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✍🏽 Avalikusta oma sahtlis olevad luuletused! Sulge

"slow" - 237 õppematerjali

slow - paced lifestyle ! our body's biological clock 6 According the text, our body clock to D o u rb r a i n c a nb e c h a n g e w i t h o u th a r m d , V h a t o e st h e w o r d f k k i n l i n e 1 4 m e a n ?' d d e t e r m i n e sh e nw e s h o u l d o t h i n g s w d A check C helps to fight sleep us B motivate -1 D is a boringroutine )trIELL

Kasutaja: slow

Faile: 0

Psychology – Gleitman

( For example panic- when someone shouts FIRE! in a tightly packed auditorium, the resulting stampede may claim many more vitims than the fire actually itself would have) Dreams as behaviour: Dreams as conscious, mental experiences are essentially private, they go on ,,inside" the individual. Two kinds of sleep: quiet sleep and active sleep. · Quiet sleep: both breathing and heart rate are slow and regular while the eyes are motionless. · Active sleep: pattern different- breathing and heart rate accelerate and most characteristic of all- eyes move back and forth behind closed eyelids in quick irregular darts. (total of 90 minutes devoted to REM during sleep ) · Hypothesis: the direction of the eye movements observed during a given REM periods is appropriate to what the subject recalls having seen while dreaming

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

INGLISE KEEL Sisukord Sisukord 2 Ajavormid ­ Tense vorms 3 Lihtolevik ­ The present simple 3 Lihtminevik ­ The past simple 3 Lihttulevik ­ The future simple 3 Kestev olevik ­ The present continuous 3 Kestev minevik ­ The past continuous 4 Kestev tulevik ­ The future conrinuous 4 Täisminevik ­ The present perfect 4 Enneminevik ­ The past perfect 4 Ennetulevik ­ Future perfect 5 Üldminevik ­ Past tense 5 Üldtulevik ­ Future indefinite 5 Artiklid ja eessõnad 7 Eessõnad 7 Kesksõnad 8 Prefiksid ehk eesliited ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist


Scotland ! Scotland (Gaelic: Alba) is a country in northwest Europe that occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. It is part of the United Kingdom, and shares a land border to the south with England. It is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the southwest. In addition to the mainland, Scotland consists of over 790 islands including the Northern Isles and the Hebrides. Edinburgh, the country's capital and second largest city, is one of Europe's largest financial centres. It was the hub of the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, which saw Scotland become one of the commercial, intellectual and industrial powerhouses of Europe. Scotland's largest city is Glasgow, which was once one of the world's leading industrial metropolises, and now lies at the centre of the Greater Glasgow conurbation which dominates the Scottish Low...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Evolutsioon, liigiteke, kohastumus

Evolutsioon  Elu areng maal  Maa vanus u 4.5 milj a. Elu teke 4­3.5milj a tagasi. Vanimad organismid ​ ainuraksed​  – tuumata  arhed ja bakterid – eeltuumsed. Anaeroobsed heterotroofid. Arenes fotosüntees ja aeroobne  hingamine.   ­­­ Esimesed ​ hulkraksed​  (käsnad) ilmusid enne Kambriumi ajastu algust. ​ Kambriumi plahvatus​  –  tormiline hulkraksete loomade ehitustüüpide areng – kõigi tänapäeval tuntud hõimkondade  varaseimad esindajad. Kujunes välja organismi ehitusplaani määravate regulatoorgeenide süsteem  , mille mitmekesistumise võimalused käivitasidki vaadeldava ’plahvatuse’.  Piiritleti ehitustüübid –  nt ainuõõssed, ussid, limused, lülijalgsed, keelikloomad. Ajastu lõpul surid enamus lülijalgsetest.  ­­­ ​ Ordoviitsiumi​  ajastul elustiku mitmekesisuse taastumine uute lülijalgsetega. Esimesed maismaal  levivad vetikad ja taimed. Suur surm taaskord – kliimajahenemine.  ­­­​  Siluri​  ajastul korallri...

Bioloogia → Evolutsioon
5 allalaadimist

Getting physical

The reason is that our voices sound better inside our heads than they do when played back on recording machines. The two important lessons here are (1) Your voice probably doesn't sound as bad as you think it does, and (2) if you are troubled by the sound of your voice, there are simple ways to improve its quality. Nervousness is usually the reason why are voices are so affected in public speaking. There are three simple ways to relax and thus upgrade your voice: · Slow Down. As with driving a car, control is easier at slower speeds. · Release the Upper Body. "Take a breath, rotate your shoulders, relax your neck," Rush says. All these actions will create more relaxed vocal chords and make your voice sound deeper and more pleasant. · Take Breaths from Your Stomach, Not Your Chest. Short breaths reduce vocal quality. Breathing deeply from the diaphragm allows a richer, more relaxed sound.

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

Evolutsioon ja evolutsiooniteooria

Uues elupaigas võivad ökoloogilised (biol. ja abioloogilised) erineda endistest. Kui eraldunud pop. väike, on tema geneetiline struktuur kohe alguses teistsugune ja vaesem juba ainuüksi geneetilise triivi tõttu. Enamasti heidikud surevad . --- Et heidikud ei sureks, peab olemasolev genofond ja lisanduvad mutatsioonid andma looduslikule valikule piisavalt materjali uute kohastumuste loomiseks. Võidakse klassifitseerida uueks teisendiks või alamliigiks. Liigiteke on slow as hell ­ 10k a lahus olnud põhjapõdrad ikka alles alamliik. --- Kui heidikud naasevadtm siis kas 1) Alamliikide tasemele eristunud populatsioonid ristuvad edukalt ja sulavad aja jooksul tavaliselt kokku. 2) On tekkinud ristumist välistav bioloogilise isolatsiooni tegur, jätkavad iseseisvate liikidena 3) Osaline bioloogiline isolatsioon, peamiselt just viljastumisjärgne sobimatus. Ristumine piiratud, hübriidid arengupuudega, alanenud viljakusega või steriilsed

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
16 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

foreign element) o Karaoke (Japanese – kara (empty) + okesutora (orchestra)) o Monolingual (Greek prefix, Latin root) 26. Clipped compounds Clippings may be compounded with each other to form clipped compounds. 10  Kids’ video – kidvid  Slow motion - slomo The term also refers to compounds which have just one of the elements clipped. First part of both of the words is represented in the new word (which differentiates them from blends).  Sitcom – situational comedy (clipped compound)  Monergy – money energy (blend)  Op art – optical art (one of the elements clipped)  Autochanger – automatic record changer Sometimes suffixes are added, which make the words longer again.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Rock muusika teke

Sissejuhatus Rock muusika on on pop muusika alaliik , oma esileküündiva volkaalmeloodiaga mida saadavad kitarr(id), bass ja trummid on rock muusika olnud läbi aastate üks populaarseimaid muusika alaliike.Oma nime on rock muusika saanud viiekümnendatel USAs valitsenud muusikastiilist rock `n' roll, mis on ka tänapäevasele rock muusikale alusepanija. Kuigi rock muusika on aastatega piiramatult arenenud ja alaliike ja stiile on aastatega segadusse ajavalt palju juurde tekkinud ,ühendavad siiski kõike seda kindlad algelemendid näiteks rütm, mis on peamiselt boogie woogie bluus rõhutatud backbiidiga või kindlad pillikooseisud juhtpilliga.See uurimustöö räägib peamiselt rock muusika tekkest ,levimisest massidesse, inimestest kes olid rocki tekkega väga tihedalt seotud ja erinevatest elementidest , mis rock muusikat muust muusikast erinevaks teevad. Valisin selle teema eelkõige oma enda huvi tõttu rock muusi...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
83 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

In this respect the written text is far from perfect. Much of it can be pronounced differently and therefore understood differently. LOUDNESS: Depends on many factors. Diminished loudness expresses intimacy, mildness, shyness, but also threat and warning. A loud voice may express familiarity, good heartedness, excitement, etc. PITCH: Depends on a state of excitement. It is high when a person is angry/excited; low when disappointed, desperate, sorrowful. TEMPO: The tempo of speech is normally slow with depression or sadness, but anger, fear, joy and other momentary feelings accelerate it. PAUSES: Pauses are chief means of making one's speech emotional. Logical pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts, which correspond to sense groups and are often marked in text by punctuation. Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase. The emotional pause corresponds to a dash and strengthen the speaker's disbelief

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

continuing question over the status of Quebec. Should Quebec become independent, it would significantly disrupt the Canadian economy, and the nation would lose a sizable proportion of its GDP. The second most pressing problem for Canada has been the migration of some of its best educated and trained workers to the United States. This "brain drain" is the result of lower taxes and higher wages in the United States. Finally, Canada's dependence on trade makes it vulnerable to slow downs in the economies of its major trade partners. This is especially true of the United States. In the 20th century, when the United States experienced economic recessions or depressions, Canada soon after suffered similar economic problems. Industry Although the automotive industry is the dominant industrial force in Canada, the nation's industrial base is highly diversified. In addition to the manufacture of cars and car parts, major

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist


market. In general, domestic solutions are preferred. There is no strong actor who provides unbiased support for district heating. The dominating DH operators also sell electricity and gas, which both cover a large fraction of the heat demand (Fig. 2) and offer district heating severe competition. Only ten percent of the apartments and four percent of all residences have district heating today, and DH expansion is slow . Figure 3 shows that one-half of the district heating in France is produced with natural gas, mostly in CHP plants. The main part of the renewable energy used for district heating production is waste, which is used to a slowly growing extent . But French waste incineration plants are mostly built far away from towns, which makes it difficult to utilise the heat . Financing is considered to be a smaller problem in France. The market domination by a few

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

Service Tribunal). The procedure for bringing direct action cases before the Court of Justice is much the same as that for references for preliminary rulings, except that, in addition notifying Member States of the case, the Registry also serves the application to the party sued, who can then submit a defense to the Court within one month. The applicant then has one month to submit a reply, and the defendant has an additional month to lodge a rejoinder. The court's procedures are extremely slow and laborious, with preliminary rulings typically taking 18 months, and direct actions two years. In urgent cases, the court is able to issue interim rulings through accelerated procedures. Direct effect and Supremacy Direct effect is a principle of EU law. It applies to those aspects of EU law that are enforceable directly by Union citizens in their own Member State, regardless of whether the Member State has introduced specific national laws to implement the provisions. It can apply

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

Dispute – disagreement Expertise – a high level of knowledge or skill Commission – a group of people who have been formally chosen to discover information about a problem or examine the reasons why the problem exists Committee – a small group of people chosen to represent a larger organization and either make decisions or collect information for it Tribunal is a form of extra-court adjudication. Tribunals are set up when ordinary courts lack necessary expertise, are too formal, too slow, costly. There are over 50 types – most are called tribunal, some are called commission, committee or just courts. All tribunals are subject to judicial review, by the High Court which examines reasons behind tribunals’ decisions. Council of tribunals is set up to check that procedures are fair, but they have no actual power and can only advise the government of problems. In Estonia Labor Dispute Committee

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

Ladusseva) 10 Depends on many factors. Diminished loudness expresses intimacy, mildness, shyness, but also threat and warning. A loud voice may express familiarity, good heartedness, excitement, etc. PITCH: Depends on a state of excitement. It is high when a person is angry or excited; or low when he is disappointed, desperate, sorrowful. TEMPO: The tempo of speech is normally slow with depression or sadness, but anger, fear, joy and other momentary feelings accelerate it. PAUSES: Pauses are chief means of making one's speech emotional. Logical pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts, which correspond to sense groups and are often marked in text by punctuation. Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase (e.g

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

brighter loud louder new newer old older rich richer short shorter tall taller slow slower thick thicker m ar H am Gr elp The word than is often used with comparative adjectives. For example, you might say: Jack is taller than John. A sports car is faster than a motorbike. 65 Use the superlative form of an adjective to compare

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

EPIPHORA EPIPHORA means repeating a word, phase or sentence at the end of clause, sentence or passages. NT: She likes the bottle. She is found of the bottle. She will never give up the bottle. NT: I know he run away from the battle. He was an ordinary human being who didn't want to kill, so he run away from the battle. POLYSYNDETON POLYSYNDETON means intentional repetition of a conjunction in close succession in order to slow down the utterance (becomes monotonous). The two conjunctions are normally "and" which suggest energetic activity or the conjunction "or" stresses equal importance any numerated things listed. NT: And the coachman, and the horses rattled and jangled and whipped and cursed and swore and tumbled on together.NT: ? TAUTOLOGY TAUTOLOGY is such a construction that makes information redundant and this is objectionable in literary speech.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

Noorte tervisekäitumine

norm. As teenagers tend to gather in such places they are often the primary consumers. It`s catchy, stylish, cool and mostly fun, according to young people. Alcohol becomes more popular due to its intoxication characteristics which are caused by ethanol (one of the chemical compounds). An individual who is under the influence of alcohol becomes dizzy, light-headed, manipulative, his vision becomes blurred, headaches may occur. The other superfluous are slow reaction time, impaired speech, balance system distortion, impaired memory, lack of concentration. Some become more aggressive others, on the contrary ­ very calm. Alcohol also causes dehydration and behaves as a very destructive element to various human body organs ­ liver, heart, kidneys. It destroys brain cells more actively and stimulates accumulation of fat cells. There are minor positive effects. Wine, for instance, improves blood circulation and some

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
34 allalaadimist


TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

-BUSY output. The MAX151 includes an internal S/H. On the falling edge of -RD and -CS, the S/H is placed into hold mode and a conversion is started. If -CS and -RD do not go low at the same time, the last falling edge starts a con- version. In most systems, -CS is connected to an address decode and will go low before -RD. As soon as the conversion starts, the ADC drives -BUSY low (active). -BUSY remains low until the conversion is complete. In the first mode of operation, which Maxim calls Slow Memory Mode, the processor waits, holding -RD and -CS low, until the conversion is com- plete. In such a system, the -BUSY signal would typically be connected to the processor -RDY or -WAIT signal. This holds the processor in a wait state until the conversion is complete. The maximum conversion time for the MAX151 is 2.5 ms. The second mode of operation is called ROM mode. Here the processor performs a read cycle, which places the S/H in hold mode and starts a con- version

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist


plii vedelas olekus lahustab mõnda raskelt sulavat metalli, näiteks vaske või hõbedat. Selle lahuse elektriline takistus on suurem ja sulamistemperatuur väiksem. Nii põleb sular sama ajaga läbi väiksema vooluga või sama voolu puhul kiiremini. Sel viisil valmistatud sularid lahutavad lühisvoolu 2...5 korda madalama voolu juures. Sulavkaitsme rakendumisaja lühendamine Lühendatud rakendumisajaga sulareid kasutatakse "aeglastes" sulavkaitsmetes (ingl. k slow blow fuse). Seejuures on kiirendatud suurema ristlõikega sulari läbipõlemise aega, et saavutada aeglasema rakendumistunnusjoonega sulavkaitset. Selliseid sulavkaitsmeid kasutatakse suurte käivitusvooludega tarbijate kaitseks. Sulavkaitsme ehitus ja tüübid Sulavkaitsmeid vaadeldakse tavaliselt kolmes rühmas: madalpingekaitsmed kõrgepingekaitsmed väikekaitsmed Vaatleme tööstus- ja kodutarbijatele mõeldud madalpingelisi sulavkaitsmeid. Torukaitse

Energeetika → Energia ja keskkond
14 allalaadimist

Lõputöö - Lastetuba

28 7. SUMMARY The nursery was finished off with child friendly materials like: water based paints and wooden floor. The ceiling was caulked and later painted white in order to lighten up the room. The walls were also caulked but covered with beige color and some pictures of a widely loved character Winnie the Pooh. The floor was made out of pine that was varnished to slow down the wearing down process and to facilitate the regular care, but also for the child to play more safe on a smooth floor. The room is lightened by a 2,4 m² window that allows enough light to enter the room. Unfortunately there was no opportunity to add tiny stars to the ceiling that glow in the dark because it is forbidden to sell these kind of paints/emulsions in Estonia according to the standards of European Union.

Ehitus → Ehitusviimistlus
171 allalaadimist

Jumalaema kirik Pariisis - V.Hugo

abiellus ainult selleks, et mehe elu päästa. Esmeralda küsib temalt ainult, mida tähendab ,,Phoebus". Gringoire vastab, et see tuleb ladina keelest ja tähendab Päikest. Ta läheb oma tuppa ja Gringoire veedab öö põrandal. 3. raamat Jutustaja teeb loole pausi, et anda lugejale rohkem ajalugu Notre Dame'i katedraalist. Ehitustöödega alustati 1163 Charlemangne'i poolt ja viidi lõpule Philip Augustuse poolt rohkem kui sajand hiljem. By a slow process, the "irresistible raising" of the ground level has swallowed up the cathedral's once-visible foundation. But the various traces of destruction that still scar its facade were mostly the work of men. During the French Revolution, a large part of the cathedral was ransacked by opponents of the monarchy. Consequently, by the time of the novel, the facade had lost an innumerable amount of statues and even a flight of eleven steps leading to the front entrance. As the

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
1424 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

172. The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. 173. Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so. 174. The only way to compel men to speak good of us is to do it. 175. A multitude of laws in a country is like a great number of physicians, a sign of weakness and malady. 176. The biggest reward for a thing well done is to have done it. 177. Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time. 178. I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it. 179. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 180. Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors. 181. Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief. 182

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist


Arvutiviirused Autor : Margus Sakk See uurimistöö on on avaldatud autori teadmisel ja nõusolekul. Sisukord Sissejuhatus. 1.Esimesed arvutiviirused. 2.Interneti uss. 3.Good Times. 4.Viiruste klassifitseerimine neid iseloomustava "käitumise" järgi. 4.1. Spawning tüüpi viirus 4.2. Katalooge nakatav viirus (DIR II). 4.3. MBR- (Partitsiooni tabeli) viirus (Stoned). 4.4. Ülekirjutav viirus (Bad Brian). 4.5. Parasiitviirused. 4.6. Zaraza. 4.7. Shifting Objective. 4.8. *.BAK ja *.PAS failide viirus. 5. Viiruste klassifitseerimine nakatamiskiiruse järgi. 6. Arvutiviiruste "abi"tehnoloogiad 6.1. Stealth tehnoloogia. 6.2. Polümorfsus 6.3. Koodi pakkimine. 6.4. Ketta krüpteerimine. 6.5. "Antiviirus" viirus. Kokkuvõte. Summary. Kasutatud kirjandus. Lisa1. Kasulikke näpunäiteid viirustest hoidumiseks Käesolevas uurimustöös olen vaadelnud peaasjalikult personaalarvuti DOS keskkonna viiruseid kuna selles keskkonnas on minu arvutialased teadmised su...

Informaatika → Informaatika
56 allalaadimist

I Love English 6 Workbook e-õpik lk. 1-27

5. a. Do the crossword. --- 23 1 not later than (-)- --- ------ 2 very, very angry (-)------ 3 a place where taxis wait for passengers (-)--- ---- 4 a place where you go first at the airport --(-)-- -- ---- 5 a journey across a sea or a wide river -(-)------ 6 a place where trains stop ----(-)-- ------- 7 to signal to a taxi to make it stop -(-)-- - ---- 8 a part of a train that passengers sit in --(-)----- 9 to have a plan in your mind -----(-) 10 to be slow to speak or act because you are not sure --(-)----- b. Use five of the words and phrases in the crossword in sentences of your own. Write the sentences in your notebook. 6. Fill in the missing words. Then listen and check. Guess the meaning of the following words: 4 c ticket inspector humorist compartment Mark Twain and the ticket inspector Mark Twain was a humorist not only in his books but also in everyday life. He liked playing tricks 1. ... his friends. One day, 2. ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 3 - prognoos

It bears repeating, however, that many factors could alter these trajectories. For example, if a large share of China’s population were to switch to Christianity (as discussed in this sidebar), that shift alone could bolster Christianity’s current position as the world’s most populous religion. Or if disaffiliation were to become common in countries with large Muslim populations – as it is now in some countries with large Christian populations – that trend could slow or reverse the increase in Muslim numbers. Regional and Country-Level Projections In addition to making projections at the global level, this report projects religious change in 198 countries and territories with at least 100,000 people as of 2010, covering 99.9% of the world’s population. Population estimates for an additional 36 countries and territories are included in regional and global totals throughout the report. The report also divides the world into six major

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

stopped on the fourth. I appreciated the added time the stop gave me to enjoy the comfort of dark chocolate and caramel melting over my tongue. The doors slid apart, and revealed Gideon Cross talking with two other gentlemen. As usual, I lost my breath at the sight of him, which reignited my fading irritation. Why did he have that effect on me? When was I going to become immune to his hotness? He glanced over and his lips curved into a slow, heart-stopping smile when he saw me. Great. Just my crappy luck. I'd become some kind of challenge. Cross's smile faded into a frown. "We'll finish this later," he murmured to his companions without looking away from me. Stepping into the car, he lifted a hand to discourage them from following him. They blinked in surprise, glancing at me, then Cross, and then back again. I stepped out, deciding it would be safer for my sanity to take a different car up.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Suuline eksam FREE TIME 1. Is music popular in your family? What music do you like? 2. What musical instruments have you got in your home? 3. Can you play any musical instruments? 4. Do you sing? 5. Have you sung at a song festival? 6. Has your school got a choir? 7. When do you last go to a concert? What concert was it? 8. Have you ever been to an openair concert? What was it like? 9. Do you sing at family parties? Where else Estonians like to sing? 10. Have you got a collection of cassettes, CD´s or LP´s at home? 11. Have you watched a ballet on TV? 12. Which do you prefer ­ ballet, drama or musical? 13. How often do you go to the theatre? 14. Do you prefer going to the theatre or watching TV? Why? 15. Do you prefer buying a cheap ticket and getting a seat at the back or spending more money and sitting in the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
584 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

They are the cutest and lovelies animals of Australia. Koala accepts humans but if you really disturb them, they become aggressive. The Koala lives almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves. Koala has very long arms and very well developed paws. It eats about 2 pounds leaves a day. The koalas never drink anything and even their name koala means "no water". They are very sleepy and their moves are slow. The baby koalas ride on their mother's backs.. Koala was a spirit of lost children to the Aborigines. Kangaroos are native to the continent of Australia and are the main symbol of Australia. There are more than 50 different kinds on kangaroos. Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet adapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balance, and a small head. Like all marsupials, kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which their young complete their development after birth

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

“Ajastu muutub, kas ka inimene?”

We gonna kill all you motherfuckers Now when I came out I told you it was just about Biggie Then everybody had to open their mouth for the motherfucker opinion Well this how we gonna do dis Fuck Mobb Deep Fuck Biggie Fuck Bad Boy as a staff record, record label and as a motherfuckin crew And if you wanna be down with Bad Boy Then fuck you too Chino XL, fuck you too All you motherfuckers, fuck you too (take money) (take money) Alla y'all motherfuckers, fuck you die slow motherfucker My fo'-fo' make sure all y'all kids don't grow You motherfuckers can't be us or see us We the motherfuckin Thug Life ridahs WEESSSSSSTSIIIIIDE till we die! Out here in California Nigga we warn ya we'll bomb on you motherfuckers We do our job You think you mob, nigga we the motherfuckin mob Ain't nuttin but killers and the real niggaz All you motherfuckers feel us Our shit's go triple and four-quadruple (take money) You niggaz laugh coz our staff got guns in they

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

perception steadily and without any resistance. The serious artist is the only person able to encounter technology with impunity, just because he is an expert aware of the changes in sense perception. The operation of the money medium in seventeenth-century Japan had effects not unlike the operation of typography in the West. The penetration of the money economy, wrote G. B. Sansom (in Japan, Cresset Press, London, 1931) "caused a slow but irresistible revolution, culminating in the breakdown of feudal government and the resumption of intercourse with foreign countries after more than two hundred years of seclusion." Money has reorganized the sense life of peoples just because it is an extension of our sense lives. This change does not depend upon approval or disapproval of those living in the society. Arnold Toynbee made one approach to the transforming power of media in his concept of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

through rabbinate. How did govt relate to Js? Less concerned w/private lives. Oxymoron ­ wanted them to be integrated, but discrimination caused preservation. Until 67, mostly like other people. 66, foreign minister[?] in France, 66 will let family reunions take place in 2 years or so, when requests rise. Weren't many requests. 1000 a year. Let leaders leave, movement won't last. Then tens of thousands, surprise. Govt not ready, slow. 1 April ­ Transition from Stalin to Stagnation, Khrushchev and the Thaw Babi Yar poem[?], Yevtushenko, shook govt to core. Avant garde. Shostakovich involved. Trying to keep things open. Trying to cope with past. Babi Yar ­ kolmkend neli. Töötasid koos? Dimensions big. Shastakovich, symphony 34. From above vs below. SU ­ whatever state says, goes; monolithic. This, however, is nonsensical. Beria, KGB head, repudiated Doctor's Plot. Beria the one political victim of this period. July 53

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

Enourmous is immense, male is masculine. There are absolute synonymy such as everybody and everyone, anyhow and anyway. There near-synonymy like die and kick the bucket and pass away. Here we observe a matter of degree. We use principle of contrast to know 42. Opposites (antonyms) 1) in the broad sense (= opposite) 2) in the narrow sense (= contrary adjective) Four main types of opposites (antonyms) 1) contrary antonyms (gradable antonyms) long / short; good / bad; fast / slow 2) complementary antonyms (either / or) dead / alive; male / female 3) converse (relational) antonyms (reciprocity) lend / borrow; buy / sell; wife / husband 4) reversives polarity – this is displayed when one term of a binary opposition is described as ‘positive’ and the other is ‘negative’. The most obvious cases are where one term carries a negative affix which the other lacks: possible : impossible, happy: unhappy, obey : disobey, dress : undress, and so on 43

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

7 Mike is the most _______ boy in the class. A good B best C more popular D popular 8 Men speak _______ than women. A loudly B more loudly C loudlier D more loud 9 John lives _______ from the school than Peter. A far B further C farthest D the most far 10 They all walk slowly but Cecil walks _______. A the slow B more slow C the slowest D the slower Marks: /10 Words, words, words 5 Write the words which mean the following. The first letter of each word is provided. 1 Feeling anxious and worried, for example, before going to the doctor. n______________

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

you seem nervous and needy. Smile when you are introduced to someone but don't keep a smile plastered on your face, you'll seem insincere. 9. Don't touch your face ­ it might make you seem nervous and can be distracting for the listeners or the people in the conversation 10. Keep you head up. Don't keep your eyes on the ground, it might make you seem insecure and a bit lost. Keep your head up straight and your eyes towards the horizon. 11. Slow down a bit ­ this goes for many things. Walking slower not only makes you seem more calm and confident, it will also make you feel less stressed. If someone addresses you, don't snap you're neck in their direction, turn it a bit more slowly instead. 12. Don't fidget ­ try to avoid, phase out or transform fidgety movement and nervous ticks such as shaking your leg or tapping your fingers against the table rapidly. You'll seem

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude konspekt 2014 eksamiks

siis jagatakse see kahega ja koormuse aken suureneb lineaarselt. *reaktsioon timeout'idele (reaction to timeout events) ­ tegelikult reageeritakse natuke teistmoodi (mitte lihtsalt koormuse akna kahega jagamine ja lineaarselt suurenemine) kui esineb paketi kaotus või mitme samasuguse ACK'i saabumine saatjale. TCP'l on olemas üks muutuja nimega Threshold, mis määrab kindlaks koormuse akna suuruse. See tähendab, et kui esineb paketi kaotus, siis tegelikult hakatakse uuesti peale slow start'iga ja suurendab oma väärtust eksponentsiaalselt seni kuni jõutakse Threshold'i väärtuseni, siis suureneb koormuse aken lineaarselt. 25. UDP Esimene aspekt, mille poolest erineb UDP TCP'st on see, et UDP puhul ei toimu handshaking protsessi ja toru kahe hosti vahel ei looda (connectionless transport). See tähendab omakorda seda, et UDP peab panema vastuvõtja aadressi (s.t. IP ja pordi numbri) segmendi külge ja seda peab ta tegema iga segmendi puhul. UDP puhul

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
157 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud. Väga põhjalik eksamimaterjal

lineaarselt. *reaktsioon timeout'idele (reaction to timeout events) ­ tegelikult reageeritakse natuke teistmoodi (mitte lihtsalt koormuse akna kahega jagamine ja lineaarselt suurenemine) kui esineb paketi kaotus või mitme samasuguse ACK'i saabumine saatjale. TCP'l on olemas üks muutuja nimega Threshold, mis määrab kindlaks koormuse akna suuruse. See tähendab, et kui esineb paketi kaotus, siis tegelikult hakatakse uuesti peale slow start'iga ja suurendab oma väärtust eksponentsiaalselt seni kuni jõutakse Threshold'i väärtuseni, siis suureneb koormuse aken lineaarselt. 25. UDP Esimene aspekt, mille poolest erineb UDP TCP'st on see, et UDP puhul ei toimu handshaking protsessi ja toru kahe hosti vahel ei looda (connectionless transport). See tähendab omakorda seda, et UDP peab panema vastuvõtja aadressi (s.t. IP ja pordi numbri) segmendi külge ja seda peab ta tegema iga segmendi puhul

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
381 allalaadimist


minstrelite kunstiga, ühendades endas cakewalk' i tantsurütme ja istandustes levinud bandzomängu tehnikat. Tekkis hulk ragtime' i heliloojaid, kes komponeerisid vastavat muusikat. Kõik afro- ameerika rahvalikud zanrid olid aga improvisatsioonilise iseloomuga, mida uuel ettekandel varieeriti. Tugevad olid 1 ja 3 löök ja nürgad 2 ja 4. Seega jazz see veel ei ole. Tihti on 3 erinevat muusikalist materjali: A, B ja C (AABBCCA). Tuntuks said ka tantsud: Cakewalk, Two-Step ja Slow drag. Esialgu eksisteeris ragtime vaid klaverimuusikas. Tüüpilise ragtime'i pala ­ rag'i vorm meenutab mitmest osast koosnevat marssi. Pianisti vasak käsi mängib kindlas tempos harmooniat "bass- akord- bass- akord", paremas käes on tugevasti sünkopeeritud meloodia. Ragtime'i varasemad esitused on säilinud automaatklaveri rullidel. Hiljem kandus ragtime ka orkestrimuusikasse. Mõnigi varane jazzorkester võttis oma nimetuseks ragtime band. Kuigi

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
44 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

knows how early to put snow chains on my truck. My throat suddenly felt tight. I wasn't used to being taken care of, and Charlie's unspoken concern caught me by surprise. I was standing by the back corner of the truck, struggling to fight back the sudden wave of emotion the snow chains had brought on, when I heard an odd sound. It was a high-pitched screech, and it was fast becoming painfully loud. I looked up, startled. I saw several things simultaneously. Nothing was moving in slow motion, the way it does in the movies. Instead, the adrenaline rush seemed to make my brain work much faster, and I was able to absorb in clear detail several things at once. Edward Cullen was standing four cars down from me, staring at me in horror. His face stood out from a sea of faces, all frozen in the same mask of shock. But of more immediate importance was the dark blue van that was skidding, tires locked and squealing against the brakes, spinning wildly across the ice of the parking lot

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev areng - konspekt kordamiseks

o Liiga intensiivne, kurnab põlde Uued toitumisharjumused o Alternatiivne toit - putukad Vanad harimisviisid ja nüüdisaegsed oskused ühendada Põhjamaades saab kasvuperioodi pikendada Keskkonda ei kahjusta tarbimine või tootmine, vaid tarbitavate toodete, tarbimiskoha ja -koguse ning tootmisviiside keskkonnamõju. Food miles e toidukilomeetrid - km, mida läbivad toidu poodidesse vedajad ja tarbijad toidu muretsemisel. Uued liikumised: Slow food Save food Save and grow Sustainable eating Nutrition security City gardening MULLASTIKU VAESUMINE JA KÕRBESTUMINE Igal aastal ligi 70 000kmruuds haritavat maad on kasutusest väljas Viljaka mullakihi kulumise peamised põhjused: Liigkarjatamine 35% Metsade taandumine 30% Põllumajandus 28% o Väetised o Monokultuurid o Mürkained o Rasked masinad o Liiga suured loomakarjad

Ökoloogia → Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev...
85 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud eksamimaterjalid

 reaktsioon timeout’idele – tegelikult reageeritakse natuke teistmoodi (mitte lihtsalt koormuse akna kahega jagamine ja lineaarselt suurenemine) kui esineb paketi kaotus või mitme samasuguse ACK’i saabumine saatjale. TCP’l on olemas üks muutuja nimega Threshold, mis määrab kindlaks koormuse akna suuruse. See tähendab, et kui esineb paketi kaotus, siis tegelikult hakatakse uuesti peale slow start’iga ja suurendab oma väärtust eksponentsiaalselt seni kuni jõutakse Threshold’i väärtuseni, siis suureneb koormuse aken lineaarselt. Sae hambad – koormus üles, kui paketid hakkavad kaduma, siis koormus alla. luuakse sessiooni algul SYN pakettidega aknad. Ideaalne oleks saata nii kiiresti kui võimalik (aken nii pikk kui võimalik) ilma kadudeta. Selleks hakkab saatja nö testima maksimaalset läbilaskevõimet – st et

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
56 allalaadimist


@1310/1550 nm HIGH! 8-9/125 microns 0.4/0.25 dB/km Telco/CATV/long high speed LANs ~100 Terahertz Multimode Step-Index @850 nm @850 nm 200/240 microns 4-6 dB/km 50 MHz-km Slow LANs & links POF (plastic optical fiber) @ 650 nm @ 650 nm 1 mm ~ 1 dB/m ~5 MHz-km Short Links & Cars CAUTION: You cannot mix and match fibers! Trying to connect Singlemode to Multimode fiber can cause 20 dB loss - that's 99% of the power. Even connections between 62.5/125 and 50/125 can cause loss of 3 dB or more - over half the power.

Materjaliteadus → Telekommunikatsioon
15 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

x Pro: o Quick to execute o Preempt competitors o Possibly less risky x Con: o Disappointing results o Overpay for firm optimism about value creation (hubris) o Culture clash. o Problems with proposed synergies Greenfiled: x Pro: o Can build subsidiary it wants o Easy to establish operating routines x Con: 17 o Slow to establish o Risky o Preemption by aggressive competitors Joint Venture x Advantages: ­Benefit from local partner's knowledge. ­Shared costs/risks with partner. ­Reduced political risk. x Disadvantages: ­Risk giving control of technology to partner. ­May not realize experience curve or location economies. ­Shared ownership can lead to conflict

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

From 1807 to 1811, British-Portuguese forces would successfully fight against the French invasion of Portugal, while the royal family and the Portuguese nobility, including Maria I, relocated to the Portuguese territory of Brazil, at that time a colony of the Portuguese Empire, in South America. This episode is known as the Transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil. With the occupation by Napoleon, Portugal began a slow but inexorable decline that lasted until the 20th century. This decline was hastened by the independence in 1822 of the country's largest colonial possession, Brazil. In 1807, as Napoleon's army closed in on Lisbon, the Prince Regent João VI of Portugal transferred his court to Brazil and established Rio de Janeiro as the capital of the Portuguese Empire. In 1815, the Portuguese Empire changed its name to the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö: Led Zeppelini IV stuudioalbum

I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon, waiting for the eastern glow The apples of the valley hold the seeds of happiness The ground is rich from tender care, which they do not forget, no, no Dance in the dark night, sing to the morning light The apples turn to brown and black, the tyrant's face is red Oh, war is the common cry, pick up your swords and fly The sky is filled with good and bad, mortals never know Oh well, the night is long, the beads of time pass slow Tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for the eastern glow The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath The drums will shake the castle wall, the Ringwraiths ride in black (ride on) Sing as you raise your bow, (ride on) shoot straighter than before No comfort has the fire at night that lights the face so cold Oh, dance in the dark night, sing to the morning light The magic runes are writ in gold to bring the balance back, bring it back At last the sun is shining, the clouds of blue roll by

Muusika → Muusika
30 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

organised a demonstration to be addressed by Henry Hunt. Shortly after the meeting began, local magistrates called on the military authorities to arrest Hunt and to disperse the crowd. Cavalry charged into the crowd and 15 people were killed, 400­700 were injured. Peterloo's immediate effect was to cause the government to crack down on reform, with the passing of what became known as the Six Acts. *The campaign for parliamentary reform from mid C18 into the C20 ­ The idea for reform was a slow process. The reformers caused those in power some concern and were repressed by a series of measures. The Great Reform Act abolished many small towns - their seats being redistributed to form new towns. The Second Reform Act extended suffrage to all borough householders. Corrupt practices were eventually stopped by the Corrupt Practices Act, which was established as a result of public outcry from the findings of a Royal Commission

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

Smile when you are introduced to someone but don’t keep a smile plastered on your face, you’ll seem insincere. 9. Don’t touch your face – it might make you seem nervous and can be distracting for the listeners or the people in the conversation. Koolitus: küps kehakeel II 10. Keep you head up. Don’t keep your eyes on the ground, it might make you seem insecure and a bit lost. Keep your head up straight and your eyes towards the horizon. 11. Slow down a bit – this goes for many things. Walking slower not only makes you seem more calm and confident, it will also make you feel less stressed. If someone addresses you, don’t snap you’re neck in their direction, turn it a bit more slowly instead. 12. Don’t fidget – try to avoid, phase out or transform fidgety movement and nervous ticks such as shaking your leg or tapping your fingers against the table rapidly. You’ll

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksami konspekt

link uni researchers who had no access to ARPAnet. In 83 the official TCP/IP was deployed as the standard ARPAnet protocol, replacing NCP. DNS was also developed (a map between human-readable web adresses and IP adresses). In come the French who launched the Minitel project, a plan to bring data networking into everyone’s home. It consisted of a public packet-switched network, Minitel servers and inexpensive terminals with built-in modems (that were slow af). It proved to be tremendously successful, as the French government gave away a free Minitel terminal to each French household that desired one (people love free stuff). 1990s Coming soon - the commercialisation of the Internet. ARPAnet ceased to exist. In 91 NSFNET lifted its restrictions and was made available for commercial purposes. It was decomissioned in 95 as Internet backbone traffic was handed over to ISPs.

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
41 allalaadimist

Elektroonika Alused

13 1101 D 00010011 830 1100111110 33E 100000110000 Et binaarkoodi teisendamine BCD-koodi on üsna komplitseeritud protseduur, kasutab protsessor binaarkoodi, BCD-koodi teisendatakse vajaduse järgi ainult väljundandmed. BCD- kood on sobiv binaarkoodis olevate arvude esitamiseks kümnendkujul. BCD-koodi kasutavad nt. numbertabloode dekoodrid. NRZ-kood Non-return to zero encoding is commonly used in slow speed communications interfaces for both synchronous and asynchronous transmission. Using NRZ, a logic 1 bit is sent as a high value and a logic 0 bit is sent as a low value (the line driver chip used to connect the cable may subsequently invert these signals). A problem arises when using NRZ to encode a synchronous link which may have long runs of consecutive bits with the same value. The figure below illustrates the problem that would arise

Elektroonika → Elektroonika alused
149 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun