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"policy" - 388 õppematerjali

policy - Eesmärgid (koal. lepe, strateegiad) Output = tulem (õigusaktid, rahaeraldised) Outcome = tagajärjed (“Rikas riik, parem palk”) * Administreerimine vs poliitika - Poliitikale vastandub administreerimise mõiste – administreerimine tähistab tehnilist otsuste elluviimist.

Eesti teadus ja ühiskond vajavad kooskõla

Palun võrrelge välismaa nõustajate soovitusi: Manchesteri Ülikooli Tehnikateaduste ja OECD raporti 2014 Tehnoloogiapoliitika Instituudi 2003.a. originaaltekstist: hindamisaruandest meie teaduskorralduse kohta (allakir jutanuminu tõlge originaalist): “Elaboration of economic and „Tuleb märkida Eesti teadus- ja arendus- innovation policy is the tegevuse rahastamise struktuuride responsibility of the Ministry mõningast killustatust. Kergesti of Economic Affairs and eristatavad on kaks osapoolt: üks haridus- Communications. In parallel, ja teadusministeeriumi alluvuses ja teine the Ministry of Education and majandus- ja kommunikatsiooni- Research develops and ministeeriumi alluvuses. Need kaks osa coordinates developments of tegutsevad oluliselt erineval viisil ja R&D strategies

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
2 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

to solve a dispute (konflikti lahendama) - finding a solution to a conflict to force someone (kedagi sundima) - making someone act in some way against their own will to fulfill a contract (lepingut täitma) - to complete the obligations from the contract that were given to each party to pay damages (kahjutasu maksma) - sum of money needed to be paid for the loss beneficiary (kasusaaja) - person entiteled to recieve fund or other property under trust, will or insurance policy avoid taxes (makse vältima) - legally finding a way to pay less for dues evidence (tõestusmaterjal) - information drawn from personal testimony, a document, or material object, used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in law court inherit (pärima) - gain a possession of someone's death to challenge a decision (otsust vaidlustama) - questioning the truth behind someone's decision

Õigus → Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist


(loetelu pole lõplik) Teaduslik lähenemine valitsemisele, mis tugineb eeldusele, et inimeste huvid ja käitumine on mõjutatud institutsioonidest. Väidab, et muutused institutsionaalses disainis toovad kaasa muutusi ka ühiskonnakorralduses. Rahvusvahelistes suhetes tähenemiste perekond, mis keskendub ennekõike maailmasüsteemi struktuuridele (mitte toimijatele). Poliitikaanalüüs ­ selle olemus, peamised etapid ja hindamiskriteeriumid; ( Loeng nr.12) Pol.analüüs-olemus: Policy analysis Analüüsimeetod keerukate poliitiliste alternatiivide süsteemseks uurimiseks aitamaks otsustajatel määramatuse tingimustes valida avaliku sektori tegevuse eelissuunda. Poliitikaanalüüsi on otstarbekas kasutada kui probleem puudutab näiteks sotsiaalseid küsimusi, kui eksisteerib vastandlikke huvisid ja on vaja võrrelda võrreldamatuid väärtusi. Poliitikaanalüüsi eesmärgiks on saada üksikasjalik ülevaade probleemist, võimalikest lahendustest ja nende mõjudest.

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
73 allalaadimist

Poliitika - ja valitsemise alused - EKSAM

NB! Arvestusel ei tule käsitlusele ainult punasega tähistatud küsimused, vaid võib tulla ka teisi küsimusi; samuti ei tule ühes arvestuse variandis käsitlusele kindlasti mitte kõik punasega tähistatud küsimused!!! Seega tuleks aine täielikuks omandamiseks ja arvestuse 100%-kindlusega läbimise soovi korral kindlasti selgeks teha kõik (k.a. mustaga tähistatud) küsimused. (1) Sissejuhatus ainesse, põhimõisted 1 Mis vahe on mõistetel politics ja policy? Politics on poliitika võimuvõitlusena( nn päevapoliitika) Policy on poliitika tegevusalade elluviimine(rakenduspoliitika) 1 Mille poolest erinevad poliitika tegemine ja poliitika uurimine? Poliitika tegemineon poliitika küsimuste igapäevane lahendamine:koostöö ja konflikt. Poliitika uurimine on midagi muud kui igapäevane poliitika tegemine.Püütakse mõtestada inimeste käitumist poliitika tegemisel. 1 Mille poolest erinevad valitsus, administratsioon, bürokraatia ja juhtimine

Politoloogia → Riigiteadused
276 allalaadimist

Cold war

The Troubled Peace 1 a) The Nazis didn't care for any other nationalities, they used people who weren't German only for ''slave work'' . Germanys only concern was to keep themselves happy and powerful. They wanted to make themselves the superior race. Hitlers idea of the perfect race, the Aryan race also didn't help, because the Aryan race should have people with light eyes,hair and skin, they should be tall and powerful. He didn't care for people who didn't meet his expectations of the perfect race. In his eyes all other groups of people like the Russians, Jews and just crazy, crippled or diseased people were worthless and didn't have any other use than for slave work or just killing. b) After the war twenty-four major political and military leaders of Nazi Germany, indicted for aggressive war, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, were brought to trial before the British, French, Russian...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

represents the many ways in which the Commonwealth cooperates around the world 13. What is the Commonwealth Secretariat and what does it do? The Commonwealth Secretariat is the main intergovernmental agency and central institution of the Commonwealth of Nations. It is responsible for facilitating cooperation between members; organising meetings, including the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM); assisting and advising on policy development; and providing assistance to countries in implementing the decisions and policies of the Commonwealth. It is located at Marlborough House in London, the United Kingdom, a former royal palace that was given by Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Commonwealth. 14. When is the Commonwealth day held? held on the second Monday in March 15. When were the first Commonwealth games held? Have they always been held since then? How often

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Inflatsioon ja elu kallinemine

As an internationally comparable measure of inflation, the CPI shows that the UK inflation rate has been amongst the lowest in the EU since the start of 2000. The provisional average inflation rate for the enlarged EU 25 in February was 2.1 per cent compared with 1.6 per cent in the UK. The next publication date will be 19 April 2005. Notes: CPI is the consumer prices index. It is the measure adopted by the Government for its UK inflation target. The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee is required to achieve a target of 2 per cent, subject to a margin of one percentage point on either side. Prior to 10 December 2003, the CPI was published in the UK as the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP). RPI is the retail prices index the uses of RPI and its derivatives include indexation of pensions, state benefits and indexlinked gilts. Inflation is the percentage change in the index compared with the same month one year previously. Energy GOODS

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
106 allalaadimist


TALLINNA  TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL   Majandusteaduskond   Avaliku  sektori  majanduse  instituut   Majanduspoliitika  õppetool                             Heleri  Milber   MAKSUPOLIITIKA  VÕIMALIK  ARENG  EESTIS   Referaat ...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist


WTO lepingutega seondub ka tugev ühine vaidluste lahendamise mehhanism, mille kaudu organisatsiooni liikmed kehtestavad oma õigusi ning lahendavad lepingute täitmisel tekkivaid erimeelsusi. WTOsse jõudvad vaidlused tulenevad harilikult ettevõtete või nende liitude poolt valitsustele edastatud teabest raskuste kohta, millega nad puutuvad kokku oma toodete turustamisel välisturgudel. Lisaks on WTO osaks ka Kaubanduspoliitika ülevaatuse mehhanism (TPR - Trade Policy Review Mechanism), mis annab võimaluse regulaarsete ajavahemikkude tagant saada liikmesriikide kaubanduspoliitikast laiahaardeline ja süstemaatiline ülevaade. [3] 7 6.KÄIMASOLEV DOHA LÄBIRÄÄKIMISTE VOOR 9.­14. novembril 2001 Dohas (Katar) toimunud WTO IV ministrite konverentsil võeti vastu otsus alustada uut kaubandusläbirääkimiste vooru. Vooru ametlikuks nimeks on Doha arenguvoor (Doha Development Agenda ­ DDA)

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline majandus
18 allalaadimist


(otsuse vastuvõtmine on poliitika rakendamine ja eripensionite kaotamine on otsene elukeskkonna mõjutamine) Kas sündmus seondub pigem a) politics’iga b) policy’ga Põhjendus: Kui algselt oli see vaid sotsiaalkaitseministri Margus Tsahkna plaan ja osa tema kavandatavast pensionireformist, siis nüüd on vastu võetud otsus ja on astutud reaalseid samme, st otsuse vastuvõtmine valitsuse poolt on tegevusprogramm ja poliitika elluviimine - policy 2. Töö näide ja selgita üht viimasel ajal aktuaalselt valdkonnapoliitikat. Valdkonnapoliitika Probleemid Võimalik lahendused Kulude kokkuhoid ja Sotsiaalpoliitika Haigekassa 33 miljoni optimeerimine euro suurune patsientidele liiga eelarvepuudujääk tegemata: soodsamat

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
21 allalaadimist


help, head of the English Church. Thus England became a Protestant nation. 8. Why was the time of Queen Mary's reign a troubled time? Mary was a devout Catholic. Her attempts to restore Catholicism to the country resulted in internal turmoil and much bloodshed. 9. In what way was Elizabeth I able to keep peace and order in the country? Under Elizabeth, order was restored and England entered upon her most glorious age. Elizabeth ruled wisely and well for 45 years. Through her policy of middle-of-the-road Protestantism, she held in check throughout her reign the proponents of Catholicism on one hand and the growing numbers of Puritan extremists on the other. A master politician, wise in the choice of her councilors, Elizabeth established a strong central government that received the loyal support of her subjects. 10. What led England to become a world power? During Elizabeth's reign, England began to gain supremacy on the seas. Threatened by

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Funktsionaalne lugemine ja viitamine

Kasutatud kirjanduse loetelu vormistus 1 · Raamat. Toomla, R. (1999). Eesti erakonnad. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus · Raamat mitme autoriga. Linz, J. J., & Stepan, A. (1996). Problems of democratic trasition and consolidation. London: The John Hopkins Press · Sama autor. Toomla, R. (1999)...; Toomla, R. (2001)... ­ esitatakse ilmu- misjärjekorras. Kui sama ilmumisaasta: Toomla, R. (1999a); Toomla, R. (1999b) · Artikkel teadusajakirjas. Klijn, E. (1999). Policy networks in Scandinavia. Administration and Society, 6 (18), 14-31. (Märkus: "6" siin volume nr.; "18" sulgudes issue nr.; "14-31" tähistavad lk.) · Artikkel kogumikus. Sabatier, P. (1993). Advocacy coalition framework. In H. Jenkins (toim.), Theories in policy analysis (lk. 233-245). Oxford: University Press. · Ajaleheartikkel. Rumessen, V . (1993, 21. juuni). Edasi laarilikul teel! Postimees, lk. 15. · Artikkel populaarteaduslikus ajakirjas. The Economist (2003, June 15 ­

Õigus → Õigus alused
10 allalaadimist

Means of communication

Maturitní otázka c. 23. Means of communication Introduction A few centuries ago people knew only a few kinds of communication. They could speak to each other, they could send their message from one place to another by smoke signals, they used mail. Later on, they also had some newspapers. The first expansion of media was when the radio and television were invented. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit. There are 4 main media: Newspapers, TV, Radio and the Internet. Today's people take this as an ordinary thing and we don't realise that we nearly can't live without it. Media are very important for us. They give us big amount of information, so big that we can't remember all that things. They help us to understand things and if you have lots of information you are able to make your own decisions. This is connected wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist


London) has been the creation of New Towns such as Harlow in Essex. The industrial area in these purpose-built towns is separate from housing and there are more green, open spaces. New Towns have partially failed, however, especially since many are near enough to conurbations for people to use them as dormitory towns (towns where a large percentage of the population commutes daily to work in a conurbation) and recent government policy has been to expand existing towns like Telford and Milton Keynes (formed from the amalgamation of a group of villages), which is cheaper than creating an entirely new town. 1. Ethnic makeup English 81% Welsh 2% Scottish 10% Northern Irish 2% Irish 2% ethnic minority groups English is the official language, but many people know more than one language. Around

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

Green Energy presentation

sustainability politically acceptable in a federal system of government Germany's impressive feat has been less about innovation than about implementation Germany has become a forerunner in promoting a greener, more sustainable future German Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG)) · The Act came into force in the year 2000 · Initial spark of a tremendous boost of renewable energies in Germany · Proved to be the world's most effective policy framework at accelerating the deployment of renewable energy technologies · The Renewable Energy Act was the central political element of one of the greatest paradigm shifts since the start of the industrial revolution: the shift from fossil and atomic energy supplies to renewable energy sources. Freiburg · Freiburg is a 900 year old city of under 250,000 people, perched in the wine growing region of southwest Germany

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz Ettevõtluse osakond Helari Kitsnik AÜEP 1 LASTE JA NOORTE KAASAMINE JA ARENDAMINE FC BARCELONA NÄITEL Pärnu 2013SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS Uurimistöö teemaks on FC Barcelona noorteakadeemia. Valisin FC Barcelona just sel põhjusel, et neid on saavutanud viimasel ajal tohutu edu ning seda just enda noorteakadeemiast edutatud mängijatega. Töö eesmärgiks on välja uurida, kuidas arendab ja kaasab FC Barcelona oma noori kasvandikke. Uurimisülesanded: · säravamad nimed uuritavast noorteakadeemiast · noorte saavutused · mida õpetatakse noortele · kuidas kasvandikke arendatakse Materjali leiame internetist. Töö koosneb otsitud teemadest. Esimeses osas on erinevate loetelude vormistamine juba endale nime teinud kasvandikest ja tulevastest põhikoosseisu vutimeestest. Töö teine osa keskendub FC Barcelona põhimõtetele noorte arend...

Sport → Sport
7 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

three to one in this kingdom (Swift 54). Despite the fact, that British wanted to dispose of the Roman Catholics, they were afraid of the emigrants. According to Swift's A Modest Proposal there are only two options for poor children: they "either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the pretender in Spain" (52). The latter meant to argue against the ruling government and policy, as the `pretender' was no other than James Francis Edward Stuart, son of the deposed James II of England and claimant to the British throne. In order to solve several problems in a single stroke Swift suggests the inhuman way of reducing the future generation on the Irish Catholics and improving the economical condition of the poor. Ironically, but Jonathan Swift was a Protestant, in spite of being an Irishman by birth.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kodulugemine teemal: Mass Media

Palestinian NGOs seeking mass-comm coverage must first identify their target audience and the intended results they wish to achieve, and then decide which channels best meet those aims. Goals will differ widely, from NGOs that seek funding and members, to NGOs that want to educate families and students, to private firms that want to sell their products, to cultural groups that want to promote social values, to government institutions that want to project a policy line or political viewpoint. In order to make best use of the different mass media channels, you should keep in mind what the media themselves see as their primary role, which differs in the above cases. In general, the role of the mass media in global society has been evolving over the past century towards the following goals and duties: 1. The media informs the public, provides information and amusement, generates

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

between government and industry. In 1956, the first nuclear power station was built. Using uranium as its fuel. The station was named Calder Hall Power Station, built on coast of Cumberland. December 2, 1957, in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, the first full scale nuclear power plant goes into service. 1973, American utilities buy 41 nuclear power plants. January, 1983 President Reagan signs the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. Hydro power was surpassed by nuclear power in total electrical generation in 1984. In the unit 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear plant were two explosions on April 26, 1986. This disaster exposed millions of people to radioactive isotopes. It has been linked many forms of cancer in natives of eastern Europe and Russia, as well as destroying animals and plants. December 1993, the total number of nuclear power plants in the United States is 109, collectively

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Eripedagoogide kutse-eetika konspekt

Eripedagoogide kutse-eetika 1.Praktilise eetika kujunemine ja areng. Mõisted/teooriad: Eetika kui distsipliin, mis tegeleb väärtusi puudutavate küsimustega. Eetika keskne küsimus on, kuidas peaks elama. Eetika kui distsipliin jaguneb teoreetiliseks ja praktiliseks. Teoreetiline eetika võib olla kas normatiiveetika või metaeetika. Praktiline eetika on mingi eluvaldkonna eetika või mingi professiooni kutse-eetika. Normatiiveetika tegeleb eetiliste hoiakute teoreetilise seletamise ning põhjendamisega ja püüab läbi selle neidsamu hoiakuid kujundada. Selle teoreetilisi sedastusi viiakse ellu rakenduslikus eetikas, mis püüab lähtuvalt üldteoreetilistest alustest sõnastada konkreetseid norme käitumise jaoks. Tuntumad eetikateooriad on teleoloogiline eetika, deontoloogiline eetika ja voorustepõhine eetika. Teleoloogilises (tagajärjepõhises) eetikas on moraalsuse lõppkriteeriumiks mingi tegudest tulenev mittemoraalne väärtus (nt õnn või heaolu)...

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
116 allalaadimist


60 succeeded in 1952). Her reign is considered by many as the Golden Age of English history, whose symbols were Francis Drake and William Shakespeare5. The discovery of America placed England at the centre of the world’s trading routes, and brilliant naval commanders (especially Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh6) enabled England to dominate these trade routes. Elizabeth and her advisers considered trade the most important foreign policy matter, as Henry VII had done. For them England’s greatest trade rival was also its greatest enemy. This idea remained the basis of England’s foreign policy until the nineteenth century. A number of companies were established to trade with various regions of the world. The Moscovy Company had been developing profitable trade with Russia. The East India Company was founded to trade with the East Indies (Indonesia); competing with the Dutch and later with the French it soon began to

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

The euro in Estonia

Bo Kragh, the vice president of the Bank of Estonia, has a bit different point of view. He has said in his article that the euro takes away our financial independence. Kragh says the Bank of Estonia won't be an independent institution anymore and it will be a branch office of European Central Bank from now on. That won't change much for average persons though, but the state loses the opportunity to manage monetary policy independently. The importance of this concern is probably known to everyone, who is more or less interested in the future of our country and ourselves. Last few years there have been a lot of discussion about euro in newspapers, TV, radio shows et cetera - so there shouldn't be a citizen of Estonia, who doesn't know anything about it. Many of us think that kroon is one of our national symbols and for that reason they were against the coming of euro

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Keskkonnamõju hindamise materjal

Veekaitse programm), planeeringute ja plaanide koostamisel (harukondliku arengu strateegiad, regionaalse arengu plaanid); strateegiliste planeerimisdokumentidele - strateegia, arengukava, tegevuskava, (näit. Riikliku Jätkusuutliku Arengu strateegia); Seaduste ja määruste eelnõudele KSH: Poliitika( strateegiatele korral) KMH: Projektid Plaanid Programmid KMH AJALUGU: • Esimene formaalne KMH süsteem oli kasutusel USA- s 1969: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) • Euroopa Liidu KMH direktiiv – 1985: EU EIA Directive 85/337 • 1992 - Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: KMH kui otsuse tegemise printsiip 17; ennetuspõhimõte (15). • 1990-ndatel muutus globaalseks: o Piiriülese KMH konventsioon - Convention on EIA in a transboundary Context (Espoo,1991); o Avalikkuse kaasamine - Public participation- Aarhus, 1998;

Loodus → Keskkonnamõjude hindamine
34 allalaadimist


ja informatsiooni. 13 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD  Michelle, N. 2012. Which species will live.– Scientific American, Vol. 307 (2), pp. 74-79.  Zobel, M. 2005. Martin Zobel: Miks liigid välja surevad. – Eesti Päevaleht, 31.08.2005. [ surevad?id=51018156] 04.11.2015.  McDaniel, C., Gowdy, J. 1998. Markets and biodiversity loss: some case studies and policy considerations.– International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 25 pp.1455  Quality of the Environment in Japan 1994. Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan. [] 05.11.2015  Czartryski, A. 2011. 10 Animals Hunted (or Nearly Hunted) to Extinction, 28.09.2011. [ nearly-hunted-to-extinction/] 06.11.2015.  Barker, J., Tingey, D

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
7 allalaadimist

Unit 5 p.102-105

6. do ground-breaking research 7. have a life changing experience 8. have evidence of sth 9. hold a demonstration 10. make a change for the better 11. do a scientific project 12. hold and international conference AMBIGUOUS WORDS 1. A lot of technological changes have happened in recent years. 2. Operate the machinery carefully. 3. The company offers a range of word processing packages. 4. The company's motto reflects the owners' policy. 5. One of the company's major concerns is to make the product sell in lots of markets. 6. All files are stored in cabinets 7. The company's personnel is highly trained. 8. Please keep in mind that you must answer all questions. 9. This machinery is rather outdated. 10. Following his advice will do you a lot of good. PHRASAL VERBS 1. take sth in ­ understand = aru saama 2. send sth back ­ return = tagastama, tagasi saatma 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Useful shopping expressions

I know that this one is the best. You can pay at our cash deck over there. 43. Te saate maksta meie kassas seal. 44. Koos käibemaksuga kogusumma tuleb… Including VAT, the total comes to... 45. Ma annan teile 10% allahindlust. I'll give you a 10% discount. 46. Kas teie kaupluses on raha tagastamise Does your shop have a refund policy? võimalus? 47. Kas teil on kliendikaart? Do you have a client card? 48. Kas ma saan kaardiga maksta? Can I pay by a credit card? 49. Te saate seda tagastada või ümbervahetada You can return or exchange it within two kahe nädala jooksul kui ostutšekk alles ja weeks if you have a receipt and the product a kaup ei ole rikutud. not damaged. 50

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essay on water pollution, global warming, acid rain, deforestation, intensive farming

It is hard to know now what our oceans will look like in the future. Just how damaged they will be by pollution is uncertain. Acid rain The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852, when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now, acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers. Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid rain usually come from automobiles or coal-burning power plants. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over polluting each other's environments. For years, science studied the true causes of acid rain

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused

children with atopic dermatitis …, K Teesalu, T Annus, U Putnik, K Lepik… - BMC research …, 2014 - Background Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory skin disease presenting with a relapsing clinical pattern similar to chronic autoimmune disease. Several human transglutaminases have been defined and keratinocyte transglutaminase (TG1) ... Related articles All 6 versions Cite Save [PDF] from  [PDF] Reading policy and public libraries in Estonia–from the perspective of the Foucauldian analytics of governmentality K Lepik - Reading in changing society - Two years ago, as a result of a speech by the Minister of Culture during Library Days (Lang 2011), the Estonian news media filled with reports on probably one of the greatest debates related to the extent that the state, or the Ministry of Culture, should or could influence the ...

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
34 allalaadimist


Table I is an attempt to assess how large the various barriers are in the studied countries. The table starts with some general conditions. Ownership and organisation considers if district- heating companies are owned, or DH operations are organised, in ways that make it more difficult for Swedish companies to do business. Corruption may be a problem through, for example, indirect bribes by procurement. National and local control encompasses national laws and policy instruments that are disadvantageous for district heating, DH price regulations, as well as municipalities not facilitating district heating by planning of new developments. But rules complicating combined heat and power production are included in the CHP line in Table I. Financing is one of the largest barriers to district heating, primarily because DH schemes give a low rate of return. A fragmented value chain cause contract risks at several instances. Entrance

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Golden Grammar rules

Work is an uncountable noun. I'm looking for work. (NOT I'm looking for a work.) My brother has found a new job. (NOT My brother has found a new work.) 99. Be careful of the word order in negative infinitives. It's important not to work too hard. (NOT It's important to not work too hard.) I asked her not to make so much noise. 100. Possessives replace articles. We stayed in John's house at the weekend. (NOT We stayed in the John's house at the weekend.) She's been studying Britain's foreign policy since 1980. (NOT She's been studying the Britain's foreign policy since 1980.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Ireland report

The 1990s saw the beginning of unprecedented economic success, in a phenomenon known as the "Celtic Tiger". By the early 2000s, it had become one of the richest countries (in terms of GDP per capita) in the European Union, moving from being a net recipient of the budget to becoming a net contributor during the next Budget round (2007-13), and from a country of net emigration to one of net immigration. In October 2006, there were talks between Ireland and the U.S. to negotiate a new immigration policy between the two countries, in response to the growth of the Irish economy and desire of many U.S. citizens who sought to move to Ireland for work. Sport Gaelic football, hurling and football are the most popular sports in Ireland.[19] Along with Camogie, Ladies' Gaelic football, handball and rounders, they make up the national sports of Ireland, collectively known as Gaelic Games. All GAA players, even at the highest level, are amateurs and receive no wages.

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between business partners. Transport document Bill of Lading is a detailed list of a ship's cargo in the form of a receipt given by the master of the ship to the person consigning the goods. The European Community Association of Ship Brokers and Agents (ECASBA) is a sub-committee of FONASBA. Areas of interest include: • Seaport and port services policy • Short sea shipping • Safety and quality shipping • Customs and administrative procedures • EDI The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers & Agents (FONASBA) provides a united voice for the world’s ship brokers and agents. Founded in 1969 Essential for sea worthy packiging: shock resistant, avoid moisture, stackable.

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

1990-s When Ukraine became independent in 1991, there were expectations that it would in the near future become a wealthy free market democracy and a full member of the European and Euro-Atlantic communities. Ukraine never fulfilled those expectations. Instead, it is seen as an underachiever, sometimes as a sick man of Europe, and perhaps even as a potentially failed state thanks to its geopolitical situation, historical burdens, and the mistakes made in institutional development and policy. Economically, Ukraine has grown along with the region. As such, growth rates have not been low, but they come after the economically devastating 1990s and are not built on a 6 sustainable foundation. For years Russia provided Ukraine with underpriced gas while Ukraine's export prices increased rapidly. Over the decades Ukraine, however, grew dependent on oil and gas coming from Russia, at almost no cost. Today, 70 percent of gas

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused kursuse poliitika ja valitsemise alused eksamiks (sügis 2014)

Kordamisküsimused kursuse poliitika ja valitsemise alused eksamiks (sügis 2014) Poliitika ja valitsemine ning nende uurimine 1. Sisend- ja väljundpoliitika (politics ja policy) tähendus ja erinevus. Politics on poliitika võimuvõitlusena( nn päevapoliitika) Policy on poliitika tegevusalade elluviimine(rakenduspoliitika) 2. Iseloomusta Eastoni poliitilise süsteemi mudelit. Eastoni poliitikamudel koosneb sisendist, mustast kastist ja väljundist. Sisendisse kuuluvad kõik ootused, nõudmised ja toetused, mida ühiskond esitab, mustas kastis toimub kaalumine, otsustamine ja konversioon ning väljund on reaktsioonid, nõudmisteootuste täitmine ning tekkivad vaidlused, väljund omakorda annab

Politoloogia → Poliitika ja valitsemise...
102 allalaadimist


trends evident in industrial nations are taking root in emerging economies. Rising visibility of and expectations for organizations – The spread of the Internet and communications technologies is accelerating the global transfer of information and amplifying the speed and force of feedback mechanisms. Measurement of progress toward sustainable development – As sustainable development has become widely adopted as a foundation of public policy and organizational strategy; many organizations have turned their attention to the challenge of translating the concept into practice. Governments interest in sustainability reporting – When GRI was conceived in 1997, governmental interest in integrated economic, environmental, and social reporting was scant. Financial markets interest in sustainability reporting – The financial industry slowly but steadily is embracing sustainability reporting as part its analytical toolkit.

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Hillary Diane Clinton

Services in 1978. Named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979, she was twice listed as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America. First Lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992 with husband Bill as Governor, she successfully led a task force to reform Arkansas's education system. She was the First Lady of the United States since January 30, 1993 to January 20, 2001. As the First Lady, she became active in domestic policy. Her early years Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois, and grew up, along with two younger brothers, in suburban Chicago. Her parents, Hugh and Dorothy Howell Rodham, raised their children with traditional middle-American values that stressed family, church, school and social obligations. As a youth, Clinton was influenced by her religious education, especially from the Reverend Don

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

of Lyndon Johnson confirms that Kennedy was planning to withdraw from Vietnam, a position Johnson states he strongly disapproved of. Additional evidence is Kennedy's National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 263, dated October 11, 1963, which ordered withdrawal of 1,000 military personnel by the end of 1963. Nevertheless, given the stated reason for the overthrow of the Diem government, such action would have been a policy reversal, but Kennedy was generally moving in a less hawkish direction in the Cold War since his acclaimed speech about World Peace at American University the previous June 10, 1963. According to historian Lawrence Freedman, regarding Kennedy's statements about withdrawing from Vietnam, it was, "less of a definite decision than a working assumption, based on a hope for stability rather than an expectation of chaos".After Kennedy's assassination, the new President Lyndon B.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Tai riigi iseloomustus ja rahvastik. 13.01.2011 13.01.2011 5. Tai kaart. 13.01.2011 6. City Population koduleheküg 13.01.2011 7. Countries of The World kodulehekülg. _2009_0.html 24.10.09 13.01.2011 8. Migration Policy Institut'e kodulehekülg. 13.01.2011 9. Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center kodulehekülg. 13.01.2011 10. The CIA World Factbook 2009 kodulehekülg. 13.01.2011 11. U.S Census Bureau kodulehekülg.

Geograafia → Geograafia
49 allalaadimist

Referaat: Globaalne soojenemine

Tallinna Ülikool Matemaatika ja Loodusteaduste Instituut Loodusteaduste osakond Olga Troskina GLOBAALNE SOOJENEMINE: KLIIMAMUUTUSTEST TINGITUD KESKKONNAPROBLEEMID Lektor: Tiiu Koff Tallinn, 2011 Sissejuhatus. Kliimamuutus. Kliimamuutus on pika aja jooksul ilmnev muutus ilmastikuolude statistilistes näitajates. Klimaatiliste näitajate muutus võib hõlmata ajalist perioodi aastakümnetest miljonite aastateni. Sõna uus praegusaegne kasutamine, viitab tavaliselt kliimamuutusele tänapäevases kliimas. Selle muutuse põhjuseks peetakse suuresti inimtegevust ja see on enam tuntud globaalse soojenemise nime all ( ; Klii...

Loodus → Keskkonnageoloogia
79 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne majandusalane sõnastik

A 1. Ability- võime, oskus 2. Abortion- abort 3. Absence- töölt puudumine 4. Absenteeism- korduv põhjuseta puudumine 5. Academic- akadeemia 6. Accept- vastu võtma 7. Accomodate ­ kohandama 8. Accumulate- kogunema 9. Acquisition- omandamine, omandus 10. Adapt ­ kohandama 11. Addition ­ lisaks sellele 12. Adopt- vastu võtma 13. Advantage ­ eelis 14. Advise-nõu andma 15. Affordable low rise apartments (no lift) - ilma liftita taskukohased madalal asuvad korterid 16. Affordable- taskukohane 17. Ailing- valus 18. Ailment- häda, vaevus 19. Albeit- kuigi, ehkki, kuid siiski 20. Altered- muudetud, ümber tehtud 21. Amenity standards - hüve standardid 22. Amount of sunlight - päikesevalguse kogus 23. Analyze- analüüsima 24. Ancillary ­ abistav 25. Annually- igal aastal 26. Anxiety ­ mure, ärevus 27. Apparel- rõivad, kehakate 28. Appraisal ­ hinnangu andmine 29. Approach- pöörduma, lähenema 30. Approaches to residential - elamurajooni paigutus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Nõukogude Liit Brežnevi ajal – impeeriumi kokkuvarisemise edasilükkamine

Nõukogude Liit Brežnevi ajal – impeeriumi kokkuvarisemise edasilükkamine Kaisa Kamenik A83347 Nõukogude Liit eksisteeris suurem osa 20-ndast sajandist ning selle aja jooksul jõudis sotsialistliku suurriigi juhtideks olla mitmed omapärased isikud – alustades Leninist ja lõpetades Gorbatšoviga. Ajalugu on meile õpetanud, et enamjaolt sellised diktaatorlikud režiimid pole jätkusuutlikud ning tahes tahtmata varisevad nad mingil hetkel kokku – kas siis sisemiste vastuolude tõttu või välise surve tõttu. Ka Nõukogude Liit polnud selles suhtes erand – rohkem huvi pakub aga küsimus, kuivõrd on kokkuvarisemises süüdi ajastu ja riigijuhi roll. Üldlevinud on arvamus, et Nõukogude Liidule said saatuslikuks Gorbatšov ja tema reformid. Millisesse rolli aga Nõukogude Liidu ajaloos panna temale eelnenud Leonid Brežnev ja tema 18-aasta pikkune valitsemisae...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Euroopa liidu referaat

tühistamis-, tegevusetushagi ja apellatsioonikaebus). Olenemata kohtuasja laadist, koosneb 18 menetlus alati kirjalikust ja vajadusel suulisest menetlusstaadiumist, mis on avalik. Ometi tuleb teha vahet eelotsusemenetlusel ja hagimenetlusel. 19 Regionaalpoliitika Täna on Regional policy (regionaalpoliitika) osa Cohesion policy (ühtekuuluvuspoliitikast), mis keskendub kultuuri-, ühiskonna- ja keskkonnaküsimustele. Alates 1998. aastast on Euroopa Liit on investeerinud 480 miljardit vähemarenenud regioonidesse. Aastatel 2007-2013 kulub ühtekuuluvuspoliitikale 308 miljardit, mis on 36% Euroopa Liidu eelarvest. Seda raha kasutatakse põhiliselt selleks, et viia ellu Lissaboni strateegia eesmärke ­ majanduskasvu ja tööhõive suurendamist. 80% kulub uute

Geograafia → Geograafia
24 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

в этой таблице (например, основной). Установив службы маршрутизации и удаленного доступа (Routing And Remote Access Services), просмотрите таблицу маршрутизации IP. Для этого: 1. Последовательно откройте узел Роли-Службы политики сети и доступа (Network Policy And Access Services), папку Маршрутизация и удаленный доступ, а затем папку IPv4. 2. ПКМ папку Статические маршруты и примените команду Отобразить таблицу IP-маршрутизации (Show IP Routing Table). Отобразится статическая таблица маршрутизации (не включающая

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Z.Bugarszki Euroopa Liidu Ajalugu

Loodi kaks uut organit: Euroopa Aatomienargia Ühendus (Euratom), mis pidi ühendama teadmisi aatomienergia alal ja Euroopa Majandusühendus (EMÜ). EMÜ lõi ühisturu liikmesriikide vahel, kus ei olnud tariife ega takistusi kaupade ja tööjõu liikumisel. Selle eesmärgiks oli majanduskasvu jätkumine ja sõjaeelse Euroopa protektsionistlik poliitika. 1970. aastaks oli ühisturu sisekaubandus kasvanud viiekordseks. Loodud oli ka Ühisturu Põllumajanduspoliitika (ÜPP, Common Agricultural Policy, CAP), et edendada liikmesmaade põllumajandust ja teha lõpp monopolidele. ÜPP, mis ei olnud rajatud ühisturule, vaid valitsuste kohalikele farmeritele suunatud toetustele, muutus üheks vastuolulisemaks EL poliitikaks. Nagu ESTÜ, nii ka Euroopa Majandusühendus lõi mitmeid riikide üleseid organeid: Ministrite Nõukogu otsuste tegemiseks, Ühisassamblee (alates 1962 nimetatakse Euroopa Parlamendiks) nõuandvaks organiks, kohus liikmesriike valitsema ja komisjon, kus see poliitika jõustub

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Alkoholi tarbimine Euroopas

Ka Euroopa Nõukogu on alkoholi liigtarbimisest tulenevate kahjude ning õnnetuste vähendamiseks koostanud strateegia, millega on kehtestatud prioriteedid: kaitsta noori ja lapsi, võidelda sõiduki juhtimise vastu joobeseisundis, vähendada alkoholist põhjustatud tervisekahjustusi täiskasvanute seas, tõsta teadlikkust alkoholi tarbimise valdkonnas ning koguda usaldusväärseid andmeid (6). 1990. aastal loodi Euroopa Alkoholipoliitika Liit (A European Alcohol Policy Alliance, EUROCARE), mis edendab alkoholist tuleneva kahju ennetamist ja piiramist teavitamise, võrkude rajamise ja koostöö abil kogu Euroopas (7). Alkoholiga seotud andmeid kogub ka Euroopa Alkoholimonitooringute Keskus (A European Alcohol Monitoring Centre, EUCAM), uuringuid viivad läbi nii kohalikud riiklikud kui ka ühiskondlikud organisatsioonid (Eestis näiteks Eesti Konjunktuuriinstituut, AS Emor jt). 3. ALKOHOLI TARBIMISE AJALUGU

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

300 marketing activity turundustegevus 301 marketing mix turundusmeetmestik 302 mean deviation keskmine hälve 303 mediator vahendaja 304 member fee liikme maks 305 merchant banks kommertspank 306 microeconomics mikroökonoomika 307 minimum wage miinimimpalk 308 monetary crisis rahanduskriis 309 monetary policy rahapoliitika 310 monetary union rahaliit 311 money illusion raha illusioon 312 monopoly monopol 313 mortgage hüpoteek, pant 314 mortgage loan hüpoteelaen 315 move offshore välismaale viima 316 nameplate nimesilt 317 national currency rahvusvaluuta 318 national debt riigivõlg 319 national economy rahvamajandus

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Kongo DV geograafia kokkuvõte

praegu vihmametsad. Seetõttu ongi võimatu igal pool riigis tegeleda põllumajandusega – territooriumile jäävad nii mägised alad kui ka kuivad ning viljatud mullad. Tänu Kongo poliitiliselt ebastabiilsele seisule on raske loota, et põllumajanduslikku maad arendataks või loodaks paremaid tingimusi. Praegu on põllumajandusliku sektori areng 2% aastas, mis on aga väiksem kui rahvastiku suurenemine. Ka IFPRI (The International Food Policy Research Institute) on süüdistanud riigi valitsust väheses töös antud sektoris, kuid kuna ka praegu on Kongos vägagi keerulised ajad, siis ei saa loota ka selle peatsele muutumisele. Majanduslikud eeldused põllumajanduse arenguks on vägagi halvad. Riigil pole selleks kapitali ning ilmselt lähitulevikus seda ka ei tekki. Tööjõud on küll olemas – juba praegu tegelevad 70% maakohtades elavates inimestest põllumajandusega ning riigis u. 50%, kuid

Geograafia → maailma loodusgeograafia ja...
7 allalaadimist

English portfolio

Her politics of enlightened absolutism aspired to modernize and unify the entire Russian Empire. The special status of the Baltic provinces was greatly reduced: the customs barriers between Estonia and Livonia and Russia were eliminated and an all-Russian tax system (poll tax) enforced. In connection with this, Russia's first census was organized in the same year. In 1783, the Russian guberniya system spread to the Estonian territories. It was called the `regency' and signified a policy compromise by enlightened absolutism towards the Baltic German nobility. Catherine II partly curbed the nobility's class privileges: the peerage roll lost its former significance, and the Councils of Diet were abolished. The Statthalterschaft extended townspeople's rights also to non-Germans, allowing urban Estonians to get a foot on the social ladder and limited participation in politics. 7|Page 1850­1918

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Report: The Free Rider Problem

When everyone acts as a free rider, no benefit at all will come from the proposed action. Because it is in everyone's personal interest not to participate in the collective movement, the movement is highly vulnerable to failure. Though society as a whole may try to conserve a resource, the free rider can easily take advantage of this by not participating in the conservation effort. Those who believe in the concept of the free rider and the problems such people create might advocate government policy to require everyone to take part in efforts to improve the environment. Such people might contend that government action is the only fair and reliable way to prevent environmental problems. David Hume recognized the free-rider problem associated with public goods, even before the time of Adam Smith's writings. Each citizen who can enjoy the benefit of a public good has an incentive to try to lay the whole burden of provision on others, whenever the

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Turism ja kultuur

Kultuuriturism on valdkond, mis võiks üha enam ja enam saada tunnustust. Maailmas on väga palju erinevaid inimesi ning igast uuest teadmisest, mida teiselt inimeselt ning tema elust saada võib, on väärt teadmine. Autor leiab, et kultuuriturism on midagi, millele peaks rohkem tähelepanu pöörama ning millest teadmisi saada. 12 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD 1. Baltic Cultural Tourism Policy Paper. Unesco. []. 03.12.2015. 2. Csapo, J. 2012. The Role and Importance of Cultural Tourism in Modern Tourism Industry, Strategies for Tourism Industry - Micro and Macro Perspectives. 3. Donnermeyer, J., Anderson, C., Cooksey, E. 2013. The Amish Population: County Estimates and Settlement Patterns.­ Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies, Vol. 1(1), pp. 72-109. 4. Hinsberg, A

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun