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"quality" - 588 õppematerjali

quality – Water Treatment and Reuse (Voudouris, D. ed) pp. 183-204. InTech.

Kasutaja: Quality

Faile: 1

IP law homework 1

utilization made a wrong impression that he was related with the clients. In their claim against Oliver North, they asserted North's utilization of a chronicle of his declaration unjustifiably connected him with a figure with a "disputable notoriety." Buffer's advancement materials state he has "achieved overall acknowledgment and affirmation as the source" of the expression. "'How about we Get Ready to Rumble'" is in excess of five words. It additionally brings out his sibling's voice, his quality and the "visual picture of a fine-looking person" articulating them. While a trademark for one class of thing probably won't make a difference to different classes of things, there are extra assurances emerging from copyrights. One is the issue of weakening, which can keep an organization from enrolling a specific trademark paying little heed to the distinction in class. It generally applies to marks that are so well known any utilization of them

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

The Republic of Cameroon

population. More than 60,000 students were enrolled for the 1998­1999 school year. · Since 1990, private institutions have sprung up in at least five regions. These schools charge fees that are five to ten times those levied by state schools. Nevertheless, they offer short professional-training programmes in areas such as accounting, management, journalism, and Internet technologies, so they are popular with students. Health · The quality of health care is generally low · Outside the major cities, facilities are often dirty and poorly equipped. · Endemic diseases include dengue fever, filariasis, leishmaniasis, malaria, meningitis, schistosomiasis, and sleeping sickness · The HIV/AIDS seroprevalencerate is estimated at 5.4% for those aged 15­49, although a strong stigma against the illness keeps the number of reported cases artificially low Geography and climate

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon, vastatud eksamiküsimused

Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED, vastatud 1. Mis on kanooniline suhtlussituatsioon? a. Kanooniline suhtlussituatsioon on suuline suhtlus kahe lähestikku seisva inimese vahel, kes teineteist näevad ja kuulevad, loomuliku keele märkide abil. (Lyons) 2. Nimetage põhilised kommunikatsioonimudelid. Millistel generatiivsetel metafooridel nad põhinevad? a. "rahvamudel" põhineb torumetafooril. Tähendus on sõna või teksti sees, kontekst ei ole oluline. (Reddy) Sel puhul on tekstid absoluutsed, ühetähenduslikud b. Rahvamudel teaduslikult kujul: kodeerimismudel - saatja ja saaja jagavad märgi tähendust, kui neil on ühine kood - kodeerimismetafoor c. Küberneetikast lähtuv teaduslik mudel (Shannon-Weaver) (ühekülgne) - faksimetafoor d. Interferentsiaalne mudel ("tööriistavalmistaja" metafoor) 3. Esitage kultuuri...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuridevaheline...
79 allalaadimist

Arvuti füüsilised komponendid

SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS SISUKORD.............................................................................................................. 1 SISSEJUHATUS....................................................................................................... 1 SISSEJUHATUS’...................................................................................................... 2 Referaadi eesmärgiks on anda endale ja teistele vajalikud teadmised arvuti füüsilistest komponentidest. Ma püüan aruanda erinevatest arvuti osadest, et lugejad teaksid ja saaksid aru, mida üks või teine asi arvuti korpuse all teeb ja milliseid komponente võiks osta, kui peaks vanal arvutil mõne jupi välja vahetama............................................................................................................... 2 1 Arvuti füüsilised komponendid............................................................................ 3 a. Bios...................

Tehnoloogia → Arvuti riistvara
3 allalaadimist


sama – väljendada maastiku erinevaid kasutamise võimalusi ja lähenemisi. Leian, et maastik meie elus on tähtis olnud läbi aegade, see on meie koduks, töökeskkonnaks ja paljudeks teisteks keskkondadeks. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS • Bergerona, J., Paquetteb, S., Poullaouec-Gonidecb, P. (2014). Uncovering landscape values and micro-geographies of meanings with the go-along method.- Landscape and Urban Planning. Väljaanne nr. 122. lk 108-121 • Bruni, D. (2016). Landscape Quality and Sustainability Indicators.- Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Väljaanne nr. 8. lk 698-705 • Cormont, A. (2016). Landscape complexity and farmland biodiversity: Evaluating the CAP target on natural elements.- Journal for Nature Conservation. Väljaanne nr. 30. lk 19-26 • Kokovkin, T. (2001). Viis mõtet maastikust. – Maastik: loodus ja kultuur. Maastiku käsitlusi Eestis. /Toim. H. Palang, H. Sooväli. Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Services in Estonia (ettekanne)

● Organising seminars, trainings on regional, national and international level, developing web sites Career services ● Practiced in Estonia for about 90 years ● Contain career education, career counselling and career information ● May include services in schools, universities, the voluntary sector, the private sector and so on ● Organising seminars, trainings on regional, national and international level, developing web sites ● Providing high quality career services to the whole population Mail services ● Eesti Post (Estonian post) Mail services ● Eesti Post (Estonian post) ● Nearly 90 types of services: Courier Services, Letter Services, Electronic Mail Centre, Parcel services, Electronic invoicing, Financial services, Express Mail Service and so on Mail services ● Eesti Post (Estonian post) ● Nearly 90 types of services: Courier Services, Letter

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Review Of Donald Norman Design Of Everyday Things

Very rarely it happens so that you can pick up a non-fiction book from a concrete field and it will be making almost perfect sense to you even though you're neither working nor educated in that field. Donald Norman's Design of Everyday Things is that kind of book. It reads effortlessly, for the most part, it entertains and for a non-fictional book, that's a rare quality; but most importantly, meanwhile, it educates. DOET, very aptly renamed from Psychology of Everyday Things, while having its shortcomings, goes a great mile towards providing a starting point for newcomers in the field, quite concisely summing up humankind's experiences in design, common errors and best practices, while also providing some scientific basis for many conclusions. Quite notably, Norman's background is in cognitive science and mathematical psychology, which grants him enough of authority to author an endeavor such as this and not be questioned as to what he...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Teeninduskorraldus - töötajate jõustamine.

Jõustatud meeskondade töövõime suureneb, sisekliima paraneb, nad on lojaalsed ja muutustele avatud. Mida veel võiks üks juht tahta, kui inimesi, kes teda toetavad. Loomulikult pole vähemoluline ka jõustamisega kaasnev klientide rahulolu ning käibe ja kasumi kasv. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS: · Townsend, J. William. Zapp! The Lightening of Empowerment. Personnel Psychology, Spring1990, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p157-159, 3p · Ueno, A Is empowerment really a contributory factor to service quality? The Service Industries Journal Vol. 28, No. 9, November 2008, 1321­1335 · Inimõiguste ülddeklaratsioon. [] 10.05.2013. · Merkuljeva, T. 2010. Õnnelik teenindaja teeb ka kliendi õnnelikuks. [] 0.05.2013. · Kas arenguvestlus või tulemusvestlus? 06.03.2012. []10

Majandus → Teenindus
22 allalaadimist

Ray Krock ja McDonald's

nende kooste nõuetele. Ray Krock otsustas teha sama hamburgerite maailmas: ,,on olemas teadus hamburgerite tegemisest ja serveerimisest" (Gross, D.182) 1961 aastal pandi tööle kompleksne hamburgerite ja muude McDonald'sis müüdavate toodete valmistamise ja serveerimise koolituskeskus, mida juhtis Fred Turner ja kus said 24.02.1961 lõpudiplomi esimesed 14 õppurit. Loosungiks sai tudengitele siiani töötav Ray Krocki ,,gospel" : Quality (kvaliteet) Service (teenindus) Cleanliness (puhtus) Value (hind) Töö ladusamaks organiseerimiseks restoranis hakati kõikides tegevustes rõhuma kolmele alustalale: Communication ( kommunikatsioon) Coordination ( koordinatsioon) Cooperation ( koostöö) Korraliku koolituse saanud töötajad andsid väga hea panuse firma edu jätkumisele ja nii oli 1958 aastaks müüdud esimesed miljon hamburgeri ning 1965 aastaks üle kogu maa

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
5 allalaadimist


The more you like yourself, the higher will be the standards you will set for yourself. The more you like yourself, the bigger the goals you will set for yourself and the longer you will ccc_tracy_1_1-17.qxd 6/23/03 2:46 PM Page 10 10 ➤ CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE persist in achieving them. People with high self-esteem are virtu- ally unstoppable. Your level of self-esteem determines the quality of your relation- ships with others. The more you like and respect yourself, the more you like and respect others and the better they feel toward you. In your business life and career, your personal level of self-esteem will be the critical factor that determines whether or not people will buy from you, hire you, enter into business dealings with you, and even lend you money.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


33 Võrgupüügi mehaniseerimine 34 Võrgupüügi soovimatud kaasmõjud 35 Võrgupüügi soovimatud kaasmõjud. Ka Läänemeres satuvad linnud nakkevõrkudesse ja reeglina upuvad. 36 Following concerns about recreational gillnet fishing practices and potential wastage of catch, in particular as a result of overnight netting, a study investigating the relationship between gillnet soak time and the quality of the catch was undertaken. The study confirmed that catch quality declined as soak time increased. In certain circumstances, especially with nets set over soft-sediment habitats, damage to the catch through predator and lice interaction was substantially higher in nets set overnight compared with nets fished during daylight hours only. Information from this study is being considered as part of a review of management arrangements as they relate to overnight netting.

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
29 allalaadimist


09.10). Dementse inimese vajadused (2008). Perearst (03.09.10). Isola, A, Backman, K., Saarnio, R., Paasivaara, L. (2004). Hoitotyön edistykselliset toiminnat haasteellisen käyttäytymisen kohtaamisessa dementoiduvan potilaan hoidossa. Hoitotiede, 17(3), 5. Jaanson, K. (1999). Dementsus ja sellega kaasnevad probleemid. Tartu: Eesti Koopmans, R. T. C. M., Molen, M., Raats, M., Ettema, T. P. (2009). Neuropsyciatric symptoms and quality of life in patiens in the final phase of dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Pyschiatry 24: 25-32 . Linnamägi, Ü., Asser, T. (2004). Dementne inimene- koormus ühiskonnale. Eesti Arst, 83 (4), 256-261. Linnamägi, Ü., Braschinsky, M., Saks, K., Võrk, E., Lääts, T. (2008). Käsiraamat Õendushoolduse osutamise nõuded. (2007). Eesti Haigekassa, Eesti Gerontoloogia ja Geriaatria Assotsiatsion, Hooldusravi Osutajate Ühendus, Eesti Õdede Liit. http://www.legeartis

Meditsiin → Gerontoloogia
189 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

Kaks aspekti: produkti/ toodangu kvaliteet, organisatsiooni juhtimise, töökorralduse kvaliteet Kvaliteet – väärtustatud dimensioon. Liikumine kvaliteedi suunas – positiivne! Kvaliteet see, mida kvaliteedi puhul mõõdetakse! Järgnev: kvaliteediteema (äri)organisatsioonis ja kvaliteet elus (elukvaliteet) • Kvaliteet ärimaailmas - TQM Palju kvaliteediliikumisi, lähenemisi ja mõõtmisviise! TQM – kvaliteedi teadvustamine Total Quality Management (TQM) is a business management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes. Kõik toimingud nähtavaks, korratavaks, mõõdetavaks, igaüks teeb oma asja parimal viisil, toimingud peavad olema ilusad! Vigadeta töö! Võtmeelemendid: eetika; ausus; usaldus; treening, tiimitöö; juhtimine; tunnustis; kommunikatsioon. ISO kvaliteedistandardid organisatsioonile (juhtimisele)

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist


In sunflowers, the ray flowers are usually female and infertile. The disk flowers are both male and female and are fertile. If you look closely at the center of a sunflower you can see that the disk flowers grow in a mesmerizing pattern of two opposite spirals. This is most easily seen either before the disk flowers open up or after the seed has set and all the accessory flower parts have fallen off. This is one of the more interesting patterns in nature. The rough-hairy quality of the Common Sunflower is characteristic of many members of its family. These little bristles probably serve two functions: to discourage plant- eating animals and to conserve water in the plant by limiting evaporation. Members of the sunflower family are popular with butterflies because the wide flower head makes a good "landing platform" and the numerous individual flowers make for a high probability of finding nectar. Monarch butterflies are commonly

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

30. I want what I want. Don't offer me any substitutes. When there's a problem I want a solution. Don't offer me any half measures. 31. Literal-mindedness is good. 32. One of the biggest energy-wasting manifestations is the compulsion to begrudge energy. 33. One need not have a better theory to object to a theory's defects. 34. One needs more energy, higher frequencies, more bandwidth, and less interference in order to sustain a finer quality of attention. 35. One who has authority over others is responsible for deterring them from behaving unustly toward one another and for effecting the redress of injustices when they occur. 36. One who is not still looking for answers is either a buddha or a damn fool. 37. People say that they want to be "loved for themselves" but I find that insulting. I want to do things that are worthwhile and be admired because my actions are admirable, not for foolish subjective reasons.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of television

I am especially interested in the European Football Cup. I also like science fiction. Although I prefer reading science fiction to watching it, I should admit that there is a number of good science fiction movies and serials. Among them are "Star Wars", "Star Trek", and "Babylon-5." A couple of years ago "Babylon-5" was shown on TV-6 and I did not miss a single film. Now there are many science fiction and fantasy serials shown on TV, but generally they are not of high quality, so I prefer to spend my free time doing other things. - What programmes do members of your family like to watch? - My grandmother likes Latin American "soap operas." These are usually love stories with a happy end. My parents like to watch "Civilisation". This programme is devoted to outstanding personalities and events. It is very informative. They also like documentaries devoted to something unusual. - What kind of TV is most popular today?

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon

Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED 1. Mis on 19. sajandi mõtlejate (nt. Matthew Arnoldi) arvates kultuur ja mis on selle lähenemise probleemid? Matthew Arnold ütleb:" Kultuur on parim, mida on maailmas öeldud ja mõeldud." Kultuur peaks olema täiuse poole püüdlemine läbi ilu ja tarkuse. Lähenemise probleemid: 1) liiga universalistlik 2) europotsentristlik (muid kultuure peab küll huvitavateks, kuid mitte võrdväärseteks) nt kohustuslikus kirjanduses puudub Jaapani, Aafrika jne kirjanike teosed. 3) loob liiga jäiga eristatuse ,,Kõrge" ja ,,Madala" kultuuri vahel 4) ei vaatle elatud kultuuri tervikuna autentses kontekstis. 2. Mis on kultuur antropoloogide arvates (vrdl. Franz Boasi ja Clyde Kluckhohni definitsioone)? Franz Boas: arvab, et igasugune kultuur on unikaalne. Selle asemel, et lugeda raamatuid teistest kultuuridest, tu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
141 allalaadimist

10 päeva päevik

and he told me to buy it, because there was a little discount on that camera.So I sent a few E-mails and ordered it.I got it on 10th November.I was feeling so happy that I saw dreams about that camera for two days.When I got the camera, I charged the battery and began taking photos of everything I saw.Photography has always interested me and now I want to take part of photography arts myself.I also asked my brother what he thinks about it.He was impressed with the price and quality ratio and told me that I had made the right decision-buying it. Basketball on 15 December Woke up at 6:45 am.I ate bread and butter and went to school.It was boring as always.I managed to get my work done faster and now I don't need to be in lesson for 2 days.At 3:30 pm basketball started.First we made some exercises then we began playing the real game.Even our first round took all my energy but I kept running and playing until I was

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

I have control over the conversation, over the airwaves, over your attention and over retailers." There are only two things that separate success from failure in most organizations today: 1. Invent stuff worth talking about. 2. Tell stories about what you´re invented. Make up great stories. That´s the new motto. This is urgent. The transformation of our organization has been under way for a while, but now, thanks to outsourcing and computers and increasing manufacturing quality. STEP 1: THEIR WORLDVIEW AND FRAMES GOT THERE BEFORE YOU DID A worldview is not who you are. It´s what you believe. It´s biasis. A worldview is not forever. It´s what the consumer believes right now. It´s not enought to find a niche that shares a worldview. That niche has to be ready and able to influence a large group of their friends. WORDS 1. Content- sisu, sisaldus, rahulolu 2. Endorse- varustama, pealdama, toetama, heaks kiitma 3. Forsake- hülgama, maha jätma, loobuma

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Economy of Estonia

towns or even in villages. The most important branch among processing industries in Estonia is timber, paper and furniture industry. Second comes the food processing industry, mostly in the form of meat and milk producing, but the production of drinks, bread and confectioneries is also substantial. Food industry that has undergone huge changes during the recent years, offers quite varied products. Estonians love locally produced food, considering it to be purer, of a higher quality and more tasty. For instance, in the early 1990s the majority of the ice-cream on the market was imported as virtually no ice-cream was produced in Estonia, but presently the share of imported product has fallen to 14.5%. Such change has been fostered by production methods that have quickly become more modern and more varied. Several producers hope to soon enter the EU market with their production. Part 2 Light industry yields a highly varied output from cotton fabrics to clothing and footwear

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Health topic

Clinics provide medical care for people who are not hospitalized. Some clinics are part of a hospital. There are certain types of specialized clinics, such as those that diagnose and treat diabetes, psychiatric disorders, cancer or venereal diseases. Nursing homes accept patients who need round-the-clock care but do not need to be hospitalised. Conclusion Health plays a very important role in peoples lives. We have to be heatlthy to have a quality life. When we are healthy we will live long. Health is something people should reckon with. I think that the easiest way to stay healthy is to eat healthy food. An apple a day keeps the doctor away !

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Raalprojekteerimise põhimõistete konspekt

CIM ­ Computer Integrated Manufacturing; MBS ­ Multi-Body Simulation; FEM ­ Finite Element Modeling; RP ­ Rapid Prototyping; PDM ­ Product Data Management; CAM ­ Computer Aided Manufacturing; VR ­ Virtual Reality; LEM ­ Lõplike Elementide Meetod; PLM ­ Product Lifecycle Management; CAT ­ Computer Aided Testing; CAPP ­ Computer Aided Process Planning; CAD ­ Computer Aided Design; MRP ­ Material Requirements Planning; CAQ ­ Computer Aided Quality Assurance; CAx ­ Computer Aided anything; ERP ­ Enterprise resource planning; CRM ­ Customer Relationship Management; DMU ­ Digital Mock-Up; MRP II- Manufacturing resource planning. Topoloogia ­ matemaatika haru, mis uurib kujundite omadusi, mis on invariantsed topoloogiliste teisenduste suhtes. Geomeetria on matemaatika haru, mis tegeleb ruumisuhetega ja uurimisobjektideks on kujundid. Top-Down modelleerimine ­ asmeline disain, süsteemi osadeks jagamine, et saada ülevaade

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
123 allalaadimist


FEM- Finite Element Modeling RP- Rapid Prototyping PDM- Product Data Management 2. Mida tähendavad lühendid CAM; VR; LEM; PLM; CAT; CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing VR-Virtual Reality LEM- lõplike elemetide meetod PLM-Product Lifecycle Management CAT-Computer Aided Testing 3. Mida tähendavad lühendid CAPP; NC; CAD; MRP I; CAQ; CAPP-Computer Aided Process Planning NC-tööriistade loomine ja tootmine CAD-Computer Aided Design MRP I- Material Requirements Planning CAQ-Computer Aided Quality Assurance 4. Mida tähendavad lühendid CAx; ERP; CRM; DMU; MRP II; CAx-Combined Arms Exercise ERP-Enterprise resource planning CRM-Customer relationship management DMU-Digital Mock-Up MRP II- Material Requirements Planning 5. Mis on topoloogia ja mis on geomeetria? Topoloogia- uurib kujudite omadusi; geomeetria- matem.haru, mis tegeleb ruumisuhtega. Peamine uurimisobjekt on kujundid. 6. CAD süsteemi skemaatiline ülesehitus. 7

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
271 allalaadimist

Teenuste kvaliteet ja hindamine

kvaliteet väärtusneutraalsena või siis kvaliteettootest, andes mõistele positiivse tähenduse. Kvaliteet on toote või teenuse omaduste ja karakteristikute kogum, mis võimaldab rahuldada kindlaksmääratud või eeldatavaid vajadusi. Kvaliteet tähendab niisiis teatud nõudmiste täitmist. Võtmeküsimuseks on kelle või mille nõudmisi tuleks täita. Traditsiooniliselt mõistetakse kvaliteeti kui vastavust tehnilistele standarditele, TQM (Total Quality Management) käsitluses lähtub kvaliteedi mõiste aga kliendist ja tema nõudmistest. Kvaliteeti, mille saavutamine on kogu TQM süsteemi eesmärgiks, võib siinkohal defineerida järgmiselt: "Kvaliteet on vastavus kliendi nõudmistele". ( Kvaliteedijuhtimine on suhteliselt uus juhtimisvaldkond. Tema tekkeajaks loetakse eelmise sajandi neljakümnendaid aastaid, kui pandi alus masstootmisele. Suurbritannias hakkasid tooteid kontrollima kvaliteediinspektorid. Samal ajal arendas üks

Majandus → Teenindus
16 allalaadimist


Sulgpall Sulgpall on kahe vastaspoole, enamjaolt kahe mängija vahel mängitav sportmäng. Sulgpall meenutab nii tennist,sest mängitakse reketitega, kui ka võrkpalli,sest mängijatevahel on võrk . Sulgpalli ajalugu ulatub üle 3000 aasta tagasi, sellesarnast mängu harrastati juba Antiik-Kreekas ja Egiptuses. Hilisemal ajal Euroopas tunti sulgpalli laste hulgas nimede battledore ja shuttlecock all ­ selles mängus lõid kaks mängijat tillukeste reketitega sulgedega palli edasi-tagasi.Kuni 1887. aastani mängiti Inglismaal sulgpalli Indiast pärit reeglite järgi. Need olid aga inglaste meelest vasturääkivad ja segadusseajavad. Kuna algselt väike sulgpallurite seltskond oli jõudsalt uusi liikmeid värvanud, jõuti 1887. aastal oma klubi (Bath Badminton Club) moodustamiseni. Ühena oma esimestest tegemistest klubi standardiseeris reeglid, tehes need sobivaks inglaslikule mõtteviisile. See tollal väljatöötatud eeskir...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
6 allalaadimist

Klienditeeninduse esimese kursuse kokkuvõte

KLIENDITEENINDUS I "Oma kiiresti muutuvas äris ei saa me lubada endale loorberitel puhkamist ega isegi mitte hetkeks peatumist, et heita pilku tehtule. Ajad ja olud muutuvad nii kiiresti, et meie eesmärk peab olema kindlalt suunatud tulevikku". Walt Disney Teeninduse maht on kvantitatiivselt kasvanud: Sektor Osakaal majanduses Teenindav sektor 63% Tööstus, ehitus,energeetika 34% Põllumajandus, metsamajandus 3% TEENINDUSÜHISKOND · Tekkinud on ulatuslik nn. "peidetud teenindussektor" (hidden service sector). · Teenindusettevõtlus ja tootev tööstus on järjest enam omavahel seotud. · Erinevate ettevõtete sam...

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
33 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooniteooria konspekt

Töötajate solidaarsus (tulemuspalk, eraldatus); Tehnoloogia areng-> spets.oskused vs laiemad teadmised ja oskused; Staatiline mudel - muutustega kohanemine?; Taylor – teadusliku juhtimise või konsultatsiooniäri looja? Teaduslik juhtimine- panus tänapäeva – Ratsionaliseerimine; Juhtimis-, kvaliteedi ja kontrolli süsteemid; -ISO standardid, juhtimissüsteemid; -Avalike teenuste standardid; -TQM (total quality management); -CAF (common assessment framework); Tulemuspalk ; Vastupidised lähenemised (detsentraliseerimine, töötaja võimustamine, töötajate kaasamine) Administratiivkoolkond I (Henry Fayol) - Oluline on organisatsioon kui tervik, mitte üksik töökoht 10 administratsiooni printsiipi:  Tööjaotus, ülalt alla lähenemine  Võim ja vastutus  Üks ülemus ja üks tööplaan  Tähelepanu nii organisatsiooni kui töötajate huvidele

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
105 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

(too clean, too new) · We may have a repetition of a word in a sentence (always preaching, preaching, quietly, quietly) · Graphical presentation: in the inverted commas (this "sweet" lady is a killer); uncommon use of punctuation. · Exclamatory and interrogative sentences (women and votes!) · The writer indicating the quality of the characters voice ("Society," he said grimly. Positive adherent connotation: · Proximity of words with pos AC (my hands "beautiful" "big, red and brutal") · A comparison, a part of which the word becomes (Youth is so much more valuable than experience: it is also far more intelligent) · Verbs--hope, wish, and want (clever people everywhere. I wish to goodness we had a few fools left)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Keskonna nõue transpordile

Tööplaanis on veel kolm värvide, lakkide standardit (standarditele viidatud 30.10.2005. a kehtima hakkavas keskkonnaministri määruses ,,Värvide, lakkide ning sõidukite taasviimistlusmaterjalide lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite sisalduse piirnormid, nende normide rakendamise tähtajad ning normidele vastavuse määramiseks kasutatavad meetodid"). Lisaks välisõhu termineid sätestav standard (ISO 4225:1994 - Air quality -- General aspects ­ Vocabulary) ning üks Saksa Inseneride Liidu (VDI) standard, mis käsitleb saasteainete mõõtmisi pindsaasteallikatelt. Standarditele viitamisel kehtib nõue, et viitaja peab tagama standardite kättesaadavuse eesti keeles. Hetkel see tingimus nimetatud standardite osas puudub. Taotletav summa 156 170.- krooni. 10. Projekt ,,Broneering saasteainete piirnormide ja määramismeetodite

Loodus → Keskkonnaõpetus
9 allalaadimist

"food" Homereading

enough that BK eventually adopted the motto "Home of the Whopper". One of Donald N. Smith's first changes to the menu was the addition of the Burger King Specialty sandwich line in 1979, which significantly expanded the breadth of the BK menu with many non-hamburger sandwiches including new chicken and fish offerings. The new specialty sandwich line was one of the first attempts to target a specific demographic, in this case adults 18-34, members of which would be willing spend more on a higher quality product. One of Smith's other significant contribution to the menu was the addition of a breakfast product line, which until this time was not a market Burger King had entered. Besides the addition of the Croissan'Wich in 1983, the breakfast menu remained almost identical to the McDonald's offerings until a menu revamp in 1985. This expansion introduced BK's Am Express product line which added new products such as French toast sticks and Mini-muffins.

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Silicon Valley

An article about Sophia Antipolis bragged that companies there included Cisco, Compaq, IBM, NCR, and Nortel. Don't the French realize these aren't startups? Building office buildings for technology companies won't get you a silicon valley, because the key stage in the life of a startup happens before they want that kind of space. The key stage is when they're three guys operating out of an apartment. Wherever the startup is when it gets funded, it will stay. The defining quality of Silicon Valley is not that Intel or Apple or Google have offices there, but that they were started there. So if you want to reproduce Silicon Valley, what you need to reproduce is those two or three founders sitting around a kitchen table deciding to start a company. And to reproduce that you need those people. Universities The exciting thing is, all you need are the people

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


17 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD 1. Grönroos, C. 2000. Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Management Approach. 2. Perens, A 1998. Teenuse margeting. Tallinn 1. Maxima poekett [ visioon/] 18.03.2011 2. Parasuraman A , Zeithaml V., Berry L 1988.Servqual: a Multiple Item Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality. 3. Parasuraman A, Zeithaml V, Berry L, 1994.Alternative Scales for Measuring Service Quality. 4. TNS Emor, Ostumüsteeriumist ehk mystery shoppingust [] 18.03.2011 18 Lisa 1. Külastusprotokoll 1-ei 2-ei 3- pigem ei 4- ei oska 5- pigem 6- 7- nõustun

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
31 allalaadimist

E223 mõju kartuli säilumisele ja organoleptilistele omadustele

KOOL NIMI E223 mõju kartuli säilumisele ja organoleptilistele omadustele Uurimustöö JUHENDAJA Tallinn 2013 Resümee inglise keeles An important issue that has always pestered mankind: how to preserve food products for longer duration without degrading the quality. In the current paper, the use of synthetic preservative ­ E223, its advantages and side effects (health hazards) on pre-prepared peeled potato- products are described. A practical test to evaluate organoleptical changes in pre-prepared potatos due to air and UV light. The hypothesis: usage of correct amount of E223 prevents potatoes to react with oxygen, light and other possible elements and helps to maintain the commercial look, was absolutely correct.

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
6 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

of meaning). Connotation may be a permanent part of word meaning ­ it is then called inherent connotation. Connotation is ever present when the word is used. Adherent connotation is the shade of meaning the word requires in a particular context only. Outside this context this shade of meaning is not present. INHERENT CONNOTATION (IC) 1. IC may be secured by the very object, quality or notion that word denotes. Positively charged words are: noble, manly, virtue, beauty, love, etc. Negatively charged words: nasty, vulgar, greedy, sin, death, fool, etc.). This connotation is called referential; it depends on the referent (mean the thing the word stands for). 2. IC may depend on the structure of the word. Such words normally have a transparent structure and more often negative affixes are used (e.g. unkind, impolite, injustice, heartless, etc.)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Means of communication

quite old-fashioned. They are not flexible because when something happens you can't read about it until the next day. You can read some newspapers on the Internet too. Newspapers still have their own magic. People are weary of looking in a box and it is very nice to buy newspapers, have a cup of coffee and a breakfast in the garden. Nobody is disturbing you. Everything is calm. It's like magic. 3 main kinds of newspaper: - - Broad sheets (a quality newspaper) - - very big pages, hardly any colour pages, not too much photos, more difficult language, it focuses on some topic ­ more details and facts, longer articles, more tidy-looking, nearly about everything (policy, culture, money...) - - people who read it are businessmen, people with higher education, people who don't like blabs (kecy) - - The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, MF, Lidové noviny, Svoboda - - Tabloids

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Useful language

I propose that we ... We should also ... I believe that ... We could ... It is a fact that , which means that ... If we were to , it would ... I suggest we... .We would then be able to ... I feel strongly that we should ... I trust you will give my proposal your full consideration. REVIEWS x has much to recommend it. X is, at heart, a(n) love/spy/adventure story. It is based on a book by ... It is set in the countryside/the future. The film has a quality cast. The film was directed by ... The film score is enchanting/evocative/scary. The film captures the spirit of ... The hero/heroine/villain is ... I felt/thought it was ... I was impressed by ... What struck me most was ... What I liked most/didn't like was ... The plot was gripping. The characters were very convincing/very well drawn. On reflection, I think it was ... It struck me as being ... What I didn't understand was how ... In spite of these few criticisms, I think ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Washington and Texas

one-fourth of the known U.S. reserves. The state's refineries can process 4.6 million barrels of oil a day. According to the Energy Information Administration, Texans consume on average the fifth most energy (of all types) in the nation per capita and as a whole, following behind Alaska, Louisiana, North Dakota and Iowa. Healthcare The Commonwealth Fund ranks the Texas healthcare system the third worst in the nation. Texas ranks close to last in access to healthcare, quality of care, avoidable hospital spending, and equity among various groups. Causes of the state's poor rankings include politics, a high poverty rate, and the highest rate of illegal immigration in the nation. Medical research Many elite research medical centers are located in Texas. The state has nine medical schools: three dental schools and two optometry schools. Texas has two Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratories:

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Äri planeerimise kordamisküsimused

(turueraldused) ning luua tarbijate jaoks järgmisi kasulikkusi: vormikasu, kohakasu, ajakasu ja omandikasu. Kontseptsioonid - • TOOTMISE TÄIUSTAMISE KONTSEPTSIOON • TOOTE TÄIUSTAMISE KONTSEPTSIOON • MÜÜGITEGEVUSE TÄIUSTAMISE KONTSEPTSIOON • TURUNDUSKONTSEPTSIOON • ÜHISKONDLIKU (e. SOTSIAAL-EETILISE) TURUNDUSE KONTSEPTSIOON 13)Turundusmeetmestik (toode, hind, jaotus ja müügitoetus) - Product • Branding/Brand Name. • Brand identity • Intended quality of the product. • Scope of the product line. • Warranty. • Packaging., Price • List price. • Discounts. • Bundling. • Payment terms. • Leasing options (if applicable), Place (Distribution) • Distribution channels (do you sell this product yourself, ship it to retailers or warehouses, etc). • Channel Motivations (what sort of margins should your distributors expect, if applicable?). • Criteria for your distributors. • Locations

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
18 allalaadimist


Australia Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent, yet also the smallest and the driest of all the continents. It's almost the same size as continental USA, being the sixth largest country in the world. It's also the oldest ­ some of the rocks are more than 3,000 million years old. Australia is often called `Down Under', because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere. As a result, its seasons are the opposite of ours. Australia, Tasmania and a number of smaller islands form the Commonwealth of Australia. Because of the country's great size, the climate in Australia ranges from tropical regions of the Northern Territory to the cool temperate conditions in the southeast and Tasmania, where it often snows in winter. In the north, half the year is `wet' and half is `dry'. From November to April heavy rain fills the rivers and makes enormous lakes where thousands of birds come for the summer. From May to Octobe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Example from book: ...and the occasional wild spree with the gallant girls whom New Haven only knew from the fifth row. 14. Aspirations. Meaning in Estonian: püüdlus, pürgimus. Example from book: His aspirations were conventional enough... 15. Mist. Meaning in Estonian: udu, uduvine, ähmasus. Example from book: ...the majority of young men in that there was no mist over them, none of that quality which is variously known as „idealism“ or „illusion“. 16. Uniform of the naval aviation. Meaning in Estonian: Mereväe-lennuväe vorm. Example from book: In the blue-green uniform of the naval aviation he came down to Pesnacola... 17. Convivial. Meaning in Estonian: lustakas. Example from book: He was convivial, ... 18. Bawdy Meaning in Estonian: ropp, rõve, nilbe. Example from book: He was... bawdy... 19. Robustly avid

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Customs and behaviour patterns in Finland

Greetings are formal, with a firm handshake, direct eye contact, and a smile. It is common practice to repeat your first and surname while shaking hands. When greeting a married couple, the wife should be greeted first. Finnish Gift Giving Etiquette If you are invited to a Finn's home, bring flowers, good quality chocolates or wine to the host. Flowers should not be given in even numbers. Do not give white or yellow flowers since they are used at funerals. Do not give potted plants. Gifts are opened when received. Finnish Dining Etiquette

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
8 allalaadimist

Raalprojekteerimine kordamisküsimused - vastused

programming language ; CAT-computer-aided tolerancing efektiivne riistvara töö 16.ADA; Basic; JAVAScript; JAVA; C; 3.CAPP- Computer-aided Process Planning, ; NC- numerical 17. 2dmudel,2,05 Dmudel,3D traatmudel,3Dpinnamudel,3D control; CAD- computer-aided design ; MRP 1- Multiple tahkekeha mudel,Funktsionaalne mudel,Tolerantsi Registration Protocol ; CAQ- Computer-aided quality mudel,Füüsilised mudelid. 18.Selline kõver tagab, et etteantud management ; sõlmpunktides on pidevad nii funktsioon ise, kui ka tema 4.CAx-"computer-aided anything" ; ERP- Enterprise resource esimene ja teine tuletis.See kõver annab igati sileda pinna ja on planning, ; CRM-Customer Relationship Management; DMU- sobiv aerodünaamiliste profiilide konstrueerimisel 19. NURBS

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
398 allalaadimist

Myers, Kitsuse 2000 Constracting the Future in Planning

CORE ANALYTICAL CONCEPTS-Projection, Forecast and Plan. A projection is not a prediction but merely the result of entering hypothetical assumptions into a mechanistic quantitative procedure. A forecast represents a best guess about the future, achieved by adding judgment about the most likely future rates of behavior and other assumptions. Part of the judgment required for a forecast includes decision making about the quality of input data and what type of analytical model provides the most realistic results. Finally, a plan requires evaluation of the forecasted future for its level of desirability and potential alterability. Plans can be constructed to avoid undesirable futures, to make desired forecasts come true, or to create new, more desirable futures. Unfortunately, Isserman concludes that planners have adopted quantitative techniques of projection

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Referaat "Chelsea Flower Show"

or something a tad stronger, you can savour everything from a three-course lunch, to seafood and champagne, to a sandwich in front of the bandstand AND enjoy music. New themes ran through the gardens and the displays, with environmental concerns reflected in the number of wildflower gardens, as well as gardens designed for water conservation and wildlife. 13 Chelsea quality means that all the displays are imaginative as well as flawless because the competition to get in is fierce, and the standards are high. One rose grower told us that the trick is to have all blooms reach their absolute peak on the Monday of the show. Any part of the display that wilts, fades, drops leaves, etc., cannot be altered or removed once the exhibits are completed on Sunday before judging on Monday. So everything is carefully timed, packed, planted, and tended to reach perfection

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kvaliteet ja standardid

1. Tarkvaratoode ­ mis siia kuulub? Tarkvara arenduse tulem (toode, teenus) hõlmab mitmesuguseid komponente, mis kõik võivad olla kvaliteedihalduse objektid, näiteks arenduse käigus hangitud infotehnoloogiavahendid: riistvara, standardtarkvara, sideseadmed arenduse käigus tehtud töö: täitja arendatud tarkvara (sealhulgas lähtekood, objektkood, täitmiskood jm); installatsioonid, kohandamised, muudatused; andmehõive muudatused tellija organisatsioonis, protsessides, töökorralduses... projektdokumentatsioon kasutamise kohta (kasutajajuhendid); objektsüsteemi kohta; loodavate objektide kohta (programmi/testimise dokumentatsioon); installeerimise ja seadistamise kohta; arenduse (sh testimise) kohta metoodika: tulemuste kasutamine; tulemuste edasiarendamine; uute arenduste tegemine vahendid hoolduseks, muudatusteks, arenduseks teadmised projekti tulemuste kasutamisest; objektsüsteemist (süsteemianalüüs või vajalikud muudatused sead...

Informaatika → Tarkvara kvaliteet ja...
233 allalaadimist


If these are not met, the system may be useless. - Non-functional requirements may affect the overall architecture of a system rather than the individual components. - A single non-functional requirement, such as a security requirement, may generate a number of related functional requirements that define system services that are required. Mitte-funktsionaalsete nõuete mõõtühikud Kiirus, suurus, aeg, kasutamise kergus, usaldatavus, robustsus. Quality goal A quality goal expresses some quality aspect of how the functional goal should be achieved Software requirement document - The software requirements document is the official statement of what is required of the system developers. - Should include both a definition of user requirements and a specification of the system requirements. - It is NOT a design document. As far as possible, it should set on WHAT the system should do rather than HOW it should do it. Nõuete esitamise viisid

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

01 mM KCl, 0.1 mM MgSO4, 0.2 mM The data obtained by sequencing were analysed using the CaCl2 [8]). In parallel,samples of sponge material were frozen in BioEdit program ( liquid nitrogen and stored at 220uC. html). Only sequencing data that displayed electropherograms of Before starting, the culture gemmules were treated with 1% good quality were used. hydrogen peroxide for 1 minute to minimize bacterial and fungal The absence or presence of notable intraindividual heteroge- contamination [8]. Sponges were hatched on Petri dishes in M neity was assessed by visual examination of the electropherograms medium. Fully functional young sponges were removed from the obtained by direct sequencing. The presence of heterogeneities

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Side konspekt 2020 / eksami kordamisküsimused

packet and sender shall re-transmits the packet. ARQ procedure is illustrated: HARQ tööpõhimõte lühidalt: Soft Combining is an error correction technique in which the bad packets are not discarded but stored in a buffer. The basic idea is that 2 or more packets received with insufficient information can be combined together in such a way that total signal can be decoded. HARQ procedure is as follows 18. Miks on oluline CQI (Channel Quality Index) raporteerimine kiires andmeside ühenduses Meil on vajalik teada levikanali kvaliteeti, et paremini hinnata millistes tingimustes mobiil paikneb. CQI stands for Channel Quality Indicator. As the name implies, it is an indicator carrying the information on how good/bad the communication channel quality is. This CQI is for HSDPA. (LTE also has CQI for its own purpose). In LTE, there are 15 different CQI values randing from 1 to 15 and mapping

Informaatika → Side
74 allalaadimist


able capable of affordable ant tendency to dominant alive tendency to innovative ent tendency to persistent etic relating to sympathetic ful full of harmful ible capable discernible ical relating to identical less without harmless ous full of famous ry occupation ministry some tendency to bothersome y a quality of being arbitrary NOUN SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example ary place library ation process population cule small minuscule dom state of being wisdom er one who does teacher hood state of being manhood ist one who does geologist ly like, similar to manly ment state of being contentment ness state of being happiness

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia essee: Hechter ja Horne

the society. However, as Hechter and Horne (Hechter and Horne, 2003:91) would argue, meaning can not only be seen as a solid ground for social order, but for conflict as well. According to them, social order is not always higher, where common beliefs and language is shared. For example in South America the violence rates are higher than in North America, even though South America generally comprises of more similar ethnical and religious groups. Thus, the quality of shared meaning in explaining social order can be questioned, as the existence meaning does not prevent individuals from committing deviant acts. The importance of a shared meaning seems to be more explanatory in communities with high cohesiveness, for example religious groups, where people feel the presence of the meaning in their daily activities and thus experience the bonding effect of it. However, as the world is growing more and more

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun