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Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

at the end of the 'Dreamtime' or 'Dreaming', as the stories tell. The stories have been handed down through the ages and are an integral part of an Indigenous person's 'Dreaming'. The ancestors of the aborigines come in all shapes and sizes, in some ways they are very similar to Greek Gods and Goddess', in that they usually represent a certain theme. Such as the sky, or water. During the Dreaming the ancestors criss-crossed Australia shaping the land into its current state as the went. The Aborigines also consider certain constellations to be ancestors . Death was always a time of sorrow and supernatural fear among traditional ATSI people(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.) . Wailing or crying was a common occurrence among the mourners who often painted their bodies with pipe clay, red ochre, or charcoal when a relative or friend died. In some districts people wore a head covering made of feathers. Others beat

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

Often, tabloid newspaper allegations about the sexual practices, drug use, or private conduct of celebrities is borderline defamatory; in many cases, celebrities have successfully sued for libel, demonstrating that tabloid stories have defamed them. 23. Compacts- a broadsheet-quality newspaper printed in a tabloid format (slightly taller), especially one in theUnited Kingdom. The term as used for this size (not to be confused with 108 × 171 mm or 4.25 × 6.75 inches paper sizes) came into its current use when The Independent began producing a smaller format edition for London's commuters, designed to be easier to read when using mass transit. 24. Page three girls- a colloquial term for a feature formerly included in the British tabloid newspaper The Sun. The phrase originates with the publication of a large photograph of a topless, bare-breasted female glamour model usually published on the print edition's third page. The feature first appeared in the newspaper on 17 November 1970 and on

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Toitumine noorsportlaste elus

Teema valiti, et uurida noorsportlaste toitumisviise. Tänapäeval on palju kiirtoidukohti ning poodides müüakse suhkrurikkaid jooke ja snäkke. Et saavutada häid tulemusi spordis, peab toituma tervislikult ja vastavalt oma päevasele organismi energiavajadusele ning spordialale. 2 Summary The topic of this research paper by Marcus Methusalem of Tallinn Mustamäe College is „Diet in young athletes lives“. The purpose of this current research paper is to get answers to questions, which deal with young athletes dieting habits. It is examined if the sports practisers are aware of their daily energy requirements and if the young athletes consume enough food to satisfy their energy requirements. The hypothesis are that the young athlete is not aware of his energy requirements and doesn’t consume enough food to satisfy it. The research paper consists of the theoretical and practical part.

Toit → toiduainete sensoorse...
14 allalaadimist

Väliskaubanduse esimene KT

VÄLISKAUBANDUSE esimene kontrolltöö (26.10.16) 1. Maailmakaubandus = väliskaubandus + rahvusvaheline rahandus i. Väliskaubandus - kaupade ja teenuste vahetus kahe või rohkema erinevast riigist pärit partneri (importija ja eksportija) vahel ii. Rahvusvaheline rahandus - ehk kapitali vahetus riikide vahel 2. Väliskaubandus a. Mõiste ­ on kaupade ja teenuste vahetus kahe või rohkema erinevast riigist pärit partneri (importija ja eksportija) vahel, st keskendub reaalsetele tehingutele: · import ­ kaupade sissevedu riiki; · eksport ­ kaupade väljavedu riigist b. Põhjused ja tegurid Põhjused: · Riigid on erinevad ja teevad hästi erinevaid asju · Väliskaubanduse kaudu laiendavad ettevõtted oma turgu, et realiseerida mastaabisäästu -Eriti oluline on väliskaubandus väikestele riikidele, kellel on väike siseturg Väliskaubandust põhjustavad tegurid: · Ressursside piiratus · Toodete mitmekesisus · Hindade erinevused · Mitmepoolse kasu taot...

Logistika → Baaslogistika
8 allalaadimist


The study was divided into three sections, in first part author explored the term of nanotechnology, patenting in Europe and United States, also approaching in patent law etc. Next sections analyzed the problems of patenting nanotechnology, mainly regarding research area originality and into practice reaching patent law bottlenecks. In third part author tried to ascertain potential solutions how to accommodate nanotechnology into current patent framework. Mainly there are about four types of potential problems: (1) interdisciplinary problems created by the breath of the nanotechnology; (2) inoperability problems; (3) practical-utility and (4) upstream research problems. Nowadays patent law generally gives patent owner singular opportunity to exclude others from making, selling or using patent-like products. To receive that protection, invention has to pass certain procedure, hereby nanotechnological inventions

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Elektrimõõtmiste konspekt

ELEKTRIMÕÕTMISED ELECTRICITY MEASUREMENTS 3. parandatud ja täiendatud trükk LOENGU KONSPEKT Koostas: Toomas Plank TARTU 2005 Sisukord Sissejuhatus ......................................................................................................................................... 5 MÕÕTMISTEOORIA ALUSED ........................................................................................................ 6 1. Mõõtmine, mõõtühikud, mõõtühikute vahelised seosed.............................................................. 6 1.1. Mõõtmine ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.2. Mõõtühikud ja nende süsteemid ..........................................................................................

Elektroonika → Elektrimõõtmised
65 allalaadimist


electronic switch and amplifier: two electrodes separated by a grid in a vacuum glass enclosure. Principle Cathode - emits electrons; Plate (anode) - receives the electrons; Grid - with negative bias voltagerepels some of the electrons and prevents them from reaching the plate, resulting in less current flow. A changing negative charge on the grid modulates the plate current. (vt. Joonis Katood 2) Joonis 2 Transistori tööpõhimõte Transistor: Three elements solid-state device for amplifying, controlling electrical signals. Principle. Current flows from emitter through base into collector;

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

158. Reputation is what you are in the light; Character is what you are in the dark. 1. Do not be deluded. 2. If you can't help being deluded, do not judge others, and do not feel guilty. 3. If you can't help being deluded, and you can't help judging or feeling guilt, do not open your mouth. 159. A man's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character - how he makes it and how he spends it." 160. Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of life. 161. No nation was ever ruined by trade. 162. A little house well filled, a little field well tilled, and a little wife well willed, are great riches. 163. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. 164. Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow. 165. They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. 166

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist

Rahanduse kordamisküsimuste vastused 2015

Kordamisküsimused “Rahanduse alused” 1. Ettevõtte tegevuse rahanduslik eesmärk? Mis põhjustel peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist (ka aktsiahinna kasvu, omanike rikkuse suurendamist vms) kasumi või muu kasvatamisele? Ettevõtte tegevuse rahanduslik eesmärk on ettevõtte väärtuse maksimeerimine. Kasumit on võimalik teenida ka raamatupidamislikult, kuid ettevõtte väärtus kasvab peamiselt siis kui ta tulevikus teenib või vähemalt oodatakse teenivat rohkem vaba raha (free cash flow). Kasumisse on sisse arvestatud amortisatsioon, rahavood seda aga ei arvesta, lisaks on võimalik arvestada varusid erinevalt. Seega erinevad raamatupidamissüsteemid võimaldavad kasumi tulemust mõjutada. Kasum on leitud mineviku põhjal, rahavood peegeldavad ka tulevikuootusi. 2. Peamised finantsjuhtimise ja raamatupidamisarvestuse erisused? Tooge vähemalt kolm erinevust. Muuhulgas, mida tähendab väide „omakapitalil puudub kulu“ Raamatupidamisarvestu...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
378 allalaadimist

Raha ja pangandus

EKSAMIKS 1. Ettevõtte tegevuse rahanduslik eesmärk? Mis põhjustel peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist (ka aktsiahinna kasvu, omanike rikkuse suurendamist vms) kasumi või muu kasvatamisele? Ettevõtte tegevuse peamiseks eesmärgiks on ettevõtte väärtuse maksimeerimine. Raamatupidamislik käsitlus (finantsraamatupidamine) on ennekõike kasumikeskne. Ettevõtte väärtus kasvab ennekõike siis kui ta teenib või oodatakse teenivat tulevikus rohkem vaba raha (free cash flow). Paljudel juhtudel võib ettevõtte kasum olla küll positiivne, aga seejuures on omanike nõutav tulu negatiivne. Kasum ei võta arvesse paljusid asju sealhulgas ka omanike nõutavat tulu. Kasumis olev ettevõtte ei pruugi alati olla edukas, seetõttu peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist. 2. Peamised finantsjuhtimise ja raamatupidamisarvestuse erisused? Tooge vähemalt kolm erinevust. Muuhulgas, mida tähendab väide ,,oma...

Majandus → Rahandus ja pangandus
27 allalaadimist

Raha ja pangandus

Raha ja pangandus Eksamiks ettevalmistumise küsimused 1. Hoiuseid vastuvõtvad ja hoiuseid mitte-vastuvõtvad finantsvahendajad Finantsvahendaja -majandusüksus, mis vahendab kapitali säästjatelt investeerijatele I. Hoiuseid vastuvõtvad: Kommertspangad Investeerimispangad Teised spetsialiseeritud pangaliigid: kaubanduspangad, hüpoteekpangad, hoiupangad Ühistu-tüüpi finantsinstitutsioonid EESTI: pangad, ühistupangad, hoiu-laenuühistud II. Hoiuseid mitte-vastuvõtvad Kindlustusseltsid Liisingufirmad Faktooringufirmad Pensioni-ja investeerimisfondid Riskihajutamisfondid Fondivalitsejad Väärtpaberibörsid ja reguleerimata turud Investeerimisühingud Järelevalveasutused Reitinguagentuurid 2. Eesti finantsturuosalised (Finantsinspektsiooni kodulehekülg) Finantsinspektsioon teostab riiklikku järelevalvet Eestis tegevusloa alusel tegutsevate krediidiasutuste, kindlustusseltside, kindlustusvahendajate, investeerimisühingute, fondivalitsejate ja väär...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
70 allalaadimist

Raha ja pangandus eksami konspekt 2014

Raha ja pangandus Eksamiks ettevalmistumise küsimused 1. Hoiuseid vastuvõtvad ja hoiuseid mitte-vastuvõtvad finantsvahendajad Finantsvahendaja -majandusüksus, mis vahendab kapitali säästjatelt investeerijatele I. Hoiuseid vastuvõtvad: II. Hoiuseid mitte-vastuvõtvad Kommertspangad Kindlustusseltsid Investeerimispangad Liisingufirmad Teised spetsialiseeritud pangaliigid: Faktooringufirmad kaubanduspangad, Pensioni-ja investeerimisfondid hüpoteekpangad, Riskihajutamisfondid hoiupangad Fondivalitsejad Ühistu-tüüpi finantsinstitutsioonid Väärtpaberibörsid ja reguleerimata turud EESTI: pangad, ühistupangad, hoiu- Investeerimisühingud laenuühistud ...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
191 allalaadimist

Finantsjuhtimine ja raamatupidamisarvestus

hetkehinnataset arvesse võttes, mille beeta väärtus on 1.50, tootluseks 20% järgmiseks aastaks. Püüdke tuginedes CAPM-ile järeldada, kas aktsia on turul üle- või alahinnatud. Nüüd, oletame, et aktsia on korrektselt hinnatud, kas ka sellisel juhul võiks haldur kaaluda antud aktsia lisamist investeerimisportfelli? Lahendus: (kasutasin seda ülesannet oma Financial Management kursusel, seega on lahendus inglise keeles) For correctly priced stock, the estimated return given the current market price should equal to the required return predicted by the CAPM. Given the information, we can first calculate the required return from the stock predicted by CAPM. Re = 5% + 1.50x (14% - 5%) = 18.5% The estimated return given the price of the stock is however 20%. Here this means that the stock is under-priced. We can buy the stock at a lower price than fundamentally correct price. Explanation: How it works? Let us assume that we have the stock that pays 2 EUR dividend

Majandus → Majandus
110 allalaadimist

Russian philology

volumes 1986­1989, after four decades of preparatory work. Orthography Russian spelling is reasonably phonemic in practice. It is in fact a balance among phonemics, morphology, etymology, and grammar; and, like that of most living languages, has its share of inconsistencies and controversial points. A number of rigid spelling rules introduced between the 1880s and 1910s have been responsible for the former whilst trying to eliminate the latter. The current spelling follows the major reform of 1918, and the final codification of 1956. An update proposed in the late 1990s has met a hostile reception, and has not been formally adopted. The punctuation, originally based on Byzantine Greek, was in the 17th and 18th centuries reformulated on the French and German models. According to the Institute of Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an optional acute accent ( ) may, and sometimes should, be used to mark stress.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

short stories, some of which are collected in Men Without Women (1927) and The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories (1938). Hemingway died in Idaho in 1961. Novels · (1926) The Torrents of Spring · (1926) The Sun Also Rises · (1929) A Farewell to Arms Science fiction Science fiction is a broad genre of fiction that often involves speculations based on current or future science or technology. Science fiction is found in books, art, television, films, games, theatre, and other media. In organizational or marketing contexts, science fiction can be synonymous with the broader definition of speculative fiction, encompassing creative works incorporating imaginative elements not found in contemporary reality; this includes fantasy, horror, and related genres. Science fiction differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the story, its imaginary

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist


HÜDROBIOLOOGIA Fütobentos maailma veekogudes Fütobentos ehk põhjataimestik on veekogu (mere, järve või jõe) põhjas kasvavad organismid. Meres esineb fütobentost ainult litoraal- ja sublitoraalvööndis, järvedes litoraalvööndis ja jõgedes ripaalvööndis. Meres moodustavad suure osa fütobentosest vetikad. Mageveekogudes esineb peale vetikate palju ka kõrgemaid taimi ja samblaid. Suuruse järgi jagatakse fütobentos sageli mikro- ja makrofütobentoseks. Mikrofütobentose moodustavad enamikus veekogu põhjal kasvavad mikroskoopilised vetikad (näiteks räni-, rohevetikad ja tsüanobakterid), makrofütobentose hulka kuulub aga veekogu põhjal kasvavad suuremad taimed, mis silmaga on nähtavad, näiteks puna-, pruunvetikad ja õistaimed.8000 liiki makrovetikaid maailmas.Eufootiline vöönd Primaarprodutsendid on autotroofid, s.t. nad valmistavad orgaanilist ainet anorgaanilistest lähteainetest. Fütobentos ( põhjavetikad ja soontaimed) maailma veekogu...

Maateadus → Hüdroloogia
29 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

international diplomacy section of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Prior to 1970, the office was known as the Minister for External Affairs. The minister is usually one of the most senior members of Cabinet -- the position is equivalent to that of Secretary of State in the United States or Foreign Secretary in the United Kingdom -- as shown by the fact that eleven Prime Ministers of Australia have also worked as the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The current Minister for Foreign Affairs is Alexander Downer, who is the longestserving Minister for Foreign Affairs in Australian history. Australia's foreign policy can be described by 3 words: multilateralism, regionalism, and strong bilateral relations with its allies (e.g. the UK, New Zealand, Indonesia, France, Japan, China, the USA). Key concerns include free trade, terrorism, integration with Asia and stability in the AsiaPacific. Australia is

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

8. Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework for enterprise architecture which provides a comprehensive approach to the design, planning, implementation, and governance of an enterprise information architecture. The architecture is typically modelled at four levels or domains; Business, Application, Data, Technology. A set of foundation architectures are provided to enable the architecture team to envision the current and future state of the architecture. TOGAF is that it isn't actually an architecture, but rather a framework fordesigning and describing an architecture. ·An architectural framework is a classification system forarchitectural descriptions. ­In other words, instead of helping you describe a particular Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) system, TOGAF can help you decide whether SOA is right for the project at all. TOGAF is very much a top-down methodology.

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist


In 1999, MARCO granted a licensing agreement to Hampidjan in Reykjavik, Iceland to produce midwater trawls using this self-spreading technology (SST). Self-Spreading Technology Self-Spreading Technology involves using a special technique to produce the ropes and twine which are then arranged in the trawl in a specific pattern. Their physical characteristics automatically spread the meshes when the trawl is towed through the water. What actually happens is that the current is broken up by the ropes into much smaller currents which force the netting to spread, so that the meshes open better than in regular netting under the same conditions. Spreading causes the meshes to stretch and move much less in the water, boosting the trawl volume all the way back to the codend. The way in which the trawl section is woven achieves up to 20% lower towing resistance than regular netting. 112

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

psychic and social effects of media can be illustrated from almost any of the conventional pronouncements.-- In accepting an honorary degree from the University of Notre Dame a few years ago, General David Sarnoff made this statement: "We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the sins of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value." That is the voice of the current somnambulism. Suppose we were to say, "Apple pie is in itself neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value." Or, "The smallpox virus is in itself neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value." Again, "Firearms are in themselves neither good nor bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value." That is, if the slugs reach the right people firearms are good. If the TV tube fires the right ammunition at the right people it is good

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Novgorod, Rostov. Oil from Baku before, Rothschilds. E of Urals, eksotic, unimportant until 60s and 70s, start hitting oil. Russia today couldn't survive w/o E oil and minerals, like magnesium, titanium. Were Russians in living in Ukraine, Caucasus, other areas before SU? 11 March Js in Crimea, more interested in Russia. Some for Russia, but don't want annexation. Diplomatic solution. Many sides. Propaganda ­ Ukrainian roots to village. Current female leader, hair style. 1950s, Khrushchev granted Criemea to Ukraine. Social- demo reasons, not political? W Ukrainians started to flow to Crim, judeo-phobes. 1833 ­ colonization, Tatars fleeing. Many other nationalities coming, including Estonians, Shveitzarim, Bulgars, Germans, Russ, Js, others. Part of New Russia, invited by govt. Crimea became a sort of Riviera. Great writers wrote about it; became place everybody wants. J Anti-fascist comm ­ 42, est. by the govt., for other groups

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Rahanduse alused

1. Sissejuhatav loeng 1. Ettevõtte tegevuse rahanduslik eesmärk? Mis põhjustel peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist (ka aktsiahinna kasvu, omanike rikkuse suurendamist vms) kasumi või muu kasvatamisele? Ettevõtte tegevuse peamiseks eesmärgiks on ettevõtte väärtuse maksimeerimine. Raamatupidamislik käsitlus (finantsraamatupidamine) on ennekõike kasumikeskne. Ettevõtte väärtus kasvab ennekõike siis kui ta teenib või oodatakse teenivat tulevikus rohkem vaba raha (free cash flow). Paljudel juhtudel võib ettevõtte kasum olla küll positiivne, aga seejuures on omanike nõutav tulu negatiivne. Kasum ei võta arvesse paljusid asju sealhulgas ka omanike nõutavat tulu. Kasumis olev ettevõtte ei pruugi alati olla edukas, seetõttu peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist. 2. Peamised finantsjuhtimise ja raamatupidamisarvestuse erisused? Tooge vähemalt kolm erinevust. Muuh...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
536 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

separate income after marriage. Other changes in the law further strenghtened the rights of women. Matrimonial Causes Act set up civil courts for devorce proceedings. In the end of 19th century, women were drawn into a more active involvement of political arena. The Manchester Women's Suffrage Committee maintained a steady level of propaganda to win converts to theire cause. The Equal Franchise Act gave vote to all women over 21. *The House of Widsor (kings, centuries) ­ is the current Royal House of the United Kingdom and each of the other Commonwealth realms. The royal house was founded by George V. The House of Windsor remains one of the only dynasties to have ruled over lands on all continents of the world simultaneously. The current head of the House of Windsor is Elizabeth II. George V (20th century), Edward VIII abdicated throne in favour of George VI. His daughter Elizabeth II is the current queen of England. His son Charles is next to inherit

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

About the Editor Fidel Toldrá, Ph.D., is a research professor at years, including Handbook of Muscle the Department of Food Science, Instituto de Foods Analysis and Handbook of Processed Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos Meats and Poultry Analysis (2009), Meat (CSIC), and serves as European editor of Biotechnology and Safety of Meat and Trends in Food Science & Technology, editor Processed Meat (2008, 2009), Handbook of in chief of Current Nutrition & Food Science, Food Product Manufacturing (2007), and as section editor of the Journal of Muscle Advances in Food Diagnostics, and Handbook Foods. He is also serving on the editorial of Fermented Meat and Poultry (2007, 2008). board of the journals Food Chemistry, Meat Professor Toldrá also wrote the book Dry- Science, Open Nutrition Journal, Food Cured Meat Products (2002).

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Rakenduselektroonika konspekt

1.6.1 Vastastakt võimendi Parameetrid 1. Toitepinge (Supply Voltage UCC) ­ so. kahepolaarne toitepinge, mille juures on antud ja tagatud käsiraamatus toodud parameetrid. Reeglina töötavad OP võimendid ka väiksemal toitepingel, kuid sel juhul ei ole teiste parameetrite väärtused garanteeritud. Enam kasutavaks toitepingeks on 12 kuni 24V, kuid on ka madalpingelisi toitepingega 3,5V ja kõrgepingelisi toitepingega kuni 150V. 2. Tarbitav vool (Supply current ICC) so. toiteallikas tarbitav voolu väärtus, tema väärtus on tavaliselt 1 kuni 10mA. Suure väljundvoolu võimenditel aga märksa rohkem, sest tarbitav vool sõltub koormustakistusest. 3. Suurim lubatav sisendpinge (Input Voltage ­ U1max) ­ so. suurim lubatav sisendpinge väärtus, mida antud OPvõimendi talub. Üldreeglina võrdub ta Rakenduselektroonika 11 toitepingega, kuid mitte alati

Tehnika → Elektrotehnika
148 allalaadimist


ainult järgneva tootmiskeskuse vajaduse kohaselt. NB! JIT-süsteemid laiendavad kanbani-põhimõtet, ühendades ostmise, tootmise ja logistika. 40. Argumendid JIT tarneahela vastu:  Supply shocks. JIT leaves manufacturers venerable to supply shocks. Both supply or demand shocks can cause a major problem in JIT. A large demand shock or a supply shock can lead to the inability to meet current demand.  Price Shocks. In JIT, prices for parts involved in the production process are assumed to remain constant. When there are price shocks, the company’s profit margin can be greatly affected.  Implementing JIT is extremely complex, since management must rethink the entire workflow of the business. Everything from the delivery of raw materials to delivery of the finished product needs to be re-thought and re-designed. These actions involve

Logistika → Baaslogistika
132 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

The total U.S. population crossed the 100 million mark around 1915, the 200 million mark in 1967, and the 300 million mark in 2006 (On Tuesday, October, 17). The U.S. population more than tripled during the 20 th - a growth rate of about 1.3 percent a year - from about 76 million in 1900 to 281 million in 2000. This is unlike most European countries, especially Germany, Russia, Italy and Greece, whose populations are slowly declining, and whose fertility rates are below replacement. The current population according to the U.S Census Bureau is 303,026,362 as of 2nd October 2007. This is based on the 2000 census and national population estimates. 8. Natives Native Americans in the United States are the indigenous peoples from the regions of North America now encompassed by the continental United States, including parts of Alaska. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes, states and ethnic groups and, many of which are still enduring as political communities

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

Holidays, Festivals, Cultural events TALLINN - If you're looking for entertainment in Estonia this summer, you are really spoiled for choice. Festivals and events dedicated to the consumption of beer are a lot of fun, but if you want to get the true feel of the country, you need something a little more ethnic. Like a town fair. Just as July becomes August, the seaside town of Haapsalu will host a grand spectacle of rural Estonian entertainment. The White Lady Days is a summer celebration filled with amusement for all the family. Held in and around the remains of the Teutonic-knights-era castles, the fair combines enchanting medieval legends with modern countryside charm to create a comprehensive experience of Estonia beyond the big cities. But the legend of the White Lady of Haapsalu, which is at the heart of the festival, is perhaps the most famous tall tale of the many that are so abundant in Estonia's folklore. It is the story of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

The Witch Trials in Salem

essential character: that of a ruling class campaign of terror directed against the female peasant population. Witches represented a political, religious and sexual threat to the Protestant and Catholic churches alike, as well as to the state. Many people were executed, and others were imprisoned, tortured, banished, and had lands and possessions confiscated. The majority of those accused were women. Current scholarly estimates of the number of people executed for witchcraft vary between about 40,000 and 100,000. The total number of witch trials in Europe which are known for certain to have ended in executions is around 12,000. In Early Modern European tradition, witches have stereotypically, though not exclusively, been women. Witch-hunts first appeared in large numbers in southern France and Switzerland during the 14th and 15th centuries. The peak years of witch-hunts in

Keeled → British culture (briti...
6 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

Greenhouse is an endocentric compound since it is a noun as is its head – house. 1) endocentric compound: a water-bed is a kind of bed, thus, bed is the head element. 2) exocentric compound: a skinhead is not a kind of head, but the compound states a feature of a person, of the entity it names. 32. Meaning change radiation <> fading “…a word typically has not one meaning, but a multiplicity of meanings.” // “between the varied current senses of a word…there is often a family resemblance” // “The image of radiation is that of a tree, in which various branches spout from a common trunk, and often become themselves the basis for further subbranches” fading “…an old sense of a word – perhaps the “trunk” of our earlier derivation – dies away, so that it can be traced only through historical records, or more remotely, from historical reconstructions… the earlier sense may become

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

man” described by Addison and Steele. Society should be humane and more cultured. Programme of the Spectator and the Tatler: bring this union of art and morality. Both credited with raising the culturl level of the English middle-classes. Steele: crusader for morality, Addison: purpose to introduce the middle-class to recent developments in philosophy and literature and so educate their tastes. Essays discussions on current matters, often in highly ironic and refined style. Development of the English essay, essayst could be honest observer and reader’s friend. 22. Augustan satire (Dryden, Swift, Pope, Johnson) Satire – fitted Addisons wider objective of trying to avoid the extremes of either Puritan enthusiasm or Restoration libertinism. Using laughter against fanaticism and vice. Satire used for personal or political invective (sõim) was impolite

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist

Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika

SI põhiühikute definitsioon - Meeter - the metre is the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second. Kilogramm - the kilogram is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram. Sekund - the second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom. Amper - the ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 metre apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 x 10-7 newton per metre of length. Kelvin - the kelvin is the fraction 1/273,16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. Mool - the mole is the amount of substance of a system that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0,012 kg of carbon-12

Metroloogia → Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika
317 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

production quality and gave examples on how a couch was tested on sturdiness. In survey statistics the main focus has been on accuracy, on reducing the mean squared error or MSE. This is based on the Hansen and Hurwitz model (Hansen, Hurwitz, & Madow, 1953; Hansen, Hurwitz, & Bershad, 1961) that differentiates between random error and systematic bias, and offers a concept of total error (see also Kish, 1965), which is still the basis of current survey error models. The statistical quality indicator is thus the MSE: the sum of all squared variable errors and all squared systematic errors. A more modern approach is total quality, which combines both ideas as Biemer and Lyberg (2003) do in their handbook on survey quality. They apply the concept of fitness for use to the survey process, which leads to the following quality requirements for survey data: accuracy as

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

plausible way, yielding, in these examples, sparrow grass and sandblind. 6 o Foreign words  Cucaracha – cockroach o One part of the word becoming obsolete  Isle-land – island  Samblind – sandblind 15. Archaisms  Use of a form of speech or writing which is no longer current or that is currently only within a few specific contexts. Form or use of a form which is obsolete or recognizably belongs to an older state of a language. (thou, thee, whence, whilst) 16. Neologisms  Newly coined words or expressions, which are in the process of entering common use. o Selfie, fauxhawk, vape, Tebowing 17. Affixation  Affixation is the process whereby an affix is attached to a base, which may be simple (as in full, the base

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Eesti keele allkeeled

Eesti keele allkeeled 1. Allkeeled, üldpilt Allkeelte süsteem sotsiolingvistikas (+ netikeel) · Põhimõiste on variant (variety), väga üldine termin igasuguste erijoontega allkeelte kohta Jagatakse kolmelt aluselt: · standardkeel ja mittestandardkeeled (Standard ja Nonstandard Variety) · kasutajakesksed variandid ehk dialektid (dialect) · kasutusekesksed ehk situatiivsed variandid (register või style). Esimene: SV norminguline keel; NSV standardid puuduvad, seega piirid on hägustunud. SV puhul kehtib õige ja vale, NSV puhul seda kehtestada ei saa. · Mõlemad omavad sõnavara ja grammatikat, mis võib osalt kattuda · SV erineb muudest variantidest selle poolest, et ta on normitud, st välja on valitud teatud keelendid, mis on kuulutatud normingulisteks. Teised variandid/dialektid norminguid ei oma. Teine: Dialektid ehk murded ­ kohamurded ja sotsiolektid (nt sl...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
177 allalaadimist

TTÜ Eesti Mereakadeemia FÜÜSIKA EKSAM

1.PILET 1.Pöördliikumine- liikumine , mille puhul keha kõik punktid liiguvad mööda ringjooni, kusjuures nende ringjoonte keskpunktid asuvad ühel sirgel — pöörlemisteljel. Pöördliikumise dünaamika põhivõrrand on Newtoni II seadus pöördliikumise kohta. Impulsimomendi tuletis aja järgi võrdub jõumomendiga: dL / dt = M . Ehk teisiti – jõumoment (jõu ja tema õla korrutis) on see põhjus, mis muudab keha impulsimomenti (pöörleva keha osadeimpulsside mõju pöörlemisele). 2.Hõõrdejõud- keha liikumist takistav jõud teise tahke keha või aine suhtes kokkupuutepinnal mõjuvate osakestevahelise jõu tõttu; F=mgμ (μ – hõõrdetegur); kaldpinnal hoiab keha paigal hõõrdejõud. Kuna see jõud takistab kehade liikuma hakkamist, nimetatakse seda jõudu seisuhõõrdejõuks. Seisuhõõrdejõud ehk staatiline hõõrdejõud on suunatud vastu sellele liikumisele, mis peaks tekkima ning on maksimaalne hetkel, kui kaks pinda hakkavad teineteise suhtes libisema (suurim seisuhõõrd...

Füüsika → Füüsika
37 allalaadimist

1929. aasta majanduskriis ehk Suur depressioon

and what is in turn caused by the Great Depression, but they have reached the consensus, that this is the biggest economic crisis, which has ever been. 31 Preparation of the work has offered me much new and interesting knowledge, and I hope that will be becoming a part of all readers. I think that the work is relatively current, and therefore it is interesting to read. Although different scientists haven't been able to agree upon entirely with every matter what is relating to the Great Depression, I think that my work is adequate and scientific enough. 32 LISAD 33 Lisa 1 Dow Jonesi tööstuse keskmine (26.03.2009)

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
124 allalaadimist

Fundamentaalanalüüs ettevõtte tasandil

Kui see näitaja on madal, siis võib ettevõttel tekkida makseraskusi. Samas liiga kõrge lühiajalise võlgnevuse kattekordaja viitab sellele, et firma on teinud liiga suuri investeeringuid käibevaradesse ja kaotanud sellega osaliselt võimalikke tulusid. Lühiajalise võlgnevuse kattekordaja sõltub käibevarade koosseisust, arvelduste korrast ja tootmistsükli pikkusest. Lühiajalise võlgnevuse kattekordaja ehk current ratio kasutamisel tuleks arvestada, et hinnang käsitab staatilist momendiseisu, see tähendab olemasolevate käibevarade võimet katta praegusi lühiajalisi kohustusi, aga ei kajasta tuleviku rahavoogude omavahelist vastavust. Käibevarade komponentide erinev likviidsustase ei lähe ka arvesse. Lühiajalise võlgnevuse kattekordaja puhul tuleb tähelepanu pöörata mitte ainult tema suurusele vaid ka käibevara ja kohustuste koostisele.

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
102 allalaadimist


Minckler, a career Signal Corps officer. Friedman served as his chief technical assistant. S.I.S. comprised the Signal Intelligence School, which trained Regular Army and Reserve officers in cryptology, the 2nd Signal Service Company, which staffed the intercept posts, and four Washington sections of the S.I.S. proper: the A, or administrative, which also operated the tabulating machinery; the B, or cryptanalytic; the c, or cryptographic, which prepared new U.S. Army systems, studied the current systems for security, and monitored Army traffic for security violations; and the D, or laboratory, which concocted secret inks and tested suspected documents. The B section, under Major Harold S. Doud, a West Point graduate, had as its mission the solution of the military and diplomatic systems not only of Japan but of other countries. In this it apparently achieved at least a fair success, though no Japanese military systems—the chief of

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

plegic. Watson (1990) described the copilot's explanation for his action: When I took the copilot's testimony, I asked him, "lfyou knew the plane wasn't going to jly, why did you put the gear up?" He said, "I thought the general wanted me to." He was stupid. (p. 117) Stupid? In that singular set of circumstances, yes. Understandable? In the shortcut- demanding maze of modern life, also yes. The Profiteers It is odd that despite their current widespread use and looming future importance, most of us know very little about our automatic behavior patterns. Perhaps that is so precisely because of the mechanistic, unthinking manner in which they occur. Whatever the reason, it is vital that we clearly recognize one of their properties. They make us terribly vulnerable to anyone who does know how they work. To understand fully the nature of our vulnerability, let us take another glance at the work of the ethologists

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

channel. An iron trough-like girder is carried in an A-frame truss of cast iron spanning 47ft (14.2m), held together by mortise-and-tenon and dovetail joints. The next extant iron railway bridge seems to be another recently discovered at Aberdare (1811), followed by Gaunless. The oldest still in service is Hall's Station Bridge, a Howe truss designed in 1846 by Richard Osborne, a London-born Irishman who worked as engineer for the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, although its current use is vehicular and not rail. The first major iron truss with pin connections was built in the USA in 1859, and the earliest iron cantilever in Germany in 1867, over the Main at Hassfurt. Figure 11 Bollman Bridge (c 1869), Savage, Maryland (USA). This pre-restoration photograph shows the paired stanchions located at mid-span that support the anchorage block where the radiating suspension stays all meet in pinned connection. The octagonal profile of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Eesti psühholooge

meid viinud palju lähemale selle unikaalse võime mõistmisele. Praktiliselt kõik olulisem, mida me inimese selle võime kohta tänapäeval teame, on kokku võetud käsiraamatusse, mille üheks toimetajaks on Endel Tulving (Tulving & Craik, 2000). Viited Garfield, E. (1980). Essays of an information scientist, Vol. 3. Philadelphia: ISI Press. Garfield, E. (1992). Psychology research 1986-1990: A citationist perspective on the highest impact papers, institutions, and authors. Current Contents, 24(41), 5-15. Nyberg, L., Cabeza, R., & Tulving, E. (1996). PET studies of encoding and retrieval: The HERA model. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 3, 135-148. Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. In E.Tulving & W.Donaldson (Eds.), Organization of memory (pp. 381-403). New York: Academic Press. Tulving, E. (1983). Elements of episodic memory. New York: Oxford University Press. Tulving, E. (1994). Mälu. Tallinn: Kupar. Tulving, E. (Ed.) (2000)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
147 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

Fleming-Lehtinen, 2011 ­ Fleming-Lehtinen, V. 2011. Biodiversity-Related Requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Report from Life+ MARMONI Project, Project Nr. LIFE09 NAT/LV/000238. Internetis kättesaadav: http://marmoni. BIODIVERSITY-RELATED- REQUIREMENTS-OF-THE-MARINE-STRATEGYFRAMEWORK- DIRECTIVE.pdf. Gaines, 2003 ­ S. D. Gaines, B. Gaylord, J. L. Largier, 2003. Avoiding current oversights in marine reserve design. Ecological Applications, 13, 32­46 Greenpeace, 2006 ­ International Greenpeace report, 2006. Marine Reserves for the Mediterranean Sea; 1-60 27 HELCOM, 2007 ­ Baltic Sea Action Plan, 15.11.2007. by the HELCOM Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting Hilty et al., 2006 ­ J. A. Hilty, W. Z. Lidicker Jr., A. M. Merenlender, 2006. Corridor

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist

Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia konspekt

bodies contain the full set of human genes, but in each cell type only some of these genes are active, or turned on, and used to make proteins. That's why liver cells produce some proteins that are not produced by kidney cells, and vice versa. Moreover, many cells can respond to external signals or changes in external conditions by turning specific genes on or off, thereby adapting their repertoire of proteins to meet current needs. Such control of gene activity depends on DNA-binding proteins called transcription factors, which bind to DNA and act as switches, either activating or re- pressing transcription of particular genes. The activities of many transcription factors are indirectly regulated by binding of extracellular proteins and peptides to cell-surface receptors. These receptors activate

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
169 allalaadimist


no longer the prerogative of select few ­ anybody can become a hunter. There are hunters all over the world. This Bachelor's thesis examines the status of and attitude towards hunters in different countries and the factors that contribute to it. An overview is given of the percentage and position of hunters in European countries, as well as the populations and forest density of different countries. The status of hunters in various countries, different hunting organizations, and the history and current situation of game management in Estonia are discussed. Hunters' relationships with landowners and other stakeholders (animal rights activists) are examined as contributing factors. The methodology of the research consists in studying internet sources and literature (hunting magazines, books, articles), and writing their synopses and summaries. The source of data used in the research that has been discussed in the thesis is the supervisor, senior lecturer Tiit Randveer.

Loodus → Keskkonna kaitse
96 allalaadimist

Levinumad arusaamad hüpnoosist

Samuti oleks vaja laiemalt tutvustada lavahüpnoosi olemust ning selle saladusi. 29 SUMMARY Common perceptions of hypnosis Although hypnosis and hypnosis-like states have been known and used since the nascency of the human society people know very little about hypnosis. The investigation of hypnosis has only recently become more reliable as well observable, and measurable by natural science methods. The aim of the current report is to find answers to the questions of how many people are familiar with hypnosis term, how wide is people’s knowledge in this area, what are people’s opinions and experiences. To accomplish this purpose professional literature was indagated and 78 completely different people were questioned. The following hypotheses were set up: 1. People’s knowledge of hypnosis is minimal. 2. People’s negative attitude towards hypnosis is based on negative reports in the media.

Psühholoogia → Mõjustamisepsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

mentoring. · Read through and discuss the task 3 Hired as a graphic designer by Host Thanks. I'm going to turn together, then refer students to the PayPal in 1999, he designed their Writing Bank for guidance. Students to Bill Begley next. Bill, tell us about current logo. plan an essay to be written at home what you do. 4 Not wishing to work for PayPal or in class. Bill Begley Hello. Well, I'd worked as any longer, he left the company a nurse until my retirement a short in 2002. while ago. Right after that I started

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
90 allalaadimist

Koolituspõhimõtete väljatöötamine ja arendamine

people's relational problems are removable with different team-work trainings and with giving feedback in the development interviews to the managers. Recommendations are brought out, on what the enterprise could change in the training organizing in order to ground its randomness, and also advisable training principles. Due to the fact, that the enterprise doesn't have a special employee to organize trainings, then it is practical to better the current situation and leave it to the workers to decide on their training necessity and, in co-operation with their managers, to handle their self-development. Further research, the photographing of the training activity and development activity should continue, on the basis of the current paper and towards the enterprise's workers development strategies and adaptation. In conclusion it is possible to say, that the purpose of the baccalaureate paper was fulfilled.

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
18 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

controlled electronically by an electromagnetic The system operates under pressure at all given in Safety First! at the beginning of pressure actuator incorporated in the fuel times and care must be taken when this manual and follow them implicitly. distributor. The pressure actuator is directly disconnecting fuel lines. Relieve the system Petrol is a highly dangerous and volatile controlled by a variable electric current pressure as described in the relevant Section liquid and the precautions necessary when delivered by the fuel-injection control module. before disconnecting any fuel lines under handling it cannot be overstressed Bosch K and KE fuel injection systems 4B·5 2 Air cleaner - removal and refitting K-Jetronic system Removal 1 Remove the air cleaner element as

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun