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"marketing" - 378 õppematerjali

marketing – sinu tugevad küljed? Vanad kliendisuhted? -konkurentsisituatsioon, turunišš -mille poolest on asukoht hea? -toodete ainulaadsus? -sinu isiku, ettevõtte tuntus? -millel põhineb hinna konkurentsivõime? -turukanal, müüjatalent, müügi aktiviseerimisoskus? -meedia abi? -personali müügivõimed? Millised on puudused? Arenguruum?

Modemarketing in Potsdam

MODEMARKETING IN BUSINESS SCHOOL BERLIN POTSDAM DER CAMPUS  Die Villa Siemens im Berliner Bezirk Steglitz ÜLEVAADE  Schule: Business School Berlin Potsdam  Studienort: Berlin  Vollzeit: 6 Semester  Studienformen: Vollzeitstudium  Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)  Sachgebiete: Marketing Vertrieb MODULÜBERSICHT MODEMARKETING  Allgemeine Fachkompetenz im Management  Spezielle Fachkompetenz  Berufsfeldbezogene Handlungskompetenz  Methoden- und Sozialkompetenz BERUFS- UND KARRIERECHANCEN  Online-Modehändler – nationale und internationale Modeunternehmen  Modehandel  Textil-, Schuh- und Accessoireketten  Versandhandel  Kosmetikbranche  Werbeagenturen und PR-Firmen  Trend- und Marktforschung

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Äriplaani koostamine

you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. Prepare a cash flow projection based on lowered expectations and show how and where you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. Prepare a cash flow projection based on lowered expectations and show how and where you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. Prepare a cash flow projection based on lowered expectations and show how and where you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. BUSINESS PLAN SECTION 12: MARKETING Marketing Plan Prepare a cash flow projection based on lowered expectations and show how and where you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. Advertising and Promotion Plans Prepare a cash flow projection based on lowered expectations and show how and where you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. Purchasing and Inventory Control Prepare a cash flow projection based on lowered expectations and show how and where you would reduce costs to maintain liquidity. BUSINESS PLAN

Keeled → Inglise keel
91 allalaadimist

Big sell tiny targets

Big sell, tiny targets Manufacturers use information about children's leisure activities to target them in many ways. They are targeting children at a very young age. Companies advertise products on children's television. Many of these ads are for foods and drinks, which are not particulary good for children. In addition, the packages in supermarkets that include logos or cartoon characters are attracting children. Marketing targets children at a very impressionable age. Although each parent should monitor what their children eat, drink or play with, big companies are still exploiting children for their own well-being Marko Kostap

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


: · · · · · · · · · , «republika», -- «Rzeczpospolita»-- . -- . , , - , , - , , - , . 1 2004 -- . 21 2007 . · -- 966 . · -- 1025 . · ( ) -- 1569 . · : , -- 1772--1795 . · , -- 1807 . · -- 1815 . · (. Prawo i Sprawiedliwo) · (. Platforma Obywatelska) · (. Liga Polskich Rodzin) · (. Samoobrona) · (. Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) (. Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) - , , 90- . . , , . , . . , . . . -- - . 16 600 . 2007 , , 632 . III 2007 204 967 . « ». XX . - . 5 " " ,12- .., . · ; · ; · ( 5 ...

Keeled → Vene keel
9 allalaadimist


Tallink AS Tallink Grupp is an Estonian ship company. Tallink has got 3 hotels in Tallinn. Recently they also started with taxis. Tallink was founded in 1989. On 8th January 1990 the first recently purchased ship by Tallink made its first voyage. A ship called Transestonia was the first ship to sail with an Estonian flag. In 1996 the leading crew of the company changed. The previous leading crew had been experienced captains. The new crew was more into marketing and saving. They also made big preparations for buying ships instead of renting them. Tallink has been a quite successful company all the way since then.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Manufacturers use information about children's leisure activities to target them. Big companies are using many intensive techniques to promote their products. Now big companies are targeting very young people. Often companies advertise their products, like toys, on children's television. Many ads on television are for foods and soft drinks, which are not healthy. Children are easy targets because they does not necessarily care how useless some products are. To be honest, marketing is aimed at a very impressionable age group. Although it is parents' obligation to monitor what their children eat, drink or play with, many companies are still exploiting children for their own financial gain.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
6 allalaadimist


populaarseimas otsingumootoris Google. · Toimetatakse kliendi reklaami potentsiaalsete klientideni · Optimeeritakse klikihind, et tagada investeeringu tulusus 6 7 8 · Jälgitakse pidevalt kampaaniate efektiivsust, ja korrigeerime strateegiat vastavalt ilmnevatele trendidele Meedium Marketing omab Google Adwords Certified Partner litsentsi:8 Sotsiaalmeedia Sotsiaalmeedia ja kaasav turundus on kasvanud üheks olulisimaks turunduskanaliks. Internet on muutunud lihtsast infokanalist interaktiivseks keskkonnaks, kus brändide esindatus on sama oluline, kui telefoniraamatus. Sotsiaalmeedia ei ole samas ühepoolne info edastamine - see tähendab suhtlust nii enda klientide kui ka teiste huvigruppidega. Joonis2. Sotsiaalmeedia jagunemine äriparneritega9 8

Majandus → Turundus
71 allalaadimist

Siseturunduse tähtsus ja roll ettevõttes

12.2000] · Meho, K., 2004. Siseturundus mõjutab ettevõtte edukust. [Online] PublicationId=31503ED6-39D4-4163-9D98- 74AA1E3959CE&code=2642/new_eri_artiklid_264212 [31.05.2004] · Rebane, T., 2006. Rahulolev töötaja teeb parimat Pri. [Online] PublicationId=31503ED6-39D4-4163-9D98- 74AA1E3959CE&code=3434/rubr_artiklid_343203 [12.12.2006] · Ahmed, P. K., Rafiq, M., 2002. Internal marketing: tools and concepts for customer- focused management. [Online] ns4oC&printsec=frontcover&dq=internal+marketing&ei=7GUaS6OuJqDAzQSZkICRB w#v=onepage&q=&f=false · Varey, R. J., Lewis, B. R., 2000. Internal marketing: directions for management. [Online] id=45Xc6v3fvDIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=internal+marketing&source=gbs_similarbo oks_s&cad=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

Majandus → Turunduse alused
101 allalaadimist

Services in Estonia (ettekanne)

Services, Electronic Mail Centre, Parcel services, Electronic invoicing, Financial services, Express Mail Service and so on ● Around 400 structural units Mail services ● Eesti Post (Estonian post) ● Nearly 90 types of services: Courier Services, Letter Services, Electronic Mail Centre, Parcel services, Electronic invoicing, Financial services, Express Mail Service and so on ● Around 400 structural units ● New direct marketing solutions and e-services Mail services ● Eesti Post (Estonian post) ● Nearly 90 types of services: Courier Services, Letter Services, Electronic Mail Centre, Parcel services, Electronic invoicing, Financial services, Express Mail Service and so on ● Around 400 structural units ● New direct marketing solutions and e-services ● Since 1994, member of PostEurop and the Baltic Postal Union. Mail services

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


MIS ON LOGISTIKA? Logistikat saab käsitleda kui ·süsteemset mõtlemisviisi, mille puhul vastastikuse mõju ja põhjuse tagajärgi uuritakse ja analüüsitakse komplekselt kui eesmärke mõjutavaid tegureid; ·juhtimisfunktsiooni, mis integreerib ja koordineerib olulisi juhtimisfunktsioone (planeerimine, otsustamine, arvestus, kontroll jne.); ·teadusharu, mille ülesandeks on süstematiseerida praktilisi kogemusi ja välja töötada valdkonna teoreetilised alused, mõistete, meetodite ja mudelite süsteem ning põhiprintsiibid ja paradigmad. Logistika on 21.sajandi teadusharu, mis hõlmab järgmisi valdkondi: · Ärilogistika (Business logistics); · Insenerilogistika (Engineering logistics); · Militaarlogistika (Military logistics); · Turunduslogistika (Marketing logistics); · Teeninduslogistika (Service logistics); · Turismilogistika (Tourism logistics); · Perelogistika (Family logistics); · ...

Logistika → Baaslogistika
20 allalaadimist


o KOV eelarvest või fondidest o Munitsipaalettevõtete poolt 2 Riigihanke kohaldamise piirmäärad o Asjade või teenuste hankelepingu korral 30 000 eurot o 3 Marketingi definitsioon. Mida tähendab marketingi plaani elluviimine? Marketing on juhtimisfunktsioon, mis korraldab ja juhib äritegevust eesmärgiga muundada kliendi maksuvõimelisus nõudluseks, saades sealjuures kasumit ja täites firma muud eesmärgid. Vajadusest ja tarbijast lähtuv määratlus: Marketing on tegevuste kogum, millega selgitatakse, millised on vajadused, teavitatakse tarbijat nende teenuste ja toodete olemasolust ja toimetatakse need tarbijale. Plaani elluviimine tähendab:  Toodete sobitamist eri turgudele ja eri tellijatele  Hinnakujundust, jätkuvat turuhindade analüüsi a vajaduse korral hinna kohaldamist  Reklaami ja muud teavitamist ja kohaldumist vastavalt müügitulemustele  Jaotuse, müügi ja/või vedude korraldamist

Ehitus → Ehitusökonoomika
31 allalaadimist

The histori of Hybrid cars

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF  HYBRID CARS? WHAT IS HYBRID CAR?  It is any car that us’es more than one fuel  source  We mainly use the term to describe cars  that combine a gas­fueled internal  combustion engine with a battery­driven  electric motor WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF  HYBRID CARS? o 1900: The Lohner­Porsche Elektromobil  makes it debut at the Paris Exposition o 1917: Woods Motor Company introduces  the Woods Dual Power o 1968: GM develops the GM 512 o 1989: Audi demonstrates the  experimental Audi Duo  1997: Toyota introduces the Prius  1999: Honda introduces the Insight  2000: Toyota begins marketing the Prius in  the United States  2002: Honda introduces the Accord Hybrid  2004: Ford introduces the first hybrid SUV,  the 2005 Ford Escape HTTP://WWW.HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM/FU EL-EFFICIENCY/HYBRID-TECHNOLOGY /HISTORY-OF-HYBRID-CARS.HTM THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Suggeted letter of application

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of tourist guide which was advertised in The Weekly Times on Monday, July 5. I graduated from Weston College in 1990, with a degree in Tourism and Marketing. While at Weston, I travelled extensively throughout Europe. I am s fluent speaker of French, Spanish and German. My current position is Senior Tourist guide in Madrid, Spain with Cosmo Tours. I have been with Cosmo for two years and have also worked in Seville and Barcelona. My duties have included transferring passengers to their hotels, organizing and leading excursions and dealing with a variety of queries. I have enclosed my C.V. and would be glad

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kliendikeskne turundus kui eduka ettevõtte strateegia

Kliendikeskse ettevõtte teenindav personal tegeleb klientide murede lahendamise ning vastavate lahendite leidmisega. Ettevõttele kirjutatud negatiivseid tagasisidekirju loetakse kui võimalusi suhteid klientidega tugevdada. Lisaks sellele, tuleb kliente segmentida. Näiteks rahvusvaheliste kliendikesksete ettevõtete turundusstrateegiad on erinevates riikides ja maailmajagudes erinevad. Joonis 1. Kultuurierinevused kohvikutes Allikas: Customer-oriented marketing (Talpau jt 2011) 6 Tulpdiagramm (vt Joonis 1) näitab, millised on kultuuride vahelised erinevused. Isegi kõige tühisema asja juures on erinevused väga suured. Ameerika ühendriikides ostavad 86% Starbucksi klientidest kohvi tee peale kaasa, aga Euroopas 85% klientidest joovad kohvi ära kohvikus. Starbucksi enda jaoks, kui äärmiselt kliendikeskse ettevõtte

Majandus → Turundus
97 allalaadimist


•Adidas has a branded range of male and female geodorants, perfumes, aftershave and lotions. About company •Number of employees- 53 731 •The company's clothing and shoe designs typically feature three paralleel bars and the same motif is incorporated into Adidas's current official logo •It is the largest sportwear manufacturer in Europe and the second biggest in the world •"Adidas is all in" is the current global marketing strategy slogan for Adidas. Adidas Competitors •Nike •Puma •Converse Adidas Subsidiaries •Reebok •Runtastic •TaylorMade- Adidas •Ashworth Position and responsibilities •I would like work a Designer • Be responsible for the design of clothing and footwear •Thinking of new ideas

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


üksikisiku poolseid käitumuslikke muudatusi ning võivad osutuda tatavaks väljakutseks, mis esmapilgul võivad inimese jaoks tunduda üle jõu käivateks või mitteolulisteks. See on tinginud parimate praktikate otsingud inimeste suhtumise ja käitumise muutmiseks. Täna saame juba rääkida teaduspõhisest ning parimate praktikate põhisest ja süsteemsest lähenemisest e sotsiaalturundusest. Mõiste sotsiaalturundus/ social marketing kinnistus 1970-ndatel aastatel peale Philip Kotleri ja Gerald Zaltman’i vastavasisulise artikli ilmumist ajakirjas „Journal of Marketing” aastal 1971. Autorid leidsid, et turundusmeetmed, mida rakendatakse ostukäitumise suunamiseks, on kohased muutmaks ka suhtumist, hoiakuid ja käitumist sotsiaalses plaanis. Alates 1980ndatest aastatest on kommertsturunduse põhimõtete rakendamine sotsiaalsete eesmärkide täitmiseks juba tavapärane. Küll aga

Majandus → Turundus
51 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheliste suhete ajalugu

Muugikontseptsioon (selling concept) eeldab, et tarbijad ostavad ettevõtte toodangut vaid siis, kui neid muuki toetavate meetmetega ergutatakse. Turunduskontseptsioon (marketing concept) on seisukohal, et ettevõte peab uurima konkreetselt määratletud sihtturu vajadusi ja soove ning pakkuma välja nende vajaduste paremaid rahuldamisvõimalusi kui tema konkurendid Sotsiaalse turunduse kontseptsioon (societal marketing concept) peegeldab uhiskonnakeskset lähenemist - kontseptsiooni aluseks on taotlus uhitada uhiskonna huvid tarbija huvidega. Suhtlusturunduse kontseptsioon - tarbija on asendunud kliendiga, st rõhutatakse individuaalset lähenemist, mille abilisteks on kliendiandmebaasid, elektrooniline meedia jne. Vaartuspohise turunduse kontseptsioon - efektiivne positsioneerimis- ja diferentseerimisstrateegia annab võimaluse edastada väärtusi kasumlikule tarbijale ja välistab

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
3 allalaadimist

Six sigma

, 2005a. The Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook. New York: McGraw - Hill 2) Cavanagh, Roland R., Neuman, Robert P., Pande, Peter S., 2002a. Kuue Sigma Tee: Kuidas GE, Motorola jt. Tippettevõtted oma sooritusi lihvivad. Tallinn: Pegasus 3) Cernauskas, Deborah., Tarantino, Anthony., 2009a. Risk Management in Finance: Six Sigma and Other Next-generation Tehniques. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4) Creveling, Clyde M., Hambleton Lynne., McCarthy Burke 2006a. Six Sigma for Marketing Process: An Overview for Marketing Executives, Leaders and Managers. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall 5) Gitlow, Howard S., Levine David M., 2005a. Six Sigma For Green Belts And Champions : Foundations, DMAIC, Tools, Cases And Certification. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall 6) Joglekar, Anand M., 2003a. Statistical Methods for Six Sigma: In R&D and Manufacturing. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 7) Sleeper, Andrew D., 2006a

Majandus → Arendustegevus
43 allalaadimist


Turunduskommunikatsioon ÜHISKONNAÕPETUS Turundus (marketing) Turundus Teadlikkuse / tuntuse tekitamine Veenmine ja ostusoovi tekitamine Suhtlus Teenindamine / müük Turunduskommunikatsioon Sõnumi edastamine kindlale sihtgrupile Kanalid: TV, raadio, internet, ajakirjandus, välireklaam jms Reklaam kindla isiku, firma või organisatsiooni tellitud ideede, kaupade ja teenuste tutvustamine ning esiletõstmine Valimisreklaam Tutvustada: -kandidaate/erakondi -ideid -valimislubadusi Mõjutada valijat Näide: 20.10.2013 KOV valimised Sotsiaalreklaam Inimeste teavitamine Väärtuste ja hoiakute kujundamine Tervisekäitumise mõjutamine Näide: Kommertsreklaam Toote või teenuse müük ...

Meedia → Sissejuhatus kommunikatsiooni...
8 allalaadimist


To achieve this I need to borrow £5000 from the Start Up Loans. £5000 is needed mainly for the stock and transport from Estonia to the United Kingdom. Personnel 2.1 Previous work experience: DMU Replay: Launch Support, Unitemps, Oct 2017 ­ Present Duties: Helping and advising DMU lecturers to use DMU Replay (new audio-video recording software Panopto) Director, TOWELFY LIMITED, July 2017 ­ Present Duties: Selling, Accounting, Recruiting, Marketing Director, MP CANNED FOOD LIMITED, June 2017 ­ Present Duties: Selling, Accounting, Recruiting, Marketing Catering Assistant, Compass Group UK & Ireland, Aug 2015 ­ Dec 2015 Duties: Working in Leicester City Football Club, King Power Stadium's, Ricoh Arena's (Coventry), Nottingham Ice Centre's Kiosks as a Cashier, Cook, Beer Pourer. Promotional Materials Distributor, Unitemps, Apr 2015 ­ Dec 2015 Duties: Distributing clapper banners in Leicester City Football Club, King Power Stadium seats.

Majandus → Äriplaan
11 allalaadimist

Estonian Business School

2.Languages and business administration (Võõrkeeled ja ärikorraldus) 3.Entrepreneurship and business administration (Ettevõtlus ja ärijuhtimine) International business administration designed for people interested in economics and business who wish to acquire professional knowledge and skills to work in an international company or in public sector very good Business English language skills possibility to specialize in marketing, service economics or finance Languages and business administration for people who would like to gain practical skills of foreign languages (possible to study 3 foreign languages at a time) have basic knowledge of economics and business administration Entrepreneurship and business administration for people who would like to wisely get into the business world, create their own business or to expand your knowledge on entrepreneurship Requirements

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

James Hiller

Instead, he turned out to have a talent for mathematics and physics, and won a science scholarship to the University of Toronto. There, he and fellow student Albert Prebus invented the world's first practical electron microscope. Their first device magnified objects to 7,000 times their original size. Electron microscopes work by focussing a beam of electrons, rather than a beam of light. Hillier spent many years refining the electron microscope and marketing it to research laboratories and universities, receiving a total of 41 patents for devices and processes. After retiring from work in 1977, Dr. Hillier went to the Third World and promoted science and education. They had two sons: James Robert Hillier and William Wynship Hillier. James Hillier was also the the founder of James Hillier Foundation, which awards scholarships to promising science students in his hometown of Brantford. On January 15, 2007, Hillier died in Princeton, New Jersey [1]

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


) · Interneti hüpermeedium on multimeedia laiaulatuslik rakendamine ülemaailmsetes laivõrkudes Multimeediasüsteemide kasutuselevõtu puhul tuleks vastata küsimustele... · Milleks teda vajatakse? · Mida ta endast kujutab? · Kuidas teda tuleks kasutada? Multimeedia kasutamine · Kodus ­ Õppimine (õppeprogrammid) ­ Käsiraamatud (tekst, pildid, muusika, videod) ­ Meelelahutus (mängud) · Tööl ­ Väljaõpe (õppeprogrammid) ­ Marketing (reklaam, müük) ­ Tootetutvustus Multimeedia kasutamine · Meelelahutus ja ajaviitesektor: ­ Kunstiteose loomine ­ Kodune multifilm ­ Muusikaansambel ­ Matkimisprogrammide kasutamine ­ Muusika komponeerimine ­ Loodus talletamine Multimeedia vahendid · Hea arvuti ­ Kõrge töötlusvõimega protsessor ­ Suur hulk mälu (RAM, HDD, CD-ROM) ­ Videokaart, helikaart ­ Multimeediale kohandatud tarkvara Multimeedias ­ nelja tüüpi kujutised

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
23 allalaadimist

Letter of application (Ärisuhtlus)

Tallinn 12345 Tel: +372 55 555 555 2 October 2012 Sian Vernon Renault UK Limited Western Avenue Acton London W3 0RZ Dear Ms Vernon, I am writing to apply for the position of a Graduate Manager in the Marketing Department that was advertised in The Sunday Times on 15 March. I have attached my CV with the letter of application as requested. I am currently studying Business Administration in Tallinn University of Technology and am seeking for an opportunity to work in a company, which will offer interesting challenges and a chance to evolve. I think Renault is a great choice with its long history and a wide range of vehicle selection.

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


- should be there a garden / how big it should be - design of the house - public places How big amount of money the developer would like to spend on it It is important because... - you know about materials you can use in desing - where to spend more or less Calculating the costs It is very important to calculate all costs like... - building costs - professional fees - marketing sales costs - the cost of borrowing because then the finished residential area is at it was on the project and everybody IS HAPPY Consumer preferences residential environment is good when there.... - are normal amount of facilities - are schools - is a good public transport - is a lot of open space - is good street lightning - normal amount of parking spaces

Keeled → Inglise keel
186 allalaadimist

English in my Life

quite important for us to speak itEnglish ­ an international language. It also goes the other way around when we go traveling somewhere in Europe or even further - then we mainly use English to communicate with people. Over the last 10 years the use of English has grown a lot in Estonia. We have many new TV channels in English. Also some Estonians work abroad because of the salary or better working conditions. There are jobs that require English even here in Estonia, as well. For example, in marketing, business, sports, tourism, show business and in many other fields. As for myself I don't use English very often outside the classroom. Sometimes I chat with my brother-in-law who's Irish. Also my friends have their own band and I've written lyrics to them a couple of times. In the future I would like to go backpacking somewhere in Europe. Then I would get a chance to use English more often. Well done! 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist


EMT's mission is to create for its customers' opportunities to be successful in a global information society relating to their individual personal needs. The sole owner of EMT is AS Eesti Telekom. In board are 6 members: Valdo Kalm- Enterprise CEO Leho Tamm- CFO Tõnu Grünberg- President of development and technology Indrek Randveer- President of customer care and sales Piret Dubout- President in charge of Marketing Tiit Tammiste- President in charge of IT Major competitors are other enterprises who also develops and markets telecommunication and information technology related services. As an example Elion Ettevõtted AS, Tele2 Eesti AS, WiFi OÜ and so on. Development They set for theirselves challenging goals and remain true to them. They want to learn and to work effectively each day.

Meedia → Meedia
13 allalaadimist

Advertising campaign

1. Advertising campaign- series of actions taken to advertise/ talk uo a product 2. Price promotions- to lower the price and advertise it, to make a product more popular 3. Premium brands- goods that are with good quality and expensive 4. Special offer- when sht's on sale or offered with a better price 5. Core brand- the main product 6. Marketing plan- an arrangement how to do business 7. Consumer product- something that is made especially for the customers 8. Brand loyalty- when someone uses mostly the same trade-mark 9. Brand awareness- when you know what the market holds 10. Market share- stocks 11. Advertise- to publish something 12. Associate- if you connect one thing with another in your mind 13. Consume- when you use sth up 14. Market- the people who buy things and the place to buy things from 15

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö teemal VÕÕRSÕNA

Kontrolltöö teemal VÕÕRSÕNA XI klass 1. Kirjuta tsitaatsõna asemele eestikeelne väljend! 1. Vaatasime uut (action-filmi) põnevusfilmi 2. Riiulil on suur valik (aftershave) habemeajamisjärgseid palsameid 3. Kõik TV-kanalid näitavad (reality-show) tõsielusarju 4. Jaan istub (laptop) taga.sülearvuti 5. Valitsuse (briefing) oli puruigav.koosoleks 6. Peeter on ametilt (copywriter) reklaamtekstide koostaja 7. Semud võtsid toidu (drive-in) müügist.sissesõidu 8. Naise (make-up) oli laiali.meik 9. Tiina on ametilt (marketing) spetsialist.turndus 10. Tudeng ostab riided (second-hand). taaskasutus 11. Filmi (soundtrack) meeldib mulle.teema muusika 12. Kursuslased osalesid mitmes (workshop).töötoas 13. See mees olevat (gay).Gei 14. Teose (copyright) kuulub meile.autoriõigus 15. Kinos on kombeks süüa (popcorn).popkorni 16. Meie (team) töötab hästi.meeskond 17. See on linna parim auto(service).teenindus 18. Filmitähte piirasid (paparazzo).ajakirjani...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
5 allalaadimist


objektiivsed andmed. Eriti just Eesti-suguses pisiriigis avaldab siseturundus oletatavasti suuremat mõju, kui oskame karta, sest firma oma töötajatelt pärinevad seisukohad ja kuulujutud kanduvad kiiresti turgu mööda laiali. Järelikult tuleks neid kuulujutte siseturunduse abil suunata. 9 Kasutatud kirjandus Green, W. E., Walls, G. D., Schrest, L. J. Internal Marketing. The Key to External Marketing Success. - Journal of Services Marketing, vol. 8, No. 4, 1994, pp. 5 ­ 13. Hanson, K. Turunduse ammendumine. [http:/]. 08/03/2003. Leppik, A. Töötaja turundab ka pärast tööaega. ­ Äripäev, 5. Detsember 2000. 10

Majandus → Turundus
38 allalaadimist

Motivation letter

Motivation letter (Also called a „statement of purpose“ or „personal essay.“ 1st paragraph – a reason of writing, include a position you are applying for and where you heard about it. Expressions:  Dear Sir/Madam; ending – Yours faithfully, your name.  Dear Mr. Black; ending – Yours sincerely, your name.  To whom it may concern; ending – Yours sincerely, your name.  I came familiar with this advertisement in the newspaper, Internet, etc.  I would like to apply for the (catering job) in your company.  My interest in the (sales business) dates back to my childhood.  There are several reasons why I decided to apply for the position: 1st, 2nd, ... .  I am highly aware of the superb repurtation of your company.  I am looking for a professional practice abroad.  To provide some background indormation, I am a graduate student of ... .  Regarding my academic experience, I am...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Rupert Murdoch

Deng (1999 - present); two daughters Grace and Chloe Companies The News Corporation - Media & Entertainment Company Filmed Entertainment(20th Century Fox, Fox Studios LA, Blue Sky Studios etc.) Television(Fox Television Stations, STAR etc.) Cable Television(Fox Movie Channel, Fox News Channel, Fox Sports Digital etc.) Direct Broadcast & Satellite Television(DIRECTV, FOXTEL etc.) Magazines(Inside Out, News America Marketing etc.) Newspapers(Sunday Times, Weekly Times, The Australianetc. ) Books(Regan Books, Zondervan etc.) News Corporation Is a public company. Founded Adelaide, Australia(1979). Headquarters in New York City, formerly in Adelaide, Australia. Key people - Rupert Murdoch (chairman), Peter Chernin, David DeVoe, Lawrence Jacobs, José María Aznar. Employees 47,300. Revenue US$ 21.0 billion. Quotes "I'm a catalyst for change ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

My favourite singer

Including her work with No Doubt, Stefani has sold more than 40 million albums worldwide. She won the World's BestSelling New Female Artist at the World Music Awards 2005. Stefani was born and raised in Fullerton, California, and grew up in a Roman Catholic household. Her mother named her after a stewardess in the 1968 novel Airport, and her middle name, Renée Her father, Dennis Stefani, is Italian and worked as a Yamaha marketing executive. Her mother, Patti (née Flynn), is of Irish and Scottish descent and worked as an accountant before becoming a homemaker. She is the second oldest of four children Rich Girl Hollaback Girl Crash Luxurious The Sweet Escape Wind It Up Earlt Winter 4 In The Morning : v=uIvNB3WnvFs

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


reclamare ­ , , «»: 1) , ( ) 2) ­ ( ) : ­ , ( ) : . ( , , ..), , , , , . , . , «», . ­ , , ­ . . : « . , . ». 1473 - - . XVII «». 1629 - . 1631 - « ». 1787 - « » , . 1841 - . 1899 - , 1 , «.. » (N.W.Ayer & Son), National Biscuit Company. : 1894 - Agate Club 1906 - Advertising Club - 1912 - American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) 1920 - , . 1941 - . 1955 ­ : - - - - - ­ , . "P" , : (product), (price), (place), (promotion). ( ). ­ . , . , , , , , , , . , , , , . . 1) . . , (...

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
46 allalaadimist

Kas turundus on investeering või kulu?

Kas turundus on investeering või kulu? Turundus ehk marketing on tegevuste süsteem, mille eesmärk on viia kokku ostjate soovid ja vajadused ning müüja eesmärgid. See on suunatud klientide vajaduste ja soovide rahuldamisele vahetusprotsessi kaudu. Turunduse alla kuuluvad erinevad turu-uuringud, toote kujundamised, hinnapoliitika, müügi teostamine ja müük ise. Turundustegevus ise algab aga juba ammu enne müügi toimumist ning jätkub ka pärast selle toimumist. Igal aastal tehakse erinevaid turundus-uuringuid

Majandus → Turundus
19 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

(Student Accommodation) in Leicester. DMU Replay: Launch Support, Unitemps, Oct 2017 Duties: Helping and advising DMU lecturers to use DMU Replay (new audio-video recording software Panopto) Research Partner, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, Sep 2017 Duties: Helping to design studies for students and sharing experiences as service user. Director, TOWELFY LIMITED, July 2017 ­ Present Duties: Selling, Accounting, Recruiting, Marketing Towelfy® 6 in 1 is an innovative, internationally patented multifunctional robe-towel invented in South Estonia. We are importing Towelfy from Estonia to the United Kingdom. Managing Director, MP CANNED FOOD LIMITED, June 2012 ­ Present Duties: We are importing canned food (meat products and ready meals) from Estonia to the United Kingdom. Unique products like "Wild Boar In Its Own Juice", "Elk In Its Own Juice" and "Venison In Its Own Juice" are hard to find in the United Kingdom

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Äriplaan - akvaariumite valmistamine

...........................................................3 2.2 Kliendid.............................................................................................................................3 3. Ettevõtte analüüs..................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. SWOT analüüs................................................................................................................. 4 3.1.1. Marketing..................................................................................................................4 3.1.2. Tootmine................................................................................................................... 5 3.1.3.Personal......................................................................................................................5 4. Visioon............................................................................................

Majandus → Majandus
220 allalaadimist


turunduse põhiseisukohad. 1950ndad ja 1960ndad aastad oli masstoodangu ja massturunduse kõrgaeg. 1970ndatel aastatel muutus intensiivseks keskkonnaliikumine, eesmärgiks oli puhta looduse säilitamine ja kahanevate loodusvarade ratsionaalsem säilitamine. 1980ndatel aastatel laienes nisiturundus, rohkem tähelepanu pöörati kvaliteedile. 1990ndatel aastatel globaliseerumine, suurendama hakati turunduskulusid. [Mauring, 2001, lk 9] 2.2 Turunduse mõiste Turundus e marketing (ingl.k) 3 Turunduse olemus ja juhtimise vajalikkus. Turundus majanduslanguse tingimustes. Sõna market on pärit inglise keelest ning tähendab eesti keeles turgu, turustuskohta. Turundus sai oma nime turu järgi, kus toimus kaubavahetus. Ehkki turunduse termin on vana, on selle sisu aegade jooksul tohutult muutunud ja maailmas väga laialdaselt levinud.

Majandus → Turunduse alused
135 allalaadimist

Lõputöö. ratsaklubi avamine

Tallinns Business Office ,,The Procedure of Applying for Financial Support When Opening a Business" . The aim of this task is writing a viable business plan and in that process were done following assignments: Studying theoretical materials for composing a business plan Studying the market Passing through an analysis according to the matrix of McKincey Passing through a research among marketing target clients Passing through a SWOT-analysis, analyzing the competitors Composing a plan calendar for the enterprise Composing financial predictions Writing a business plan of opening a Horse riding Centre In this assignment were used following methods: Marketing research by the method of questioner Business plan composing methodology Were done following calculations: Minimal effective frequency

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
69 allalaadimist

Companys export readiness assessment

There is a time and planning issue when shipping goods to Norway because of geographical localization of Estonia as well as compliance with customs laws since Norway is not a member of The European Union. However, the company is familiar with these matters as they have done some packing work for Norwegian clients in past. Still, the on-site information is weak; contacts are insufficient and needs to be developed. Image depends on company's financial position and the successful marketing. The knowledge what the company has got from success on Swedish market could be taken in use when entering Norwegian market. Taking into account the specific nature of the Estonian market has the company also been successful in local market. Maximum score 9 x 10 = 90, the result 61 (68%), which gives fear to good export readiness.

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
3 allalaadimist

Tarbijate ostukäitumine

Tarbijate ostukäitumine Mõjurid ja tegurid Küsitulus: Miks olete valinud einestamiseks just selle konkreetse koha? Kuidas tundsite end restorani sisenedes? Kuidas teiel sisekujundus meeldib? Kas restoran on mugav? Kuidas teiele menüü meeldis? Mida arvate menüüs pakutavatest toitudest? Kas toidu hinnad on teie arvates taskukohased? Mida arvate pakutavatest jookidest? Mida te ise telliksite? Kuidas toidud maitsesid? Kas teenindus oli hea? Kuidas hindaksite restorani? Kas külastaksite restorani uuesti? Uuringu viisin läbi suuliselt. Suuliselt küsitledes sain vastus rohkem informatsiooni ja emotsioone. Suuliselt uuringut läbi viies saab küsida kliendilt põhjalikumalt ja saab ka positiivset tagasisidet. Kliendid olid restorani ning seal pakutavate toitudega rahul. 2. Turuuuringu teostamise viisid: 1. Probleemide ja eesmärkide loomine. Siinkohal tuleb tähele panna, et...

Majandus → Teenindus
32 allalaadimist

Business Plan

FY2013 Sep '12 Oct '12 Nov '12 Dec '12 Jan '13 Feb '13 Mar '13 Apr '13 May '13 Jun '13 Jul '13 Aug '13 Expenses Salary €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 €3,200 Employee Related Expenses €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 Marketing & Promotio n €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 €160 Rent €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 Utilities €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 €800 Office

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Luuk IDU0010 ainetöö ERP tootmine

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL INFORMAATIKAINSTITUUT ERP süsteemis Microsoft Dynamics NAV martsipani kujukese tootmise, ostu- ja müügiprotsessi realiseerimine Ainetöö õppeaines “ Andmeaidad, ERP- ja CRM-süsteemid” (IDU0010) Inge Luuk, 144618CTF, [email protected] Esitatud: 17.01.2015 Juhendaja: Eduard Sevtsenko Tallinn 2015 Sisukord Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Tootmisprotsessi üldkirjeldus ...................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Toote kirjeldus .....................

Informaatika → Andmeaidad, ERP ja...
17 allalaadimist

Trükitehnoloogia areng - referaat

..........................9 Allikad: 1) Ürgaja kunst – 2) Aprill 2014 – Litograafia – 3) Aprill 2013 – Litography Process by stephen Allen Photography – 4) 5) Siiditrükk – 6) 8.jaanuar 2014 – „Print´s Not Dead: Print Marketing Will Thrive in 2014 and Beyond“ – autor Vladimir Gendelman – thrive-in-2014-and-beyond 7) Out-Of-Home advertising – home_advertising 8) isiklik kontakt Pixmillis, Saku vallas 9) Jaipuris, Indias käsitööl põhinev trükifirma - 10) Ofset-trükk – http://www.indrias

Tehnoloogia → Trükitehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist


What kind of city is Tallinn? What is it famous for? Old own The old City, city of Hanseatic sellers, was not an administrative part of a city (the Cathedral Hill) till the end of a XIX-th century. It was the centre of medieval marketing that has provided him well- being. Now it is the most popular place among tourists with shops and big variety of restaurants. It was opened 22 july 1718 year.Kadriorg it is the largest park in Tallinn.Kadriorg`s founder was the Peter I. He named the park in honour of his wife Ekaterine I. Y ou can walk around this beautiful park and enjoy delightful sights of nature. Tallinn Hall square is the area, popular in summer months and is filled with street cafes. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Turunduse konspekt

· Turundustegevus · Kontroll 3. Turuleidmise etapid: a.i.1) Turu üldhinnang ­ turusuurus ja arengusuunade määramine a.i.2) Turu segmentimine ­ max. turu jagamine sihtturgudeks (mehed, naise,d noored, vanad jne.) ­ aluseks on tarbija käitumine a.i.3) Sihtturu valik ­ valitakse 1 segment, kellele hakatakse toodet arendama a.i.4) Positsioneerimine ­ enda asukoha määramine turul 4. Marketing mix: · Price · Product · Promotion · Place 5. Hinna tähtsus: · ettevõttele ­ kasumi kujundaja · ühiskonnale ­ suunad resurssid kõige ratsionaalsema tootja kätte 6. Hind on väärtus rahas väljendatuna. Väärtuste kogum, mida ostja on nõus vahetama toote omamisest tulenevate kasude vastu. (nt õppemaks ­ haridus, rent, üür ­ õigus kausutada mingit vara, honorar ­ loovtöötaja tasu, palk ­ töötaja töö hind, altkäemaks

Majandus → Majandus
18 allalaadimist

Reklaamipsühholoogia seaduspärasused

2. Journal of Advertising. 4 nr aastas (29 $ või 44 $ - aastatellimuse hind väljaspool USA-d; vastavalt maapostiga või lennupostiga saatmisel). Väljaandjaks oli American Academy of Advertising, Athens (Georgia). Praegu kirjastab CTC Press/JOA. 3. International Journal of Advertising. 4 nr aastas (aastatellimus 75 naelsterlingit). Väljaandjaks The Advertising Association'i palvel Cassell Educational Ltd. , London. 4. Psychology & Marketing. 8 nr aastas, John Wiley kirjastuses New Yorkis (aastatellimus: USA-s 135 $ organisatsioonidele ja 49 $ üksikisikutele; väljaspool USA-d vastavalt 169 $ ja 69 $). 5. Journal of Consumer Research. 4 nr aastas (aastatellimuse 75 $ USA-s ja 81 $ mujal), väljaandjaks University of Chicago Press, Chicago. + Journal of Marketing (USA), Journal of Marketing Research (USA), International Journal of Research in Marketing (Holland), International Journal of

Meedia → Meedia
26 allalaadimist

Advertising has a bad influence on children

Kristin Loit Advertising has a bad influence on children Advertising is one way of marketing. The aim of advertising is to get people's attention that people would buy one particular company's products or services. Commercials and ads are not only directed to adults but also for children's. The good thing of advertising is that it helps us to become aware of the products in the market and the bad thing is the negative effect on childrens. To begin with, childrens are defenseless. They do not understand the ads or commercials, they do not know that it is only a business plan

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Arco Vara esitlus ( PRESENTATION )

Real estate development Arco Real Estate started its first big real estate development project in 1995 when the development of the Veskimöldre residential area began. Today, they are carrying out development projects in Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria, focusing on apartment houses. Over the decades, Arco Real Estate has built homes for thousands of people in the three countries. Real estate development services Market research Architecture and planning Marketing Finance and cost-benefit analysis Management of real estate development process Brokerage of development project Key persons Tarmo Sild - Member of Management board Hillar-Peeter Luitsalu - Chairman of Supervisory board Thank you for listening !

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Transhumant Grazing systems in Temperate Asia

By the least affected is Mongolia Mongolia Case Study • Topographic features , weather andfeed availability influence the itineraries chosen for immigration • All movements are west-east to make better use of pasture recources and climatic differences • Distance travelled annually is between 90 and 180 km • No herders stay at higher altitudes in winter • Since decollectivization puclic services, including technical support have detoriated, leading to marketing and procurement of neccesities Chinas pasture resources • There is great diversity of psture types • A range of forages and pasture plants havebeen developed to suit the various zones • Pastures of family farms belong to the state and grazing rights are leased. Western Himalaya • The transhumance systems are similar throughtout. • Overwintering in lowlands gives herders access both to markets and opportunities for seasonal employment • Herders belong into minority tribes

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun