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"absolutely" - 153 õppematerjali

absolutely - easiest-and-safest-way

Teaduslik revolutsioon

In 1666, and with the city of London burning down, Isaac Newton left his study at Cambridge and made his way to his mother's home at Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire. It was here, in his mother's garden, that the great Newton was struck by an idea the idea that the force which held the planets in their orbit was the same force which caused an apple to strike him in the head. Such an idea we of course know it today as universal gravitation would have been absolutely unintelligible even to an advanced medieval thinker. This is so for two reasons. First, medieval man did not see the movement of the heavenly bodies from the standpoint of the mechanics of motion. The heavenly bodies, after all, were composed entirely of aether. Theirs was an organic, living world view rather than our now more familiar mechanical conception. Second, and perhaps of even more importance, medieval man could not understand that the planets or the stars or

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Suusatamine ja selle stiilid

SUUSATAMINE Hanna-Liisa Kool 10.klass Avinurme Gümnaasium 2012 Sisukord: Üldiselt Suusatamine on traditsiooniline viis liikumiseks lume vms libiseva kattega pinnasel. Suusatamiseks tarvitatakse sidemete abil jalgade külge kinnitatud lamedapõhjalisi abivahendeid, mida nimetatakse suuskadeks. Liikumise hõlbustamiseks ja tasakaalu hoidmiseks kasutatakse suusakeppe. Vanematest regioonidest on leitud suusatamisest jälgi juba koopamaalingutelt. Vanim suusk on pärit Rootsist ning see oli lai ja lühike. Suusatamist harrastatakse paljudes regioonides, eriti külmema kliimaga riikides. Suusatamine on harrastus- ja võistlusspordi ala. See on kõige populaarsem Taliolümpiamängude spordiala. Sõidustiilid Klassikaline sõidustiil Klassikaline sõidustiil oli murdmaasuusatamise puhul ainsaks stiiliks kuni 1980-ndate aastateni. Klassikalise sõidustiili puhul eristatakse diagonaal...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
41 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

throughout the design, fabrication, construction and operations and maintenance phase. However, companies like EA Reng AS and Arhitektuuribüroo PLUSS OÜ have started looking for prospective partners who are interested in establishing an interdisciplinary workflow to support the exchange of models. The purpose of such an endeavor is to map the software platforms most often used in Estonia and pick an appropriate file format to share the models. It is absolutely vital to agree early on who will be the model manager: 74 the engineer or the architect. It will be that persons responsibility to gather all the different models, make sure that the most recent files are used, run clash detection and coordinate the entire BIM effort between various companies. 4.2.1. BIM in Finland

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Kreooli kultuur

.................11 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................................11 USED LITERATURE.................................................................................................................................................12 Introduction I chose this theme because I am really into all kinds of different cultures. What most exited me in this theme was that I had absolutely no idea who creoles were. Now I now that there were three general groups that made up Creole society: 1) whites who were Creoles, Americans, and inhabitants of European origin made up the highest class; 2) free Blacks, emancipated slaves and their descendants made up the middle class; and 3) slaves who were household property, were the lowest class. The Creoles were the majority of the white population. They had a complex social organization,

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

E223 mõju kartuli säilumisele ja organoleptilistele omadustele

longer duration without degrading the quality. In the current paper, the use of synthetic preservative ­ E223, its advantages and side effects (health hazards) on pre-prepared peeled potato- products are described. A practical test to evaluate organoleptical changes in pre-prepared potatos due to air and UV light. The hypothesis: usage of correct amount of E223 prevents potatoes to react with oxygen, light and other possible elements and helps to maintain the commercial look, was absolutely correct. To conclude, maintaining the quality and looks is important but it is equally important to minimise the adverse effects of the preservatives on the consumers. Sissejuhatus Toiduainete säilitamine on inimestele alati probleemiks olnud. Inimesed on otsinud meetodeid, kuidas toiduainete säilivust pikendada võimalikult väikeste muutustega kvaliteedis. Käesolevas töös käsitletakse ühte neist ­ sünteetilist säilitusainet E223.

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
6 allalaadimist


Juhendaja: "....." ............ 2011. a ........................lektor Mart Hovi Tartu 2011 ABSTRACT Mandel, M. Cross-section of an automobile's engine control unit as a learning material of infotechnology. ­ Tartu: EMÜ, 2011. XX pages, XX figures, X tables, format A4. In Estonian language. In the current coursework I have pointed out modern automobiles most important detail, it's ECU(Engine Control Unit). This is absolutely most complicated electronical device at all in a car. Also I define it's meaning, purposes, what it has to do in a car, which components are used to create a such smart device. The main purpose of this coursework, is to explain how cars engine most important device works, what it does, for what it is, which are better and its connections with nowadays infotechnology. Methodics is very simple ­ start from it's description to it's necessity nowadays information society

Muu → Baaskursus
35 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

Prep becomes a noun (ups and downs) Substantivation ­ Substantivation of adjectives is when nouns are converted from adjectives. They have the plural form and the posessive case. (nt, an alcoholic). Partial subst (nt, the rich, poor) ­ subst is partial because these words do not take a new paradigm. They're used with definite article and a collective meaning. Conversion is very productive because Engl is an analytical lg, the paradigms are simple and yet conversion is not absolutely productive. Traditional conversion is registred in the dictionaries. Occasional conv. takes place when writer wishes to be original. (nt, to brandy, to hm). How do I know which word is the result of conversion? (nt, paper, to paper)Compare the number of menaings of both words. Paper (noun) has several meanings but to paper has only one. So the verb has been converted from the noun. The other option is to consult the historical dictionaries. Then later word is converted from the earlier one. 11

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

species of mammals, the most widespread are the elk, roe deer, wild boar, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, fox and marten. Some endangered species, such as the brown bear, lynx and wolf, are represented in small numbers. Estonia is believed to have 40,000 living species, but only about 23,500 have so far been discovered. Compared to more northern areas, Estonia has one of the richest diversities of flora and fauna. Estonia's meadows are very rich in different species and the colours of them are absolutely fantastic. 8. Population Estonia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in Europe with 29 people per one square mile. The estimated population in 2007 was 1.3 million. From approximately the first to fifth centuries AD, resident farming was established and the population grew. A more troubled and war-ridden middle Iron Age followed with dangers coming both from the Baltic tribes and from overseas. Several Scandinavian sagas refer to Estonian pirates. During the wars under

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

The waste from nuclear energy is extremely dangerous and it has to be carefully looked after for several thousand years (10'000 years according to United States Environmental Protection Agency standards). · High risks: Despite a generally high security standard, accidents can still happen. It is technically impossible to build a plant with 100% security. A small probability of failure will always last. The consequences of an accident would be absolutely devastating both for human being as for the nature (see here , here or here ). The more nuclear power plants (and nuclear waste storage shelters) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure somewhere in the world. · Nuclear power plants as well as nuclear waste could be preferred targets for terrorist attacks. No atomic energy plant in the world could withstand an attack similar to 9/11 in Yew York.

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

utilitarianism is considered here as the other possible option, rule-utilitarianism, does not provide exceptions to rules and if it would, then it would automatically have shifted to act-utilitarianism as the fact that the exceptions were admitted to, would mean they did so to contribute to the maximizing of happiness. 3 considering the aim of the torture (Twinning, 1973). Even when absolutely condemning the act of torture, it is still important to do this for the right reasons. There are enough legal and ethical grounds to do so. The most evident grounded reason is probably the fact that it harms the dignity of a human being. However, this argument convinces some more than others. The consequential idea that a small evil is allowed to avoid a bigger evil doesn't uphold any valid norms or values but emphasizes the justness of the outcome. This gives room

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

2 3 NT: I know what the like of you are, I do. Such cases occur mainly in the dialogue and they suggest that the personages carelessness or not too educated speech. This way or other those constructions sound colloquial. LEXICAL TAUTOLOGY means repeating absolutely the same information. NT: She always sleeps late, she never wakes up early. NT: He is leaving now, I mean he is going. In fiction this characterises the speaker negatively. SSD-s that are based on UNUSUAL POSITION OF WORDS AND PHRASES. INVERSION INVERSION is emotional and expressive colouring may be conveyed by special word order. The violation of the accepted rules of word order is called inversion.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine KT2

TMO3171 KORDAMISEKS KONTROLLTÖÖ NR 2 1. Selgitage kontrollimise kui juhtimistegevuse olemust ja vajadust organisatsiooni tegevuses. Kontrollimine on saadud tulemuste võrdlemine püstitatud eesmärkidega. See on protsess, mille käigus tagatakse organisatsiooni eesmärkid saavutamine. Kontroll on organisatsioonile vajalik järgmistel põhjustel: • kohanemiseks mikro- ja makrokeskkonna muutustega; • vigade kuhjumise vältimiseks; • kontrolli omamiseks keeruka organisatsiooni üle: • omahinna minimiseerimiseks. Kontrollitakse inimesi, finantse, tööoperatsioone ja organisatsiooni tulemuslikkust. 2. Millised seosed on kontrollimise ja planeerimise kui juhtimistegevuste vahel? Kontrolli ei saa teostada ilma mitmesuguse kestusega plaanide olemasoluta, sest neis plaanides püstitatud eesmärkidele tuginedes määratakse kindlaks kontrolli standardid. (Plaanide koostamisele järgnevad otseselt kontrolli protsessi kuuluvad tegevused: • Andmete (info) kogumin...

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
14 allalaadimist

Inimõigused, kaasuste kokkuvõtted, õigus isikuvabadusele

European system of protection, since it is in the first place for the national authorities, notably the courts, to interpret and apply domestic law (see, inter alia and mutatis mutandis, the Winterwerp judgment of 24 October 1979, Series A no. 33, p. 20, § 46). Several points of French law have been disputed in the instant case. Even if the arguments of those appearing before the Court and the other information in the file are not absolutely conclusive in the Court's view, they provide sufficient material for the Court to have the gravest doubts whether the contested deprivation of liberty satisfied the legal requirements in the respondent State. "Lawfulness", in any event, also implies absence of any arbitrariness ... In this respect, the Court attaches great weight to the circumstances in which the applicant was forcibly conveyed to the Swiss border.

Õigus → Inimõigused
28 allalaadimist


Pair trawling in midwater is by far more common thanbottom pair trawling. Trawling in pair has several advantages over single boat trawling. There is no need for otter boards to open the trawl horizontally and consequently, more power is available for towing the net itself. As a result, a bigger trawl can be used, with bigger mouth opening and, therefore, increased catching power. To a certain extent, two vessels have more chance to find some aggregated fish and location of fish is absolutely essential to fishing in midwater. When towing the trawl, the two boats are sailing over either sides of the fish school and not directly over it as a single trawler is doing; as a result, the fish is less disturbed (and, for instance, will not tend to swim deeper), while when the fish is close to the surface, the drag of the two vessels may have an herding effect grouping fish before the trawl opening. Regarding the rigging, for getting the correct vertical opening, groups of floats

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

economy. Battle, show trials. Misappropriating funds, stealing products, assets, fruits of central econ system, funneling into pockets. Managing to acquire goods from abroad. Newspapers, disproportionate # of Jewish sounding names, many convicted, some killed. Was Khrushchev antisem? Not in classic way, but a boy from the village. Had absorbed at church a certain deg of judeophobia. Possibly antisem, but not his driving force. Party slogans. Absolutely refused to recognize J suffering. Ukraine today demanding recognition of genocide, famine of 30s, millions died, wanting indemnities, etc. New Uk govt see SU past as kind of bad dream to genocide. Disconcerting to Ru. Pop rel begins to bubble up again, esp Islam and Orthodoxy. Islamic fundamentalism didn't really exist outside of Egypt in this time. Concerned about dual loyalties. Ambivalence on part of many, animosity on other parts. W religion come all sorts of things

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


The Present Perfect is used to refer to recent activities and the Past Simple to refer to activities which happened at a stated time in the past. TASK 7 Read the following letter and correct the mistakes. Write S for spelling, P for punctuation, WO for word order, G for grammar or WW for wrong word. Dear Jenny , How are you ? I hope that you're very well. I've got so many to tell you that I don't know where to begin! Visiting Kenya was fantastic so far! The beaches are absolutely wonderfully. The sea is like glass and the white sand is as soft like powder. I've collected loads of shells already and yesterday I have ridden on an elephant. The local people also are very friendly and almost every night we had the opportunity to watch traditional dancing. You'd love africa. The most excited part of the holiday was hot-air baloon safari last week. It was amazing ! we floated quietly above all these teams of wild animals. The scenery absolutely was breathtaking

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

without a capable state actor. If we follow Carlota Perez' theory of Techno-Economic Paradigm Shifts (2002), then we are now entering the synergy phase of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) surge ­ or Kondratieff ­, which requires a particularly active state with strong administrative capacity. And after all, these insights form much of the basis of the EU's main development program, the Lisbon Stragegy, which puts innovation as the basis of national and EU development, thus absolutely requiring a capable state. Even in light of the current crisis of the EU, as well as of the problems of the Lisbon Strategy's implementation and ongoing dilution, the centrality of this agenda remains undiminished. One may even say that since it was primarily the fears of the effects of Globalization (and the functional elite's disregard of those fears) which caused the crisis, the one strategy that addresses the causes and potential sources of those problems is more important than ever

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

stored without essential use of paper transmitted without essential burning of fuel processed without essential human labor/endeavor 2.2.Values Simplicity and transparency Taking responsibility for every implemented piece in appreciation of the value of long- term relationships Free and creative thinking precedes rules and standards Confidentiality and respect for others Precision is valuable, ethics and care are absolutely necessary 2.3.SWOT Analysis of the Organization Strengths Weaknesses SO1: Good reputation on the local market WO1: Not enough qualified employees to SO2: Extensive and varying customer base support numerous customers SO3: Relations with foreign partners in WO2: Project-orientedness implies a

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

A New Earth

That’s how the mental concept of ownership works. If everybody agrees with your story, there will be signed pieces of paper to certify their agreement with it. You are wealthy. If nobody agrees with the story, they will send you to a psychiatrist. You are delusional, or a compulsive liar. It is important to recognize here that the story and the thought forms that make up the story, whether people agree with it or not, have absolutely nothing to do with who you are. Even if people agree with it, it is ultimately a fiction. Many people don’t realize until they are on their deathbed and everything external falls away that no thing ever had anything to do with who they are. In the proximity of death, the whole concept of ownership stands revealed as ultimately meaningless. In the last moments of their life, they then also realize that while they were looking throughout their lives for a

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

Mr. Darcy replied with great intrepidity: "Miss Elizabeth Bennet." "Miss Elizabeth Bennet!" repeated Miss Bingley. "I am all astonishment. How long has she been such a favourite?--and pray, when am I to wish you joy?" "That is exactly the question which I expected you to ask. A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony, in a moment. I knew you would be wishing me joy." "Nay, if you are serious about it, I shall consider the matter is absolutely settled. You will be having a charming mother-in-law, indeed; and, of course, she will always be at Pemberley with you." He listened to her with perfect indifference while she chose to entertain herself in this manner; and as his composure convinced her that all was safe, her wit flowed long. Chapter 7 Mr. Bennet's property consisted almost entirely in an estate of two thousand a year,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

wrong , so when you say to them you have taken away the right of other child to have a happy playtime , and then you see they are thinking, , they do understand straight away and then we talk and ask what do you think should happen next, they will tell you what the punishment will be, oo I need to miss my break time , or I need to apologise or I need to do x y and z. Gerli: So rights are perfect in controlling child`s behaviour? Mr Richards: absolutely, but it`s restorative way of managing the behaviour. We have the areas within the school, amm, break times, we call the reflection areas, children spend some time reflecting about their behaviour and they come back and say that they have reflected, they may say I am sorry or I have to apologise to the child, so we call them reflection areas, help the reflection time. (pause), rights also give me a vehicle for, amm… all sorts of

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

However, 12 j drag 1 1 online games computers obviously play a 3 1 Carry on walking until you reach 2 virtual worlds, avatars vital role in the modern world. the traffic lights. 3 created, imaginary Boy I think you're absolutely right. 2 The strike was called off at the 4 Advertisers It would be difficult to imagine last minute. 5 currency life without them. But I'm not 3 Take a chocolate and then pass 6 software engineer sure computers have made the them on to Ed

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Cary Taylor found excuses to celebrate, no matter how small and inconsequential. I'd always considered it part of his charm. "I'm sure drinking the night before starting a new job is a bad idea." "Come on, Eva." Cary sat on our new living room floor amid a half-dozen moving boxes and flashed his winning smile. We'd been unpacking for days, yet he still looked amazing. Leanly built, dark-haired, and green-eyed, Cary was a man who rarely looked anything less than absolutely gorgeous on any day of his life. I might have resented that if he hadn't been the dearest person on earth to me. "I'm not talking about a bender," he insisted. "Just a glass of wine or two. We can hit a happy hour and be in by eight." "I don't know if I'll make it back in time." I gestured at my yoga pants and fitted workout tank. "After I time the walk to work, I'm going to hit the gym." "Walk fast, work out faster." Cary's perfectly executed arched brow made me laugh

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

British Cuisine Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices. In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist


indicator organism. In HELCOM COMBINE methodics namely perch is brought out as coastal sea indicator species. /40/ One purpose for monitoring programme of priority hazardous substances is scientifically legitimated valuation for pollution level in Estonian water bodies. Perch meat contains very few fats. 49% of gross weight is eatable and metabolism of meat is 68% in human organism. /29/ Results indicated, that by content of heavy metals perch meat is absolutely harmless for eating. In conclusion, contents of heavy metals are not contrary to the ratio prescribed by EU. 45 Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Santi R, Suominen J, Tenovuo R, Ahotupa M, Saava A, "Muutuv keskkond ja tervis". 2. Kokassaar U, Vihalemm T, Zilmer M, Pulges A, "Inimtoidu loomulikud ja sünteetilised komponendid". 3. Kuiv K, Mähar A, Truus K, "Keskkonnakeemia". Tallinn Avita, 2000. Eesti statistika 10/02. 4

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

I was still trying to dislodge the stupid feeling of suspicion, and I couldn't concentrate. "You don't like the cold." It wasn't a question. "Or the wet." "Forks must be a difficult place for you to live," he mused. "You have no idea," I muttered darkly. He looked fascinated by what I said, for some reason I couldn't imagine. His face was such a distraction that I tried not to look at it any more than courtesy absolutely demanded. "Why did you come here, then?" No one had asked me that -- not straight out like he did, demanding. "It's... complicated." "I think I can keep up," he pressed. I paused for a long moment, and then made the mistake of meeting his gaze. His dark gold eyes confused me, and I answered without thinking. "My mother got remarried," I said. "That doesn't sound so complex," he disagreed, but he was suddenly sympathetic. "When did that happen?" "Last September." My voice sounded sad, even to me

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

allows. These can be implemented in a low-level API by an experienced programmer, but at what cost in time and maintainability? Also most large OpenGL and DirectX applications need a data structure like a scene graph anyway, in order to manage code complexity. The high-level nature of the scene graph makes Java 3D code harder to tune for speed, unlike OpenGL/DirectX. However, a programmer does have the option of moving to the mixed or immediate modes of coding if absolutely necessary. Similarly, the hiding of the low-level graphics API makes it harder for a programmer to code around bugs in the APIs or the drivers. Since Java 3D is available on top of OpenGL and DirectX, it is forced to offer a common denominator of features from both APIs. For example, this is why vertex and pixel shading is absent. However, Java 3D version 1.4 is scheduled to allow extensions to its core features, in a similar vein to extensions in OpenGL.

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist


Needless to say that Heineken U.S.A. importers started advertising in the African Sun Times, starting from July 1999. Of course, that is not the only way my life has been affected by Capitalist Niggerism. Through the doctrine of Capitalist Niggerism, I feel more confident I can achieve whatever goal I set for myself. I now totally believe that I am the architect of my fate. I have looked at the mirror and have seen the culprit. There is absolutely nobody else who is responsible for whatever happens in my life, except myself. Completion of this book has been one of the greatest achievements of my life. Without the doctrine of Capitalist Niggerism, I would not have been able to do it. This is my pledge to you: I will employ the doctrine of Capitalist Niggerism to make this book the best book advancing the debate on the state of the Black race. The fact that you are reading this book is a testimony to my resolve

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


and landowning farmers represented ___ the House ___ Commons. The idea ___ abolishing the House ___ Lords was first suggested ___ the Tudor age. ___ the 17th century the Stuarts’ attempt to ignore Parliament led ___ the Civil War and the abolition of the monarchy. When it was restored _____ Cromwell’s death, Parliament secured its supremacy _____ the monarch ___ the Bill ___ Rights. ___ the early eighteenth century the monarchy was no longer absolutely powerful as it had been a hundred years _____, when James arrived ___ London _____ the north. 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and voice. Underline the verb forms in your notebooks. a) William I (to know) that England always (to be) famous for its wool. He (to hope) that the skilled workers he (to invite) from the mainland (to help) develop industries in English towns. The merchants (to become) the richest class in towns. In

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


Education Education is so multifaceted that it is difficult for me to know where to begin discussing it, or how to prioritize the many factors. Relaying my own experience is easy: I had a standard classroom approach, supplemented by inordinate reading. In only the briefest and least memorable instances did I receive any individual tutoring. Education is commonly thought of as the job of schools. Adults cry "educate our children!" Everyone has opinions about the best way to do the job. It is of urgent importance, and all the numerous factors are much studied, debated, and new (or old) ideas continually tested or retested. Some people say "it's as simple as . . . " and then name their pet peeve or passion. My view is not of an education specialist, but of one who loves sharing what I learn, and owes much to educators. Since I don't have an educational theory neatly worked-out, nor an outline of my perceptions, my intent is to addr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist


His tranquil manner of expression made us all feel more secure. trap v. to catch and hold onto, usually by trickery; adj. trapped deceived n. trap Syn. retain I was trapped into paying for the meal. The trapped animals were released after being tagged by the wildlife conservationists. undeniably adv. clearly true adj. undeniable Syn. absolutely Of all the planets in our solar system, Earth is undeniably the most conducive to supporting life. It is undeniable that he has skill, but he needs to show more initiative. underestimated adj. guessed lower than the actual quality or v. underestimate quantity Syn. miscalculated The underestimated demand for tickets made the theater manager plan better for the next performance.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

11.02.09 INGLISE KEEL Palju aega läheb. 10 nädalat aint. One of the ESP courses. What we are going to do, what is needed: · What we do - 1 test, on words. · 2 Essays, that means that we have to look into academic writing · Homereading ­ we read a case from European Court of Justice thingy. · Oral thing. · 90% you have to attend · Have to prepare for class and take part of it etc What we learn: Terms Expressions / collocations (nt obey/abide by the law) Explaining AWOL ­ absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parl...

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

been replaced with a short address that will send you to the right place. Got it? Good. Let's move on to the mischief. End of Chapter Notes 1. Multiple tests are often performed from single blood draws of 10­12 vials. 2. Not just noticeable. 3. There are, of course, some outstanding companies with solid R&D and uncompromising ethics, but they are few and far between. 4. I have absolutely no financial interest in any of the supplements I recommend in this book. If you purchase any supplement from a link in this book, an affiliate commission is sent directly to the nonprofit, which helps public schools in the United States. 5. Philosopher Nassim N. Taleb noted an important difference between language and biology that I'd like to underscore: the former is largely known and the latter is largely unknown. Thus, our 2.5% is not 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

"Anna Karenina" kokkuvõte

Theodore tells him we should live not for our bellies, but for our souls. We must remember God and things that are bigger than us. Levin suddenly understands what this means, realizing that the best things are beyond our control as humans. How appropriate that a peasant helps Levin to realize all of this. "But now, since his marriage, when he had begun to confine himself more and more to living for himself, though he experienced no delight at all at the thought of the work he was doing, he felt absolutely convinced of its necessity, saw that it succeeded far better than in the past, and that it kept on growing more and more." Levin becomes ecstatic, thinking he understands the meaning of life. He thinks to himself that he will never again be anything but kind to everyone in sight. Shortly afterward, though, he yells at a peasant and becomes confused. Yet in his new state of clarity he realizes that having faith doesn't equal perfection.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
333 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

However, two common adverbs that do not end in -mente are despacio (slowly) and demasiado (too much). Adjective Adverb correcto correctamente correctly fácil fácilmente easily claro claramente clearly absoluto absolutamente absolutely rápido rápidamente rapidly Lo + adverb + que expresses how, while lo más + adverb + an expression of possibility is translated: as ... as ... lo bien que how well lo más pronto posible as soon as possible 47 74. Passive Voice In passive sentences, the subject receives the action of the verb. In active sentences, the subject does the action

Keeled → Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist


Kameyama reassured him. "This time," he said, "it's all right." With the assumption of total power by the militarists under Tojo, the last real hopes for peace died. Almost at once, events began to slide toward war. On November 4, Tokyo sent to her ambassadors at Washington the text of her proposal B, which Togo described as "absolutely final." The ambassadors held it while they pursued other avenues, even though Tokyo, on November 5, told them that "Because of various circumstances, it is absolutely necessary that all arrangements for the signing of this agreement be completed by the 25th of this month." That same day, Yamamoto promulgated Combined Fleet Top Secret Order Number 1, the plan for the Pearl Harbor attack. Two days later, he set December 8 (Tokyo time) as Y-day and named Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo as Commander, First Air Fleet—the Pearl Harbor strike force. In the days that followed, the 32 ships that were to compose the force slipped, one by one, out to sea and vanished

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

tered and novel sentences do not correspond to any actual speaker-meanings. But at least arguably, they do correspond to the hypothetical speaker-mean- ings that would be generated by Grice's abstract resultant procedures. The appeal to abstract procedures may also help to overcome obstacle 4: Even though a certain sentence's literal meaning is never matched by any actual speaker-meaning, it may still correspond to a hypothetical resultant speaker- meaning. Yet I believe that this absolutely necessary appeal betrays the spirit of the Gricean program. In effect, it gives the game away to a competing theory of meaning; I shall argue that in chapter 9. Summary · According to Grice, linguistic expressions have meaning only because they express ideas or intentions of the speakers who use them. · "Speaker-meaning" is, roughly, what the speaker in uttering a given sentence on a particular occasion intends to convey to a hearer.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Surm ja matused eestlastel ja Eestis elavatel venelastel

of planes and spaceships, motorcycles, buses, cars and other transport became widespread. Presumably the transport image is a prototype of traditional symbols, such as a bird, the river, the road, the ship. The symbolic of gravestones sometimes speaks about the reason or a place of death of this person. Summing up, it is possible to tell that nowadays the funeral Estonian culture reflects its own time. There is traced the fast and practical way of life of a modern society, there are absolutely another characteristic, rather than to steam of decades back, welfare problems and values. The survey, which was spent by the author, has proved once again that the modern youth tries not to think of death. Often the young men do not know how it is better to arrive in the circumstances. For example, someone has died, and consequently try to concern them and to solve them from the neutral point of view. The organization of funeral (especially in cities)

Muu → Humanitaarteadused
142 allalaadimist


The second, which was said to be peculiar to the Royal family and palaces, had the body colour of the first - but not the points; and hazel eyes. Having been a contemporary at Eton with the then King, I got a special permit to see the Bangkok Palace more thoroughly than the usual tourist does, and I saw one or two of these "Royal" cats, whose appearance was (to the best of my recollection after so long) as I have described. At that time, the export of the first type, except neuter ones, was absolutely forbidden, owing to the fear that they might become extinct in Siam, because so many had been exported. The second type was absolutely unobtainable, far less exportable, for it was not to be seen outside the royal palaces. But owing to the war, and the various constitutional changes that Siam has undergone, the rules may well have been relaxed. It certainly looks as though Major Walton has been lucky enough to get hold of a pair of the scarcer "Royal type."

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


polluting the environment. From this follows a logical conclusion: every kind of poor music and art does not promote our development higher but hinders it. The complex of modern means has widely been introduced also into our sacred music. But sacred composition is not an ordinary one! It needs the highest inspiration. Pure aims demand pure means. If we want to evaluate correctly, we have to know it absolutely, not only its appearance (sounds in our case) and the essence of it. The essence is hidden in the material but it is not material. Sound in its essence is power, thought, emotion and idea. We create and build only inside and with the materials that cannot be invented. These can be only obtained from above. Sound images gave equivalents in the fine-material sphere. Both experiments and practice (singing of holy names and hymns) demonstrate

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

After choosing a suitable legal form for the business, the next step is the registration of the company. The terms and procedures for registering a company are regulated by the Law on Entrepreneurs, the Law on Public Registry and the Instruction Manual on Registration of Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneur (non-commercial) Legal Persons. The registration of a company in Georgia is based on three essential principles: fast, inexpensive and simple procedures. Registration is absolutely mandatory for all of the types of companies listed in the first chapter. A company is considered established only after it is registered in the National Agency of Public Registry ( The data entered in the Registry is public. A company is not re- quired to complete a separate tax registration, as pursuant to the Georgian legislation, the initial registration includes both the State and the Tax registration and is carried out simultaneously.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


k=1 k=1 ∞ ∞ selle rea koonduvust, seevastu uk = ∞ tähendab hajuvust. P k=1 ∞ Definitsioon. Ütleme, et rida uk koondub absoluutselt (converges absolutely, сходится P k=1 ∞ абсолютно), kui P |uk | < ∞. k=1 Selge, et mittenegatiivsete liikmetega rida koondub parajasti siis, kui ta koondub abso- luutselt. Omadus 6.15 Iga absoluutselt koonduv rida on koonduv. ∞ ∞ Tõestus. Olgu rida uk absoluutselt koonduv, s

Matemaatika → Algebra I
8 allalaadimist


is complete. What happens when he is your prince charming but you are not his cinderella ? südant ei saa sundida ta sunnib ennast ise kui sa seda kõige vähem ootad . :) elu on mäng, mis kestab kõikidest mängudest rohkem, aga kui selle mängu kaotad, pead igaveseks mängust lahkuma. Inimene, kes jargneb massidele ei joua tavaliselt massidest kaugemale. Seevastu inimene, kes konnib omapead jouab suuretoenaosusega sinna, kus varem keegi viibinud pole. Always remember that you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else Parim kink, mida võid anda, on kallistus: üks suurus sobib kõigile ja kellelgi ei ole kunagi midagi selle vastu, kui selle tagastad. Tahan aega tagasi keerata ja seda head viga korrata, kui olin kord su eest ma valmis surema... I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...but why, why can't it be mine? Ainult sellepärast, et keegi sind ei armasta nii nagu sa tahaksid, ei tähenda, et ta ei armasta

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
9 allalaadimist


3204. Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I am not perfect & I do not live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean. 3205. What happens when he is your prince charming but you are not his cinderella? 3206. Ära ole lukk, mille kõik võtmed avavad ,vaid ole võti ,mis avab kõik lukud. 3207. Armastus on reetur, kes kriimustab meid isegi siis, kui me püüame temaga ainult mängida. 3208. Always remember that you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else. 3209. Don't think you are , know you are. 3210. Everyone's going to hurt you sooner or later, you just have to decide who's worth going through the pain 3211. Tunda inimest tähendab tunda ta südant, mitte nägu 3212. Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes just be an illusion. 3213. The worst way to miss someone is when they are standing right next to you, and you know you cannot have them. 3214

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
115 allalaadimist

Tiit Lauk humanitaar

significant imprint on the local cultural pattern (especially on dance music), reaching an internationally recognized level by the end of the period under study. The greatest practical benefit of this work could be the vast amount of documental as well as oral historical- tradition-based material collected, commented and systematized, which so far had been scattered in different parts of the world. It was absolutely high time to record this material, considering the ripe old age of the informants. As a result of this study, one can point out major fields, which would require further research: the development of jazz music in central Estonia in 1918–1945; the essence, possible special forms and the scope of reach of “village jazz” born as a merger of jazz and folk music. An interesting topic could be also the influence of jazz music on our serious (art) music.

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

A Charge air temperature sensor multi-plug B Throttle position sensor wiring multi-plug 9 Disconnect the four injector feed pipes, the C Throttle cable bracket 15 Do not remove the throttle position sensor cold start valve pipe and union adapter, the D Connecting hose retaining clip from the throttle housing unless absolutely fuel inlet pipe and pressure regulator return necessary. If it must be removed, mark its pipe from the fuel distributor. Note the sealing Refitting position for refitting and then have it washers on each side of the banjo unions 6 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but ensure accurately adjusted by a Ford dealer on

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

time (Grandson's drowning, 2005), appear puzzling. On March 1, 2005, golfing leg- end Jack Nicklaus' 17-month-old grandson drowned in a hot tub accident. One week later, a still-devastated Nicklaus brushed aside thoughts of future golf-related activities, including the upcoming Masters tournament, saying "I think that with what's happened to us in our family, my time is going to be spent in much differ- ent ways. I have absolutely zero plans as it relates to the game of golf."Yet, on the day of this statement, he made two remarkable exceptions: He gave a speech to a group of prospective members at a Florida golf club, and he played in a charity tournament hosted by long-time course rival Gary Player. What was so powerful to have pulled Nicklaus away from his grieving fam- ily and into a pair of events that could only be seen as wholly inconsequential compared to the one he was living through with his family

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

maybe more, and there was no assurance that I would be able to find the trail again in the trees on the other side. I might just be plunging deeper into the wilderness with night coming on. I thought about turning back and re-tracing the broken trail I had just tra­ versed with such difficulty, but I knew with a terrible certainty that if I tried that, I would die. M y hands were cramping u p like claws and would be almost useless. M y arms and legs were shaking and I was absolutely sure that I w o u l d fall if I tried to go back across three or four more of those m u d d y vertical rock faces, especially in the dark. So I gathered my strength and continued on across the field of boulders, crawling like an ant, an insignificant dot on the flank of a mountain. I was impressed by the immense forces that had raised these rocks thousands of feet into the sky in the first place and now had torn down the mountainside. I finally made it across into

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

and then at the mechanism. "Well?', hand in his own and told him to put said the Psychologist. out his forefinger, so that it was the "This little affair," said the Time Psychologist himself who sent forth Traveller, resting his elbows upon the the model Time Machine on its table and pressing his hands together voyage. We all saw the lever turn. I above the apparatus, "is only a am absolutely certain there was no model. It is my plan for a machine trickery. There was a breath of wind, to travel through time. You will and the lamp flame jumped. One of notice that it looks quite uneven, and the candles on the mantel was blown that there is an odd twinkling out, and the little machine suddenly appearance about this bar, as though swung round, became indistinct, was it was in some way unreal

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun