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"ADJUST" - 80 õppematerjali

adjust – reguleerima, rihtima, seadistama – регулировать, выверять

Nivelleerimisvõrgu tasandamine programmiga ADJUST

Iseseisev töö nr 5. Nivelleerimisvõrgu tasandamine programmiga ADJUST. Ülesanne 1. Tasandada joonisel 1 toodud nivelleerimisvõrk programmiga Adjust. Kaaludena kasutage sektsioonide pikkusi L (km). Jämedate vigade avastamiseks kasutage Data Snooping testi. Andke hinnang tasandustulemusele tervikuna (χ²-test), tasandatud kõrguste ja kõrguskasvude täpsusele ning usaldusväärsusele. Vajadusel eemaldage jämedad vead või skaleerige kaalud ümber ja teostage tasandus uuesti. Võrrelge, mis on muutunud enne ja pärast tehtud tasandamise aruannetes. Joonis 1. Nivelleerimisvõrgu mõõtmisandmed (kõrguskasvud (m), jaamade arvud n,

Geograafia → Geodeesia
14 allalaadimist

GPS-võrgu tasandamine programmiga Adjust

Iseseisev töö nr. 8. GPS-võrgu tasandamine programmiga Adjust Tasandada Joonisel 1 kujutatud GPS-võrk vähimruutude meetodil programmiga Adjust. Lähtepunktid on punktid nr 2 (2904829,045; 1460511,739; 5468898,116) ja 5 (2901645,054; 1461580,539; 5470285,543). Andke tasandustulemustele hinnang jämedate vigade, kaalude valiku ja tulemuste usaldusväärsuse osas. Joonis 1. Tasandatav GPS-võrk Ülesande programmiga Adjust lahendamiseks peame esmalt koostama lähtefaili. Nagu ikka tuleb faili esimesele reale kirjutada töö pealkiri. Järgnevalt lähtepunktide, tundmatute punktide ja baasjoone vektorite arv. Kolmandale reale tuleb panna lähtepunktide andmed ning peale neid GPS kaugusvektorid ning kovariatsioonimaatriksi elemendid. Sisendfail on toodud järgnevalt. It 8 259 2 2904829.045 1460511.739 5468898.116 5 2901645.054 1461580.539 5470285.543 1 7 -2344.3456 2118.5216 667

Geograafia → Geodeesia
5 allalaadimist

Kinnise teodoliitkäigu tasandamine programmiga Adjust

Iseseisev töö nr 6. Kinnise teodoliitkäigu tasandamine programmiga Adjust. Andke hinnang tasandustulemustele üldiselt kaaluühiku standardhälbe S0 ja χ2-testi abil, esitage tundmatute punktide tasandatud koordinaadid koos täpsushinnangutega ning tasandatud mõõtmistulemused koos hälvete ja standardhälvetega. Teodoliitkäigu tasandamiseks kasutame programmi Adjust võimalust Least Squares Adjustment of Plane Surveys. Selle jaoks peame esmalt looma lähteandmetest sisendfaili. Faili esimesele reale tuleb kirjutada selgitav tekst (nt töö pealkiri), järgnevale reale tuleb kirjutada joonte, nurkade, direktsiooninurkade, lähtepunktide ning kõigi jaamade arv. Kolmandast reast alates lähtepunktide koordinaadid. Read 5-6 on tundmatud punktid koos ligikaudsete koordinaatidega. Järgnevalt mõõdetud kaugused ja mõõdetud nurgad koos standardhälvetega

Geograafia → Geodeesia
28 allalaadimist

Teodoliitkäigu tasandamine

Ülesanne 1. Tasandada teodoliitkäik Joonisel 1 ja Tabelis 1 toodud andmete põhjal. Joonis 1. Lahtine teodoliitkäik koos mõõtmisandmetega Tabel 1. Kindelpunktide koordinaadid X Y Mk1 302.15 203.5 A 287.97 230.48 1132.1 B 1281.362 2 C 1867.05 314.82 Mk2 1897.5 316.11 Kõigepealt peame leidma punkti B ligikaudsed koordinaadid. Selleks kasutame programmi Adjust ning kasutame sealt funktsiooni Distance Distance Intersection punkti B koordinaatide leidmiseks lähtepunktide A ja C koordinaatide ning nende kaugustest punktist B abil. Saadud koordinaadid on lisatud tabelisse 1. Järgnevalt leiame koordinaatide järgi samad joonepikkused ja nurgad, mis on näidatud joonisel 1. Tulemused on toodud tabelites 2 ja 3. Tabel 2. Joonepikkused teodoliitkäigus Joon Arvutatud Mõõdetud Mk1-A 30.4793832 - A-B 1341.55967 1341.56

Geograafia → Geodeesia
54 allalaadimist

Polügonomeetriavõrgu tasandamine programmiga GEO

Praktikum nr. 7. Polügonomeetriavõrgu tasandamine programmiga GEO Ülesanne. Teostada Tartu linna 2. järgu geodeetilise põhivõrgu osa tasandamine programmiga „Geo“. Vastavalt lähteandmetele koostame horisontaalse geodeetilise võrgu taasandusfaili. Sinna paneme mõõdetud nurgad ja joonepikkused. Lisaks nende standardhälbed. Samuti tuleb faili panna ka lähtepunktide koordinaadid ning tundmatute punktide esialgsed ligikaudsed koordinaadid. Esmalt teostame vaba tasanduse (DataAdjustFree adjustment with translation and rotation) ning seejärel lisaks seotud tasanduse (DataAdjustStrict adjustment). Saadud tasandusaruannete abil teostame F-testi. Koostame hüpoteesid: S 21 =1 või S 21 = S 22 H0: S 22 S 21 ≠1 või S 21 ≠ S 22 HA: S2 2 suurem dispersioon F- statistiku leiame F= väiksem dispersioon kaudu. Kuna tasandusaruannetes olevad dispersioonid on vaba tasanduse pu...

Geograafia → Geodeesia
5 allalaadimist

A complaint letter

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in order to complain about your product I bought. It is an i-phone, which I ordered from an online shop. A week later it stopped working properly. First of all, the on/off button is broken and does not let me open my phone. The screen colour of the device was also unacceptably almost black and white. In addition to this, the sound was a little bit off and I could no adjust it in the settings. For some reason I also could not see my messeages at all. No only the screen was borken, the camera was not working either. I suggest that you explain all that, replace the item or give me a full refund. I look foward to receiving your explanation. Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Nivelleerimisvõrgu tasandamine

3 35,911 0,0011 -5 0,47 5,608 0,0005 5,8*10 5,608 0,0011 3 B 41,52 2 Ülesanne 2. Tasandada Tabelis 3 toodud nivelleerimisvõrk programmiga ADJUST. Lähtepunktide C ja I kõrgused on vastavalt HC= 61,459 m ja HI= 54,535 m. Programmi ADJUST kasutamiseks tuleb nivelleerimiskäigu mõõtmisandmetest koostada sobiv lähtefail. Faili esimesel real peab olema ülesande selgitus. Järgnevalt lähtepunktide-, mõõtmiste- ja kogu punktide arv. Kolmandast reast alates on lähtepunktide kõrgused ja peale neid mõõdetud kõrguskasvud ning kõrguskasvude standardhälbed. Standardhälvete asemel võivad olla ka lõikude pikkused või jaamade arv

Geograafia → Geodeesia
41 allalaadimist


Other ergonomic keyboards have fixed, vertically aligned keys, so the user types with their hands perpendicular to the ground, thumbs-up. Still others allow a range of rotation and elevations. Simple ergonomic keyboards can cost as little as typical keyboards or as much as $995 for high end keyboards. An ergonomic keyboard may reduce muscle strain and reduce risk of Carpal Tunnel syndrome, but there is no clear evidence of benefit. After a user takes the time to adjust to this style of keyboard, these keyboards can make typing easier, faster and less awkward. Some ergonomic keyboards are very highly priced, though not necessarily so. They may take a little practice to get used to, and many people don't want to go to the trouble of adjusting. These keyboards may take more space on your computer table and force the mouse to be farther away.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Prepositions English

according to- vastavalt accuse of- süüdistama adapt to- kohanduma adjust to- kohanema angry about- vihane olema (asjad) angry at- wihane olema (sõnad) angry with- vihane olema (inimesed) arrive inat- saabuma at the end of (week)- (nädala) lõppus be ashamed of- häbi olema be bored with- igav olema be different from- kellestkist erinema be fond of- armastama, armunud olema be good at- hea milleskis olema be in a harry- kiirustama be satisfied with- rahul olema be similar to- olema sarnane kellegagi be under arrest- olema aresti all belong to- kuuluma blame on- süüdistama by air- lennates (reisimine) carry on- jätkama charge with- süüdiatama depend on- sõltuma disagree with- mitte nõustuma dream about- und nägema dream of- unistama escape from- põgenema find out- välja selgitama happen to- juhtuma heard of- mul pole aimugi help with something- aitama milleskis in (my) opinion- (minu) arvates in finding- leidmises in good time- aja va...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Leveling the Print Tips for CubePro

5. Turn the Z-axis coupler by hand clockwise to raise the Print Pad up until the print tips all touch the Print Pad and are aligned with each other. 6. Tighten the print tip screw to lock the print tip in place. 7. Turn the Z-axis drive screw by hand counter-clockwise to lower the Print Pad a couple of inches. 8. Reconnect the Power and turn the CubePro back on. 9. Use the Level/Gap function to check the gap and adjust as necessary for the change made in the print tip height. 10. Print Level/Gap test print and make further adjustments based on results.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Every person should train each day

There might be few negative things when you train each day, but it's usually because people get too into it. You shouldn't train so hard that you overwhelm your body. It doesn't get you bigger muscle or burn more fat. The other thing that people might do is that they start at early age which might stop you from growing taller. I think that every people should train every day for their own good. You are more healthy and you feel better about yourself. You just have to adjust it, so you don't go over the line and hurt yourself or your body. Stella Toomsoo 10.klass

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The topic Im going to speak about is marriage

choice. Anyway i welcome the choice of each person and with this impossible to argue. Some people say that everyone should use public transport instead of cars. Do you agree? The topic im going to speak about public transport. There is an opinion that some people say that everyone should use public transport instead of cars. I don’t agree with that argument, because riding on public transport is not always comfortable and convenient. Firstly I would like to say that you have to adjust the time and you cant go where you need at any time. For example to call a taxi you have to wait when in will arrive. To take the bus you have to know timetable when busses run. Secondly, if you have your own car then you will able to sit in car at any time and go from point A to point B. In driving time you will have opportunity to make stops In conclusion want to say, that riding on the bus is cheaper than on your own car. As I know that many

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Smart cities

Other sensors can provide updates on air pollution, noise and river level. There is no need to read water or electricity meters anymore. Everything will be available in real time. This solution can also save resources. Smart cities make life safer. If there is an accident, an alert goes out immediately. Thanks to remote monitoring you can follow an instant update on the situation. Drivers can receive warnings on their GPS. Traffic lights can adjust to regulate traffic flows and prevent traffic jams. Charles Montgomery found out that the most important ingredient of human happiness is social connections. So the more trusting cities are, the more happier they are. Smart cities can make life easier thanks to different solutions like smart lighting, dynamic information, environment stations, automatic watering, park assistance, connected waste containers, flow management and so on.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Global warming

It slows down the development of agriculture or puts a total stop to it. The poor living conditions of developing countries drive people to search food somewhere else. In addition to natural ways, humankind helps along to the process of desertification that eventually leads to global warming. The main reasons are the fast growth of the population and it's consequences ­ too intensive animal raising and the arable lands that are made too fast for the nature to adjust. As I said before desertification eventually leads to global warming. Glaciers and permafrost have decreased dramatically on both side of hemisphere. In the future in the South-Europe the temperature in summers may rise so high that people will have to find temporary refuges in the mountains. I've thought about what should be done and I honestly don't know what to do to make the message clear to everybody, to people who actually have the power to make a difference. It comes

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs with take inglise keele ühendtegusõnad koos eessõnaga take

leave A. The rocket took off with a loud blast and cloud of smoke. D. We took off after the last bell rang. TAKE ON = accept responsibilities She has taken on more than she can handle I'm afraid. TAKE OVER = take control of Mike took over the family business when his father retired. TAKE OUT = A. date, court B. kill C. remove A. I am taking Jill out to a movie tonight. B. The mob ordered a hit on three fingers Tony. They are going to take him out. TAKE TO = A. like B. adjust naturally A. She has really taken to John since she's been here visiting. B. The baby ducks took to the water like, well, ducks to water. TAKE UP = A. begin a hobby B. discuss at later time C. shorten a garment D. occupy space A. "Who took up archery? I see the bow and arrows over there." B. This should be taken up at the next meeting. C. "She's nuts! She wants her mini skirt taken up." D. "He takes up too much space. Do we have to share a room?"

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Summary - IT in motorsport

Launch control system means that the driver presses the gas pedal to the floor and the car takes off with no reaction time when it’s the right time to start. In rally cars usually start with 2 or 3 minute gaps between them. Formula One is most definitely the most hi-tech racing series. Almost everything there are controlled with computers. One thing to point out is the steering wheel of a Formula One car. Modern F1 wheel might have 35 or more knobs, buttons and switches. Driver can adjust almost everything of his car with the wheel. Usually F1 wheels have also LED screens which can display as many as 100 pages of info and data. Third topic I talked about was simulators. Modern road circuit simulators can be very similar to real life experience. For example most of the testing in F1 are made with simulators because it is much cheaper and also testing kilometres and time is limited. But the rally simulator have not yet reached that kind of level

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW).

Bioinformaatika ülesanded Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW). 1. BLAST programmide kasutamine tundmatu valgujärjestuse identifitseerimiseks või sarnaste valgujärjestuste leidmiseks ( Programmide kasutamisel tutvuda tutorialite ja juhenditega!!! ( a. Otsida sarnaseid järjestusi antud valgujärjestusele. Valida sobiv programm vastavalt NCBI juhendile valgujärjestuse võrdlemiseks valgujärjestuste seast. Valida otsimiseks Refseq andmebaas, sooritada otsing, tulemuste formaat 500 joondamise jaoks. GTESPLLTDPSTPNFFWLAWQARDFMSKKYGQPVPDRAVSLAINSRTGRTQNHFHIHISCIRPDVRKQLDNNLAN ISSRWLPLPGGLRGHEYLARRVTESELVQRSPFMMLAEEVPEAREHMGRYGLAMVRQSDNSFVLLATQRNLLTLN RASAEEIQDHQCEILRMRHPLVMGNWKLNGSRHMVHELVSNLRKELAGVAGCAVAIAPPEM...

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
39 allalaadimist


Accordance- vastavuses Achieve- savutama Additional strengthening- tugevdus Adjust- regulerima Adjustable blades- reguleritavad labad Advantage- Eelis Adverse weather- alub ilm Affect- mõjumama Afterpeak- ahtripikk Aids- abi vahendit Allot- välja jägama Anchoring gear- ankru seade Anti-clockwise ­ vastu päev Anti-cyclone- anti tsüklon Anti-fouling paint- mürk värv Apply to ­ taotlema Approve- heaks kiitma Assess- hindama Auxiliary engine- abi masin Avoid- vältima Award- autosutama Axis- teelg Balance rudder- balanseerool Beam- põikitala Bearing- peiling Beathing- sildumine Bevel- kaldserv Bevel wheel- konushammas ratas Bhp-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

microchips ­ tiny pieces of silicon containing complex electronic circuits  design ­ to make or draw plans for something  financial ­ relating to money or how money is managed  electronic ­ involving the use of electric current in devices such as TV sets or computers  Internet ­ the large system of connected computers around the world  print ­ to produce text and pictures using a printer  unformatted ­ a disk that is completely blank, so information can't be recorded onto it  Extranet ­ a network that allows communication between a company and the people it deals with  transmission ­ the process of sending data over a communication channel  reboot ­ to restart the computer, without switching it off completely  microbrowser ­ a web browser designed for small screens on hand­held devices  software engineer ­ a person who designs and maintains software applications  IT (computer) consultant ­ a person who gives expert, professional advice ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

. Regarded as a persistant person, I will continue to carry out any task until I succeed. I must admit I am a shy person, however, I gladly work in a team. I prefer to listen to the views of others and express mine. In other words, I am always ready to make a compromise for successful collaboration. For instance, during group work, I always have a lot of ideas how the material can be logically presented. Taking into account and respecting the opinions of others, I try each time adjust to the choice of the group, and even ready for improvisation. Regarding the laboratory works, I tend to distribute work so that I was comfortable to work and to my partner. It should be noted that studies is not my only fascination. I am interested in creating things with my own hands. I design invitation cards and ornaments made of plasticine, but alsolove drawing (especially portraits). My interests taught me how to concentrate on work, do work in time and qualitatively. I believe

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

"White Fang" (Jack London)

Scott attempts to tame White Fang and after a long patient effort he has success. When Scott attempts to return to California alone, White Fang pursues him, and Scott decides to take the dog with him back home. The final chapters bookend the two novels White Fang and The Call of the Wild, ending at Judge Scott's estate as The Call of the Wild started at Judge Miller's, both places in the Santa Clara Valley. In Santa Clara, White Fang has to make many changes to adjust to the laws of the estate. At the end of the book, a murderous criminal, Jim Hall, tries to kill Judge Scott, who had sentenced Hall to prison, not knowing that Hall was "railroaded". White Fang kills Hall and is nearly killed himself, but survives. The women of Scott's estate name him "The Blessed Wolf," and the story ends with White Fang relaxing in the sun with the puppies he had fathered with the sheep-dog Collie.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

industry and thus that equals the demand. At this demand each additional output increases by the same degree and the average revenue at any point is the same price. Even with changes in the marketplace, the line may move vertically but the values will always be equal Price line is the same as the average revenue or marginal revenue since the price is fixed Profit Maximization in the Short-run: TR/TC Approach · Firm = price taker firms can only adjust output to maximize profit · Short-run = fixed plant firms can only adjust amount of variable resource such as labor and materials. 2 ways to determine maximum profit and minimum loss output level ­ Total-revenue-total-cost approach ­ Marginal-revenue-marginal-cost approach ­ Both apply to pure competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly Short Run Profit Maximization

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Tundmatu metalli identifitseerimine

filter paper, thermometer, barometer and hygrometer. Experimental procedure 1. The experimental apparatus (Figure 1) consists of two burettes connected with a rubber hose (a), which is filled with water. One burette is connected to a test tube (b), in which the metal reacts with the acid. 2. Preparation for the experiment. Remove the test tube and wash it carefully with distilled water. Firmly attach the test tube back. Adjust the burettes to the same height and check whether the water level (c) in both of the burettes is at the same height. Raise one of the burette branches 15...20 cm higher than the other one and observe for a few minutes whether the water level stays still. If it does not change then the apparatus is hermetically sealed and the experiment can begin

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Forestry and the forest industry in Japan

forests part-time and maintained other jobs. It was therefore easy to reallocate labour input. According to data published by the Forestry Agency, forestry households labour input to forestry has been decreasing constantly since 1971. Full-time forestry households could not leave forestry and had to confront harsh market conditions. For them finding other sources of income meant changing occupations. It is more difficult for them than for part-time forestry households to adjust their labour input. Also, the management scale of full-time forestry households is not as large as for companies, so it is difficult to leave forestry and enter other industries. The following response of forest managers was typically observed for such full-time forestry households.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Art-based learning

I found several well recognized books, which give guidances how to use art in teaching religious education. One of the best and oldest is book ,,The Use of Art in Religious Education" by Albert Bailey in 1922. There are also many newer approaches for example, ,,Christianity through Art: A resource for teaching Religious Education through Art" by Margaret Cooling in 2009. The field of books to use Art in RE is various. Allthough useing this method we shoud consider our own cultural backround to adjust it for our pupils. One of the mentioned resources Margater Cooling´s book ,,Christianity through Art: A resource for teaching Religious Education through Art" seems to be a very useful source for RE teachers, who would like to use art as a method. Her book offers 24 large colour prints of a variety of works of art in different media (painting, sculpture, engraved glass, woven cloth, etc.), which have been chosen to reflect the global nature of Christianity. The resource can be

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Film Review - "Shooter"

Film Review Title: Shooter Release date: March 23, 2007 Director: Antoine Fuqua Written by: Stephen Hunter (Novel Point of Impact), Jonathan Lemkin (Screenplay) Stars: Mark Wahlberg as Bob Lee Swagger, Danny Clover as Isaac Johnson, Kata Mara as Sarah Fenn, Michael Peña as Nick Memphis Genre: Conspiracy thriller Production: · Locations The film was shot mainly in British Columbia, Canada, in places such as New Westminster, Kamloops, Ashcroft and Cache Creek. The assassination scenes were filmed in Philadelphia. The crowd scenes with the President and the Archbishop were filmed in Independence National Historical Park in front of Liberty Hall. These were then combined with an elevated view from another building to create a fictional vista of the park. Swagger's escape was filmed in New Westminster along the Fraser River. · Sniper tactics Shooter depicts a number of sniper tactics, thanks to t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kliima kohta USAs

American conservative movement will continue to protect its corporate backers at the expense of the public. I've asked my advisors to consider approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including those that tap the power of markets, help realize the promise of technology and ensure the widest possible global participation....Our actions should be measured as we learn more from science and build on it. Our approach must be flexible to adjust to new information and take advantage of new technology. We must always act to ensure continued economic growth and prosperity for our citizens and for citizens throughout the world." ­ President George W. Bush

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Subaru Legacy 1998 Kere

31 in) dia. (34) Center pillar (LWR) gauge hole mm (0.31 in) dia. (56) Trim lower attaching hole at 6 27 mm (1.06 in) dia. (51) Front upper pillar (Inner) 7 mm light 8 mm (0.31 in) dia. (35) Rear quarter outer corner patch (0.28 in) dia. (58) Rear floor, near floor strut 15 × attaching hole 5.2 mm (0.205 in) (52) Front seat belt adjust plate 20 mm (0.59 × 0.79 in) dia. dia. attaching hole 12 mm (0.47 in) oblong hole (39) Front rail center notch dia. (40) Front glass upper locating notch (53) Rear door hinge middle hole 10 RH: 6.5 mm (0.256 in) dia., LH: mm (0.39 in) dia. 6.5 × 10 mm (0.256 × 0.39 in) (54) Rear floor, near door 8 mm (0.31 dia. oblong hole in) dia.

Auto → Auto õpetus
5 allalaadimist

Demand and Supply

A market is defined as the interaction of all potential buyers and sellers of a good or class of goods that are close substitutes. · The markets provide information to agents that may be used to identify and evaluate alternative choices that might be used to achieve objectives. · Each agent acting in a market has incentives to react to the information provided. · Given the information and incentives, agents within markets can adjust to changes. The process of market adjustment can be visualized as changes in demand and/or supply. · Markets include all potential buyers and sellers ­ geographic boundaries of market ­ markets defined by nature of product and characteristics of buyers ­ conditions of entry into market ­ markets, competition and substitutes Markets include all "potential buyers and sellers"

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

Every 250 miles (400 km) or weekly In addition to all the items in the 6000 mile (10 000 km) service, carry out the following: See "Weekly checks" On OHV and HCS engines check and if necessary adjust the valve clearances (Section 21) Check the exhaust system condition and security (Section 22) Every 6000 miles (10 000 km) or On RS Turbo models check the tightness of the turbocharger-to-manifold nuts (Section 23)

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

among others. The air suspension designs from Land Rover, SsangYong, Subaru and some Audi, VW, and Lexus models, feature height adjustable suspension controlled by the driver, suitable for clearing rough terrain. The Lincoln Continental and Mark VIII also featured an air suspension system in which the driver could choose how sporty or comfortable they wanted the suspension to feel. These suspension settings were also linked to the memory seat system, meaning that the car would automatically adjust the suspension to the individual driver. The control system in the Mark VIII also lowered the suspension by about 25 mm (1 inch) at speeds exceeding about 100 km/h (60 mph) [1] for improved aerodynamic performance. Unfortunately, however, these systems turned out to be unreliable and in many cases ended up being retrofitted with aftermarket replacements [2] or conventional steel coil springs. [3] In addition to passenger cars, air suspension is broadly used on semi trailers and buses, which are

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist


conatin archaisms. Archaic elements that occur only in certain fixed expressions are not considered to be archaisms- be that, as it may. For exsample lyre- music instruments 7) Neologisms A word or a sense of a word, on the coining or use of new words and sense. (a word that is not yet in the dictionary). Soccer-mom, botox, speed-dating, fashionista 8) Word formation by the means of affixation. A prefix- is an element placed in the beginnig of the word to adjust or to qualifiy its meaning. A suffix- is an element placed in the end of the word to form a derviative such as ­ing and ­ fy. Prefixes: be- become, for-forget, with-within, ad-admit, ac-accurse, af-affrax, co-co-operate, de-destroy, dis-dismiss, sub-submarine Suffixes: er- maker, or- actor, eer- mountineer, ier/yer- lawyer, ant- assistant, ent-student, ee- detainee, ist-artist, en-vixen, ess-actress, ine-heroine 9) Coversion A type of dervation where no suffix is used to change the word class

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist


It's helpful in that if you know how wide (or tall) the veneer is, you can easily make sure you have enough fluid in the chamber. It should be noted that if there is not a good seal between the site tube and the brass nipples, the site tube will not function correctly when vacuum is applied. If air can get in, the fluid in the site tube will just constantly be "pumped" up the site tube while the vacuum is on. This isn't a big deal as long as you adjust the volume prior to turning on the pump, as it's not really practical to add dye after you start the dying process anyhow. 7. Next, you will have to remove the lip inside of the 4" to 3" PVC reducer. I did this with a Dremel and a sanding drum. You can do this part however you see fit. Be careful not to sand the inside of the 3" portion of the reducer. This may prevent a good seal between the pipe and the fitting. Before and after pictures can be seen below. 8. 9

Füüsika → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia 2012

expressions are not considered to be archaisms - be that as it may. For example lyre- music instruments Neologisms A new word, expression, or usage (a word that is not yet in the dictionary). Soccer-mom, botox, speed-dating, fashionista Affixation The adding of a grammatical element that is an integral part of a word, but is not the main meaning-bearing part (known as the `root'). The -ed of walked and the dis- of dislike are examples. Prefixes an element placed in the beginning of the word to adjust or to qualify its meaning. (Become, forget, within, dismiss) Suffixes an element placed in the end of the word to form a derivative. (maker, actor, artist, vixen) Infixes an element placed in the middle of the word. Almost no true infixes in English, except for colloquial speech and chemical terminology. (Shiznit) Combining forms A modified form of an independent word that occurs only in combination with words, affixes, or other combining forms to form compounds or

Keeled → Inglise leksikoloogia
98 allalaadimist

Drugs and how they affect your health.

Normally, neurons reabsorb neurotransmitters after they've done their job of signaling other brain cells. But cigarette smoke causes dopamine to stay in the spaces between neurons called synapses. Researchers don't yet know exactly what component of tobacco smoke blocks the reabsorption of dopamine into neurons. In 40 minutes, half the effects of nicotine are gone. So smokers get the urge to light up for another dose of the drug. After repeated doses of nicotine, the brain changes. To adjust to too much dopamine, the brain cuts production of the neurotransmitter and reduces the number of some receptors. Now, the smoker needs nicotine just to create normal levels of dopamine in his or her brain. Without nicotine, the smoker feels irritable and depressed. The smoker has trained the limbic system to crave tobacco. Think about how you long for a cold drink on a hot day. Or how you want a sandwich when you are hungry. Craving for tobacco is much stronger.

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

EU internal Market. Dog case

Based on information provided upper there was a valuation of articles:  26 (1):The internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the Treaties;  34&35: Quantitative restrictions on imports/exports and all measures having equivalent effect shall be prohibited between Member States;  37: Member States shall adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character so as to ensure that no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of Member States. e. Are there any restrictions that may be added for production of import or export? – Yes, if they do not meet with regulations of article 36 of the TFEU They are free to establish their rights and obligations on the basis of the contract and in

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ajalugu

2. All theoretical terms must be operantionally defined. 3. Nonhuman animals should be used as research subjects for two reasons: (a) relevant variables are easier to control. (b) perceptual and learning processes occuring in nonhuman animals differ only in the degree from those processes in humans therefore the info can be generalized to humans. 4. The learning process is of prime importance because it is the primary mechanism by which organism adjust to changing environments. Tolman - created a brand of behaviorism that used mental constructs and emphasized purposive behavior. Cognitive map. S-S teooria molaarne lähenemine / käitumisel eesmärk - behavior that is directed toward some goal and that terminates when the goal is attained. kognitiivsete protsesside mõju. Hull - formulated a complex hypothetico-deductive theory in an attempt to explain all learning phenomena.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia ajalugu
16 allalaadimist


Mount screws with washers in the intermediate pipe/exhaust valve flanges and tighten up the screws in crosswise succession. 5. Mount the clamp connecting the compensator and the intermediate pipe/exhaust valve. 6. Attach the insulation jacket, mount the cooling water outlet pipe. And fasten the water connections on the exahust valve. Mount the return oil pipe, the sealing air pipe and the air pipe for the pneumatic exhaust valve. 7. Fit and adjust the high-pressure pipe for the hydraulic valve gear, and then fasten it. Fit the fuel oil high-pressure pipe between fuel pump and distributor block. Connect the return oil pipe on the fuel valves. Connect air hoses and outlet pipes to the oil alarm system. Mount the starting air pipe and control air pipe for the starting valve. Shut the drain valves and open for the cooling water inlet. After venting the cylinder section, shut the vent cocks and open the cooling water outlet valve.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

The Great Plague In London

Jüri Gümnaasium THE GREAT PLAGUE IN LONDON Research paper Ervin Sagor 10.h Supervisor: Kristel Kriisa Jüri 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION The history of England has always been fascinating for me and plague was one the most horrifying diseases in human history with millions of deaths across the world. That is why I chose the Great Plague as the topic of my research. The purpose of my study is to educate myself and gain more knowledge on the history and find out how people lived in England in the seventeenth century. For a start, I will give a short review what the bubonic plague is. Then I tell about Black Death in England before the Great Plague, city life before and during the plague. Secondly, I will examine how the plague reached Great Britain. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Liikurmasinate erialane inglise keel

AB vocabulary 1. Absorption power 1. Imavusvõime 2. Abutment 2. Tugi, kaldasammas 3. Acceleration 3. Kiirendus 4. Accelerator pedal 4. Gaasipedaal 5. Access 5. Juurdepääs 6. Acidity 6. Happelisus 7. Additive 7. Lisand 8. Adhesion 8. Adhesioon, kleepumine 9. Adjacent area 9. Külgnev ala 10. Adjust 10. Reguleerima 11. Advance sign 11. Eelsuunaviit 12. Advisory speed 12. Soovitatav kiirus 13. Aerodynamic drag 13. Õhutakistus 14. After-compaction 14. Järeltihenemine 15. Aggregate plant 15. Purusti, purustusjaam 16. Aggregate spreader 16. Kivipuru laotaja 17. Agriculture 17. Põllumajandus 18. Air hammer 18. Suruõhuhaamer 19. Air resistance 19. Õhutakistus 20

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards Now, let's get into todays lesson. Getting into Position Sitting Positions There are two sitting positions for holding the guitar; classical and casual. 1. Pick up the guitar and make sure that the guitar body is supported by your leg. 2. Position yourself at the edge of your chair. 3. Ensure that your back is relaxed but straight. 4. Lean the guitar back towards you slightly. Standing Position 1. Pick up the guitar and place the strap over your shoulder. Adjust the strap so that the guitar is positioned mid-body. 2. Use your left hand to support the neck of the guitar. 3. Rest your right hand over the bridge of the guitar. Hand Positions It is important that you relax your wrists and hands. Straining them can cause injury. Front View Rear View Warning! Make sure that you never position your hand like this: Your thumb should never be placed this low on the neck of the guitar as it puts

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Getting physical

projector, get thoroughly acquainted and rehearse with each button. I have seen speakers in the middle of their presentation accidentally begin pushing the "reverse" control instead of the "forward" control, continue reading from a script, and create total confusion between words and images on the screen. · Pay special attention to the microphone. So many speakers step up to the microphone, adjust the "gooseneck" holder (which always creates an ugly, grating sound), and then begin to speak not knowing if the voice is booming or barely being heard. Another tipoff to the skill and experience of speakers is to note if they clear the throat or, worse yet, if their first words are "Can you hear me?" It is far wiser to check out the microphone well in advance, assuring that the volume level is set so that people in the back of the room can

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

from a free movement of goods perspective. Adopted Law Act is not proportionate, because alternatives are available, such as insurance payments, dog’s trainings, licensing ect. Therefore, making such type of legislation act was unproportionable and not justified from the beginning. *** According to the TFEU art. 26 and 37 free movement provision, PB&R Company can successfully claim for lost profit and compensation, because Member States shall adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character to ensure that no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of Member States. The provisions of this Article shall apply to any body through which a Member State, in law or in fact, either directly or indirectly supervises, determines, or appreciably influences imports or exports between Member States. These

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

evolution of services regarding it. An effort is made to meet the needs and have the ability to sustain the wide assortment of IoT applications by the mobile operators. 1. ACTUATOR - a mechanical device for moving or controlling something - ajam, mootor, täiturmehhanism, käitusmehhanism, lüliti, lülitushoob, täitur, täiturseade (Merriam-Webster) 2. ADJACENT - very near, next to, or touching - külgnev, lähedalasuv (Cambridge Dictionary) 3. ADJUST - alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result - kohandama, häälestama, kohanema (Oxford Dictionary) 4. ADOPTION - accepting or starting to use something new - omaksvõtt, adaptatsioon (Cambridge Dictionary) 5. ALLIANCE - a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations - liitumine, liit, allianss (Oxford Dictionary) 6

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Autocad II

ajutine menüü valikutega: · Exit ­ käsu 3DORBIT lõpetamine (ka vajutamisega klahvidele Enter või Escape); 21 · Pan ­ joonise dünaamiline lohistamine piki ekraani käsuga 3DPAN; · Zoom ­ joonise dünaamiline suurendamine/vähendamine käsuga 3DZOOM; · Orbit ­ orbitaalringi taastamine pärast muude menüükäskude täitmist; · More ­ vaadete valimise täiendavad võimalused: Adjust Distance ­ kaamera liigutamise simuleerimine käsuga 3DDISTANCE; Swivel Camera ­ kaamera pööramise simuleerimine käsuga 3DSWIVEL; Continuous Orbit ­ joonise objektide dünaamiline liigutamine käsuga 3DCORBIT; Zoom Window ­ jooniselt ristkülikukujulise osa väljavalimine (ühes tipus vajuta- takse hiireklahv alla, lohistatakse vastastippu ja vabastatakse); Zoom Extents ­ kogu joonise ilmutamine graafilise ekraani keskel;

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
187 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

`0` insertion bit used for every 5th `1' bit -guaranteed responses are used toperform numbered supervisory functions such as ­ ability to demultiplex upwards(multiple protocol support) · Frame format number of transitions enables receiver to adjust clock to acknowledgment, polling, temporary suspension ofinformation transfer, or error · bit transparency: must carry any bit pattern in the data An important restriction: 1492 Octets is the maximum number synchronize with bit stream recovery

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

show plasticity in response to environmental factors are important for the human cortex as well. Environmental changes can disrupt our circadian rhythms, that is, our biological 24- hour clock. Jet lag is a sudden circadian disruption caused by flying across several time zones in one day. Flying east, you lose hours of the day; flying west extends your day. Jet lag often causes insomnia and decreased alertness. The body adjusts about 1 hour or less per day to time zone changes. Typically, people adjust faster when flying west, probably because lengthening the travel day is more in accordance with our natural free-running circadian cycle. Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behavior. Prosopagnosia, also known, as face-blindness is a condition when a person cannot recognize faces although they are able to see the face and understand that it is a face of a person. However, they are able to recognize and identify faces through other

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Üldökoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

suudavad ennast ja oma järeltulijaid toita. N võib ka osutuda ka nulliks. 23. Selgitage, millal (põhimõtteliselt) saabub karjamaa taime populatsiooni juurdekasvu ja herbivooria vahel tasakaal The achievement of a steady state by an ecosystem is a climax community. This theoretical concept is rarely accomplished in practice as the controlling forces, such as climate and soil, rarely remain constant, and ecosystems take some time to adjust to change. Kui sööjate juurdkasv on konstantselt võrdne võrdeline suremusega- st ei kasva ei kahane ja see kontrollib taimede juurdekasvu. Keskonnategurid on võrdsed. 24. Miks karjamaal taimede populatsiooni kasvu peatub kui herbivoore ei ole? Sest taimekiskjad ei ole ainuke kontrolliv keskonna tegud. Vesi õhk ja toitained on samuti piiratud. 25. Kuidas avaldub liigisisene konkurents taimedel (sessiilsetel organismidel)? Selgitage.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
126 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

point, the amount of control is reduced because the difference between the setpoint and the actual value is smaller. As you can see, the proportional control system has less overshoot and less oscillation around the setpoint. For visibility as a graphic, Figure 5.4 shows the oscillation to be about half of that of the on-off control system. In a well-designed system, this can be reduced significantly. Another advantage to proportional control is the ability to adjust the control signal based on the controlled object. If you are heating fluid flowing through a tube, you might use a larger proportion (larger gain) when the flow rate is higher. Denser fluids might require even more gain to insure that the temperature is maintained. Designing a proportional control system is more complicated than design- ing an on-off control system. With an on-off control system, you have to live with whatever overshoot and oscillation you get. As long as you can put

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist


height, and flowering date did not differ at narrow vs. wide rows over five plant populations. Hence, row spacings can be chosen to fit available equipment. Row spacings of 30 in. are most common. There is evidence that earlier, semidwarf varieties may perform better in narrower rows at high populations. Sunflower stands have the capacity to produce the same yield over a wide range of plant densities (Table 2). The plants adjust head diameter, seed number per plant, seed size, to lower or higher populations, so that yield is relatively constant over a wide range of plant populations. Trials in eastern North Dakota show increases in yields with densities up to 29,000 plants/acre, but most studies have shown less effect of seeding rate. Higher densities are often recommended for irrigated or high rainfall areas. Table 2: Effect of plant population on yield and yield components - average of 12 trials in Minnesota

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun