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"validity" - 68 õppematerjali

validity - mixed meetod Usaldusväärsus

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

’ can be rephrased as: 1. Is the argument valid? An argument is ​valid​ if it is ​impossible​ for its premise(s) to be (all of them) true and its conditions false. In a valid argument, if the premises are all true, then the conclusion is ​necessarily​ ​true. Soundness An argument might be valid even when some or all its premises are false and/or its conclusion is false. No Human is mortal Aristotle is a human Therefore, Aristotle is not mortal. The validity of an argument does not guarantee the truth of its conclusion. An argument is ​Sound​ if it is valid and has (all non-superflous) true premises. Sound = Valid + (all) true premises It is important to remember the difference between valid and sound argument. A sound argument ​must ​have a true conclusion! Typology of deductive arguments The form of an argument The form of an argument is its structure of pattern of reasoning.

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Kriisipsühholoogiaalase artikli refereering

Kriisipsühholoogiaalase artikli refereering Sissejuhatus Järgnevalt refereerin Julie Q. Morrissoni 2007nda aasta artiklit ,,Social validity of the critical incident stress management model for school-based crisis intervention", milles tutvustatud ning arvustatud CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) mudeli rakendamist kriisiabiks koolis. Artikkel pälvis minu tähelepanu, kuna CISM-i lähenemisviis probleemile tundub mulle sümpaatne, huvitav ning perspektiivikas ja koolisüsteemi teemasse kaasamine on emotsionaalselt lähedane aines. 2 CISM mudel kooli kriisiabis

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Esitlus: Do Small Classes Reduce

STAR Data from 4- year, large- scale, randomized experiment conducted in Tennessee in the mid- 1980s. Nearly 11000 students in 79 elementary schools in 42 districts in Tennessee Hypotheses about Class Size Mechanism 1. High achievers benefit more than low achievers from being in small classes 2. Low achievers benefit more from being in small classes 3. Small and regular classes help higer- and lower- achieving students similary Method Empirically Validity of Project STAR Compromise 1. Switching of students among class types in grade 1,2, and 3. 2.Student attrition between kindergarden and grade. 3. Overlap in actual sizes among different typs of classes. Analysis 1.Involved differences in achievement variability and hence the outcome variable was the variability in achievement in each classroom. 2. Involved differences in achievement between studente in small and regular

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

" Eesmärgi asjakohasus. ,,Goal relevance: it contains performance · Mis -> küsimustik indicators that are relevant to managers` goals. 3. Operatsiooniline tõelevastavus/kehtivus. ,,Operational validity: it · Kus -> küsimustik has clear action implications that can be implemented using the causal variables used in the research program. · Kuidas -> eksperiment, case study 4. Innovaatilisus. ,,Innovativeness: it transcends commonsense``

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

should be reimbursed by the State. Disputes about costs should be settled by the national court. . 2. How company can claim/ invoke EU l a w ? Please explain available judicial procedure(s) and possible remedies for violation of EU law. 2.1. Company must claim/appeal for national court and use the procedure of preliminary ruling – a procedure that enable national court to refer queries to the court of Justice on the interpretation or validity of the EU law. Any national court to which a dispute in which the application of a rule of European law raises questions (original case) has been submitted can decide to refer to the Court of Justice to resolve these questions. There are two types of reference for a preliminary ruling:  a reference for a ruling on the interpretation of the European instrument (primary law and secondary law): the national judge requests the Court of Justice to clarify a point of interpretation

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Statistilised mõisted - metodoloogia

Mõisted  Dispersioon [Variance] - mõõtmiskogumi dispersioon on iga mõõtmise hälvete ruutude summa  Element - indiviid, nähtus, ese vms mille kohta kogutakse informatsiooni, mida mõõdetakse, vaadeldakse, küsitletakse.  Juhuslik [Random] - juhusest sõltuv.  Juhuslik valik [Random Sampling] - metoodika indiviidide valimiseks populatsioonist nõnda, et igaühel populatsioonist on võrdne võimalus saada valitud valimisse.  Juhuslik varieeruvus/erinevus (Random variation) - andmete kõikumine, mis on tingitud ebakindlatest või juhuslikest sündmustest.  Juhuvalim [Random Sample] Tõenäosuslik valim (probability sample) - taolisel viisil kokku seatud populatsiooni valim, et igal populatsiooni liikmel on võrdne ja mitte null võialus saada valitud.  Kordustäpsus [Precision] - omadus, mis näitab millegi täpset määratletust või väljendatust. Viitab testi või mõõtmisvahe...

Muu → Metoodika
1 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

with those that might be given by human raters. In contrast to e-rater and Intellimetric, the non-content features (e.g., mechanics, style, organization) of IEA are not fixed, but rather are constructed as a function of the domains assessed in the rating rubric. The weights for prox variables associated with these domains are predicted based on human ratings, and then are combined with the score calculated for content. Reliability and Validity,Because AES models often formed by using more than two raters, studies that have evaluated inter-rater agreement have usually showed that the agreement coefficients between the computer and human raters is at least as high or higher than among human raters themselves (Elliot, 2003; Landauer et al., 2003; Page & Petersen, 1995). All AES engines have obtained exact agreements with humans as high as the mid-80's and

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Inglise keel sõnad

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Sõnad inglise ja eesti keeles

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Exercise Physiology - lecture 1

· improvements in VO2 therefore are more likely to be due to improved O2 transport and extraction rather than intake Cont... · improved O2 extraction could result from greater capillarisation around the alveoli resulting in a larger diffusion area · improved alveolar functioning and involvement could also account for improved O2 extraction · improved extraction at the muscle will also increase av O2 diff. Research Articles · An Evaluation of the Predictive Validity and Reliability of Ventilatory Threshold (AMANN et al., 2004) · Inspiratory muscles do not limit maximal incremental exercise performance in healthy subjects (Romer et al., 2006) Reading · Marieb & Hoehn (2007) Human anatomy & Physiology. CH. 22. · Tortora & Grabowski (depends on edition), Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, chap. 23 · Wilmore & Costill (2004) Physiology of Sport & Exercise, chaps. 8 & 9 · See also McArdle, Katch & Katch Respiratory Regulation

Meditsiin → Anatoomia ja füsioloogia
7 allalaadimist

Laiendatud kava näidis

6. Marton, C. 2012. The Online Presence of Information Services at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. ­ Journal of Hospital Librarianship. Nr 12, pp 342. 7. Muller, D. 2011. The social interaction of return to work explored from co-workers experiences. ­ Disability and Rehabilitation. Nr 33. 8. O'neill, T. A., Goffin, R. D., Gellatly, I. R. 2012. The Knowledge, Skill, and Ability Requirements for Teamwork: Revisiting the Teamwork- KSA Test's validity. ­ International Journal of Selection & Assessment. Nr 20, pp 36-52. 9. Orto, A. E. D., Power, P.W. 2007. The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability: 5th Edition (Springer Series on Rehabilitation). 10. Pösö, T., Kjørstad, M. 2012. Social care under state socialism (1945­1989). Ambitions, ambiguities, and mismanagement. ­ Nordic Social Work Research. Nr 2. 11. Runno,M. 2012. Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse arendussuunad hoolekandes.-

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
232 allalaadimist

Äriuuringute kontspekt eksamiks

Juhtimise neli osategevust: planeerimine, organiseerimine, eestvedamine ja kontrollimine. Uurimisdisain on planeerimine Tugev uurimisdisain ei pruugi kõrvaldada valiidsusprobleeme nii hästi kui korduvuuringud. Uurimisdisaini komponendid: Kvalitatiivse uuringu disaini arenemine toimub jooksvalt töö käigus. Uurimisdisain paneb paika kompromissid kolme komponendi vahel: 1) Üldistatavus „generalizability to the population that supports the issue of external validity (Sackett & Larson, 1990),“ 2) Mõõtmiste täpsus ja kontrollitavus „precision in measurement and control of the behavioral variables, affecting internal and construct validity (Sackett & Larson, 1990), and“ 3) „realism of context.“ Kvantitatiivse uuringu üldistamisvõime kõrge. Kvantitatiivne uuring sobib eelnevate teooriate testimiseks olukordades kus fenomeni on varasemalt uuritud kuid empiirikat ei ole piisavalt. Kontaktide haldus: Tsentraalne

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
22 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia konspekt eksamiks

Kognitiivne intervjuu- küsitlustehnika, kus on maksimaalselt arvestatud psüühika toimimise seaduspärasustega. Valetamine ei ole spetsiifiline psüühiline protsess. Valetamine ei ole tuvastatav psühholoogia meetoditega Erutus ei ole valetamise-spetsiifiline emotsionaalne seisund Valetamise ,,tuvastamiseks" on soovitatud: välise käitumise jälgimist - "kehakeel" füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide jälgimist - "valedetektor" produktsiooni analüüsi - statement validity assessment Polügraaftest / "valedetektor"/ emotsionaalsete seisundite instrumentaalne diagnostika Klassikaline versioon: Registreeritakse füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide muutused, mis vallanduvad küsitlemise käigus: - hingamine (rinnakorvi liikumise järgi) - higistamine (naha galvaaniline refleksi järgi) - vererõhk (mansett ümber käe) - pulss (mansett ümber käe). Need signaalid registreeritakse kirjutussulgede võngetena paberil. Analüüsitakse - otse neid võnkeid

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
53 allalaadimist

Võrkpalluri vertikaalne hüppevõime

K. Busko, R. Michalski, J. Mazur, J. Gajevski; Jumping abilities in elite female volleyball players: comparative analysis among age categories; 2012; Poola K. Kais; Võrkpalli õpik III tase; 2012; Eesti S. Markovic, D.M. Mirkov, O.M. Knezevic, S. Jaric; Jump training with different loads: effects on jumping performance and power output; 2013; Saksamaa T. Sattler, D. Sekulic, V.Hadzic, O.Uljevic, E.Dervisevic; Vertical jumping tests in volleyball: reliability, validity, and playing-position specifics; 2012; Horvaatia M. Voelzke, N. Stutzig, H-A. Thorhauer, U. Granacher; Promoting lower extremity strength in elite volleyball players: Effects of two combined training methods; 2012; Saksamaa 8

Sport → Integreeritud liikumisõpetus
14 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

His recognition of pictures of his family and friends appeared to be based on highly specific features, such as his brother's square jaw and big teeth. Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behavior. Though psychologists can learn a lot from brain imaging techniques, the technique is not without limitations. The MRI scanner is not a natural environment for cognition. There is a question in ecological validity. The use of colors in PET scans may exaggerate the different activities of the brain. Brain areas activate for various reasons (just because the amygdala lights up, doesn't mean that fear is necessarily part of the response being observed). fMRI scans the oxygen concentration of blood in the brain (active brain tissue uses more oxygen) thus providing a vivid picture of brain activity without the need to inject patients with radioactive substance. Although researcher

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

evidence for this view with a rotating hollow mask, where the mask can be seen hollow or normal. The assumption being selected is strongly influenced by past experience of faces. According to Gibson's view of optic flow where the perception is seen as a result from interaction with the environment and also within movement it is possible to perceive that the mask is hollow. Therefore a weakness of Gregory's´ theory is that it lacks ecological validity because it does not focus on everyday perception, but rare `abnormalities of perception'. Evidence for Gregory's view comes from demonstrations and visual illusions showing that conceptual knowledge affects the way in which simple visual phenomena can be perceived. Nevertheless, it does not explain how the knowledge for perception is acquired. In contrast Gibson has an alternative explanation with texture gradient and affordances.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist


masters job. All of this fast development eventually lead to the alliance of cities. 5. What is the difference between legal positivism and natural law theory (look from Internet!)? Legal positivism states that law is created by the people in power, therefore government who is a legally constituted authority. Law is still law and must be obeyed and therefore human nature or morality is not of concern. The validity is in law itself and is sufficient evidence that it must be followed. Natural law on the other hand is legal rights or ‘’law’’ in the moral itself. It mean that the right thing is not what the law says, but the morals that the society creates are right and valid. Everything that is against human nature is unjust or immoral and moral is the only right ‘’law’’ by nature. WHO OF THEM IS RIGHT: MATERIALISM OR IDEALISM AND WHY?

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
0 allalaadimist

Review Of Donald Norman Design Of Everyday Things

undoubtedly would have become a better, more comfortable and user friendly place. One of the leitmotifs of the book that keeps re-emerging throughout is that majority of so called human errors are caused by inadequate design - a notion that serves as an active consolation thanks to which the reader is delivered from their feeling of incompetence. Although majority of readers do openly embrace this deliverance, to reinstate its validity I would refer to aviation industry, known for continuous reissue of regulations upon the standards to which cockpit and other human-operable equipment should conform after any major accident where "human error" has been detected. They do recognize that the actual fault is with the machinery and that it should have been "designed for error" in the first place. "To err is human" Norman states, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Vastused sotsioloogia küsimustele

Mida tähendab sotsiaalne võõrandumine()? Inimeses tekkiv võimu ja normide puudumise ning oma töö viljadest, teistest inimestest ja iseendast äralõigatuse tunne. Mida tähendab tootmise viis ( )? Ühiskonna valitsev tootmisviis määrab ära kogu ühiskonna näo. Vastuolu, mis valitseb tootlike jõudude ja tootmissuhete vahel, viibki muutustele ühiskonnas ja formatsioonide vaheldumisele. Tootmissuhted ­ reaalsed inimestevahelised suhted, mis tekivad tootmisprotsesside käigus, need moodustavad koos ühiskonna tootmisviisi. Mida tähendab sotsiaalne klass? Sotsiaalne klass on sotsioloogia mõiste inimgrupile, mis eristub mingi tunnuse alusel ja tekib sotsiaalse kihistumise tulemusel. Mida tähendab ajalooline determinism? Marksismi teine printsiip on ajalooline determinism (inimese käitumise ajalooline ettemääratus). Ajalugu kulgevat mööda kindlalt ettemääratud rada, ükskama kõik, mis me ka teeme ­ kulgeb kuni sotsialismi ja kommunismi täieliku võidu...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
113 allalaadimist

Vaatluspraktika 2010

Jüri Uljas. Vaatluspraktika. Mainori Kõrgkool 2010. 1 VAATLUS Programm Kevad 2010 Jüri Uljas [email protected] Eesmärk: Praktika eesmärgiks on sotsiaalpsühholoogiliste teadmiste rakendamine igapäevaelu kontekstis, vaatlusoskuste ning sellealase uurimistöö oskuste arendamine. Tähtaeg: kevad 2010 1-2. Inimese uurimise tasandid. Eetika teaduses. Petmine teaduses. Uurimustele esitatavad nõuded: objektiivsus, seesmine ja väline valiidsus, reliaablus. Teooria ja uurimus. Uuringute alustamine ­ tutvumine kirjandusega ja andmebaasidega. 3-4. Vaatlus. Vaatluse liigid. Käitumise kaardistamine: Koha-keskne ja indiviidi-keskne kaardistamine. Vaatluse organiseerimine. Vaatlusega seotud ohud ja vead. Nõuded arvestuseks: 1. Loengutest osavõtt on kohustuslik. 2. Iseseisva vaatluse programmi koostamine ja teostamine mitte vähem kui 10 tunni ...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
116 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

Preliminary ruling procedure Requests for a preliminary ruling – when national courts ask the Court of Justice to interpret a point of EU law. The national courts in each EU country are responsible for ensuring that EU law is properly applied in that country. But there is a risk that courts in different countries might interpret EU law in different ways. To prevent this happening, there is a ‘preliminary ruling procedure’. If a national court is in doubt about the interpretation or validity of an EU law, it may – and sometimes must – ask the Court of Justice for advice. This advice is called a ‘preliminary ruling’. References for preliminary rulings are requests made to the Court of Justice by national courts seeking clarification on the interpretation of Community law in order to ensure that national legislation complies with Community law, as well as to question the validity of a particular aspect of Community law. References for preliminary rulings are initiated when

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

In the same way, when designing and constructing a survey, one should also lay a well thought-out foundation. In surveys, one starts with preparing the underground by specifying the concepts to be measured. Then these clearly specified concepts have to be translated, or in technical terms, operationalized into measurable variables. Survey methodologists describe this process in terms of avoiding or reducing specification errors. Social scientists use the term construct validity: the extend to which a measurement method accurately represents the intended construct. This first step is conceptual rather than statistical; the concepts of concern must be defined and specified. On this foundation we place the four cornerstones of survey research: coverage, sampling, response, and measurement (Salant & Dillman, 1994; see also Groves, 1989). 6 Figure 1

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist


product and service and so on focus group - group of people who discuss a product on the Internet 9.survey research- a questionnaire where people are answering to some questions 10.behavioural data - information about what people actually buy and use ( it can be opposite to what they say they buy) 11.experimental research - carried out with the goal of verifying, falsifying, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis KNOWING YOUR CUSTOMERS II 1.A segment - a group of customers with similar characteristics, needs and requirements 2.behavioural segmentation - customer's segmentation which depends on when, why and how often they buy a particular product 3.demographic segmentation - customer's segmentation which depends on age, occupation and social class 4.actualisers - successful people who don't mind to spend their money on expensive things they want and like 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Kohtupsühholoogia konspekt

seaduspärasustega. Valetamine ei ole spetsiifiline psüühiline protsess. Valetamine ei ole tuvastatav psühholoogia meetoditega Erutus ei ole valetamise-spetsiifiline emotsionaalne seisund Valetamise ,,tuvastamiseks" on soovitatud: välise käitumise jälgimist - "kehakeel" füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide jälgimist - "valedetektor" produktsiooni analüüsi - statement validity assessment Polügraaftest / "valedetektor"/ emotsionaalsete seisundite instrumentaalne diagnostika Klassikaline versioon: Registreeritakse füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide muutused, mis vallanduvad küsitlemise käigus: - hingamine (rinnakorvi liikumise järgi) - higistamine (naha galvaaniline refleksi järgi) - vererõhk (mansett ümber käe) - pulss (mansett ümber käe). Need signaalid registreeritakse kirjutussulgede võngetena paberil.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
140 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

473 trifle tühine rahasumma 474 trough in sale madalseis 475 trustee volinik 476 turnover käive 477 underpayment osamakse 478 unemployed töötu 479 unlimited company täisühing 480 urgent order kiirtellimus 481 utility praktilisus, kasulikkus 482 wages töölise palk 483 validity kehtivus 484 value for money hinna-kvaliteedi suhe 485 vancancy vaba töökoht 486 vantage kasum 487 weak prices langenud hinnad 488 well-balanced team tasakaalustatud meeskond 489 verbal agreement suuline lepe 490 wholesale hulgimüük 491 wholesale price hulgihind 492 vocation ametikohast loobuma

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Loogika – sissejuhatus ja põhimõisted

Loogika – sissejuhatus ja põhimõisted Järeldus on 1 lause Klassikalise loogika põhiseadused:  samasuse ehk identsuse seadus,  vasturääkivusseadus,  välistatud kolmanda seadus, Aristoteles (384-322)  vb aluse seadus. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 – 1716) Loogika roll Loogika ei suuda üldjuhul öelda meile, millised väited või uskumused vastavad tõele. Tõde tähendab, et me teame, kuidas asjad on. Loogika ei ütle meile seda. Loogika valdamine aitab meil otsustada, kas meie väljakujunenud uskumused ja seisukohad on omavahel kooskõlas. Kooskõlalisus Hulk väiteid või uskumusi on omavahel kooskõlas parajasti siis, kui kõik selle hulga liikmed saavad olla korraga tõesed. Vastasel juhul on see hulk mittekooskõlaline. Sellisel juhul ütleme, et vaatlusaluseid väiteid ei saa korraga jaatada. Näide: Oletame, et keegi usub kõike järgnevat: Igaüks, kes võtab astroloogiat tõsiselt, on hullumeelne. Mari on minu õde ja ükski minu õdedest ei ole ab...

Matemaatika → Statistika
6 allalaadimist

EU internal Market. Dog case

Secondly, a claim should include Articles (so local, as TFEU’s) that secures businesses within Member State’s field so as within the EU. Under Article 19(3)(b) of the Treaty on European Union (‘TEU’) and Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU’), the Court of Justice of the European Union has jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of Union law and on the validity of acts adopted by the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union2. Therefore, national courts may submit a request only in a situation when “national proceedings have reached a stage at which the referring court or tribunal is able to define the legal and factual context of the case… 3”, so by that Treaty clearly says that there should be prior-actions made before a query to a Court of Justice. Basically,

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


- kuidas küsitleda, et toetada inimesel sündmuste täpset meenutamist; - kuidas vähendada küsitlemisest endast lähtuvat negatiivset mõju Valetamise ,,tuvastamiseks" on soovitatud: välise käitumise jälgimist - "kehakeel" (just tahtmatud liigutused) füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide jälgimist - "valedetektor" produktsiooni analüüsi - statement validity assessment Siin tuleb aga arvestada erinevaid faktoreid: inimese jälgimise puhul tuleb silmas pidada, et erutus pole just valetamine; samuti võib selge jutt mõjuda küll usaldusväärsena, kuid tegelikkuses tingimata see nii pole Polügraaftest / "valedetektor"/ emotsionaalsete seisundite instrumentaalne diagnostika Klassikaline versioon: Registreeritakse füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide muutused, mis vallanduvad küsitlemise käigus: - hingamine (rinnakorvi liikumise järgi)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
175 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid I Ülevaade probleemidest 1. Kontseptsioonide ja mõõtmise probleem. 1.1 Psühhomeetria intelligentsustestid & IQ valiidsus 1.2. Üldintelligentsus vs intelligentsuse vormid moodulid praktiline intelligentsus haridus ja vaimsed võimed 1.3. Vaimsed võimed ja kultuur sotsialiseerumine naiivne kontsepsioon võimetest 1.4. Areng ja vaimsed võimed Piaget, Võgotski staadiumid, "dünaamiline" testimine 1.5. Bioloogiline lähenemine aju anatoomia ja füsioloogia 2. Intelligentsustestide reliaabluse probleem 2.1. Testide reliaablus IQ ja vanuselised muutused (kuni 18 punkti) madal korrelatsioon (keskmine r =.36) 2.2. Testide ennustav valiidsus IQ ja akadeemiline edukus (keskmine r = .50 ) IQ ja hariduse kestvus ( keskmine r = .55) IQ ja vanemate SES IQ ja professionaalne edukus (keskmine r = .30 kuni .5...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
16 allalaadimist


they have to act like Koran and the Hadith says, the example of Muhhamad and give the people their rights. The Sunnis follow the Koran and then the Hadith. If legal matters are not found in the Koran or the Hadith, they usually follow madh'habs(schools of thought): Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi'i, established around the teachings of Abu Haifa, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Malik ibn Anas and al-Shaif'i respectively. All four accept the validity of the others and a Muslim can choose any one that he or she finds acceptable. The Salafi is an ultra-orthodox Islamic movement which takes the first generation of Muslims as exemplary models. The Shias are making the second biggest branch of Islam, constitute 10-20%. While the Sunnis believe that a Caliph should be elected by the community, Shia's believe that Muhhamad appointed his son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Talib, as his successor and only certain descendants of Ali could be Imams(leaders)

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist


most settings; Mori became an official language under the 1987 Mori Language Act and New Zealand Sign Language under the New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006. New Zealand Sign Language became an official language of New Zealand the day after Royal Assent.The use of NZSL(New Zealand Sign Language) as a valid medium of instruction has not always been accepted by the Government, the Association of Teachers of the Deaf, or many parents. However, in light of much research into its validity as a language and much advocacy by deaf adults, parents of deaf children (both hearing and deaf) and educationalists, NZSL has since become -- in tandem with English -- part of the bilingual/bicultural approach used in public schools (including Kelston Deaf Education Centre and Van Asch Deaf Education Centre) since 1994. Victoria University of Wellington has courses in New Zealand Sign Language, although it has yet to develop a major program for it. AUT teaches a diploma course for

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid I Ülevaade probleemidest 1. Kontseptsioonide ja mõõtmise probleem. 1.1 Psühhomeetria intelligentsustestid & IQ valiidsus 1.2. Üldintelligentsus vs intelligentsuse vormid moodulid praktiline intelligentsus haridus ja vaimsed võimed 1.3. Vaimsed võimed ja kultuur sotsialiseerumine naiivne kontsepsioon võimetest 1.4. Areng ja vaimsed võimed Piaget, Võgotski staadiumid, "dünaamiline" testimine 1.5. Bioloogiline lähenemine aju anatoomia ja füsioloogia 2. Intelligentsustestide reliaabluse probleem 2.1. Testide reliaablus IQ ja vanuselised muutused (kuni 18 punkti) madal korrelatsioon (keskmine r =.36) 2.2. Testide ennustav valiidsus IQ ja akadeemiline edukus (keskmine r = .50 ) IQ ja hariduse kestvus ( keskmine r = .55) IQ ja vanemate SES IQ ja professionaalne edukus (keskmine r = .30 kuni .5...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
17 allalaadimist

Individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia

1. SISSEJUHATUS - Kenn Konstabel · Psühholoogia bakalaureuse programm, 1991: kaks psühholoogiavaldkonda, mis käsitlevad individuaalseid erinevusi ­ isiksus ja intelligentsus (vaimsed võimed) · Vanaaegne nimetus: diferentsiaalpsühholoogia · Kuid tuleb arvestada ka, et (a) individuaalsed erinevused on olulised [ja järjest olulisemad] ka teistes psühholoogiavaldkondades, ja (b) ükski tõsine teadus ei saa tegelda ainult erinevustega, neid erinevusi tuleb ka kuidagi selgitada ja põhjendada. Isiksusepsühholoogia õpikutraditsioon · Levinud õpikutraditsioon jagab isiksusepsühholoogia "käsitlusteks" (psühhoanalüütiline, humanistlik, biheivioristlik jne); igas peatükis on juttu ühe autori (Freud, Jung, Adler, Maslow, Rogers, Skinner, Bandura jne) teooriast. · See ei seostu kuidagi isiksusepsühholoogia tänapäevase olukorraga, kus enamikul nimetatud teooriatest on tühine roll. · Tänapäeva isiksusepsühholoogia on empiiriline teadus, kuid õpikutradit...

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
222 allalaadimist

Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

research to be of high-quality, one must have a clear picture of all the key characteristics that must be exhibited in it (Brown & Adler, 2008). Naturally, to be correct in terms of representativeness 8 and typicality of data I should collect it from different individuals and classrooms. If I decline this fact, the project may result being poor in terms of internal validity. Additionally, there might occur a problem with internal reliability. Thus, I must find a a partner to compare results of survey on efficiency of communication technologies in EFL lessons. In case my research fails in terms of external reliability, it will mean that it is not valid either. I am also considering to carry out an action research since it suits me more in terms of its descriptions and conditions. Apparently, I will

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Filmikunsti ajalugu

Creative freedom. Two of bunuel's films were banned from distribution: l'age d'or and virdinia Filmiography: un chien andalou, l'age d'or, los olivados, viridiana, le journal d'une femme de chambre, belle de jour, le charme discret de la bourgeoisie, cet obscur du desir 1930- l'age d'or. Portrays two lovers and their ,,amour fou" who are facing obtacles of society in the pursuit of their passion Technical features: Narrative: questioning of the narrative logic of films, questioning of the validity of perception, often open end narratives, radical shifts of focus within the narratives Cinematography: long takes, often long pan shots, in his later career: long, mobile, fluid camera shots Directing actors: bunuel often refused to give any indications to his actos Sound: very ecnomical use of non-diegetic sounds (often only sound effects, rarely music) 27.02.12 Jean Renoir Humanism on celluloid Was born in a bohemian, wealthy family in Paris, son of August Renoir. Worked as a potter

Ajalugu → Filmiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Mikrolaineahjud

When the energy of microwaves absorb it turns into heat energy. The experiments show, that it takes more to heat food even than just microwaves reflecting from the walls, like it was claimed in a physics lexicon. A turning plate is recommended, like shown on a Figure 2. The experiments show also, that the intensity of the microwaves is equal to zero point. The main purpose of the experiments is to check the validity of the prohibitions in the manuals of microwave ovens. The experiments assure the facts, that metal should not be placed in the microwave because the sparking and plasma effects. Also an egg should never be boiled in the microwave because it tends to blow due to its closeness. Fluids and air distend rapidly and causes the shield of the egg to shatter. Different experiments are useable in physics lessons for exampling the behavior of different

Füüsika → Füüsika
30 allalaadimist


the Qur'an and the hadith is the main pillar of Sunni doctrine. Sunnis believe that the first four caliphs were the rightful successors to Muhammad; since God did not specify any particular 13 | P a g e leaders to succeed him, those leaders had to be elected. Sunnis recognize four major legal traditions, or madhhabs: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali. All four accept the validity of the others and a Muslim might choose any one that he or she finds agreeable, but other Islamic sects are believed to have departed from the majority by introducing innovations (bidah). There are also several orthodox theological or philosophical traditions within Sunnism. For example, the recent Salafi movement sees itself as restorationist and claims to derive its teachings from the original sources of Islam. Shi'a

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN GEORGIA Table of Contents · INTRODUCTION · TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES · Joint Stock Company · Limited Liability Company · General Partnership · Limited Partnership · Cooperative · Branch Office · Business Partnership · Individual Entrepreneur · REGISTRATION REQUIREMNETS · Registration requirements for JSC/LLC/GP/LP/CO · Registration requirements for a Branch Office · Registration requirements for a BP · Registration requirements for an IE · FAQ · Content of the Application Form for Registration · Required Documents for Registration of an Enterprise · Sample of the Minutes of Partners/Shareholders Meeting for Establishment of an Enterprise · Required Documents for Registration of a Branch Office · Sample of the Board of Directors Resolution for Establishment of a Branch Office · Required Documents for Registration of a Business Partnership · Required Documents for Registration of an Individual Enterprise · Sam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


1. LOENG ­ TEADUSLIKU UURIMUSE OLEMUS Mis on teaduslik uurimus? Teadus ei tegele mingite muljetega, stiilis: "Ma usun, et Keskerakond on eesti- vastane partei" Et "Keskerakonna eesti-vastasust" teaduslikult uurida: Tuleks kõigepealt väga selgelt defineerida, mis on "eesti-vastasus". Seejärel tuleks koostada kindel, uurimiskava. Kasutame näiteks erakonna programmi. Küsitleme erakonna liikmeid. Ühesõnaga, me üritame eesti-vastasust mõõta. Seega, mis on teaduslik uurimus ... Teaduslik uuring on seega: Miski, mis koosneb üksteisele selgelt järgnevatest etappidest Miski, kus peab olema selge, mida/keda me mõõdame/uurime ja kuidas uurime? Miski, kus on olemas ka eelnevad ideed (teooria). Sotsiaalteaduslik uurimus Riigiteadusi loetakse sotsiaal-teaduste hulka kuuluvaks Üks viisidest ­ ajakirjandus, kirjandus, filmid... Keskendub sotsiaalselt o...

Muu → Uurimismeetodid
47 allalaadimist


võiksid nanotehnoloogiliste leiutiste patenteerimisele kaasa aidata ja sealt tulenevalt ka üldisele innovatsioonile positiivselt mõjuda. Kuigi EPO eraldiseisev märgistus Y01N ja PTO klassifikatsioon 977 leevendavad interdistsiplinaarsusest tulenevat mõju, ei ole siiski tegemist omapära välistava asjaoluga, mis tagaks tõhusa patendikaitse abistades sealjuures uue tehnoloogia arengut. 31 S. Huebner. The Validity of European Nanotechnology Patents in Germany - Nanotechnology Law & Business. 2008, 3(5), lk 334. 32 Ibid, lk 355. 33 Nanotechnology in European patents (viide 5). 12 1.2 Patendipuhtus, leiutustase ja tööstuslik kasutatavus Euroopa patendikonventsiooni artikli 54 lõike 1 kohaselt loetakse leiutis uueks, kui see ei

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Õigusalane inglise keel

502. an enforcement official ­ kohtutäitur 503. a probation officer ­ kriminaalhooldusametnik 504. impartial ­ erapooletu 505. commence ­ alustama 506. bring up on behalf ­ kellegi/millegi nimel 507. penal law ­ karistusseadus 508. regarding ­ mis puutub... 509. of sui generis ­ ainus omalaadne (lad k) 510. the aim ­ eesmärk 511. unity ­ ühtsus 512. indivisibility ­ jagamatus 513. a statement ­ avaldus/seisukoht 514. binding ­ siduv 515. outwith ­ ületab 516. validity ­ kehtivus 517. contradictory ­ vastuoluline 518. former orders ­ endised korraldused 519. the immediate supervisor ­ otsene järelvalve teostaja 520. the Public Prosecutor's office ­ riigiprokuratuur 521. county and city prosecutor's offices ­ maakonna ja linna prokuratuurid 522. The Chief Public Prosecutor ­ riigipeaprokurör 523. management ­ juhtimine 524. in accordance ­ vastavuses 525. restrict ­ piiratud 526. substitution ­ asendamine 527. adhere ­ järgima/kinni pidama 528

Õigus → Õigus
249 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüs sots.teadustes

MAINORI KÕRGKOOL Juhtimise instituut Annika Krutto ANDMEANALÜÜS SOTSIAALTEADUSTES Loengukonspekt Tartu 2009 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS...........................................................................................................................3 1. ANDMEANALÜÜSI põhimõisted ......................................................................................... 3 1.1 Üldkogum ja valim............................................................................................................... 3 1.2. Valimi valikumeetodid.........................................................................................................4 1.3. Mõõtmismeetod ja mõõtmisvahend ....................................................................................5 1.4. Andmetabel................................................................................................

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö metoodika
310 allalaadimist


Teadusliku uurimistöö olemus Mis on teaduslik uurimus? Teooria – olemus ja vajalikkus uurimistöös. Teooria ulatus. Empiiria ja andmed. Riigiteaduste põhi-paradigmad. Sotsiaalteaduste omapära. Mis on teaduslik uurimus? • Teadus ei tegele mingite muljetega, stiilis: “Ma usun, et Keskerakond on eesti- vastane partei” • Et “Keskerakonna eesti-vastasust” teaduslikult uurida: – Tuleks kõigepealt väga selgelt defineerida, mis on “eestivastasus” – mis tunnused sellega kaasas käivad. Ühesõnaga,meil peaks olema eesti- vastasuse teooria – Seejärel tuleks koostada kindel, uurimiskava, kuidas Keskerakonna eesti-vastasust uurida: mida me täpsemalt teada tahame, mis on meie andmeallikad, kuidas me neid andmeallikaid analüüsime, jne. – Võtame näiteks ette erakonna programmi ning kindlate tekstianalüüsi meetoditega (kontentanalüüs, diskursuse ananlüüs) püüame leida eesti- vastasusele leidvaid kohti – Küsitleme erakonna liikmeid ja püüame oma küsimusteg...

Muu → Uurimismeetodid
84 allalaadimist


had no direct experience of World War I and because he is Jewish. He holds on to the romantic prewar ideals of love and fair play, yet, against the backdrop of the devastating legacy of World War I, these values seem tragically absurd. As a Jew and a nonveteran, Cohn is a convenient target for the cruel and petty antagonism of Jake and his friends. Read an in-depth analysis of Robert Cohn. Bill Gorton - Like Jake, a heavy-drinking war veteran, though not an expatriate. Bill uses humor to deal with the emotional and psychological fallout of World War I. He and Jake, as American veterans, share a strong bond, and their friendship is one of the few genuine emotional connections in the novel. However, Bill is not immune to the petty cruelty that characterizes Jake and Jake's circle of friends. Mike Campbell - A constantly drunk, bankrupt Scottish war veteran. Mike has a terrible temper, which most often manifests itself during his extreme...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

But in a very classical sense, the head of the movement ­ to avoid a more rhetorical metaphor from the animal kingdom ­ seems to have been cut off, or at least to have disappeared. In other words, it has become quite rare during the last five years, and is becoming rarer still, to see articles in the very top journals, or essays and keynote addresses by the very top PA scholars ­ especially in Europe, but also in the United States ­, based on, or implicitly assuming the validity, of NPM. In that sense, it is legitimate to speak of the demise of NPM, and to already investigate what stopped it ­ all the more interesting because of the lessons this may present for standard textbook economics (STE). Because after all, NPM was a formidable, genuine paradigm, backed by the self-logic of the profession, the mightiest donors, and most importantly, the zeitgeist, the sense of "coolness" it had, and the catering to prejudices ­ based as often on genuine grievances as on mere

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

4.1. Entry and stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation Traditionally, Russian law divides the foreign nationals residing in the territory of the Russian Federation into two categories, arriving in the order, which requires a visa and arriving in the visa-free regime. For each category of foreign nationals running its own procedure for processing the documents. The period of temporary stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation is limited: · validity of visas for citizens entering Russia visa regime; · 90 days for citizens entering Russia visa-free (except for foreign nationals who have permission to work). Foreign citizens for which a visa is necessary to remember that: A. the purpose of his visit to Russia must match the type of visa B. continuous stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation on the basis of a multiple of annual business visa cannot exceed 90 days out of every 180 days

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

1. An agreement granting an investor the right to use oil and natural gas resources and utilize the mine containing oil and gas is signed between the State and the investor who won the tender or the auction held by the National Agency of Oil and Gas of Georgia. Terms of the tender and the auction and the terms of general license of use of oil and natural gas resources have to be equally reflected in the agreement. Article 16. Validity period of the general license of use of oil and natural gas resources 1. Maximum term of validity of the agreement and the corresponding license of use of oil and natural gas resources is 25 years. Article 256. Procedures of issuance of a license of activity 6. c) The term of validity of an activity license shall not exceed 25 years. The National Agency of Oil and Gas is entitled to extend the term of the activity license under new terms by no more

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Kaks küsimust on olulised: Kas on mingeid süstemaatilisi erinevusi tõerääkijate ja valetajate vahel? Kas vale tuvastajad on niisugustest erinevustest teadlikud ja võimelised neid kasutama? Esimene küsimus puudutab objektiivseid (tegelikke) valetamise mitteverbaalseid tunnuseid. Teine küsimus on aga seotud subjektiivsete valetamise indikaatoritega so tunnustega, mida inimesed sageli seostavad valetamisega. 28.küsimus Ütluste tõeparasuse hindamine (Statement Validity Assessment-SVA) 1989 aastal (Arntzen ja Köhnken) töötati välja protseduuri, mis lubab kompleksselt hinnata ütluste usaldusväärsust, mida tuntakse Statement Validity Assessment (SVA)- "väljaöeldu valiidsuse hindamine" nime all. SVA meetod koosneb kolmest põhilisest elemendist. 1. Struktureeritud interjuu läbiviimine. 2. Konkreetsetele kriteeriumitele üles ehitatud teksti kontentanalüüs. 3. Tulemuste hindamine lähtudes konkreetsetest kriteeriumitest (Validity Check-list). I

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
642 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

Basically, what this means is that theory should allow us to foretell upcoming events in the system under consideration, and to understand the interactions between units and processes. All processes in production involving human action and organizational management are in a coherent system; understanding these patterns is essential for future improvements. This requires an understanding of the metaphysical nature of reality and with the use of empirical studies and evaluation of their validity. This is a circle of science where academics learn from reality and then try to put the observed into theory and then apply theory back to practice. It is a continuous never ending process. Koskela claims in his research, which is based on a thorough literature study, that production theory consists of three levels, as shown in the next figure: Figure 3.2 Practical methodologies are based on concepts and principles, source Koskela 2000. 5

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

thereby establishing himself as sole leader. Afonso then turned his arms against the persistent problem of the Moors in the south. His campaigns were successful and, on July 25, 1139, he obtained an overwhelming victory in the Battle of Ourique, and straight after was unanimously proclaimed King of Portugal by his soldiers. Afonso then established the first of the Portuguese Cortes at Lamego, where he was crowned by the Archbishop of Braga, though the validity of the Cortes of Lamego has been disputed and called a myth created during the Portuguese Restoration War. Afonso was recognized in 1143 by King Alfonso VII of León and Castile, and in 1179 by Pope Alexander III. Afonso Henriques and his successors, aided by military monastic orders, pushed southward to drive out the Moors, as the size of Portugal covered about half of its present area. In 1249, this Reconquista ended with the capture of the Algarve on the southern coast, giving Portugal

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun