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"strategic" - 133 õppematerjali


Starteegiline juhtimine

Directors Due care, Board of directors are responsible that the corporation is not harmed by members of the board, Directors can be held liable. − Hires and fires the CEO and top management. − Controls, monitors, or supervises top management. − Reviews and approves the use of resources. − Cares for shareholders’ interests. − Assures that the corporation is managed in accordance with state laws, security regulations and conflict of interest situations. Role of the Board in Strategic Management • Monitor developments inside and outside the corporation. • Evaluate and influence management proposals, decisions and actions. • Set corporate strategy, the corporation’s overall direction, mission, and vision. Carroll’s (1979) four responsibilities of business in order of priority … • Economic (must do) • Legal (have do) • Ethical (should do) • Discretionary (might do) *agenditeooria suures ettevõttes,

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist

Service marketing

very clearly and understandably there. Chapter 1 It provides a broad view of marketing as it relates to services. It describes the marketing concept and some misunderstandings about marketing. It particularly emphasizes the development of the service value proposition as it is at the heart of the strategic marketing plan for a service business. They bring out definition of marketing: · Defining markets · Quantifying the needs of the customer groups within these markets · Determining the value propositions to meet these needs · Communicating these value propositions to all those people in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

12 principles of language teaching

Application – Appeal to students’ enthusiasm, and remind students of language needs and goals, link new long-term rewards. knowledge to previous knowledge, avoid pitfalls (TBP pg. 66) 1 Cognitive Principles Cognitive Principles 4. Intrinsic Motivation 6. Autonomy 5. Strategic Investment Successful learners take control of “The methods that the learner their own language learning with the employs to internalize and to perform teacher as a facilitator or guide. in the language are as important as the teacher’s methods – or more so.” (TBP pg. 68) Application – Help students become teacher-dependent self-dependent

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

lines and business units. Views a corporation in terms of resources and capabilities that can be used to build business unit value as well as generate synergies across business units o Generates corporate strategy by focusing on the core competencies of the parent corporation and the value created between the parent and its businesses o Developing a corporate parening strategy: Examine each business unit in terms of its strategic factors Examine each business unit in terms of areas in which performance can be improved Analyse how well the paren corporation fits with the business unit Vertikaalne integratsioon: Full integration ­ a firm internally makes 100% of its key suppliers and completely controls its distributors Taper integration - a firm internally produces less than half of its own requirements and buys the rest frim outside suppliers

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist


(Kleiman ... 2015:1-10) Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et korralikult strateegilise juhtimise üks teooriaid - agenditeooria on arenenud pikka aega koos kõigi erinevate juhtimisstiilidega, mis on suunatud protsessijuhtimise mõistmisele ja selle korrastamisele. Hästi juhitud protsess on rohkem, kui omakasu saamine või eetikakoodeksi rikkumine. (Kleiman ... 2015:1- 10) KIRJANDUS Kleiman, Robert T. 2015. Agency theory for strategic management Available at, accessed november 11, 2016.

Majandus → Juhtimine
4 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam

1. Strateegilise juhtimise mudel koosneb neljast põhielemendist, seda ei ole.. a. Keskkonna seire b. Taktika c. Strateegia formuleerimine d. Strateegia elluviimine e. Hindamine ja kontroll 2. Integreeritud äriühingute valitsemine (New Corporate Government) põhineb nö pööratud KISS printsiibil: a. Keep it simple and stupid! b. Keep it controlled, integrated, strategic and situational! c. Keep it short and simple d. Keep it controlled, integrated, strategic and simple e. Keep it safe and simple 3. Suurel äriühingul on neljatasandiline hierarhiline strateegia: a. Väliskeskkonna- Sisekeskkonna- Organisatsiooniline ­ Funktsionaalne strateegia b. Keskkonna ­ äri ­ konkurentsi ­ organisatsiooniline strateegia c. Omanikkonna - organisatsiooniline ­ Üld ­ Funktsionaalne strateegia d

Majandus → Strateegiline planeerimine
21 allalaadimist

Thinking Strategically

 quick turnaround times optimizing aircraft usage Course: Thinking Strategically Topic: Defining Strategy Copyright 2007 SkillSoft. All rights reserved. SkillSoft and the SkillSoft logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SkillSoft in the United States and certain other countries. All other logos or trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Job Aid Strategic Positioning Purpose: Use this Job Aid to reference the types of strategic positioning. Position Keyword Characteristics Variety-based Provides varieties or features of a product or service that no other Innovation positioning organization is providing. Needs-based Customer Meets the needs of a customer group no other organization is meeting. positioning service

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine - eksamiküsimused

Strateegiline juhtimine – EKSAM 1. Strateegilise juhtimise mudel koosneb neljast põhielemendist, seda ei ole.. a. Keskkonna seire b. Taktika c. Strateegia formuleerimine d. Strateegia elluviimine e. Hindamine ja kontroll 2. Integreeritud äriühingute valitsemine (New Corporate Government) põhineb nö pööratud KISS printsiibil: a. Keep it simple and stupid! b. Keep it controlled, integrated, strategic and situational! c. Keep it short and simple d. Keep it controlled, integrated, strategic and simple e. Keep it safe and simple 3. Suurel äriühingul on neljatasandiline hierarhiline strateegia: a. Väliskeskkonna- Sisekeskkonna- Organisatsiooniline – Funktsionaalne strateegia b. Keskkonna – äri – konkurentsi – organisatsiooniline strateegia c

Majandus → Juhtimine
44 allalaadimist


mõistest kirjandusallikate põhjal. Me uurisime erinevate artiklide ja raamatute definitsioone teemal „eestvedamine“ ning meid huvitas, mida erinevad autorid tähtsaks pidasid defineerimisel. Meie materjal pärineb kolmest teadusartiklist – Alberto Silva „What do we really know about leadership?“, Antra Line ja Anita Lasmane „Leadership, communication and union commitment in Latvia: development perspectives of strategic management“ ning Robert J. Allio „Leaders and leadership – many theories, but what advice is reliable?“ Samuti on mõiste määratlemisel kasutatud aine juhtimise alused õppematerjale ja raamatut „Juhtimine“ Aino Siimoni ning Kulno Türgi poolt. Lisaks sellele kasutasime oma töös ka õpikut „Organisatsioon ja juhtimine“, mille on kirjutanud Raoul Üksvärv. Töö on jagatud kaheks peatükiks: esimeseks peatükiks on eestvedamise mõisteanalüüs,

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
15 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

Tuli valida õige järjestusega variant. Ettevõtte e organisatsiooni s. ­ äristrateegia ­ finantsstrateegia - keskkonnastrateegia Strategy can be formulated on three different levels: y corporate strategy- corporate level strategy fundamentally is concerned with the selection of businesses in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of that portfolio of businesses. y business startegy - a strategic business unit may be a division, product line, or other profit center that can be planned independently from the other business units of the firm. At the business unit level, the strategic issues are less about the coordination of operating units and more about developing and sustaining a competitive advantage for the goods and services that are produced. At the business level, the strategy formulation phase deals with:

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist

Estonain Air

Andrus Aljas Rait Kalda Maigi Pärnik-Pernik President/Deputy Vice- President Vice-President Finane& Chairman of the Operations/ Administration/ Members of Board Member of the Board Board Strategy Vision- we widen the travellers' percpectivies Mision-we build the Estonain Air-bridge to the world Values Fighting Spirit Dignity Caring Main strategic goals Ø Customer satisfaction Ø Develop airplain park Ø Market development Ø Implementation of the technology Ø Development of employees Ø Oppenness through PR activities Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Tallinn The first traces of human settlement found in Tallinn's city center by archeologists are about 5000 years old. In 1050 the first fortress was built on Tallinn Toompea.[3] In 1285 the city became the northernmost member of the Hanseatic League. Medieval Tallinn enjoyed a strategic position at the crossroads of trade between Western and Northern Europe and Russia. On 24 February 1918, the Independence Manifesto was proclaimed in Tallinn, followed by Imperial German occupation and a war of independence with Russia. On 2 February 1920, the Tartu Peace Treaty was signed with Soviet Russia, wherein Russia acknowledged the independence of the Estonian Republic. Tallinn became the capital of an independent Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Landabaso ja Reid iseloomustavad seda nagu: "opening minds rather than roads, and developing social capital and relational infrastructure rather than physical infrastructure" (Pellegrin, 2008 viidatud Landabaso & Reid, 1999) Tegelikud väljamaksed EL struktuurfondidelt aastal 2004 Allikas: Rahandusministeerium, 2005 5 Neljanda programmperioodi (2007-2013) strateegilised prioriteedid (New Strategic Guidelines) tuginevad uuenenud Lissaboni strateegiale. Uuenenud Lissaboni strateegia rõhutab eelkõige majanduskasvu ning uute töökohtade loomise vajadust. Üks peamistest neljanda programmperioodi prioriteetidest on toetada teadmistepõhise ühiskonna teket ja levikut ning innovatsiooni kui majanduskasvu allikat: · tõsta ja parandada investeeringuid teadus- ja arendustegevusse; · edendada innovatsiooni ning ettevõtlust; · edendada infouhiskonna teket kõigi jaoks;

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu poliitikad
63 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise olemus ja terminoloogia

1980 Michael Porter "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors" Kululiidri, fokuseerimise ja diferentseerimise strateegiad, viie konkurentsijõu analüüsimeetod 1975 (1982) Kenichi Ohmae "The Mind of Strategist" Strateegia on irratsionaalne ja mittelineaarne. 1994 Gary Hameli ja C. K. Prahaladi "Competing for the Future" Strat. on õppimise ja avastamise protsessi tulemus 1994 Henry Minzberg "The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning" Strateegia on süntees. Strat. väljatöötamiseks on vaja loovust ja intuitsiooni Strateegilise juhtimise koolkonnad 1. Disain 6. Õppimine 2. Planeerimine 7. Võim 3. Positsioneerimine 8. Kultuur 4. Ettevõtluse 9. Keskkond 5. Kognitiivne 10.Konfiguratsioon tunnetus H. Minzberg, B. Ahlstrand, J. Lampel (1998) I Disaini koolkond Kontseptsiooni loomise protsess Sisemised võimed ja ressursid

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
177 allalaadimist

Informaatika kodutöö 1.

kontrollida. Turunduse strateegiline juhtimine aitab ettevõttel alati meeles pidada oma missiooni, visiooni ja eesmärke, nende poole liikuda ning neid teostada. Strateegiline turundus on ettevõtte tulevasele äritegevusele eluliselt tähtis. Allikate loetelu Vihalem, A. 2003. Turunduse alused. Tallinn: Külim. Jain, S. 1999. Marketing: Planning and strategy. 6th ed. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. Balabanis, G. 2002-2003. Strategic marketing handbook, 19. (26.10.10) Eesti Pangaliit. 2010. Pangaterminite sõnastus: Strateegiline turundus. Eesti pangaliit (online). (26.10.10) Rohtla, K. 2007. Tavaline turundus hääbub. Äripäev (online). 74AA1E3959CE&code=3613/rubr_turundus (26.10.10) Pakk, H., Pilv, P. 2001

Informaatika → Informaatika
84 allalaadimist

Topic - London

Because of this rapid growth, London became one of the first cities in human history to reach a population of one million and was the first ever to surpass five million. In the decades following WWII large- scale immigration from Commonwealth countries and beyond have transformed London into one of the most racially and culturally diverse cities in Europe. 3. Government The administration of London takes place in two tiers ­ a city-wide, strategic tier and a local tier. City-wide administration is coordinated by the Greater London Authority, while local administration is carried out by 33 smaller authorities. The GLA is responsible for strategic planning, policing, the fire service and most aspects of transport and economic development. It consists of two elected parts ­ the Mayor of London and the London Assembly, who can accept or reject the Mayor's decisions and his budget proposals each year.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Seventeen – Alliance kokkuvõte

Chapter Seventeen ­ Alliance As Bella arrives at his house, Edward rushes out to kiss her in a tense, uneasy way that makes her nervous. He promises that nothing will happen to her and leads her into the house for the party. Alice has transformed the house into an amazing nightclub, which Bella finds a bit over whelming. In the moments before the party, the Cullens discuss their plan for attacking the newborns in Seattle while Bella listens on. Everyone invited to the party arrives. The normalcy of the event keeps Bella somewhat distracted as she goes from guest to guest to guest with Edward glued to her side. When he did leave her side, it left Bella suspicious. Bella follows him to find that Alice has seen something and no one is telling Bella about it. At the same time, Jacob and a few others from La Push have arrived, much to Alice and Edward displeasure. Surprised that Jacob would come after she hit him, Bella asks him why he cam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Resume (conception of studying and teaching in university)

NARVA 2014 Approaches to studying in higher education Research, carried out in Great Britain and Sweden in 1970 identified only three dominant approaches to study. ·A deep approach (understanding the meaning of materials and in my oppinion this approach includes additional studies, very serious way of learning) ·a surface approach (memorising the course materials, the most common approach) ·and the last one, a strategic approach (only grades make sense) But the same student can adopt different approaches, It depends on different things, such as personal interest, teacher, tasks. Conceptions of learning in higher education. ·Learning as the extending knowledge ·Learning as memorising ·Learning the main ideas of procedures ·Learning something abstractive of meaning ·Learning as procedure aimed at the understanding of reality ·Learning as process inspired by personal interest. ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Infootsing ja infoallikate 1 praktiline töö

koondkataloogist ESTER  elektronkataloogidest andmete otsingu kogemuse omandamine  nõuetekohaste viidete vormistamine (vt. teema 3 jaotusmaterjal: viitamine). Kataloogis olevad bibliograafilised kirjed tuleb muuta bibliograafilisteks viideteks, mida kasutatakse teadustööde, artiklite jms kasutatud kirjanduse loeteludes. Nt raamatu kirjed kataloogis: Intellectual capital and knowledge management : strategic management of knowledge resources / Federica Ricceri. London : Routledge, 2008 xvii, 204 lk. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN/ISSN: 9780415403924 (hbk.) Psühholoogia alused / Talis Bachmann, Rait Maruste Tallinn : Ilo, 2001 (Tallinn : Ilo Print) 333, [1] lk. : ill., portr. ; 25 cm ISBN/ISSN: 998557365X (köites) Autor Owens, Ian Pealkiri Information and business performance : a study of information systems and

Õigus → Õigus
13 allalaadimist

Business process reengineering

Does our mission need to be redefined? Are our strategic goals aligned with our mission? Who are our customers? ,,Often, no one is responsible for the overall performance of the entire process." ,,Reengineering maintains that optimizing the performance of subprocesses can result in some benefits, but cannot yield dramatic improvements if the process itself is fundamentally inefficient and outmoded." ,,For that reason, reengineering focuses on redesigning the process as a whole in order to achieve the greatest possible benefits to the organization and their customers." ,,BPR derives its existence from different disciplines, and four major areas can be identified as being subjected to change in BPR - organization, technology, strategy, and people - where a process view is used as common framework for considering these dimensions. The approach can be graphically depicted by a modification of "Leavitt's diamond".[8]" Early BPR literatu...

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
21 allalaadimist

Tööalane inglise keel

suurepärane tulemus 30. adaptable – kohanemisvõimeline 31. able to meet requirements/ customers needs – võimeline täitma nõudmisi/ klientide vajadusi 32. Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines- võime töötada pinge all ja pidada kinni tähtaegadest 33. credibility – ustavus 34. prerequisite – eeldused 35. be tenacious - visa olema 36. internally and externally - sisemiselt ja väliselt 37. be very astute - nutikas olema 38. Ability to think and act in a strategic manner – võime strateegiliselt mõelda ja tegutseda 39. seize business opportunities – kinni haarata ärivõimalustest 40. handle challenging negotiations – saada hakkama keeruliste läbirääkimistega 41. work at sea- töö merel 42. maritime security guard - laevakaitse töötaja 43. firm was founded in - ettevõte on asutatud 44. carpenter - puusepp 45. turnover - käive 46. required education - nõutud haridus 47. The position is to be filled as soon as possible

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

flow of products and information linkage and coordination between through a business process of other entities in the pipeline i.e. suppliers and costumers, and the organization it self. COMPONENTS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT The following are the five basic components of Supply Chain Management: 1. Plan:- This is the strategic portion of SCM. You need a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for your product or service. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less and delivers high quality and value to customers. 2. Source:- Choose the suppliers that will deliver the goods and services you need to create your product. Develop a set of pricing, delivery and payment

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist


millest võit kujuneb.'' ­ Sun Tzu (544-490 BC) Strateegilise juhtimise klassikud: · (1954)Peter F. Drucker ­The practice of management · (1962)Alfred Chandler ­ Strategy and Structure · (1965)Igor Ansoff- corporate strategy · (1980)Michael Porter ­ Competitive Strategy · (1982)Kenichi Ohmae ­ The mind of the strategist · (1994)Gary Hamel, C.K Prahalad ­ Comepting for the Future · (1994)Henry Mintzberg-The rise and fall of strategic planning · Eestis TTÜ- Jaak Leimann Strateegilise juhtimise koolkonnad: 1) Disaini koolkond ­ Strateegia koostamine seisenb püüdes saavutada kooskõla organisatsiooni seisemiste võimete ja ressursside ning väliste võimaluste vahel. 2) Planeerimise koolkond: strateegia tuleb formuleerida protseduuri kaudu, kasutades rohkeid analüüse ja lähteandmeid, eelkõige arvnäitajaid. 3) Positsioneerimise koolkond-strateegia on unikaalne positsioon turul

Majandus → Juhtimine
20 allalaadimist

Mõisteid maailma ajaloo kursusest

kollektivnoje hozjaistvo - ühismajand) eratalundite sunniviisiline ühendamine tootmiskollektiividesse - kolhoosidesse. bürokraatia - ametnike valitsus; ametnikkond integreerima - tervikuks ühendama reorganiseerima - ümber korraldama strateegiline - otsustava tähtsusega (relv) orientatsioon - suund genotsiid - rahvamõrv, rahvastiku osaline või täielik hävitamine usulistel, rassilistel või rahvuslikel põhjustel ehk klassikuuluvuse alusel (vaata ka holokaust) SRP - (SALT - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) Strateegilise Relvastuse Piiramise leping (SRP-1 ­ 1972; SRP-2 ­ 1979; viimane leping jäi ratifitseerimata, kuna NL viis oma väed Afganistani) SRV - (START - Strategic Arms Reduction Talks) Strateegilise Relvastuse Vähendamise leping strateegiline kaitsealgatus - kava, mille kohaselt USA oleks ehitanud kosmilise kaitsesüsteemi, mille eesmärgiks oli muuta USA strateegilistele relvadele praktiliselt tabamatuks (1980. Aastad Ronald Reagani presidendiks oleku ajal)

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Google täpsem otsing

Esitage tõlge. Millist otsingukategooriat kasutasite? Google translate: inglise ­ saksa ,,Ehrgeiz ist die letzte Zuflucht des Versagens" 8. Leidke täistekstiline teadusartikkel, mille pealkirjas on fraas e-government enactment framework ja mis on ilmunud viimase viie aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Google scholar, täpsem otsing: exact phrase ,,e-government enactment framework", ,,in the title" The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 9. Leidke täistekstilisi digiteeritud raamatuid Balti riikide kohta, mis on ilmunud alates 2003 aastast. Esitage ühe kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Google books: advanced book search, ,,full view only", ,,books", subject" Baltic states", date ,,2003-2013" Rausmussen, J B (2010). Travel Guide: Traces of the Cold War Period ; the Countries Around The Baltic Sea. Copenhagen : Nordic Council of Ministers.

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
17 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline turundus

Reflektsioon: Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, Global Edition Book Lugesin ja analüüsisin läbi käesoleva raamatu 11 esimest peatükki. Peatükid keskendusid strateegilisele juhtimismudelile läbi mille töötati läbi strateegilise auditi loomine. Igas peatükis käsitleti ka keskkonnasäästlikkust seostuvalt peatükiga. Raamatus kirjeldati strateegilise juhtimise põhikontseptsioone. Loetu aitas mõista strateegilise juhtimise kasusid ettevõttele. Selgitati lahti strateegilise juhtimise põhimudel ja erinevad alaosad ning kuidas selle alla kuuluvad keskkonna uurimine, strateegia väljatöötamine, rakendamine, hindamine ja kontrollimine ning selgus kuidas need osad tegelikult kõik üksteist mõjutavad. Varasemalt ei pidanud ettevõtted edukaks olemiseks eriti keskkonnale mõtlema nind jätkusuutlikkuse all mõeldi pigem konkurentsieelistele, mitte keskkonnale ­ nüüd on globali...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline majandus
36 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

performance idea. So, in addition to considering just the pros and cons of pay-for performance it is also important to analyze the different factors that my affect pay-for performance results. Every new tool, policy, plan needs to be evaluated and analyzed- to see weather it suits for a given country or not, so does pay-for performance. It means that pay-for performance needs to be linked and connected with annual plans and strategic documents. This is very time consuming and needs a lot of resources to begin with. Planning and rewriting documents, adding the tool principles into current documents and policies takes time that government agencies usually do not have. So the usual case is that pay-for performance tool is just added into some documents, it even may not be compatible with institutions strategic plan. This already makes using the tool very risky.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Võidurelvastumine ja desarmeerimine

Moskva nõustus läbirääkimistega alles siis, kui oli Washingtoni kinni püüdnud. 1969. aastal algasid Helsingis esimesed läbirääkimised strateegilise relvastuse piiramise üle. Läbirääkimiste tulemusena valmis kaks kokkulepet, millele USA ja Nõukogude Liit Moskvas 1972 alla kirjutasid: 1) raketitõrjesüsteemide rajamine ­ lepiti kokku, et kumbki pool ei ehita neid rohkem kui kaks, hiljem otsustati piirduda ühega 2) strateegilise relvastuse piiramine (SRP -1, SALT-1 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) ­ kumbki pool külmutab järgmiseks viieks aastaks oma strateegiliste kandurite (pommitajad ja raketid) arvu saavutatud pariteetsel (võrdväärne) tasandil ­ kummalgi 2400 ühikut SRP-1 oli relvastuse piiramise, mitte vähendamise leping Esimest korda hakati relvastuse ja relvajõudude vähendamise üle läbirääkimisi pidama 1973. aastal Viinis, kuid tulemusteta. 1977 tegi USA Nõukogude Liidule ettepaneku hakata strateegiliste kandurite arvu vähendama

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
256 allalaadimist

Vocabulary of Unit 3

mild ­ pehme, tasane, leebe, mõõdukas spectacular ­ imetlusväärne, silmapaistev mislabel ­ valesti märgistama/silti kleepima squirrel ­ orav mist ­ udu stained glass ­ vitraaz, toonitud klaas money belt ­ rahavöö stone´s throw (from) ­ kiviviske kaugusel moor ­ raba stopover ­ peatuspaik, puhkepaik (reisil) moss ­ sammal strategic ­ strateegiline mugger ­ röövel stretch ­ ulatuma, tükk maad, ala non-refundable ­ mittetagasimakstav stroll ­ lonkima orbit ­ orbiit stun ­ vapustama, rabama outer ­ väline, välis- stylish ­ stiilne outline ­ kontuur sunscreen ­ päikesevari overcharge ­ liiga kõrget hinda nõudma touch ­ puudutus

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


during the period of Northern Crusades in the beginning of the 13th century when Christianity was forcibly imposed on the local population. Danish rule of Tallinn and Northern Estonia started in 1219. In 1285 the city became the northernmost member of the Hanseatic League - a military alliance of German-dominated cities inNorthern Europe. The Danes sold Tallinn along with their other land possessions in northern Estonia to the Teutonic Knights in 1346. Medieval Tallinn enjoyed a strategic position at the crossroads of trade between Western and Northern Europe and Russia. The city, with a population of 8,000, was very well fortified with city walls and 66 defence towers. During the Great Northern War the Swedish troops based in Tallinn capitulated to Imperial Russia in 1710, but the local self-government institutions retained their cultural and economical autonomy within Imperial Russia as the Duchy of Estonia. The Magistracy of Reval was abolished in 1889

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


tasakaalustada iseendale vääärtuste loomise ning ühiskondlike või kogukondlike väärtuste loomise. Kolmandana on toodud välja teenistuja juhtimine, mis võib olla äärmislikel juhtudel vaid teiste vajaduste ette tõstmine ning enda vajaduste olematuks määramine. Selline juht on aga töötav eesmärgiga tuua väärtus ühiskonda, kuid selles protsessis kaob ise ära ning seega ei ole selline juhtimine efektiivne. (Journal of…, 2008. lk 17-19) Joonis 2. Journal of Strategic Leadership. (2012) lk 50-54 Ülevalolev joonis toob välja, et kui juht ei anna kindlaid ülesandeid oma töötajatele ning annab võimaluse töötajal ise oma tööd planeerida tekib indiviidil läbi isikliku loovuse palju rohkem lahendusi, kuna talle on antud ülesandega vabad käed. (Journal of Strategic…, 2012. lk 50-54.) See näitab ka seda, et kui projektijuht jagab ülesandeid meeskonnas, siis hea juht peaks laskma meeskonna liikmetel pakkuda välja oma lahendusi

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
12 allalaadimist

Estonian War of Independence

Estonian War of Independence During World War I the greatest colonial power in Europe ­ the Russian Empire ­ seized to exist. On its ruins the formerly enchained nations founded their own states. Among them was the Estonian Republic, officially declared on February 24, 1918. When Germany surrendered to the Western Allies on November 11, 1918 a strategic vacuum arose in Eastern Europe. The new rulers of Russia ­ the Bolsheviks ­ decided to use it as a proper moment to re-conquer their lost territories. The ultimate goal was international communist revolution and Germany was the first standing on their way. Thus on November 13, 1918 the Government of Soviet Russia denounced peace with Germany. On November 16 the Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army, Jukums Vacietis,

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Ninteen – Selfish kokkuvõte

After a long, guilt filled moment of consideration, Edward agrees saying that Bella is his first priority. Bella feels even worse, that she is asking him to choose between her and his family. But he replies that she has offered him two alternatives -- to stay together at the site of the battle or to sit it out together -- and he has chosen the one that he can live with. Alice arrives to keep an eye on Bella while Edward goes to talk with Jasper about the strategic implications of his decision to sit out. She reiterates Edward's reassurances that the battle will be a piece of cake. Charlie returns home, and Alice takes this opportunity to maneuver him into suggesting that Bella keep Alice company Friday night and Saturday, while the rest of the Cullens are away on a supposed camping trip. Bella can now take part in the battle plans without Charlie being any the wiser. When Bella retires to bed, Edward is waiting for her

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Corporate Financial Management

lenders a bundle of rights are sold within a Managers need to distinguish between those loan contract, to shareholders rights over products or markets that generate value for the the ownership of a company are sold as firm and those that destroy value. well as the right to receive a proportion of The financial manager has a pivotal role in this profits produced. strategic analysis. The financial manager has the task of both raising finance by selling financial claims and advising on the use of those funds within the business. Summary The financial world is very complicated and in order to understand the meaning and purpose of different institutions, previous homework is vital. In addition, is is necessary to have a clear understanding of the financial

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


pilli järgi. Tallinn: Aspectum Eesti OÜ ja WSOY. 178 lk. 21. Tampere, K. (2002) Teenindusvalmidus määrab teenindaja taseme. “Äripäev“ 22. oktoober: lk. 18 22. Teeninduskvaliteedi uuring EMT müügivõrgus. (2002) Koostanud EMOR AS. Oktoober. 23. Vadi, M. (2000) Organisatsioonikäitumine. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. 330 lk. 24. Vään, P. (2002) Autori intervjuu. Üleskirjutus. Tallinn: 31. oktoober. ANALYSIS OF THE STRATEGIC SERVICE CONCEPT USING THE EXAMPLE OF ESMOFON LTD Summary 66 Development in the Estonian telecommunication market has reached to the point, where companies have to reposition their activities from supplying new customers to serving existing customers. As the companies are in the competitive environment they have go through the strategic changes, which have to be fundamental.

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
30 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

Teksti lõik lehelt tava kirjas ja ilma boldita. Teksti lõik koos sünonüümidega on BOLDIS. TÕLGE- märgitud lilla värviga. Company profile- company description- ettevõtte kirjeldus. 3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE- 3M Ameerika täht Euroopas 3M is the epitome of all that is best in corporate America. To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe.- 3M is the quintessence of all that is best in America enterprise. To stay on top the company must export its advantage to Europe- 3M on tuum kõigest mis on parim Ameerika ettevõttes. Et püsida tipus peab firma eksportima oma väärtusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. ­ Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are drawn u...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Unit 7-8 sõnavara

th. 25. Ebatäiuslik - Imperfect ­ has faults or flaws 26. Eeskujulik ­ Exemplary - excellent or admirable 27. Informeerimata - Uninformed - to have not enough information/ knowledge 28. Õpetatud vs informeeritu - Knowledgeable - informed 29. Uuenduslik - Innovative - new or original 30. Tavaline - Conventional - people and things that follow traditional styles or methods 31. Arvestamata ­ Uncalculated - when unexpected happens 32. Strateegiline - Strategic - well planned and conducted 33. Lahus - Separate - two or more people/ things placed apart from each other 34. Seotud - Linked ­ connected 35. Võtma - Taken - when you have with you when you leave 36. Contributed- to give such as money or effort to cause, when together with others 37. Kohalikult - Locally - means in a special place most of the time (near a place you live) 38. Ülemaailmselt - Globally - widespread; reaching throughout the whole nation 39

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Bora Bora

ruled the island as well as clans on other islands including Tahaa, Raiatea, and Maupiti. European explorer, James Cook, landed on Tahaa and Raiatea in 1769 and on Bora Bora in 1770. Approximately 50 years later, the London Missionary Society began introducing Christianity on the island. In 1890, they established a Protestant church here. Bora Bora remained independent until French colonizers forced the Queen off the island and took the area as a colony in 1888. The island played a strategic role during World War II when the US used it as a military supply base. In 1946, Bora Bora, along with other French islands settlements, became French overseas territories and were granted the right to vote. In 2004, Bora Bora and the rest of French Polynesia earned administrative autonomy and now have their own president.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


customer · Persuading each customer to buy more profitable products All four of these increase your revenue and profit. Let me encourage you to focus on the first which is to acquire more customers. Why? Because by acquiring more customers you increase your customer base and your revenues then come from a larger base. How can you use marketing to acquire more customers? · Spend time researching and create a strategic marketing plan. · Guide your product development to reach out to customers you aren't currently attracting. · Price your products and services competitively. · Develop your message and materials based on solution marketing. The Importance of a Target Market in Small Business When it comes to your customers keep in mind the importance of target marketing. The reason this is important is that only a proportion of the population is likely to purchase any products or service

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine

Struktuuriökonoomika (1980), SCP (structureconduct-performance) paradigma Organisatsiooni ressursipõhine vaade (RBV ­ resourse based view) (tuumkompetents): kasumlikkus peitub () organisatsioonis, mitte keskkonnas Tehingukulude ja agenditeooria Peamised autorid 1. Jay Barney "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage" - 1991 2. Gary Hamel ja C. K. Prahalad "Competing for the Future" - 1994 3. Henry Mintzberg "The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning" - 1994 4. Peter Senge "The Fifth Discipline: the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization" - 1994 Strateegiliene juhtimine kaasajal iseloomustab: keskkonna määramatus SJ protsess: pidev (mitte ühekordne), iteratiivne paindlikkus, reageerimine muutustele, kohanemisvõime, õppimine, dünaamilised võimekused, uued ärimudelid hypercompetition konteksti tähtsus (geograafiline, poliitiline, sotsiaalne, kultuuriline...)

Majandus → Juhtimine
62 allalaadimist

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledž Majandusosakond Annika Liivamägi TDJ 1 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Seminaritöö 1 Juhendaja: Heli Tooman Pärnu 2015 SISUKORD Table of Contents Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................3 1. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award...................................................................4 1.1. Auhinna tekke ajalugu............................................................................................4 1.2. MBNQA eesmärk...................................................................................................4 2. Malcolm Baldrige’i Kvaliteediauhinna kasutatavus......................................................6 2.1. Baldridge’i ...

Muu → Ainetöö
21 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine

· Treat employees with respect Organization's image · Highly regarded by the general public · Displays honesty and integrity in business activities top HR investment trends 1. Leadership development / leadership and management quality 2. Talent attraction, recruitment, retention and branding 3. Talent development / learning and development 4. Improving HR's internal efficiency 5. Strategic workforce planning (CapGemini Global HR Barometer, 2013) personalitöö korraldamine Kas teeme ise või Milliseid ostame sisse? teenuseid kasutame? Kes ja mis Milliseid tasemel teenust tehnoloogilisi pakuvad? lahendusi kasutame? personalitöötaja kompetentsid

Ühiskond → T??keskkonna ohutus
31 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

services) as % of total employment ● Contribution of medium and high-tech product exports to the trade balance ● knowledge intensive services exports as % total service exports ● License and patent revenues from abroad as % of GDP “The innovative firm thus has a number of characteristic features which can be grouped into two major categories of skills: ● strategic skills: long-term view; ability to identify and even anticipate market trends; willingness and ability to collect, process, and assimilate technological and economic information; ● organisational skills: taste for and mastery of risk; internal co- operation between the various operational departments, and external co- operation with public research, consultancies, customers and supplier;

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

Guido Leibur eTOM äriprotsessi kirjeldamise raamistik 4 RM&O Support & Management Level 3 41 Guido Leibur eTOM äriprotsessi kirjeldamise raamistik 5 Enterprise Management Brand Enterprise Disaster Strategic & Stakeholders Research & Financial & Management, Human Quality Recovery, Enterprise External Development Asset Market Resources Management, Security & Planning Relations Technology

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist

Inglise keele KT 2 semester

. 5. in stock- laos, tagavaraks 6. brand- tootemark 7. to sort smth.out- välja sorteerima, välja selgitama 8. retailer- jaemüüja, jaemüügiettevõte 9. a sale was lost- müüki ei toimu, müügi kadu 10. to settle- otsustama 11. the consumer settled for a competitior's brand- tarbija otsustab konkurendi kaubamärgi kasuks 12. miscalculation- valearvestus, väärarvestus 13. to take into account- arvesse võtma, arvestama 14. to take into strategic account- strateegilise konto arvesse võtmine 15. channel of distribution= distribution channel- jaotuskanal, turustuskanal 16. sequence- jada, sari 17. negotiation- läbirääkimiste pidamine, läbirääkimine, äritegemine 18. intermediary- vahendaja, maakler 19. merchandise- müügikaup, ostukaup 20. to effect- vormistama, teostama, sooritama, täide viima 21. pallet- tõstealus 22. forklift truck- kahveltõstuk 23

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE 3M: Ameerika täht Euroopas TIM HINDLE To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe. TIM HINDLE 3M on parim kehastus ettevõtlikus Ameerikas. Et jääda tippu peab ettevõte eksportima oma tugevusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. Millal iganes luuakse nimekirju Ameerika säravamatest ja parimatest siis 3M-i esinemine on seal garanteeritud. 3M was born early this century as Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. The mining soon ceased when the company's founders failed to dig up the corundum they had hoped to discover. So they turned to trading in sandpaper, a product that uses the abrasive corundum. From the beginning the company...

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
19 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni arengustrateegia pagariettevõtte näitel

elluviimine eeldab kogu kollektiivi koostöötahet. Tööjõudu- tegeledes strateegia elluviimsega on vaja ka lisa tööjõudu, kelleks võivad olla edukalt praktikandid. Praktikantidele töö pakkumisega ei suurene oluliselt ettevõtte palgakulud. 4.3 Tegevused Visiooni elluviimiseks nii koidu- kui hämarikustsenaariumide puhul, tuleb pöörata tähelepanu ning viia ellu kõik eelpool mainitud eesmärgid. 2 Haberberg, A., Rieple, A. The Strategic Management of Organisations. Prentice Hall, 2001 12 AS Loiri Pagaris tuleb ühelt poolt üha enam pöörata tähelepanu kliendi spetsiifiliste vajaduste rahuldamisele ja kliendisuhete hoidmisele. Selleks on vajalik jälgida pidevalt nõudluse muutumist ning osaleda aktiivselt kliendi muutunud vajaduste rahuldamisel. Teisalt võib

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon-a juhtimine
86 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

disarray would guarantee a quick victory. The U.S., having decided that an Iranian victory would not serve its interests, began supporting Iraq. In 1984 the U.S restored full diplomatic relations with Iraq. At same time U.S. began sharing intelligence and selling weapons to Iran. In 1986 the USA increased the aid to Iraq. In early 1988, Iraq's relations with the United States were generally friendly. In the end of 1988 the Center for Strategic and International Studies began a 2 year study predicting the outcome of a war between U.S and Iraq, at the same time Saddam Hussein announced $40 billion plan to peacefully rebuild Iraq. By October 1989, when all international banks had cut off loans to Iraq, the president of the U.S. George H. W. Bush signed National Security Directive (NSD) 26, mandating closer links with Iraq and $1 billion in agricultural loan guarantees

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Saudi-arabia deserts

There are also insects, arachnids, reptiles, and birds. Some examples of these animals are Borrowers, Mourning Wheatears, and Horned Vipers. Agriculture It has long been recognized that the importance of agriculture to the Kingdom extends beyond that of its contribution to national output alone. At the end of the Third Plan period almost half of the Kingdom's population was living in rural areas and a significant proportion of total Saudi employment was in agriculture. Apart from the strategic significance of increasing domestic food production for a growing population, the planned development of agriculture fulfills other important roles. It generates employment both within the sector and in closely related agro-industries. It contributes to the diversification of the economic base and to import substitution, while raising income levels and improving rural living standards for both settled and nomadic communities alike. This has a positive

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

somewhere only based on the activities the destination has to offer. In my case it was adequate, that is why I chose his model and described my decision making process according to it. References Cooper, C. & Gilbert, D. 2008. Tourism Principles and Practice: Chapter 2: Tourism Consumer behavior. Fourth edition Moutinho, L. & Ballantyne, R. & Rate, S. 2011. Strategic Management in Tourism: Chapter 5: Consumer Behavior in Tourism. Sandhusen, R. L. 2000. Marketing: Chapter 9:Consumer Behavior Pearce, P. L. 2005. Aspects of Tourism: Tourist Behavior: Themes and Conceptual Schemes

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun