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"theory" - 604 õppematerjali


Constructivism theory

than acquiring it. Knowledge is constructed based on personal experiences and hypotheses of the environment. Learners continuously test these hypotheses through social negotiation. Each person has a different interpretation and construction of knowledge process. The learner is not a blank slate (tabula rasa) but brings past experiences and cultural factors to a situation The term ,,Constructivism" was first introduced to IR theory in 1989 by Nicholas Onuf. It was first considered as an interpretive meta-theory, a reflectivist approach. It emphasizes the social construction of world affairs as opposed to the claim of (neo)realists that international politics is shaped by the rational-choice behaviour/decisions of egoist actors who pursue their interests by making utilitarian calculations to maximize their benefits and minimize their losses, hence the materiality of international structures. In spite of itself

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory

1. Nouns: how is the plural formed? The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter s: · more than one snake / snakes · more than one ski / skis · more than one Barrymore / Barrymores Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, will require an -es for the plural: · more than one witch / witches · more than one box / boxes · more than one gas / gases · more than one bus / buses · more than one kiss / kisses · more than one Jones / Joneses BUT! Photos, kilos, pianos, zeros, studios, radios. When the word ends in the letter -y: · country / countries · family / families · story / stories Nouns ending in -f: (should be learned by heart) · calf / calves · elf / elves · half / halves · knife / knives · life /...

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist

English Tenses - theory

Present Simple · Korduv, regulaarne tegevus: I WORK every day / each Monday / only on Wednesdays. · Üldine, tavapärane tegevus; loodusseadused / füüsika etc. reeglid: I usually DO NOT WORK in summer. She DOES NOT WORK at night. Magnet ATTRACTS iron. · !!! Spordikommentarid: ... and now he PASSES the ball ... and off he GOES towards the goal... · 1pv (+s/es Å he/she/it); ? DO(ES)+ 1pv ; - DO(ES) not + 1pv Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 Present Progressive · Hetkel toimuv, pooleliolev tegevus: S/he IS TALKing on the phone now. I AM READing an interesting book. · Ajutine, regulaarsele ja tavapärasele vastanduv tegevus (tulevikku viitav): This summer they ARE not GROWing cucumbers as usual. They'RE GROWing tomatoes instead. · !!! Halvakspanu väljendus harjumuspärase tegevuse kohta: He IS always COMPLAINing! · BE (am/is/are) + 1pv-ing Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory 2

7. Verb: The principal forms of the verbs: Verbil on 4 põhivormi: Regular verb Irregular verb 1. the base form Talk Speak üldoleviku tüvivorm 2. the past form/ -ed form Talked Spoke üldmineviku vorm 3. the past participle (-ed Talked Spoken participle) mineviku kesksõna 4. the present participle (- Talking Speaking ing participle) oleviku kesksõna The tenses: Expressing the future: Simple Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous Present Base Have / has + to be + base+ ing has/ have been +s + pariticiple base+ -ing He drinks tea at ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

The Theory of Human Motivation

The Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow 1908 – 1970 A descendant of Russian Jews in USA Well-known psychologist Brought the ‘human’ back to psychology Best known for his ‘hierarchy of needs’ Forces of psychology Psychoanalysis (sub-consciousness) Behaviorism (behavior can be studied and explained) Humanism (the human dimension of psychology) Transpersonal psychology (hippie psychology) Hierarchy of human needs's_hierarchy_of_needs D-needs and B-needs Basic needs (D = deficit) physiological safety beloning esteem Higher need (B = being) self actualization What a man can be, he must be! Physiological needs Homeostasis oxygen water protein salt, sugar, calcium ... In Maoist China the most basic need was belonging Safety, love and esteem Stability, structure, order Community, affection Status, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


(tõlge Gleitmani raamatust) EMOTSIOONID, TUNDMUSED: OMAENESE SISESEISUNDI TAJUMINE (Pilt) Sisetunde vääriti tõlgendamine. Gilberti ja Sullivani opereti üks tegelaskujudest, Kannatlikkus, arutleb: ,,Hulluse ebatavalisus on võrreldav sellega, et terava haigushoo äärmise piina mõjul on seda eksikombel kerge ka seedehäireks pidada". (New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players; Lee Snideri foto, 1987) On ilmne, et tunnetame omaenese sisemist hingeseisundit ise seda subjektiivselt tajudes. Mitmed sotsiaalpsühholoogid arvavad, et niisugune tunnetusprotsess võib mõju avaldada ka emotsioonide subjektiivsele tajumisele. Me räägime, et tunneme armastust, rõõmu, muret või viha. Kuid kas me oleme alati kindlad selles, mida tunneme? Ühes Gilberti ja Sullivani operetis üks tegelastest möönab, et tagasitõugatu võib armastust eksikombel seedehäireks pidada. Kuigi see on suuresti liialdatud, võib midagi ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
283 allalaadimist


TÖÖ MÕISTE INFORMATSIOONILISE KAPITALISMI AJASTUL JA INTERNETIS Christian Fuchsi on artiklis väidetud, et informatsioonilise kapitalismi ajastul ei tohiks mõistet ,,klass" piirata ainult ühe määratlusena ehk ,,kapitalina" ja ,,palgatööd" teise klassina. ,,Klassi" mõistet tuleks laiendada selliselt, et see hõlmaks kõiki, kes loovad ja taasloovad ühise kogemuse ruume ning need ruumid ja kogemused on omaks võetud ja seeläbi võõrandatud ning ära kasutatud kapitali poolt, et koguda samuti kapitali. Ta arutleb selle üle, kuidas toimus Marxi klassi liigitus meie teadmiste töö teooria käsitlemisel ning kuidas mõista klassi määratlust internetiajastul. Klass Christian Fuchs käsitleb selles artiklis Marxi klassikontseptsiooni määratlust, mis on normatiivne ja poliitiline ning selle eesmärk on kasutamise muutmine ja parlamentaarse demokraatia loomine. Manu...

Infoteadus → Dokumendihaldus
7 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

Tallinn University Alina Leopard Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory An analysis Lecturer : Karin Luiga Tallinn 2017 Introduction In developing environments (i.e. countries) the diffusion – aka adoption – of innovations takes always longer. This is for the reason that ’ignorance is the worst judge’ – as my partner loves to say. When people are not that highly educated or developed in critical and objective

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


wings of a projectile and the apparatus surrounded by a magnetic field.When current passes through the busbars and projectile, a force is created which propels the projectile along the busbars into air. 4 The first theoretically viable railgun was proposed in 1944 by Joachim Hänsler of Germany's Ordnance Office. The gun was never built but a 1947 report concluded that while it was feasible in theory, the energy consumption for each gun would be enough to illuminate half of Chicago. While minor successes happened afterward, the most notable one was late into the first decade of 2000s, when the U.S. Navy tested a railgun that accelerates a 3.2 kg (7 pound) projectile to hypersonic velocities of approximately 2.4 kilometres per second (8,600 km/h), about Mach 7. They gave the project the motto "Velocitas Eradico", Latin for "I, speed, eradicate"-- or simply, "Speed Kills". 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


mõni aktsia tundub sedavõrd hea potentsiaaliga, et investor paigutab suure osa oma rahast selle ühe aktsia alla. Kuigi see võib tunduda hea teenimisvõimalus, tähendab see ka ülikõrget riski. Turgudel võib alati ilmneda tegureid, mida ka parim investor ei oska ette näha. Ainetöö eesmärk on anda kokkuvõtlik lühiülevaade portfelliteooriast ja selle põhiprintsiipidest. Portfelliteooria (Modern Portfolio Theory - MPT) - teooria sellest, kuidas riskikartlikud investorid saavad portfelli koostades riske optimeerida, samal ajal nõustudes, et kõrgema tootlusega käib kaasas kõrgem risk. Põhiliseks teesiks on hajutamine. Teooria kohaselt on võimalik koostada kõige efektiivsem (vähima riskiga) portfell oodatava tootluse saavutamiseks. Enne Markowitzi portfelliteooriat oli investeerimise peamiseks eesmärgiks leida väärtpabereid, mis pakkusid suurimat tõusupotensiaali vähima riski juures

Muu → Ainetöö
106 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

05144023 Compare and contrast the `direct` perception theory of Gibson with the `constructivist` perception theory of Gregory. Which provides a better account of human perception? Sensation involves physical stimulation of the sense organs, while perception is the organisation and interpretation of incoming sensory information. The Gestalt theorists first identified many of the principles that dominate in human visual perception. As Dowell (1995) has observed: "To perceive seems effortless. To understand perception is

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Locke essay

ACCESS ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Student Name: Alex Callaghan ­ EC1305063 Course: Access to Humanities Tutor: John Gordon Assessment Title: Critically evaluate Locke's theory of limited government Number of Words 1616 NOTE: The ESSAY should be 1500 words in length. Student signature - Alex Callaghan Date - 24/04/2014 Critically evaluate Locke's theory of limited government The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of laws, where there is no law there is no freedom. John Locke Although John Locke is not the progenitor of social contract theory and is not by any means the last philosopher to wrestle with this concept, his views on fiduciary power, majority consent and limited government have been instrumental in western

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Some theories of Literature

What kind of truth? WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR (17751864) THERE IS A FLOWER I WISH TO WEAR, BUT NOT UNTIL FIRST WORN BY YOU HEART'S ­EASE ­ OF ALL EARTH'S FLOWERS MOST RARE BRING IT, AND BRING ENOUGH FOR TWO. Is it true that the flower is the earth's rarest flower? If we want to know about flowers hadn't we better listen to botanists than poets? Isn't it apparent that whatever value Landor's poem has is not in its botany? THE NATURE OF LITERATURE: THE IMITATIVE THEORY Art is an imitation of something. Poetics Aristotle (384322B.C.): A form is presented in a substance not natural to it: Michelangelo imitates Moses in stone Shakespeare imitated Caesar in an actor's words and gestures Although no one whistled at Waterloo, one might whistle waterloo. THE IMITATIVE THEORY The imitative instinct is not the artist's private possession A boy can play cops. This natural tendency to imitate is combined,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Sir Isaac Newton

who ever lived · Physicist · Mathematican · Astronomer · Natural philosopher · Alchemist · Theologian Early life · He was more interested in making mechanical devices than in studying. · Sundial · Educated at The King's School, Grantham. · In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge As a students, we know him because.. · He was the first person who invent the 3 laws of motion · Theory of gravitation · Newtonian fluid, nonNewtonian fluid · Newton's theory of color · He invented the early telescope in 1671 Newtons laws in latin Newton's First Law · An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Newton's First Law · Newton's First Law is a reason why we have to wear seatbelt Newton/carandwall.gif

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin More than a century after his death, and four generations after the publication of his chief work, "The Origin of Species", Charles Darwin may still be considered the most controversial scientist in the world. His name is synonymous with the debate that continues to swirl around the theory of evolution, a theory that deeply shook the Western view of humanity and its place in the world. We tend to speak simply of the theory of evolution, leaving off the explanatory phrase, "through natural selection." At most, perhaps, the general public has heard of "survival of the fittest" a poor phrase as far as I'm concerned, since fitness in everyday usage is associated with physical conditioning and athletic ability. "Survival of the most suited to its environment" would be a more accurate, and convincing expression for this pedicular concept. But to most of us, "evolution" simply

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Linkin Park - Referaat

Vaatamatta nendele muutustele, oli bändil ikka veel raskusi plaadilepingu sõlmismisega. Peale mitmeid äraütlemisi mitmetelt suurtelt plaadifirmadelt, Linkin Park pöördusJeff Blue poole, et abi saada. Peale ebaõnnestumist kolmel eelneval korral sõlmida leping Warner Bros. Records plaadifirmaga, Jeff Blue, nüüdseks juba Warner Bros. Recordsi asepresident, aitasbändil sõlmida plaadilepingut 1999 a. Bänd väljastas oma läbimurdva albumi, Hybrid Theory, juba samal aastal, mida on tänaseks müüdud rohkem kui 24 miljonit koopiat. Xero Sampler Tape "Xero Sampler Tape" on Linkin Parki, veel tollal Xero, esimene album aastast 1997. See kassetikoopia on esimene lindistatud materjal bändilt, kellest lõpuks saab Linkin Park. Xero nime all tuntud teostega on seotud laulja Mark Wakefield, kes lahkus bändist 1990. aastate lõpus, andes võimaluse Chester Benningtonile prooviesinemisel saada juhtlaulja koht. Wakefield läks, et saada Taprooti

Muusika → Muusika
134 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys approaches to metaphor. Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features of Philosophy of Language include:

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Carl Ransom Rogers

kategooriad on inimese potentsiaal, enesessesüvenemine, enda sõltumatuse ja täieliku vastutuse kogemine, eneseaktualisatsioon, loovus ja spontaansus. Sellest arenes suhtlemistreeningu peasuund. Humanistlik psühholoogia on hüljanud ranged teaduslikud mõisted ja loodusteadustest pärinevad katselised meetodid (loomade käitumist jälgides ei saa hinnata ega ette arvata inimeste käitumist). C. R. Rogersi teooria põhikonseptsioon (Dagmar Pescitelli, An Analysis of Carl Rogers' Theory of Personality) (Combs, Arthur W. ja Snygg, Donald (1949), Individual Behavior: A New Frame of Reference for Psychology. New York, Harper & Brothers.) (Artikkel: Snygg and Combs' on "Phenomenal Field" Theory) Tema teooria põhines nendel väidetel: Tallinn 2011 · Mina, minapilt, minastruktuur ­ mina on 'mina' või 'mind' tajude ja omaduste korrastatud mõisteline kogumik.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
13 allalaadimist


Ta peab tagama üksikisiku piisava teabe, isikuandmete konfidentsiaalsuse. Peamiselt peab vastutama terviseedenduse, haiguste vältimise, tervise taastamise ja kannatuste leevendamise eest. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1. A. Gonzalo. 2011- Florence Nightningale, notes on nursing. [WWW] (16.10.2016) 2. Potter and Perry 2005, Tourville and Ingallas 2003, Parker 2001- Virgina Hendersons needs theory nursing essay. [WWW] samples/nursing/virginia-hendersons-needs-theory-nursing-essay.php (16.10.2016) 3. Alice Petiprin. 2016- Hildegard Peplau theory. [WWW] http://www.nursing- (18.10.2016) 4 4. A companion to nursing theories and models. 2012- Jean Watson’s philosophy of nursing

Meditsiin → Õendus
690 allalaadimist

Mysterious place Moeraki Boulders (esitlus inglise keeles)

baskets which washed ashore when a canoe was shipwrecked. The rocky shoals which extend seaward from nearby Shag Point are the canoe’s petrified hull. Theories ★ Aliens: Conspiracy theorists tell us the Moeraki Boulders are alien eggs either sent from space or washed up by the ocean. ★ Volcano: A plausible explanation, they were shot out of an ancient volcano and this is where they landed. My theory ★ I think that Moeraki Boulders are result of ice melting or volcano, but I like that aliens eggs theory, so I'm not sure One question... Which theory you believe?

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Süsteemiteooria ja võrgustikuteooria debatt.

• Terviklikkus • Sihikindlus • Üldistatud vaade • Otsuste mõju Süsteemide tüübid Avatud süsteem Keskkon d Süsteem Protse Väljun Sisend ss d Keskkond Süsteemi omadused • Struktuur • Käitumine • Vastastikune seotus • Omab funktsioone või funktsioonide komplekse Võrgustiku teooria Marleen Reemann “A network theory of power” Manuel Castells, 2011 NetworkingPower Network Power Networked Power Network-making Power Operatsioonisüsteemid Ükski ökosüsteem ei ole “saar” Klienti ei huvita, kes on tema appi looja APP=TEENUS ARGUMENDID  Koostöö võrgustikes võimendab innovatsiooni  Google ja Apple liiguvad mobiili operatsioonisüsteemide arendamisel pigem koostöö suunas, kuna on aru saanud, et koostööst võidavad nad rohkem

Varia → Uurimistöö alused
11 allalaadimist

Freud Sigmund

the interpretation of Freud by "The trouble with Freud is that others he never had to play the old · Our appraisal of Freud is Glasgow Empire on a retrospective Saturday night after Rangers · How much of his work was and Celtic had both lost". original? E.g. Diderot · Theory shaped by experiences: · Relationship with his mother · Medically trained · Influence of Charcot, Breuer and Jung · The Great War · Society

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1046 allalaadimist

Knud Illerise kolme dimensiooni teooria

isiklik seos õpitavaga. Kõige tavapärasem õpivorm on assimilatsioon (assimilative learning), mis tähendab seoste loomist uue ja vana informatsiooni (skeemi või mustri) vahel. Assimilatsioon on tihe aset leidma koolis, kus ainetundide alguses meenutatakse varem õpitut ja seda seostatakse uue käsitletava teemaga. Mainitud õpivorm esineb aga ka kooliväliselt, kui näiteks tunnis õpitu 1 Illeris, K. (2003). Towards a contemporary and comprehensive theory of learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(4), 396-406. 2 GSI Teaching & Resource Center. (n.d). Cognitive Constructivism. Kasutatud 05.05.2018 constructivism/#learning õppija eraelus kasutust leiab.3 Mõnel juhul on aga uut informatsiooni raske millegagi seostada. Selle tarvis võetakse kasutusele akkommodatsiooni nimeline õpivorm4, mille all mõistetakse mõne olemasoleva

Pedagoogika → Andragoogika
10 allalaadimist

Rolliteooria, portfoolio

Mõistekaart 1 Kuidas saab rolliteooriat kasutada sotsiaaltöö praktikas? 9 Kirjandusallikate loetelu Loetelu raamatutest, kust leiab lisainfot Rolliteooria kohta: 1. Biddle, Bruce J. (1979). Role Theory--Expectations, Identities, and Behaviors. New York: Academic Press. 2. Biddle B. J., Thomas E. J. (1966). Role Theory: Concepts and Research. Wiley 3. Harnisch S., Frank C., Maull H. W. (2012). Role Theory in International Relations. Routledge: Reprint edition 4. Bertrand, Alvin L. (1972). Social organization: A general systems and role theory perspective. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. 5. Brown, Dennis & Zinkin, Lois (1994). The psyche and the social world. London: Routledge. 6. Clayton, Max. (1993). Living pictures of the self: Applications of role theory in

Varia → Sotsiaaltöö eakatega
51 allalaadimist

Pessimism vs optimism

2. Vice-Warned against the dangers of practicing family planning which may lead to promiscuity 3. Moral restraint-Advised this e.g. delayed marriage and limit sexual partners. This viewpoint also states that available technology to cultivate further would lead to soil erosion and a general decline in food production and the law of diminishing returns whereby with higher levels of technology only a small increase in yields would occur. Criticisms to the theory •Too simplistic •Ignores the fact that only the poor go hungry (marxist viewpoint) and that it purely results from the poor distribution of resources. •Malthus did not see the changes in farming technology. e.g. 10,000 sq meters (one hectare) or the size of a football pitch can feed 1000 people for a year (or enough tom feed the world) This is backed up by the fact that in 1992 EU surpluses reached 26 million tonnes. Task: Brainstorm the new technological innovations

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

9/6/2011 Capability Dynamic capabilities · Dynamic capabilities is development from resource-based · Dynamic capability is "an ability to perform view (RBV) theory to improve its static nature through adding ,,dynamic renewal of competences and strategic ,,capabilities the basic functional activities of the firm", "appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal (Collis, 1994: 145) and external organizational skills, resources, and functional

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Mõjustamise teoreetilised eeldused

· Valiku õigustamine · Pingutuse õigustamine ...... 3.3 Tingimused KD-ks · Ebameeldivad tagajärjed · Kohustuse tekkimine · Hoiaku olulisus · Käitumise vastandlikkus · Aktivatsiooni muutus ehk emotsiooni tekkimine käitumise tagajärjel IV Veenmine (persuasion) 4.1 Veenmise olulised mudelid · Sotsiaalsete hinnangute teooria (Social judgement theory, C.Hovland) Olulised veenmise tegurid: Ego-haaratus (ego-involvement) ja info Madal ego- haaratus ­ mida suurem erinevus info ja hoiaku vahel, seda suurem muutus hoiakutes Kõrge ego-haaratus ­ väike erinevus info ja hoiaku vahel tekitab assimilatsiooni, suur erinevus tgekitab kontrasti · Töötlemise tõenäosuse mudel (Elaboration Likelihood Model, R.Petty & J. Cacioppo) Sõnumi tsentraalsed (näit. idee, argumendid) ja perifeersed (näit

Psühholoogia → Mõjustamisepsühholoogia
62 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

• Married to Mileva Marić in January 6, 1903. (Galenet) • Has two sons, Hans Albert Einstein, and Eduard Einstein. (Galenet) • Divorced Mileva on February 14, 1919. (Galenet) • Married Elsa Löwenthal on June 2, 1919 shortly after divorcing his first wife. (Galenet) Miracle Year • Wrote 4 papers in 1905, and all them are regarded as major achievements. – The Photoelectric Effect – The Brownian Motion – The Theory of Relativity – E=MC2 The Photoelectric Effect • Einstein hypothesized that the number of electrons released would not depend on the number of quanta, but the light’s energy. (Galenet) • Confirming his hypothesis through several experiments, Einstein won the Nobel Prize of 1921 for his works in this field. (Galenet) The Brownian Motion • Explained the movements of very small objects. (Galenet)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Do you consider yourself more functionalist or more conflict theorist?

Do you consider yourself more functionalist or more conflict theorist? Please explain why? Functionalism and conflict theory are very different views of society, but they are not exactly opposites. Both have arguments, that make people think about the society they live in and both have theorists who critize each other. In my opinion, none of the theories are completely wrong but I do tend to agree with people on the conflict theory side. Firstly, functionalism ignores inequality and focuses too much on the positive functions in society. For example racism, functionalists will say that it must be imporant in order to exist as long as it has but in my opinion that sounds quite doubtful. The most problematic part about racism is above all the tension and conflict which comes with it. Seems to me, that functionalists ignore the negative sides which society has on people.

Sotsioloogia → Sissejuhatus...
1 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

accommodation, then one's philosophy of nature and science will be does what it is supposed to do or merely provides a reasonable but largely fictional indistinguishable from purely speculative metaphysics. /.../ account of some event in the history of science. For example, although it is possible to 2. Functional and Formal. Second, one may proceed from a functional or a describe the process of theory appraisal as subjecting theories to severe tests in the formal point of view. In the former case, one would raise questions such as, How do interests of destroying bad theories as soon as possible, it is questionable whether most scientific laws function? or What role do laws play in the scientific enterprise? In the scientists are conscious of such interests. An explication of the concept of theory latter case on might ask, What is the logical structure of scientific laws and theories

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Big Five Mischel · Objective tests (limited success) ­ Behavioural (amount of laughter, rapid/inaccurate responses) ­ Physiological (heart rate, skin conductance, brain imaging) Personality traits Developing a satisfactory personality trait theory · A characteristic or distinguishing feature · Consistent ways of thinking, behaving, or feeling · Trait `theories' are classifications of people's characteristics · Can't be accepted at face value · People can be placed on a continuum (e.g. extraversion-introversion)

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Institutsioonid ja rajasõltuvus

demokraatlikule üleminekut ja fragmenteeritud süsteemi väljavahetamist segmenteeritud süsteemi vastu (Sarapuu 2011). Iseseisvumine tähendas suuri ühiskondlikke ümberkorraldusi, mis üheltpoolt tähendasid uute organisatsioonide loomist, teisalt aga juba eksisteerivate organisatsioonide toimimise muutmist. Kasutatud kirjandus Trouvé, H., Couturier, Y., Etheridge, F., Saint-Jean, O. & Somme, D. (2010) ,,The path dependency theory: analytical framework to study institutional integration. The case of France" International Journal of Integrated Care, 10, 1-9. Dobusch, L. & Kapeller, J. (2013) ,,Breaking New Paths: Theory and Method in Path Dependence Research" Schmalenbach Business Review, 65, 288-311. Kuuse, E. (2010) Arengukoostöö adressaatidest doonoriteks: mõjurid ja loogika Eesti, Läti, Leedu päästeametite näitel. Kättesaadav:

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
10 allalaadimist

Presenatsioon STONEHENGE

o as a cosmic temple dedicated to all twelve gods of the zadiac? o as a dance venue for prehistoric raves ? o as a source of healing energy? o as an eclipse calculator? o as an UFO landing site? The sandstones weigh up to 25 tons each and 30 were used. The bluestones weigh up to 4 tons each and 80 were used in all The sarsen stones weight up to 50 tons each Interesting theories theory nr.1 ­ stonehenge is leftovers from the first Theory nr.2 orginally stonehenge was a game ever played symbol of peace Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


• Universumi loomismüüdid • Suur Pauk • Suur Paugu teooria • Nimetus • Suur Paugu mudel • Kokkuvõtte Universum • Universum on maailmakõiksus, kõikide asjade kogusus • Teaduses mõeldakse selle all kosmost ehk maailmaruumi, mis sisaldab kogu ainet ja energiat • Universum koosneb 5% nähtavast mateeriast ja 95% tumeenergiast ja tumeainest Video Universumi loomismüüdid • Mythological cosmology • Multiverse • The Big Bang Theory • Evolutionary cosmology • String Theory Suur pauk •Algplahvatus ehk Suur Pauk toimus 13,8 miljardit aastat tagasi •Enne seda polnud mitte midagi, isegi aega ei olnud •Koos Suure Pauguga algas aeg •ei olnud plahvatust, vaid mateeria, ruumi ja aja ühine tekkimine algsest singulaarsuses t video Suure Paugu teooria • Suure Paugu teooria on kosmoloogias valdav teaduslik teooria Universumi varajase arengu kohta

Füüsika → Füüsika
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(Kleiman ... 2015:1-10) Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et korralikult strateegilise juhtimise üks teooriaid - agenditeooria on arenenud pikka aega koos kõigi erinevate juhtimisstiilidega, mis on suunatud protsessijuhtimise mõistmisele ja selle korrastamisele. Hästi juhitud protsess on rohkem, kui omakasu saamine või eetikakoodeksi rikkumine. (Kleiman ... 2015:1- 10) KIRJANDUS Kleiman, Robert T. 2015. Agency theory for strategic management Available at, accessed november 11, 2016.

Majandus → Juhtimine
4 allalaadimist

Õendusteoreetiku Imogene King ülevaade

küsis kas tema või keegi teine õde on defineerinud õendusakti. Selleks, et sellele küsimusele vastata, alustas ta aastaid kestnud õpinguid. Sellel tulemusena viidi lõpuni teooria, mis käsitleb õendusabi eesmärke, õdede funktsioone, võimalusi. Et õed saaksid oma teadmisi parandada ja et saaksid pakkuda head hoolitsust oma patsientidele (Current Nursing 2011). Selle teooria lõpliku versiooni avaldas Imogene King oma 1981. aastal ilmunud raamatus nimega A Theory for Nursing: Systems, Concepts, Process. See teooria pöörab tähelepanu sellele, et indiviidid on eesmärkide otsingul kolme omavahel seoses oleva süsteemi raames. See hõlmab individuaalseid süsteeme, inimsuhete süsteeme ning sotsiaalseid süsteeme. Isikliku süsteemi kontseptsiooniks on taju, enesetunne, kasv, areng, keha kujutis, ruum ja aeg. Inimsuhete süsteemiks on suhtlus, suhtlemine, tehing, roll ja stress. Sotsiaalse süsteemi

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

great things for IPE and continues to contribute to the international political economy to make a world better and cleaner place to live and also give everybody an equal chance on life and career. It is rather weird to think that companies like Coca-Cola and etc. have so much influence on the whole political economy but that comes to show us how literally every company which is known for good things and not so good things, can influence the whole political economy process. Appyling a theory ­ liberalism As mentioned before Coca-Cola Company is a multinational corporation and that means it occupies a prominent and often controversial role in the global economy. Multinational corporations operate simultaneously in national political systems and global markets, they have been the subject of considerable controversy among governments and among observers of the IPE. Some consider multinational corporations to be productive instruments of a liberal

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus semiootikasse

sissejuhatus semiootikasse thomas a sebeok: signs. an introduction to semiotics daniel chandler. semiotics the basics John deely. basics of semiotics Winfried Noth. Handbook of semiotics, üks juhtivaid saksa ja brasiilia semiootikuid. Umberto Eco. Ta theory of semiotics ch morris. foundations of the theory of signs. 1. ASJAD JA JÄLJED 2. jälg ja peegeldus 3. asjad ja märgid märka märki Ch. W. Morris Semioos: M-D-I-T-K märk tähendus interpretaator tõlgendus kontekst Platon 5-4 saj ekr kirjutas esimese semiootilise traktaadi"Kratilos". Kratilos(keskendub ühele semiootilisele probleemile) ­ loomuse järgi, Hermogenes ­ kokkuleppe järgi agoonia ­võitlus.. tõde sünnib vaidluses,me vaidleme läbi tõde ei ole olemas

Semiootika → Semiootika
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X ja Y teooria

Parima tulemuse annab erinevate juhtimisvõtete ning konkreetsest töötajast ja olukorrast lähtuv tasakaalustatud kasutamine. (Siimon, Türk; 2003:43-44) X ja Y teooria KASUTATUD ALLIKMATERJALID: 1. Accel Team, 2010. Human Relations Contributors [Online] http://www.accel- [26.01.2011] 2. Alan Chapman, 1995-2010. Douglas McGregor ­ theory x y [Online] [26.01.2011] 3. Envison Software, 2007. Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y [Online] [26.01.2011] 4. [Online] [26.01.2011] 5., 2002-2010 Theory X and Theory Y. [Online] [26.01.2011] 6. Provenmodels, Theory X & Y [Online] http://www.provenmodels

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
74 allalaadimist

Toodan, produtseerin või sünnitan?

tekst-märk (mitte)keelelised koodid, tõlkija kui ka tõlke-ja üldised kultuurinormid alluvad kõik pidevale, isegi kõige pisemale vastastikusele mõjutusele ja muutumisele. Komplementaar tõlkesemiootikast ja mõistest ,,totaaltõlge" lähtudes võiks kogu feministliku allkeele taandada ka koomiksile. 10 Kasutatud kirjandus Andermahr, S., Lovell, T., Wolkowitz, C. A GLOSSARY of Feminist Theory, London, A Hodder Arnold Publication, 2000 Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., Tiffin, H., Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts. New York, Routlegde, 2007 Chamberlain, L., "The Metaphorics of Translation", Translation Studies Reader: 2nd edition, USA and Canada, Routledge, 2004 Cobely, P., Jansz, L. Juhatus semiootikasse, Tallinn, Koge ja Balti Raamat, 2002 Deely, J. Semiootika alused, Tartu, Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus, 2009 Humm, M

Semiootika → Semiootika
16 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte: "What makes a good leader?"

What makes a good leader? There are many different leadership theories and opinions about characteristics and skills that leader should have. The Great Man Theory declares that the leaders are born not made, but the another theory claims that some people just have more leadership gifts than others. It's good to know leadership theories because the better you know them, the better you are likely to lead. If you want to succeed in your career or business, it is important to be the leader in your field. Leaders need clear sense of their calling and they need to be curios about it to notice new things. Nevertheless good leaders have to remember that they don't know everything.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Juhtimise alused

hankijad Uued ja vanad juhtimisfunktsioonid Otsustamine Kommunikatsioon Kontroll Planeerimine Eestvedamine Organiseeri- mine Tasakaalustamin e Türk, Siimon (2004) järgi Teooriate paljusus moodsas käsitluses 1. Contingency theory (sõltuvusteooria) 2. Terviklik kvaliteedi juhtimine (TQM ­ total quality management) 3. Sotsiaalse võrgustiku teooria · Neurovõrgustikud · Mõjukusel põhinevad teooriad 4. Õppiv organisatsioon 5. Strateegiline juhtimine · Resource-based view ­ RBV 6. Complexity theory Contingency theory ­ sõltuvusteooria Väliskeskkond Tehnoloogia Sisekeskkond 1. Organisatsioon ­ suletud vr. avatud süsteem 2

Majandus → Juhtimine
134 allalaadimist

How much do you know about biology?

taxonomy.[1] Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines. Although biology in its modern form is a relatively recent development, sciences related to and included within it have been studied since ancient times. Natural philosophy was studied as early as the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indian subcontinent, and China. Much of modern biology can be encompassed within five unifying principles: cell theory, evolution, genetics, homeostasis, and energy. Cell theory states that the cell is the fundamental unit of life, and that all living things are composed of one or more cells or the secreted products of those cells. Evolution is now used to explain the great variations of life found on Earth. Genes are the primary units of inheritance in all organisms. A gene is a unit of heredity and corresponds to a region of DNA that influences the form or function of an organism in specific ways.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Dorothy Orem’i enesehooldusteooria

Dorothy Orem'i enesehooldusteooria Sissejuhatus Elulugu. Enesehoolduse põhimõtted. Enesehooldusvalmidust mõjutavad tegurid. Enesehooldusvajaduse liigid. Põhiteosed Elulugu D. Orem sündis USA-s Baltimore'is Marylandis 1914 aastal. Suri aastal 2007. Orem'i õendusalased õpingud algasid Providence Haigla Õenduse Koolis 30ndatel aastatel. Veel on Orem õppinud Ameerika katolikus Ülikoolis. Orem sai oma esimese õe töö kogemuse aastal 1940, töötades operatsioonitoa õena. Orem'i eesmärk oli parandada õenduse kvaliteeti terve riigi üldhaiglates. Dorothy Orem'i enesehooldusteooria põhineb F. Nightingale'i ja V. Henderson'i nägemusel õendustööst. Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Enesehoolduse põhimõtted Enesehooldus põhineb vabatahtlikul tegevusel, mis ...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
42 allalaadimist


efektiivsemalt disainida ning prognoosida selle tulemusi, samuti mõista protsessi käigus ilmnevaid probleeme ja takistusi ning nendega siiski toime tulla. Nimetatud teooriaid on mitmeid, kuid kõik need vaatlevad ja seletavad inimeste käitumist ja selle muutumist lähtudes erinevatest aspektidest. Iga teooria toel võib turundaja lisada vajaliku aspekti kavandatavasse protsessi. Järgnevalt mõned olulisemad sotsiaalturunduse kontekstis. Atributsiooniteooria/Attribution theory põhjal püüavad inimesed oma tegevust, edu ja ebaedu analüüsida ning põhjendada. Teooria aitab mõista inimeste sügavamaid motiive ning neile antud selgitusi/põhjendusi. Atributsiooniteooria järgi hindavad ja põhjendavad inimesed käitumist kahel moel: Väline atributsioon e. välised põhjused – nt. situatsiooni- ja keskkonnaomadused, Seesmised põhjused – nt. isikuomadused, isiklikud kogemused ja teadmised. On teada, et kui inimene on kogenud ebaedu, siis kaldub ta seda

Majandus → Turundus
51 allalaadimist

Karjääri planeerimise paradigmad

Konstruktivistlik 4. Life Design Matchingu paradigma 1. Eesmärk viia kokku töö nõuded ja töötaja omadused. 2. Iga töö nõuab inimeselt teatud omaduste kogumit, mis tagab parima soorituse. 3. Tööalase sobivuse määratlemine testide abil. 4. Efektiivsuse taotlus. 5. Elukutsevalik on teadlik, ühekordne otsus. 1909 Frank Parsons “Choosing a Vocation” I MS-II MS IQ testimine, isiksuse joonte uurimine, psühhotehnika katsed ja testid. 1959 John J. Holland “A Theory of Vocational Choice” Parsonsi teooria Töötas välja talent-matchingu teooria, millest hiljem kujunes välja Trait and Factor teooria karjääriplaneerimises. Pakkus välja 3-astmelise teooria (enda joonte tundmine, tööturu tundmine ja ratsionaalse otsuse tegemine selle info põhjal). John Lewis Holland (1919-2008)  The Psychology of Vocational Choice (1966)  The Vocational Preference Inventory (1953)  The Self Directed Search (1970, 1977, 1985 & 1994)

Muu → Karjäärinõustamine
49 allalaadimist

Weather and climate

Their research has produced evidence of why past climatic changes took place. There have been many climate fluctuations over the 10,000 years since Britain was last covered with an ice sheet. Advances and retreats of ice in the northern hemisphere during the past 500,000 years can be accounted for by changes in the warmth from the Sun. This was caused by alterations in the Earth's orbit at periods of 96,000, 40,000 and 20,000 years. Although that theory is widely accepted as a possible explanation for ice ages, it has not been proved. More than 50 theories have been put forward, but only a few have not been completely dismissed. Not long ago a new theory was published in the science journal "Nature". According to Dr. Garry Hunt, of University College, intense radiations from the nuclear explosion of a nearby supernova a star could cause the destruction of part or all of the ozone layer and in this way trigger an ice age.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Edgar Allen Poe kirjandus

" "Quality work should be brief and focus on a specific single effect. " "The writer should carefully calculate every sentiment and idea." During his lifetime recognized as a literary critic. Poe's early detective fiction tales starring the fictitious C. Auguste Dupin - Dupin combines his considerable intellect with creative imagination, even putting himself in the mind of the criminal Eureka: A Prose Poem - an essay written in 1848, included a cosmological theory that presaged the big bang theory by 80 years "A Few Words on Secret Writing" - about cryptography "The Raven" .... Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, "Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping--tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you"--here I opened wide the door:-- Darkness there and nothing more

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
15 allalaadimist

Philosophy today

Logical Positivism ­ Rudolf Carnap ­ Hans Reichenabch ­ Karl Popper Analytic Philosophy Ordinary Language Analysis ­ John Austin ­ Gilbert Ryle ­ Elisabeth Anscombe Analytic Philosophers Willard Van Orman Quine John Searl Thomas Kuhn Paul Feyerabend Analytic Philosophers Hillary Putnam Richard Rorty Noam Chomsky Saul Kripke Continental Philosophy Critical Theory of Science Hermeneutic Philosophy Post-modernism Critical Theory of Science Martin Horkheimer Theodor Adorno Herbert Marcuse Jürgen Habermas Hermeneutic Philosophy Hans Georg Gadamer Post-modernism Jean-François Lyotard Michel Foucault Jacques Derrida Gianni Vattimo Philosophy of Transcendence Spiritualism ­ Henri Bergson ­ Maurice Blondel Neo-Tomism ­ Jacques Maritain

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Albert Einstein

Their second son, Eduard, was born in Zurich in July 1910. Mari and Einstein divorced on 14 February 1919. Einstein married Elsa Löwenthal on 2 June 1919. Academic career On 30 April 1905, he completed his thesis, with Alfred Kleiner. Einstein's "miracle year". By 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist. In 1911, he had calculated that, based on his new theory of general relativity, light from another star would be bent by the Sun's gravity. In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize in Physics. Emigration from Germany, World War II and the Manhattan Project In 1933, Einstein decided to emigrate to the United States due to the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler.

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun