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"organizational" - 96 õppematerjali


Artikli “An employee-centered model of organizational justice and social responsibility” kokkuvõte

Artikli “An employee-centered model of organizational justice and social responsibility” kokkuvõte Artikkel räägib organisatsioonilisest õiglusest. Selleks, et seda õiglust mõista, peab aru saama, et iga töötaja on erinev, igat töötajat mõjutavad erinevad kogemused. Juba tükk aega tagasi korraldati küsitlus, millest järeldus, et positiivselt mõjutab õiglust tööga rahulolu, töö tulemuslikkus ja kohustus, kuid negatiivselt mõjub vastupidine käitumine, kui seda eeldatakse töötajalt, töökoha vaenulikkus ja kättemaks. On koostatud mudel, mis näitab, kuidas töötajad mõtlevad, reageerivad ja käituvad emotsionaalselt töökeskkonnas, arvestades samas ka ruumi piirangutega. Tyleri ja Lindi teooria kohaselt selgub, et relatsioonilise mudeli puhul on tähtsaim kuuluvustunne. Tööandjad on õiglased, kui töötajad tajuvad neutraalset ja usaldusväärset tööõhkkonda. Teadusuuringud on näidanud, et vahetussuhete kasud on töötajate näol näidanud suuremat ko...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
7 allalaadimist


„Maskuliinsuse indeks“ on kõrgeim Jaapanis, Austrias ja Venetsueelas, madalaim Taanis, Rootsis, Norras ja Madalmaades. Viis, kuidas me liigitame soorolle ning eraldame tööd perest ning iseendast, on selgelt erinev sellest, kuidas mõned teised kultuurid kujutavad inimloomust. Lääne inimesele on raske ettegi kujutada, kuidas inimloomust ja inimtegevust mõtestatakse teistes kultuurides. 7 Allikas: Schein, E. (2004) Organizational Culture and Leadership. Third edition (lk 171– 188) 8

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurikeskkond ja selle mõju...
9 allalaadimist

Millised on mind huvitava valdkonna baastekstid?

Juba resümeesd lugedes näen, et oma teooriaosas kasutab ta baasmaterjalidena Luhmanni ja Habermasi teksti, mis on natukene hirmuäratav. Teisalt on aga hea, et mul oleks võimalik kasutada ka klassikute teoseid oma teooriaosa kirjutades. Selle uurimistöö kirjandusest jäävad mulle silma veel mõned allikad, mis sobiksid ka minu uurimistöö baastekstiks. Näiteks Barber, Alison E. (1998) „Recruiting Employees. Individual and Organizational Perspectives“ ja ka Breaugh, J. A., & Mann, R. B. (1984) „Recruiting source effects: A test of two alternative explanations“. Viimane tundub huvitav, sest seal tundub juttu oolevat kahest erinevast värbamise meetodist, või lähenemisest värbamisele. Vähemalt pealkirja järgi. Mulle pakuvad huvi ka Rynes’i kirjutised. Kõik haakuvad minu teemaga hästi vähemalt pealkirja järgi otsustades. Rynes, S. L., Bretz, R. D., & Gerhart, B. (1990) „The importance of

Meedia → Meedia
2 allalaadimist

Seminaritöö Edgar Henry Schein

Iseseisev töö Edgar Henry Schein Oma Nimi XX-1 Denison, Daniel R. ,,What is the differnece between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native's point of view kn a decade of paradigm wars"1996. Academy of Management Review, vol. 21, no. 3, 619-654. Autori(te) taust (5p) a) Sünniaasta (või eluaastad) Edgar Henry Schein sündis 1928. aastal sveitsis. Ta elab ja õppis USA-s. b) Hariduslik taust Ta käis Harvard University (lõpetas 1952 sotsiaalpsühholoogia), Stanford University (lõpetas 1949), University of Chicago.

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
59 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimine ja organisatsiooni käitumine inglise keeles

continue or discontinue membership in the organisation. Effects Organisational commitment can have either a negative or a positive effect on the organization. The negative effect implies that the level of organisational commitment is low. Employees with a low level of organisational commitment tend to be unproductive and some become loafers at work. In some cases the high rate of staff turnover and absenteeism are associated with the low level of organisational commitment. Sometimes, when organizational commitment is over-commitment it may cause neurotic compulsion to succeed, extreme high level of energy, overly loyal employees. On the other hand, when commitment is under-commitment it may cause fear of success or failure, chronic and persistent procrastination. Organisations whose members have higher levels of commitment show higher performance and productivity and lower levels of absenteeism and tardiness. This implies that employees with a high

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Essee kommunikatsioon organistatsioonis

kommunikatsiooni manageerimisel ning, et eelpool mainitud meetoditega on täiesti tõenäoline parandada kommunikatsiooni organisatsioonis. Samas ei välistaks, et mõni neist meetoditest ei pruugi töötada nii efektiivselt kui ma seda praegu eeldan ning kindlasti leidub palju rohkem meetodeid, mil viisil võiks, lisaks eelpool mainitutele, parandada kommunikatsiooni kvaliteeti organisastioonis. Kasutatud allikad Abugre, J. (2011). APPRAISING THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION ON WORKER SATISFACTION IN ORGANIZATIONAL WORKPLACE. Problems Of Management In The 21St Century, 17-15. Keyton, J., Caputo, J. M., Ford, E. A., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S. A., Liu, T., Polasik, S. S., Ghosh, P., Wu, C. (2013). INVESTIGATING VERBAL WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION BEHAVIORS. Journal of Business Communication 50(2), 152 - 169. Kumar, B. P., Giri, V. N. (2009). EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP OF ORGANIZATIONAL

Psühholoogia → Organisatsiooni psühholoogia
49 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

5. Perspective. As a Plan, strategy needs to be developed in advance and with purpose. As a Ploy, strategy is a means of outsmarting the competition. With strategy as a Pattern, we learn to appreciate that what was successful in the past can lead to success in the future. With Position, strategy is about how the organization relates to its competitive environment, and what it can do to make its products unique in the marketplace. Perspective emphasizes the substantial influence that organizational culture and collective thinking can have on strategic decision making within a company. Understanding and using each element helps you develop a robust, practical and achievable business strategy. *a strategy in a small organization, *learning organization, what is a policy, Õppiv organisatsioon on selline organisatsioon, mis oskab luua, säilitada ja siirdada teadmist ning kohandab vastavalt oma käitumist. Õppiva organisatsiooni põhitegevused: • Lahendab probleeme süsteemselt

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine

Seetõttu tulebki muudatuste juhtimise protsessis kõige rohkem tähelepanu pöörata inimlikule aspektile. Muudatuste juhtimine 12 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Ajmal, S., Farooq, M. Z., Sajid, N., & Awan, S. (2012). Role of Leadership in Change Management Process. Abasyn University Journal Of Social Sciences, 5, 111-124. Armenakis, A. A., & Fredenberger, W. B. (1997). Organizational change readiness practices of business turnaround change agents. Knowledge Process Management, 4,143–152. Bringselius, L. (2014). Employee Objections to Organizational Change: A Framework for Addressing Management Responses. Organization Development Journal, 32, 41-54. Eby, L. T., Adams, D. M., Russell, J. E. A., & Gaby, S. H. (2000). Perceptions of organizational readiness for change: factors related to employees’ reactions to the implementation of team-based selling

Majandus → Juhtimine
19 allalaadimist

James M. Utterback „Mastering the Dynamic of Innovation“ peatükk 4 „Innovation and Industrial Evolution“ k

radical innovations.“ (Utterback 1996, 85) 3. Mechanistic type ehk mehaniline organisatsioon. Sellises organisatsioonis on peamine rõhk administratiivsetel suhetel. Hierarhiline struktuur ja standardiseeritud organisatsioon ei ole keskendunud tootearendusele vaid eelkõige masstootmisele. „Once a production process and a set of market relationships and expectations become highly developed with respect to a specified and standardized product, organizational control is rovided through structure, goals and rules.“ (Utterback 1996, 85) Konkureeriv keskkond Konkureeriv keskkond paljude konkureerivate ettevõtetega loob üheltpoolt võimaluse toote-, protsessi- kui ka organisatsiooni arenguks kuid teisalt hakkab muutuma olukord turul. Parema turundusskeemiga ettevõtted muutuvad domineerivateks ning haaravad suurema turuosa. „Evetually the competitive enviroment reaches a point of stbility in which there are only a few

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia valitsemine
5 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni sisekommunikatsioon

Kas kõiki neid allikaid vaatasid paberil? Kui midagi netist, siis võiks lisada vastavad lingid, panen ühe suvalise näite. Ma kõiki vormistausasju siin ei vaadanud Agenti, P.A. Corporate Communication. 5-th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwen, 2009, 313 p. Kasutatud 01.01.2016 Bovée, C.L, Thill, J.V. Bisness Communication Today. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995, 676 p.7. Braedyn, A.M. Effective Organizational Cock, G., Witte, K., Nieuwkerke, S. (1998). Effective Communication within the Organization. Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry, H., Wolff, C.J., Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (pp387-400). Hove: Psychology Press Ltd. Fiske, J. Introduction to Comminication Studies. 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge, 1996, 1997, 203 p. Grunig, E.J. (1992). Exellence in Public Relatsions and Communication Management. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers Hirokawa, Y. R. & L

Majandus → Organisatsioonikäitumine
41 allalaadimist

Indian Summer Festival

Indian summer festival Indian Summer Festival is the brainchild of Butch Roberts, a Milwaukee Police Officer. In 1985, his dream was to have an American Indian Festival to add to the other ethnic festivals that were being held on the Summerfest grounds, Henry Maier Festival Park. Roberts recruited the Warren and DeNomie families to organize the event. These three families were instrumental in getting Indian Summer off the ground. It took two years of planning and organizational assistance from Irish Fest to kick off Indian Summer's first festival in 1987. The festival received a $5,000.00 grant from The Milwaukee Foundation and a cash loan from the Klumb family to provide funding for the first event. The first festival was a huge success. Over the last 24 years, Indian Summer Festival has maintained a strong position as one of Milwaukee's most popular and memorable ethnic festivals. And as Indian Nation's largest

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


I checked out the company website and mission statement, looked at the bios of company founders and executives, and was impressed. Once I had the interview appointment, I talked with friends and acquaintances in the industry. Why do you want this job? I've been very careful about the companies where I have applied. When I saw the ad for this position, I knew I found what I was looking for. Along with my flexibility and organizational skills, makes me a perfect match for this position. I see some challenges ahead of me here, and that's what I thrive on. I have what you need, and you have what I want. What is your greatest weakness? In a sense of urgency to get projects completed i tend to want to triple-check every detail in a spreadsheet What are you looking for in your next job? Tell me, Mr. Ojapõld, what is a typical career path at for someone with my skills and experience?

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Meeskonnatöö sünergeetilise efekti maksimeerimine

võimalik, kui meeskonnaliikmed on motiveeritud ja huvitatud omapoolse maksimaalse panuse andmisest. Kasutatud kirjandus: 11 Messmer, Max (2003) ,,Encouraging Teamwork in the Workplace." National ublic Accountant, Dec/Jan, 32-33. Pierce, Jon L., Jussila, Iiro and Cummings, Anne (2009) ,,Psychological ownership within the job design context: revision of the job characteristics model." Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 30, May, Issue 4, 477- 496. Puranam, P., Vanneste, Bart S.(2009) ,,Trust and governance: untangling a tangled web." Academy of Management Review, Vol. 34, Jan, Issue 1, 11-31. Sanchez, Juan I., Levine, Edward L.(2009) ,,What is (or should be) the difference between competency modeling and traditional job analysis?" Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 19, Jun, Issue 2, 53-63. Somech, Anit, Desivilya, Helena Syna and Lidogoster, Helena (2009) ,,Team

Psühholoogia → Organisatsiooni psühholoogia
110 allalaadimist


kommunikatsiooniga jne. · JDI (Job Descriptive Index) Töökirjeldus indeks · MSQ (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) Minnesota rahulolu küsimustik · JDS (Job Diagnostic Survey) Töö Diagnostiline küsimustik Üldise rahulolu skaalad-ei püüta erinevaid dimesioone eraldi vaadata. Kas töö on meeldiv, ideaalne, hea jne. Emotsioonidega seotud. · JIG (Job in General Scale) Töö üldskaala · Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire Satisfaction · Subscale Michigani organisatsiooni hindamise küsimustiku rahulolu alaskaala · Nägude skaala- missugune näoilmetest väljendab seda, kuidas ma ennast selle tööga tunnen. Pikem skaala tekkis, sest meeste nägudega skaalal ei ole võimalik naistel oma rahulolu nägu leida. TÖÖKESKKOND (1) FÜÜSILISED TINGIMUSED-need tingimused peavad olema tööga sobivad. Erinevad tööd eeldavad erinevaid tingumisi.

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
264 allalaadimist

Diferentseeritud lähenemine töötajaskonna planeerimisele kui võimalus tasakaalustada tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist

·Organisatsiooni inimressursi/inimkapitali analüüsimisel ja hindamisel? ·Kuidas peaks artiklile tuginedes väljenduma inimressursi/inimkapitali väärtus personalijuhtimise praktikates? Artiklid Peter Capelli Director of the Center for Human Resources, Wharton School, Pennsylvania Capelli, P.: A supply chain approach to workforce planning. Organizational Dynamics, 2009, 38, 1 Peter Capelli: Talent management for the twenty-first century, Harvard Business Review, 2008, March Küsimused arutlemiseks · Mida tähendab "talent ­on-demand" lähenemine personali planeerimise kontekstis? · Mis on selle lähenemise ohud ja võimalused? · Missugustes personalivaldkonna tegevustes ja plaanides tuleks teha suurimaid korrektiive, kui lähtuda "talent-on-demand" lähenemisest Küsimused arutlemiseks

Majandus → Töö- ja palgakorraldus
14 allalaadimist

12 principles of language teaching

language. 2 Linguistic Principles Linguistic Principles 11. Interlanguage 12. Communicative Competence As students acquire a language, Being competent in the language interlanguage is displayed. Your means: feedback helps learners move towards Organizational target-language accuracy. Competence Application – Point out interlanguage errors, show students that these errors Psychomotor Strategic mean their brain is in “language Skills Competence Competence learning mode.” Pragmatic Competence

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

CARS – Create a Research Space

Ütlen, mis on tehtud, ütlen, mis on tegemata jäänud, ütlen, kuidas mina tühimiku täidan. Meie teema/nišš: 1. uurimisvaldkond: isiksuse/iseloomu muutus joobeseisundis. Varasemad uuringud on hõlmanud vaid ühe või kahe iseloomuomaduse uurimist. 2. nišši loomine: Despite the abundance of evidence that alcohol affects many aspects of a drinker’s mood, affect, and behavior, researchers (Winograd et al., 2012) have only recently begun to describe these effects within a single organizational framework, specifically, the five-factor model of personality. Indeed, this comprehensive approach is well-suited for capturing the wide range of effects experienced and behaviors exhibited by drinkers under the influence of alcohol, often referred to as “drunken comportment” (MacAndrew & Edgerton, 1969). This conceptualization of intoxication 3. Nišši hõlmamine: rakendades viie faktori meetodit Sissejuhatus: Üldine väide: üldistus või definitsioon

Muu → Uurimustöö
1 allalaadimist


kujunevad välja poliitiliste protsesside käigus 8) Kultuuri koolkond-strateegia kujunemine on sotsiaalse koostoime protsess, mis baseerub organisatsiooni liikmete ühisel uskumustel ja tõekspidamistel 9) Keskkonna koolkond- näeb strateegia kujunemist kui keskkonna muutustele reageerivat protsessi 10) Konfiguratsiooni koolkond- püüab ühendada erinevad käsitlused Henry Mintzberg- strateegia kui praktiline tegevus, planeerijad vs juhid, Organizational Configurations model. ''Juhtimine on segu oskustest(kogemus), kunstist (nägemus), teadusest(analüüs).'' Strateegia põhimõisted: Stateegia- on kõikehõlmav pikaajaline tegevusplaan organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutmiseks (Alas 1997) Strateegia juhtimise protsess: 1) Määrata tegevusvaldkond 2) Luua visioon-pikaajaline nägemus 3) Võtta endale missioon 4) Vastavalt visioonile ja missioonile püstitada eesmärgid 5) Strateegia kavandamine

Majandus → Juhtimine
20 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

Providing rotational assignments is an excellent way to provide career development opportunities while also increasing collaboration and understanding among different naval organizations. As representation of the target groups increases, these scientists and engineers should be encouraged to participate. The mentor program description includes among its objectives to provide a tool to embrace diversity as a core value of ONR; to change the organizational culture to enhance the participation of minority, female, and disabled scientists and engineers; and to attract and retain qualified new people into ONR. Creating a more diverse science and engineering work force at ONR is important to its future success, not only because of the demographic changes, but also because of the Navy's need to tap the very best minds from all sources for its research and development efforts. Based on its findings,

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Infohalduse praktiline töö nr 2

teadusartikkel. Mitu artiklit selle autorilt veel andmebaasist leiate ( kui artiklil on mitu autorit, siis valige üks nendest). Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Avan lehekülje , sisestan otsingusse Intergenerational communication in the workplace. Sorteerin välja artiklid aastast 2009. Valin artikli ,,Millennials in the Workplace: A Communication Perspective on Millennials' Organizational Relationships and Performance" Artiklil on kaks autorit: Karen K. Myers, Kamyab Sadaghiani, siis valisin Kamyab Sadaghiani. Trükkisin otsingusse autori nime, märkisin ära artiklid ja kogu aja. Sain tulemuseks 2,570 artiklit. . 3

Informaatika → Informaatika
18 allalaadimist


Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus IT-süsteemide spetsialist ACTIVE DIRECTORY Juhendaja: 2015 Active Directory Active Directory on Microsofti poolt välja töötatud kataloogi teenus ehk infohoidla, mis on mõeldud Windowsi domeeni võrkudele. See lasti välja koos Server 2008-ga. Active Directroy kontrollib esitatud paroole ja määrab kindlaks kas kasutaja on süsteemiadministraator või tavakasutaja. Active Directory’l on palju ühisjooni andmebaasiga, aga seda ei saa vahetada registriga. Active Directory andmebaas on korraldatud partitsioonidesse, iga üks nendest hoiab konkreetset objekti tüüpi ja järgivad konkreetseid/erilisi mustreid. Active Directory andmed on hierarhilised, kopeeritavad ja laiendatavad. Tüüpilised andmed, mida kataloogi salvestati, olid näiteks printeri järjekorra andmed, kasutaja kontaktandmed, võrgu/arvuti konfiguratsiooni ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Praktikum 2

Esitage üks definitsioonidest. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Panin otsingusüsteemi: define:knowledge management ja leian vastused. Võimalik on kümnes keeles leida. 15 definitsiooni. Knowledge management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice. Wikipedia Eesti pakub teadmusjuhtimise asemel definitsiooni sõnale teadmIsjuhtimine, mis asub siin: 7. Leidke mitu kilomeetrit on ühes miilis ning mitu kilomeetrit on 5 miilis. Esitage tulemus. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kirjutan otsingusse kilometer in mile ja saan vastuseks 1 kilometer = 0.621371192 mile. Kirjutan otsingusse kilometer in 5 mile ja saan vastuseks 5 mile = 8.04672 kilometers. 8

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
77 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

organizations based in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Brazil, Cameroon, Egypt, India, Iran, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe. Programs Leadership and Empowerment program promotes a model of participatory leadership and supports women to take on leadership roles in their families, communities, and societies. Organizational Capacity Building program strengthens our partner organizations and their affiliates, contributing to the growth of a dynamic international women's movement. ICT Capacity Building program supports individuals and organizations to develop vital ICT skills, which can be used for collective mobilization for gender equality and social justice. Women's Human Rights program raises awareness of urgent women's human rights challenges and campaigns for legal reforms

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

That’s how freedom of movement has created. Anyone can decide where they prefer to live, study or work. And if we fall ill or have an accident in other European country, we can be sure that we can get medical treatment with no fuss and at the same cost as people living in that country. These are very relevant points for all Europeans. EU is relevant to students and trainees too. EU’s Erasmus program provides students and trainees the financial and organizational support for a spell aboard or work placement. The program works in partnership with European universities, companies and institutions, it offers to millions Europeans the chance to study, train, work or volunteer abroad. Young people may work as volunteers either within or outside EU, in a wide range of areas such as social care, the environment, culture, youth, sports and development cooperation. The booklet contains illustration about how well off are Europeans. The countries of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Service marketing

· Delegation of planning to a planner · Uncertainty about what should appear in the marketing plan Chapter 5 to 10 Chapters provide a detailed examination of each of the four phases in the marketing planning process and an explanation of the frameworks and techniques which are useful in undertaking these tasks. Chapter 11 It examines some of the key organizational aspects relating to marketing planning. Also the role of marketing intelligence systems has been discussed; market research; to what extent the introduction of marketing planning is appropriate at the different stages of development of an organization; and finally, the issue of how an service organization can develop or improve its marketing orientation.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Henry Ford

prohibition. For Ford, at least early on, the seduction of wages still required its opposite for effective motivation- morality; workers had to be shown how to behave and what to do with their new-found wealth. In sum, Ford sought of dominate his workers, just as he dominated his managers and family. Domination, or, if neccessary, a battle of attraction until he achieved domination, was just about the only organizational tactic that Ford used. Slaid 2. Peace ship versus Warship Ford insisted that he would give up his entire fortune, estimateted at over $30 million, if it would bring peace to the world. He even offered prizes and investments for peaceful endeavours of various kinds. By 1917, even though Ford remained commited to peace, the German announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare against all shipping suspected of carrying material to the allied side led Ford to do an about turn

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Äriuuringute kontspekt eksamiks

Õppimine: 1. harjutades ja korrates teadmisi, oskusi, vilumusi omandama (koolis käies, kellegi juhendamisel v. iseseisvalt); harjutades, treenides mingit konkreetset oskust omandama. Õpib algkoolis, gümnaasiumis, õhtukoolis. Õppis ülikoolis matemaatikat. … 2. eeskuju v. kogemuse mõjul mingit kommet, harjumust, hoiakut, käitumisviisi vms. omandama. Lapsed õpivad üksteiselt igasuguseid rumalusi. Ettevõtte õppimine (organizational learning) • Organizational learning is an area of knowledge within organizational theory that studies models and theories about the way an organization learns and adapts. *Ülikoolides rakendatavad grupitööd, projektid, tagasiside arvestamine jne. teevad individuaalse ja ettevõttes toimuvad õppimised omavahel sarnaseks! Exploration - Exploration is “to gain knowledge unrelated to their current areas of expertise”; (innovation). Keskendub - “long-term viability”

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
22 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

a supervisor to plan, coordinate and evaluate Cross-functional work teams ­ various diciplines are involved in project from the beginning concurrent engineering ­ specialists work side by side and compare notes constantly to design cost-effective products with features customers want virtual teams ­ groups of geographically or organizationally dispersed co- worker that are assembled using a combination of technologies to accomplish organizational strutures flatter organizational structures turbulent environments increased employee autonomy higher knowledge requirements increased globalization increased employee decision making Porter's competitive strategies: low cost strategy ­ the ability of a comnpany or business unit to design, produce and market comparable product more efficiently that its compeditors o cost focus ­ low-cost compeditive strategy that focuses on a

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Lecture1 Introduction to psychology

Marii Haak 2017 To start with... · Two main concepts to understand - Psychology - Psyche How do you define them? What is psychology? · The study of the soul and mind (psyche & logos) · Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of the individuals (what we do) and their mental processes (inner thoughts and feelings) · Studies human behavior, inner experiences and circumstances under they occur · Is psychology a study of differences between people or rather a study of similarities? - General tendencies Primary goal · The primary goal of psychology is to improve the understanding of behavior and cognition of our self and other people Why do we do what we do? Why do we think what we think? Why do we feel what we feel? · The aim is to... · Describe behavior ­ what is the nature of this behavior? · Understand and explai...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tagaside küsitlus

I frequently receive positive feedback from Saan oma ülemuselt positiivset tagasisidet my supervisor sageli Unfavorable feedback Ebasoodne tagasiside When I don't meet deadlines, my supervisor Minu ülemus teavitab mind, kui minu töö lets me know ületab tähtaegu My supervisor tells me when my work Minu ülemus ütleb mulle, kui mu töösooritus performance does not meet organizational ei vasta organisatsiooni nõuetele standards Minu ülemus teavitab mind, kui minu töö On those occasions when my job tulemuslikkus langeb oodatust madalamale performance falls below what is expected, my supervisor lets me know Minu ülemus ütleb mulle, kui minu töös on vigu On those occasions when I make a mistake at work, my supervisor tells me

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Pharmacy management

Group feedback 7/11. Leadership and management A good manager is competent in all different management styles, and knows when to apply which style. 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic 3. Free reign (vabad käed, dellegeerimine) 4. Patriarchal (he knows best what is good for his children, "family" structure) The management process: - policy function (setting targets/goals, planning, decision making); - organizational (execution, monitoring, communication/information). The best managers select people on talent, not on intelligence, education or experience. And do not try to improve their staff's weak points but rather strengthen their strong points. Taylorism: rational model. Goal - productivity maximization. Monotonous, management by control, no personal initiatives. Human relations approach: goal ­ employee satisfaction, participation, conflict

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Organisatsioonipsuhholoogia Konspekt

võimalused Palk Tunnustamine Turvalisus Juhtimine Instumentide näited JSS (Job Satisfaction Survey) Tööga rahulolu küsimustik JDI (Job Descriptive Index) Töökirjelduse indeks MSQ (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) Minnesota rahulolu küsimustik JDS (Job Diagnostic Survey) Töö Diagnostiline küsimustik Üldise rahulolu skaalad JIG (Job in General Scale) Töö üldskaala Michigani organisatsiooni hindamise küsimustiku rahulolu alaskaala Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire Satisfaction Subscale Nägude skaala TÖÖKESKKOND (1) FÜÜSILISED TINGIMUSED Valgustatus Temperatuur Müra Liikumine Saastatus Esteetilised tegurid TÖÖ OHUTUS Temperatuur, müra, valgustus, masinad, kemikaalid, radioaktiivsus, alkohol ja narkootikumid ning töögrupi üldine hoiak TÖÖKESKKOND (2) PSÜHHOLOOGILISED TINGIMUSED Privaatsus Inimtihedus ja tiheliolek Territoriaalsus

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
102 allalaadimist

Rolliteooria, portfoolio

probleeme, mille lahendamiseks nad on loodud, samuti vajadusele hoolikalt hinnata ja anda abi vältimaks süsteemide ja käitumise stigmatiseerimist (Levy. 1981). Mõnede uurimuste tulemused viitavad sellele, et sotsiaaltöötajad kalduvad kliente negatiivselt sildistama (Case ja Lingerfelt. 1974; Gingerich jt., 1982). (Payne, 1995) 7 Kahe teadusartikli ülevaade Artiklis ,,Multiple Roles of Human Resource Department in Building Organizational Competitiveness- Perspective of Role Theory" kirjeldatakse rolliteooriat järgnevalt: Alates 1993. aastast on rolliteooriat kasutanud tõhusalt teadlased erinevates valdkondades, nagu psühholoogia, sotsiaalpsühholoogia, sotsioloogia, organisatsiooni käitumine ja personalijuhtimine (Welbourne, Johnson & Erez, 1998). Rolliteooria põhineb dramaturgilisel metafooril (Solomon, 1985), mis selgitab, kuidas inimesed saadavad ja võtavad vastu kindlaid rolle

Varia → Sotsiaaltöö eakatega
51 allalaadimist

Estonian War of Independence

fight. During the first month of war Estonian soldiers were forced to retreat and the Red Army was able to occupy North- and South-Eastern Estonia. The university town of Tartu soon fell to the Red Army and in the beginning of January 1919 the enemy was just 40 kilometers from Tallinn (the capital of Estonia). At the time when few military units and volunteers of the Defence League showed desperate resistance on the front, intense organizational work took place in the rear. Colonel Johan Laidoner (since January 1919 Major General) who became Commander-in-Chief on December 23, 1918 was the coordinator and soul of these efforts. By January 5, 1919 14,000 additional men had been mobilized. Estonian forces could now set to counterattack and on the first birthday of the Estonian Republic (February 24, 1919) General Laidoner could report to the Parliament that the enemy had successfully been driven out of Estonian territory.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Otsing andmebaasides

Advanced search, journals. Otsingusõnadeks ethics of management, mis peavad olema sisukokkuvõttes, abstract. Articles published between 19951999. Article type ­ literature review. 5 tulemust. Praktiline töö nr 3 Otsing andmebaasides Stever, James A.(1997) Marshall Dimock's deflective organizational theory. Journal of Management History (Archive), 3(4). Andmebaas Emerald. 6. Leidke keskkonnakorralduse teemalisi väljaanded. Mitu väljaannet leiate? Browse Books & Journals.Environmental Management & Health. 58 väljaannet Andmebaas Emerald 7.8. küsimusele leidke vastused RRi andmebaasi ISE ( vahendusel. 7. Leidke variast Liia Merino artikleid. Mitme artikli autor, intervjueerija ja koostaja ta on? Kuidas otsingu läbi viite?

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
74 allalaadimist

Assignment4 Risk assessment

Minimal protection 3. Sharp knife 4. Distractions 5. Harmful microbe inhalation 6. Suicide option d. Rank the risks of those workplace hazards in given work conditions ­ using BS 8800 risk matrix (see Lecture slides)! e. Prioritize the risks (starting with the one which has the highest number)! f. Propose safety measures for each hazard which has a level of risk higher than II! Start with engineer control methods, followed by organizational methods and only last option ­ consider personal protective equipment. g. Present your results: i. Description of the work situation The workplace is a butcher shop where a butcher is cutting meat with a knife. He has a woman in the workplace that can be of a distraction to him and a knife without a knife guard. He is also only wearing 1, by the looks of it very thin, glove and has no mask or any other kind of protection.

Ergonoomika → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
4 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

SO6: WebMountain ­ the core for efficient WO5: Absence of real international business and easy building of information systems network WO6: Outdated technological core of the product WO7: Absence of real inner organizational structure, clear chain of command WO8: Office only has one big room without actual means to separate and soundproof sections Opportunities Threats

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledž Majandusosakond Annika Liivamägi TDJ 1 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Seminaritöö 1 Juhendaja: Heli Tooman Pärnu 2015 SISUKORD Table of Contents Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................3 1. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award...................................................................4 1.1. Auhinna tekke ajalugu............................................................................................4 1.2. MBNQA eesmärk...................................................................................................4 2. Malcolm Baldrige’i Kvaliteediauhinna kasutatavus......................................................6 2.1. Baldridge’i ...

Muu → Ainetöö
21 allalaadimist

Alushariduses kasutatavad mõisted

ALUSHARIDUSES KASUTATAVAD MÕISTED Alusharidus on teadmiste, oskuste vilumuste ja käitumisnormide kogum, mis loob eeldused edukaks edasijõudmiseks igapäevaelus ja koolis (KLS § 2). Alusharidus on süstematiseeritud teadmiste, oskuste, arusaamade, hoiakute, tõekspidamiste ja suundumuste süsteem, tänu millele inimene omandab võime käituda, orienteeruda, otsustada, omandada, korrigeerida oma käitumist (Ü. Vooglaid. 1996. Alushariduse õppekava projekt). Areng kajastab sisulisi muutusi lapse organismis ja selle omadustes, funktsioonides või käitumises. Kirjanduse põhjal koostas J. Treier Enesehindamine (self-assessment, self-evaluation) - protsess, milles õppeasutuse personal jälgib süstemaatiliselt ja regulaarselt õppeasutuse tegevusi ja tulemusi. Enesehindamise objektideks võivad olla kogu õppeasutus, selle personal või mõni selle rühm/liige. Enesehindamise põhieesmärk on soodustada nii indiviidi kui kollektiivi tasandiltoimuvat õppimist, a...

Pedagoogika → Haridusteaduskond
74 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

· Raoul Üksvärav ­ majandusteaduste doktor, majanduspreemia laureaat, avaldanud üle 180 publikatsiooni, OSCE Eesti delegatsiooni juht · Kostel Gerndorf ­ dotsent, tippjuhtkonna konsultant, Wahli doktoritöö juhendaja · Uno Mereste ­ oli Eesti majandusteadlane, osales Eesti rahapoliitika kujundamises ja rahasüsteemi taasloomises, Eesti Panga nõukogu esimees 6. Funktsionaalse strateegi peamine tegevusala? Functional strategy - Organizational plan for human resources, marketing, research and development and other functional areas. Funktsionaalse tasandi strateegia on luua igale funktsioonile madalate kuludega või eriline kompetents, mis annaks organisatsioonile konkurentsieelise. Funktsionaalne struktuur ja kultuur toodavad funktsionaalset võimekust, mis suudab toetada funktsionaalsete ressursside arendamise. 7. Mida tähendab KISS? Hilb classifies corporate governance aspects, according to his ,,reverse KISS" principle into:

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

● Innovative SMEs collaborating with others as % of SMEs ● Public-private co-publications per million population Intellectual assets ● PCT patents applications per billion GDP ● community trademarks per billion GDP ● Community designs per billion Outputs Innovators ● SMEs introducing product or process innovations as % of SMEs ● SMEs introducing marketing or organizational innovations as % of SMEs ● High growth innovative firms Economic effects ● Emp loyment in knowledge-intensive activities (manufacturing and services) as % of total employment ● Contribution of medium and high-tech product exports to the trade balance ● knowledge intensive services exports as % total service exports ● License and patent revenues from abroad as % of GDP

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

Max Weber, did not even particularly like the model of PA so described; he only saw it, rightly, as the most rational and efficient one for his time, and the one towards which PA would tend. That this is by and large still the case 80 years later if one looks at the model rather than at its caricature is something that would have probably surprised him quite a bit. (He also described, almost clairvoyantly, the NPM system, which for him was the most dehumanizing of organizational forms; see Samier 2001.) Apart from the caricature, for Weber, the most efficient PA was a set of offices in which appointed civil servants operated under the principles of merit selection (impersonality), hierarchy, the division of labor, exclusive employment, career advancement, the written form, and legality. This increase of rationality ­ his key term ­ would increase speed, scope, predictability, and cost-effectiveness, as needed for an advanced mass-industrial society. (Weber 1922: esp

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Inglise keele KT 2 semester

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word/words from the text "Matching products and markets". Marketing has been defined as the process of matching an organisation's resources with customer needs. The result of this process is a product. The product is the only key to the organisation's solvency and profitability. Company and consumer are interdependent. Successful product management depends on the organisation knowing how and if the current product range meets consumer and organizational objectives. The most important attitude towards product management is to view the product as only one part of the marketing mix which also includes price, place and promotion. "Product-market strategy" is the term used to describe all the decisions which the organisation makes about its target markets and the products it offers to those markets. This strategy represents a decision about the current and future direction of the organisation. Product-market

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


Kasutatud kirjandus Aigro, M. (2016). Mis kujundavad endiselt tänapäeva organisatsioone. Director Meedia. Kasutatud 19.09.2016, kujundavad-endiselt-tanapaeva-organisatsioone/ Arengu ülevaade. Rahvusvahelise raamatukogundusorganisatsiooni (IFLA). Kasutatud 29.09.2016 Karsten, H. (1995). „It´s like everyone working around the same desk“: Organizational Readings of Lotus Notes. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 7(1): 3 – 32. Kasutatud 19.09.2016 32.pdf Lilienthal, A. (2016). Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia vahendite kasutamine sotsiaaltöös ja sellega kaasnevad eetilised probleemid. Magistritöö. Tartu Ülikool, Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut. Naaber, M . (2013)

Infoteadus → Tekstianalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Teadmisjuhtimise referaat

omandamine, teadmiste rakendamine, teadmistepõhised süsteemid, arvutipõhised ontoloogiad. (Ibid) Teadmisjuhtimise termin öeldi esimesena välja 1986. aastal organisatsiooni ILO Sveitsi konverentsil ning see kanti sõnaraamatusse. Tagamaks teadmisjuhtimisele tehnoloogilist baasi asutasid USA ettevõtted 1989. aastal assotsiatsiooni Initiative for Managing Knowledge Asset. Teadmisjuhtimisega seonduvad artiklid hakkasid ilmuma ajakirjades Sloan Management Review, Organizational Science, Harvard Business Review jt. Samuti ilmusid esimesed raamatud organisatsioonilise õppimise ja teadmisjuhtimise kohta (nt. Senge'i ,,The Fifth Discipline" ja Sakaiya ,,The Knowledge Value Revolution"). (Ibid) 1990ndateks olid mitmed konsultatsioonifirmad alustanud organisatsioonisiseste teadmiste juhtimise programmidega ja mitmed tuntud USA, Euroopa ja Jaapani firmad algatanud teadmisjuhtimisele keskendunud programmidega. 1991. aastal tutvustati teadmisjuhtimist ka

Majandus → Raamatukogundus ja...
34 allalaadimist


However, the ENP is a policy without a "uniform acquis" and offers its partners a "privileged partnership" "sharing everything with the Union but institutions" , based on "mutual commitment to common values principally within the fields of the rule of law, good governance, the respect for human rights, including minority rights, the promotion of good neighbourly relations, and the principles of market economy and sustainable development" Despite the organizational and procedural similarities, the enlargement policy, i.e. the candidate status, and the ENP differ greatly on their incentives and implementation strategies. The main difference of the ENP is its exclusion of membership as the ultimate incentive. So, the "most appetising carrots" (Tocci 2005: 25) are trade liberalisation and preparation of the partner countries for the internal market of the EU. Initially the ENP was based on the

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused

Palju ja mida leiate? Leidsin kaks artiklit. Kasutasin scholar täielikku otsingut. With the exact phrase: use of social media Where my words occour: in the title of the article Return articles published in: "New Media & Society" Return articles dated between: 2010-2014  Modeling the adoption and use of social media by nonprofit organizations S Nah, GD Saxton - New Media & Society, 2012 - Abstract This study examines what drives organizational adoption and use of social media through a model built around four key factors–strategy, capacity, governance and environment. Using Twitter, Facebook, and other data on 100 large US nonprofit ... Cited by 39 Related articles All 7 versions Cite Save  A social media revolution or just a case of history repeating itself? The use of social media in the 2011 Finnish parliamentary elections K Strandberg - New Media & Society, 2013 -

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
34 allalaadimist

Social Problems

Socially accepted or imposed religious morality has influenced secular jurisdictions on issues that may otherwise concern only an individual's conscience. Examples of activities that have been criminalized on religious grounds include alcohol-consumption (prohibition), abortion and stem cell research. In various historical and present-day societies institutionalized religions have established systems of earthly justice which punish crimes against the divine will and specific devotional, organizational and other rules under specific codes, such as Islamic sharia or Roman Catholic canon law. Homelessness Homelessness is the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they cannot afford, or are otherwise unable to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter. The term "homelessness" may also include people whose primary nighttime residence is in a homeless shelter, in an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be

Keeled → Inglise keel
70 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

6. Termination of employment contract on initiative of an employer - Just cause: when an employee is dismissed as a result of his/her misconduct and the continuation of the employment relationship is impossible because there is a very serious breach of one of the employee’s duties (i.e. in case of a theft or when there is a serious insubordination). - Objective reasons: it’s related to the company’s organizational requirements, in case of economic reasons, reorganizational reasons or a role or department ceasing to exist. - Subjective reasons: in case of serious violation of the worker’s contractual obligations. In some cases dismissal for Just Cause has disciplinary nature. In this case the employer must respect special procedures provided by Italian law to first outline the disciplinary breaches committed by an employee and then impose

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Discuss the representation of the generation of fathers in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Nikolai -" ", " " that belittle Nikolai as a serious man and portray that the owner is "not a part of the adult world" (Bialyi 1968:13). The portrayal of rather clumsy and non-adult continues in Chapter 4 where Nikolai " ". All in all, the first impression of the older generation is rather naïve, yet unserious. As chapter 3 embarks, the koliaska moves towards the poorly managed Kirsanov estate, Marino, which is a reflection of Nikolai's lack of practical and organizational abilities. Nikolai himself says that " ." And truly, there is no improvement - there's " , ... , , - , ". The peasantry is poor and disobedient ­ " ". In chapter 4, it is described that even Nikolais best efforts do not bare fruits ­ " , , ". Witnessing this situation makes Arkdays heart ache ­ perhaps in a way that Turgenev himself felt with the fate of ill-organised estates.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun