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"5th" - 139 õppematerjali



Hiina Riigikeel hiina Pealinn Peking President Hu Jintao Peaminister Wen Jiabao Pindala 9 596 960 km² Rahvaarv (2006) Rahvastiku tihedus 1 314 480 000137 in/km² Väljakuulutamine 1. oktoober 1949 Rahaühik Jüaan (CNY), Aomenis Macau pataca, Hongkongis Hongkongi dollar Ajavöönd maailmaaeg +8 Riigihümn Yìyngjn Jìnxíngqú 2.372 trillion kWh KASUTAB Maa ja riigid Hiina (traditsioonilises hiina kirjas; lihtsustatud hiina kirjas; pinyin'is Zhongguo (Zhnggúo)) on maa Kaug-Idas, mis alates 1949. aastast jaguneb Hiina Rahvavabariigi (vaata käesolevas artiklis allpool; valitseb Mandri-Hiinat, Hongkongi ja Aomeni) ning Hiina Vabariigi (valitseb Taiwani ja mõningaid Fujiani saari) vahel. Nimetust "Hiina" võidakse kasutada kas Päris-Hiina kohta või (mis on tavalisem) siis mõeldakse selle all maa-ala, mis lisaks Päris-Hiinale hõlmab ka Mandzuuria, Sise-Mongoolia, Tiibeti ja Xinjiangi (vaata Hiina haldusja...

Geograafia → Geograafia
49 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom

group of people called the Iberians. These Stone Age people lived in limestone caves, used stone axes and bones as tools. Later groups of people from what are now Germany, the Netherlands and France also settled there. During the Bronze Age they mined tin, gold and copper and made bronze tools. The descendants of the Iberians are thought to have built spectacular megaliths including the world-famous Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain. The Celts invaded the British Isles in the 5th century BC. One of the Celtic tribes was called the Brythons from whom the name Britain derived. The Celts were miners, traders and cattle farmers. They brought the knowledge of smelting iron with them. The Celtic language still lives in the Welsh language. While the Celts were still living in tribes, the Romans were the most powerful people in the world. The already a common law system that united the people who spoke different languages but lived under the Romans

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Koletsüstektoomia 5-50 51 000 667 000 Puusaliigese endoproteesimine 12 61 000 Torakotoomia 5-65 660 000 W.A. Macrae. Brit J Anesthesia, (2008) 101 (1):77-86. (2) Uhhalova R., Stolpovskikh E., Gabovich B. CHRONIC PAIN AFTER UNDERBELLY SURGERY 5th Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care; 2010; abstr. Uuring viidi läbi Ida-Tallinna Keskhaiglas 2008-2010 aa. Telefoniküsitlus 6-16 kuud peale alakõhu operatsioone 202 patsiendil Grupp : 102 pt. (-44; N-58) ­ üldanesteesia; opijärgseks valuraviks kasutati i/v PCA morfiini Grupp : 100 pt. (-45; N-55) ­ üld- + epiduraalanesteesia; opijärgselt: paratsetamool ja/või NSAID + epiduraalanalgeesia Muud näitajad gruppides ei erinenud. Opijärgne valuravi oli mõlemas

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
14 allalaadimist

Photographic camera

took several minutes to take a photograph so far in which the process of taking a photograph or several is instantaneous. In addition, the cameras allow us to keep a record of a large number of important events, either of oneself or of important moments for the global history. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words" 4 Uses of the Photographic Camera (SEBA) Camera obscura, the first camera was first mentioned by Chinese philosopher Mo-Ti in the 5th century before Christ. He formally recorded the creation of an inverted image formed by light rays passing through a pinhole into a darkened room. He called this darkened room a "collecting place" or the "locked treasure room." in 384-322 before Christ the optical illusion was understood by Aristotle. The crescent shape of a partially eclipsed sun projected on the ground through the holes in a sieve, and the gaps between leaves of a plane tree was viewed by him.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Nirvana - referaat

His replacement Dave Foster lasts a matter of months and is even-tually replaced by Chad Channing. In 1989 Nirvana releases their first album Bleach. In 1990 Nirvana tours the US. At tour's end Chad Channing leaves the band and is replaced by David Ghrool. In 1991 they release their second album called Nevermind. Its certified a gold album. In 1992 Nirvana releases their third album Incesticide. Its a collection of Nirvanas rarities. In 1993 came new album In Utero. April 5th, 1994 Kurt Cobain is found dead of a self-inflicted shotgun wound. November 1, 1994 Nirvana's "MTV Unplugged" performance is released as MTV Unplugged in New York. Two tracks not aired on the MTV broadcast appear on the album. October 1, 1996 The Nirvana live album, From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah, is released, featuring performances from 1989 to 1994.

Muusika → Muusika
77 allalaadimist

Suhtlemispsühholoogia konspekt

Väidetakse, et lisaks kontaktide hulgale on määravaks aeg, mis teistega veedetakse, see, kui paljude erinevate inimestega suheldakse, kui rahuldust pakkuvad kontaktid on. Samas aga on rõhutatud (Jones, 1982, tsit. Stokes, 1985 järgi), et mitte niivõrd sotsiaalse keskkonna objektiivsed jooned (sotsiaalsete kontaktide hulk), vaid inimese enda hinnang olukorrale on üksildustunde arenemisel oluline. Kasutatud kirjandus Argyle, M. (1994). The psychology of interpersonal behavior. 5th ed. Penguin Books Berne, E. (1980). Games people play. NY: Ballantine Book Bowe, H., Martin K. (2007). Communication Across Cultures. Mutual Understanding in a Global World. NY: Cambridge University Press Brehm, S. (1992). Intimate relationships. 2nd ed. Cacioppo, T. J. & William, P. (2008). Loneliness. Human nature and need for social connection. W.W Norton & Company Cialdini, R. (2001). Mõjutsamise psühholoogia. Teeoria ja praktika. Pegasus Clinebell, H.C. H, Clinebell (1970)

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemis psühholoogia
75 allalaadimist

Õenduse teooria elav puu

Õenduse teooria elav puu Charlotte Tourville, RN, BSN, and Karen Ingalls, RN, MA Õenduse teooriate elav puu on kasvav, interaktiivne ja iseseisev puu, millel on ajalooline väärtus ja juured sügaval. Õenduse ameti arenemise käigus on tekkinud palju erinevaid õendusteooriaid. Selle artikli kirjutamise eesmärk oli esitada mõningaid juhtivaid õendusteooriaid ja mudeleid. Joonistatud puu esitab visuaalse kujutluse peamistest teooriatest ja mudelitest. Puu juured on neli metaparadigmat mida defineeritakse kui inimest, keskkonda, tervist ja õendust. Kuna Florence Nightingale on tituleeritud esimeseks õenduse teoreetikuks, on tema puu tüvi. Puu kolm oksa kujutavad teooria või mudeli kolme haru klassifikatsiooni: vastastikuse mõjutamise/ interaktiivseid, süsteemi- ja arenduslikke teooriaid. Igast harust väljuvad jämedad oksad kujutavad endast järjest edasi arenevaid ja seetõttu eriti olulis oksi Elavast Puust. Õendusalases kirjandus...

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
100 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika

Nimisõna, mida laiendab järgarvsõna tarvitatakse harilikult määrava artikliga THE: January is the first month of the year. Jaanuar on aasta esimene kuu. Põhiarvsõnad Järgarvsõnad 0 zero 1 one 1st first 2 two 2nd second 3 three 3rd third 4 four 4th fourth 5 five 5th fifth 6 six 6th sixth 7 seven 7th seventh 8 eight 8th eighth 9 nine 9th ninth 10 ten 10th tenth 11 eleven 11th eleventh 12 twelve 12th twelfth 96 KUUL UULAA & KORD KORDA ORDA 13 thirteen 13th thirteenth

Keeled → Inglise keel
56 allalaadimist

“Ajastu muutub, kas ka inimene?”

alchol and booty calls we usta do them as adolecents do you recall? raised as G's loc'ed out and blazed the weed get on tha roof let's get smoked out and blaze with me 2 in tha morning and we still high assed out screamin' 'thug till I die' before I passed out but now that your gone i'm in tha zone thinkin' 'I don't wanna die all alone' but now ya gone and all I got left are stinkin' memories I love them niggas to death i'm drinkin' Hennessy while tryin' ta make it last I drank a 5th for that ass when you passed.... cause life goes on Chorus Verse Two: Yeah nigga I got tha word as hell ya blew trial and tha judge gave you 25 with an L time to prepare to do fed time won't see parole imagine life as a convict that's getten' old plus with tha drama we're lookin out for your babies mama taken risks, while keepin' cheap tricks from gettin on her... life in tha hood... is all good for nobody remember gamin' on dumb hoties at chill parties Me and you No true a two

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

1 Tervisekäitumine II loeng 2017 Moodle

Rasedus, imetamine 10 µg 10 µg 10 µg Eesti elanikkonna vitamiin D defitsiit, suur krooniliste haiguste levimus, vajalik tubase eluviisi korral Kui tavatoit (sh rinnapiim) ei taga piisavat kogust, võib olla vajalik lisatarbimine kas rikastatud toitudest või toidulisandina Ülempiir 100 µg Vitamiin D -süstemaatiline ülevaade Lamberg-Allardt et al, Food Nutr Res. 2013 Oct 3;57 Vitamin D - a systematic literature review for the 5th edition of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. Vitamiin D tase ja tarbimise seos tervisenäitajatega, vitamiin D allikad Süstemaatilised ülevaated alates 2000 ja RCT-d alates 2009, 1706 abstrakti <> 28 uurimust Indikaator: seerumi või plasma 25(OH)D kontsentratsioon, rasedus, luude ja hammaste tervis, lihasjõud, kukkumised, kasvajad, I ja II tüüpi diabeet, multiskleroos, ülekaal, kõrgvererõhktõbi, SVH, infektsioonid, üldsuremus Enamus interventsioone vit D + Ca

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
36 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

`111...' results in no transitions ­ `000...' results in n transitions - differential encoding Supervisory format commands and responses· Supervisory(S) commands and (not just IP) at same time ­ user generates. `0` insertion bit used for every 5th `1' bit -guaranteed responses are used toperform numbered supervisory functions such as ­ ability to demultiplex upwards(multiple protocol support) · Frame format

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Valimid kvantitatiivsetes ja kvalitatiivsetes uurimustes

Lembit Õunapuu, PhD, dotsent Tartu Ülikool Sisukord SISUKORD............................................................................................................................................. 1 VALIMID KVANTITATIIVSETES JA KVALITATIIVSETES UURIMUSTES........................................... 2 VALIMI MÕISTE...................................................................................................................................... 2 KVANTITATIIVSE JA KVALITATIIVSE UURIMUSE VALIMITE ERIPÄRAD............................................................ 2 TÕENÄOSUSLIKE VALIMITE REPRESENTATIIVSUS...................................................................................... 3 VALIMI KOOSTAMISE TÕENÄOSUSLIKUD JA MITTETÕENÄOSUSLIKUD MEETODID ......................................... 3 Lihtne juhuvalim .....................................................................................................

Muu → Teadustöö metoodika
177 allalaadimist


Abja Gümnaasium Tõnis Liiber E-ÕPPESÜSTEEM JA SELLE RAKENDUSE ANALÜÜS Referaat Abja-Paluoja 2010 2 SISUKORD Abja Gümnaasium..........................................................................................................1 Tõnis Liiber................................................................................................................ 1 Abja-Paluoja 2010..........................................................................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS............................................................................................................3 1.E-ÕPPESÜSTEEMI TEOREETILINE KÄSITLUS.................................................. 5 1.1.E- õppesüsteemi olemus .........................

Informaatika → Informaatika
46 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

Phoenicians and Carthaginians, incorporated in the Roman Republic dominions as Lusitania and part of Gallaecia (both part of Hispania), after 45 BC until 298 AD, settled again by Suebi, Buri, and Visigoths, and conquered by Moors. Other minor influences include some 5th century vestiges of Alan settlement, which were found in Alenquer, Coimbra and even Lisbon. THE PRE-ROMAN TRIBES OF ANCIENT PORTUGAL AND THEIR EXPANSION PATTERNS. The region of present-day Portugal was inhabited by Neanderthals and then by Homo sapiens, who roamed the

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Lõputööde vormistamine

EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik nr. 214. Tartu 2001. ­ lk. 289...294. 5. Avi I. Töökeskkonna ohuteguritest tingitud ülekoormushaigused Tartumaa õmblusettevõtetes. Bakalaureusetöö. (Juhend V. Viljasoo). EMÜ Tehnikainstituut. Tartu 2006. ­ 43 lk. 6. Kristjuhan Ü. Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused. Kättesaadav: /raulpage/ergo (20.10.2005). 7. Tomson I., Viljasoo V., Bajeva N., Bajeva A. Factors influencing the indoor climate of cowshed. ­ Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference. Engineering for rural develpoment. Jelgeva 2006, p. 106...113. 8. . Kättesaadav: (20.11.2005). 9. Tint P. Töökeskkond ja ohutus. TEN-TEAM OÜ. Tallinn 2000. ­ 264 lk. 10. ., ., . . International scientific conference.

Majandus → Riskianalüüs
275 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

Edward, later Edward VI. Jane herself died twelve days later of Tudor surgery Anne of Cleves 4th wife. Henry married her to win European allies. Thomas Cromwell persuaded Henry to agree to marry her, in the hope of securing the north German princes against the Holy roman Emperor. But Anee, did not suit. The marriage was a disaster, the alliance failed. The union was never consummated, divorce was therefore easy. Catherine Howard 5th wife. Attractive, lighthearted, fun-loving, ahigh-spirited flirt. Had been ammaid of honour to Anne of Cleves. She kept lovers before and after marring henry. Few years after the wedding she was executed for adultery. Catherine Parr 6th wife. Twice widowed. Cultivated Erasmian, did much to preserve a humanist reform, until it could re-emerge in the reign of Edward VI. Marriage was harmonious. King´s death ended their marriage.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Kirjandus 1. Horowits P., Hill W. The art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press , 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. 2. Maddok R.J., Calcutt D.M. Electronics for Engineers. Longman Sc & Tech., 1994. 3. Paynter R. Introductory electronic devices and circuits: electron flow version. ­ 6th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003. 4. Crecraft D.I., Gergely S. Analog Electronics: Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. 5. Green D.C. Digital Electronics. ­ 5th ed., Longman Sc & Tech., 1999. 6. Tietze U., Schenk Ch. Halbleiter Schaltungstechnik Springer - Verlag., Berlin, 1980. 7. ., . . I, II, III, ,," , 1993. 8. ., . c. ., ,," , 1982. 9. .. . . , ., 2000. 10. .. . ., ,, " , 1982. 196 11. .. , .. . ., , 1988. 12. Jssakov J., Platonov A. , Rudenko V.S jt. Tööstuselektroonika alused. Tallinn, "Valgus" , 1982. 13. .., .., .. . , ,," , 1976. 14

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
74 allalaadimist


Tallinn Secondary Science School". The problem is very acute as nowadays pupils tend to spend more time using the Internet which leaves less time for reading. The main purpose of this research is to find out the connections between pupils' age and reading habits. To make broader conclusions, not only books, but also Internet-based media, newspapers and other periodicals are considered. To collect the necessary data, a questionnaire was conducted among pupils of the 5th, 8th and 11th grade, the aim of which was to get a diverse and detailed overview of reading habits. During the analysis, boys' and girls' answers were separated. The results and conclusions were very interesting and informative, showing a good correlation between pupils' age and their reading habits. The analysis of reading newspapers and Internet-based media showed that pupils at different ages are almost equally interested in news varying only in the level of thoroughness: older pupils

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
11 allalaadimist


Your flexi-study programme and the study visits also called my attention. I would probable choose to study part-time. I look forward to hear from you. Yours sincerely, Lucia Rubio Sanchez · Now write the note to your friend. USEFUL PHRASES FOR LETTERS OF APPLICATION PARAGRAPH 1 I wish to apply for the post of . . . which was advertised in today's `Daily Telegraph'. With reference to your advertisement in the `Guardian' of January 5th, I should like to apply for the position of . . . PARAGRAPH 2 As you will see from my enclosed CV, I have four years' experience in hotels and catering At present I am employed as a ....... By the local Tourist Office, a position I have held for three years. In the course of my present job , I have been responsible for planning and organisation of ..... My duties have included secretarial work as well as . . . I graduated in Business Administration from Dundee University in 1990.

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


reports after the switch to PA-K2. They were an odd melange of accuracy, error, and outright falsehoods. On December 3, for example, he correctly reported that the liner Lurline had arrived from San Francisco but stated that a military transport had departed when no such thing had occurred. The next day he informed Tokyo about the hasty departure of a cruiser of the Honolulu class; no such ship either entered or cleared the harbor on the 4th. Then, on the 5th, he cabled that three battleships had arrived in Pearl Harbor, making a total—which he reported with deadly accuracy— of eight anchored in the harbor. His messages, sent over Kita's signature, were decoded in the Foreign Office and routed to the North American section, where Toshikazu Kase passed them immediately to the Navy Ministry. Here they were redrafted, encoded in a naval code, and transmitted on a special frequency not normally used by the Navy and

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


погода». Она является любимой темой разговора в Англии. В другой шутке говорится: «У нас три вида погоды: Когда дождь идет утром. Когда дождь идет после полудня. Когда льет весь день». 14 UNIT 2 THE CELTS (8TH C. BC – 5TH C. AD) Pre-reading questions Are there any Celtic peoples in Europe at present? Where do you think they live? What territories did they occupy in ancient times? What happened to them? The first real civilization was brought to Britain in the third millennium BC by the Iberians who arrived from the Iberian Peninsula in Southern Europe. The Iberians were skilled in the use of copper and gold; they made copper daggers and axes,

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

illiterate people. It is known that they established separate kingdoms: the Saxons settled in the South and West, the Angles in the East Anglia, Mercia, Northumbria and the Jutes in Kent. They probably thought of themselves as separate peoples, but they shared a common language and similar customs. *The 7 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms ­ The first of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, which was popularly known as the Heptarchy (or the Seven Kingdoms), was founded in the latter half of the 5th century. Englan was divided into seven ancient kingdoms: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Wessex. The period supposedly lasted until the kingdoms began to consolidate into larger units, but the actual events marking this transition are debatable. *St Patric and the Christianization of Ireland ­ was a Christian missionary and is the patron saint of Ireland. Legend says that Patrick tought the Irish about the concept of the

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused

International Journal of Safety and Ergonomics. 1999. Vol. 5(1). Pp 125-134. Axelsson, J. R. C., Forsberg, T. Macro-Ergonomic Management. ERGON-AXIA '98. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Ergonomics for Global Quality and Productivity. Hong Kong. 1998. Pp. 157- 160. Benito, G. V., Gontijo, L. A., Jarufe, M. S. Analysis of cognitive demands of the activities of nurse. From Experience to Innovation. IEA'97. Helsinki. 1997. vol.5. Pp. 253-255. Best, J. B. Cognitive Psychology. 5th ed. Belmont, USA, Wadsworth, 1991. ISBN 0-534-35417-3. Bird, A. Philosophy of Science. McGill Queens University Press, 1998. ISBN 07735 17731. Bishu, R. R., Goonetilleke, R. S. Comfort and discomfort vs. safety, quality, productivity and marketability. ERGON-AXIA '98. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Ergonomics for Global Quality and Productivity. Hong Kong. 1998. Pp. 287-289. Bridger, R. S. Introduction to Ergonomics. N. Y., McGraw-Hill. 1995. Butters, L. M., Etchell, R. L

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
48 allalaadimist

Luumurdude, pehmete kudede ja liigesvigastuste füsioteraapia

Eristatakse veel järgmisi kõnnistiile: Equinus gait (varbal kõnd) Hemipleegiline või hemipareetiline kõnd Parkinsoni kõnd Neurogeenne või spastiline kõnd Kukkuva jala kõnd (drop foot gait). Kasutatud kirjandus Atkinson, K. Coutts, F. Hassenkamp, A.M. Physiotherapy in orthopaedics. A problem- solving approach. Elsevier Limited, 2005 Magee D.J. Orthopedic physical assessment. 5th ed. Saunders Elsevier, 2008 Perry, J. Gait analysis: normal and patological function. Slack, 1992 Keywords gait analysis, gait cycle, clinical gait analysis, movement analysis, normal gait, gait pattern, kinematic analysis, human gait, gait walking, gait assessment, spastic gait, gait knee, hip gait, foot gait, gait abnormalities, gait biomechanics, gait patterns, stance and swing phases, initial double stance, single limb stance, terminal double limb stance

Meditsiin → Füsioterapeut
45 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

Georg ia 8,186,453 10th Atlanta Atlanta GA. GA Empire State of the South, Peach State Hawaii 1,211,537 42nd Honolulu Honolulu (none) HI Aloha State Idaho 1,293,953 39th Boise Boise IDA. ID Gem State Illinois 12,419,293 5th Springfield Chicago ILL. IL Prairie State Indiana 6,080,485 14th Indianapolis Indianapolis IND . IN Hoosier State Iowa 2,926,324 30th Des Moines Des Moines (none) IA Hawkeye State Kansas 2,688,418 32nd Topeka Wich ita KANS. KS Sunflower State Kentucky 4,041,769 25th Frankfort Lou isville KY

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Ajaloo mõisted ja isikud tähestiku järgi

Agoraa – akropoli läheduses asuv koosoleku- ja turuplats, mille ümber paiknesid templid ja linnaelanike majad. Homerose ajal oli agoraa vabade kodanike rahva-, kohtu- ja sõjaväekogunemine, hiljem kogunemiskoht ise. Reeglina paiknesid agoraa ääres Kreeka polise ametiasutuste hooned, templid ja kauplused. Agoraa oli enamasti põhiplaanilt ristkülikukujuline ning alates klassikalisest ja hellenismi ajastust ümbritsetud sammaskäikudega ehk stoadega. Sissepääsu agoraale tähistas väravaehitis ehk propüleed. Kuulsaim agoraa on 1931. aasta väljakaevamistel põhjalikult läbiuuritud akropolise lähedal asuv Ateena agoraa. Akadeemia – Platoni asutatud filosoofiline kool Ateena lähedal, mis tegutses 385 eKr – 529 pKr. Kool sai nime oma asupaika järgi Ateena Hekademeia-nimelises hiies, millele omakorda andis nime heeros Akademos. Hekademeia oli pühapaik, mida lisaks Akademosele on seostatud ka Dioskuuride ning Dionysose kultusega. Plato...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
60 allalaadimist

Molekulaarne ja rakenduslik immunoloogia

Desensibilitatsioon - tundlikkuse vähendamine, immunoloogilisele tolerantsusele suunatud ravi, mille käigus allergiline inimene viiakse kokkupuutesse algul allergeeni üliväikseste kogustega, mida järk- järgult suurendatakse (“Meditsiini sõnastik” medicina 2004 lk 137) või meetod, mis võimaldab ravida allergiaid annustades korduvalt madalates doosides antigeeni, mille vastu patsient on allergiline (“Cellular and Molecular Immunology” 5th edition Abbas ja Lichtman, Elsevier Sauders lk 483) spetsiifiline ravi seisneb organismi hüposensibiliseerumises spetsiifilise antigeeniga. Hüposensibiliseerumine on näidustatud juhtudel kui allergia esineb vältimatute allergeenide suhtes - elukutsega seotud või ümbritsevas keskkonnas pidevalt esinevad allergeenid. Vastunäidustuseks on nakkuslikud protsessid, aktiivne kopsutuberkuloos, dekompenseeritud südamehaigused, maksa- ja

Bioloogia → immunoloogia
45 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

delay ca. 8 months 2 160 days dur. +80 days 3 140 days Conc. Structure below 5th ave & core through roof 4 221 days +81 days 5 85 days Detailing and fabrication of structural steel 6 290 days +205 days

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Kanjimärkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. Võrdlev analüüs märgisõnastike kanji etümoloogiatest.

Intermediate Kanji Book vol.1 , Bonjinsha, 1993 [ 94] 1994 (Kad¯ o (editor), Zenkanji K¯odaihan "Kanjigen" Electronic Book , Gakken, 1994) 85 [ 92] 4 1992 (Izuru Niimura (editor), K¯ ojien 4th edition, Electronic Book edition, Iwanami Shoten, 1992) [ 98] 5 cd-rom 1998 (Izuru Niimura (editor), K¯ojien 5th edition, cd- rom edition, Iwanami Shoten, 1998) [Long 99] Jeffrey G. Long, How Could the Notation Be the Limitation , Semiotica vol 125, 1/3, 1999. [LM 89] M¨art L¨a¨anemets, "Ida kirjas¨ usteemid", S~onumitooja nr. 1­ 10, 1989 [Merell 97] F. Merell, Peirce's whole decalogue of signs , Semiotica vol 114 3/4 (1997), pp. 192­286. [ 84] 58 (Shizuo

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

However, in certain cases they include even stricter requirements. In order to apply to the Norwegian GSP regime, one must submit "Form A" ­ the certificate origin. Commodities subject to Norwegian concessions are clustered in 5 groups and are taxed in accor- dance with the particular group where the goods belong. 1st group Implies 100% tariff concession 2nd group Implies 50% tariff concession 3rd group Implies 30% tariff concession 4th group Implies 15% tariff concession 5th group Implies 10% tariff concession The scheme also specifies the rules for a products origin, processing and transportation. These rules have to be strictly observed. GSP scheme of Japan Georgia has been the beneficiary of Japanese GSP concessions since 1995. The Japanese GSP regime covers agriculture products from Georgia recognized as priority export items. These prod- ucts include: walnut, tea, spices (including laurel), vegetables, fruit, spicy sauces, mineral waters,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused

Uurimustes pakutakse välja mitmesuguseid isiksuse omadusi, mis tagavad liidri mõjuvõimu järgijate üle. Eestvedamiseks oluliste isiksuse omadustena on sagedamini pakutud: - meeldivust, - karismaatilisust, - kohanevust, - sotsiaalset erksust, - saavutustele orienteeritust, - enesekehtestavust, - koostööd, - kindlameelsust, - usaldusväärsust, domineerivust, 255 konspekti koostaja märkus 256 Certo, S. Modern Management:Quality, Ethics and the Global Environment. 5th ed. Allyn and Bacon, 1992, lk. 289 257 Aino Siimon. Kulno Türk. JUHTIMINE. TÜ Kirjastus, 2003, lk. 206-207 258 Ruth Alas. Juhtimise alused. Külim, 1997, lk. 89-90 - energilisust, - püsivust, - eneseusaldust, - stressitaluvust, vastutust, - intelligentsust, - suhtlemisoskust, - kohanemisvõimet, - loovust, - empaatiat jt. Sellise teooriate näidetena võib tuua Gary A. Yukl'i ja Keith Davis poolt väljatöötatud teooriad. Need toovad

Majandus → Juhtimine
299 allalaadimist


There are many but I have also many compositions. 6 1 Theatre. Music. Cinema, 1990, No.6, pp.10, 11. E.Tamberg an interview with Helju Tauk. 2 Theatre. Music. Cinema, 2000, No.8/9, pp.66. An interview with Igor Garšnek. 3 ‘Folksong and us’, “Sirp ja Vasar” June 16th, 1972. 4 Veljo Tormis “The Word is Sung” (“Lauldud sõna”). Tartu University Publishers, 2000, p.118. 5 Õhtuleht, 2000, July 22nd. An interview without signature. 6 Postimees, July 5th, 1996. An interview with Tiit Tuumalu. The subject is not important, but the result, how did it turn out with the music. The most important thing for me is the applause of the audience. My principle is to compose relatively simply and not creating too high demands for performance. 1 ARVO PÄRT I should like to compare my music with a white light including all colours. These colours can be discriminated by means of a prism alone

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

following anthologies: T. Olshewsky (ed.), Problems in the Philosophy of Language (Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969); J. F. Rosenberg and C. Travis (eds.) Readings in the Philosophy of Language (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971); D. Davidson and G. Harman (eds.), The Logic of Grammar (Encino, CA: Dickenson, 1975); R. M. Harnish (ed.) Basic Topics in the Philosophy of Language (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1994); A. Martinich (ed.) The Philosophy of Language, 5th edn. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), and earlier editions as well; P. Ludlow (ed.) Readings in the Philosophy of Language (Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books/ MIT Press, 1997); A. Nye (ed.), Philosophy of Language: The Big Questions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1998); M. Baghramian (ed.), Modern Philosophy of Language (New York: Counterpoint Press, 1999). Acknowledgements I thank my editor, Moira Taylor, for her bracing encouragement and (espe- cially) for her patience

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain The island went back to bartering and using other, more primitive, I Changingthe way the poundis measured standardsofvalue.

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain The island went back to bartering and using other, more primitive, I Changingthe way the poundis measured standardsofvalue.

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain The island went back to bartering and using other, more primitive, I Changingthe way the poundis measured standardsofvalue.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain The island went back to bartering and using other, more primitive, I Changingthe way the poundis measured standardsofvalue.

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

N. White, T. Wheeler, S. D. Shackelford, Muscle and associated tissues. In Principles of Meat M. Koohmaraie, D. G. Riley, C. C. Chase, D. Johnson, Science. San Franscisco, Calif.: W.H. Freeman and and T. P. L. Smith. 2006. Effects of calpastatin and Company. o-calpain markers in beef cattle on tenderness traits. Frandson, R., and T. Spurgeon. 1992. Anatomy and Journal of Animal Science 84(3):520–525. Physiology of Farm Animals, 5th Ed. Philadelphia, Chambaz, A., M. R. L. Scheeder, M. Kreuzer, and P. A. Penn.: Lea and Febiger. Dufey. 2003. Meat quality of Angus, Simmental, Frickh, J., and J. Solkner. 1997. Colour as a beef quality Charolais and Limousin steers compared at the same trait—Results of a breed comparison. Zuchtungskunde intramuscular fat content. Meat Science 63:491–500. 69(3):163–180. Chang, K., N. da Costa, R. Blackley, O. Southwood, G

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun