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"mary-i" - 574 õppematerjali


Queen Mary I of England

1.SLAID Queen Mary I of England was born February 18, 1516. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his first of six wives, Catherine of Aragon. Mary was the only child from that union to survive infancy. She ruled as Queen of England from July 19, 1553 until her death on November 17, 1558. This era was known as the Marian Exile 2.SLAID Queen Mary I was rejected by her father during his divorce from her mother. Her parents' marriage was thought meaningless so for a while she was stripped of her statud as and heir to the throne. She was angry at her father's break from the Roman Catholic Church because it had told him that he couldn't divorce from her mother. She thought that if it hadn't happened she would have...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Presentation in english: Mary I

Mary I, Queen of England Queen Mary I of England Born: 18 February 1516 Proclaimed Queen: 19 July 1553 at St. Paul's Cathedral Coronation: 1 October 1553 Died: 17 November 1558 Buried: 14 Decenber 1558 Mary Tudor The Tudor Britain (1485-1603) Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon Henry divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn From "princess" to "The Lady Mary" Catherine of Aragon 16 Dec 1485- 7 Jan 1536 Born in Toledo's Palace, Spain Youngest child Ferdinand and Isabella Married to Prince Arthur:...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Teadus ja Ajalugu, Muusika

Teadus ja Ajalugu Ott Maarjo 10.a Johann Gutenberg (13951468) Johannes Gutenberg, õigemini Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg sündis 1395 aastal Mainzis ja suri 3. veebruaril 1468 Mainzis oli saksa leiutaja, trükkal ja kullassepp, keda peetakse liikuvate metalltähtedega trükikunsti (trükimasina) leiutajaks. Ajavahemikus 1452­1454 trükkis ta umbes 180 eksemplaris ladinakeelse 42-realise Piibli. Enne Gutenbergi leiutist oli raamatuid kopeeritud käsitsi kirjutades. Trükikunst andis võimaluse kiiresti ja suures koguses raamatuid toota, mis viis raamatute ja hariduse kiirele levikule renessanssi ajal. Esimese 50 aasta jooksul trükiti Euroopas 30 000 nimetust raamatuid kogutiraaziga 12 miljonit. Johann Gutenberg Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Nel...

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
1 allalaadimist


Ususõjad (Õ 236-243) · Madalmaad kuulusid Hispaaniale. · Madalmaad soovisid vabaks saada Hispaaniast. · Madalmaad pidid Hispaaniale maksama makse, tänu sellele tekkis mäss. · 1581.a. moodustati esimene iseseisev riik ­ Ühendatud Provintside Vabariik (tänapäeva Holland). · Ühiskonna klassid: 1) Vaimulikud 2) Aadlikud; Feodaalid 3) Lihtrahvas ANGLIKAANI KIRIK (Inglismaal) · Mary Tudor oli katoliiklane. Taastas katoliku kiriku Inglismaal. Peale M.Tudor'i surma tuli võimule Elisabeth I, kes taastas anglikaani kiriku. Hakkas võitlema nii katoliiklaste kui ka kalvinistide (puritaanide) vastu. Tema ajal rajati esimene koloonia Põhja-Ameerikasse nime Virginia (Neitsimaa). Maailmakirjanduses kirjutas Elisabethi ajastul W. Shakespeare. HUGENOTTIDE SÕJAD PRANTSUSMAAL · Reformatsioon levis Prantsusmaal enamasti kalvinismina. Neid kutsuti hugenottideks ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

16th century (Tudors) 1. Henry VII - avoided wars, careful with money, didnt have expensive parties, was a rather shadowy figure 2. Henry VIII- brilliant scholar, excellent knight, good-looking, ambitious, self- centered, loved expensive clothes and parties. Wasted his fathers money very quickly and had 6 wives. His first wife couldnt give birth to a baby boy and they only had a daughter. His next wife only gave birth to a girl too. His next wife gave birth to a boy but died after the labor. He didnt like his 4th wife so he sent her back. His fifth wife was young and beautiful but had many lovers and Henry didnt like it so she was sent to the Tower and was beheaded. HIs 6th wife survived. 3. Edward- was sickly and ruled only for a few years and then he died 4. Mary Tudor/Bloody Mary- was catholic and killed many protesntants. Ruled only f...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist


REEGEL: · Inglise keeles laused võivad olla kahes tegumoes: aktiivis ja passiivis. My child drew a picture. (aktiiv; lauses on alus, kes on ka tegija) (alus) (öeldis) (sihitis) The picture was drawn. (passiiv; lauses on alus, kuid see ei ole tegija) (alus) (öeldis) · Passiivi kasutatakse siis, kui tegija on teadmata või tema mainimine ei ole oluline. MOODUSTAMINE Passiivi ajavormid moodustatakse be pöördelistes vormidest antud ajas ja lisatakse põhiverbi mineviku kesksõna (Past Participle). Kui tegija on teada ja tahetakse teda ära mainida, siis kasutatakse eessõna by, millele järgneb tegija. Ajavorm Aktiiv Passiiv Tense form Active voice Passive voice Present simple Mary teaches me. I am taught by Mary. Present cont. Mary is teaching me. I am bein...

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Mary Stuarti elulugu

Mary Stuart Mary Stuart sündis 8. detsembril 1542. aastal Sotimaa kuninga James V ja Marie de Guise'i perre ja hukati 8. veebruaril 1587. aastal. Ta oli Mary I nime all Sotimaa kuninganna 14. detsembrist 1542. aastast kuni 24. juulini 1567-da aastani. Kuna James V suri nädal pärast tema sündi, siis 6-päevaselt (reaalselt küll 1561. aastast) sai Mary Sotimaa kuningannaks. Aastal 1558 abiellus ta Prantsuse dofääniga, aastast 1559 Prantsusmaa kuningas François II-ga, kes oli troonil 10. juulist 1559 kuni 5. detsembrini 1560. Sel ajal oli Mary Stuart Prantsusmaa kuninganna. François II suri 5. detsembril 1560. aastal. Mary Stuart naasis Sotimaale. Hiljem püüdis ta Hispaania, Prantsuse ja inglise katoliiklaste toetusel kukutada lastetut Inglismaa kuningannat Elizabeth I-st. 29. juulil 1565 abiellus Mary Holyroodi palees oma nõbu Henry Stuarti ehk lord Darnleyga. Abielu vihastas Elizabeth I-st, kuna temalt ei k...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Inglise valitsejad

William Vallutaja. 1066.a. puhkesid võitlused Inglismaa kuningatrooni pärast. Võimule üritasid saada: Harold Godwinson Hertsog Guillaume Harald III (Norra kuningas) William Vallutaja ehk William Sohilaps. Normandia hertsog- Guillaume II- soovis saada Inglise troonile. 1066.a. krooniti ametlikult kunungaks Harold Godwinson- Harold II. Guillaume oli Normandia hertsog(võis olla Edwardi sohilaps) 1066a.a maabus ta Lõuna-Inglismaal ja otsustas endale trooni nõudma hakata(abiks Harald III- Norra kuningas) Hastingsi lahing. 14. oktoobril 1066.a. toimus Hastingsi lähedal lahing, mille William võitis. William vallutas Londoni ja ta kuulutati Inglise kuningaks William I Vallutaja nime all. Inglismaa vallutamine. Normannide vallutust 1066.a. on kujutatud Bayeux' vaibal. Vaibal on kujutatud u. 1500 inimest, põhitähelepanu on Hatingsi lahingul. Legendi järdi tikkis selle vaiba Williami naine. Vaip pärit 11.saj lõpp 12saj algul. Rääkis prantsuse kee...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

One story

One story Laurel was sitting on her bed, but everything around her was still gone. She thought it was just a dream some moments ago, but now she was certain ­ something was wrong with her eyes. The background wasn't totally black, there were some lighter and darker places...but it didn't help her to get to the door. Slowly, almost millimeter-by-millimeter she moved to the other side of her small room, watching out for the things that were lying on the ground. "What are you doing, Laurel?" a sudden voice from somewhere behind called. The girl turned around and saw some blue stripes waving, but soon they were gone again. "Um, who is it?" she asked after a minute of silence, but the person who stood there was already gone. The next noise she heard were someone's fast, almost running feet on the stairs that led to her chamber-room. Soon the door opened and a warm hug followed ­ it was her older sister, Mary. Laurel wanted to say `good mor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Mary Stuart

Mary Stuart Mary, Queen of Scots Mary was born in 8th December 1542. Also known as Mary Stuart or Mary I of Scotland She became queen when her father, James V died six days after her birth. First marriage Mary was sent by her mother, Mary of Guise, to be raised at the court of the French king Henry II. She was married in 1558 to Francis II. When Francis died Mary returned to Scotland. Francis II and Mary Stuart Scotland She was distrusted because of her Catholic upbringing. In 1565 the red-haired queen married her ambitious cousin Lord Darnley She became a victim of intrigues among the Scottish nobles. Darnley murdered Mary's confidant David Riccio. The murder of Riccio Third marriage Lord Darnley was murdered in 1567. The suspect was Bothwell. Ignoring objections by the jealous Scottish nobility, Mary married Bothwell. England ...

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

"Uhkus ja eelarvamus" tegelased

Tegelased: Bennetite pere Mr.Bennet (vaikne, rahulik, sarkastiline, luges palju) Mrs.Bennet (rumal, elueesmärk oli lapsed saada abielluma, ei osanud käituda ja suur ego) Jane Bennet (väga heasüdamlik, avameelne, tark ja sundimatu) Elizabeth Bennet (avameelne, salakaval, julge ja tark) Mary Bennet (haris ennast kogu aeg, luges, musitseeris jm) Kitty Bennet (järgnes Lydiale, küll aga hiljem ilma temata hakkas käituma) Lydia Bennet (loll, häbematu ja flirtija) Longbourni mõisas, vara oleks edasi läinud pojale, aga polnud ühtegi. Seega nõole mr.Collinsile, kes oli abielus mrs.Lucase tütre Charlotte'ga. Elasid Rosingsis, leedi Catherine de bourgh'i kõrval. Bingley'd Mr.Bingley (naiivne, sõltus sõpradest, avameelne ja sundimatu) Bingley õed (silmakirjalikud, õelad ja näitlejad) Kolisid Netherfieldi mõisasse, kus tutvusid Bennetite perega, kes visiidi tegid. Korraldasid balle, Bingley ja Jane armusid. Tööasjus ja ka Darcy pärast kolisid taga...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
33 allalaadimist

Reformatsioon Inglismaal

Reformatsioon Inglismaal Inglise reformatsiooni iseloomustas selle esimesel etapil 16.sajandil poliitiliste ja majanduslike vastuolude domineerimine usuliste probleemide üle. 15.sajandi II poolel oli inglimaa üleelanud Rooside sõja. Kodusõda lõppes Henry VII võimuletulekuga, kes asus kuningavõimu tugevdama. Oluline samm oli feodaalide relvastatud kaaskondade laialisaatmine parlamendi aktiga 1503.aastal. Relvastatud salkade likvideerimise järelvalveks loodi nn Tähekoda. Sisuliselt oli see erakorraline kuningakohus, mida Henry VII kasutas oma poliitvaenlaste vastu. Kuningavõimu tugevdamist toetasid laiad rahvakihid, kes soovisid kodusõja lõppu. Majanduslik areng Inglismaa majanduses arenesid 16.sajandil kapitalistlikud suhted. Suured kaubateed olid maadeavastuste tagajärjel nihkunud Atlandi ookeanile. Hoogustus laevaehitus ja arenes meresõit. Tootmise alal muutus järjest olulisemaks manufaktuuritööstus, mis haaras üha uusi valdkondi, näit...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
39 allalaadimist


REPORT To: Mirtel Ola From: Mary Pihlak Work provider Worker 20th October 2005 Accident to Mary Pihlak As requested I have looked into the circumstances of the accident that happened to Mary. I understand the purpose of this report is to ascertain whether she can claim the insurance company for the injuries she received. Cause of accident When Mary ran down the stairs, then stumbled and fell down. Result of the accident Mary broke his arm falling from a result of the, and then fainted. Injuries incurred Mary could not speak and move, because it was a great shock. tablets and injections to reduce Mary pain. Mery was taken to hospital where she underwent immediate surgery. Conc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Passive voice

Passive voice Umbisikuline tegumood Kui tegija pole oluline või pole teada. The Present Simple Passive am is + III pv are Examples: I am watched. A book is read. Marks are given. The Past Simple Passive was were + III pv Examples: I was watched. A book was read. Marks were given. The Future Simple Passive will be + III pv Examples: I will be watched. A book will be read. Marks will be given. The Future Simple Passive in the Past would be + III pv Examples: I would be watched. A book would be read. Marks would be given. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
183 allalaadimist

DIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadel

H-Helen, J - Julia 1.Receiving a money order H: - Hello, I would like to cash a money order. J: - Hello! You should present your identity card. H: - But, you know, I'd like to receive money order for my sister. How do I go about it? J: - Your identity card and letter of attorney, please. H: - Here you are. J: - Well...Unfortunately, I can't cash your money order ­ your signature is not witnessed. H: - Ok. Than, please, I'd like to cash my money order. J: - Take this form and fill it in. May I see your passport? H: - Yes. Please. So...Should I write my full name, my passport number and the sum of money that has been sent to me, right? J: - Certainly. How would you like the money? H: - I prefer one hundred rouble notes, if you don't mind. J: - Here is your money. H: - Thank you Getting a post-restante. H: - Hi, Julia! What are you doing here? J: - I'm getting post restante letter from Boris... H: -Ah, yeah, remember him. What is he...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The Queens of England

Mary I Mary I, called Mary Tudor (1516-1558), Queen of England (1553-1558). Mary was born in London on February 18, 1516, the daughter of Henry VIII by his first wife, Catherine of Aragón. Because Henry divorced Catherine, Mary was declared illegitimate. Nonetheless, Henry included her in his will, and on the death of her half-brother, Edward VI, on July 6, 1553, she became the legal heir to the throne. Although Lord High Chamberlain John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, favoured the succession of his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey, and proclaimed her queen on July 10, the country supported Mary. As a Roman Catholic, Mary began her reign by sweeping awa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Grammatika inglise keel

INGLISE KEELE GRAMMATIKA Present Simple Lihtoleviku moodustamine Jaatav vorm Eitav vorm Küsiv vorm I make I do not make Do I make? He/she/it speaks He/she/it does not speak Does he/she/it speak? We/you/they go We/you/they do not go Do we/you/they go? NB! ERANDID! · Verbidele, mis lõpevad ­ss, h, ch, tch, x või ­oga, lisatakse ainsuse kolmdandas pöördes ­es. he does he goes he misses he watches he mixes · Verbid, mis lõpevad ­yga, mille ees on konsonant, muudavad y iks enne ­es lisamist. fly ­ he flies carry ­ he carries Võrdle: say ­ he says Lihtolevik väljendab: · Antud momendil toimuvat tegevust, mis ei väljenda kest...

Keeled → Inglise keel
925 allalaadimist

Kaudne kõne

Kaudne kõne 1. Saatelause olevikus (he says that ...) Kõneleja juttu saab edasi anda otseselt (direct) ja kaudselt (reported). Otsene kõne: He says: "I am a man" Kaudne kõne: He says (that) he is a man. Kaudsel kõnel võivad muutuda asesõnad ja ka verbi pöördevormid. She tells me: ,,I like your dress." She tells me (that) she likes my dress. 2. Saatelause minevikus (he said that ...) Kui saatelause on minevikus, siis võivad samuti muutuda asesõnad ja verbi pöördevormid. Pane tähele! Oleviku vorm otseses kõnes muutub mineviku vormiks kaudses kõnes. am/is --- was are -- were do/does --- did want/like/know/go etc --- have/has ­ had wanted/liked/knew/went etc will --- would can --- could wa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Inglismaa valitsejad

ENGLAND... Normannid: · William I (vallutaja) 1066-1087 · Henry I 1100-1135 · Stephen 1135-1154 · Keisrinna Matilda 1141 Plantagenets: · Henry II 1154-1189 · Richard I (Lõvisüda) 1189-1199 · John I 1199-1216 · Henry III 1216-1272 · Edward I 1272-1307 · Edward II 1307-1327 · Edward III 1327-1377 · Richard II 1377-1399 The house of Lanchester: · Henry IV 1399-1413 · Henry V 1413-1422 · Henry VI 1422-1461, 1470-1471 The house of York: · Edward IV 1461-1470, 1471-1483 · Edward V 1483 · Richard III 1483-1485 Tuudorid: · King Henry VII 1485 - 1509 · King Henry VIII 1509 - 1547 ·...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


Saksamaa Sveits Inglismaa Sotimaa Prantsusmaa Skandinaavia Madalmaad Pahameel rikka, Nõuti nii kiriklikke Reformatsiooni Enamarenenud Üle 30 aasta (1562- 1397 Taani Madalmaad (Holland, Belgia) toretseva ja kui ka ilmalikke iseloomustas algul Lõuna-Sotimaal 1598) verised juhtimisel Kalmari kuulusid katoliikliku Hispaania amoraalse katoliku uuendusi. majanduslike ja levib kalvinism. ususõjad katoliiklaste unioon Rootsi ja alla. Reformatsiooni pooldajaid reformatsiooni kiriku vastu, kes Nõudmised Lutheri poliitiliste vastuolude Põhja-Sotimaa on ja hugenottide Norraga...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
257 allalaadimist

Inglise reformatsioon

Inglise reformatsioon Inglise reformatsioon hakkas kuningavõimu tõusuga Inglismaal. Pärast Rooside sõda sai troonile Tudori dünastia, mille esimene kuningas Henry VII asus tugevdama kuningavõimu. Selleks saatis ta laiali feodaalide relvastatud kaaskonnad ja lõhkus kindlused. Kuningat toetas nii rahvas, lootes kodusõdade lõppu, kui ka parlament. Ka majanduselu elavnes Inglismaal ­ arenesid kapitalistlikud suhted, oluliseks muutus manufaktuuritööstus ning järsult kasvas kalevitööstus. Kalevitööstuse tõus tõi kaasa lambakasvatuse laienemise, mille tagajärjel hakati rohkem karjamaid tegema ning talupojad aeti põllumaadelt välja. Paljud talupojad jäid töötuteks ja neist said varased ja hulkurid, kelle tabamisel kasutati vägivalda. Ka Henry VIII asus oma isa jälgedes kuningavõimu tugevdama ­ ta lõi hiilgava õukonna, mis oli mõjutatud humanismiideedest ja renessansskultuurist. Henry VIII soosis kunsti ­ ta k...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Janeli Õim 11A Brief biography Elizabeth Tudor Click to edit Master text styles 7 September 1533 Second level 24 March 1603 Third level Fourth level Queen of England Fifth level Queen of Ireland - 17 November 1558 until her death (aged 69) Protestant Never married Janeli Õim 11A Family Click King Henry VIII (1491 - to edit Master text styles 1547) Second level Anne Boleyn (Executed 19 Third level Fourth level May 1536) Fif...

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

"Elizabeth I" John Ernest Neale

Elizabeth I John Ernest Neale Kokkuvõte 7.septembril 1533.aastal sündis Inglismaal Greencichis tütarlaps.Ta ei olnud tavaline väikelaps,sest tema ema oli hiljuti kroonitud Inglismaa kuninganna Anne Boleyn ja tema isa oli kuningas Henry VIII,üks Euroopa võimsamaid monarhe.Kolm päeva pärast sündimist ristiti laps Greenvichi palee kõrval olevas kirikus.Lapse nimeks sai Elizabeth nagu ka tema mõlemal vanaemal.Oleks võinud arvata,et vanemad olid õnnelikud pärast selist sündmust,kui Henry VIII oli soovinud saada poega,kellest oleks saanud tema troonipärija. Elizabethi noorus oli väga kirev ja segane aeg. Kuningas Henry VIII-l ei õnnestunud kuidagi saada meessoost pärijat ning nõnda oli ta 1533. aastal end lõplikult lahutanud nii abikaasast Aragóni Katariinast kui ka katoliku usust. Ta abiellus protestandist Anne Bo...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
28 allalaadimist

Charlotte Bronte , "Jane Eyre"

Charlotte Bronte ,,Jane Eyre" Tegelased ja nende väike kirjeldus, kes nad raamatus olid: · Jane Eyre- peategelane · Missis Reed- naine, kes Jane kasvatas · Mister Reed- Missis Reedi surnud abikaasa, Jane ema vend · Eliza- Reedide laps · John- Reedide laps · Georgina- Reedide laps · Abbot- toatüdruk · Bessie Lee- toatüdruk, hoidis Jane · Robert Leaven- ratsanik, Bessie mees · Jane, John, ..... ­ Beesie ja Roberti lapsed · Mister Loyd- apteeker · Mister Brocklehurst- kooli ülalpidaja · Miss Miller- õpetaja · Miss Maria Temple- kooli direktriss · Miss Smith- käsitöö õpetaja · Miss Scatcherd- ajalugu, grammatika · Madam Pirreot- prantsuse keel · Helena Burns- sõbranna, suri kopsuvähki · M;ister Brocklehursti naised · Mary Ann Wilson · Missis Fairfax- koduabiline · John- hobuvankri juht, Leah´i naine · Leah- toatü...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
62 allalaadimist


Passive voice Umbisikuline tegumood Kui tegija pole oluline või pole teada. · The Present Simple Passive am is + III pv are Examples: I am watched. A book is read. Marks are given. · The Past Simple Passive was were + III pv Examples: I was watched. A book was read. Marks were given. · The Future Simple Passive will be + III pv Examples: I will be watched. A book will be read. Marks will be given. · The Future Simple Passive in the Past would be + III pv Examples: I would be watched. A book would be read. Marks would be given. · The Present Progressive Passive am is + being + III pv are Examples: I am being watched. A book is being read. Marks are being given. · The Past Progressive Passive was were + being + III pv Examples: I was being watched. A book was being read. Marks were being given. · The Present Perfect Passive have has been +...

Keeled → Inglise keel
99 allalaadimist

Halloweeni jutt

Ben's Halloween Story One spooky Halloween night, Ben went trick or treating dressed as a vampire. "Where is John?" Ben wondered unhappily. "I can't go trick or treating alone!" Just then, a bush started to move! The leaves trembled. Ben was frightened,"Who's there?" Suddenly, a zombie jumped from behind the bush! The zombie shouted, "Boo! Guess who!" Ben knew who it was and said, "John, you silly thing. You scared me! Where have you been all this time?" Laughing, John said, "Sorry I'm late, but there was a problem with my costume. Let's go trick or treating. There'll be no candy left for us if we wait any longer." "That's okay," Ben said. "Let's get started." Ben suggested they go east first. Several houses looked promising that way, and Ben remembered that the f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Reported speech kokkuvõte ja harjutused

Reported Speech (in other words Indirect Speech) If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker's exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. We use reported speech when we are saying what other people say, think or believe. - Example: If this verb is in the present tense (says), it's easy. We just put 'she says' and then the sentence. When we are reporting things in the present, future or present perfect we don't change the tense. : direct speech: "I like ice cream" reported speech: She says she likes ice cream - But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense (said), then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: direct speech: "I like ice cream" reported speech: She said she liked ice cream. ......... · When there are Changing tenses: present changes to past:::: am/is --- was are -...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Whitechapel esitlus

WHITECAPEL Märt Oona 10.c Subtopics · General information · Whitechapel murders (murdermap) · Canonical five ­ More about victims · Whitecapel(USA band) · Builtup inner city district · Location: London,Borough of Tower Hamlets, London, England. · Name is derived from the church of St. Mary Matfelon. · First buildings built on 13.century. · Bengali area. · Best known for unsolved murders. Whitecapel murders · Jack the Ripper · 5+ victims · Very gruesome killer · Never caught · Had medical background · Killed females occupated in Prostitution Canonical five · Mary Ann Nichols first confirmed victim · Annie Chapman · Elizabeth Stride · Catherine Eddowes · Mary Jane Kelly last confirmed victim ·The gruesomely mutilated body of Mary Jane Kelly ·Victim No.5 ·Missing a heart ·Youngest of victims Whitechapel(USA band) · From USA · Deathcore...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


• Adverbs of Manner • Adverbs of Manner tell us the manner or way in which something happens. They answer the question "how?". Adverbs of Manner mainly modify verbs. • He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?) • They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?) • James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his cars?) • Adverbs of Place • Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modifyverbs. • Please sit here. (Where should I sit?) • They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?) • Two cars were parked outside. (Where were two cars parked?) • Adverbs of Time • Adverbs of Time tell us something about the time that something happens. Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs. • They can answer the question "when?": • He came yesterday. (When did he come?) • I want it now. (When do I want it?) • Or they can answer the question "...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 4

Test 4 1 Translate. 1 Kiusamine võib olla ka suusõnaline. Bullying can be verbal, too. 2 Ära kutsu kedagi solvavate nimedega Don 't call anyone names. 3 Ta püüdis mind rahustada. He tried to calm me down. 4 Räägi see oma sõpradega selgeks. Talk it through with your friends. 5 Ma tahan maha istuda. Mul käib pea ringi. I want to sit down. I feel dizzy. 6 Jim pani mulle jala ette. Jim tripped me up. 7 kellegagi tüli norima pick a fight with sb 8 kellegi ees vabandama apologize to sb 2 Put the verbs in the past simple, the past continuous, or the past perfect. 1 By the time we got home Aunt Mary and Uncle John had left for Liverpool. (get; leave) 2 Jane and Lisa were walking by the riverside when they heard somebody crying for help. (walk; hear) 3 I started reading a detective story after i had had a shower. (start; have) 4 Tom pushed Alan away and asked if he was picking a fight. (push; as...

Keeled → Inglise keel
58 allalaadimist

Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I Koostajad: Katre Vendel Elizabeth I Sündis 7.september 1533.a Neitsikuninganna Suri 24.märts 1603.a ja on maetud koos Mary Stuartiga Westminsteri kloostri kirikusse Elizabeth I Vanemad on kuningas Henry VIII ja Anne Boleyni Ta on poolõde Mari I ja Edward VI Tal oli tähtis, et alamad oleksid talle lojaalsed Suur osa katoliiklasi ei tunnustanudki teda seaduslikuks valitsejaks ning toetasid hoopis Mary Stuartit , kes oli Henry VIII õetütar Elizabeth I kätt on palunud Rootsi kuningas Erik XIV ja Hispaania kuningas Felipe II Valitsemine Tuodorite soost Inglismaa ja Iirimaa kuninganna Valitsemises kaldus protestantismi poole Väga kirev ja segane Eraelu Ei abiellunud kunagi kuna muidu oleks pidanud riik alluma abikaasa võimule Lapsi ei olnud Pruunid silmad ja lokkis pruunid juuksed Elizabeth I Olulisi fakte Virgi...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist


Elizabeth I When Elizabeth was a young girl, the times in Englad were quite confusing and the fight over the throne of England was in the highest point. Of course a major problem was the religion. Elizabeth was a protestant but Mary, the queen of England believed truly in the catholic church. Mary unfortunately died and Elizabeth became the next queen of England. There remained some lords and members of the council who were not loyal to Elizabeth. Many of them wanted to see her dead, but she managed to be alive. The throne was still in endangered by Mary Stuart but the queen moved fast and let Mary killed. Elizabeth was living a hard life because she had to stand for the people of England and make many important decisions. She had good mind for being a queen and she was able to improve the position of England in the world despite the fact that she sacrificed her life for it. She...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
18 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth I lifestory

Queen Elizabeth I Elin Palumäe 10B Elizabeth I Reign - 17 Nov. 1558 ­ 24 March 1603 (44 years) Coronation - 15 January 1559(25 years) Predecessor - Mary I Successor - James I House - House of Tudor Father - Henry VIII Mother - Anne Boleyn Born - 7 September 1533 Greenwich, England Died - 24 March 1603 (aged 69) Burial - Westminster Abbey Anne Boleyn Queen consort of England Mother of Elizabeth I Tenure - 28 May 1533 ­ 17 May 1536 Coronation 1 June 1533 Anne Boleyn was Queen of England from 1533 to 1536 as the second wife of Henry VIII of England and the 1st Marquess of Pembroke in her own right for herself and her descendants. House - House of Tudor Father - Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire Mother - Lady Elizabeth Howard Born c.1501/1507 Blickling Hall/ Hever Castle, England Died 19 May 1536 (aged 29-35)Tower of London Religion - Anglican, formerly Roman Catholic King of England Henry VIII Reign - 21 April 1509 ­ ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keel Harjutused enesekontrolliks

Exercises 1. Use the Present Simple of the verb be or have. ( 10 points ) eyes and blond hair, but her brother ........dark hair. He his late twenties. He........married and........two sons. I........short, but my sister........tall. We........a dog and a cat. Our uncle........two dogs. They........brown. 2. Choose the correct item. ( 5 points ) e.g. The residents were made...D....their homes by the authorities. A leave B leaving C left D to leave 1) Ann is my best friend! We........each other for years A know B knew C knows D have known 2) San Francisco when the accident happened. A flies B has flown C was flying D has been flying 3) Why don`t you let her........her story? A finish B to finish C finishing D have finished 4) a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
81 allalaadimist

Kaudne kõne

n e k õ n e T d C E H a u R C K D E I IN PE S v i i rek aa S n e U m St H s iu 12 lva naa E üm G 3 Kaudne kõne Kõneleja sõnu saab edasi anda otseselt ja kaudselt.Otsene kõne kordab kõneleja sõnu täpselt Näiteks: She says, ,,I am a student ." Kaudne kõne annab kõneleja sõnu edasi ümberjutustatult. Näiteks: She says that she is a student. Otsene kõne Otsene kõne antakse kaudses kõned edasi sihitislausega, kusjuures toimuvad mõningad muudatused , näiteks muutuvad vastavalt lause mõttele asesõnad ja mõnel juhul ka verbi pöördevormid. Saatelause Otsene kõne Reporting clause Direct speech He says, ,,I like your car." ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

"You Belong To Me" by Mary Higgins Clark

"You Belong To Me" by Mary Higgins Clark This book was written by Mary Higgins Clark in the year 1998. In the Asian Age was written about this book "Clark keeps you reading...very engaging" and the Daily Mirror wrote "Clark plays out her story like a pro that she is...flawless". About Mary Higgins Clark Mary Theresa Eleanor Higgins Clark Conheeney is born in December 24th in the year 1927 in the Bronx, New York. She has wrote twenty-four books and each and every one of them has been a bestseller in the United States and various European countries. Clark began to write at an early age but it was at the year of 1970 she started to write mystery and suspense novels. Her daughter, Carol Higgins Clark, is also a suspense writer and they have wrote some works together. Setting Most of the events of the book take place in New York and during one week time. It is in the middle of October and the timeline is about ten years back...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Mary Shelly "Frankenstein"

Frankenstein Mary Shelley About the Author Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (30 August 1797 ­ 1 February 1851) was an English romantic/gothic novelist. She was born in Somers Town, London. Mary received an excellent education, which was unusual for girls at the time. She never went to school, but she was taught to read and write by her housekeeper and her father. She was married to a romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. She began writing "Frankenstein" when she was only eighteen and it had conceived from a nightmare. Mary died, aged 54, at Chester Square in London, England. She was buried in St. Peter's churchyard in Bournemouth, Dorset, England. The Book The story begins in a vessel in the North Pole where captain Robert Walton was on a voyage of discovery. Suddenly he saw a man and he was Victor Frankenstein. Victor was very ill and he started to tell Robert a...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
59 allalaadimist

Kaudkõne inglise keeles

Kaudkõne inglise keeles Aegade nihe 1.tuleb teha aegade nihe olevikust lihtminevikku ja muuta asesõnad. Asesõna muutumine Saatesõna Otsekõne: Colin said, ,,I like Scotland very much. Kaudkõne küsimus Kaudkõne: Colin said that she liked Scotland very much. (Kui lause on juba minevikus tuleb see panna perfekti minevikku. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) wrote plays. Jacqueline Wilson (born 1945) has written many books about teenage girls.) 2.Kui otsekõne saatelause on minevikus (said), siis nihkuvad kaudkõnes kõik ajavormid mineviku suunas. Minevikus: Mary said, ,,I am reading a fantasy novel by C.S.Lewis. Perfekti minevikus: Mary said (that) she was reading a fantasy novel by C.S.Lewis. She said, ,,I have ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Parlamentarismi areng Inglismaal

PARLAMENTARISMI AREN INGLISMAAL (2.ptk) Stuartite dünastia algus Elisabeth I surm lõpetas Tudorite dünastia. Kuninganna soovil astus troonile Mary Starti poeg, sotimaa kuningas James VI, kes astus Inglise troonile James I (1603-1625). Inglaste jaoks oli valitseja matslik ja rahvast eemale hoidev. Kuningas ei teinud mingeid järelandmisi ei katoliiklastele ega puritaanidele. 1605. avastati Londonis püssirohuvandenõu- katoliiklik fanaatik Guy Fawkes paigutas parlamendihoonesse püssirohutünnid. Kuningavõimu tugevdamise püüded ajasid James I tülli parlamendiga, peamiseks tüliõunaks sa maksude kehtestamine. Kuninga ja parlamendi vastasseis Charles I ajal Tüli parlamendi ja kuninga vahel pühendas James I oma pojale Charles I (1625-1649), kes üritas kehtestada makse parlamenti eirates. Kuningas saatis parlamendi laiali, kuid sotimaal puhkenud mässu maha surumiseks vajas kuningas parlamendi toetust. 1640. kokku tulnud parlament esitas kuningale...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
92 allalaadimist

8. klassi Inglise keele U 1-5 kordamine

FORM 8 REVISION UNITS 1-5 GRAMMAR 1) ´S- lõpuline omastav ­ reeglid on TV lk 30 Exercise 1. 1) George has a new car. It is ........................ 2) Ken and Chris have a friend. This boy is...................... 3) Her children have a dog. It´s.......................... 4) These newspapers were published yesterday. This is .................. 5) His parents own this house. This is...................... 6) Ted and Nancy have a son whose name is Fred. Fred is ............... 7) The key belongs to my sister. It´s....................... 8) These skis belong to Uncle Thomas. They are....................... 9) This camera belongs to her parents. It´s.................. Answers: 1) George´s car 2) Ken and Chris`s friend 3) her children´s dog 4) yesterday´s newspaper 5) his parents´ house 6) Ted and Nancy´s son 7) my sister´s key 8) Uncle Thomas´s skis 9) her parents´ camera 2) NUMBER + NOUN ADJECTIVES Numbr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
89 allalaadimist

Inglismaa uusajal

INGLISMAA UUSAJAL 16.saj 1) Reformatsioon: Henry VII a) Mary üritas taastada katoliku kirikut b) Usutülid jätkuvad ka veel 17.saj 2) Elisabeth I ( 1558-1603) a) Inglismaal taastati anglikaani kirik. See tagab stabiilse sisemise arengu b) Inglismaast sai tugev tööstusriik c) Inglismaa ei sõltu enam teistest tugevatest Euroopa riikidest d) Kultuuri õitseng 3) Puritanism a) Oli ideoloogia, mis nõudis anglikaani kiriku täielikku puhastamist katoliku kiriku nõuetest. b) Tekkis palju erinevaid suundi c) Puritaanid rõhutasid vagadust, tagasihoidlikkust, ülimat distsipliini. 17.saj · Troonile sai sotimaa valitseja James I. ALGAB STUARTITE DÜNASTIA · James I üritas taastada katoliiklust, üritab valitseda absolutistlikult Pinged kuninga ja parlamendi vahel järgmise kuninga Charles I ajal. Kodusõda Inglismaal · Kutsuti kokku parlament (1640) · 1642 parlamendi ja kuniga vahel suur tüli See muu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
35 allalaadimist


Philippe Erlanger ''Buckinghami hertsog: kuningate käskija'' Kokkuvõte Käsitletud raamat, ''Buckinghami hertsog'', rääkis lugejale George Villiers'i, lihtsa maapoisi, imelisest tõusust kuningate James I ja Charles I soosikuks. Mary Beaumont oli väga auahne naine olnud kogu oma elu ja tahtis, et ka tema poeg jõuaks oma elus kaugele. George katkestas õpingud ja läks Prantsusmaale, kus teda õpetasid need, kel olid aimu ratsutamisest, koerte ja lindude kasvatamisest, muusikast jne. George veetis sel ajal ohtlikus Pariisis kolm aastat ja naastes kodumaale abiellus ta Anniga. Kuna George ja Anni sissetulekud olid väga ebavõrdsed, siis soovitas Lennoxi hertsog Geroge viivitamata õukonda saata. Tema imekena välimus tõi talle õukonnas suure edu ning ta võitis ka James I südame. Elizabethi ajal oli riik heas seisus ning James I ei tekitanu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Test Unit 14.

Test Unit 14 1. Translate. 1)täielikult kaduma - disappear wholly 2)haiguste käes kannatama - suffer from illnesses 3)Ameerika põliselanike hõimud - Native Americans tribes 4)Ameerikat avastama - discover America 5)ametlik keel - official language 6)orjusele lõppu tegema - make end slavery 7)traditsioone ja kultuuri hoidma - hold traditions and culture 8)immigrantide arv - number of immigrants 2. Complete the sentences. 1)The capital of Norway is Oslo. 2)Pirjo lives in Finland and she speaks Finnish. 3)Michail comes from Moscow. He speaks Russian. 4)What nationality are you? ­ I'm Estonian. 5)The Dutch live in Holland. 6)Uwe's grandparents live in Germany. They speak German. 7)Michael comes from Australia. He speaks Australian. 8)Eve lives in Ireland and loves Irish music. 3. Write in reported speech. 1)The teacher asks what the capital of Latvia is. 2)Mary wants to know how many sisters I have g...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Grammar-present simple and present continuous

Grammar Present Simple (Lihtolevik) and Present Continuous (Kestev olevik) PRESENT SIMPLE - LIHTOLEVIK Lihtolevik väljendab: 1) Harjumuspärast tegevust või seisundit olevikus. What time do you usually get up? 2) Üldtuntud tõdesid ja fakte. It always rains in October. 3) Oskusi ja võimeid. She speaks English well. Juhul kui tegusõna lõpeb häälikuga `s` või ühenditega sh`, `ch`, lisatakse ainsuse kolmandas pöördes tegusõna lõppu ` ES` (switch ­ switches). Täpselt sama reegel kehtib tegusõnade kohta, mis lõpevad häälikuga `o` (go ­ goes). Erandina tuleks välja tuua tegusõna `have`, mille ainsuse kolmas pööre on has. He/She has a nice car. Does he/she have a nice car? He/She does not have a nice car. Juhul kui küsimus algab küsisõnaga (when, where, how, why, what), järgneb küsisõnale alati abitegusõna DO või DOES. Jaatav lause Küsiv lause Eitav lause I live in Tallinn. Do ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

British kings and queens

British kings and queens Kings King Henry VIII King Henry VIII is arguably the most well-known king of England. Famous for beheading his wives, of which he had six, King Henry VIII also had several children. King James I King James I was already King of Scotland when he got the English crown. King James I was the first ruler to call himself King of Great Britain, as he ruled England, Scotland and Wales. King James was the first King of Great Britain. King William I, the Conqueror King William I, otherwise known as William the Conqueror was born in France on 1028. He became friendly with the current English King, Edward the Confessor. He invaded and attacked England on Edward's death, as he was promised the English crown, but then denied it by the Saxon Harold. King George VI King George VI did not expect to become king, he was the shy brother of Edward VIII who only took the thrown when Edward...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 13

Test 13 1 Translate. 1 Minu lemmiklill on maikelluke. My favourite flower is the lily of the valley. 2 Eesti rahvuslikud sümbolid on suitsupääsuke ja rukkilill. The Estonian national symbols are the barnswallow and the cornflower. 3 See kindlus on pärit 15. sajandist. This fortress dates from the 15th century. 4 Saaremaal on palju tuuleveskeid. There are lots of windmills on Saaremaa. 5 Eesti pinnas ei ole väga rammus. Estonian soil is not very rich. 6 Kas sa oled käinud paekivi muuseumis Porkunis? Have you been to the limestone museum in Porkuni? 7 Raekoja plats The Town Hall Square 8 millegagi võrdlema compare sth with sth 2 Write the questions. 1 in / longest / What / Estonia / is / the / river What is the longest river in Estonia? 2 ever / smoke / Have / a / had / sauna / you Have you ever had a smoke sauna? 3 language / of / is / official / What / the / Estonia What is the offici...

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist

Referaat Elizabeth I

Referaat Elizabeth I Merit Martin KK11-PE Elizabeth I 07.09.153324.031603 Oli Inglismaa ja Iirimaa viimane Tudorite soost monarh, kuninganna 17.11.1558 kuni surmani Teda on nimetatud ka neitsikuningannaks, sest ta ei abiellunud kunagi Oli Henry VIII ja Anne Boleyni tütar ning Mary I ja Edward VI poolõde Tema ajal muutus Inglismaa võimsaks mere ning kolooniariigiks ja kujunes välja lõplikult anglikaani kirik Oli Tudorite dünastia viies ja viimane valitseja. Ta sündis printsessina, ent tema ema hukati 2 ja pool aastat pärast tema sündi ning ta kuulutati vallaslapseks Edward VI pärandas krooni leedi Jane Greyle, kes hukati hiljem ja Elizabeth astus troonile katoliikliku Mary I järel Valitsemine Asus valitsema heade nõuannete toel ja sõltus suuresti oma nõunikest Üks esimesi tegusid oli toet...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
26 allalaadimist

Writing e-mails in English

Writing letters Main rules !!!Always write something on the "Subject" line (university emails: e.g. name or code of the course, then issue, topic etc) If the matter is urgent, you may write so on the "Subject" line Start and end your email properly (also making sure the other person knows who you are) "you" ­ is spelled with a capital letter only at the beginning of a sentence, NEVER in the middle In official emails ­ do not abbreviate (e.g., "I am" instead of "I'm", "do not" instead of "don't", "cannot" instead of "can't" etc). Also, do not use colloquial expressions such as "fyi" etc. Pay attention to punctuation and spelling ­ use spell check. Specifics ­ beginning a letter If you don't know the name of the recipient: Dear Sir/Madam, To whom it may concern, If you know the name of the recipient: Dear Mr/Ms Jones, If you know the name and it's informal (or you have been writing emails to each other ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Suvalise raamatu ainetel tehtud ooperi kava

Helilooja : Anna Regina Kalk Kriminaalooper ,,ABC mõrvad" Dirigent : Eino Tagasaar Libreto autor : Anna Regina Kalk Tekst : Agatha Christie 1936. aastal ilmunud samanimelise kriminaalromaani ainetel. Lavakujundus : Sirje Mätas Kostüümid : Annika Toimla ja AS ,, Õmblusnõel " Grimm ja soengud : Leena Mustjalg & Hair Company Tegelased : Hercule Poirot Kalev Jõgi , bass Arthur Hastings Eevald Tamberg , bariton Inspektor Japp Riho Hiis , bass Inspektor Crome Toomas Sild , tenor Fanz Ascher Samuel Aaspere , oktavist Mary Drower Tiiu Ploompuu , koloratuursopran Donald Fraser Ivar Mikk Kase , bariton Megan Barnard Marii Kirss , sopran Franklin Clarke Jüri Lään , bass Thora Grey Liina Tamm , alt Alexander Bonaparte Cust Leo Filov , bass I Vaatus I Pilt Tegevus algab 30ndate aastate Londonis, Poi...

Muusika → Muusika
25 allalaadimist

Kordamine inglise keele eksamiks

Kordamine inglise keele eksamiks A 1.1 Read the text and answer the questions below. Dear Mary-Alice, It's been ages since I last wrote to you, isn't it weird? Yes, so it is, but, I do have a certain reason. Do you remember Sir Thom of the Minquettes'? That fine young man with fascinating blue eyes... Oh, my sweet Mary, you will never guess what happened yesterday! It was about seven o'clock in the evening when Lillian called me out for a walk ­ you know I can't say `no' to my little sis. Anyway ­ we went to the forest near the Swan Lake and, believe it or not, got lost! Awful! I was so scared... We walked and walked, not even knowing the direction we were heading to, until we reached a huge mansion. And the garden around it was so extraordinary... That is something you just must see! But neither the trees nor flowers could be as wonderful as the owner himself! Sir Thom treated us tea and sandwiches, not forgetting to show us way back ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
260 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun