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"hold" - 400 õppematerjali

hold on England was mostly secure, allowing him to spend the majority of the rest of his reign on the continent.

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

write wrote written 8 MODULE 2 Making phone calls Answering the phone · Good morning. Can I help you? · Hello. ABC Helpline. (your name) · Good afternoon. ABC Helpline. Jane speaking. How can I help you? Asking to speak to someone on the telephone · Could I talk to ..., please? · Can I speak to ..., please? · I'm trying to get hold of ... · I'm trying to contact .... · I'm trying to get in touch with ..... · Would/Could you put me through to ..., please Asking for identification on the telephone · Who's calling, please? · Who shall I say is calling? · Yes, certainly. Could I have your name, please? · Could I have your name again, please? · Would you spell that for me, please? · I wonder if you would mind spelling that for me, please.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Lõputöö. ratsaklubi avamine

krooni kulub varasoetamisele, 180 000 krooni kulub remonttöödele ja esmastele igakuustele väliminekutele. Rahastajaks on pank, kuid antud proekti autor teeb kõik võimaliku, et saada finantstoetused riigilt proekti algatamiseks. SUMMARY The topic of this task is a business plan ,,Opening a Horse riding Centre". The business plan is composed for a company that will start to offer services associated with horses and also: Civilians horses hold in Horse riding lessons Romantic riding by horse in Merimetsa Park or in Stroomi beach In the summer time swimming with horses in the sea Renting a pony or a horse outside of the base In the future plans is to expand the range of services: Using a horse coach in a wedding cortege or for a romantic date Rehabilitation with horses Horse therapy This assignment is written in Russian language and consists of 78 pages

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
69 allalaadimist

Northanger Abbey

because I am just an ordinary man and I think of myself as a rather boring person. I definitely do not want to sound self-centered, but I must say that I am always rather gentle and caring. I pay attention to others' feelings and never want to hurt anybody. I often display a humorous arrogance and ironic humour towards women. I especially like to do that to Catherine because she is just so naïve. Do not get me wrong, I love and respect women very much, but sometimes I just cannot hold back a good joke. I usually say the opposite of what I mean, in order to seem funny. Isn't that rather clever? I have to admit that I am a perceptive person because I understand people quite well. I have read many books and I work as a clergyman, I think that this explains why am I good at understanding people. Also, I am definitely not a shy person. I tend to be rather honest, often to the point of being blunt, and express my opinions on different things and criticise them.

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Locke essay

from the government or sovereign body. This process, in Locke's view, is only achievable through the development of a consensus where everyone agrees to abide by majority rule, which a government or sovereign body then enacts. In Locke's view simply being in the confines of a society implies tacit consent, meaning it becomes mandatory to adhere to the law. Locke's claim can be argued to be both logical and valid, but when put under scrutiny it does not hold as much weight as some would claim. It cannot be assumed that functional locationism automatically conveys consent, Hume (1960, p. 234) gives a clear analogy encapsulating this point ...can we seriously say that a poor peasant or artisan has a free choice to leave his country, when he knows no foreign language, and lives, from day to day by the small wages which he acquires... Locke refers to this tacit or overt expression of consent as a binding fiduciary

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Love Medicine vocabulary

But for a time it seemed to Lulu that Nector had her over the barrel of his love. restitution (284) a restoration of something to its rightful owner; The act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered. Lulu offered to point out all her sons' fathers and the tribal council presented the restitution for Lamartine. a beeline (286) the shortest, most direct route. When the house was burning, Lulu ran in a beeline. to venerate (289) to hold in deep respect; to honour in recognition of qualities of holiness, excellence, wisdom, etc. Lulu bought the Plunge of the Brave, which everyone had, whether they liked Nector and wanted to venerate his youth or not. what with something (293)(informal) because of sth; used to list the various reasons for something. Nector and Lulu began to kiss and things being what they were, what with Nector knocking off Lulu's wig and Lipsha popping in unexpectedly.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
5 allalaadimist


Nõustumata paljude Dante nägemustega, püüdis ta oma illustratsioonidega autori ,,vigu" korrigeerida. See töö jäi lõpetamata. 1826. aastal valmisid tema illustratsioonid Iiobi raamatule. Kuigi Blake'i tööde originaalsus ja intuitiivsus kuulutasid ette kunsti edasist arengut, oli ta liiga individualistlik, et tal oleks sel ajal järgijaid olnud. William Blake Auguries of Innosence To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. A robin redbreast in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage. A dovehouse fill'd with doves and pigeons Shudders hell thro' all its regions. A dog starv'd at his master's gate Predicts the ruin of the state. A horse misused upon the road Calls to heaven for human blood. Each outcry of the hunted hare A fibre from the brain does tear. A skylark wounded in the wing,

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Bob Marley

Robert ,,Bob" Nesta Marley Sünd: 6veebruar 1945, Jamaika St. Anni vald Surm :11mai 1981 Miami Cedars of Lebanon'i haiglas Tähtkujult Veevalaja Martin välja 11d "Until the philosophy which hold one race Superior and another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned Everywhere is war, me say war" Bob Marley 1944 aastal Kapten Norval Marley abiellus noore Jamaika tüdruku Cedalla Bookeriga.Muuseas kuulsa muusiku isa oli inglise poliitik ja tema ülejäänud perekond vihkas tumedat rassi. Kõigest aasta hiljem 1945 aasta veebruaris sündis Robert Nesta Marley enda vanaisa majas

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist


them or near them 13. OTS or coverage - the distance between the point where you first notice the advertisement to the point where you don't see or recognize it anymore MONEY-BUYING, SELLING AND PAYING 1. Current account - bank account for daily transactions, payments and cash withdrawing 2. Bank statement - is regularly sent to costumer by bank so costumer can see how much money he has on his account 3. Savings account - bank account where you hold your extra money and don't use it everyday until you need it 4. Be in the red - to have an overdrawn account 5. Be in black - to have credit, opposite to overdrawn 6. A mortgage - money that you lend from the bank to buy a house 7. Pay outright - to pay right here, on the place. Usually when you buy something in a shop you pay for it outright 8. Buy on credit - if you get something from the shop right now and pay later 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


IÖ uuenduslik panus - *Sotsiaalteadused said enda käsutusse uue uurimismeetodi - majandusliku analüüsi (ökonoomika), mis võimaldas senisest erinevalt ja kokkuvõttes sügavamalt avada ühiskonnas toimuvat. *Majandusteaduse objektiks said lisaks turule ka inimeste teised eluvaldkonnad ja seal toimivad reeglid: alates riigist ja lõpetades perekonnaga.*Kujunesid uued ideed ja kontseptsioonid inimliku sipelgapesa paremaks mõistmiseks. Positivistlik uurimine - positivistlikult nende mehhanismide (institutsioonide) uurimisega, mis majanduses on kujunenud vastureaktsioonina oportunismile ja normatiivne uurimine - normatiivselt oportunismi vastu võitlemise võimalustega ­ näiteks spetsiaalsete preemiasüsteemide konstrueerimisega. Institutsioonid ja Org. on inimkäitumist reguleerivate normide süsteemid, mille üheks elemendiks on ka normide järgimist tagav mehhanism. Institutsioonid on mängureeglid ilma mängijateta...

Majandus → Institutsiooniökonoomika
102 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

13. British subject- derive their status as British subjects from British India or the Republic of Ireland as they existed before 1949. until 1949: anyone who owed allegiance to the British sovereign wherever he was born in the British Empire; all citizens of Commonwealth countries were British subjects until January 1983. Today: those who are not citizens of any Commonwealth country; mostly from British India or the Republic of Ireland as they existed before 1949. 14. British citizen- hold the status through a close connection with the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man ("United Kingdom and Islands"), usually because they were born there. The British Nationality Act 1981 (came into force in 1983) – British citizens = people closely connected with the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man – British Overseas Territories citizens = until 2002 (The British Overseas Territories Act) British

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Veebiteenused (kordamisküsimused ja vastused kontrolltööks)

 JSON EXAMPLE  {"employees":[ {"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"}, {"firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"}, {"firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones"} ]} o Süntaks  The JSON syntax is a subset of the JavaScript syntax. JSON syntax is derived from JavaScript object notation syntax:  Data is in name/value pairs  Data is separated by commas  Curly braces hold objects  Square brackets hold arrays JSON eelised: XML eelised: Saab parsida standard JS funktsiooniga, XML IS HUMAN READABLE parsimine lihtsam JSON is much easier for human to read than SIMPLICITY XML. It is easier to write, too. It is also easier XML is simpler than SGML, but JSON is much for machines to read and write. simpler than XML

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
55 allalaadimist

Lõpetatud ja lõpetamata tegusõnad vene keeles

70. просить to ask просить/попросить 71. пытаться to try пытаться/попытаться 72. показать to show, display показывать/показать 73. вспомнить to remember, recall вспоминать/ вспомнить 74. держать to hold, keep imperfective, no pair 75. называть to call, name называть/назвать 76. уходить to leave, go away уходить/уйти 77. подойти to approach, come up подходить/подойти 78. поднять to lift, raise поднимать/поднять 79. спрашивать to ask, inquire спрашивать/спросить 80

Keeled → Vene keel
5 allalaadimist

Charles Darwin

member is fixed in its own place. This chain was created in a time when the world was considered to be more static rather than a diverse collection of dynamic ideas. But the Newtonian revolution of the seventeenth century replaced the old static world with a new world view in which everything was naturally in motion. In the course of the eighteenth century the notion of progress, of gradual but relentless pursuit of betterment, began to take hold in western thought. It was only natural that the ideas of change and of progress should eventually be applied to the Great Chain of Being. The natural implication of a "dynamic" chain of being was a sort of tree of life, gradually sprouting upward from basic primordial ooze, branching outward into all the varied species on our fine planet, ending with, of course, eighteenth century Man. This could be called evolutionary, but it does not offer a

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

"Kuristik rukkis"

Holden ise on elava fantaasiaga teda häirivad pisiasjad teda endast välja ja ta käitub ebamõistlikult. Pencey kooli vihkab Holden seal valitseva sumbunud õhkkonna, snobismi, silmakirjalikkuse ja klassivahede rõhutamise pärast. See on juba neljas kool, kust ta on pidanud lahkuma kohanematuse tõttu. Pealkiri viitab Holdeni unistusele olla püüdja, kes hoiatab mängivaid lapsi rukkipõllu sisse peitunud kuristiku eest. Arvatakse, et ka nimi Holden (to hold - hoidma) on vihje soovile kaitsta mängivaid lapsi suureks kasvamise eest ja "suurte inimeste maailma" inetuse eest. Peatükid: Esimene peatükk Holden visati Pencey erakoolist välja, sest ta kukkus neljas aines läbi Võistlustele minnes unustas ta varustuse metroovagunisse. Sellega teenis ta kogu meeskonna meelepaha Holden jälgis veidike mängu künkalt ja läks siis ajalooõpetaja mr Spencerile külla Teine peatükk

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
15 allalaadimist

Body and exterior vocabulary autotehnik

and aircraft. (KAPOTT) A cowling may be used: · for drag reduction · for engine cooling by directing airflow · as an air intake for jet engines · for decorative purposes · Decklid: The decklid (or deck lid, boot lid) is the cover over the trunk/boot of motor vehicles that allows access to the main storage or luggagecompartment.[1][2] A hinge allows the decklid to be raised, while devices such as springs hold it up in the open position. It is most often opened by using a keyed lock mechanism. On automobiles with their trunk in the rear, decklids sometimes incorporate a center mounted third brake light (Center High Mount Stop Lamp or CHMSL). A rear decklid may also have a decorative air spoiler. On some cars, electric decklids are available, which means, by the use of an electric motor, they can be closed and opened by pressing a button on the car's key fob.

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

It is thougt to be the model for all parliaments since it was supposed to be truly representative of the people. *The Welsh March ­ Wales was divided between regions still under native rule and the lordships controlled by the castles of the Normans - between Pura Wallia and Marchia Wallie. The Norman lords of the March, while subjects of the English king, were not subject to the law of England. Their lands were like independent kingdoms whose rulers could hold courts, build castles and wage war. As the March existed over 450 years, it became a major and lasting element in the history of Wales. *Edward I's conquest of North Wales ­ He was the King of England who achieved historical fame by conquering large parts of Wales and almost succeeding in doing the same to Scotland. Welsh king repeatedly refused to pay homage to Edward so he raised a huge army and began his first campaign against the Welsh prince. After this campaign, the Welsh

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

The UK

K Different Parts The United Kingdom is a short way of saying the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is the political name for those countries which share a parliament in London. All of them were at one time independent kingdoms with their own monarch. Now they are all part of the same kingdom and share the same monarch. The UK consists of Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The peoples of these countries are British subjects; they hold British passports and therefore their nationality is British. The british Isles is the geographical name for all the islands off the west coast of Europe. These islands also include The Republic of Ireland, which is politically independent of the Britsh government. Many people refer to the inhabitants of the British isles as 'the English', but England is only one of the countries. The other countries are Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


ekspluatasiooni käigus üle kontrollida, sest mõni ankur võib olla järele andnud ja mõrra konfiguratsioon on sel juhul moonutatud. See vähendab nii mõrra vastupidavust lainetusele kui ka püügivõimet. Aeg-ajalt vajavad mõrrad veest väljavõtmist ja puahstamist. Mõrra kinnitusskeem This net is most efficient when fished in still lake waters. Setting the net is easy using four anchor points. It is the tension and float lead lines that hold the net in place. Similar to the Pennsylvania without frames. Treated - ready to fish. Body: Overall length 22'. Crib: 4' x 4' x 4' - Optionable zipper top. Wings: Usually 12' long. Leader: 50' x 4' or as required. Hood: Extends in front of trap. Netting: Usually 1/2", 3/4", or 1" square mesh. Throats: First heart turn around, leads into a second heart that goes in a crib third heart. New Hampshire Fyke Net

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
34 allalaadimist

Värvitud Petri võrgud CPN eksami konspekt

1 System development • Modelling in early system development stage corrects design errors before construction. • Beneficial modelling reasons (– Insight: in the design and operation of a system – Completeness: detection of missing parts for simulation and a better understanding of the system requirements – Correctness: errors and flaws are usually detected, problematic scenarios can be reproduced, systematic error investigation) 2 Introduction CPN • CPN is a graphical language for concurrent system design and analysis and also general-purpose modelling environment and also applicable for industrial projects and high level programming. • Petri nets provide(– graphical notation– modelling concurrency, communication, synchronisation) • CPN application domains that are typical(– communication protocols, data networks, distributed algorithms) • ...

Informaatika → Värvitud Petri võrgud
2 allalaadimist


Rhine River. They penetrated the Netherlands region mainly to control the several mouths of the Rhine, which were then farther to the north than they are now. Under Roman rule, general peace and prosperity prevailed for more than 250 years. Roman traders entered the area freely, selling products from Italy and Gaul. The Romans built temples, established a number of large farms, and introduced their civilization to the region. About AD 300 the hold by the Romans began to weaken, and no indigenous German tribes pushed into the area from the east. The Frisians, in the north, held their ground, but Saxons occupied the eastern part of the region, and the Franks moved into the west and south. (3) 2.3 The Middle Ages The Franks were the most powerful of the invaders. Their lands extended southward into what is now northern France and eastward across the Rhine. Eventually, the Frankish kings

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


If I loved her, how could I leave her? If I felt that way then, how come I don't feel anything now? - If you're upset, call me. I won't guarentee I'll make you laugh but I can cry with you. If you ever feel like you need to run away, call me. I won't guarentee I'll persuade you to stay but I can run with you. But, if one day you call and there's no answer....I might need you. - If I reach for your hand, will you hold it? If I hold out my arms, will you hug me? If I go for you lips, will you kiss me? If I capture your heart, will you love me? - Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you only have one life to live and one chance to do all the things you want to do. - It's not enough to have a dream, unless you're willing to pursue it. It's not enough to know what's right, unless you're strong enough to do it. It's not enough to learn the truth, unless you

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
36 allalaadimist

Structural Testing Of Homebuilt Aircraft

to metal fittings joining the spar-spar firmly installed in the fuselage, as it Look around and you will find some or spar-fuselage and we concentrate may be difficult to construct a simple, surprising answers. on the bolts and main pins. Later, yet reliable fixture for such wings. In Will the seat of the aircraft to be when the wing loading is over, we will any case, the wing supporting fixture proof tested elastically hold 880 lbs.? again inspect these parts to find out if should provide a sturdy support not How many builders will allow the there have been some changes in just for the spar bending test but also Technical Counselor to load the their appearance (hole elongations? for the following torsional test. seat(s) with 880 Ibs. (each!)? Maybe a bolt/nut looseness?). Figure 2L shows Figure 4 shows, schematically,

Mehaanika → Abimehanismid
4 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

throttle housing, but access is severely limited and connect a tachometer in accordance with the adjustment procedure. unless the heater plenum chamber top cover the manufacturer's instructions. 25 On completion fit a new tamperproof plug is removed as described in Chapter 4, Part B 18 Increase the engine speed to 3000 rpm and disconnect the tachometer and exhaust (see illustration). and hold it at this speed for 30 seconds, then gas analyser. 16 On later models the idle speed adjustment allow the engine to idle, check the tachometer screw is located on top of the throttle housing reading and if necessary turn the idle speed Models with Bosch KE-Jetronic beneath a tamperproof plug (see illustration). adjustment screw as required until the engine fuel injection system is idling at the specified speed

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö: Led Zeppelini IV stuudioalbum

Hey, baby, oh, baby, pretty baby, Tell me what you do me now. (Repeat) Didn't take too long 'fore I found out What people mean my down and out. Spent my money, took my car, Started tellin' her friends she wants to be a star. I don't know but I been told A big legged woman ain't got no soul. Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah, ah, ah. 17 Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah, ah, ah. All I ask for when I pray, Steady rollin' woman gonna come my way. Need a woman gonna hold my hand And tell me no lies, make me a happy man. Black Dog, (14.07.2009) 18 3.2 Rock And Roll Rock And Roll - 3:40 (Jimm Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones & John Bonham; Superhype Publishing, Inc. All rights administered by WB Music Corp., ASCAP.) Lindistatud 1971. aastal Headley Granges Hampshires koos The Rolling Stones Mobil Studio'ga. Väljastatud singlina 21. veebruaril 1972

Muusika → Muusika
30 allalaadimist

Topic - Canada

There are also many other languages spoken in Canada such as: Italian, Chinese, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Greek and Dutch. There are also many native languages such as Algonquian. The British and the French as the main settlers from Europe fought for hundreds of years before they managed to build up a country which was based on recognizing the cultural diversity of different nations in Canada. All the communities living in the country are encouraged to remember their origins and hold their own ethnic events and national festivals. Cultural diversity makes Canada even more interesting. In spite of this, in recent years there is a strong movement in French-speaking Quebec to become an independent country. There are many different native people throughout Canada like the Crees, Mohawks, Troquois and Sioux. In the north of the country, the Inuit (Eskimos) now have a self-governing homeland called Nunavut, meaning our land. It is over two million

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Laevade arhitektuur

mõjutab püstuvust. Poolpakk on väiksematel laevadel esinev madalam tekiehitis. Enamasti kasutatakse paki ruume lao- ja hoiuruumidena. Harvemini on pikendatud pakis ka esimese lastiruum ­ tvintekk. Süvatank, (deep tank, ) Topeltpõhjast kõrgemal paiknev piki- ja põikvaheseintest moodustuv, üles teki või platvormini kõrguv tsistern vedelkütuse, määrdeõli, magevee, ballastvee või vedellasti mahutamiseks. Lastiruum, laadruum, (trümm), (cargo hold, ) Laeva lasti paigutamiseks ette nähtud ruum. Olenevalt laeva spetsialiseerumisest segalastile (universaalsed kuivlastilaevad) või mingile konkreetsele lastile, võib lastiruumi ehitus olla väga erinev. Kuivlasti puhul paikneb lastiruum topeltpõhja ja teki või vaheteki vahel. Lastitvintekk, (cargo tween-deck space, ) Kahe teki (vahetekkide või vaheteki ja peateki või peateki ja ülateki) vahele jääv ruum lasti paigutamiseks. 15

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
44 allalaadimist


Ragbi Referaat Tallinn 2009 Sisukord 3. lehekülg ­ Sissejuhatus 4. lehekülg ­ Võistluskorraldus 5. lehekülg ­ Tehnika ja Taktika 10. lehekülg ­ Positsioonid Ragbis 12. lehekülg - Ajalugu 13. lehekülg ­ Suurimad Rahvusvahelised Võistlused 14. lehekülg ­ Ragbi Üle Maailma 15. lehekülg ­ Ragbi Variandid 16. lehekülg ­ Karistuslöögid 17. lehekülg ­ Varustus 18. lehekülg ­ Sportlase Eripära ja Treeningud 19. lehekülg - Kasutatud Kirjandus Sissejuhatus Ragbi on väga kiire, põnev ja vaatamist väärt spordiala, mida mängivad osavad ja tugevad sportlased. Mulle meeldib selline tehniline mängu, eriti huvitav on vaadata mängijaid meisterliku sööduoskusega. Nüüd aga ragbist lähemalt... Ragbi on mäng, mida mängitakse tänaseks enam kui 120 riigis üle maailma. Suur osa ragbi võlust tuleb mängu väga pikast ja kirevast ajaloost, ragbiga kaasa käivatest traditsio...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
12 allalaadimist

Ärialane suhtus ing. keeles

energy to argue with you! Try not to reveal your entire position at once When you prepare a response in your head, you tend to leave loose ends BUT role play forces you to find a solution! Avoid language that leads to deadlock Mirroring - A key skill in non-verbal communication. It is based on the fact we are more at ease, subconsciously, with people who are similar to ourselves. Creates an impression of empathyMaking concessions Making concessions: Whenever possible, hold them back When concessions are being offered and argued about, it can be useful to remind the other side of the progress you are making/have made. Ploys are negative tactics that some people use at the end of a N. They are aimed at wrong- footing you and your team on a personal level. Document the agreement in detail! 5

Majandus → Ärialane suhtlemine...
19 allalaadimist

Aforismid ja mõtteterad

I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be the physical appearance. I want to be your favorite hello and you hardest goodbye. When nothing goes right.. go left. Close your eyes, clean your hear,let it go. He gives you 12 roses 1 is fake and the rest are real a note is attached to it ,it reads: I will love you till the last one dies Somtimes you just have to smile and pretend everything is ok hold back the tears and just walk away Kasvades õpime, et isegi see üksainus inimene, kes ei tohiks meid kunagi alt vedada, teeb seda ilmselt siiski. Me südamed murduvad ilmselt rohkem kui üks kord ja iga korraga on see raskem. Me tülitseme parima sõbraga. Me süüdistame uut armastust eelmise vigades. Me nutame, sest aeg lendab liig kiirelt ning lõpuks me kaotame kellegi, keda armastame. Nii et tee liiga palju fotosid, naera liiga palju

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
39 allalaadimist

Essential Vocabulary töö

27. hagi rahuldama satisfy a claim 28. tagaseljaotsus default judgment 29. eelmenetlust läbi viima conduct pre-trial proceedings 30. hageja nõuded claims of the claimant / plaintiff 31. kostja vastuväited defences / objections of the defendant 32. tõendite kuuluvus ja lubatavus relevance and admissibility of evidence 33. eelistungit pidama hold a preliminary hearing 34. tunnistaja tunnistus testimony / statements of a witness 35. kohtukutset kätte toimetama/üle andma serve / deliver a summons 1. participants in proceedings - the parties (the plaintiff and the defendant) and sometimes also third persons 2. counterclaim - the defendant has the right to file a counterclaim against the plaintiff 3. matters on petition - matters on petition include, for example, declaration

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

äri-inglisekeel sõnad

vaimukas ja tähelepanelik ülemus - a witty and attentive boss tegelema raskete inimestega - to deal with difficult people kannatlik ja väljendusrikas mees - a tolerant and expressive man suure toiduainete kaupluse turvamees - a store detective in a supermarket lisa oma küsimus - add your question viie aasta pärast - in five years' time 10-11 kirjutage trükitähtedega - type in block letters sünniaeg - a date of birth kas teil on kehtiv juhiluba - do you hold a current Driving Licence? eksamite tulemsed - examination results vajatakse kassiire ja puhastajaid - required for cashiers and cleaners täitke avaldusplankett - fill in the application form eesnimi - Christian Name sünnikoht - place of birth kursuste kestvus - duration of the cours värbama tööjõudu - to recruit staff valige töö, mainiyud kuulutuses - choose one of the jobs mentioned in the ad laohoidja ja juhendaja/ ülevaataja - storemen and supervisor 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
164 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused õppeaines "Mõõtmised ja andmetöötlus"

Kordamisküsimused õppeaines "Mõõtmised ja andmetöötlus" 1. Mõõteseadme või -süsteemi funktsionaalelemendid Joonisel on need alamsüsteemid järgmised: tundlik element, signaali muundamise alamsüsteem ­ mõõteseade ja salvestamise või indikatsiooni seade. Mõõtekeskkond ehk -objekt on keeruline mitmekülgne nähtus või protsess, millel võib olla palju mõõdetavaid parameetreid, kuid konkreetses olukorras reageerib mõõtesüsteem vaid ühele nendest, mida nimetatakse mõõdetavaks suuruseks. Tundlik element ­ tajur kujutab endast primaarmõõtemuundurit, mis on ehitatud teatud kindla füüsikalise tööpõhimõtte alusel ning on võimeline vastu võtma sisendsignaali. Keerulisemate süsteemide korral võib mõõteseadme koosseisu kuuluda peale primaarmõõtemuunduri veel mitu muundurit, mis töötlevad mõõteinformatsiooni jadamisi. Sellist mõõteobjekti vahetus läheduses asuvat muundurite komplekti nimet...

Muu → Mõõtmine
41 allalaadimist


convex ­ kumer ­ calipers ­ kobisirkel, nihkkaliiber, taster ­ vernier caliper ­ nihik ­ harden ­ karastama ­ inside caliper ­ sisemõõtur, sisenihik ­ jaws ­ haarad ­ needle ­ sügavusjoonlaud ­ depth caliper ­ sügavusmõõtur, -nihik ­ keyway ­ liistusoon ­ micrometer ­ mikromeeter ­ CUTTING TOOLS Hacksaw is used for cutting metal. There are two types of hacksaw frames ­ solid and adjustable. The solid type will only hold one size of blade; the adjustable type can be fitted with different length blades. Blades come in various pitches. The pitch represents the number of teeth per inch. The standard pitches are 14, 18, 24, and 32 teeth per inch. For general purpose work the 18 pitch is used. The 24 pitch is used for cutting thick wall tubing, pipe, copper, brass. The 32 pitch is used for thin wall tubing and sheet metal. Mini-Hacksaw Frame is used for difficult-to- reach positions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


You do not believe what you see; you rather see what you already believe. You can have life-enhancing beliefs that make you happy and optimistic, or you can have negative beliefs about yourself and your potential that act as roadblocks to the realization of everything that is truly possible for you. The most harmful beliefs you can have are your self-limiting be- liefs. These are beliefs about yourself and your potential that hold you back. Most of them are not true. Most of them are the result of information you have accepted without question, often from early childhood. Even if it is completely untrue, if you believe yourself to be limited in areas such as achieving wonderful health and happi- ness and earning a lot of money, that will become your truth. As the author Richard Bach in his book Illusions wrote, “Argue for your

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Presentation vocabulary

.. I'd like to propose ... (more formal) In my opinion, the only way forward is ... Handouts I'll be distributing the handouts in a few moments. The handouts are over by the door. Copies of my transparencies/slides are on the table by the door. Inviting questions If you have any questions or comments, I'll be happy to answer them. If there are any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Are there any more questions? I'll be happy to answer any questions, but I'd like to hold the last few minutes for a summary. If anyone has any questions or comments to start us off ... I'd be glad to try and answer any questions. So, let's throw it open to questions. Any questions? Closing Thank you for your attention/time Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening. Thank you very much. Thank you. I hope you have gained an insight into ... THE MAIN POINTS TO REMEMBER The ending Finish on time Sum up Conclude Handouts? Any questions? Close

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

The Saxons & Vikings

It stretches for about 180 km, was 7 metres high, the ditch in front of it 2 metres deep. By the beginning of the 9th cent. Wessex had become the strongest. Wessex never again lost its supremacy. In 829 King Egbert was acknowledged by Kent, Mercia & Northumbria. This was the beginning of the united kingdom. King Egbert became 1st King of England. The clergy, royal warriors & officials supported the king's power. He granted them land and the right to collect dues from the peasants & hold judgement over them. Another important class developed ­ the men of learning, came from the Christian Church. Nobody knows when christianity first reached Britain. Christianity came from 2 directions, Rome & Ireland. In 597 Pope Gregory the Great sent a group of missionaries under a monk Augustin to re-establish Christianity. Augustin went to Canterbury, the capital of Kent, where King Ethelbert had married Bertha, a Christian Frankish princess.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
16 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

Launch of „snake in the tunnel“ 1973 January: Denmark, Ireland and the UK join the European Communities. 1974 April: foreign secretary James Callaghan makes statement to the Council on the new Labour government’s policy on the Community. Calls for major changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), "fairer methods of financing the Community budget" and solutions to monetary problems. December: the Community’s heads of state or government decide to hold meetings three times a year as the European Council, agree direct elections to the European Parliament, resolve to set up the European Regional Development Fund and establish economic and monetary union. 1975 Launch of ERDF - The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions 1978 European Council establishes the European Monetary System based on a European currency unit (the ECU) and the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

An element is a substance in which all of the atoms are identical (the Periodic Table shows all the known elements). Every atom of hydrogen, for example, has one proton and one electron, with no neutrons. Every atom of carbon has six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. The number of protons determines which element it is. Electrons usually remain a constant distance from the nucleus in precise shells. The shell closest to the nucleus can hold two electrons. The next shell can hold up to eight. The outer shells cans hold even more. Some atoms with many protons can have as many as seven shells with electrons in them. The electrons in the shells closest to the nucleus have a strong force of attraction to the protons. Sometimes, the electrons in the outermost shells do not. These electrons can be pushed out of their orbits. Applying a force can make them move from one atom to another. These moving electrons are electricity. 7.2 Static electricity

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

come ON before power supply for the Unit. If power supply for the I/O circuits comes ON before power supply for the Unit, normal operation may be tempo- rarily interrupted. • If the operating mode is changed from RUN or MONITOR mode to PROGRAM mode, with the IOM Hold Bit ON, the output will hold the most recent status. In such a case, ensure that the external load does not exceed specifications. (If operation is stopped because of an operation error (including FALS instruc- tions), the values in the internal memory of the CPU Unit will be saved, but the outputs will all turn OFF.)

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Optilised seadmed

Lubaduste kohaselt on +RW seadme andmeedastuskiirus 1,7Mbaiti sekundis ning pöördusajad paremad, kui DVD-RAM -il. Lisaks saab antud seadet kasutada sarnaselt CD-RW'le s.t kasutades lihtsalt tühja plaati, vastupidiselt DVD-RAM -ile, mille kettad on erilises ümbrises. +RW on nagu CD-RW, mille andmed kirjutatakse tühjale kettale (toorikule) pressitud spiraalvakku ja failisüsteem on jaotatud andmeplokkideks. DVD-RAM kasutab nii grooves and the 'land' either side of the grooves to hold data, ja omab PD-tüüpi andmestruktuuri relying on embossed markers. Seega on nende kahe formaadi andmestruktuurid erinevad, mis andmete seisukohalt tähendab , et formaadid on mitteühilduvad ning ühe formaadi kettaid ei saa kasutada teist formaati kasutava seadme poolt. DVD-RAM-i (random access memory) teeb sama, mis DVD+RW ning DVD-RW, selle erinevusega, et kasutatakse faasipöördustehnoloogiat, millel põhinevad praegused Panasonic'u PD/CD (phase change dual/ CD-ROM) ajamid

Informaatika → Arvutite lisaseadmed
56 allalaadimist


set the net. You often set to take advantage of fish following tidal or current flows. These fish will be moving along the bottom at a particular time, whether it is with sunset, at the change of the tide, or with the tidal flow. Maximum netting efficiency is obtained when the net is placed in an area where fish movements are naturally focused by the contours of the bottom. Groundfish will tend to go around obstacles and hold to the same distance from the bottom at the same time of day. If you can locate key valleys and passages for fish movements, know the time and state of the tide at which the fish move, and use the currents to place your net exactly where you want it - you'll 37 catch more. Marimsys Charts 38 Nakkepüüniste tehniliste parameetrite valik Nakkepüüniseid iseloomusatavateks peamisteks tehnilisteks parameetriteks on: võrgulina

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
29 allalaadimist


times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I realize how much I truly miss you and how much I truly love you. The past may be gone forever..and whatever the future holds, our todays make the memories of tomorrow. So, my lifetime friend, it is with all my heart that I send you my love, hoping that you'll always carry my smile with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold. Good friends are like stars -- you don't always see them, but you know they are always there. MASEKAMAD : Kui sa vaid näeksid, mis toimub minu sees, siis teaksid miks istun silmad vees. On asju mida ei saa kunagi tagasi,kuidas ka ei kahetseks, kuidas ka ei pingutaks... I've learned that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures will never replace having been there, memories good and bad will bring tears, and words can never replace feelings. On hetki kus tuleb kõndida ära

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
14 allalaadimist

DIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadel

TOM: Well, I hope you won't have one when I am with you. Good heavens, why is the front wheel on my side bumping? I: Confound it! We've got a puncture. I must pull up. [I put on the brake and the car comes to a stop.] MARY: What's the matter, dear? We can't have got there already. I: No, we haven't; and what's more, we shan't get there for some time yet. We've got a puncture. One of the tyres is flat. Come on, Tom; open the tool-box and get out the jack; I'll start taking off the nuts that hold the wheel on. MARY: Be as quick as you can, dear. We don't want to miss the news-reel. I: Great Scot! Aren't you going to get out and help? MARY: No, thank you. We're all right where we are, aren't we, Susan? Besides, you've got Tom to help you. We should only be in the way. [Tom puts the jack under the front of the car turns the handle and the front of the car slowly rises.] TOM: Is it clear of the ground yet? I: Nearly. Give it one more turn. That'll do; just get the spare wheel from the back

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Getting physical

A stiff, immobile speaker is often a boring and usually ineffective speaker as. It is therefore essential to know how to be physically relaxed, which will allow your actions to complement your words. Before we start, two important definitions: A podium is the raised platform at the front of the room where speakers stand to deliver presentations; it is also called the dais (pronounced dayus). The stand used to hold notes is called the lectern. A lectern can be a short stand placed atop a table, or it can be a freestanding unit with a light, microphone, and sometimes a clock attached. The terms podium and lectern are often interchanged and misused, and for that reason, the skilled speechmaker should know this distinction. THE EYES Within many cultures around the world, it is believed that the eyes are the windows to the soul. In

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Funktsioonid

A line of text Move the mouse to the left of the line until the mouse pointer changes direction, and then click. Multiple lines of text Move the mouse to the left of the lines until the mouse pointer changes direction, and then click and drag. A sentence Hold down CTRL and click anywhere in the sentence. A paragraph Move the mouse to the left of the paragraph until the mouse pointer changes direction and then double-click, or triple-click anywhere in the paragraph. Multiple paragraphs Move the mouse to the left of the paragraphs until the mouse pointer changes direction, double-click, and then drag.

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed materjalid
49 allalaadimist


 Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS, their first customer. This is the first computer language program written for a personal computer.  The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field-tested by end-users. Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed "WYSIWYG", meaning what you see is what you get. Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto personal computer.  Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer hobbyist's club in French's garage, in Menlo Park, California. 32 people meet, including Bob Albrect, Steve Dompier, Lee Felsenstein, Bob Marsh, Tom Pittman, Marty Spergel, Alan Baum, and Steven Wozniak. Bob Albrect shows off an Altair, and Steve Dompier reports on MITS, and how they had 4000 orders for the Altair.  Stephen Dorsey, founder of Automatic Electronic Systems, sells his 25% of the company for $135,000.

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

like this too. himself with this disclaimer 4 He seems to be feeling better. Alex ... that's the London Eye? Charlotte Yes! They have a licence to pointed at his head: `Not insane.' 5 I don't anticipate their arriving hold civil ceremonies there. Wouldn't it 8 F ... had dated for four years and before midnight. be so fantastic to get married up there never seriously discussed marriage. 6 The roof appears to have been in the sky with those amazing views? Why mess up a good thing? damaged in the storm. Alex It would be brilliant! But ... how 9 F ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Kübersport - Uurimistöö

– Video game addiction: veebilehekülg. tion.html 02.03.2015 16 SUMMARY Cybersport is a termin, which has been used last 30 years. Thouh nowadays it is widespread leisure activity, which can make large amounts of money. Over the past few years, money contributed into eSport has been four-five times bigger. The number od tournaments being hold has increased too - only at North-America there has been over 9000 more competitions over the past four years, which gives an idea how much people enjoy computer gaming. Proffessional gamers train every day and learn somethinf from every game played, at the same time being a regular citizen and doing the same things, as every other person. This sport developes together accuracy, speed, memory and personality. Also revealed that the most important thing is

Informaatika → Arvutid
33 allalaadimist


Skateboarding started with oldschool in the late 1940s or early 1950s when surfers wanted to surf when the waves were flat. Since that time a skateboard and its riding stile have changed totally. In the second paragraph I talk about skateboarding equipment. A main piece of skateboard is a skateboarding deck, what is pressed of seven thin veneer plates and where skaters stand. There are many different decks with different shapes and size. Under the skateboard are skateboarding trucks, what hold wheel against skateboard. Trucks can be with many different size and weights. Bolts hold trucks against a deck and in the middle are raisers. Wheels are attached to trucks and there are wheels with different size and hardness. In the wheels are bearings, what can be differenced by durability. In the second paragraph I talk about skateboarding tricks as well. Skateboarding tricks are dealt into five categories. There are freestyle tricks, what involve balancing on some other part of the

Sport → Sport/kehaline kasvatus
46 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Wittgenstein (1953: Part I). A more systematic Wittgensteinian attack is found in Waismann (1965a: ch. 8). · Arguments of the sort lying behind objection 3 are found in Frege (1892/1952a) and (1892/1952b). · Bradley's regress is further discussed by Wolterstorff (1970: ch. 4) and by Loux (1998: ch. 1). Part I Reference and referring 2 Definite descriptions Overview Even if the Referential Theory of Meaning does not hold for all words, one might think it would apply at least to singular terms (terms that purport to refer to single individuals, such as proper names, pronouns, and definite descriptions). But Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell argued powerfully that definite descriptions, at least, do not mean what they mean in virtue of denoting what they denote. Rather, he contended, a sentence containing a definite description, such as "The woman who lives there is a biochemist,"

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun