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"access" - 551 õppematerjali

access - complimentary - Concierge services - Babysitting or child care - Air-conditioned public areas - Business center - Sauna - On-site medical assistance available - Porter/bellhop

Kasutaja: Access

Faile: 0

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

will appear on the PlayStation in the near future. Java is more than adequate for low profile games on PCs,, and a quick search through the sites mentioned in section 2.3.2 will confirm its popularity. 3. Graphics APIs for Gaming Java 3D is built on top of lower level graphics libraries: it can either use DirectX or OpenGL. It is useful to understand a little about these APIs before considering Java 3D itself. 3.1. Direct X DirectX is a collection of related gaming modules that provide access to hardware via low-level function available through the Windows Application Windows OS ( Its Direct3D principal aims are to make Windows suitable Retained Mode for game development and to simplify the software interface to the enormous variety of hardware that can be part of a typical PC. Direct3D Immediate Mode DirectX bypasses most of Windows to

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at and-conditions Perspectives: Studies in Translatology Vol. 20, No. 3, September 2012, 313Á327 RESEARCH ARTICLE When `we' are `the other'

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

DAX Value U-Channel Document Frames, Easel Back Xerox 1980 Advantus Map Pennant Flags and Round Head Tacks Xerox 1976 GBC ProClick Spines for 32-Hole Punch Hewlett-Packard Deskjet 5550 Color Inkjet Printer Xerox 23 Avery Hi-Liter® Smear-Safe Highlighters Holmes HEPA Air Purifier DS/HD IBM Formatted Diskettes, 200/Pack - Staples Tripp Lite Isotel 8 Ultra 8 Outlet Metal Surge Eldon Expressions Mahogany Wood Desk Collection GBC Standard Therm-A-Bind Covers Logitech Access Keyboard Hon 94000 Series Round Tables Avery Trapezoid Ring Binder, 3" Capacity, Black, 1040 sheets Kensington 7 Outlet MasterPiece Power Center with Fax/Phone Line Protection Belkin 8 Outlet SurgeMaster II Gold Surge Protector DAX Clear Channel Poster Frame Micro Innovations 104 Keyboard Kleencut® Forged Office Shears by Acme United Corporation Deflect-o EconoMat Studded, No Bevel Mat for Low Pile Carpeting Adams Phone Message Book, 200 Message Capacity, 8 1/16” x 11”

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

C# materjal

SqlConnection cn=new SqlConnection(constr); cn.Open(); SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(lause, cn); SqlDataReader reader=cm.ExecuteReader(); while(reader.Read()){ Console.WriteLine(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("eesnimi"))); } cn.Close(); } } /* D:kodu606dotnet>Baasiproov1 Juku Mati Sass */ Sugugi alati ei pruugi kasutatavad andmed olla Microsofti SQL-serveris. Levinud veidi väiksemate andmetega ümber käimise programmiks on näiteks Access. Kui saab talle sobiva draiveriga sobiva versiooni faili külge minna, siis on täisesti lootust ka nõnda otse sidet pidada. Kusjuures nõnda programmi kaudu andmeid lugedes/kirjutades ei pea Accessi ennast üldse olema masinasse installeeritud. Piisab vaid sobivast draiverist, mis on üldjuhul juba operatsioonisüsteemiga kaasas. using System; using System.Data.Odbc; class Baasiproov2a{ public static void Main(string[] arg){ 73

Informaatika → Programmeerimine - c sharp
121 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Judson Mills, decided to test their observation that "persons who go through a great deal of trouble or pain to attain something tend to value it more highly than persons who attain the same thing with a minimum of effort." The real stroke of inspiration came in their choice of the initiation ceremony as the best place to ex- amine this possibility. They found that college women who had to endure a se- verely embarrassing initiation ceremony in order to gain access to a sex discussion group convinced themselves that their new group and its discussions were ex- tremely valuable, even though Aronson and Mills had rehearsed the other group members to be as "worthless and uninteresting" as possible. Different coeds who went through a much milder initiation ceremony or went through no initiation at all, were decidedly less positive about the "worthless" new group they had joined.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist


ja näib, et FTP ei tööta. Sel juhul tasub enne kopeerimisi anda käsk passiivseks andmevahetuseks ftp> passive Üleminekuks aktiivsele andmevahetusele on käsk active. 11. Interneti protokollid POP3, IMAP ja SMTP. Andmevahetuse kirjeldus ja pordid. Port Protokoll Seletus 110 POP3 Post Office Protocol 143 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol 25 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol POP3 ja IMAP protokollid on selleks et postkasti serverist kirjad kätte saada. IMAP on e-maili parandatud lugemise protokoll. IMAP kasutamine POP3 asemel võimaldab serverisse kaustu ehk foldereid luua, vabastades meilikasutaja vajadusest saabunud kirjad alati oma arvutisse salvestada. Lisaks kirjavahetuse koondumise ühte kinlasse kohta ning mitmelt arvutilt töötamise mugavamaks muutmisele saab IMAPi

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
188 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse kontrolltöö teooria

Infosüsteemide (IS) valdkond (IS valdkonna spetsialisti teadmised) Infosüsteemide valdkond Tegeleb kõigega, mis on seotud inimvõimete suurendamisega infotehnoloogia abil ja see puudutab: · probleemide lahendamist · otsuste vastuvõtmist · vajalike tegevuste sooritamist · arusaamise/mõistmise loomist Täpsemalt tegeletakse probleemidega, mis on seotud infotehnoloogiliste ressursside ja teenuste soetamise, kasutamise ja juhtimisega organisatsioonis - probleemidega, mis on seotud kasutatavate infotehnoloogiliste infrastruktuuride ning vastavate süsteemide arendamisega organisatsiooniliste tööprotsesside jaoks. Infosüsteemide valdkonna spetsialisti teadmised · ärialased teadmised · infotehnoloogia-alased teadmised · analüütiline ja kriitiline mõtlemine · suhtlus, meeskonnatöö oskused Kokku võetuna ­ infotehnoloogial põhinevat ettevõtet ja tema arendust puudutavad teadmised Infotehnoloogia (IT) definitsioon Infoteh...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
329 allalaadimist

Muutused Valga linnas pärast Eesti-Läti piiri määramist

never started to work during the whole day. The Border significantly changed the course of traffic between Valga and the surrounding area. There were changes in town traffic as well but and traffic on railway became more complex. A road link between Valga county and neighboring areas on west was previously functioned through Valga-Härgmäe-Karksi road. After established border the Valga-Karksi road remained part of Latvian territory. For access to Valga people from Taagepera, Holdre and Koorküla were forced to make a detour through Aitsre and Mäemõisa. During the first years of independence the town seemed to be even more complicated situation, because the connection with northern areas functioned by Valga-Viljandi road was temporarily interrupted. The decision of Tallents divide Paju parish so, that starting kilometers of Valga-Viljandi road went to the Latvian side of border and direct connection with Helme or

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
20 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

divorce. Wolsey was anable to do this, his downfall began. He was accused of treason, he died on a journey to trial Catherine of Aragon A spanish princess, Henry´s wife. She had borne him 5 children, but only Mary survived. King demanded a male heir to protect Tudor dynasty. After Henry proclaimed hismelf the Head of the English church, he secretly married Anne Boleyn . Catherine was forced to live much reduced conditions and denied access to her daughter. Anne Boleyn Second wife. She was already pregnant when getting married. They had a daughter Elizabeth, alter Elizabeth I. Anne miscarried a deformed male fetus, henry was convinced, God had damned this marriage. Anne was publicly executed Jane Seymour 3rd wife. Brought the male heir to the Tudor throne. Edward, later Edward VI. Jane herself died twelve days later of Tudor surgery Anne of Cleves

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

ject to the free trade regime. Most Favored Nation Regime The most favored nation (MFN) system of trade relations is embodied in the World Trade Orga- nization (WTO) agreement, which is observed by each member state of the WTO. MFN, which represents one of the fundamental principles of the WTO, lays down the rules of reciprocity and nondiscrimination in international trade relations. In effect, pursuant to the MFN principle, a country that has been granted MFN status has access to a third country's markets under the same treatment as any other country with MFN status. 50 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 50 Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) The main idea of the GSP is that the economically developed countries assist the states with rela- tively weak economies to develop their export potential. For this purpose, developed countries

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mulla eksam

Põhikaardi koordinaatsüsteemis (Lambert-EST) ning vormistati aluskaardina kasutatavaile rasterkujul olevaile katastrikaardi lehtedele (mõõtudega 50*50 cm). Samaaegselt digitaalkaardiga koostatud süstematiseeritud andmebaas, mis on ühildatav Maa-ameti kasutuses olevate infosüsteemidega anti Maa-ametile üle andmekandjal (CD). Graafilised andmed ehk digitaalsel kujul olev mullastiku kaart on MicroStation või MicroStation *.dgn formaadis ja mullastiku andmebaas MS Access formaadis ning andmebaasi mahu olulisel suurenemisel on võimalus konverteerida andmeid teistesse andmebaasi programmidesse. 15 Hetkel on Eesti mullakaart ja mullaandmebaas saadaval kolmes erinevas vektorformaadis: · MicroStation · MapInfo · Arcview Microstation, Mapinfo ja ArcView formaadis olevad mullaandmed on "lõigatud" põhikaardi lehtede

Maateadus → Mullateadus
184 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

produce the most cost efficient means of manufacturing a product. 8 6. Mutual Success: Among supply chain partners ensures mutual success. Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) is a longer-term commitment, joint work on quality, and support by the buyer of the supplier's managerial, technological, and capacity development. This relationship allows a company to have access to current, reliable information, obtain lower inventory levels, cut lead times, enhance product quality, improve forecasting accuracy and ultimately improve customer service and overall profits. The suppliers also benefit from the cooperative relationship through increased buyer input from suggestions on improving the quality and costs and though shared savings. Consumers can benefit as well through higher quality goods provided at a lower cost. ACTIVITIES/FUNCTIONS OF SCM

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist


Vanim on lihtsalt ROM info kirjutakse sisse valmistamise käigus, muuta infot ei saa. PROM ­ üks kord programmeritav tarbija poolt. EPROM ­ info salvestus elektriline, kustutamine ­ UV-kiirtega. Kustutamine nõuab aega minutites. EEPROM ­ info salvestus ja ka kustutamine toimub elektriliselt. Aeg ­ millisekundites. ROM Vanim variant. Sisaldab: 1) pesasid, igas pesas n bitti. 2) aadressi dekooder. Suvapöördusega mälud ­ Random Access Memory (kõik aadressid on hetkega kättesaadavad). 3 ...... Olgu igas pesas 4 bitti. Pesi on 2 = 8 186 PROM Programmeeritav ainult üks kord Valmistamisel pandi kõikidesse sõlmedesse dioodid või transistorid. kirjutati sisse kõikjale (näiteks) 1-d. Nullid tuleb sisse programmeerida ­ liigsed dioodid või transistorid kõrvaldada. Kõrvaldamine tähendab dioodi ühenduse läbipõletamist.

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
74 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

Prior to the start of steel erection, very detailed 3D erection procedures were developed for each area and provided to the field, resulting in clarity that could not have been accomplished with 2D illustrations or verbal instructions. 49 Figure 24. Working Session in the Field Office (Eastman, 2006). LPR’s field office was set up with high speed internet access, multiple computers and software, including AutoCAD, Tekla and DesignCAD for viewing and manipulating most of the electronic information that was part of the project (Figure 24). 3D CAD models of the shores, shore interfaces and shoring foundations were transmitted to the field for clarification and proper installation. Field Engineers, Project Superintendents and Raising Gang Foremen routinely referred to the Tekla, DesignCAD and AutoCAD models for visualization purposes

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Andmebaasipõhiste veebirakenduste arendamine Microsoft Visual Studio ja SQL Server’i baasil

cn.Open(); SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(lause, cn); SqlDataReader reader=cm.ExecuteReader(); while(reader.Read()){ Console.WriteLine(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal( "eesnimi"))); } cn.Close(); } } /* D:kodu606dotnet>Baasiproov1 Juku Mati Sass */ Sugugi alati ei pruugi kasutatavad andmed olla Microsofti SQL-serveris. Levinud veidi väiksemate andmetega ümber käimise programmiks on näiteks Access. Kui saab talle sobiva draiveriga sobiva versiooni faili külge minna, siis on täiesti lootust ka nõnda otse sidet pidada. Kusjuures nõnda programmi kaudu andmeid lugedes/kirjutades ei pea Accessi ennast üldse olema masinasse installeeritud. Piisab vaid sobivast draiverist, mis on üldjuhul juba operatsioonisüsteemiga kaasas. using System; using System.Data.Odbc; class Baasiproov2a{ public static void Main(string[] arg){

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
42 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

 Testimise abivahendid ja automaattestide süsteemid (Valgrind, Jtest, ...)  Automaatmonitoorimise süsteemid Priorities for software development Three main consumers of time and effort:  Understanding the business processes and needs.  Understanding the exact contents of existing data.  Writing code. The second component - understanding existing data - is growing and will keep growing for foreseeable future. Main problems for the developer  Get access to data from the foreign system  Understand what does this data exactly mean  Convert foreign data to data structures of our own app and vice versa Vabatarkvara  Mis on vabatarkvara:  tasuta?  lahtise koodiga?  edasimüügiõigusega?  copyright?  Ajalugu, eesmärgid, perspektiivid  mis on olnud?  mis on tulemas?  äriidee?  miks vabavara tehakse?

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist

Rahvusarhiivi juhised

line kataloog andmebaasiserver efektiivne haldamine ja ülekirjuta­ süstemaatiliselt ei teostata URRAM fondidele juurdepääsu tavad võimaldamine AK-6 Konservee- Microsoft Access Ülevaade Numbrilised ja tekstili- Andmed üle- Alates 1997 Väljatrükk võimalik; Alatine rimistööde konserveerimistöödest sed andmed konserveeri- kirjutatavad süstemaatiliselt ei teostata arvestusraamat mistööde kohta „Tellimised”

Muu → Rahvusarhiivi juhised
10 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

Gutenberg-tm electronic works 1.A. By reading or using any part of this Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work, you indicate that you have read, understand, agree to and accept all the terms of this license and intellectual property (trademark/copyright) agreement. If you do not agree to abide by all the terms of this agreement, you must cease using and return or destroy all copies of Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works in your possession. If you paid a fee for obtaining a copy of or access to a Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work and you do not agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or entity to whom you paid the fee as set forth in paragraph 1.E.8. 1.B. "Project Gutenberg" is a registered trademark. It may only be used on or associated in any way with an electronic work by people who agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. There are a few things that you can do with most Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

A New Earth

layers of deadening conceptualization and mental belief structures, and for this reason most of them were viewed with suspicion and often hostility by the established religious hierarchies. Unlike mainstream religion, their teachings emphasized realization and inner transformation. It is through those esoteric schools or movements that the major religions regained the transformative power of the original teachings, although in most cases, only a small minority of people had access to them. Their numbers were never large enough to have any significant impact on the deep collective unconsciousness of the majority. Over time, some of those schools themselves became too rigidly formalized or conceptualized to remain effective. SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGION What is the role o the established religions in the arising of the new consciousness? Many people are already aware of the difference between spirituality and religion

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Biosüstemaatika teooria ja meetodid

Hollis & R.K. Brummitt, World geographical scheme for recording plant dis- tributions. Pittsburgh, 1992. Liigikirjelduste koostamise standardprogram- miks on botaaniliste andmebaaside rahvusvahelise töörühma poolt kinnitatud juba mainitud DELTA. 13.4. Andmebaasid tuleb tavaliselt igal süstemaatikul endal vastavalt vajadusele luua. Personaalarvuteile sobivaimad süsteemid on praegu FoxPro ja (paremate arvutite puhul) ACCESS. Taksonoomiliste andmebaaside tegemisel tuleks kohe ette näha nende polüfunktsionaalsus: sama eksemplaride kohta koostatud andmebaas peaks võimaldama etikettide printimist, tunnuste kodee- ritud või kodeerimata sisestamist, levikukaartide koostamist arvuti abil, jne. 13.5. Internet on praegu levinuim elektroonilise kommunikatsiooni süs- teem, mis võimaldab pidada kiiret kirjavahetust teiste süstemaatikutega ja saada erialastesse listidesse registreerumisel jooksvat infot ning osaleda

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Informaatika I tunnitöö "Tabelid 2. Andmeloendid"

Tabelid 2 Andmeloendid. Andmeanalüüs ja and Sorteerimine, filtreerimine, kokkuvõtted, ko analüüs ja andmete korrastamine kokkuvõtted, koondid jm Andmeloendite põhiomadused ja põhitegevused nendega Arvutite müükide arvestus Töötajate nimekiri Puidu müükide tabel Tabeli kirjete sorteerimine ja grupeerimine Päringud ja filtreerimine Autofilter Arendatud filter Makro kasutamine arendatud filtriga Kokkuvõtted, koondid jmt Vahekokkuvõtted - Subtotals Risttabelid - Pivot Table Report Funktsioonid COUNTIF ja SUMIF Andmebaaside funktsioonid veeb klipp Andmeloendid Andmeloendite põhiomadused ja põhitegevused nendega Andmeloend (Data List), ka lihtsalt loend (List) või andmebaasi tabel, on korrapärane tabel, mille kõikide rividel (ridadel) on ühesugune struktuur. Iga rivi sisaldab ühe objekti omadusi, igas veerus on ühe omaduse väärtused. Rivisid nimetatakse kirjetek...

Informaatika → Informaatika I (tehnika)
10 allalaadimist


Mezieres, that is to say, have them put into Rossignol's hands to see if there is something important in them." Or, eight years later, in 1642, writing to Messieurs de Noyers and de Chavigny: "I saw, in some extracts, that Rossignol sent me, a truce negotiation of the King of England with the Prince of Orange; I do not think that it can have any effect, but ... it is up to you, gentlemen, to keep your eyes peeled." Rossignol's work gave him access to some of the greatest secrets of the state and the court, and consequently made him a figure of some prominence in the glittering court of Louis XIV. He appears in some of the major memoirs of that period. Tallement des Reaux tells some unflattering stories about him and calls him "a poor species of man" in his Historiettes. But the Duke of Saint-Simon, whose Memoires are a monument of French literature, wrote that Rossignol was "the most skillful decipherer of Europe. . .

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


ümberprogrammeeritavateks püsimäludeks. Ühekordselt programmeeritavaid mälusid liigitatakse sõltuvalt sellest, kas need programmeeritakse tehases mälukiibi valmistaja poolt või programmeerib neid kiibi kasutaja. Ümberprogrammeeritavaid püsimälusid saab kasutaja vajaduse korral kustutada ja uuesti programmeerida. Muut- ja püsimälude töökiirus peab olema võimalikult suur. 51 1.5.1. Muutmälud Muutmälude (RAM - random access memory) põhiliigiks on pooljuhtmälud, mis koosnevad trigeritest või muudest mäluelementidest. Muutmälud on toitepingest sõltuvad ning jagunevad kahte liiki, staatilisteks ja dünaamilisteks. Staatilises muutmälus kasutatakse iga infobiti salvestamiseks ühte trigerit, mis säilitab infot seni, kuni säilib toitepinge. Kuna staatilises mälus säilib salvestatud informatsioon ka pärast mälust lugemist, püsides seal toitepinge olemasolu korral kui tahes kaua, siis

Tehnika → Tehnikalugu
45 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

Challenge! 8E Mixed conditionals certainly made the world a Students' own answers page 70 better place. Everyone can now 1 1 b 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c access information which was 8B Modals in the past only available to a minority of 2 1 had paid, could/would page 66 our grandparents' generation. understand

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
90 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

· Eat more omega-3 fatty acids. We won't be covering any of this. Not because it doesn't work--it does ... up to a point. But it's not the type of advice that will make friends greet you with "What the #$%& have you been doing?!", whether in the dressing room or on the playing field. That requires an altogether different approach. The Unintentional Dark Horse Let's be clear: I'm neither a doctor nor a PhD. I am a meticulous data cruncher with access to many of the world's best athletes and scientists. This puts me in a rather unusual position. I'm able to pull from disciplines and subcultures that rarely touch one another, and I'm able to test hypotheses using the kind of self-experimentation mainstream practitioners can't condone (though their help behind the scenes is critical). By challenging basic assumptions, it's possible to stumble upon simple and unusual solutions to long-standing problems. Overfat

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

crumbling. In Australia and New Zealand, the campaign was the first major battle undertaken by a joined military formation, the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and is often considered to mark the birth of national consciousness in both of these countries. *The Mesopotamian campaign ­ was a campaign in Middle East during the I World War. It was a British campaign in the present-day Iraq. Britain's aim was to secure access to vital Persian oil supplies. The advance towards Bagdad was slow but successful. The campaign received a severe setback when 10 000 allied soldiers were captured by Turks. Still, Bagdad fell and the Turks were defeated. The British and the British Indian Army forces lost many soldiers in the Mesopotamian campaign. The vast majority of the British empire forces in this campaign were recruited from India *The campaign of the Western Front ­ Following the outbreak of World War I the German

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

American Literature

Hester without love. He says "We have wronged each other. Mine was the first wrong, when I betrayed thy budding youth into an unnatural relation with my decay." He feels like he didnt deserve such a young, beautiful wife and doesn't blame her for cheating on him. He does blame whoever she did it with. Which is why he commits his next sin. He sins when he comes back into Boston saying is name is Roger Chillingworth. His real last name is Prynne, like Hester. He uses this lie to gain access to the town in a way he wouldn't have been able to if he used his true identity. Thanks to this false name, he has the freedom to hunt down whoever commited adultery with his wife. He takes this opportunity and spends every waking moment looking for the criminal. He foreshadows it by saying he shall see it in the man's heart. When he examines Dimmesdale in his sleep and

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

Arvuti riistvara matemaatilised alused · Kahendsüsteem Digitaalseadmetes teostatavate arvutuste ja muu infotöötluse kiirus, täpsus ja arusaadavus sõltub suuresti seadmes kasutatavast arvutussüsteemist. Digitaaltehnikas domineerib kahendsüsteem nii iseseisva süsteemina kui ka teiste arvusüsteemide realiseerimise vahendina ja seda järgmistel põhjustel: Füüsikalise realiseerimise lihtsus tehete sooritamise põhimõtteline lihtsus funktsionaalne ühtsus Boole'i algebraga, mis on loogikalülituste peamine matemaatiline alus. Kahendsüsteem kuulub positsiooniliste arvusüsteemide hulka nagu kümnendsüsteemgi. Kahendarvu kohta nimetatakse bitiks. Vasakpoolseim koht on kõrgeim bitt ja parempoolseim madalaim bitt. · Boole funktsioonid ja nende esitus Digitaalseadmete realiseerimise matemaatiliseks aluseks on valdavalt kahendloogika ja kahendfunktsioonid. Kahendfunktsioone saab esitada olekutabelite abil, kus 2 n (n- argumentide väärtuste või...

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

In situations in which deception may be ethically justifiable to maximize benefits and minimize harm, psychologists have a serious obligation to consider the need for, the possible consequences of, and their responsibility to correct any resulting mistrust or other harmful effects that arise from the use of such techniques. • Principle D: Justice Psychologists recognize that fairness and justice entitle all persons to access to and benefit from the contributions of psychology and to equal quality in the processes, procedures, and services being conducted by psychologists. • Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity Psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination. Väljavõtteid eetikakoodeksist • Tegutsemine oma kompetentsi piirides

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Kaitsealade külastuskoormuse hindamise juhend: seiremeetodite arendamine ja rakendamine

Capitalizing on Research: Proceedings of the Eleventh Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, University of Canberra, ACT, Australia. Arnberger, A., Brandenburg, C., Muhar, A. 2002. Methods for Visitor Monitoring in Recreational and Protected Areas: An Overview. Institute for Landscape Architecture and Landscape Management, Bodenkultur University, Austria. Beale, C.M. 2007. Managing visitor access to seabird colonies: a spatial simulation and empirical observations. Ibis 149, 102-111. Beaman, J.G. and Stanley, R. (1991). Counting Visitors at National Parks : Concepts and Issues. Proceedings of 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. 1991 April 7-9; Saratoga Springs, NY. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-160. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Bell, S. 2001. Design for Outdoor Fecreation

Loodus → Loodus
7 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

And to this purpose see a great deal more which our author delivers in Bodin's words: It is certain, that all laws, privileges, and grants of princes, have no force, but during their life; if they be not ratified by the express consent, or by sufferance of the prince following, especially privileges, Observations, p. 279. The reason why laws have been also made by kings, was this; when kings were either busied with wars, or distracted with public cares, so that every private man could not have access to their persons, to learn their wills and pleasure, then were laws of necessity invented, that so every particular subject might find his prince's pleasure decyphered unto him in the tables of his laws, p. 92. In a monarchy, the king must by necessity be above the laws, p. 100. A perfect kingdom is that, wherein the king rules all things according to his own will, p. 100. Neither common nor statute laws are, or can be, any diminution of that general power, which kings have over their

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise e-konspekt

Author: Martin Sillaots Tutor: Peeter Normak Number of pages 60 (with appendixes 93) Number of words 10 224 (with appendixes 18 616) Lot of students is interested of acquiring the project management methods because these methods are useful at work and in private life. The author of this post-graduate paper has a long experience in teaching the project management subject. The first Project Management e-conspectus was made in the beginning of 2000. Intention was to create flexible access to learning materials. The conspectus satisfied the first curse needs but it was not so suitable for next courses. One reason was the hulking structure of learning materials. The sub captures are included in one HTML-file and it was very hard to use them separately. In other hand the different stakeholders had different needs. Materials made for university students were not suitable for higher education.

Informaatika → Infosüsteemi projekteerimine
39 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

4 Million short t ons Source: Na tural Gas Annual, U,S. rgy InforlT'ation Ad ministra tion SOurce ' Coa l Ind ustry Annual 2000. U.S. E:.nergy Informat ion Ad ministrat ion Source' Pet ro leum Supp ly Annual, U S, E:.ner gy lofceroeticn Ad n"lf1istrat io n ,r)P' 0 Transport at ion Limited access (free) Limit ed access (tol l) Primary highway Amtrak Time zone boundary ~ Int erstate hig hway ® U.S. highway ® St at e hig hway @ Nat ional capita l St at e capital * @ O the r city ~ Population Pe rsons pe r Pe rso ns pe r sq . mile sq

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

based on indirect evidence. Within the pH In order to identify enzymes responsible for range of 7.4 to 5.8, both μ-calpain and m- the postmortem aging of meat, researchers calpain retain enzymatic activity, but as have used the criteria that candidate enzyme muscle pH drops more autolysis of μ-calpain systems must: (1) be endogenous to skeletal occurs and proteolytic activity diminishes muscle and have access to substrates, and (2) (Koohmaraie 1992). Over the first 24 hours have the ability to degrade the same proteins postmortem, bovine μ-calpain retains <20% that are degraded during the postmortem of its activity when assayed at pH 7.0 and storage of muscle (Goll et al. 1983, 2003, 5°C (Koohmaraie 1992). Even though 2008; Koohmaraie 1996). Of the three major Koohmaraie (1996) demonstrated that μ-

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


cn.Open(); SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(lause, cn); SqlDataReader reader=cm.ExecuteReader(); while(reader.Read()){ Console.WriteLine(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("eesnimi")) ); } cn.Close(); } } /* D:kodu606dotnet>Baasiproov1 Juku Mati Sass */ Sugugi alati ei pruugi kasutatavad andmed olla Microsofti SQL-serveris. Levinud veidi väiksemate andmetega ümber käimise programmiks on näiteks Access. Kui saab talle sobiva draiveriga sobiva versiooni faili külge minna, siis on täiesti lootust ka nõnda otse sidet pidada. Kusjuures nõnda programmi kaudu andmeid lugedes/kirjutades ei pea Accessi ennast üldse olema masinasse installeeritud. Piisab vaid sobivast draiverist, mis on üldjuhul juba operatsioonisüsteemiga kaasas. using System; using System.Data.Odbc; class Baasiproov2a{ public static void Main(string[] arg){

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Exeli õpetus

kõigepealt see nupp lisada. Vajuta Office nupule ning sealt Exceli suvandid. Avanenud aknas vali Kohandamine>Lindilt puuduvad käsud>Vorm>Lisa>OK 65 Nupp ilmub Quick Access ribale Siin pead eeltööna kirjutama vähemalt tabeli kaks esimest rida: 1. Veergude pealkirjarida. 2. Esimene andmete rida. Andmete reas teatavasti näitad ära, mis veerud täidad kirjutamise teel ja millised on valemi abil arvutatavad (Kasti hind kr. ja Saadud raha kr.). Tabelil võib olla ka pealkiri, aga sellel ei ole vormiga mingit pistmist. Nüüd, kui tahad hakata järgmist rida tabelisse kirjutama, võid juba kasutada vormi. Pane tähele, et vormi avamiseks:

Informaatika → Informaatika
208 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

His breath hissed out between clenched teeth. "I need you, Gideon," I said breathlessly, inhaling his scent, which was richer now that he was aroused. I thought I might be slightly intoxicated, just from the enticing smell of his skin. "You drive me crazy." He released my wrists and cupped my face, his lips pressing hard against mine. I reached for the fly of his slacks, freeing the two buttons to access the concealed zipper. He tensed. "I need this," I whispered against his lips. "Give me this." He didn't relax, but he made no further attempts to stop me either. When he fell heavily into my palms, he groaned, the sound both pained and erotic. I squeezed him gently, my touch deliberately tender as I sized him with my hands. He was so hard, like stone, and hot. I slid both of my fists up his length from root to tip, my breath catching when he quivered beneath me.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

For out o' doors he went without their helps, And, to the last, bended their light on me. LORD POLONIUS Come, go with me: I will go seek the king. This is the very ecstasy of love, Whose violent property fordoes itself And leads the will to desperate undertakings As oft as any passion under heaven That does afflict our natures. I am sorry. What, have you given him any hard words of late? OPHELIA No, my good lord, but, as you did command, I did repel his fetters and denied His access to me. LORD POLONIUS That hath made him mad. I am sorry that with better heed and judgment I had not quoted him: I fear'd he did but trifle, And meant to wreck thee; but, beshrew my jealousy! By heaven, it is as proper to our age To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions As it is common for the younger sort To lack discretion. Come, go we to the king: 53 This must be known; which, being kept close, might move

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


AAVO LUUK PSÜHHOLOOGIA ALUSED LOENGUKONSPEKT ESIMENE OSA TARTU 2003 Psühholoogia alused 2 SISUKORD 1. Sissejuhatus psühholoogia probleemidesse 3 2. Psühholoogia valdkonnad ja uurimismeetodid 6 3. Psüühika bioloogilised alused I. Närviraku ehitus ja funktsioneerimine 11 4. Psüühika bioloogilised alused II. Närvisüsteemi makrostruktuur 14 5. Aistingud I. Aistingute teooria ja mõõtmine 18 6. Aistingud II. Aistingud eri modaalsustes 21 7. Taju 26 8. Mälu I. Mälu liigid ja mudelid 30 9. Mälu II. Mälu struktuurid ja protsessid ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia alused
340 allalaadimist


thereby doubling and tripling their outputs. ➤ Technological Advances The explosion in technology and high-speed computers is literally breathtaking. Today, you can e-mail a message around the world to dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people simultaneously, in a matter of seconds, at a cost of pennies. The World Wide Web gives you access to tens of millions of other Internet users, as well as to the accumulated knowledge stored in more than 50,000 libraries and research institutes. Instantaneous transmission of data enables the money markets to move a trillion dollars per day, sometimes in seconds, making it impossible for countries to control their curren- cies, much less their economies.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Kanjimärkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. Võrdlev analüüs märgisõnastike kanji etümoloogiatest.

Daniels and William Bright (editors) The World's Writing Systems , Oxford University Press 1996 [Boltz 99] William G. Boltz, Language and Writing , in Michael Loewe and Edward L. Shaughnessy (editors) The Cam- bridge History of Ancient China. From the Origins of Civ- ilization to 221 B.C. pp.74­123, Cambridge University Press, 1999 [Calzolari 95] Nicoletta Calzolari, Structure and Access in an Auto- mated Lexicon and Related Issues , pp. 338­356, in Donald E. Walker, A. Zampolli and Nicoletta Calzolari (editors) Automating the Lexicon , Oxford University Press, 1995. [Coulmas 89] Florian Coulmas, The Writing , Oxford Univerity Press, 1989. [EE 34] L. Leesment, artikkel "Hiina keel", Eesti Ents¨ ¨

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Erakorralise meditsiini tehniku käsiraamat

Kõrvalseisja õigeaegselt alustatud elustamisvõtted võivad kahekordistada tõenäosuse, et edasine kiirabi taaselustamine on efektiivne. Euroopa Taaselustamisnõukogu (European Resuscitation Council, ERC) ja Ameerika Südameassotsiatsiooni (American Heart Association, AHA) soovituste kohaselt peavad kõik päästeüksused, mida võidakse välja kutsuda vereringe seiskumise tõttu, olema varustatud AED- ga ning meeskonnad peavad olema läbinud vastava koolituse. Peale selle peaksid Public Access Defibrillations (PAD) programmide raames automaatseid väliseid defibrillaatoreid kasutatama avalikud asutused, eelkõige ostukeskused, rongijaamad, lennujaamad või spordikeskused. Et esimene defibrillatsioon toimuks võimalikult kiiresti, juba enne kiirabibrigaadi saabumist, peaksid AED-d võimalusel rakendama esmaseid reageerijaid 412 (First Responder) nagu AED-dega varustatud politseinikud, päästetöötajad, turvameeskonnad, vetelpäästjad, vabatahtlikud esmaabi osutajaid.

Meditsiin → Esmaabi
313 allalaadimist


The gene candidates are a non- extension gene (since Russet Burmese exist) or a different form of dilution. The remaining 3 cats that failed the test for the Suphalak breeding programme were also street cats; two were brown and one was tortie. They are now in the USA with two different breeders. The plan was to mate them and test offspring, but this has not happened. Doug Schar has the tortie sister. The owner of the other 2 cats has not allowed access to a male sibling for test-mating. UC Davis found no mutation of the TYR gene for these cats. Unfortunately, no other labs appear interested in following up to see what mutation is present.. CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME (CHS) DILUTION (CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SMOKE) This has only been found in Persians and manifested as blue smoke fur with yellow to light- green eyes (normal blue smoke Persians have darker fur and orange/copper eyes). Their eyes reflected red and tended to be sensitive to light

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

2 Mobile arebecoming smaller the key Readthe rubric,underline , manymodels allowyouto access theInternet {f parents to teacha childrightfromwrongIn conclusion wordsandanswerthe questions. 3 lt isupto

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

2 Mobile arebecoming smaller the key Readthe rubric,underline , manymodels allowyouto access theInternet {f parents to teacha childrightfromwrongIn conclusion wordsandanswerthe questions. 3 lt isupto

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

2 Mobile arebecoming smaller the key Readthe rubric,underline , manymodels allowyouto access theInternet {f parents to teacha childrightfromwrongIn conclusion wordsandanswerthe questions. 3 lt isupto

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

2 Mobile arebecoming smaller the key Readthe rubric,underline , manymodels allowyouto access theInternet {f parents to teacha childrightfromwrongIn conclusion wordsandanswerthe questions. 3 lt isupto

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

hero, but i f properly understood, they can be overcome, bypassed, or even t u r n e d into allies. M a n y heroes ( a n d m a n y w r i t e r s ) encounter Threshold Guardians, and understanding their nature can help determine how to handle them. Threshold Guardians are usually not the main villains or antagonists in stories. Often they will be lieutenants of the villain, lesser thugs or mercenaries hired to guard access to the c h i e f s headquarters. T h e y may also be neutral figures who are simply part of the landscape of the Special W o r l d . In rare cases they may be secret helpers placed in the hero's path to test her willingness and skill. There is often a symbiotic relationship between a villain and a Threshold Guardian. In nature, a powerful animal such as a bear will sometimes tolerate a smaller animal such as a fox nesting at the entrance of its lair. T h e fox, with its strong

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


The more we are thrown into the power of chaos, the more we should hold on to order. This is only leading us just a little towards equilibrium and enables a review, distance, being aware of the values of things. The greater the order, the farther-reaching the wing-stroke. The more powerful is the artistic influence. There is no need to invent the most essential nourishment for our spirit and body, it exists already for quite a long time. Only the right access is needed to the source, where all this has been already told.5 LEPO SUMERA Who lets art near to his soul is vulnerable. The animated understanding as impelling force rises forth in art: I must do it! Culture means memory and tradition who has no knowledge of the previous, has nothing to do with culture. The brakes stand forth as a hindrance to the creative process. But the tearing loose of the brakes means the widening of tradition. 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun