Strateegilised otsused on: Harukordsed (rare) Põhjuslikud (consequential) Juhislikud (directive) Strateegilise otsustusprotsessi etapid: 1. Hinda praegust tulemust 2. Vaata üle äriühingute valitsemine 3. Uuri ja hinda väliskeskkonda 4. Uuri ja hinda organisatsiooni sisekeskkonda 5. Analüüsi strateegilised faktorid (SFAS) 6. Loo, hinda ja vali parim strateegia (TOWS) 7. Vii valitud strateegia ellu 8. Hinda elluviidud strateegiaid VALITSEMINE VS JUHTIMINE governance is the work of the board of directors or other governing body Management is the work of the executive management team (KKK) INSTITUTSIOONID Juriidilised alused o Tsiviilseadustiku üldosa seadus o Äriseadustik o Võlaõigusseadus o Väärtpaberituru seadus o Börsi reglement o Pankrotiseadus Euroopa Liit püüded ühtlustamisele o OECD ühingute valitsemise printsiibid
INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team is more competitive when each player knows how to
1. Kes järgnevatest ei tohi kuuluda aktsiaseltsi nõukogusse? (aktsionär, riigiametnik, finantsjuht, juhataja) Aktsiaseltsi nõukogu liige ei pea olema aktsionär. Nõukogu liikmeks ei või olla aktsiaseltsi juhatuse liige, prokurist ega audiitor, samuti aktsiaseltsi tütarettevõtja juhatuse liige. Põhikirjas võib näha ette muid isikuid, kes ei või olla nõukogu liikmeks. 2. Kes tegeleb suures äriühingus strateegia elluviimisega? Strateegiline juhtimine ei ole ainult äriühingu tippjuhtide vastutus. Inimesed kõikidelt ettevõtte tasanditelt mängivad strateegi arendamises, elluviimises ja muutmises rolli. Tippjuht peab juhtima ja suunama ettevõtte strateegia arengut selle loomist ja muutmist vastavalt vajadusele. Juhi ülesanne on formuleerida firma erinevaid ärivaldkondi ühendavad strateegiad, mis tagavad ettevõttele konkurentsieelise ning olla ühtlasi eestvedajaks strateegiast tulenevate taktikate ja tegevuste elluviimisel.
Preparing for exam. Focus areas Defining innovation ● “An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption.” (Rogers 1952) ● CIS survey: “Product innovations must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market”. ● “Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation. They approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies and new ways of doing things” – (Porter 1990) ● “An innovative business is one which lives and breathes “outside the box”. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantl
TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING GUIDELINES Report Composers: Meelika Koitjärv EABM03 000502 Sandra Oisalu EABM03 000484 Tallinn 2004 2 PREFACE The Board of Directors of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is pleased to release the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. From an institutional perspective, it marks the beginning of the cycle of release, testing, review, and revision under GRIs new governance structure. The GRI was launched in 1997 as a joint initiative of the U.S. non-governmental organisation Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) and United Nations Environment Programme with the goal of en
Table of Contents 1. Background ..............................................................................................................................2 2. Business Plan............................................................................................................................2 2.1. Mission..............................................................................................................................2 2.2. Values ...............................................................................................................................2 2.3. SWOT Analysis of the Organization ................................................................................2 2.4. Opportunities ....................................................................................................................3 2.5. Primary Processes ........................................................................................
THE INDUSTRY OF TELEVISION AND VIDEO TECHINCS Report Table of Contents 1. Video Technics Inc.................................................................................3 1.1 About Video Technics........................................................................................... 3 1.2 Apella Proven IT-Centric Technology................................................................3 1.3 Corporate Mission..................................................................................................4 2. Panasonic................................................................................................5 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................5 2.2 Company Information............................................................................................5 2.3 Business Segments................................................................
Lecture 1: The mountebank pharmacy. Price: 60% of average turnover on last 2 years + 10% of profits per year during next 2 years (võib olla kasumit ei tule, kuna on vaja investeerida). Quack bank present buiseness plan by 8 november, presentation 9 november long term loan (10 years), at 4,8% interest rate. Conclusion I need this sum of money from bank. Business plann: 1. management summary 2. organisational profile 3. internal analysis 4. external analysis 5. strategy 6. financial prognosis Group feedback 7/11. Leadership and management A good manager is competent in all different management styles, and knows when to apply which style. 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic 3. Free reign (vabad käed, dellegeerimine) 4. Patriarchal (he knows best what is good for his children, "family" structure) The management process: - polic
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