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"consciousness" - 96 õppematerjali

consciousness — this perhaps helps explain the characteristic rapidity of his deductions—and consequently he did not articulate it in his explanation to Watson.

Mis on mõtlemine?

Mis on mõtlemine?· Oden (1987): "Laialt määratletuna on mõtlemine peaaegu kogu psühholoogia, kitsalt defineerituna peaaegu mitte midagi sellest". · Tavatähendus: uskumine, meenutamine, arutlemine· Teaduslikus psühholoogias:­ teatud vaimsete elementidega ümberkäimine ehk manipuleerimine­ vaimne tegevus, mis korrastab ja organiseerib psüühikas kajastatud teadmisi ümbritseva maailma kohta. Mõtlemisest räägitakse sümboliliste protsesside kirjeldamisel, mitte nähtava käitumise kirjeldamisel · Mõtlemine on varjatud protsess, mida ei saa otselt vaadelda · Mõtlemises manipuleeritakse teatud elementidega (kujundid, mõisted, skeemid, stsenaariumid) · Mõtlemise liigid: mõistete moodustamine,teadmiste organiseerimine, probleemide lahendamine, järeldamine, arutlemine Mõtlemist iseloomustavad dimensioonid: 1. Teadlikkus. Inimesed on enamasti teadlikud mõtlemise tulemusest, samas võib protsess olla alateadlik 2. Suunatus. Enamasti on mõtlemine...

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
103 allalaadimist

A New Earth

ECKHART TOLLE A NEW EARTH Awakening to Your Life's Purpose CONTENTS Chapter One The Flowering of Human Consciousness – 6 Evocation..................................................................................................6 The Purpose of This Book........................................................................8 Our Inherited Dysfunction........................................................................10 The Arising New consciousness..............................................................12 Spirituality and Religion....................................................................

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Atlantise allkaik

(Divine Female) needs to be saved... They all speak about times, when th Humanity falls asleep and becomes materialistic, forgets where it originates... this is the time of lower conciousness... Perseus using the beheaded head of Medusa to freeze and turn the living ones to stones once they look to it. The Mythology of Perseus and Medusa is connected to the descent of the Divine Female into Lower Conciousness. In the psysical part of the Great Year the Divine Female falls into Lower Consciousness and her shadow side emerges reflected in the unconcious Mortal Females who take control. This is also what the whore of Babylon is symbolizing. Perseus is symbolic for the returning Aether and Christ Consciousness that removes the influence and power of the lower conscious Mortal Females. The water that Perseus rides in on is also symbolic for the Aether as is the long hair of the Divine Female. The Living Ones refers to Mortal Man that has looked upon the corrupted

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Thiopental - naatriumitiopentaal

-combined with sodium carbonate, becomes water soluble 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Anesthesia Medically induced coma Euthanasia Lethal injection Truth serum Psychiatry 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Presented as powder, dissolved in water to required concentration Usual IV dose is 3-5 mg/kg Results in loss of consciousness Effect is rapid: 30-60 seconds after administration 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL With no other drugs, anesthetic state persists for 5-10 mins Redistribution away from central circulation towards muscle and fat tissue Concentration is low enough in the brain that consciousness returns Most commonly used in the induction phase of general anesthesia 9 October 2012

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Töömälu ja mõtlemine

Õpiküsimus Vastus Allikad 1. Millist informatsiooni töötleb See on mõeldud fonoloogilise ÕO9 töömälu fonoloogiline komponent informatsiooni lühiajaliseks (phonological loop)? säilitamiseks. Seal toimub informatsiooni säilitamine, aga ka mälujälje pidev värskendamine korduva artikuleerimise abil. 2. Millist informatsiooni töötleb Selles komponendis hoitakse visuaalset ÕO9 töömälu visuaal-ruumiline ja ruumilist informatsiooni. See on komponent (visuo-spatial sketch- süsteem säilitamaks ja manipuleerimaks pad)? visuaalselt infot. Nagu fonoloogiline komponent, on ka see piiratud mahuga. Visuaal-ruumiline komponent salvestab ...

Inimeseõpetus → Psühholoogia
204 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Like psychoanalysis, surrealistic painting and writing explores the inner depths of the unconscious mind. Freudian ideas have provided subject matter for authors and artists. Critics often analyze art and literature in Freudian terms. 2. Literary Modernism and its sub-movements. The influence of Structuralism and psychoanalysis. Main characteristic features of Modernism. Denial of conventions, traditional structure, plot and presentation of character. The stream of consciousness. Allusiveness. Virginia Woolf's Modern Fiction as a theoretical platform for Modernism. Criticism of Realist literary method. Literary modernism: end of the 19th century-1920 (reached its height) and ended 1940s. A self- conscious break with traditional aesthetic forms. Rejecting the sentiment and discursiveness typical of Romanticism and Victorian literature for poetry that instead favored precision (täppis) of imagery and clear, sharp language

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

The Theory of Human Motivation

The Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow 1908 – 1970 A descendant of Russian Jews in USA Well-known psychologist Brought the ‘human’ back to psychology Best known for his ‘hierarchy of needs’ Forces of psychology Psychoanalysis (sub-consciousness) Behaviorism (behavior can be studied and explained) Humanism (the human dimension of psychology) Transpersonal psychology (hippie psychology) Hierarchy of human needs's_hierarchy_of_needs D-needs and B-needs Basic needs (D = deficit) physiological safety beloning esteem Higher need (B = being) self actualization What a man can be, he must be! Physiological needs Homeostasis oxygen water protein salt, sugar, calcium ... In Maoist China the most basic need was belonging Safety, love and esteem Stability, structure, order Community, affection Status, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Letter of recommendation

Letter of recommendation for (Nimi kellest sa teed seda) January 8, 2011 To whom it may concern: I had pleasant opportunity to study closely with Nimi for 10 years in (nt. Kool) and as a friend I have known her since as long as I can remember back at my life. I have always admired her self-consciousness and skill to work in a team. She knows what she wants and what she is capable of and works for her goals until she has accomplished them. The amount of her friends clearly shows that she is a person you can trust and always count on. During these years that I have known her she has shown that completing assignments on her own or in team is not a problem. Her ability to communicate with different people and self-discipline help her through any situation she may face. She is a very creative person and talented in arts. She has finnished (kool) of fine arts and her talent is incredible. I highly recommend (nimi kelle kohta) for whatev...

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

The Host (raamat)

„The Host“ The book was written by Stephenie Meyer. The book is about Earth, in a post apocalyptic time, being invaded by a parasitic alien race, known as "Souls", and follows one Soul's predicament when the consciousness of her human host refuses to co-operate with the takeover of her body. It describes what happens when Earth has been overrun by an alien species called Souls, which invade human bodies and erase personalities. There are one film based on the book. The main characters are Wanderer or 'Wanda' for a nickname, Melanie Stryder, Ian O'Shea, Jared Howe, Jamie Stryder, Uncle Jeb, The Seeker, Kyle O'Shea and Doc. In the first chapter

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist


(Me tahtsime Susanit külastada.) LOOK INTO (investigate): The police look into the suspicion of murder. (Politsei uurib mõrvakahtlust.) LOOK UP TO (respect): Tony looks up to his teachers. (Tony austab oma õpetajaid.) MAKE OUT (understand): I couldn't make out anything he was saying. (Ma ei saanud millestki aru, mida ta rääkis.) MAKE UP (invent a lie): She made up a story about going to the movies. (Ta valetas, et käis kinos.) PASS OUT (lose consciousness, faint): He drank too much and passed out. (Ta jõi liiga palju ja kaotas teadvuse.) PICK OUT (choose): I'm sure I picked out the right opportunity. (Ma olen kindel, et valisin õige võimaluse.) PUT OFF (postpone): All the students wanted to put off the test. (Kõik õpilased tahtsid tööd edasi lükata.) PUT OUT (extinguish): The firemen put the fire out quickly. (Tuletõrjujad kustutasid tulekahju kiiresti.) PUT UP WITH (tolerate): Jim can't put up with his wife anymore

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Break; bring, väljendid, kõnekäänud

BREAK TO 1) (tr) tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way BREAK UP 1) (int) (of schools, etc) ; stop for holidays 2) (int) end a relationship BRING ABOUT 1) (tr) cause happen BRING BACK tr cause to recall BRING DOWN tr cause to fall BRING FORWARD tr move sth to an earlier date or time BRIN IN tr create profit, money BRING ON tr cause, usu sth unpleasant BRING OUT tr put on the market BRING ROUND 1) tr cause to regain consciousness: 2) tr oersuade; bring over (to) BRING UP 1) tr raise a child 2) tr mention/ introduce a subject IN A BLUE MOON – rarely BLACK AND BLUE- bruised GREEN FINGERS- good at gardening IS A BIT GREEN- in experienced LITTLE WHITE LIE -fib OUT AND ABOUT- on the move CLEAR THE AIR- resolve sb difference VANISHED INTO THIN AIR- disapear complete WON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER- insistent REFUSED TO PLAY BALL- do not go along with smth

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Tamming, A. (2015). teraapiakeskus. Allikas: imago suhteteraapia: Tamming, A. (2015). Teraapiakeskus. Allikas: Noorte nõustamine: Tamming, A. (2015). Teraapiakeskus. Allikas: Mis on TRE?: Tamming, A. (2015). Teraapiakeskus. Allikas: Valgusteraapia: Tamming, A. (2015). Teraapiakeskus. Allikas: ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS: Tamming, A. (2015). Teraapiakeskus. Allikas: Refleksoloogia ehk tsooniteraapia: tasakaalukeskus. (kuupäev puudub). Tasakaalukeskus. Allikas: Tulevikuteraapia: Teraapia. (kuupäev puudub). Allikas: Vibroakustiline teraapia: Teraapiakeskus. (2015). Allikas: pere-ja paariteraapia: http://www

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
25 allalaadimist

Humanistlik paradigma

ekspluateeritav impersonaalne objekt olemise mõttetus, võõrandumine loodusest ja teineteisest üksildus (loneliness) Olemuslik dilemma: - uute väärtuste loomine ja leidmine - teadvustamine - eneseleidmine III. Eneseleidmine. oma afektiivsuse teadvustamine (keha, vajadused, emotsioonid) · Eneseteadvuse neli taset: 1. stage of innocence - teadvuse eelne, "süüdimatus" 2. stage of rebellion - sisemise jõu otsingud 3. ordinary consciousness of self - vastutuse olemasolu, oma vigadest õppimine 4. creative consciousness of self - (Maslow tippelamused), olemuse mõistmine tähenduse andmine eelnevatele tasemetele · Integratsioon - mina kui tervik paradoksid - vastandite tegeliku olemuse tunnetamine "To be and not to be" Armastus ja võim, tahe ja otsustamine, vabadus ja paratamatus IV. Armastuse olemus. aktsepteerimine, vastastikune arengu toetamine Neli tüüpi (kind of love):

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Organismiline lähenemine, Abraham Harold Maslow

ekspluateeritav impersonaalne objekt olemise mõttetus, võõrandumine loodusest ja teineteisest üksildus (loneliness) Olemuslik dilemma: - uute väärtuste loomine ja leidmine - teadvustamine - eneseleidmine III. Eneseleidmine. oma afektiivsuse teadvustamine (keha, vajadused, emotsioonid) · Eneseteadvuse neli taset: 1. stage of innocence - teadvuse eelne, "süüdimatus" 2. stage of rebellion - sisemise jõu otsingud 3. ordinary consciousness of self - vastutuse olemasolu, oma vigadest õppimine 4. creative consciousness of self - (Maslow tippelamused), olemuse mõistmine tähenduse andmine eelnevatele tasemetele · Integratsioon - mina kui tervik paradoksid - vastandite tegeliku olemuse tunnetamine "To be and not to be" Armastus ja võim, tahe ja otsustamine, vabadus ja paratamatus IV. Armastuse olemus. aktsepteerimine, vastastikune arengu toetamine Neli tüüpi (kind of love):

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

The Advantages and Disadvantages of City and Country Living

The Advantages and Disadvantages of City Living and Country Living I think that both City Living and Country Living has disadvantages and advantages, first of all it depends only of the person. Every person has their own taste and idea of the world that they live in. For example, I like living in city, but I have also a friend, who thinks that living in country is good for her health and mind, which is why she approves it. However, some people, who approves living in country still lives in city. Cure for going against their wishes is that some people decorates their apartment or house with paintings of peaceful and bright-colored landscapes as it brings not only a sense of artistic consciousness to their home, but also makes them feel cosy and allows them to at least temporarily forget about daily routine and pollution, crime (especially in bigger, crowded cities) and noise they have to endure when they go outside. I'd s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


Sleep definition of sleep: A condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. We all sleep. But do we really know how important it is? You are going to watch a two-hour interview with Dr Walker, who has researched sleep for decades. He calls himself Sleep Diplomat – he is convinced that seep is the foundation of good health and productive life. 1. What words associate with sleep in context of beauty? Complete the mind map. You are allowed to draw as many arrows as you need. Sleep Beauty 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

London Eye

Champagne and Canapes Private Capsule Afternoon Tea Capsule Brunch Capsule Films Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Austin Powers in Goldmember Music R.E.M. The Eye is used as a location in the video to "Aftermath". Novels The Eye is featured in the 2007 children's mystery novel The London Eye Mystery Drama Doctor Who: In the 2005 episode "Rose", the London Eye was used as a communication/control device for the Nestene Consciousness. The Simpsons: In "The Regina Monologues" episode, Homer and Marge Simpson rode on it in search of their children and their capsule becomes a detachable flotation device.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
5 allalaadimist

Summary of three scientific articles

” For example, the problem is actual in China. It has about a fifth of the world’s population, but it accounts for half of the world’s consumption of antibiotics, according to the study, conducted by the Guanghzou Institute of Geochemistry. Total consumption in 2013 was 162,000 tons. Furthermore, Ying Guangguo, the lead researcher of the topic has said: “There are no regulations for farms in China for how to manage their wastewater. It all depends on the environmental consciousness of farm owners. Many tend to discharge wastewater directly into rivers, wastewater treatment is expensive.” Kathryn Arnold, at the University of York, who has been researching reasons of wildlife decline said: “With thousands of antibiotics in use globally, they have the potential to have potent effects on wildlife and ecosystems.” Research published in 2014 revealed that in the last 40 years, in freshwater habitats, where drug residues are most commonly found, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kenya traditsioonid

· In this dance form, people sway to the rhythm of the drums, bells, horns and whistles. · Both men and women participate in this dance. Festivals · There are some festivals in Kenya, which are celebrated by all the local people as well as the foreign tourists. The Air Show, Rhino Charge, The Migration of Plains Game, KSPCA and the Shaggy Dog Show are some of them. Camel Race · International Camel Derby offers a helpful way to increase the consciousness of booming desertification. This festival was celebrated in the year 1990. The countries that now take part are Australia, America, New Zealand, Canada, England, France, Spain, Japan, South Africa. The participants of these countries fight against the reigning Kenyan champions. The camels in this event are chosen by judges, for the races are based on power, handlers and are dormant for speed. · Kenya is told to be the best handwork of God.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Stepihunt, inglise keelne kirjeldus

ARTICLE AND BOOK REVIEW what books have you read lately? INTRODUCTION Books are treasure that takes out all reality and replaces it with fantacy, psyhology and humor in some cases. Depends what books are you reading. I like to read scince fiction, psychologyle and philosophical books. That makes my mind work other direction and lets me think over my consciousness. BOOK CONTENT So lately I have read a book named „Stepihunt”, author is Hermann Hesse. This book was quite lovely piece on art. Authors one side of her is in that book, as I have heard and read about it. When he wrote this book he had gun on his table every time. Same kind of thing is in this book, he thinked all the time razor he had. Place where all events took place was in German, stormy 1920. Book talkes about one man life who have two sides of himselfs. One side is human (that likes to live and enjoy life) and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs: Pass and Pull

The tales were PASSED DOWN for centuries without changing any of the words. Pass through - Visit a place without stopping or only stopping briefly I didn’t see much as I was only PASSING THROUGH the town Pass to - Become owner of or responsible for something The property will PASS TO her when they die. Pass up - Decline a chance She PASSED UP the opportunity to go to university because she’d been offered a job. Pass out - Faint, lose consciousness He got so drunk that he PASSED OUT. Pull Pull ahead - Overtake, move in front The lorry was going slowly but we managed to PULL AHEAD. Pull apart - Destroy an argument, theory, etc - Stop people or animals fighting A fight broke out in the pub and it was hard to PULL the people involved APART. Pull on - Put clothes on I PULLED ON a jumper when the sun went in Pull back - Score a goal or point when losing - Move away from someone She PULLED BACK when he tried to kiss her.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain The hippies’ primary belief was that life was about being happy, not about what others thought you should be. Their “if it feels good, do it” attitudes included little forethought nor concern for the consequences of their actions. Hippies were dissatisfied with what their parents had built for them. Hippies rejected middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. They embraced aspects of eastern philosophy and desired to find new meaning in life. Hippies were often vegetarian and believed in eco friendly environmental practices. They championed free love and sexual liberation, particularly for women. They also promoted the use of psychedelic drugs which they believed expanded their consciousness. Hippies participated in alternative arts and street theater and listened to folk music and psychedelic rock as part of their anti-establishment lifestyle.Some hippi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

SP2 Inimsuhete ajalugu

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia 2. Inimsuhete ajalooline areng M.Heidmets, 2013 kevadsemester Meenutuseks: meie ühine ajalugu · . Vanaisad: homo erectus (2,0mln), homo neandertalensis (0,2 mln) · Vanaema: Australopithecus afarensis a human ancestor that had developed bipedalism, but which lacked the large brain of modern humans. Antropogeneesi õied From left to right, the FBI assigns the above individuals to the following races: White, Black, White (Hispanic), Asian. Top row males, bottom row females. Homo sapiens · Kujunes ca 250 000 a tagasi. Ca 200 000 aastat suhteliselt väikesed muutused · Ca 50 000 aastat tagasi ­ kiired muutused (areng?!). Suure hüppe teooria ­ vt J. Diamond, The Third Chimpanzee · Mis muutus: uued jahipidamisviisid, riietus, luunõelad, koopamaalid, kaaslaste matmine. · Käitumus...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
5 allalaadimist

Knud Illerise kolme dimensiooni teooria

Õppimise kolm dimensiooni ja õpibarjäärid Kokkuvõte Sarah Raichmann Illeris kirjeldab õppimist läbi kahe erineva protsessi ­ väline interaktsioon õppija ja tema sotsiaalse-, kultuurse- ja materiaalse keskkonna vahel ning sisemine interaktsioon uute impulside ja juba omandatud teadmiste vahel. Illerise sõnul, et õppimine aset leiaks, on oluline, et mõlemad protsessid samaaegselt kasutust leiaksid.1 Ilerise teooria sarnaneb konstruktivistlikule õpiteooriale ning seekaudu ka Piaget teooriale, mispuhul arvatakse, et õppimine pole pelgalt impulsidele reageerimine, vaid pigem nende seostamine, informatsiooni liigitamine ja mõttevõrgustike loomine.2 Õppimist võib jaotada kolme dimensiooni ­ kognitiivne dimensioon, mis koosneb teadmistest ja oskustest, emotsionaalne dimensioon, mis koosneb tunnetest ja motivatsioonist ning sotsiaalne dimensioon, mis koosneb suhtlusest ja koostööst. Esimesed kaks ­ kognitiivne ja emotsionaalne dimensioon ­ toi...

Pedagoogika → Andragoogika
10 allalaadimist

Short and long term effects of alcohol

mental health Finally a thought-provoking fact: "Excessive alcohol consumption in Russia, particularly by men, has in recent years caused more than half of all the deaths at ages 15-54 years." For further information check out Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions? potent - powerful diffuse ­ to spread over or through excessive ­ too much on something lethargy - A state of apathy with lack of emotion or interest stupor - A state of reduced consciousness or sensibility cardiovascular - Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels. malabsorption ­ not abrorbing sustained - held continuously at a certain level correlation - linear statistical relationship between two random variables, indicating both the strength and direction of the relationship hypertension - The disease or disorder of abnormally high blood pressure adverse - unfavorable

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
62 allalaadimist


Ajalugu Georges-Henry Luquet tõi tema 1927.aastal avaldatud raamatus Le dessin enfantin välja arvamuse, et lapsed loovad seesmisi mudeleid, mõjutades sellega teiste seas ka lastepsüholoogi Jean Piaget. Mõiste ,,mõttemudel" pärineb usutavalt koos Kenneth Craik'iga tema raamatust ,,The Nature of Explenation"(1943). Samal aastal kui Phillip Johnson-Laird avaldas teose Mental Models: Towards a Cognitive Science of Language, Inference and Consciousness, esitlesid Dedre Gentner ja Albert Stevens esiletoodud peatükke raamatust Mental Models. Raamat algab selgitusega: "Üheks funktsiooniks selles peatükis on seletada ilmset; inimeste maailmavaade meist endist, meie võimetest ja sooritatavatest ülesannetest või õppimisteemadest, sõltub paljugi kavandist, mille loome". Sest saadik on arutletud ja seda ideed kasutatud inimese-arvuti vahelises suhtluses ning selle kasutuses. Mõttemudelid ja arutluskäik

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

Sheep senses and social cognition

the interaction between sheep. Lambs seek bodily contact with their mothers and the ewes respond to touching in many ways, including milk letdown in response to the nuzzling/suckling stimulus of lambs. When young lambs sleep, they will seek out their mothers and lie close to them. Sheep conscious of their surroundings and thinking about individuals or objects in their absence Do you think that sheep are conscious? A number of complex behaviours are higly suggestive of consciousness, such as self- recognition, social communication, individual recognition of members of their own, or other, species, deceit and emphati and complex rule learning. However, reasonable evidence for many of these behaviours has only been provided in higher primates and even in these cases experiment are often open to re-interpretation due to limitations in the paradigms used. Recent advantages in functional brain Imaging techniques using magnetic resonance Imaging and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


FLKU.05.155 Kirjandus- ja teatriteaduse alused I FLKU.05.063 Sissejuhatus kirjandusteadusesse Kurvet-Käosaar POSTKOLONIALISTLIK TEOORIA JA KRIITIKA Uue Maailma vallutamine Eurooplaste poolt: al. 15. Sajandi lõpust, peam Hispaania, Prantsusmaa, Inglismaa, Portugal, Madalmaad. 19. sajandil Suurbrittania kui suurim koloniaalvõim, 20.s ajandi alguseks Briti impeerium > veerand kogu paakera pindalast (sh. India, Austraalia, Uus-Meremaa, Kanada, Iirimaa, suuri osi Aafrikast, Lääne-Indiast, Lõuna-Ameerikast, Lähis-Idast, ja Kagu-Aasiast). Briti koloniaalvõim kestis II MS lõpuni, India sai iseseisvaks 1947 aastal, teised kolooniad järkjärgult peale seda. 1980ndaks aastaks oli SB kaotanud peaaegu õik oma koloniaalvaldused. Kirjandusteadus tõusis postkolonialistlik kriitika omaette suunana esile 1990ndate alguses, kuid kolonialismi kultuuriline kriitika (II MS lõpust alates), mängis olulist rolli kolonialismivastases võitluses ning on pos...

Kirjandus → Kirjandusteadus
5 allalaadimist

English literature summary

      Her   writing   is   often   called   “new   prose”;   musical   quality   –   the   rhythm   and   imagery   of   poetry.     Limitations   of   the   self   that   could   be   transcended   by   engagement   with   another   self,   a   place,   or   a   work   of   art.   Stream   of   consciousness.   Problems   of   identity,   relationships,   time,  change,  memory  as  part  of  the  human  personality.       Woolf   believed   she   offered   an   alternative   to   the   destructive   egotism   of   the   masculine   mind  that  had  found  its  outlet  in  World  War  I.    

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


PSÜHHOPATOLOOGIA Psüühikahäirete avaldumise tasemed: 1) sümptom väljendab haigusliku iseloomuga üksikhälvet psüühilises funktsioonis (nt. meeleolu alanemine, hallutsinatsioon) 2) sündroom enamus psüühilisi haigusi ei avaldu üksiku sümptomi, vaid teatud sageli koosesinevate sümptomite kogumina; nt. depressioonisündroom (meeleolu alanemine, energia vähenemine, rõõmutunde kadumine, lootusetus, süütunne jne), 3) maaniasündroom (meeleolu ja aktiivsuse kõrgenemine, energia lisandumise tunne jne), 4) hallutsinoosisündroom (elavad verbaalsed kuulmishallutsinatsioonid, ärevus-hirmutunne jne). Sümptomeid võib liigitada: 1) PSÜÜHILISTE FUNKTSIOONIDE ALUSEL: a) teadvus, b) tajumine, c) mõtlemine, d) emotsioonid, e) mälu, f) intellekt, muud sümptomid; 2) POSITIIVSED JA NEGATIIVSED SÜMPTOMID; 3) PSÜHHOOTILISED JA MITTEPSÜHHOTILISED. Teadvuse seisund Mõistega "teadvuse seisund" tähistatakse meditsiinis psüühilise aktiivsuse üldist taset, millega...

Psühholoogia → Sissejuhatus psühholoogiasse
127 allalaadimist

Aine Psüühika põhifunktsioonid õpiküsimustiku küsimused

1. Nimeta inimese meeled ja Inimese meelteks on: kirjelda eraldi iga meeleprotsessi 1. Maitsemeel. Maitsemeele elundiks on toimimist täpselt (nt milline elund, keel, millel paiknevad maitsmispungad ning kus asuvad retseptorid, nende nendes omakorda maitseretseptorid. nimetused, mida nad teevad jne). Retseptorid võtavad vastu informatsiooni ja saadavad edasi närviimpulsse kõrgematesse ajukeskustesse. Kõik retseptorid reageerivad erineval määral. 2. Kuulmismeel. Kuulmismeele elundiks on kõrv ning retseptoriteks on karvarakud, mis asuvad kõrvas. Karvarakud võtavad vastu stiimuli, milleks on õhumolekulide ...

Psühholoogia → Psüühika põhifunktsioonid
26 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

For example: 2 · Food quality. The preference for high-quality ingredients is increasing as customers are learning to appreciate the qualitative differences. · Presentation/appearance. As presentation of an element of the culinary experience becomes more irrelevant, customers are learning to appreciate this aspect of the industry. · Health consciousness. As people in general are more acknowledged of their health, people are requesting more healthy alternatives when they eat out. For example - they recognize that an entree can be quite tasty, and reasonably good for you. · Selection. People are demanding a larger selection of foods; they are no longer accepting a limited menu. SWOT Strengths

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Miks tajuvad inimesed kehaväliseid kogemusi?

Madli Uutma Psühholoogia 19.12.2011 Miks meie taju meid petab? Miks tajuvad inimesed kehaväliseid kogemusi? Raamatus ,,Rehepapp" on Andrus Kivirähk kirjeldanud, kuidas muistsed eestlased pöörasid naljaviluks magaja kõhuli, et hing, mis une ajal rändama oli läinud, hiljem enam suu kaudu kehasse sisse ei saaks minna. Selline uskumus on lisaks Eestile omane veel mitmetele kultuuridele ning teadlased on kulutanud dekaade pildistades äsjasurnuid, et leida, kas hingede rändamine on päriselt olemas. On mitmeid, kes väidavad, et nad saavad kehaväliseid kogemusi ise esile kutsuda. Parapsühholoog Karlis Osis on korraldanud katseid, mille tulemusena on leitud, et nende inimeste väited ümbritseva k...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
12 allalaadimist

Louna-Aafrika poliitajalugu, South Africa

SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHARTER ­ AND THEY DID SEND IN IDEAS WRITTEN ON SCRAPS OF PAPER ETC 3000 DELEGATES TURNED UP CHARTER BECAME A REVOLUTIONARY DOCUMENT BECAUSE ITS BASIC DEMANDS ­ ALTHOUGH SIMPLE, RADICALLY CHALLENGED THE APARTHEID STATE PARTIES The Pan Africanists were anti-communist opposed the multi-racialism of the Freedom Charter the PAC split from the ANC in 1959, led by Robert Sobukwe Banned in 1960 at the same time as the ANC Black Consciousness Movement Closely associated with Steve Biko Emerged out of the Students' Movement in the 1960s/70s Rejected the white liberal National Students' Association The apartheid state followed those in exile with spies and parcel bombs. UDF : broad coalition of groups; Linked to Congress movement, trades unions and churches; Mobilized urban uprisings against apartheid state best known member Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused

Doktorikraadi sai ta aga Yale likoolist. Ta petas Connecticuti kolledis ja Wesleyani likoolis enne kui hines 1956 aasta Harvardi likooli teaduskonnaga. Seal ttas ta 30 aastat sotsiaalosakonna juhatajana. Ta kolis Bostoni likooli 1987 aastal, kus ta sai Ameerika Pshholoogilise Kollektiivi auhinna silmapaistva teadusliku panuse eest. Ta on vlja andnud selliseid tid nagu: * The Achievement Motive (1953) * The Achieving Society (1961) * The Roots of Consciousness (1964) * Power: The Inner Experience (1975) * Human Motivation (1987) McGregori teooria X ja teooria Y: Douglas McGregor tegeles inimeste juhtimise probleemidega. Ta defineeris kahte tpi eeldused, mida juhid teevad suhetes oma alluvatega. McGregor kasutas termineid teooria X ja teooria Y, kuna ta soovis esitada oma ksitlust neutraalselt, ilma positiivse vi negatiivse varjundita kummalegi teooriale. Teooria X ja teooria Y iseloomustavad kahte vga erinevat suhtumist tju

Majandus → Majandusteadus
127 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

His vocabulary is very informal, easy, he doesn't use alliteration and his verse is musical. He uses lines of 10 syllables with 5 stresses each. His lines run in rhyming couplets. · GC was a forerunner of the Renaissance. Literature of the 15th century · The barren century · Ethnic groups in England had become a more or less unified nation · Beginning of the English nation, no longer Saxon or French Norman, or Celtic · An earlier consciousness of nationality than elsewhere in Europe · The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 · When the external war was lost, there was the internal war: War of the Roses ­ 1455- 1485; York (white) vs Lancaster (red). 1485, Henry Tudor united both families and ended the civil war, he became Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch. The end of the Middle Ages. · Chivalry was changing. Major technological advancement ­ gunpowder. Knights and their armour became useless

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad mantra 1 summary notes MRdd

Kshatriyas, kings are publicly & privately devoted to God. Ie sweeping the road in front of Jagannatha's cart ­ is an act of demonstrating publicly being a servant of God. King says: everything belongs to God, I am only caretaker, servant. Everybody else follows his example. When we say that everything belongs to God, it does not mean that we have no responsibilities or that we don't have property. Idea is that there has to be the evolution of consciousness by which people don't come possessive or greedy for accumulating land but understanding thing is the proper broader picture. In Vedic society Krishna's will was taught by brahmanas and implemented by kshatriyas. This way the whole society lived according to Isavasya principle. GOD BRAHMANA KSHATRIYA

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

Referatiivne uurimistöö: Uni ja unenäod

Interneti materjalid Adelbert, Heleriin 2011. Miks meid õudusunenäod painavad? 01.10.2011 Kliinikum 2011. Unehäirete keskus keskus 03.10.2011 Loonet, Teelemari 2010. Õudusunenäod soodustavad vaimsete häirete teket. 03.10.2011 Matt, Allen. Uni ja unenäod. 03.10.2011 Ullmann, Montague 1999. Dreaming Consciousness. ss.htm 01.10.2011 Wikipedia 2011. Nightmare. 04.10.2011 11

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
108 allalaadimist


(It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle at this level of intoxication.) 0.13-0.15 BAC: Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. BLurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reduced and dysphoria beginning to appear. 0.16-0.20 BAC: Dysphoria (anxiety,restlessness) predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a "sloppy drunk." 0.25 BAC: Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoia with nausea and some vomiting. 0.30 BAC: Loss of consciousness. 0.40 BAC and up: Onset of coma,possible death due to respiratory arrest. WHAT IS CONSIDERED A DRINK: A drink that contains a half-ounce of alcohol or more. The amount you would problibly find in a 12 ounce can of beer, 4 ounce glass of table wine, 1 ounce shot of 100% destilled spirits such as whiskey or vodka. Generally this is the amount of alcohol a person can metabolize in about an hour. But of course it also depends on other stuff.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

8 minutes may be fatal in 50...100% of exposures, – concentrations > 100,000 ppm causes visual disturbances 6...8% and tremors and has been associated with loss of 4...5 minutes recovery with treatment. consciousness (Lipsett et al, 1994) 4...6% Coma in 40 seconds, convulsions, respiration ceases. • Standard EN 15251:2007→ in office rooms 850…1000 ppm. 3 Ensuring optimized values Design/planning measures (position of working rooms) Lighting

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist

English portfolio

peasants in the 1730s, when the founder of the movement, Count Nikolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf, visited Estonia. As in its ministries elsewhere, the Estonian Moravian organization was based on Zinzendorf's congregational administration which divided each congregation into so-called choirs. The Moravian movement offered Estonian peasants new areas of activity and possibilities for self- development. The social standing and consciousness of the elite of congregation heads (schoolteachers, parish clerks and church wardens) encouraged other peasants to strive towards a disciplined and abstemious lifestyle and model farming. It is generally believed that the Moravian movement countered the tendencies towards Germanisation and prepared the ground for the growth of the Estonian national movement in the second half of the 19th century. It should be kept in mind, however, that the Moravian movement never involved more than a

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Kordamine inglise keele eksamiks

She walked and walked, until she found herself in a park ­ or was it a garden? Creepy bare trees surrounded her sight, leaving scary shadows all over the dark grass; the moonlight was weak ­ nothing much could be seen. In the distance, there was probably a nice house with a warm heat burning in the fireplace and a table filled with all kinds of dishes ­ yes, the girl could almost feel the warmth and she closed her eyes to keep the illusion. However, the feeling didn't disappear even after her consciousness returned. Slowly she opened her pitch black sad eyes and saw that someone was holding her; someone so strong and warm ­ someone, who had saved her from an endless fall. It was a man. But not an ordinary one as she soon realized: he was tall ­ much taller than she was; his golden hair brushed with care behind ears mixed with her long dark and light blue smiling eyes stared into hers as he carried her somewhere... but where? "Where are we going?" "Home."

Keeled → Inglise keel
260 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ajalugu

Funktsionalism - Under the influence of Darwin, the school of functionalism stressed the role of conciousness and behavoior in adapting to the enviroment. Pragmatism ­ tõe kriteerium on tegevuse/idee kasulikkus. Inimene ise saab enda elu/iseloomu/tuju muuta, vaba tahe, kuidas soovib käituda. Igasugused uskumused on kasulikud ja väärt, kui need on efektiivsed William James - oli pragmaatik kes... uskumine vabasse tahtesse teadvuse voog / stream of consciousness - teadvust ei saa elementideks jagada vaid on pidevalt muutuv ja personaalne - peegeldab indiviidi kogemusi, eesmärk on tagada kohanemine keskkonnaga. Teadvus on personaalne, ei saa jaotada, pidevalt muutuv, valiv, kohaneb keskkonnaga Rakenduspsy kujunemine. Uurimistehnikate laiendamine (kasuliku teabe leidmine inimese kohta). Learnes patterns of behaviour are habits. Habit makes society possible.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia ajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

cheer up become cheerful clear out leave clear up become clear close down close permanently close up close temporarily came about happen come along accompany; make progress come back return come by visit someone in his home come out appear; make a social debut come over come to someone's house, to where someone is come through succeed come to regain consciousness cut in interrupt die away fade; diminish die down fade; diminish die off/out disappear; become extinct dress up don fancy or unusual clothes drive back return by car drop in visit someone casually without planning drop out abandon some organized activity; leave; quit drop over visit someone casually fall behind not progress at required pace fall off decrease; lose weight

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist


Music Association's Entertainer of the Year and male Vocalist awards in 1969. 1969 continued to become the highlight of Cash's life as he received a network television spot for "T h e J o h n n y C a s h S h o w " which aired on ABC. The show featured live guests ranging from Bob Dylan to Louis Armstrong. Cash used the show to break down musical barriers and create genres. He also used the show as a forum to discuss and raise the country's collective consciousness about social issues of the day. The Johnny Cash Show EST. 1969 By the age of 48, Johnny Cash became the youngest living inductee into the Country Music Hall of Fame. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame also bestowed their honor on him in 1995.Cash was became the first ever known to be not only recognized by idolized in both genres of music. Even after all of Cash's accomplishments he was far from stopping. In 1985, Cash joined with friends Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia areng Eestis

which they proposed to discard all psychological terms, like sensation, memory, and learning, and substitute objective terms: reception for sensation, reflex for fixed movement, -6- Psühholoogia Eestis J.Allik 2002 antiklise for modifiable movement, and resonance for memory or any dependence of behavior on past stimulation. Nor was it only the protozoa that seemed able to spare consciousness. The stereotyped behavior of the social insects, of the ants and bees, suggested that they might be robots (Boring, 1959, p. 625). Närvisüsteemi voolusängid (drainage). Uute voolusängide kujunemise teooria pakkus välja Uexküll, mis funktsionaalse ringi (tagasiside) põhimõttel loob uusi voolusänge närvivõrgus ja on seega aluseks õppimisele. Mõjutused ja arendused. · · etoloogia üks rajajatest, kellele toetused Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz ja Nico

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
124 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

Different neurons have different maximum rates; the highest in man is of the order of 1,000 impulses per second. Interaction between nerve cells: · Study of reflex : Movements are controlled by spinal cord · Pierre Cabanis ( wondered whether consciousnrss survives beheading. He concluded it does not and that the body's twitches after execution are mere reflex actions, automatisms without consciousness. ­ DURING FRENCH REVOLUTION) · Reflex arc- the reflex pathway that leads from stimulus to response Inferring the Synapse: · Simple reflex (Sherrington's study) ­ reflex considered in splendid neurological isolation, unaffected by activities elsewhere in the nervous system. (doesn't exist for even the lowliest spinal reflex is modified by higher centers in the spinal cord or the brain). An itch will initiate a scratch reflex but

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Meeled, taju, tahelepanu

MEELED 1. Kust ja kuidas tulevad teadmised psüühikasse sinu arvates? I. Kanti arvates? J. Locke'i arvates? I. Kanti väitel tulevad teadmised psüühikasse sündides, need on meile geneetiliselt programmeeritud, sellest sõltub järgneva informatsiooni vastvõtmine. J. Locke väitel sünnib inimene n-ö puhta lehena, võtab infot vastu objektiivselt nagu masin. Inimestel on passiivne taju. 2. Nimeta inimesel olevad meeled ning meeleelundid ja kirjelda meeleelundite talituse üldpõhimõtteid ja too näiteid kõigile meeltele ühistest füsioloogilistest protsessidest. Inimese meeled: nägemismeel, kuulmismeel, haistmismeel, maitsmismeel, kompimismeel. Inimese meeleelundid: silm, kõrv, nina, keel, nahk Meelesüsteemide talitlus on aluseks aistingute ja taju tekkele. Kõigil meeleelunditel on ühised talituse põhimõtted. Kõigil meeltel on ühine see, et nad registreerivad infot (heli, valgus, lõhnamolekulis jm) mis tuleb mo...

Psühholoogia → Tervisepsühholoogia
16 allalaadimist


TLuyAMc3UcV4UMidi3Q&sig2=7A03fO2elknPbIis33Yfuw&cad=rja] 01.03.2012. 10. Malmberg, K. 2005. Tahte tekitajad. Kuidas luua motiveerivat töökeskkonda? Tallinn: Äripäeva Kirjastus. 11. Maslow, A. 2007. Motivatsioon ja isiksus. Tallinn: Mantra kirjastus. 12. Rohi, A. 2009. Noorsootöötajate töötasu töömotivatsiooni ja töörahulolu tegurina. Tallinna Pedagoogiline Seminar. (Diplomitöö). 13. Tebbutt, D. 2008. Internet elevator heads for a higher consciousness. ­ Information World Review, pp. 9. 16 14. Türk, K. 2002. Personalijuhtimine. [ mcclellandi+vajaduste+teooria&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CDkQFjAD&url=http %2Fjuhtimine2%2Fjuhtimine2_konspekti_kokkuvote.doc&ei=xUdPT4q1GuLA0Q Xz3LnQCw&usg=AFQjCNF6J9aLPlGMcQVEzfajSHAkk750tA&sig2=pp70lVEO 7PDbpJkqcvwy_w&cad=rja] 01.03.2012. 15. Türk, K. 2005

Majandus → Majandusteadus
316 allalaadimist

Teiste inimeste vaim

MANIFEST Teiste inimeste vaim Svenand496 ,,Keha ja vaim, nagu mees ja naine, ei ole alati nõus surema koos." 1 Charles Caleb Colton 20. sajandi keskel tõuseb fööniksina eraldiseisva distsipliinina tuhast tuhandete aastate vaimufilosoofia. 2 Elavaim küsimus tänapäeva maailma eksmerimentaal filosoofia suunal 3 on, hoolimata eriteaduste nagu bioloogia ­ neuroloogia ja teadvuseteaduse saavutustest, kas teistel isikutel on vaim ja kuidas me seda teame? Essees arutlen vaimu olemasolu tõese teadmise 4 võimalikkusest teiste isikute ­ eelkõige inimeste suhtes. Essee esimesel poolel arutlen paljunemise ja intellekti vahelist seost ja teisel poolel antud idee nelja, mitte täielikul määral õigusta...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
28 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun