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"proposition" - 40 õppematerjali


Law of Diminishing Returns

product will start to decrease as the newly added variable input is being added to an already increasingly scares input. This can be explained by citing an example, if we add more workers to a job, such as assembling a car. At some point, adding more workers would cause problems, as they would be getting in each other's way, or workers wold often find themselves waiting for access to specific part or tool required for the job. This proposition is called a law because it is standardized and applicable on all the production processes. Any manufacturing and production company can use this proposition (or Law) to their betterment. Is Tony right in his analysis of the situation? Explain. According to my point of view, Tony's decision of increasing the price a good decision as Pizza is a product that represents a small portion of an individual's income so an increase or decrease

Kategooriata → Logistika
7 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

series/combination of syllogisms. However, in the 19th Century, the limitations of this theory became clear and new formalisms were developed. The idea was to handle more complicated problems, more efficiently, with the aid of mathematical symbolism. Propositions In ​Propositional Logic, ​the fundamental units are statements (​propositions​). Propositions might be simple or compound. A ​Simple proposition​ does not contain any other proposition. It rains Tallinn is the Capital of Estonia A ​Compound proposition ​contains at least one simple proposition. If ​it rains,​ then ​I will take my umbrella. It is not the case that ​Tallinn is the Capital of Estonia. Connectives Simple propositions can be replaced by Letters: P, Q, R, S, T, etc. Compound propositions are composed of connected simple proposition(s). Such connections include: Example: I will go to Spain or Greece provided that I find time.

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

History of philosophy

· Xenophanes 570-475 BC Nothing comes from nothing. Unchanging Being. - Against anthropomorphisms · Parmenides fl. Fifth Century BC Being beings - Thinking and Being are the same - One cannot think not-Being · Zeno of Elea 490-439 BC Student of Parmenides - Paradoxes We tend to interpret the moving in terms of the static (living/dead) Being/beings. Dialectics Reductio and absurdum. Showing that a proposition when taken to its logical conclusion is results in and absurdity. Empedocles 490-430 BC Four Classical Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water · Bound together by Love, kept apart by Strife. · Claimed to remember past lives. Anaxagoras 500-428 BC A philosopher of Athens. · Things are made up of seeds, the character of things is determined by these seeds.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
12 allalaadimist


Karl Popperi väitlusformaat Karl Popperi väitlusformaat kujutab endast kesk- ja põhikooliõpilastele mõeldud väitlust kolmeliikmelistes võistkondades reeglina varem ettevalmistatud teemal. väitlusformaat on oma nime saanud ühiskonnateadlase ja teadusfilosoof Karl Popperi järgi. Karl Popperi väitlus, mis rõhutab eeskätt argumentide sisu ja kõnede selget ülesehitust, annab väitlusega alustajatele tugeva vundamendi edaspidiseks keerulisemate formaatide omandamiseks. Kohtuniku otsus väitluse suhtes on lõplik. Karl Popperi väitluses võib vaielda paljude erinevate teemade üle. teemad peaksid puudutama vastuolulist probleemi ning olema hoolikalt sõnastatud, et tagada mõlemale poolele väitluses võrdne lähtepunkt. Kaasuse koostamise ja tõestusmaterjali otsimisega peaksid tegelema eeskätt väitlejad, mitte nende treenerid või õpetajad. et võimaldada piisavat ettevalmistust, tuleb teemast varem teada anda, ideaalselt peaksid väitlejad teema teada sa...

Sotsioloogia → Kõneõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Service marketing

Before writing about the content I would recommend this book for everybody, because the difficult subject was written very clearly and understandably there. Chapter 1 It provides a broad view of marketing as it relates to services. It describes the marketing concept and some misunderstandings about marketing. It particularly emphasizes the development of the service value proposition as it is at the heart of the strategic marketing plan for a service business. They bring out definition of marketing: · Defining markets · Quantifying the needs of the customer groups within these markets · Determining the value propositions to meet these needs

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Product Presentation

over, for example if your store orders 150 units, the price would usually be 3400 € but the discount covers the whole of the order, so your company saves 360 € giving a total of 3240 €. The first fifty units of our hairdryer that you sell will give your store a profit of 790 € if you sold it at the mid-point of the recommended retail price, which would be 35 €, so we believe this business deal is an extremely lucrative proposition for your company. Our product will also fill a void in your product range, as our hairdryer is an improvement on hairdryers you currently stock and we believe your customers will love the hairdryer and be happy with their purchase so they will link your company more in their minds with positive emotions and associations, and therefore our product will improve customer satisfaction rates and your revenue, as happy customers will be more likely to shop repeatedly at your store,

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

The Causal­Historical Theory 53 Problems for the Causal­Historical Theory 55 Natural-kind terms and "Twin Earth" 58 Summary 60 Questions 61 Further reading 61 Part II: Theories of meaning 63 5 Traditional theories of meaning 65 Overview 65 The Proposition Theory 68 Summary 74 Questions 74 Further reading 74 6 "Use" theories 76 Overview 76 "Use" in a roughly Wittgensteinian sense 77 Objections and some replies 79 Inferentialism 83

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Laiendatud ärimudel

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool ÄRIMUDEL aines „Ettevõtluse alused“ Teemal URBAN SMARTLOCK Üliõpilased: Õppejõud: Martin Toding Tallinn 2017 SISUKORD 1.Customer Segments................................................................................................................. 2 2.Value Proposition...................................................................................................................... 3 3.Channels................................................................................................................................... 5 4.Customer Relationships............................................................................................................6 5.Revenue Streams..................................................................................

Majandus → Majandus
96 allalaadimist


, Häidikind, R., Kikas, E., Konstabel, K., Kreegipuu, K., Kreegipuu, M., Pullmann, H., Rauk, M., Realo, A., Schmidt, M., Tulviste, P., Tulviste, T., Vadi, M., Viikmaa, M. Psühholoogia gümnaasiumile. - Arnolds, C.A., Boshoff, C. Compensation, esteem valence and job performance: an empirical assessment of Alderfer's ERG theory. - Arnolds, C.A., Boshoff C. Does higher remuneration equal higher job performance?: an empirical assessment of the need-progression proposition in selected need theories. - Halepota, H. A. Motivational Theories and Their Application in Construction. - Harlow, D. N. Behavioral theories converge ­ a dynamic behavioral model. - Hayes, N. Sotsiaalpsühholoogia alused. - Ramlall, S. A Review of Employee Motivation Theories and their Implications for Employee Retention within Organizations. - The British Broadcasting Corporation. Theories of Human Motivation.

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
926 allalaadimist


Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskus Pille Nool Turunduse olemus Turundus on osategevuste kompleks, mis hõlmab:   -  turuuuringuid,       -  toote/teenuse kujundamist,       -  turustuskanalite valikut,       -  hinnapoliitikat,       -  müügi toetamist ja       -  müüki ennast.  Turunduse eesmärgiks on tarbijate vajaduste tundmaõppimine, nende rahuldamine ja samaaegselt ka ettevõtte enda eesmärkide saavutamine.  Turundustegevus algab pikalt enne müügi toimumist ja jätkub ka pärast selle toimumist. Turunduse juhtimine on suunatud teatud sihtgruppidega tulusate vahetusprotsesside kavandamisele (Joonis 1), kujundamisele ja tagamisele ettevõtte eesmärkide saavutamise nimel.  Joonis 1 Kliendi vajadusi arvestav turunduse juhtimine Turunduse rolliks on  mõjutada nõudluse suurust. Turunduse eesmärgiks ei ole mitte ühekordselt müügitehingult maksimaalse kasu saamine, vaid vastastikku kasulik...

Majandus → Majandus
11 allalaadimist

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust

year. When adjusted for gains from a business that was sold off last year, profits are actually up this year. Phillips 66's 2.5% dividend is more than just trustworthy. It's far more likely to be increased than get cut. Matt DiLallo ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP) continues to make it clear to investors that its dividend remains trustworthy. In fact, CFO Jeff Sheets recently said: Our top priority is the dividend. [A] compelling dividend is a core element of our value proposition and we think it is still appropriate. We're continuing to drive positive momentum in our underlying financial returns, a key focus area for us especially in this lowprice environment. The company stands so steadfastly behind its dividend because it firmly believes that having a strong dividend forces it to be more disciplined. Practically, this means that it won't chase growth for the sake of growth and that it will maintain a strong balance

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

find in human mind? Ideas(thoughts), impression(sensation and feelings). 17. What does Hume think about general abstract ideas? Why? “There is no such thing as abstract or general ideas, properly speaking”. 18. According to Hume, what is the difference between relations of ideas and matters of fact? Matters of fact are the more common truths we learn through our experiences. Mathematical propositions assert relations between ideas, and ideas only. The truth of a mathematical proposition is independent of questions about existence. 19. What does Hume think about the notion of cause-effect? We understand matters of fact according to causation. The notion of cause-effect is a complex idea that is made up of three more foundational ideas: priority in time, proximity in space, and necessary connection. 20. What does Hume think about the notion of substance? Hume held that since substance cannot be perceived, it should not be assumed to exist. What we

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

1_fl_i-v L1. SISSEJUHATUS Mõtlemine on käsiteldav kui igasugune aktiivne vaimne protsess. Tulemuslikku mõtlemist iseloomustab abstraheerimine, analüüs ja süntees. Mõtlemisvahendite põhjal võib seda jaotada · kaemuslik-motoorne, · kujundlik · sõnalis-loogiline (verbaal-loogiline). Sõnalis-loogiline mõtlemine tugineb mõistetele. Verbaalne mõtlemine avaldub inimese oskuses ... · opereerida mõistetega, neid võrrelda ja analüüsida; · püstitada hüpoteese, formuleerida kontseptsioone ja teooriaid; · seletada olemasolevaid teadmisi; · saada uusi teadmisi olemasolevate põhjal. Ratsionaalne mõtlemine on järjekindel ja reeglipärane (ehk loogiline) mõtlemine. See võib olla korrigeeritud kogemusega, mille allikaks peetakse tegelikkust. Eesmärgiks on sageli tegelikkusega kohanemine. Irratsionaalne mõt...

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist

The European Union Law , The EU institutions

At the additional reading, the act is implemented if Parliament accepts the Council's text. Parliament may reject the Council's text, leading to a failure of the law, or they may modify it and pass it back to the Council to continue the process of negotiation. Co-decision procedures and the power of veto held by the European Parliament in the adoption of legislation have made this institution very powerful as the Union’s legislature. Although other bodies have rights of proposition and consultation, these cannot ultimately overrule the Parliament if it decides not to adopt a certain law. [5] Consequently, as the Parliament wields this legislative power and is a directly elected body, the legislation process can be described as democratic. However, the Commission’s role in providing the impetus for law-making may be criticised as unrepresentative of the people as the members of this body are unelected. In the EU's unique institutional set-up:

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Geoffrey chaucer

Many pardoners, including this one, collected profits for themselves. In fact, Chaucer's Pardoner excels in fraud, carrying a bag full of fake relics--for example, he claims to have the veil of the Virgin Mary. The Pardoner has long, greasy, yellow hair and is beardless. These characteristics were associated with shiftiness and gender ambiguity in Chaucer's time. The Pardoner also has a gift for singing and preaching whenever he finds himself inside a church. What is the proposition of the innkeeper? The leader of the group, the Host is large, loud, and merry, although he possesses a quick temper. He mediates among the pilgrims and facilitates the flow of the tales. His title of "host" may be a pun, suggesting both an innkeeper and the Eucharist, or Holy Host. Who is chosen as the leader of the pilgrimage? The host How is the first storyteller chosen? Who tells the first story? The Knight The first pilgrim Chaucer

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


reklaamiteooria ,,Reklaam turunduses," Neeme Roose tänases maailmas ei saa me lootmajääda et äki õitseb ilma hea reklaamita. nt on kaks seepi. müüb seep, millest kuuldakse rohkem. kõige suurem patt on teha halvale kaubale head reklaami ning heale kaubale üldse mitte mingit reklaami. hea kaup(ilma reklaamita) kaob konkurentsis reklaamitavate kaupadega. reklaamioskus on meie ajastu kirjaoskus kui reklaamsuudab meie meelt ühel või teisel moel lahutada siis annab tarbija talle enamjaolt kõik andeks. reklaam kui turunduskommunikatsioonivahend. loob margiteadvust, aktiviseerib müüki mida reklaam mõjutab? 1. Majanduslik roll. aitab kaupa müüa ja teenib omanikule kasumit. elavdab majandust, võib tekitada ebavõrdsust ja pingeid. 2. kommunikatiivne roll ­ spetsiifiline massikommunikatsiooni liik. eesmärgikskokku viia müüa ja ostja. Kaubakommunikatsioon 3. sotsiaalne roll ­ informeerib, õpetab eelistama,kasutama, mõjutab ...

Meedia → Reklaam
32 allalaadimist

Müük ja müügitehnikad

KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED MÜÜK JA MÜÜGITEHNIKAD 1. Müügi olemus ja seos turundusega  Müümise all võib käsitleda kõike, kus soovitakse midagi saavutada vahetuse teel – alates kauba pakkumisest kuni poliitilise võitluseni või isiklikust heaolust kuni perekonnasisese suhtlemiseni. Kõige üldisemas tähenduses võib müüki vaadelda kommunikatsiooniprotsessina, mille käigus informeeritakse teist poolt (ostjat) pakkumise olemasolust ja tingimustest. Turunduse eesmärgiks on luua kindlaid ostusoove rahuldav kaup, kehtestada viimasele vastuvõetav hind, leida müügiks sobiv koht ja lõpuks osata ka pakkumist läbi viia (ehk edustus). Viimane on eelkõige seotud müügiga. Edukaks saab aga vahetust muuta nii tarbijate informeerimise kui oskusliku pakkumise abil. Nendeks tegevusteks kasutatakse turunduses nelja vahendit: reklaami, suhte...

Majandus → Müügitöö alused
95 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

Alliances between vendors and companies and client to client are becoming critical to competitive success. A successful alliance can give you access to markets, technology, and other resources. It can give you flexibility to handle change and hedge risks, but only if you manage it effectively. Mergers and Acquistions The key to growth by acquisitions is takinga advantages of synergies: making 2+2=5. Growth through acquisition is a quicker, cheaper, and far less risky proposition than the tried and true methods of expanded 5 marketing and sales efforts. Further, acquisition offers a myriad of other advantages such as easier financing and instant economies of scale. The competitive advantages are, ranging from catching one's competition off guard, to instant market penetration even in areas where you may currently be weak, to the elimination of a competitor(s) through its acquisition.

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

Our products are based on naturally sourced ingredients wherever possible, but may contain synthetic chemicals where they are necessary for the quality, safety or functional requirements of the product, and where no suitable natural alternatives exist. Unlike the women in the Amazon region, most people would not expect to moisturise with pure cocoa butter or olive oil, and providing these ingredients in a fresh form and ensuring consistent reliable quality is not a practical retail proposition. Products must be formulated with the functionality that sophisticated consumers demand. Furthermore, responsible use of synthetic chemicals is the best and safest means of ensuring that products remain fresh during packaging, distribution and storage, through to purchase and use by our customers. Our approach to the use of chemicals in consumer products In some parts of the world, notably Western Europe, customers are concerned with some types of synthetic chemicals in consumer products

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

*I want to ask you and so wants Mary. Can you come tomorrow? I can. ­ the whole VP is not repeated - emphatic assertion/positive: the nuclear stress is on auxiliaries to mark a finite clause as positive rather than negative: You `must come tomorrow. I' can come. (You are wrong to think I cannot.) Meanings of the modal verbs: Modality is a semantic category that allows speakers to express how committed they are to the truth of a proposition (the speaker's propositional attitude). Epistemic modality - how committed we are to the truth of a statement; our attitude to the truth of a proposition He must have arrived. He may have arrived. He may not have arrived. He can't have arrived. Historically, epistemic meanings have developed from deontic meanings. Deontic modality - how we think things should be in the world (how people should behave). You may/can come tomorrow You must come tomorrow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethnographic interviews with lifestyle travellers in India and Thailand offer an emic account of the practices, ideologies and social identity that characterise lifestyle travel as a distinctive subtype within backpacking.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


ettevõtted emiteerivad ainult kahte tüüpi nõudeidõigusi: riskivaba laenu- (võlakirjadena) ja omakapitali. Märkus: M&M I teoreem defineerib seose finantsvõimenduse ja ettevõtte väärtuse vahel. M&M II teoreem defineerib seose finantsvõimenduse ja omakapitali hinna vahel. I maksudeta maailm (WACC ja ettevõtte väärtus ei sõltu kapitalistruktuurist vaid rahavoost) 1990. aastal sai Nobeli majanduspreemia USA finantsteadlane Merton Miller. Oma avastuse, mida tuntakse M&M Proposition I all, on Miller ise kokku võtnud umbes nii: ,,Pizza väärtus ei sõltu sellest, mitmeks tükiks ta on lõigatud". Finantsjuhtidele kõlab see nii: ,,Ettevõtte väärtus ei sõltu sellest, kuidas ta on finantseeritud." II maksudega maailm (WACC ja ettevõtte väärtus sõltuvad kapitalistruktuurist.) Finantsvõimendus = võime arendada palju suurem kohustuste portfell kui tagatisühenduse käsutuses olevad omavahendid Optimaalse kapitalistruktuuri teooria.

Majandus → Majandus
435 allalaadimist

20.-21. sajandi kunst

1 Modernistlik ja postmodernistlik kunstimudel. Ajaline raamistus. Väärtushinnangute, teoreetilise aluse ja terminite muutumine. Modernistlik kunst loodi urbaniseerumise ja industrialiseerumise (moderniseerumise) tingimustes ning see põhines enamasti klassika kui eelkäija ja varasemate stiilide eemaletõukamisel ja hõlmas ajavahemikku ca 1870ndatest kuni 1950ndate lõpuni. Modernism tähendab kõige laiemas mõttes Lääne kultuuri iseloomustusi 19. sajandi keskpaigast kuni ca 20. sajandi keskpaigani, hõlmates selle arengu laiu majanduslikke, tehnoloogilisi, poliitilisi tendentse ning suhtumiste paketti. Modernistliku kunsti ajalugu võib hakata „arvutama“ impressionistidest, kes tõid maalikunsti kaasaegse moodsa tehnoloogia – fotograafia – mõjutusi. Modernism - kõrgkunsti modernne traditsioon, mis vastandub mitte ainult klassikalisele, akademistlikule, konservatiivsele kunstitüübile, vaid ka populaar- või massikultuurile. Rõhutatakse kõr...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
54 allalaadimist

Liikumispuuetega inimeste võimalused avalikes randades Stroomi ranna näitel

showed that the number of suitable candidates is limited. People who spend their free time 2 on the beach for a swim, it is hard to find.I had to decide in favor of the interviews. I was carried out three interviews. I drafted the transcription and analysis of important ideas and brought them out. The author makes the following suggestions for improvement. The first they have to maintain and improve the road and bring them in line with regulatory standards. Another important proposition is to improve the accessibility of the toilet, reconstruct the ramps. Install fencing in accordance with the standards. Finally the author does propose to investigate for further the possibility of using floating wheelchairs. Keywords: mobility impairments, wheelchair activities deprivation, people with disabilities, leisure, unevenness, health development SISUKORD 3 SISSEJUHATUS Igas ühiskonnas on gruppe, kelle tegevusvõime on piiratud erinevate tervislike probleemide tõttu

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
18 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 6-10

1_fl_vi-x L6 ARUTLUS (järeldamine) Arutlus (ik inference) kui mõtlemise vorm on protsess, mille käigus lähtutakse mingist otsustusest või otsustuse hulgast ning neile ja mingitele reeglitele tuginedes jõutakse uue otsustuseni. Arutluse ehk järeldamise tulemusena saadud otsustust nimetatakse järelduseks (ik conclusion) ehk tuletiseks ning lähteotsustusi eeldusteks (ik premises). Arutlus väljendub keeles lausete hulgana. Klassikalises loogikas käsitletakse arutlust kui propositsioonide hulka või ka kui väidete hulka. Üks neist on järeldus, ülejäänud on eeldused. Tuletis järgneb eeldustest paratamatult (ik necessarily). Et rõhutada tuletise paratamatut iseloomu, alustatakse tema sõnastamist väljendiga järelikult, siit järeldub või sellepärast jt. Neid väljendeid nimetatakse eelduse ja tuletuse seoseks. L...

Filosoofia → Loogika
388 allalaadimist

Kolokvium 1 materjal

TTU¨ Matemaatikainstituut Ivar Tammeraid ¨ US MATEMAATILINE ANALU ¨ I Elektrooniline ~oppevahend Tallinn, 2001 Tr¨ ukitud versioon: Ivar Tammeraid, Matemaatiline anal¨ uu ¨ Kirjastus, ¨s I, TTU Tallinn 2001, 227 lk, ISBN 9985-59-289-1 ¨ Raamatukogu Viitenumber TTU ~opikute osakonnas 517/T-15 c Ivar Tammeraid, 2001 Sisukord 0.1. Eess~ ona K¨aesoleva ~ oppevahendi aluseks on autori poolt viimastel aastatel Tallinna Tehnika¨ ulikoo- lis bakalaureuse~ oppe u ¨li~ opilastele peetud u ¨he muutuja funktsiooni diferentsiaal- ja inte- graalarvutuse loengud nimetuse "Matemaatiline anal¨ uu¨s I" all. Siiski ei ole tegu pelgalt u ¨hel semestri...

Matemaatika → Matemaatiline analüüs
65 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

1 will be said 5 She learnt Polish, discovered a 8 g Liam claimed that he hadn't 2 're going to make new way of life, made friends and taken / didn't take my wallet on 3 will be became more confident. purpose. 4 may / will be done 5 will die 5 1 proposition 2 1 Natalie complimented James on 2 emulate his new hairstyle. 6B The meaning of dreams 3 poverty-stricken 2 Nigel confirmed his willingness page 48 4 agency to help fix Angela's scooter.

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Reklaaamipsühholoogia konspekt

· 1953 Karl Hovland's model Exposure Attention Comprehension Acceptance Retention (talletamine, mäletamine) (Behavioral) Change (Communication and Persuasion, 1953) Hovland: "uinumisefekt" 1949, sõnumi "allika usaldusväärsus" kui olulisim tegur Hoiaku muutmisel/muutumisel 1951 · 1961 R. J. Lavidge, G. A. Steiner'i mudel: teadlik/tahtlik mõtlemine (conscious thinking) emotsioonid/tunded hoiaku muutus otsus · 1957 Festinger'i kognitiivse dissonantsi teooria: Inimene püüdleb/taotleb tunnetuslikku kooskõla/järjepidevust (cognitive consistency) ja satub segadusse, kui ebakõlad ilmnevad tema uskumuste/tõekspidamiste ja reaalstelt kogetu/tajutu vahel. Kui inimene sooritab ostu ja hiljem saab teada, et see kaubamärk on kahtlase väärtusega, siis ta kas on õnnetu v silub dissonantsi suhtumise muutmisega: hakkab ostu õigus...

Psühholoogia → Reklaamipsühholoogia
31 allalaadimist


SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK: TEEMA 1!! 1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tšcnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: • sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; • mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; • teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma mõtteid väljendada; • loogika kui teadus (õpetus, filosoofia vms), mis uurib keeles väljenduva mõtlemise kõige...

Õigus → Õigus
39 allalaadimist


any company? It is its competitive advantage, or “area of excellence.” Every company comes into being and survives because it has a unique capacity to offer the market something that is better in some way than anything being offered by its competitors. It stays in busi- ness as long as it continues to satisfy its customers in a particular area better than anyone else. The competitive advantage or unique selling proposition of a com- pany determines its rate of growth, its level of sales, its profitability, and its very survival. Companies without a competitive advantage soon disappear from the marketplace, to be replaced by other com- panies with clear, unmistakable, competitive advantages that cus- tomers can and will pay for. You are no different. As the president of a company of one, you, too, must develop and maintain meaningful competitive advantage

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


bedacht. Ein Beitrag zur qualitativen Methodendiskussion, in: Bogner, Alexander / Littig, Beate / Menz, Wolfgang (Hg.), Das Experteninterview. Theorie, Methode, Anwendung. Opladen: Leske und Budrich 2002, 71-93. (saksa keeles) 67 66. Mok, Clement. Time for Change. [ change]. 26.01.2006. 67. Morgan, Nigel, Pritchard, Annette. Destination Branding: Creating the Unique Destination Proposition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004, 117 p. 68. Müristaja, Heli. Kohalike elanike turismiuuring, 2005. [http://www.klaster.]. 18.02.2011 69. Nickerson, Norma Polovitz, Kerr, Paula. Snapshots an Introduction to Tourism. Second Canadian edition. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001, 340 p. 70. Osterwalder, Alexander, Pigneur, Yves. Business Model Generation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, 278 p. 71

Majandus → Turundus
54 allalaadimist


1 1. LOOGIKA PÕHIREEGLID. SEMANTILINE KOLMNURK Loogika määratlemisest Sõna loogika näib olevat kujunenud kreeka väljendist logik¾ tscnh, mis tähendab mõtlemise või arutlemise kunsti. Kui püüda mõista, mis on loogika, siis üks võimalus on lähtuda selle sõna kasutamisviisidest tavakeeles. Eesti keelt kõneldes saab sõna loogika Kasutada erinevates tähendustes: · sündmuste, asjade või süsteemide loogika, s.o sisemine korrapära, mis võimaldab sündmustest, asjadest või süsteemidest aru saada, selleks võib olla ka millegi tööpõhimõte; · mõtlemise loogika, s.o mõtlemises esinev korrapära, mis võimaldab teha järeldusi, sh selliseid, mida varem ei teata; · teksti või jutu loogika (loogilisus), see iseloomustab lisaks mõtlemise loogikale (mida kõne väljendab) ka seda, kui süsteemselt kõnelejal õnnestub oma ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika ja loogika
27 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

The much-needed energy efficiency demanded a huge change in the whole of economy and society--as in Ukraine--a process known in Russia as modernization. The first necessary condition for modernization was to raise domestic gas and consequently power prices. A roadmap for doing that was accepted in late 2006, and an evident conclusion emerged. If Russians had to pay more, there was no reason why Belarusians, Ukrainians, and others should continue to be subsidized. The simple Russian proposition has had dramatic consequences for Ukraine. Ukraine's terms of trade would change from a windfall to a downpour of cold rain. And Ukraine had not made the necessary domestic reforms to prepare for such a turn of events. There have been aspiring political leaders who have thought that the Russian decision may be turned or at least postponed by playing on the Slavic or Eurasian Union cards: Ukrainians will continue to entertain prospects of Eastern integration if Russia continues postponing

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Andekusest ja andekatest lastest

M., Moon, S. M. (Eds). The social and abilities of Nobel laureates. High Abi- emotional development at gifted children. lity Studies, 15 (2), 243–254. Prufrock Press, 61–69. Shavinina, L. (1997). Extremely early Rosenthal, R. (2002). The Pygmalion high abilities, sensitive periods, and the effect and its mediating mechanisms. development of giftedness; a concep- In: Aronson, J. (Ed.). Improving acade- tual proposition. High Ability Studies, mic achievement: impact of psychological 8 (2), 247–257. factors on education. Elsevier Science, Siegle, D. & McCoach, D. B. (2002). 25–37. Promoting a positive achievement atti- Saul, H., Sepp, V., Päiviste, M. (2007). tude with gifted and talented students. Andekus kui hariduslik erivajadus: olu- In: Neihart, M., Reis, S. N., Robinson,

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
112 allalaadimist


notice n. observer adj. observant adj. observable Human beings like to observe the behavior of monkeys. I made the observation that you are not happy. ongoing adj. continuing Syn. current The tutoring project is an ongoing program of the school. Maintaining roads is an ongoing job. propose v. to suggest or plan to do something n. proposal Syn. suggest n. proposition adj. proposed The governor is going to propose new taxes. Her proposal was well accepted. restore v. to give back or bring back something; to n. restoration return to the original condition adj. restored Syn. revitalize He restored my confidence in hint. It is a beautiful restoration of the old table. vital adj. of great importance, full of life n. vitality Syn

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident...[It also] copes with the technically distinctive situation in which there will be many more variables of interest than data points, and as one result relies on multiple courses of evidence, with data needing to converge in a triangulating fashion, and as another result benefits from the prior development of theoretical proposition to guide data collection and analysis.” 2.2. Sample Selection The two cases are considered relevant and appropriate because they both represent highly complex steel structures, which could not have been built within a reasonable timeframe and on budget without the extensive use of the latest model based software available at the time. The complex geometrical form of the Seattle Central Library and the Denver Art Museum created unique challenges for everyone involved in the projects

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist


But this big jolly bachelor, the first to break the Junker barrier in the higher regions of the Kaiser's officialdom, perceived that the repeated sinkings of American vessels would sooner or later torpedo American neutrality, and he bethought himself of a scheme to counter this danger. He proposed a military alliance with Mexico, then particularly hostile to the imperialistic Norte-americanos as a result of Pershing's punitive expedition into Mexican territory. He sweetened the proposition with an offer of money and the possibility of support from Japan, standing at America's back, and with still more anti-Yankee inducements. Unable to deal through the Mexican ambassador, who was in Switzerland, Zimmermann sent his proposal to his minister in Mexico, Heinrich J. F. von Eckardt, by way of Washington. To ensure that it would get there, he routed jt two ways, both monitored by Britain. The cruise of Telconia was paying off.

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

" "How sad is it that I don't have anything else for you?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Why don't I show you the accounts I'm working on and we'll go from there?" The rest of the day passed in a blur. Mark touched bases with two clients and had a long meeting with the creative team working on concept ideas for a trade school. It was a fascinating process seeing firsthand how the various departments picked up the baton from each other to carry a campaign from proposition to fruition. I might've stayed late just to get a better feel of the layout of the offices, but my phone rang at ten minutes to five. "Mark Garrity's office. Eva Tramell speaking." "Get your ass home so we can go out for the drink you rain-checked on yesterday." Cary's mock sternness made me smile. "All right, all right. I'm coming." Shutting down my computer, I cleared out. When I reached the bank of elevators, I pulled out

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

"MAX" mark using the specified type of fluid illustration). Lubricate the trunnion rubber Special gauges are needed for this operation and keep it topped up throughout the bleed bush to aid removal. and it is not a DIY proposition. procedure. Refitting 5 Using a Torx type key or socket bit slacken 23 Hydraulic system - bleeding the bypass valve on the relevant modulator by

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

THE W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY M Y T H I C STRUCTURE FOR W R I T E R S THIRD EDITION CHRISTOPHER VOGLER S C R E E N W R I T I N G / W R I T I N G Christopher Vogler explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in his clear, concise style that's made i this book required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, fiction and non-fiction writers, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. Discover a set of useful myth-inspired storytelling paradigms like "The Hero's Journey," and step-by-step guidelines to plot and • character development. Based on the work of Joseph Campbell, The Writers Jour...

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun