INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team is more competitive when each player knows how to
The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu 2012 The Subject The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook By Tanya Davis in 2007 Florida, USA Chapter 2: Predevelopment Chapter 3: Refining Your Idea Target group The target group of "The Real Estate Developer´s Click to edit Master text styles Handbook" consists of Second level anyone who is starting or Third level Fourth level has an interest in starting Fifth level working in the real estate developing scene, including students . Predevelopment · From the first glimpse to the beginning of construction. · Set up a "waterproof" business. · Create a business atmosphere and stick to
Starteegiline juhtimine, eksamiks valmistumine Strateegilise üldjuhtimise tsükkel: kavandamine, korraldamine, kontroll Strateegiline plaanimine - on organisatsiooni sise- ja väliskeskkonna analüüsiprotsess, määramaks põhilised eesmärgid, mis aitavad äriühingul täita oma missiooni ja liikuda oma visiooni suunas. Starteegilise juhtimise tsükkel: visioon/mission, väärtused; teadmised, oskused; tegevused, tulemused-tagasiside. Strateegia on eesmärgistatud kavand, mis sobitab omavahel organisatsiooni ressursid, struktuuri ja kultuuri (tugevused, nõrkused) väliskeskkonna muutustega (võimalused, ohud). Strateegiline juhtimine on otsuste ja tegevuste kogum, mis kindlustab pikas perspektiivis äriühingu jätkusuutliku tulemuslikkuse. • Organisatsiooni seire, formuleerimise, elluviimise, hindamise ja kontrolli protsess. Strateegilist juhtimist iseloomustab: • Interdistsiplinaarsus Organisatsioon kui tervik • Fookus väliskeskkonnale Majandus Konkurent
5. Financial Institutions and Services Objectives and Outcomes To give overview of main players. 5.1. Introduction It is common to distinguish between monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and other financial intermediaries. The distinction is based on the functions of institutions institutions in the first group (MFIs) play important role in the process of money creation in modern economies. European Central Bank (ECB) describes Monetary financial institutions as including national central banks (and also ECB in the euro area), credit institutions and non-credit institutions which receive deposits from general public (individuals and non-MFI firms) and grant credit and/or invest in securities. Major non-credit MFIs in Europe are money market funds. Credit institutions are defined in the directive 1 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions as: a) undertakings whose business is to receive deposits or other repayable funds
Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products, services, or processes 3. Production 4. Marketing 5. Distribution 6. Customer service. Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and services to the delivery of products to consumers, regar
BARRIERS TO DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT IN SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Abstract District heating (DH) offers low primary energy demand, high security of supply and small CO 2 emissions. Barriers to DH in the UK, Ireland, France, Romania and the Czech Republic have been compiled through publications and interviews. DH systems require large investments, have negative initial cash flow and long payback time, which obstructs financing. One actor should control DH from source to consumption. If the value chain is fragmented, contracts are required between the links. It increases risks and financing costs, like in the UK and Ireland, where DH is not established. There are few multi- family houses with central heating and it is expensive to build DH networks in built areas. Most French DH systems are operated according to long-term concessions by companies that sell electricity and gas. No strong actor provides unbiased DH support. In the Czech Republic, gas
Tallinna Majanduskool ,,Notes on preparing a marketing plan" Homework 03.05.2012 Liisi Nigul Turundus II Tallinn 2012 Toscana Gourmet is a place for family togetherness and will also be the leading gourmet Italian restaurant in Tallinn. The signature line of innovative, premium, pasta and risotto dishes include pesto with smoked salmon, pancetta and peas linguini in an special sauce, and fresh mussels and clams in a marinara sauce. Toscana also serves distinct salads, desserts, and beverages. Toscana Gourmet will reinvent the Italian food experience for individuals, families, and take out customers with discretionary income by selling high quality, innovative products at a reasonable price, designing tasteful, convenient locations, and providing excellent customer service. The basic market need is to offer individuals, families, and tak
The costs of production Production Decisions about production require individual agents to make decisions about the allocation and use of physical inputs. · Objectives of agents, technology, availability and quality of inputs determine the nature of these decisions. Since the objectives are often pecuniary, it is often necessary to relate the decisions about the physical units of inputs and outputs to the costs of production. · If the prices of the inputs and the production relationships are known (or understood), it is possible to calculate or estimate all the cost relationships for each level of output. In practice
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