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"mission" - 197 õppematerjali

mission - Toetada Eesti jätkusuutlikku arengut teadustöö ja selle tulemuste rakendamise, haritlaste ettevalmistamise, ühiskondliku mõttevahetuse ning akadeemilise partnerluse edendamise kaudu.

Differential Psychology

Individual Differences (Differential Psychology) Psychology 1 It is generally assumed that: Differential Psychology · People vary on a range of psychological attributes Ian Deary · It is possible to measure and study these individual differences · Individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance Differential psychology reading Human...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


asks Jake to kiss her once more before they arrive. At the café, Jake and Brett again run into their friends. A man called Zizi introduces them to Count Mippipopolous, a Greek man who takes an immediate interest in Brett. Jake and Brett make an appointment to meet the next day, and Jake leaves to return home for the night. Jake arrives at home, takes his mail from the concierge, and goes to his room. When he gets into bed, he begins to think about his wound. He received it while flying a mission on a "joke front" in Italy. Other people make more of a fuss out of it than he does. He remembers a colonel who visited him in the hospital and said that Jake had "given more than his life." He supposes he would never have had any trouble if he had never met Brett. He begins to cry before drifting off to sleep. After four in the morning, Brett wakes him up by making a drunken scene trying to get past the concierge. The count is waiting outside in his car. Jake

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

Redeployment Programs in Central and Eastern Europe. Washington, DC: International Development Bank, Regional Policy Dialogue, Public Management and Transparency Network. On the net at; Spanish version at Drechsler, Wolfgang (2001). Good and Bad Government: Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Frescoes in the Siena Town Hall as Mission Statement for Public Administration Today. Budapest: Open Society Institute & Local Government Initiative. On the net at (without the key color plates ­ these can be viewed, e.g., at or at Drechsler, Wolfgang (2000). "On the Possibility of Quantitative-Mathematical Social

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

· Valim inquiries ... Suur (üle 100) ­ kvantitatiivne (Yin, 2003: 3) Väike (n. 4-10) ­ kvalitatiivne Explanatory and exploratory research · Seletav/selgitav uuring. ,,The mission of an explanatory science is to describe, explain and possibly predict observable phenomena within its field. · ,,... the typical research product of the explanatory sciences is the causal model, the typical research product of the modern design sciences is the tested and grounded technological rule." (van Aken, 2004: 224) · Avastav uuring. ,,Exploratory (inductive) studies start with no formally stated hypotheses

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

times) to enter the Russian Federation. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1996 114-FZ "On the Procedure for Exit from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation," identifies the following visas: Diplomatic visas are issued based on the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, with a circulation (Note Verbale) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the diplomatic or consular mission of a foreign state, an international organization or a representative office in Russia for foreign citizens who have diplomatic status. Business visa is issued based on the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, with a circulation (Note Verbale) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the diplomatic or consular mission of a foreign state, an international organization or a representative office in Russia for foreign citizens who have official status.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

English portfolio

Patriotic intellectuals encouraged Estonians to participate in public life, determined the legal and cultural requirements of the emerging nation, and organised the extensive sending of petitions to the Russian authorities. At its height, in 1860­1880, the movement was governed by a politically moderate trend with their specific ethnic-linguistic aims. The trend stressed the need to develop national culture and education in Estonian. Pastor and linguist Jakob Hurt was convinced that the mission of a small nation can only be of a cultural and not of a political nature; what counts is national identity, not statehood as such. The movement's radical wing was headed by Carl Robert Jakobson, a pedagogue, writer and journalist, founder of Sakala, the first political newspaper 8|Page in Estonian. Jakobson formulated the economic and political programme of the Estonian

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

2 1 space shuttle 8 astronauts 2 1 near Smolensk in 1920 6 The car is reported to have been 2 launched 9 space shuttle 2 eleven stolen last night. 3 crew 10 re-entered 3 1992 3 1 It is said that prices will go up 4 mission 11 atmosphere 3 1 one 6 were 10 After next year. 5 satellite 12 Space Station 2 which 7 of 11 on 2 It was once thought that the Earth 6 orbit 13 orbit 3 to 8 where 12 the was flat. 7 mission control 4 than 9 by 13 that 3 It is thought that we will one day

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist


BRITISH NATIONAL SYMBOLS Research work CONTENTS CONTENTS.....................................................................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................3 1. BRITISH NATIONAL SYMBOLS..............................................................................................5 1.1 Great Britain and British story................................................................................................5 1.2 National Symbols and Nation Building..................................................................................5 1.3 The Use of Flags throughout History.....................................................................................6 1.4 The Early Modern Flags. United Kindom: Union Jack.........................................

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist


Eestis on see näitaja autori hinnangul vaid 37-38%. Peamised finantseerimisallikad on eelkõige ettevõtete jaoks pangalaenud. Vähe on emiteeritud korporatiivseid võlakirju. Samuti on üliharva emiteeritud avalikult uusi aktsiaid. Tehingud on toimunud enamasti suunatult kindlatele investoritele. Vaid vähesed börsiettevõtted on seadnud ametlikult eesmärgiks aktsionäride vara väärtuse maksimeerimist. Paljudel juhtudel on jäetud ettevõtte tegevuse mission täpsemalt sõnastamata. Eesti börsiettevõtete puhul on enamus ettevõtetes 1-3 suuremat tuumikinvestorit, kes sisuliselt kontrollivad ettevõtte tegevust. Nn. Aktsiate free float on hinnanguliselt 15-25% aktsiatest. Aktsiaomanduse konsentratsiooniga kaasneb võimalik oht väikeinvestorite jaoks kuna strateegilise investori huvitatus ei pruugi langeda sugugi kokku väikeaktsionäride huvidega, kes oma olemuselt on portfelliinvestorid ja soovivad aktsia turuhinna tõusu.

Majandus → Pangandus
45 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

param1=Hello¶m2=world param1: Hello param2: world http://localhost/index.php?param1=yahoo param1: yahoo param2: Hästi tihti kasutakse GET parameetreid mingi info näitamiseks parameetri järgi. Näiteks uudiseid: Näide 7.2.2 array( 'title' => 'Systems go for Sunday Shuttle Discovery launch', 'text' => 'Commander Lee Archambault is set to lead a crew of seven on the STS-119 mission, which is aimed at installing the fourth and final set of power-generating solar arrays to the ISS. The arrays will provide electricity to fully power science experiments and support the station's expanded crew in May.' ), 5 => array( 'title' => 'Facebook Announces Facebook Connect for iPhone', 'text' => 'Facebook has announced Facebook Connect for the iPhone,

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
54 allalaadimist


for the meeting in the State Department four blocks away. The urgency of the situation washed over him again, and he began to move on the double. This moment, with Kramer running through the empty streets of Washington bearing his crucial intercept, an hour before sleepy code clerks at the Japanese embassy had even deciphered it and an hour before the Japanese planes roared off the carrier flight decks on their treacherous mission, is perhaps the finest hour in the history of cryptology. Kramer ran while an unconcerned nation slept late, ignored aggression in the hope that it would go away, begged the hollow gods of isolationism for peace, and refused to entertain—except humorously—the possibility that the little yellow men of Japan would dare attack the mighty United States. The American cryptanalytic organization swept through this miasma of apathy to reach a peak of alertness and

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Turunduse alused

TURUNDUSE ALUSED Loengukonspekt SISUKORD 1.TURUNDUSE OLEMUS...................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Turunduse määratlused....................................................................................................3 1.2 Turunduse ajalugu........................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Turustuspoliitika..............................................................................................................4 1.4 Turunduse vajadus...........................................................................................................5 1.5 Turunduse juhtimise filosoofiad......................................................................................6 1.5.1 Turunduskontseptsiooni komponendid.................................................................... 6 1.6 Tur...

Majandus → Turundus
526 allalaadimist


Tekkisid erakute vennaskonnad ja kloostrid. Benedictus sündis 5. sajandi teisel poolel Neusial. Ta ütles lahti kõikidest maapealsetest ahvatlustest ja hakkas oma õega erakuks. 530. aastal lõi ta oma kloostri ­ Monte Cassino. Inimesi, kes järgisid Benedictuse kloostrielu reegleid nimetati benediktlasteks. Tekkisid ka isemajandavad kloostrid. Kloostrites oli kõige tähtsam ülesanne raamatute ümberkirjutamisel. Kirikule tähtsaks tegevuseks oli ristiusu levitamine ehk mission. ( Kristlus on missioone usund ).Tuntuim misjonär on iirlane Püha Patrick, kes elas 5. sajandil. 2) Kiriku võitlus ketserite vastu (22) Katoliku kirik ei leppinud seisukohtadega, mis tema mainet alla kiskusid. Usuti , et inimene pääseb pärast surma paradiisi kiriku abiga, kui ta õigesti usub. Ketserite õpetust, mis kirikut kurjuse jõuks pidas, peeti väärõpetuseks, mille levitamine oli hukatuslik nii ketseritele endile kui ka neile, kes seda kuulda võtavad

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
115 allalaadimist

Maailma usundid

Pilt Rooma kultuurist on muutunud, ene arvati, et see oli külm, aga nüüd on arvamus hoopis teine. Ristiusk on ainus tõeline religioon, kuid see on vale arusaam. Idilolatria – kummardamine Superstitsio – ebausk Secta – (tuleneb ka sekt) sekt on rühm, milles on väike pooldajaskond. Sektandid on usuhullud. Varasel uusajal hakkab reliigo mõiste muutuma, sest eurooplaste kontaktid kipuvad laienema. Tasmaania religioon suri välja, kuid seda on misjonäride poolt kirjeldatud. Mission aitas kaasa religiooni teaduslike uuringute tekkimiseks. 17. Sajandi teiseks pooleks toimub selline muutus, et religiooni mõistete kasutatakse kõikide usundite kohta, ka ristiusu kohta. Religiooniteadus sai tekkida sest religiooni mõiste muutus. Religiooni teaudste üks ülesanne on vanade keelte tundma õppimine ja nendest aru saamine Nt. Mesopotaamia kiilkivi või Egiptuse heoroglüüfid. 1

Muu → Usundiõpetus
15 allalaadimist

Etnoloogia ja kultuuriantropoloogia

eestlased? Eeskätt uuriti oma rahvast ja selle alamklassi, püüdes leida kultuurialgeid, millele üles ehitada rahvuskultuur. Kultuuri ja sotsiaalantropoloogiad said alguse hoopis teisiti. Esiteks: koloniaalsüsteem. Tähtsamad antropoloogia keskused olid USA ja Inglismaa. Inglastel oli vaja välja õpetada koloniaalametnikke, oli vaja andmeid põliselanike kohta, siis on neid lihtsam valitseda. Et valitsejad saaksid tõhusamalt tegutseda ja kontrollida. Teine tõukepunkt: kristlik mission. Paljud misjonärid rändasid üle maailma. Inglise misjonärid tegutsesid inglise koloniaalkohtades. 19.sajandiks olid misjonärid kogunud väga palju teadmisi kohalike rahvaste ja kultuuride kohta. Neil oli neid teadmisi vaja,et edukamalt ristiusku levitada. Misjonärid uurisid ka materiaalseid asju. 19.saj oli protestantlikel misjonäridel selge ettekujutus sellest, et inimese elu peab olema kooskõlas jumala plaaniga. Püüdsid juurutada põlluharimist,

Antropoloogia → Antropoloogia
46 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse

Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse · Ettevõtte/organisatsiooni mõiste Paar näidet organisatsiooni definitsioonist: organiseeritud ja koordineeritud inimeste grupp koos vastavate tööviiside, reeglite, rutiinide ja vastastike ootustega, kes koos töötades üritavad saavutada ühiseid eesmärke inimeste sotsiaalne üksus, mis on süstematiseeritult struktureeritud ning hallatud (juhitud), et täita vajadusi või püüelda kollektiivse eesmärgi poole jätkusuutlikul viisil Ettevõtet defineeritakse kui vastastikuses sõltuvuses olevate ressursside (inimesed, protsessid, vastutused ja alluvusseosed, toetavad tehnoloogiad ja kapital) eesmärgipärast kombinatsiooni (n.ö. võrku), mis on: 1. vastastikuses koostoimes selleks, et koordineerida funktsioonide täitmist; vahetada informatsiooni; hankida rahastamist; luua töövooge; teha otsuseid jne 2. koostoimes keskkonnaga selleks, et saavutada ...

Informaatika → Infoharidus
54 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

Whenever something is different he starts crying and raises an alarm, if something is not used to having. Ofcourse we could argue that his part of the story is the most difficult to understand. He illustrates the southerners preoccupation with time. Faulkner believed in the interconnectedness of public and personal historys and he believed in the relation of the past to the chaotic present. Quentin believes that it is his mission to save the Compson honour by stopping time, arresting it. He thinks that if he manages it, this will also eliminate decay in Compson family. He smashes his precious grandfathers watch. This scene shows that time is stronger and he cannot control it, then he chooses death. Realizes that he can't fight time. Jason doesn't time aboout the past or honour of his ancestors, he couldn't care less about tradition, he despises Quentin and his ideas, just as Quentin is dead physically, Jason is dead

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOLI VILJANDI KULTUURIAKADEEMIA Etenduskunstide osakond Tantsukunsti eriala IV kursus Alar Orula TANTSIJA FÜÜSILISE VIGASTUSE MÕJU ELUKUTSELE SOMAATILISTE TREENINGSÜSTEEMIDE NÄITEL Seminaritöö Töö juhendaja: Raido Mägi, tantsukunsti spetsialist Kaitsmisele lubatud..................................... Viljandi 2014 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS..............................................................................................................................3 1. TANTSIJATE TÜÜPVIGASTUSED JA NENDE TEKKEPÕHJUSED....................................5 2. VIGASTUSE PREVENTSIOON................................................................................................9 2.1 Pilatese tehnika...

Tants → Tantsimine
12 allalaadimist

Side teooria

kiirgab) siis on tegu voimendusega antenniga nagu · Employs coherent detection on both the paremal uplink and poolsel pildil. downlink based on the use of pilot Application symbols and channels. (away) · Supports inter-cell asynchronous Presentation operation. (pizza) · Variable mission on a 10 ms frame basis. Session · Multicode transmission. (sausage) Transport · Adaptive power control based on SIR (throw) (Signal-to- Network (not) tuheldab sonumi ning saadab nad ,,jupp" haaval.

Informaatika → Side
241 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

The infinitive names the action. 3. The subjunctive mood: It expresses unreal or hypothetical actions or states. They may be viewed as desired, necessary, possible, supposed, imaginary or contradicting reality. The subjuncitve mood in modern English is generally an optional and stylistically somewhat marked variant of other constructions. A passive subjunctive is a possibility for all types: God be praised! It would be odd if she were awarded the first prize. Negation: It is essential that this mission not fail. [does not fail ­ indicative] The Senate has decreed that such students be not/ not be exempted from college dues. If I weren't/were not your best friend, you would regret that remark. Present subjunctive: The mandative subjunctive. It occurs in subordinate that-clauses, and consists of the base form of the verb only. There is no regular concord of the indicative mood between the subject and the finite verb, and there is no back shifting of tense.

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist


What additional knowledge and skills do you want to ac- quire? In what areas would you like to become absolutely excellent? What subjects would you like to master? What do you need to learn to move to the top of your field? What is your growth plan to get from where you are to where you want to go? ccc_tracy_10_179-200.qxd 6/23/03 4:16 PM Page 184 184 ➤ CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ■ YOUR MISSION STATEMENT When you conduct personal strategic planning for yourself, you al- ways begin with a mission statement.This is clear definition of exactly what you want to be and accomplish at some future date. To de- velop your mission statement, you project forward and imagine that you have been completely successful in achieving all your goals in a particular area.You then describe your life and activities in this area

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


2 The oratorio consists of 38 sections arranged into 5 scenes. The dramatic tension of the work is shown through the contrasting heavenly and mundane forces. The essential message of Jonah to the people is to lead a pious, pure life and to surrender oneself to God’s will. The composer was seized by the character of Jonah and saw him as a symbol of moral resistance of a minority to the rulers of Nineveh. And the prophet fulfils his mission. Example 6. Leitmotif of God. Example 7. Leitmotif of Jonah. In 1910 Tobias wrote: Ecclesiastical music exists and is a powerful agent that every serious musician must take into consideration, whether he wishes it or not. Mystical threads are invisibly connecting musical art and the religious world proceeding between superhuman and mysticism. The composers of today are lacking the organ of interest in transcendental matters, but in

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Public anger: what's the point, is it art or just a pile of bricks, why is it displayed in a museum? Point-to fill the vacuum of interest. Art-made such by the institution of the museum. Postmodernism: not what is depicted/published/displayed/interpreted but why it is interpreted. Politics. J F Kennedy-elected president 1960, assassinated 1963, the youngest president, Irish catholic. Changed the whole climate of world politics. Cold war intensified(tugevnema) Science. Earth rising: apollo8 mission in December 1968, seven months before the first lunar landing. Endless further visions and possibilities. Totally new horizons. Original NASA photograph: earth: small, fragile, just behind the corner, example of visual manipulation. First man in space circled the earth. First man on the moon 1969. Earth too small-US/USSR fighting for space. Society.Attacks on authoritan government-against De Gaulle's regime in Paris, re-election in June.

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Etnoloogia ja kultuuriantropoloogia alused loengud

Idee, et nii on neid lihtsam valitseda, kui neid tuntakse, et mis neid õnnelikuks teeb, või kuidas on nendega parem manipuleerida. USAs oli sama asi, oli oma riigi terrioorium, kus elas palju põlisrahvaid. Koloniaalpoliitiline motivatsioon, rakenduslik küsimus, et ametnikud saaksid tõhusamalt tegutsega. Kui püüti mingit majanduslikku resurssi kätte saada oli hõlmsam kui kõik oli rahulik. 2. Kristlik mission ­ paljud misionärid rändasid üle maailma. Eeskätt oli ka nii, et inglise misjonärid tegutsesid oma koloniaalmaades. Neil oli tohutult teadmisi. Eelkõige huvitas neid kohalik usund, et näidata sellega võrreldes kristluse paremust. Kui nt kohalikel puuduvad algselt kristlikud terminid, siis neid arendati nende usundi põhjal, nende ettekujutuse abil, põhjal. Hoida ära mõttetuid arusaamatusi. Uurisid ka väga materjaalseid asju. Nt kristlik

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
10 allalaadimist


) Cylinder speeds should be relatively slow, from 300 to 450 rpm. A proper concave adjustment is necessary to prevent dehulling the seeds. Seeds can be stored at up to 12 percent moisture for short periods, but should be dried to 9 percent moisture for long-term storage. It is best to have on-farm storage available, since some of the current market outlets in Missouri accept sunflower delivery only during certain time periods. Sources of sunflower seed Agri-Pro Shawnee Mission, KS 913-384-4940 Agway Grandin, ND 701-484-5313 Cargill Seeds Fargo, ND 800-634-8941 Dahlgren and Co. Crookston, MN 218-281-2985 ICI Seeds Coon Rapids, IA 800-348-2742 Interstate Seed Fargo, ND 800-437-4120 Jacques Seed Co

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu naabruspoliitika

EUROAKADEEMIA Loengukonspekt aines “Euroopa Liidu naabruspoliitika” Koostas: Juhan Värk, PhD Tallinn 2015 Copyright I loengupaar õppeaines “EL naabruspoliitika”: “Sissejuhatus õppeainesse, nõuded ainekursuse läbimiseks, soovitused õppematerjalide osas” (Koostas: J. Värk, PhD) 2004. aastal toimus Euroopa Liidu (EL) suurim laienemine. In corpore võeti Euroliitu siis vastu 10 riiki, kellede hulgas olid ka kõik kolm Balti riiki. Ent juba samal aastal kiitsid Europarlament ja Euroopa Liidu Ministrite Nõukogu heaks “Euroopa Liidu naabruspoliitika”, mille eesmärgiks oli luua EL-i riikide ümber sõbralike ja paljude osas neist ka lähitulevikus EL-i liikmesriikideks kõlbulike riikide ring. Tollel ajal peeti Brüsselis silmas 17 EL-i ida- ja lõunanaaberriiki. Otsustati, et suhted nende riikidega põhinevad ...

Ühiskond → Poliitika
6 allalaadimist

Konspekt terve 10. klassi ajaloo õpiku kohta

Antropogenees Inimese kujunemislugu. Käsitletakse erinevalt: teoloogiline e. usuline (inimene on loodud jumala poolt), evolutsiooniline. Uurivad: 1) Arheoloogia 2) Paleoantropoloogia (inimese kui ka inimese eellase luustikke) 3) Geneetika Australapithecus africanus (lad. k.) ­ lõunaahvlane. 5-4,4 mln aastat tagasi. Kõndis kahel jalal, sest toimus kliimamuutus. Luid on leitud ainult Aafrikast. Homo habilis e. osav inimene. 2,5 mln aastat tagasi. Veeristööriistad ­ terava otsaga kivi. Toitumine: korilus ja surnud loomad (toorelt). Ainult Aafrikas. Homo erectus e. sirge inimene. 2-1,8 mln aastat tagasi. Pihukirved. Luid on leitud lisaks Aafrikale ka Aasiast ja Euroopast. Toimus väljaränne (kümnete põlvkondade jooksul). Olid olemas rõivad (loomanahk). Koopaid ja hütte/onne kasutati elamutena. Tuli. Kujunesid välja erinevad inimese alaliigid (nt Euroopa homo erectus oli Heidelbergi inimene). H...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
70 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö eesti-, tori- ja eesti raskeveohobusest

omab hobustega pulmasõitude tegemine - trend, mis oma erilisuse ja romantilisuse tõttu pruutpaaride seas üha suuremat populaarsust saavutab. Samal ajal püüame inimesi panna väärtustama eelkõige just meie oma kohalikke hobuseid näitamaks, et ka meil endil on, mille üle uhke olla. Leidsime, et inimeste ja hobuste üksteisele lähendamine on sedavõrd tähtis ettevõtmine, et väärib omaette missiooni ja visiooni: OÜ Tori Hobusekasvanduse kui turismiteenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte mission: tõestada kohalike hobusetõugude väärtust kogemustele tugineva professionaalsuse ja sellest tuleneva kvaliteediga mitmekülgsete hobustega seotud turismiteenuste võimaldamisel, aidates nii kaasa nende säilimisele ning edasiarendamisele. OÜ Tori Hobusekasvanduse kui turismiteenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte visioon: olla aastaks 2015 40%-lise turuosaga Eesti tuntuim, hinnatuim ja mitmekesiseima valikuga hobustega seotud turismiteenuste pakkuja.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
29 allalaadimist

Süsteemianalüüsi kontrolltöö 1

M. Roost , TTÜ Informaatikainstituut, Loengukonspektid aines Süsteemianalüüs, 2014 IDU 5360 SÜSTEEMIANALÜÜS Loeng 1. Sissejuhatus (kontseptuaalsesse) süsteemianalüüsi.  Aine fookus  Aine taust  Eesmärgid ja õpiväljundid  Aine korraldus Aine fookus KONTSEPTUAALNE SÜSTEEMIANALÜÜS  VALDKONNA ANALÜÜS  TARKVARA NÕUETE ANALÜÜS  ITERATIIVNE ARENDUSPROTSESS Fookus: Kontseptuaalse süsteemanalüüsi meetodite rakendamine valdkonna ning tarkvara nõuete detailseks analüüsiks iteratiivses arendusprotsessis Aine taust Analüüsi ained: 1. Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse (IDU 3350) või Modelleerimine (IDU 3355); -> 2. -> Süsteemianalüüs (IDU 5360) -> 3. -> Infosüsteemi strateegiline analüüs (idu0021) ehk Ettevõtte äriarhitektuur (idu1321) Aine on eelduseks (OIS) IDU5661 - Infosüsteemide projekteerimine, IDU0050 - Objektorienteeritud disain, IDX5010 - Struktuuranalüüs ja ekspertsüsteemide te...

Informaatika → Modulatsioon
72 allalaadimist


TURUNDUS Loengukonspekt Õppejõud Reet Niilus Mõdriku 2011 2 SISUKORD 1.TURUNDUSE OLEMUS...................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Turunduse määratlused....................................................................................................4 1.2 Turunduse ajalugu........................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Turustuspoliitika..............................................................................................................5 1.4 Turunduse vajadus...........................................................................................................6 1.5 Turunduse juhtimise filosoofiad......................................................................................7 1.5.1 Turunduskontseptsiooni komponendid......................

Majandus → Turunduse alused
91 allalaadimist

Koolituspõhimõtete väljatöötamine ja arendamine

self-confident personnel that copes well with their work and directs the managers of enterprises to increasingly take into consideration their workers systematic schooling and development. The theoretical part of the paper described the importance of schooling on the basis of the literary sources, bringing out the need to develop and constantly learn, that derives from the people's general needs. The main values of an enterprise are mission, vision, organizational culture and human resources, due to what also personnel relations, personnel policies and ­ strategies become a value. The connections to the enterprise's values are pointed out and the schooling process is described. Significant components in schooling regulation are schooling methods, their advantages and disadvantages, also previous assessment of the need for schooling and its productiveness after its taken place.

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
18 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

Second Edition ^ PREPARING FOR THE J O U R N E Y "This is the tale I pray the divine Muse to unfold to us. Begin it, goddess, at whatever point you will." —The Odyssey of H o m e r invite you to join me on a W r i t e r s Journey, a mission of discovery to explore and map the elusive borderlands be­ tween myth and modern storytelling. W e will be guided by a simple idea: All stories consist of a few common structural elements found universally in myths, fairy tales, dreams, and movies. T h e y are known collectively as The Hero's Journey.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Eureka The Boss® Cordless Rechargeable Stick Vac Talkabout T8097 *Staples* Highlighting Markers Seth Thomas 12" Clock w/ Goldtone Case Accessory21 Avery Legal 4-Ring Binder Avery Arch Ring Binders APC 7 Outlet Network SurgeArrest Surge Protector Dual Level, Single-Width Filing Carts Fellowes Personal Hanging Folder Files, Navy Deflect-o RollaMat Studded, Beveled Mat for Medium Pile Carpeting Accessory4 Epson FX-2180 Wide Format Dot Matrix Printer Xerox 1927 Bush Mission Pointe Library 1726 Digital Answering Machine Canon PC1060 Personal Laser Copier Hon Non-Folding Utility Tables Belkin 6 Outlet Metallic Surge Strip Eldon Expressions Punched Metal & Wood Desk Accessories, Pewter & Cherry Staples Plastic Wall Frames Belkin 325VA UPS Surge Protector, 6' Global Deluxe Stacking Chair, Gray Maxell 3.5" DS/HD IBM-Formatted Diskettes, 10/Pack Sharp AL-1530CS Digital Copier 3M Office Air Cleaner Prang Drawing Pencil Set Xerox 200

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Avatud ülikool KULUDE JUHTIMINE JA CONTROLLING MJJV.09.029 Koostanud professor Toomas Haldma Loengukonspekt ärijuhtimise magistriõppele finantsjuhtimise eriaines TARTU 2015 SISUKORD 1. ETTEVÕTTESISESE ARVESTUSE ROLL JA ARENGUD ............................3 1.1. Strateegiliste nõuete kasv juhtimisele ...............................................................3 1.2. Ettevõtte aruandluse arengusuunad ...................................................................4 1.3. Ettevõttesisese planeerimis- ja aruandlussüsteemi kujundamise vajadused .....6 1.4. Juhtimisarvestuse praktikat mõjutavad tegurid .................................................8 1.4. Ettevõtte kuluarvestuse süsteemi eesmärgid ja komponendid ..........................8 2. ETTEVÕTTE KULUARVESTUSE SÜSTEEM .............................

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
195 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

5 1 case 2 for 3 Given and decide what part of speech one of the most pressing issues 6 1 though (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) is in today's world. There's so much 2 Having said that required. Point out that sometimes injustice around! And I've made it my 3 yet they should use a negative prefix. personal mission to bring the work of 4 Much as Remind them to make sure that Janusz Korczak to the attention of all their answer matches the grammar those who influence children's lives 5 Granted and sense of the whole sentence. in any way. Did you know that the

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat

Mardi 26 février 2002. "La diffusion numérique du patrimoine, dimension de la politique culturelle". Rapport de M. Bruno Ory-Lavollée à la ministre de la culture et de la communication, janvier 2002. Décret n° 2000-1167 du 1er décembre 2000 portant création d'une mission interministérielle pour l'accès public à la micro-informatique, à l'internet et au multimédia. SEOTUD DOKUMENDID: Décret n° 2001-570 du 2 juillet 2001 relatif à l'attribution d'une indemnité au président de la mission interministérielle pour l'accès public à la microinformatique, à l'internet et au multimédia.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

MOS Magneto-Optic Storage + Mean Opinion Score + Metal Oxide Semiconductor MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First MOTD Message Of The Day MOV Metal Oxide Varistor + Move MOVS Move String MP Massively Parallel (processing) + Megapixel + Multiple Processors MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 .MPA Memo Pad Archive (file name extension) [Palm] MPC Multimedia Personal Computer + Multipath Channel MPCS Mission Planning and Control Station (Software) MPE Multiple Programming Executive [HP] MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group MPI Message Passing Interface + Multiprecision Integer MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching MPM Message Passing Library [IBM] MPMD Multiple Processor/Multiple Data MPOA Multi-Protocol over Asynchronous-Transfer-Mode MPP Massively Parallel Processing/Processors + Message Posting Protocol + Message Processing Program

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Projektipersonali juhtimine konspekt

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMINE 3EAP Loengukonspekt Gerda Mihhailova Pärnu 2012 SISUKORD 1. PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMISE ERIPÄRAD ORGANISATSIOONIDES. .......... 3 1.1 Projektid ja projektipersonal organisatsioonikeskkonnas. ........................................... 3 1.2 Projektijuhi töö ning pädevused. ................................................................................ 13 1.3 Personalitöö korraldamise eripärad projektimeeskonnas. .......................................... 28 1.4 Stress ja stressijuhtimine ............................................................................................ 46 2. MEESKONNATÖÖ KASUTAMINE ORGANISATSIOONI PROJEKTIDES. ........... 50 2.1. Grupid ja meeskonnad organisatsioonis ning nende eelised. .................................... 50 2.2. Projektimeeskonna loomine, motiv...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
111 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

"Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day ..." That was all Ray Cronise heard from across the room. He jerked his eyes up from the spreadsheet and reached for the TiVo to pause the television. Twelve thousand calories. Ray Cronise had been a high-ranking material scientist at NASA for almost 15 years, and his specialties included biophysics and analytical chemistry. He'd been in mission operations and seen--hell, helped produce--research the public wouldn't see for decades. But spending half of his life behind a computer had taken its toll. The creeping two to four pounds per year had added up and left him weighing 230 pounds at 59. It was now a much-improved 209-pound Ray Cronise who sat with a spreadsheet in front of him and his eyes on the paused television. He still had more than 30 pounds to lose. It would take at least 18­24 weeks at his current rate.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

rules is very easy. You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose such as creation of derivative works, reports, performances and research. They may be modified and printed and given away--you may do practically ANYTHING with public domain eBooks. Redistribution is subject to the trademark license, especially commercial redistribution. *** START: FULL LICENSE *** THE FULL PROJECT GUTENBERG LICENSE PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU DISTRIBUTE OR USE THIS WORK To protect the Project Gutenberg-tm mission of promoting the free distribution of electronic works, by using or distributing this work (or any other work associated in any way with the phrase "Project Gutenberg"), you agree to comply with all the terms of the Full Project Gutenberg-tm License (available with this file or online at Section 1. General Terms of Use and Redistributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works 1.A. By reading or using any part of this Project Gutenberg-tm

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


THE CAPITALIST NIGER Chika Onyeani ………………………Every African must internalise this book - period….DAA INTRODUCTION In October 1960, Nigeria received its independence from Britain. By then, Ghana the former Gold Coast had been independent for three years under the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkumah. It was a time for celebrating Africa’s coming of age, as more and more African countries received their independence either from Britain or France. It was especially a poignant time for Africa, as then British Prime Minister Harold McMillan articulated his now famous “winds of change” sweeping Africa. We had high hopes for Africa, for the Black race, that the insidious imposition of foreign rule on us, the looting of Africa’s natural resources by our colonial masters accorded us would be things of history. That is more than forty years ago. Unfortunately, the promise of independence has not been fulfilled. Today, Africa has become more desolate; th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

ters examined, most had a type of Help Week tradition but that this community service was in addition to Hell Week. In only one case was such service directly re- lated to initiation procedures. The picture that emerges of the perpetrators of hazing practices is of normal individuals who tend to be psychologically stable and socially concerned but who become aberrantly harsh as a group at only one time-immediately before the ad- mission of new members to the society. The evidence, then, points to the ceremony as the culprit. There must be something about its rigors that is vital to the group. There must be some function to its harshness that the society will fight relentlessly to maintain. What? My own view is that the answer appeared in 1959 in the results of a study little known outside of social psychology. A pair of young researchers, Elliot Aronson and

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Magistritöö Hea ja kurja küsimus Carl Gustav Jungi käsitluses

EELK USUTEADUSE INSTITUUT AARE LUUP HEA JA KURJA KÜSIMUS CARL GUSTAV JUNGI KÄSITLUSES MAGISTRITÖÖ JUHENDAJA: dr. Arne Hiob TALLINN 2009 1 Saatesõna Hea ja kurja küsimus ühes või teises vormis on inimeste jaoks olnud aktuaalne aastatuhandeid. Erinevad ajastud ning käsitlused on sellele teemale lisanud varjundeid ning uusi tahke. Meie, elades tänapäevas, vajame samuti hea ja kurja küsimuse lahtimõtestamist siin, praegu ning meie käsutuses olevate vahendite ulatuses. Et nii tänamatu ning vastuolulise küsimuse juurde asuda, on vaja raamistikku, milles saame orienteeruda ning millest lähtuvalt ,,maailma avastada". Humanitaarteadusliku mõtlemise jaoks, mille üheks haruks on teoloogia, ei piisa ühestainsast nägemusest, mida meile pakub kristlik dogmaatika, vaid vajalik on võrdlus. Mida ulatuslikum on ...

Teoloogia → Maailma religioonide võrdlev...
30 allalaadimist


 The first object-oriented language Smalltalk developed at XEROX PARC, bsaed on ideas by Alana Kay.  The first logic programming language Prolog developed by Alan Colmerauer at University of Marseilles  Hewlett-Packard introduces a programmable calculator with a magnetic stripe memory for storing programs.  Users could write programs up to 100 lines in length and record them on blank cards, or they could buy pre-programmed cards.  In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission for calculating critical course-correction maneuvers. 1973  Intel files a patent application for a "memory system for a multichip digital computer".  The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox' Palo Alto Research Center. Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame Street character Cookie Monster.  The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC.  Traf-O-Data shuts down. It made about US$20,000.

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist


mind ma rahuldan sind. (See on õunapuu) - Paned selle suhu, see on kõva ja märg. Liigutad seda suus edasi-tagasi. Suust voolab välja valget, naeratad ja võtad suust välja. Mille? Hambaharja. - Saab kummiga, saab kummita, saab sellili, saab kõhuli, kummiga on ohutum, kummita on parem .. Mis sa nüüd mõtlesid ? ... mina mõtlesin ujumist. My friends and I share everything. Now we share hepatitis and HIV. - Agent Dick and Agent Condom are in the mission. Agent Dick says: "Cover me, I'm going IN" - Jalgrattapolitseinik teise sõnaga - väntvõmm. - Joomine on aeglane surm, aga kuhu meil kiiret ? - Minul pole köhasiirupit vaja, ma oskan ka ilma selleta köhida. - Kui mõtlen vanaisast lapsena, kujutlen teda mustvalgena. - Pime vaatas telekast, kuidas tumm rääkis kurdile, et kiilakas käis juuksuris. - "Ma löön sulle jalaga näkku!" ütleb jalutu. "Tahaks näha," vastab pime. - Ma ei roomanud koju. Ma snorgeldasin kuival maal.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
9 allalaadimist

A New Earth

to in another is also in you. But it is no more than a form of ego, and as such, it is completely impersonal. It has nothing to do with who that person is, nor has it anything to do with who you are. Only if you mistake it for who you are can observing it within you be threatening to your sense of self. WAR IS A MIND-SET In certain cases, you may need to protect yourself or someone else from being harmed by another, but beware of making it your mission to “eradicate evil,” as you are likely to turn into the very thing you are fighting against. Fighting unconsciousness will draw you into unconsciousness yourself. Unconsciousness, dysfunctional egoic behavior, can never be defeated by attacking it. Even if you defeat your opponent, the unconsciousness will simply have moved into you, or the opponent reappears in a new disguise. Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

clarification and the accomplishment of tance of each individual activity to assure safety objectives through suppliers and direct safety is also fundamental. Development and consumers. implementation of a HACCP system sup- Before being enforced by law and praised ported only by middle management or tech- by global free trade, HACCP was, and is, nical personnel is an impossible mission. recognized by food operators as the most A team leader should be designated reliable system to assure food safety (Scott who has organizational and communication et al. 2009). The terms of reference for food skills, familiarity with plant processes, and safety include biological, chemical, and absolute authority to track the program in the physical agents that may be present in a food company. The team leader ’s work starts by

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun