

In the fourth and fifth Duma, the party dismissed a former consultative, pre-floor intra-party vote trading procedure where individual deputies bargained with the government and replaced it with a closed doors meetings of the fraction Presidium. Therefore, all legislative bargaining now takes place in the Presidium meetings (Reuter 2010: 296). The party has also taken control over national project funds and in most regions a special party commission has been created to supervise the allocation process. In a January 2006 speech before United Russia Duma deputies, Putin manifested the terms of the relationship between the national projects and United Russia (Ibid 2010: 297): The national projects are not something handed down from above--they are United Russia's projects . . . They were developed with your input taken into account. Your proposals and the proposals of the government form their basis . . . The realization of

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

cost, and level of service. These decisions should be determined by an optimization routine that considers production costs, taxes, duties and duty drawback, tariffs, local content, distribution costs, production limitations, etc. Although location decisions are primarily long term they also have implications on short term level. 2). Production Decisions: The long term decisions include what products to produce, and which plants to produce them in, allocation of suppliers to plants, plants to DC's, and DC's to customer markets. As before, these decisions have a big impact on the revenues, costs and customer service levels of the firm. These decisions 13 assume the existence of the facilities, but determine the exact path(s) through which a product flows to and from these facilities. Another critical issue is the

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Basic banking

vehicle corporations created to be holders of securitised assets, financial holding corporations, dealers in securities and derivatives (when dealing for their own account), venture capital corporations and development capital companies ( 5.1.1.Overview of the Chapter 5.1.2.Intermediation and Institutions Financial intermediation refers to the process of allocation and transformation of financial resources in economies according to the needs of economic agents 3. The objective is fulfilled by banks, non-bank financial institutions, and capital markets. Traditionally, the most important part of the intermediation has been considered channelling the funds form from ultimate creditors (surplus saving units) to the ultimate borrowers (deficit saving units) with the banks playing major role in the process

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

Transmission delay: None Unit number: 0 The following specifications have changed in products manufactured since Oc- tober 2000. Item Previous specifications New specifications Relevant pages Support for UM Area The UM Area allocation CX-Programmer can be See information on UM Area allocation function function is not supported. used to set the I/O allocation in the As a result, a memory error comment area in the CPU WS02-CXPC1-EV3 will be displayed if the I/O Unit, and I/O comments CX-Programmer Operation

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Eksam

2.tõus osalise tööajaga töötamises- growth in part-time employment 3.avalike teenuste pakkumine- provision of public services 4.edendama ettevõtte konkurensivõimet- to improve the competitiveness of companies 5.kaupade ja teenuste hind- the proce of goods and services 6.keskkonna kaitsmine- protection of the environment 7.kulutuste eelisvaldkonnad- priority areas for expenditure 8.aastakäive- annual turnover 9.tööjaotus- division of labour, work allocation, labour distribution 10.kõrgkvaliteetsed seadmed- high quality equipment 11.tasakaaluhind- clearing price 12.töötlev tööstus- manufacturing industry, primary industry, secondary industry 13.pikaajalised majapidamiskaubad- household durables 14.sisemajanduse kogutoodand- gross domestic product 15.tulu välisturismist- overseas tourism revenue 16.vähenevate tulude seadus- the law of diminishing return 17.ehitustööstus- construction industry 18

Keeled → Inglise keel
168 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine KT2

an organization formulates to gain a sustainable competitive advantage • ​Structure ​– the framework in which the activities of the organization's members are coordinated. The four basic structural forms are the functional form, divisional structure, matrix structure, and network structure. • ​Systems ​– the formal and informal procedures, including innovation systems, compensation systems, management information systems, and capital allocation systems, that govern everyday activity. • ​Style ​– the leadership approach of top management and the organization's overall operating approach; also the way in which the organization's employees present themselves to the outside world, to suppliers and customers. • ​Skills ​– what the company does best; the distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the organization. • ​Staff ​– the organization's human resources; refers to how people are developed,

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
14 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine I Kontrolltöö

competitive advantage • Structure – the framework in which the activities of the organization's members are coordinated. The four basic structural forms are the functional form, divisional structure, matrix structure, and network structure. • Systems – the formal and informal procedures, including innovation systems, compensation systems, management information systems, and capital allocation systems, that govern everyday activity. • Style – the leadership approach of top management and the organization's overall operating approach; also the way in which the organization's employees present themselves to the outside world, to suppliers and customers. • Skills – what the company does best; the distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the organization. • Staff – the organization's human resources; refers to

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
39 allalaadimist


gold. (A) Inherent (B) Nominal (C) Documented (D) Inordinate 4. Because their presence can upset normal markets, some products with commercial potential are intentionally kept off the market-place. (A) Confidentially (B) Constantly (C) Arbitrarily (D) Deliberately 5. Anaximander argued that human beings are so helpless at birth that they would almost instantly die if put into the world on their own. (A) Gradually (B) Presumably (C) Immediately (D) Discreetly LESSON 18 „ absurd „ abuse „ allocation „ balanced „ conservation „ fallacious „ feasible „ lack „ limber „ means „ narrow „ preconception „ robust „ steady „ swift absurd adj. clearly false, without reason adv. absurdly Syn. ridiculous n. absurdity Confidentially, I think his suggestion is absurd. They are absurdly irrational about the issue. abuse n. the act of using or treating things in an adv

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Referaat "Chelsea Flower Show"

Chelsea Flower Show Referent 2 Tartu 2006 3 Contents Contents..........................................................................................................................3 Foreword........................................................................................................................4 Chelsea through the years, from beginnings to nowadays.............................................6 Changes........................................................................................................................14 The Role of the Royals.................................................................................................16 In Chelsea Flower Show have everyday different......................

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


hiljem failisüsteemi. Kui seejuures peaks tekkima probleeme, on alati käepärast päevikusse salvestatud failikoopia ning piisab ainult selle faili uuesti salvestamisest. Taolist füüsilist päevikut kasutab näiteks Linux'i failisüsteem ext3. Teine päeviku variant on loogiline päevik, kuhu salvestatakse mitte andmeid endid, vaid neid kirjeldavaid metaandmeid. Loogilist päevikut kasutab näit. failisüsteem XFS Mõned tuntumad failisüsteemid: FAT (File Allocation Table) on Microsofti operatsioonisüsteemides kasutatav failisüsteem, mida kaasaegsetes Micosofti operatsioonisüsteemides ei soovitata kasutada. Kuid kaheldamatult on tegemist ühe levinuma failisüsteemiga mobiilsetes 16 mäluseadmetes (USB-välkmälud, MP3 mängarid, flopid jne). Tegelikult on FAT failisüsteemil olemas tervelt kolm levinud versiooni: FAT12, FAT16 ja FAT32.

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
167 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimise kordamisküsimused

138. 7S teooria (McKinsey) selgitus 1) Strategy – the route that the org has chosen for future growth; a plan an org formulates to gain sustainable competitive advantage. 2) Structure – framework in which the activities of the org members are coordinated. Four basic structural forms: functional, divisional, matrix, network. 3) Systems – forma and informal procedures that govern everyday activity. Innovation, compensation, management information, capital allocation. 4) Style – leadership approach of top management and the org’s overall operating approach. Also the way in which the org employees present themselves to the outside world, to suppliers and customers. 5) Skills – what the company does best. Distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the org. 6) Staff – org’s human resources. Refers to how people are developed, trained, socialized, integrated, motivated and how their carriers managed.

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
56 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

AVVID Architecture for Voice Video & Integrated Data [Cisco] AWE Advanced Wave Effects [Creative Lab] AWG American Wire Gage AWK (Unix language named after its authors... Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan) AWS Advanced Workstations and Systems (group) [IBM] AWT Abstract Window Toolkit [Java] AX Architecture Extended + Automatic Transmission B... | TOP | UP to A | DN to C | BOTTOM | BA Bell Atlantic (company) BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol BAK Binary Adaptation Kit [Microsoft] .BAK Backup (file name extension) BAL Basic Assembly Language BALUN Balanced Unbalanced (device) BAM Boyan Action Module BAPI Business Application Programming Interface [SAP] BARTS Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing .BAS Basic Language (file name extension) BASH Bourne Again Shell [Unix] BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASM Built-In Assembler BAT Block Address Translation

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Majanduse põhiküsimused

Avo Org 2.1. Piiramatud vajadused ja piiratud hüvised. Nappuse olemus 2. Majanduse põhiküsimused, majandusprobleem Mõisted: vajadused, piiramatud vajadused, hüvised ja teenused, piiratud e nappivad ressursid, vabalt saadav hüvis, piiratuse majandusseadus, tootmistegurid e tootmisfaktorid, tootmise sisendid, maa, töö, kapital ettevõtlus, tootmise väljund, toodang, loobumiskulu e alternatiivkulu, tootmisvõimaluste kõver, kasvavate alternatiivkulude seadus, konstantsed alternatiivkulud, mida, kuidas, kellele toota, majandussüsteemid, tavamajandus, käsumajandus, turumajandus, segamajandus, ringkäigumudel, teguritulud, toodanguturg, ressursiturg 2. Majanduse põhiküsimused, majandusprobleem 2.1. Piiramatud vajadused ja piiratud hüvised. Nappuse olemus 2.2. Majandusressursid ja tootmistegurid tootmise sisenditena 2.3. Tootmisvõimaluste kõver ja ressursside alternatiivne kasutamine 2.4. Majandu...

Majandus → Majandus
105 allalaadimist

Personaalarvutite riistvara ja arhitektuur

rohkema kui 4096 (kaks astmel kaksteist) silindriga. Õnneks pole see probleem üldine. 2,1 GB - MSDOS-i tülikas pärandus Hoopis olulisem on sellest veidi kõrgemal, 2,15 GB (täpselt 2 kahend-GB) juures olev piir. NB! Edaspidi kasutamegi kahendsüsteemi ühikuid! Erinevalt eelmistest barjääridest pole selle põhjuseks BIOS, vaid hoopis MSDOS-i failisüsteem, mida nimetatakse FAT16-ks. Nimetus 'FAT16' koosneb kahest osast: FAT (File Allocation Table) on tabel, milles on ära näidatud kõigi failide paiknemine kettal, '16' tähendab, et asukoha määramiseks kasutatakse 16-bitist numbrit. Seega saab sellises failisüsteemis olla vaid 65536 eraldi adresseeritavat ühikut. On näha, et kui selleks ühikuks oleks sektor, mahuks failisüsteemi vaid 32 MB. Selline barjäär on PC ajaloos kunagi tõepoolest olnud, kuid kuna see oli nii ammu (ikkagi 10 aastat tagasi!), siis me sellel rohkem ei peatu

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
145 allalaadimist

Rahvusvahelise poliitika loengud

I loeng - sissejuhatus Mis on rahvusvahelised suhted? Actor -> toimija!!! Rahvusvahelised suhted ● Termini kujunemine - Bentham & Comte -> Bentham võttis 19. saj.-l kasutusse termini “international”. [1919 Walesis avati esimene õppetool rahvusvahelistes suhetes] ● Suhted kellegi/millegi vahel - Kes on suhtlejad? ● Kontekst - anarhia -> ei ole ühist valitsejat. Tähendab, et ei ole hierarhiat. Kellelgi pole teise üle võimu anarhias. Maailmas on üldjuhul ikka hierarhiline ka riikide vahel. ● Sisemine vs välimine ● Erinevad teemavaldkonnad Sisemine ja välimine ● Vahendite monopol vs detsentraliseeritus ● Tööjaotus vs eneseabi -> Eneseabi tähendab, et kõigega peab ise hakkama saama. See on anarhias. Hierarhilises süsteemis on tööjaotus ehk ise ei pea nt kartulit kasvatama, seda teevad põllumehed jne. ● Anarhia vs hierarhia...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
13 allalaadimist


ABC analüüs (ABC analysis) Logistika instrument varude, klientide ja tarnijate paremaks juhtimiseks. Analüüsi eesmärgiks on selgitada välja kõige enam käivet ja kasumit andvad tooted, kõige suuremad kliendid ja olulisemad tarnijad. Ettevõtte tegevuses on oluline pöörata tähelepanu eelkõige enim müüdavatele toodetele, klientidele, kes annavad põhiosa kasumist ja tarnijatele, kellelt ostetakse suurem osa kaubast. Lihtne ja efektiivne varude juhtimise tööriist. 20/80 reegli järgi annavad 20% toodetest 80% käibest, 20% klientidest ostavad 80% kaubast ja 20% tarnijatest tarnivad 80% toodetest. ABC kõver (ABC curve) ABC analüüsi tulemused graafiku või diagrammina. Graafikul esindab rühm A näiteks kiiresti liikuvaid, rühm B keskmiselt ja rühm C aeglaselt liikuvaid tootegruppe.(ABC curve)- ABC analüüsi tulemused diagrammi graafiku või kõverana. ABC analüüs liigitab tooted või tootesarjad A, B ja C-gruppidesse ning kus A esindab kiireid, B kesk...

Logistika → Laomajandus
101 allalaadimist

Juhtimine Kordamiseks kevad 2014

formulates to gain a sustainable competitive advantage • Structure – the framework in which the activities of the organization's members are coordinated. The four basic structural forms are the functional form, divisional structure, matrix structure, and network structure. • Systems – the formal and informal procedures, including innovation systems, compensation systems, management information systems, and capital allocation systems, that govern everyday activity. • Style – the leadership approach of top management and the organization's overall operating approach; also the way in which the organization's employees present themselves to the outside world, to suppliers and customers. • Skills – what the company does best; the distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the organization. • Staff – the organization's human resources; refers to how people are developed, trained, socialized,

Majandus → Juhtimine
118 allalaadimist


KULUARVESTUS (OMAHINNA ARVESTUS) FJ-011 Cost accounting Loengukonspekt Koostanud Ülle Pärl, MA Tartu 2010 ed_kulud.html 1 ..............................................................................................................................................2 Kulude arvestuse põhimõisted.............................................................................................3 Kulude kogumine ja kulude jaotamine............................................................................3 Kulukäitur (kulumõjur) (cost driver)ja kulude juhtimine (cost management).................6 ...

Majandus → Kuluarvestus
189 allalaadimist


Subprime Crisis. – Brooking Papers on Economic Avtivity, 2008, pp. 69-145. 27. Goetzmann, W. N., Wachter, S. M. Clustering methods for real estate portfolios. - Real Estate Economics, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 271-310. 28. Hastings, A., Nordby, H. Benefits of Global Diversification on a Real Estate Portfolio. – Journal of Portfolio Management, 2007, Special Real Estate Issue, Vol. 33, pp. 53-62. 29. Hauss, H. The role of international property investments in the global asset allocation process. –Australasian Business Intelligence, 2004, pp. 21. 30. Hellwig, M. F. Systemic risk in the financial sector: an analysis of the subprimemortgage financial crisis. – De Economist, 2009, Vol. 157, No. 2, pp. 129-207. 31. Herring, R. J., Wachter, S. Real Estate Booms and Banking Busts: An International Perspective. – Tokyo: Japan Management Studies Center, 2002, 108 p. 32. Iacoviello, M., Neri, S. Housing market spillovers : evidence from an estimated DSGE model

Majandus → Maailma majandus
4 allalaadimist

Riistvara ja tehniline dokumentatsioon

Formateerimise käigus antakse failisüsteemile selline struktuur, nagu tema tüüp ette näeb, ühtlasi kustutatakse varem selles kettapiirkonnas asunud info. 2.4.1 Partitsioonide tähised DOS/Windows operatsioonisüsteemides on partitsioonide tähised (nn. kettatähed) järg- mised. · A:, B: ­ disketiseadmed; · C: ­ esimese kanali primaarse (master) ketta esimene partitsioon (Parallel ATA) või esi- mese kanali esimene partitsioon (Serial ATA); 3 File Allocation Table 4 New Technology File System 5 UNIX File System 6 Hierarchical File System 41 · D:, E: jne. ­ teised partitsioonid ning laserkettaseadmed jm. kettaseadmed. UNIX-tüüpi operatsioonisüsteemides (Linux, BSD jmt.) kettatähti ei ole. Kõik seadmed ja fai- lid paiknevad ühises (virtuaalses) kataloogipuus, mis algab juurkataloogist /. Seadmetega

Informaatika → Informaatika
94 allalaadimist

Poliitilisest maailmast arusaamine James N.Danziger

1 POLIITILISEST MAAILMAST ARUSAAMINE James N. Danziger Selle asja tegemisel olid abiks Nele, Käsper, Rait, Risto, Raigo, Triin, Reet, Gert, Raimo Kristiina, Andre, Marius, Ene ja mina ise ka. ESIMENE OSA POLIITILISE MAAILMA TUNDMISEST 1. PEATÜKK Poliitika ja teadmised POLIITIKA Poliitikateaduse teema on poliitika, kuid poliitika piire õppevormina defineerida ei ole sugugi lihtne, kuna ta hõlmab väga suurt ala. Poliitika kohta on välja öeldud järgmised definitsioonid: Poliitika on võimu teostamine/kasutamine Poliitika on väärtuste avalik jaotamine Poliitika on konfliktide lahendamine Poliitika on võistlus indiviidide ja gruppide seas oma huvide teostumiseks. Poliitika on selle määramine, kes saab mida, millal ja kuidas Kõik need definitsioonid kannavad ühist mõtet, et poliitika tegeleb võimu, huvide ja väärtustega, ehk siis asjadega millel on avalikku tähtsust. Ala, millega p...

Politoloogia → Riigiteadused
19 allalaadimist


11 frame contains a duration field in which the sending station explicit indicates the length of time that its frame will be transmitting on the channel. This value allows other stations to determine the minimum amount of time (the so-called network allocation vector, NAV) for which they should defer their access. The IEEE 802.11 protocol can also use a short Request To Send (RTS) control frame and a short Clear To Send (CTS) frame to reserve access to the channel. When a sender wants to send a frame, it

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

relevant to or appear within the wider universe ... examples of these would include single units püstitatud uurimusküsimustele · such as ,,an organization, allocation, a document ... [or] a conversation. (106) Kõrvalekalduva juhtumi valimine. Vältida juhtumi valikut mis kindlasti toetab teemat. ,,Choosing ,,deviant cases" (105) · Juhtumi valikul tuleb arvestada ka uuringu ­ ,,... must overcome any tendency to select a case which is likely to support your argument. Instead,

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

Non-trade transactions (transfer and receipt of monies for salary payments or pensions or as part of an inheritance, stamp duties, etc.). Currency transactions that require the permission of the NBRB 86 The following transactions of Belarusian companies-residents (non-banks), inter alia, require permission from the NBRB: 1) Acquisition of property located outside Belarus that qualifies as immovable property under Belarusian legislation; 2) Allocation of funds to nonresident banks or transfer of funds to nonresidents (except for nonresident banks) for trust management; 3) Provision of loans; 4) Settlements under a resident's obligations as a guarantor towards a nonresident arising from a guarantee or an indemnity agreement; 5) Receipt of loans in case of any of the following conditions: The interest rate for loans exceeds the level determined by the NBRB (for USD and EUR loans it is currently 14% per annum);

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun