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"-market" - 590 õppematerjali


Globaliseerumine, rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid, rahvusvahelised kokkulepped, arengutase, rahvusvahelised ettevõtted

GLOBALISEERUMINE Globaliseerumine on maailma eri osade vastastikuse seotuse suurenemine läbi majanduslike, poliitiliste, kultuuriliste ja keskkonnaalaste protsesside. Viimase veerandsajandi globaliseerumise on põhjustanud neli omavahel tihedasti põimunud tegurit: w uute tehnoloogiate kasutuselevõtt, transpordi ja telekommunikatsiooni kiire areng w uus rahvusvaheline tööjaotus w finantssfääri rahvusvahelistumine w rahvusvaheliste turgude suurenemine ja homogeniseerumine Maailmamajanduses on järjest suurem roll rahvusvahelistel firmadel, riikide osatähtsus majanduse juhtimisel on vähenenud. Tagajärjed: w Maailmamajanduse ja kaubanduse reguleerimiseks on tekkinud rahvusvahelised (majandus)organisatsioonid (WTO, IMF, EL, NAFTA, OPEC jne). w Tootmine on tuumikaladest kandunud ääremaadele, kus palgad on madalad ja toote omahind tuleb odavam. w Tuumikalad on spetsialiseerunud kõrgtehnoloogiale, äri...

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ajalugu ingl. k

History of Great Britain Prehistory (55BC) no written records 6th 3rd c. BC the Celts came to British isles hill figures, hill forts, stone circles ( Stonehenge ) RomanBritain (55BC 400AD) Julius Caesar, named the country Albion Hadrian's Wall, villas, roads, the town of Bath The AngloSaxon, Danish and Norman invasions Germanic tribes settled and stayed Anglia Christianity was brought, religion became important, churches were built 8th century = raids by the Vikings and the Danes 1016 1042 : Under Danish rule ( York was the capital ) 1042 : local AngloSaxons regain their rule 1066 : Normans arrive ( the Norman conquest ) Medieval Britain (106615th c.) the Battle of Hastings William the Conqueror a new AngloNorman state the feudal system introduced the rule of the king and church strengthened centralised country, military rule Scotland, Wales and Ire...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
30 allalaadimist


Gümnaasium ...................... klass TAHITI Referaat Juhendaja õpetaja ......... 2009 Sissejuhatus. Tahiti on maaliline saar Prantsuse Polüneesias. Tänu oma imeilusale loodusele ja võrratule rannale võib teda pidada täielikuks paradiisisaareks. Valisin selle referaadi teema, kuna soovisin rohkem teada saada sellest kaunist saarest, mida olin varem korduvalt piltidel näinud. Kunagi lugesin ka ühte blogi, kus kirjeldati Tahitit nii kaasakiskuvalt, et tekkis soov isegi seda saart oma silmaga näha. Seniks rahuldun aga selle referaadi koostamisega. 2 Nagu juba eelnevalt mainisin, asub Tahiti Polüneesias. Ta koosneb kahest vulkaanilise tekkega massiivist Tahiti-Nui ja Tahiti-Iti (ehk suur Tahiti ja väike Tahiti), mida ühendab kuni 2 kilomeetri laiune maakitsus. Tahiti suuruseks arvestatakse lig...

Geograafia → Aerofotogeodeesia -...
9 allalaadimist

“Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy”

ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Economics and Social Sciences BOOK REVIEW ("Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy", University of Tartu, Urmas Varblane) (Pages : 10 20) Prepared: Kadri Tamm, MF-I-5 Tartu 2007 I read book about direct investments in the Estonian economy. The book is issued by University of Tartu and the writers are also scientists from University of Tartu. "Foreign direct investments are relatively new phenomenon for Estonia because during the nearly five decades as part of the Soviet economic system, our economy received virtually none. Such economic isolation from the West lasted until the early 1990s. In consequence of the mid-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Electrical drives and power electronics

Electrical drives and power electronics TESTS · The synchronous machines are associated with the names of Ferraris · Name the scientists who first studied electrical phenomena Coulomb · The DC machines are associated with the names of Jacobi Henry · The leading companies in the world market of electrical drive engineering are Mitsubishi · · The electromagnetic torque is born in air gap · What kind of drives the majority of drive systems present low accuracy · The induction machines are associated with the names of Dolivo-Dobrovolsky Tesla · One of the first eletrical motors has been built by Jacobi · Electromagnetic efficiency is measured in tesla · Time constants are measured by ms s hours · Who is the author of the first electrical motor Henry · Which rectifier cannot be built without a transformer 3-phase midpoint · Call the benefits of 3-phase rectifiers upon the 1-phase ones output voltage · Which rectifier has ...

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
38 allalaadimist


THE HISTORY OF JOURNALISM REPORT SUBMITTED TO: JELENA SCHMIDT SUBJECT: ENGLISH BY NIKITA GUSTSHIN TMHG 19.04.2012 "The History of Journalism" What is "Journalism"? Journalism is the investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience. Though there are many variations of journalism, the ideal is to inform the intended audience. Along with covering organizations and institutions such as government and business, journalism also covers cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. The field includes editing, photojournalism, and documentary. His...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Quiz3 vastatud

3. Quiz on Electrical Drive Motors and Models 1. What types of motors have the single-sided excitation? -(linear) synchronous 2. What types of motors have the dc excitation? - 3. What types of motors have the permanent magnet excitation? -synchronous, DC 4. What types of motors have the dc supply? -DC, synchronous 5. What types of motors have the slip rings? -induction 6. What types of motors are the brushless motors? -DC, synchronous 7. What orthogonal reference frames do you know? -(,)stator; (d,q)rotor;(x,y)arbitrary 8. What natural reference frames do you know? -3 phase 9. What stationary reference frames do you know? -stator 10. Write the frequency equilibriums that you know. -induction:w1=w2+w12;synchronous:w1=w12;DC:w2=-w12 11. What is the result of the mutual motion of the stator and rotor windings? -torque??? 12. What variables does the flux depend on? -L12 I12? L ja I 13. Write the formulae of the synchronous speed. -2*pii*f1/...

Elektroonika → Elektriajamite üldkursus
56 allalaadimist

Food-Restaurants and Cooking

Food, Restaurants and Cooking Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Waiter, could you bring me the account/bill/addition, please? b) It's a very popular restaurant - we should apply for/book/keep a table. c) If you're hungry, why not ask for a large dish/plate/portion? d) Please help/serve/wait yourself to salads from the salad bar. e) Waiter, can I see the catalogue/directory/menu, please? f) This fish is not what I called/commanded/ordered. g) This dish/plate/serving is a speciality of our restaurant. h) Have you tried the crude/raw/undercooked fish at the new Japanese restaurant? i) Paul never eats meat, he's a vegetable/vegetarian/vegetation. j) Have you decided what to have for your main course/food/helping? Task 2. Complete each sentence (a-j) with a suitable ending (1-10). Use each ending once. a) Dinner's nearly ready. Can you lay ...6… ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Merepääste arengu PEST analüüs-viimane versioon

I GRUPITÖÖ Vivian Tammearu Merepääste arengu PEST analüüs Poliitiline keskkond Majanduslik keskkond Rahvusvahelistes suhetes on lähiaastate pinged n-ö lääne ja ida, Kuna Eesti on väike, avatud majandus, sõltub riigi majanduse käekäik Venemaa VS USA jt. toimunud kulmineerumine lähestikku nii suuresti lähi-naabritest, kes on ühtlasi suurimad kaubanduspartnerid – Ukrainas kui ka Süürias. Mõlemad sõjad omavad isepärast mõju – nende kehvast ’saagikusest’ tulenevalt näeme majanduse käekäigu Ukraina sõjast tingitud ohutunnetus ja NATO kohalolu kasv Eestis halvenemist. Regionaalne killustatus muudab suurlinnadest väljaspool ning USA kaitsekulutuste jäme kasv Euroopas. Siia alla kuulub elavad inimesed veelgi ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
43 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Palm oil Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit, grown on the African oil palm tree. Oil palms are originally from Western Africa, but can flourish wherever heat and rainfall are abundant. Today, palm oil is grown throughout Africa, Asia, North America, and South America, with 85% of all palm oil globally produced and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia; but most of the time not using sustainable measures. The industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced, as the land and forests must be cleared for the development of the oil palm plantations. According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area the equivalent size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour to make way for palm oil production. This lar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Lõuna Aafrika rahvusköök

Cuisine of South Africa has had a variety of sources and stages: · Cookery practised by indigenous people of South Africa such as the Khoisan and Xhosa- and Sotho-speaking people · Settler cookery introduced during the colonial period by people of Indian and Afrikaner and British descent and their slaves and servants - this includes the cuisine of the Cape Malay people, which has many characteristics of Malaysia and Java, and recipes from neighbouring colonial cultures such as Portuguese Mozambique. Indigenous cookery traditional South African cuisine In the precolonial period, indigenous cuisine was characterized by the use of a very wide range of fruits, nuts, bulbs, leaves and other products gathered from wild plants and by the hunting of wild game. The domestication of cattle in the region about two thousand years ago by Khoisan groups enabled the use of milk products and the avail...

Toit → Kokandus
49 allalaadimist

Fiskaalpoliitika ehk eelarvepoliitika

EESTI FISKAALPOLIITIKA MÕNINGATEST ASPEKTIDEST Kaie Kerem Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Kuna Eesti on väike avatud majandus, siis sõltub Eesti majandus väga tugevasti majanduskonjunktuuri muutustest välisturgudel. Seoses Eestis rakendatud valuutakomiteel põhineva rahasüsteemiga pole Eestis võimalik teostada aktiivset rahapoliitikat. Seetõttu on fiskaalpoliitikal täita Eesti majanduses oluline roll. Antud artiklis analüüsitakse valitsussektori tulusid ja kulutusi ning nendega seonduvaid probleeme. Samuti vaadeldakse valitsussektori kulutuste ja tulude struktuuri ning fiskaalpoliitika efektiivsuse mõningaid aspekte. Fiskaalpoliitika efektiivsuse tõstmine on eriti oluline tingimustes, kus Eesti on endale seadnud eesmärgiks ühineda Euroopa Liiduga. Valitsussektori tulud Fiskaalpoliitika järjekindlus on siirderiikide stabiilsuse ühe...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
120 allalaadimist

Majandus: mikro- ja makroökonoomika

1. Mikro- ja makroökonoomika mõisted ning koht majandusteaduses. Hüviste ja turu mõiste. Nõudlus, pakkumine ja selle muutused. Turutasakaalu kujunemine. Elastsus ja selle mõju turu tasakaalule. Mikroökonoomika on majandusteaduse osa, mis uurib ettevõtete ja tarbijate käitumist turgudel (näiteks tööjõuturg ja kaubaturg). Mikroökonoomikas lähtutakse üksikust majandussubjektist. See teeb eeldatavasti hulgaliselt majandusotsustusi (majapidamine tarbimise ja säästmise, ettevõte tootmise ja investeerimise vallas). Mikroökonoomika kirjeldab nii neid otsustusi kui ka nende tulemusena kujunenud sündmuste ja protsesside kogumit. Makroökonoomika uurib majanduse kui terviku käitumist. Riigi majanduseelu mõjutavad üksikute majandussubjektide (ettevõtete, tarbijate ja valitsuse) miljonid individuaalsed tegevused ning makroökonoomika keskendub kogu nende individuaalsete tegevuste uurimisele. Avatud majanduse puhul võetakse arvesse ka v...

Majandus → Majandusteooria alused
29 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

Margit Tepner k0848752 Sustainability aspects of biofuels 1. Introduction The literature review will discuss the sustainability aspects of biofuels. Food production will be the main concern as it is the most debated issue, but other aspects, such as land use change and water consumption will be also considered as they are essential aspects in the biofuels sustainability criteria. The review will discuss the viability of biofuels based on the current technologies. Second-generation biofuels are not yet commercially viable and therefore will not be discussed; although they could significantly improve the sustainability of biofuels when they break through to the industrial scale. 2. The scale of biofuels production 2.1. Drivers of biofuels production Lal (2010) stated that "three inter-connected challenges face humankind in the 21st century": food security, climate change, and energy security. The world...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

koolinimi Report Legends of Tallinn Student: nimi Supervisor: nimi Tallinn 2010 Table Of Contents Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 Legend of St. Olav's Church.......................................................................................................4 True story of St. Olav's Church..............................................................................................5 Legend of Old Thomas.....................................................................................................6 True story of Old Thomas.....................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
55 allalaadimist

Cinema is the most restricitve medium

Cinema is the most restricitve medium The topic of this essay is cinema as the most restrictive medium. I would like to discuss the restrictions of cinema as such – what these are, how do they affect the medium. For example time limit of the films, budget, how it affects writer and director, what kind of choices they have to make, and how the audience come into play. Personally, i don’t consider cinema as a restrictive medium. Cinema’s most restrictive feature is time. Filmmakers must fit very good shots edited into very good storyline into one and a half to three hour movie, usually. The reason being, we get uncomfortable sitting long period of time. If the movies would be longer, we would lose interest and start doing something else. We would simply get uncomfortable sitting on a chair and the whole cinema experience would become agony. Furthermore, producing films can be expensive, especially longer films. Al...

Filmikunst → Film
8 allalaadimist

Report: estonian ecnomy

ERLE MAIDO TAAB11 Report Purpose The purpose of this report is to give an overview of Estonian population, political factors, technological factors, economic factors and the trends in Estonian economy compared to Germany and to briefly discuss Estonian business environment. Estonian population The total population of Estonia is 1 313 271 according to Statistics Estonia, of which 69.1% are Estonians, 25.1% Russians, 4.9% of which are of different nationalities for example Ukrainians, Belarusians and Finns. Rest are of unknown nationality. 68.5% of population speaks Estonian as a mother language, 29.6% speaks Russian as a mother language and 0.6% Ukrainian. Estonia has only one official language which is Estonian. Ac...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Media and Advertising

Media and advertising 1. Complete the collocations in each sentence with an appropriate word from the box. broadcast bulletin coverage forecast media brochure campaign edition manual novel a) Read the instruction ..manual. before using your new word-processor. b) 'David Copperfield' is an autobiographical ……………. c) What did it say on the weather …………….? d) This is a party political……………. on behalf of the Democratic Party. e) What time is the next news …………….? f) This channel doesn't have very good sports……………. g) A first……………. of this book is worth a fortune. h) The mass……………. in most countries is dominated by advertising. i) When does our new advertising …………….begin? j) I spent all of yesterday evening looking at this holiday……………. 2. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed ph...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Referaat: Tšiili

TSIILI Referaat geograafias Nimi Klass Juhendaja: Tartu 2013 Sisukord 1. Tsiili Vabariik 2. Suurregioon 3. Riigi arengutase 4. Majandusorganisatsioonid 5. Rahvastik 6. Linnastumine 7. Energiamajandus 8. Põllumajandus 9. Metsamajandus 10. Tööstus 11. Transport 12. Turism 1. TSIILI VABARIIK Tsiili Vabariik paikneb Lõuna-Ameerika läänerannikul. Teda ümbritseb põhjast Peruu, idast Boliivia ja Argentiina, lõunast ja läänest Vaikne ookean. Tsiili on justkui surutud Andide ning Vaikse ookeani vahele (joonis 1). Põhjast lõunasse on pikkuseks lausa 4630 km ning läänest itta kõige laiemas kohas vaid 430 km. Riigi pindala on 756 950 km². Pealinn on Santiago, mis asub Tsiili keskosas. Riigikeel on hispaania keel. 2. SUURREGIOON Tsiili kuulub Ladina-Ameerika suurregiooni. Ladin...

Geograafia → Geograafia
30 allalaadimist

Erinevate puidupõhiste plaatide tootmine, kasutamine ja kaubandus Eestis ja Euroopas ja SRÜs.

Eesti Maaülikool Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Erinevate puidupõhiste plaatide tootmine, kasutamine ja kaubandus Eestis ja Euroopas ja SRÜs. Referaat Juhendaja: 2008 1 Puitplaatide liigid..................................................................................................................................3 2 Tootmine, kaubandus ja turgude areng Eestis..................................................................................4 2.1 Tootmine ja tarbimine......................................................................................................................4 2.2 Kaubandus ja turgude areng............................................................................................................7 3 Tootmine, kaubandus ja...

Metsandus → Puidukaubandus
43 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike Anthropology and Tourism Female Adventure Tourism This essay will explain what significance culture has in adventure tourism. There are five paragraphs in this essay, where definitions of adventure travel and human culture are given. First, paragraph will look and define what culture, anthropology and adventure tourism are. Second paragraph will examine how different cultures impact female adventure travel. Third paragraph will point out the problems in adventure tourism. The forth paragraph will give recommendations for the future and some of the possible future problems in female adventure tourism will be looked at. The last paragraph will be a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries (Tisdell, 2000, Swarbrooke et al. 2003, Buckley, 2003). According to UNWTO, i...

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist


Kui asi puudutab nafta ja vee segunemisesse, siis ookeanid kannatavad palju rohkema, kui lihtsalt mõningate lekete all. Kohutavad õnnetused jõuavad ajakirjandusee, aga sadu miljoneid liitreid naftat vaikselt satub merre iga aasta, põhiliselt mitte õnntuste tagajärjel. Nafta lekked põhjustavad haigusi ja tapavad Suured õnnetused ja lekked-isegi suhtliselt vähetähtis osa ookeani reostusest võib olla vägagi laastav. Sama suur kogus naftat võib teha mõnel alal rohkem kahjut kui teises kohas. Näiteks korallrahnud on nafta suhtes tunduvalt tundlikumad, kui liivarannad. Õlise ainega kaetud karvad või suled ei suuda isoleerida mereimetajat või sukelduvat lindu külmast veest ja kui loom puhastab end ta ka neelab naftat. Isegi, kui nafta kahjustus ei ole koheselt surmav võib see tekitada pikaajalist kahju. Kaladel võib see põhjustada maksahaigusi ja kasvuprobleeme. Kui nafta peaks sattuma mõningatele taimedele nt mangroovidele, siis võibsee seal...

Geograafia → Geograafia
116 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products, services, or processes 3. Production 4. Marketing 5. Distribution 6. Customer service. Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and servic...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist


Juudid ja Vägivald Juudiküsimus on mõiste, millel kaasaja inimese jaoks on teatav kindel tähendus. Põhiliselt viitab see mõiste juute inimajaloo jooksul tabanud ahistamistele, kuid selle kõrval ka nendega seotud eelarvamustele. Ahistamistega on pilt üsna selge: kui common sense ka ei mäleta juutide väljaajamist nende iidselt kodumaalt, keskaegseid juudipogromme Prantsusmaal ja Hispaanias ning XIX sajandi rafineeritud rõhumist kogu Euroopas ja Vene Impeeriumis (ehk kus iganes juute ka leidus), siis II Maailmasõja aegne juuditapatalg on õõvastava näitena inimloomuse pimeda poole kohta avalikkuse mällu söövitatud. Samuti elab see mälestus siiani edasi inimestes, kes selle sõja ajal osutusid olema teine teisel pool okastraati. ... Juutidega seotud eelarvamused ja mõttestambid on aga salvestatud ühiskondliku mälu varjatumatesse soppidesse, kui kaastundest tiivustatud ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
40 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

In his book, All Marketers are Liars, Seth Godin contends that consumers prefer fantasy to the truth, and that consequently marketers should "live the lie, fully and completely." Stopping short of endorsing marketing methods which might kill people, Godin says that marketers should "give people what they want." The book is telling a story about why marketers must forsake any attempt to communicate nothing but the facts, and must focus on what people believe and then work to tell them stories that add their worldview. HIGHLIGHTS Before marketing, before shopping carts and long before informercials, people started telling themselves stories. Stories make it easier to understand the world. Stories are the only way to spread an idea. Marketers didn´t invent storytelling. They just perfected it. We tell ourselves stories, because we´re superstitious. Stories are shortcuts we use because we ´re too overwhelmed by data to discover ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Trojan horse

Eriala: Informaatika Inglise keel Referaat «Trojan horse » Lektor S.Remmelg Üliõpilane A.Parts Rühm RDIR23 Kood 103373 Introduction Trojan (also - troyamn, troyamnets, troyamnsky horse Troma) - a program used by an attacker to gather information, its destruction or modification of, computer malfunction or use of its resources in the wrong purposes. According to the principle of distribution and of the Trojans is not a virus because it does not spread by self-reproduction. This Trojan is run by the user manually or automatically - the program or part of the operating system running on a victim computer (as a module or utility). For this program file (the name, icon of the program) is called the official name of masquerading as another program (such as the installation of another program), another file type, or just give us attra...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

BEPS project Action 4: Interest deductions and other financial payments Maris Leemets 10.08.2016 Peer Assignment in Module 3 The OECD with its Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project is working towards proposing politically feasible and multilaterally acceptable ways to minimize the corporate tax base erosion and profit shifting activities since 2013. Out of its 15 main lines of work under BEPS project (called Actions) I will concentrate on Action 4 which aims at proposing new rules for preventing the manipulation of interest expense related tax deductions of corporates. The underlying problem is that multinational groups can easily create and relocate debt in their group according to the most preferential tax treatment available which in some cases results in no or even negative corporate tax payments fr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Maailma mood 1960-ndatel

Referaat Maailma mood 1960-ndatel Sissejuhatus Valisin teemaks 60-ndate aastate moe, kuna olen huvitatud moest ja selle ajaloost. Tahtsin kirjutada just 60-ndatest, sest tol ajal oli supermodelliks üks minu lemmikutest- Twiggy. Töö käigus lootsin saada rohkem teadmisi selle perioodi moe ja moe ikoonide kohta. Joonis 1 ( Joonis 2 ( mod-shift-dress-128) 1. Naiste mood 1.1. Kleidid Tõeline murrang moes oli mini, mida kandsid kõik, nt. "Lilly" kleidid- kergesti pestavast trükimustrilisest puuvillasest ja go-go-seelikud. 1964. aastal tutvustas disainer Mary Quant maailmale miniseelikut, mis võttis üle terve tollase ajastu. Moodi tulid pitsist kraedega velvetist minikleidid samasuguste käistega ning laiad telk-kleidid. Seelikud muutusid järjest lühemaks kuni lõpuks tekkisid vai...

Kultuur-Kunst → Moe ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Arvestustest KTK31 -katse-ülevaade-2

Töölaud / Minu kursused / Statistika - V. Retšnoi / Arvestustest / Arvestustest_KTK31 Alustatud teisipäev, 12. jaanuar 2021, 16.52 Olek Lõpetatud Lõpetatud teisipäev, 12. jaanuar 2021, 17.33 Aega kulus 41 min 14 sekundit Hinne 28.00, maksimaalne 30.00 (93%) Tagasiside Suurepärane! Küsimus 1 Andmestik on antud jaotustabelina Õige Väärtus x i 2 1 4 0 Hindepunkte 1.00/1.00 Osakaal p i 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 Leida keskväärtus (vastuse lahtrisse sisestage ainult arv). Vastus: 1.3  Küsimus 2 Järgmine tabel näitab üh...

Muu → Tõenäosusteooria ja...
40 allalaadimist

Statistika arvestustest ktk31-katse ülevaade

Alustatud esmaspäev, 18. jaanuar 2021, 14.00 Olek Lõpetatud Lõpetatud esmaspäev, 18. jaanuar 2021, 14.22 Aega kulus 21 min 51 sekundit Hinne 27.25, maksimaalne 30.00 ﴾91%﴿ Tagasiside Suurepärane! Küsimus 1 Millise kujuga on uuritava tunnuse jaotus juhul, kui keskväärtus on oluliselt suurem kui mediaan? Õige Hindepunkte Valige üks: 1.00/1.00 a. Paremale kallutatud jaotus  Märgi küsimus lipuga b. Vasakule kallutatud jaotus c. Sümmeetriline jaotus Küsimus 2 Millises vahemikus asub lineaarse korrelatsioonikodaja r väärtus? Õige Hindepunkte Valige üks: 1.00/1.00 a. 0 kuni 1 Märgi küsimus lipuga b. ‐1 kuni 1  c. ‐1 kuni 0 Küsimus 3 Jaotus...

Muu → Tõenäosusteooria ja...
52 allalaadimist

Interaktiivne Turundus - Rene Arvola - mõisted ja mudelid - kordamisküsimused

INTERAKTIIVNE TURUNDUS    Põhimõisted:   ● Vahetus, tehing (exchange, transaction)  Turundustegevusi ühendab vahetuskonseptsioon. Vahetuse tulemusel saadakse soovitud  toode teiselt subjektilt hüvituse vastu.  Sellist ostja ja müüja vahelist kokkulepet nimetatakse tehinguks.    Eristatakse nelja vahetuse vormi:  ­ Turu vahetus  ­ Suhte vahetus  ­ Ümber jagav vahetus  ­ Vastastikune vahetus    ● Turu vahetus (market exchange)  Lühiajalise orientatsiooniga ja omakasust motiveeritud.   Turu vahetus toimub sellele eelnenud ja sellele järgnevast vahetusest sõltumata.    ● Suhte vahetus (relationship exchange)  Pikaajaline orienteeritus.   Areneb poolte vahel, kes on huvitatud pikaajalise, toetava suhte loomisest.    ● Ümber jagav vahetus (redistribution)  Eksisteerib poolte vahel, kes töötavad kollektiivse üksusena.   Üksuse liikmed astuvad vahetusse, sest soovivad omavahel ressursse jagada.   Maks...

Majandus → Turundus
39 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D Andrew Davison Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University HatYai, Songkhla 90112 E-mail: [email protected] Draft: 14th January 2003, #2 Abstract This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using Java and Java 3D for games programming. It assumes the reader is familiar with Java, but presents short overviews of gaming, the low-level APIs OpenGL and DirectX, and Java 3D. No programming examples are included here, although links to online code are supplied. 1. Background to Gaming Giving a definition for `computer game' is problematic, due to the wide range of game types. For example, the ArcadePod site ( divides its hundreds of Java games into more ...

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

UNIT 6 Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively The aim of the section is to assist you to produce an effective topic outline: a skeleton of your document. If this stage of the production process is done properly all you really need are the language control techniques to connect your ideas logically and effectively. If you have a well documented list of techniques to connect your ideas effectively the writing process is less formidable. You will want to know how to join similarities, compare and contrast certain facts, introduce the next topic, offer a supporting idea, or refer to previously presented facts. You will also need to know how to present different shades of argument to produce logically a recommendation you wish to make. This requires an ability to emphasise certain facts and 'bury' others. However, all facts need to be linked to give a logical flow. This unit will give you language practice in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Filmikunsti ajalugu

Filmikunsti ajalugu 31.01.12 The age of pioneers: the early history of film How the horses helped to ivent the cinema. Cinema was invented by accident. 1872, west coast: leland standford, party, rich people, end of the 19 century, bored. Stanfrod talks friends about horses: problem: question is, what happens with the hooves while its moving, running. Bet, with eyes, can't settle this. Cannot ever see if the hooves touch the ground. Stanford has enough money, hires most famous photographer. Eadwerd muybridge, comes to usa. Tells him to settle this with photography. That time with photography you cannot get any informatio either. Started to install boxes, in each box, there was a camera. Does the hooves touch the ground or not? Fast shutter, can freeze the moment. Makes fast shutters, to record this. Finds solution, hooves are touching. The prerequisites for cinema: camera(edison and dickson), film stock that is flexible and stable to ru...

Ajalugu → Filmiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

Units 12-18 1. system of pandects ­ pandektiline süsteem 2. general provisions ­ üldosa 3. law of property ­ asjaõigus 4. family law ­ perekonnaõigus 5. law of sucession ­ pärimisõigus 6. law of obligations ­ võlaõigus 7. General Part of the Civil Code Act ­ TsÜS 8. Law of Property Act ­ AÕS 9. Family Law Act ­ perekonnaseadus 10. Law of Succession Act ­ PäRS 11. Law of Obligations Act ­ VÕS 12. persons and transactions ­ isikud ja tehingud 13. natural persons 14. legal persons 15. passive legal capacity ­ õigusvõime 16. active legal capacity ­ (an ability to independently asume civil rights and incur civil obligations) ­ teovõime 17. live birth ­ elussünd 18. bequeath property ­ pärandama 19. mental state ­ vaimne seisund 20. restricted active legal capacity ­ piiratud teovõime 21. mental illness ­ vaimehaigus 22. mental disability ­ nõdrameelsus 23. mental disorder ­ psüühiline häire (sickness ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Rahanduse kordamisküsimused 2018

KORDAMINE EKSAMIKS (2018 sügis) Avatud küsimused (~4 küsimust), Mõistete tundmine (4-5 mõistet) (4 ülesannet + boonus). 1. Portfelliteooria põhimõisted ning seosed: spetsiifiline risk- (ka mittesüstemaatiline risk, hajutatav risk) kujutab endast ohtu, et väärtpaberi tulusus erineb oodatavast tulususest tänu konkreetse ettevõttega seotud teguritele. (ootamatu käibelangus, juhtimisvead, konkurentide tegevus jne süstemaatiline risk- kujutab endast ohtu, et väärtpaberi tegelik tulusus erineb oodatavast tulususest tänu üldistele arengutele makromajanduses (majandustsükkel, rahapoliitika, kursside kõikumine jpm). -Suurema süstemaatilise riskiga on sellised väärtpaberid, mille hind ja tulusus liiguvad keskmisega (näiteks turuindeksiga) võrreldes võimendatult. -Väiksema süstemaatilise riskiga on seevastu sellised väärtpaberid, mill...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
155 allalaadimist

Tai köök - referaat

Tai eksootilised road peaksid hästi sobima ka talvest väsinud eestlasele - neis kasutatakse palju värskeid juurvilju ja C-vitamiinirikast tsillipipart. "Eestis arvatakse ekslikult, et tai toidud on hästi vürtsikad. Tegelikult on tai roogades esindatud kõik viis peamist maitseaistingut: soolane, magus, mõru, tuline ja hapu, mis üksteist täiendavad ja tasakaalustavad," ütleb Tai Kokkade Assotsiatsiooni president Jaturon Sunyapong. XIII sajandist pärinev tai raidkiri "Kui vetes on kala ja põldudel riisi, ei pea minu rahvas nälga kannatama" iseloomustab kujukalt tai kööki tänaseni. Tai keeles tähendabki sõna "söömine" riisi söömist. Riisist valmistatakse ka nuudleid ja niitnuudleid ehk vermiselle. Alati vähemalt üks tsillipipraga roog Keskmine taipärane toidukord koosneb riisist, supist ja kahest toekamast roast, millest üks on kindlasti teravalt maitsestatud. Mida uhkem pidusöök, seda rohkem roogi laual. Magustoiduks on tavaliselt puuvi...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
47 allalaadimist


The United States of America (The U.S.A) Geography The main part of the United states extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It covers the middle of the North American continent. This area is called ,,the continental United states". The continental United States is bounded to the North by Canada and to the South by Mexico. The border with Canada is often called ,,the longest unguarded border in the world". The United States and Canada are good friends and they have very few problems in managing the border. The borded with Mexico is different. Immigrants are constantly crossing the border illegally. Every day about 2,000 of them are captured and sent back, but may others get through. There are also two states that are not connected to the continental United States. They are Alaska and Hawaii. There are two mountain ranges in ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading search/27eye.html? pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=technology A Burst of Technology, Helping the Blind to See Blindness first began creeping up on Barbara Campbell when she was a teenager, and by her late 30s, her eye disease had stolen what was left of her sight. Reliant on a talking computer for reading and a cane for navigating New York City, where she lives and works, Ms. Campbell, now 56, would have been thrilled to see something. Anything. Now, as part of a striking experiment, she can. So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror frame, and whether her computer monitor is on. She is beginning an intensive three-year research project involving electrodes surgically implanted in her eye, a camera on the bridge of her nose and a video processor strapped to her waist. The project, involving patients in the United States, Mexico and Europe, is part...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


PREPOSITIONS (eessõnad) Prepositions of place: KUS? WHERE? AT ON IN at 10 High Street on Fifth Avenue in the world at 224 Fifth Avenue on the street(AmE) in High Street at the corner of the street on the plane in the east of Europe at a hotel on a bus in London at a store on a boat/ship in Trafalgar Square at the concert on the floor in America at the cinema on the wall in a village at the theatre on the shelf in the country at the station on the table in (the) town at the airport ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Turunduse olemus ja kampaaniad kriisi ajal

MAINORI KÕRGKOOL Ettevõtluse Instituut Ärijuhtimise eriala Taavi Ranna EV-1-Q-E-tal TURUNDUSE OLEMUS JA KAMPAANIAD KRIISI AJAL Referaat Juhendaja: lektor Aet Kull, MA. Tallinn 2009 Turunduse olemus ja kampaaniad kriisi ajal SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS .........................................................................................................................3 1 TURUNDUSE OLEMUS ...................................................................................................4 1.1 Turunduse tegevused ...................................................................................................4 1.2 Klassikaline turundusmeetmestik (4 P-d)...........................

Majandus → Turunduse alused
141 allalaadimist

Google Chrome

Antsla Gümnaasium Ivo Nurmetalo 10B Google Chrome Uurimustöö Juhendaja Urmas Soonvald Antsla 2012 Sisukord 1.Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................................3 2.Google Chrome-i Ajalugu.................................................................................................................4 2.1 Teade..........................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Avalik Vabastamine...............................................................................................................4 3.0 Arendamine.....................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Enterprise-i kasutuselevõt...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
10 allalaadimist


1. Which are the main cornerstones of EU-Russia cooperation? Which have been the main developments and success ­ stories in this partnership in 2000-2012? Which side is more interested? The main cornerstones of the EU and Russia relations are the trade and energy relations. One biggest breakthrough has been gas pipeline Nord Stream. Russia is the third biggest trade partner of the EU and is the main importer of gas and crude oil. The economic benefits are the biggest cornerstones of the relations. Cooperation between Russia and the European Union progressively strengthens in foreign policy and security issues, in combating illegal migration, organised crime and terrorism. The main achievement of recent years, which can be hardly overestimated, is the understanding increasingly gaining ground that partnership between Russia and the EU is one of the cornerstones of maintaining stability and prosperity not only in Europe, but world-wide. ...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
7 allalaadimist

Giidindus Final Test kordamine

2 Towns (Upper & Lower Town) Tallinn used to be divided into 2 parts - Upper Town where lived the aristocracy, gentry and the clergy; and Lower Town with traders, craftsmen and merchants. Legend says the Toompea Hill is actually the tumulus mound of the great Kalev. Linda carried rocks to his grave. It is a naturally- formed limestone hill. Lower Town was a merchantile centre, Tallinn also belonged to the Hansaetic League (1285). It is often referred to as the town of citizens. Any grown-up, married and economically independent person, born in a legal marriage between two free people and having lived in the town for at least 3 months, could apply to the Magistracy for citizenship. Serfs could escape from serdom after having successfully hidden in town for a year and a day. Two parts remained separated until the end of the 19th century. Four Names Lyndanise - mentioned by Henricus de Lettis in his Chronicle; derives from the name Lind...

Turism → Giidindus
5 allalaadimist

YouTube Referaat

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Majandusteduskond Mikk Murel Youtube Referaat Juhendaja:Teele Heller Tallinn 2013 1 Table of Contents Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................................3 Firma ajalugu........................................................................................................................................4 Video tehnoloogia.................................................................................................................................5 Levik.....................................................................................................................................................6 Muusika industrioon..............................................................................................................

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
12 allalaadimist

Comparative law

1.Common law A common law legal system is a system of law characterized by case law which is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals a common law system is based on legal precedents. The roots of the common law legal systems can be traced back to the first common law system created in England during the Middle Ages. Today, most countries that once had ties to England, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, to name a few, operate under common law. Aside from Great Britain, the majority of the countries in Europe operate under a version of civil law modeled after the Roman legal system created centuries ago In a common law system, the law is created by precedents set after judges decide actual cases. When a judge hears a case that has a new issue in it, the judge makes a decision regarding the issue in the case. That decision then becomes a precedent that must be followed by o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

The use of satire in Swift's A Modest Proposal According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary satire is a way of criticizing a person, an idea or an institution in which you use humor to show their faults or weaknesses; a piece of writing in that uses that type of criticism: political/social satire (1180). Jonathan Swift, one of the ambiguous and interesting figure of the Anglo-Irish Literary Tradition, the greatest pamphleteers, and a master of satire, denotes that 'Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own; which is the chief reason for that kind reception it meets with in the world, and that so very few are offended with it' (Swift). The current essay attempts to analyze the use of satire in Jonathan Swift's most discussed pamphlet A Modest Proposal and the purposes of using this specific genre. The pamphlet reveals a vast number of social and reli...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Turkey and the European Union

Tallinn University TURKEY AND THE EUROPEAN UNION Tallinn 2013 INTRODUCTION The accession negotiations and the forthcoming Turkish accession present challenges to both Turkey and the EU. It is widely accepted that Turkey's accession would be different from previous enlargements because of the combined impact of Turkey's population, size, geographical location, economic, security and military potential. The case of Turkey will be different and more challenging from previous accessions for a number of reasons, some of them are presented below. Turkey is a country with a large population and geographic area. With a population of 74 million today, it is projected that it could be the largest member state at the time of accession. As a Moslem secular country, Turkey will also add a new demographic and religious dimension to the EU. Also, the presence of a large number of Turkish immigrants in European count...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Miina Härma Gümnaasium TANSAANIA ÜHENDVABARIIK Piia Maria Tomberg Juhendaja: Maiu Kaljuorg Referaat Tartu 2013 1. Geograafiline asend Tansaania on riik, mis asub Aafrika mandri idarannikul. Tansaania pindala on 945 203 ruutkilomeetrit. Tansaania pealinn on Dodoma. Tansaanial on maismaapiir 7 riigiga: põhjas Uganda ja Kenyaga, lõunas Mosambiigiga, edelas Malawi ja Sambiaga ning loodes Burundi ja Rwandaga. Lisaks on tal veepiir Kongo Demokraatliku Vabariigiga Tanganjika järvel. Ida poolt külgneb ta India ookeaniga. Tansaania on üks maailma vaesemaid riike, kuid on saavutanud üldiselt kõrge majanduskasvu. Suures jaos on saavutatud vabaturumajandus. Tansaania majandus kasvab pidevalt tänu kulla tootmisele ja turismile. Suure osa Tansaania majandusest moodustab ka põllumajandus, mis moodustab neljandiku riigi sisemajanduse kogutoodangust (SKT). 2. Kuulumine suurregiooni Tansaania kuulu...

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Jonathan Dekel-Chen lectures, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000 1937 census didn't get published. 1939, pretty accurate for Js. 3.1 mill Js in pre- Molotov-Ribbentrop area. 1939, 2.2 mill. Js not shy about declaring Jewishness. Inherits 1.3 mill in Poland. Similar # annexed by Germ. 250,000 in Lithuania. 330,000 Bessarabia. Back to pre-1917 #s of Sov Jewry. 5 ½ mill of pre-war levels. Pre-mature deaths during famine of '21-'22, '31-'33, 7 years of war, emigration up to 1924 (vast majority to West, 3rd and 4th aliyahs). J pop growth still significant, high birth rates, but pop static. Grows more in SU than anywhere else ­ few leaving, pop growth significant. Vast majority in W borderlands. Very few emigrate during year and a half from annexed areas. Germans occupied Leningrad-Moscow-Stalingrad, all and more of former Pale. 1939, started evacuating. Stalin thought 43-44, war. Purges, Winter War, military needed improvement, military industrial ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun