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"optional" - 67 õppematerjali


Optional use of ECDIS

For this reason ship owners should consult their national maritime administration for specific advice. A compendium of different maritime administrations’ accepted back up arrangements are found in Annex VI. What to do in areas without official ENC coverage? In 1998 the IMO recognised that it would take some years to complete the world’s coverage of ENCs. As a consequence IMO ECDIS Performance Standards were amended adding a new optional mode of operation of ECDIS, the Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) mode4. In this mode RNCs can be used in ECDIS to meet SOLAS carriage requirements for nautical charts. However, this is only allowed if approved by the Flag State. The intention of those changes was to allow the ECDIS to operate as far as possible on official chart data; official ENCs where they were available and official RNCs to fill in the gaps.

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Graafika lahendatud lõpp

suunale, kasutades selleks funktsiooni P_nrk. Kas pöördenurka kasutatakse või mitte, sõltub parameetri pööre väärtuseks. Vaikimisi on parameetri väärtuseks 1 ja sellisel juhul arvestatakse pöördenurka. Kui pöördenurka muutma ei pea, võetakse parameetri väärtus võrdseks 0-ga Sub Liigu_1(kuju As Shape, siht As Shape, _ Sub Liigu_2(kuju As Shape, x, y, _ h, pp, Optional pööre = 1) h, pp, Optional pööre = 1) Dim xj, yj, x, y, d, hx, hy, n, i Dim xj, yj, d, hx, hy, n, i xj = kuju.Left: yj = kuju.Top xj = kuju.Left: yj = kuju.Top x = siht.Left: y = siht.Top d = Sqr((x - xj) ^ 2 + (y - yj) ^ 2) d = Sqr((x - xj) ^ 2 + (y - yj) ^ 2) If d = 0 Then Exit Sub

Informaatika → Informaatika
55 allalaadimist

VBA (sisse lahendatud algus)

Kui ei kasutata, sulge ei tohi olla! id sulgudes! Juhtmuutujaga kordus. For-lause m > av2 For m = av1 To av2 [ Step av3 ] * m = av1..av2, av3 laused laused Next m m -juhtmuutuja (loendur) av1 - algväärtus av2 - lõppväärtus av3 - muutumise samm vaikimisi 1 Sub Hüppa(kuju As Shape, Optional n = 3, _ Võtmesõna Optional näitab, Optional h = 15, Optional p = 0.1) et parameetrile vastava argumendi või ' n - korduste arv (vaikimisi 3), Argumendi puudumisel võetakse param ' h - hüppe kõrgus (vaikimisi 15) väärtuseks näidatud väärtus ' p - pausi pikkus (vaikimisi 0.1)

Informaatika → Informaatika
109 allalaadimist

Should class attendance be mandatory for university students?

What good does a student who doesn’t even want to be in a lecture do? Besides, even students in university, not to mention secondary school, who find a class boring or unsolicited, can be extremely distracting to their peers who are indeed looking to educate themselves. This is a loss for both ends as unmotivated students get even more frustrated and the ones focused are forced to learn in a disruptive environment. In conclusion, there are pros and cons to both obligatory and optional class attendance but all things considered, it seems that the merits of selective attendance overweigh the alternative as college-aged students should be able keep themselves on the right path on their own. As the exceptions remain, problematic students should consider their options and contemplate, whether university is the right place for them. Triin Tammaru 12.d

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

England - MS PowerPoint

Population Climate 51 000 000 people Temterate maritime 395 people per km² climate biggest influences come from the proximity to the Atlantic Oean Economy one of the largest in in the world average GDP per capita of £22,907 regarded as a mixed market economy official currency is the pound sterling Education optional nursery, primary, secondary Sixth form college Sports Thank you for your attention!!

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Graafika VBAs

If dx > 0 Then If dy > 0 Then P_Nrk Else P_Nrk = 180 + nurk End If End If End Function t=1] [,dp=0]) - ei ole, dp - oog. aja (t sek) kuju yk 220 Sub Liigu_XY(kuju As Shape, x, y, d, _ Optional pp = 0.01, Optional kt = 1, Optional dp = 0) ' kuju sujuv liikumine punkti koordinaatidega (x, y) ' d - samm, pp - paus, dp - pöörlemisnurga muutus ' kt - tunnus: kt=0 - kallet ei ole, kt<>0 - on Dim xj, yj, L, dx, dy, n, i If d = 0 Then Exit Sub xj = kuju.Left: yj = kuju

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
17 allalaadimist


New York.' Wish, request (more polite than will)- Would you shut the door, please? Habits in the past- Sometimes he would bring me some flowers. Must/may/can/need/might/could He had been working for more than 11 hours. He tired after such hard work. He .... prefer to get some rest. I .....speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. Now, I .....just say a few things in the language. The teacher said we..... read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we it if we don't want to. ..... you stand on your head for more than a minute? If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you work hard. Take an umbrella. It ..... rain later. Drivers ..... stop when the traffic lights are red. ..... I ask a question? Yes, of course. ..... you speak Italian? Key He had been working for more than 11 hours. He must be tired after such hard work. He may prefer to get some rest.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Religious Education in Hungary

7 Total 10,198,315100.00 History and nowadays v After World War II religious education difficult and problematic like in many Soviet countries. Althougt freedom of religion during socialist era. v Since 1993 the Hungarian Parliament constitution guarantees the right to religious education. v Religious education is taugh in a confessional way. v School must provide time and space. Everything beyond it is the task of church. Nowadays v Religious education can be an optional subject in public school or teached as a compulsory subject in church school(10% of secundary education) v Church schools are free to chose their stuff. Only church schools employ full time teachers of religion. v In public schools religious educators are paid a fee per lesson by state. v State universities do not have a religious education teachers training programme. Nowadays 2 v New way RE teaching in Hungary: Three plus two years

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

If I were the Minister of Education in Estonia

Secondly, English would be taught as a second language at schools. It must be a compulsory subject, because most of the world's population is talking English. I would have all the textbooks revised so that they would be updated with latest happenings and etc. Especially history, because we are learning from textbooks that are missing a lot of information that has been discovered after the book was printed. Also I would change most of the subjects for optional, that students can choose the best subjects for them. I think that the absences wouldn't be so punishable by the school, because I think it's your own choice if you go to school or not, just like in universities. There should be more e-learning lessons, because when I can't or do not want to go to school today then I can do the lessons at home on my own and then submit them to the teacher. If I were the minister of education, then I would do all that what makes kids love school. All

Keeled → Inglise keel
85 allalaadimist

The House of Commons

533 in England, 40 in Wales, 59 in Scotland, and 18 in Northern Ireland. General elections occur whenever Parliament is dissolver by the Sovereign All elections in the United Kingdom are held on a Thursday The Speaker The Speaker is the most important officer of the House of Commons The Speaker's central function is to maintain order in a debate On retirement he/she is offered a peerage and granted a handsome pension Optional facts Over the years, several anomalies had developed in borough representation. The constituency boundaries had not been changed since 1660 In 1918, women over 30 were given the right to vote, quickly followed by the passage of a law enabling women to be eligible for election as Members of Parliament at the younger age of 21 In May and June 2009 revelations of MP's expenses claims caused a major scandal and loss of confidence by the public in the integrity of MPs, as well as

Keeled → British culture (briti...
4 allalaadimist


INVESTBULGARIA AGENCY WHO ARE WE InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) is a Government institution providing information, contacts and project management support to potential investors. IBA services: Macroeconomic data on Bulgaria Data on operational costs Regional information Personalized administrative servicing Legal advice Liaison with central and local governments Liaison with branch chambers and NGOs GENERAL INFORMATION Official name: Republic of Bulgaria Area: 110 994 sq.m. Population: 7.4 million Capital: Sofia Time zone: EET (UTC+2) Official language: Bulgarian Currency: Lev (BGN) Fixed exchange rate: 1 = BGN 1.95583 Type of government: Parliamentary Member of: EU, NAT...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tingimuslaused (conditionals) tüübid O ja I

If they had been faster, then they would have won the race. IF Clauses (the condition) • IF clauses present the condition. • Examples: If I go into town tomorrow… If he spoke Chinese… If they had been faster… THEN Clauses (the results) • THEN clauses present the results. • Examples: … then I will see a movie. …. then he would work as a guide in China. … then they would have won the race. IF and THEN Clauses • The word “then” is optional, but the clause is still the result of the condition. So it is a “THEN” clause, without the word “then.” 0 CONDITIONAL • Situations that are always true if something happens. • Instructions, rules • If I am late, my father takes me to school. • If someone calls, let me know • If there is any trouble, call us. • Is it rains, it is cloudy. • This use is similar to, and can usually be replaced by, a time clause

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Interview with Chinese lecturer

While the language environment in Estonia is lacking in the possibilities for students to learn Chinese, universities could encourage the learning and increase the motivation of students by organising more events and activities where the students have a possibility to use the language. The language teachers have also more responsibilities in China than in Estonia. In China they are required to organize various activities such as language practice lessons during weekends which are optional for students. The consulting hours when the lecturers are required to be in their office are also usually longer than in Estonia. In conclusion, there are many differences between teaching Chinese in China and in Estonia, teaching being easier in China because of the higher level of motivation the students usually have, greater amount of authority that the lecturer has, and the language environment which supports the learning

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Java programmeerimise konspekt

Meetod (alamprogramm) Java rakendus sisaldab põhiprogrammi (main), millest tõenäoliselt pöördutakse ka mingite alamprogrammide poole. Javas nimetatakse alamprogramme meetoditeks (tulenevalt selle keele objektorienteeritusest) ning meetodid on rühmitatud klasside kaupa. Meetodid võivad olla kas programmeerija enda poolt loodud või Javasse sisse ehitatud (nn. API meetodid, mille kirjelduse leiab Java dokumentatsioonist). Sõltumata sellest, kust meetod pärineb, võib see olla kas klassi- või isendimeetod. Klassimeetod (class method) , mida Javas kirjeldab võtmesõna static, on kasutatav n.ö. "igas olukorras", s.t. ei ole vajalik objektorienteeritud paradigma järgimine (esialgu püüame oma kursuses läbi ajada klassimeetoditega). Täpsemalt öeldes - klassimeetodi poole pöördumiseks ei ole vajalik objekti olemasolu. Klassimeetodi poole pöördumiseks kirjutatakse reeglina: Klassi_nimi . meetodi_nimi ( faktilised_parameetrid ); Kui meetod on define...

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
283 allalaadimist

School system in the USA

School system in the USA Education in the United States is provided by government. Each of the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. Children start school at the age of 5 or 6 and continue until the age of 18. Primary or grade school starts from the first grade up to the sixth grade. Then students attend middle school also called junior high school for three years. After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called "high schools" from ninth to twelfth grades. The idea of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Students should take on average 17 or over 20 units during their studies. Public schools are free of charge and available for everybody. To which school a child attends is determined by where they live. Primary school American children start school at the age of five. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is obligatory for all American ch...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Art-based learning

Bible( id=wBXK1Y4BlTEC&redir_esc=y). Distribution and sources of this method Talking about art-based learning I am guided from the Maria Luisa Mazzarello article ,,Teaching religion through art." As an italian she maily gives examples from Italy, but this method is generally used. There are some similarities between RE in Itanly and inEstonia.In both countries it is an optional subject. RE in different countries has some similarities and same teaching methods can be used in different countries. I found several well recognized books, which give guidances how to use art in teaching religious education. One of the best and oldest is book ,,The Use of Art in Religious Education" by Albert Bailey in 1922. There are also many newer approaches for example, ,,Christianity through Art: A resource for teaching Religious Education through Art" by Margaret Cooling in 2009

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Andmekaevandamine Amazoni Raamatud SQL-iga

stats_id serial NOT NULL, bookx integer NOT NULL, booky integer NOT NULL, joint_buys integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT joint_purchase_stat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stats_id) ) Then the above table gets populated with the result of a complex and a demanding select query (it has taken over 10(!) hours to run on my PC as the amount of data to process was huge and it resulted in creation of over 3,500,000 rows). 1) Insert clause is commented out since it's optional. 2) Selection of all unique combinations of books (t1.book_id>t2.book_id clause takes care of uniqueness of the combinations) that 3) Have both been purchased by at least one person by 3.1) selection of people who have purchased book X and 3.2) testing their IDs against the records of people who have bought book Y ­ if there's at least one matching ID between those selections, it means that there indeed is a person who has purchased both books and the combination can be regarded further and

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 3 variant

Puuudub arendamise edukuse hindamine ja mõõtmine Scrum Board is reset between each iteration Scrum prescribes crossfunctional teams, while Kanban could have specialised teams Scrum backlog items must fit in a Sprint, while Kanbancan have long running items Kanbandaily meetings focus on changes on the board, while Kanbanfocuses on assignments of each person (yesterday, today, problems) Scrum estimates and measures progress, while this is optional in Kanban Scrum более директивный, чем Kanban, поскольку он предусматривает такие вещи, как итерации и кросс-функциональные команды. Scrum предписывает наличие 3-х ролей: Product Owner (отвечает за видение продукта и приоритеты), Команда (отвечает за

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
86 allalaadimist

Quiz3 vastatud

operation? 27. Which variables change their sign in the reversing operation? 28. What is the speed-torque relation of the pump? 29. What is the speed-torque relation of the loading generator? 30. Why is the torque restricted at the very low speed? 1. Quiz on Introduction to Electrical Drive 1. What kind of systems the electrical drive presents? 2. Which components of the electrical drive are mandatory and which are optional? 3. What variables present the outputs of the electrical drive? 4. Which components comprise the electrical drive? 5. Which components comprise the mechanical unit of the electrical drive? 6. What kinds of disturbances affect the electrical drive behavior? 7. The drives of what accuracy are used in the majority of applications? 8. Name the scientists who first studied electrical phenomena. 9. Name the scientists who studied electromagnetic fields. 10

Elektroonika → Elektriajamite üldkursus
56 allalaadimist


Ctrl-X Cut Valitu lõikamine lõikelauda Ctrl-Y Repeat action Toimingu kordamine Ctrl-Z Undo action Toimingu tagasivõtmine Ctrl-Esc Start menu Start menüü avamine Ctrl-+ Superscript Ülaindeksiks / tagasi Ctrl-= Subscript Alaindeks / tagasi Ctrl- - Optional hyphen Pehme poolitus Ctrl-> Shrink font Fondi suuruse vähendamine Ctrl- ← Eelmisele sõnaalgusele Ctrl- → Järgmisele sõnaalgusele Ctrl-↑ Eelmisele lõigule Ctrl-↓ Järgmisele lõigule Ctrl- ← Sõna alguseni kustutamine

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
1 allalaadimist

Photographic camera

For DSLR cameras, the zoom is usually controlled by a zoom ring in the lens. Battery Compartment - Holds the batteries. Depending on the camera model, this varies in size and shape. Memory Card Slot - This is where expansion memory cards are inserted. The proper position of the card are often indicated. A mechanical catch usually holds the card in place and a spring helps it eject. Flash Mount (Hot-Shoe) - Standard holder with contact plates for optional Flash accessory. Diopter Adjuster - Usually available in mid to high end sub-compact cameras and DSLRs located besides the viewfinder. This varies the focal length of the lens in the viewfinder to make even people wearing eyeglasses to see clearly through it even without the eyeglasses. Tripod Mount - Here is where your standard Tripod or Monopod is attached for added stability. 13 How do they function to produce an Image (SLR) (MARI)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

active voice aktiiv The terms active voice and passive voice refer to the The thief had stolen all my money. form of a verb. Active voice is the most common and unmarked form of voice. The grammatical subject and the agent/doer of the action are one and the same. adjunct An optional element in a clause which modifies, In the summer (prep phrase) we comments on or expands the circumstances of an action very often (adv phrase) make our or event in terms of such entities as time, place, manner, own ice cream. degree, intensity, reason, frequency. An adjunct can be

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Kanban Kanban limits WIP per workflow state, while Scrum limits WIP per iteration Scrum Board is reset between each iteration Scrum prescribes Crossfunctional teams, while Kanban could have specialised teams Scrum backlog items must fit in a Sprint, while Kanban can have long running items Kanban daily meetings(optional) focuses on changes on the board, while Scrum focuses on assignments of each person (yesterday, today, problems) Scrum estimates and measures progress, while this is optional in Kanban Kanban prescribes only 2 things: WIP limit, Kanban board Kokkuvõte Agiilsest tarkvaratehnikast Agiilsed tarkvara organiseerimise meetodid probleemvaldkonna esialgne liigendamine on kriitilise tähtsusega! Ka analüüs peab toimuma iteratiivselt! Organiseeri tarkvaraarendus eesmärgipõhiselt, kus kasutuslood kirjeldavad ärieesmärkide realiseerimist Üldiselt hõlmab üks Sprint mitut ärieesmärki Kasutuslood võib omakorda jaotada ülesanneteks-Taskideks

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist


Struktuurid Variant-tüüpi massiiv Type nimi struktuurielemendid End Type Alamprogrammid Private/Public [Static] Sub nimi(argumendid) ­ End Sub Sündmusprogrammi nimi - objekt_sündmus Väljakutsumine ­ nimi argumendid Call nimi(argumendid) Funktsioonid nimi(argumendid) [As tüüp] Väljakutsumine ­ avaldis, nimi, Call Argumendid ­ ByRef (vaikimisi), ByVal valikulised ­ Optional, valikuliselt väärtustatavad massiivid ­ ParamArray nimelised ­ nimi:=väärtus Funktsioonid Teisendusfunktsioonid CBool, CByte CDate (CVDate) CInt, CLng, CSng, CDbl CStr, Format CVar, CDec Asc, Chr Hex, Oct Tüübifunktsioonid VarType IsNumeric, IsDate, IsEmpty, IsNull IsArray, IsObject IsError, IsMissing Ajafunktsioonid Now, Date, Time Day, Year, Month, Hour, Minute, Second Weekday DateAdd, DateDiff DateSerial, DateValue Stringifunktsioonid Len Mid, Left, Right

Informaatika → Visuaalprogrammeerimine
92 allalaadimist

Objektorienteeritud JAVA konspekt esimeseks kontrolltööks

Null-tüüpi väärtuse (null-viida) võib omistada ükskõik millisele objektitüübile Null-viitega muutujal ei saa välja kutsuda defineeritud tüübi meetodeid ega kasutada välju Objekt võib puududa: Andmebaasipäringu vastus Veebiteenuse vastus Konfiguratsiooni osa Süsteemi komponent 19. Mis on Optionali peamine mõte Java programmis? Võimaldab selgelt väljendada, kui väärtuse puudumine on planeeritud stsenaarium Optional optProd = Optional.of(prod); static factory method optProd = Optional.ofNullable(prod);  Me ei ole kindlad, kas objekt on olemas või null 20. Milleks kasutatakse Maven ja Gradle? Maven is a tool that can help in creating, building, publishing and managing dependencies for many applications. Maven is not bound to Java (Homepage) and it can be used with other programming languages such as PHP (Homepage). It is very easy to use and definitely worth its money (note that

Informaatika → Objektorienteeritud...
86 allalaadimist

Veebiteenused (kordamisküsimused ja vastused kontrolltööks)

This element defines the XML document as a SOAP message. ... Message information goes here ...  Header  The optional SOAP Header element contains application-specific information (like authentication, payment, etc) about the SOAP message.  If the Header element is present, it must be the first child element of the Envelope element.  Note: All immediate child elements of the Header element must be namespace-qualified.

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
55 allalaadimist

Eelsoojendisüsteem - Referaat

This system thus provides dehumidified warm air on wet winter days as well as cool dry air in summer. The windows of the vehicle are kept free of condensation and the driver and passenger feel more comfortable all year round. Since there is no need for a separate air heater in climate systems, customers do not have a problem locating the air heater in a vehicle with flexible seating. Eberspacher Climate Control systems are fitted as standard equipment on the Optare Alero and are optional on many other manufacturers minibuses as well as an increasing number of specialist applications. 10

Auto → Auto õpetus
114 allalaadimist

Rooli masin

0 CST) minimum. Type B: 3000 SSU (650 CST) maximum (consider cold start). Type H: Viscosities above 3000 SSU (650 CST) Temperature- Type B: 0 to180°F (-18 to 82°C). Type H, sizes 106-187: 0 to 250°F (-18 to 121°C) for <1800 RPM, 0 to 225°F (-18 to 107°C) for > 1800 RPM. Sizes 218 and up: 0 to 200°F (-18 to 93°C). Drive- Direct only. Magnetic Drive configurations also available. Rotation- Clockwise facing pump shaft . Mounting- May be foot mounted in any orientation. Flange mounting optional for certain applications. Filtration- Inlet strainers are required to keep contaminants and abrasives out of the pump. They must be selected in consultation with the strainer vendor to prevent pump starvation. Normally, 60 mesh (0.01 inch- 238 micron) for light and 1/8-3/16 inch (3- 5mm) openings for heavy oils are recommended. Pumpadele vajaliku elektrimootori võib leida samuti tehase kataloogidest valitud pumba tarbitava võimsuse järgi N = Q× ppump / 103× p [kW]

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
13 allalaadimist

Chpt 12 Verb Tenses

Verbs! Verb forms Review of tenses Chapter 12, Pg 215 1 Timeline Draw a timeline of your life. List 810 events on the time line. Make sure you list your future graduation date! Moved to Cali 2005 Was Born Traveled to Europe Husband 1978 School graduates @ Oxford 1999 Started Got married School 1983 2008 2 The Six English Verb Tenses Three Simple Tenses Simple continuous Present ­ You walk. You are walking I run. I am running. Past ­ You Walked You w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

You take it away. The imperative mood resembles the infinitive in form and meaning. As to the meaning, the imperative mood does not express action, only urges the person to fulfil an action. The infinitive names the action. 3. The subjunctive mood: It expresses unreal or hypothetical actions or states. They may be viewed as desired, necessary, possible, supposed, imaginary or contradicting reality. The subjuncitve mood in modern English is generally an optional and stylistically somewhat marked variant of other constructions. A passive subjunctive is a possibility for all types: God be praised! It would be odd if she were awarded the first prize. Negation: It is essential that this mission not fail. [does not fail ­ indicative] The Senate has decreed that such students be not/ not be exempted from college dues. If I weren't/were not your best friend, you would regret that remark. Present subjunctive: The mandative subjunctive

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist


efficient fish catching styles. The aluminum frame develops a rigid net body that maximizes maze capacity in moving waters. The net has a vertical funnel slit leading into the first heart. The net is designed to direct the fish into the second heart and then through a standard 8" square (adjustable) opening into the trap Body: Overall length 11' including the hood and foot of the first heart. Wings: Two 4' x 25' Leader: Can be any length. Netting: #252 2" stretched mesh. Frames: Optional 4" x 6" aluminum first heart opening frame and second frame. Throats: One 8" x 4" second heart throat. Seisevnooda tugevusarvutus Seisevvnoodale mõjub vees peamiselt takistusjõud. Selleks, et seisevnoot püsiks püügil võimalikult muutumatul kujul (et säiliks normaalne püügivõima) on vaja, et püünise ankrud peaks ja ankruotsad ei katkeks. Takistus arvutatakse püünise osade kaupa. Juhtaia puhul võetakse tavaliselt juhtum, kus juhtaed on risti vee liikumisega

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
34 allalaadimist


EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituut NÄIDE KURSUSETÖÖ VORMISTAMISE KOHTA Referaat õppeaines Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Koostaja: Mart Juurikas Juhendaja: lektor Mihkel Mets Tartu 2014 1 SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. ...

Majandus → Informaatika I
10 allalaadimist

Test VIII - cumulative test

One of the first eletrical motors has been built by Jacobi. The best electrical drive has efficiency very high. Who studied electromagnetic field? Lomonosov/Gilbert/Coulomb/Oersted?? What kinds of disturbances affect the electrical drive behavior? The current is the motor response, not the disturbance. The external disturbances are the supply voltage and the counter-torque. Which components comprise the electrical drive? Which of them are mandatory and which are optional? The mains and the actuator (driven machine) are not the drive components. The drive includes, by all means, the motor and controller, and may additionally incorporate the power converter and gear. Test II In the very accurate drive, the over-speed is 1..10%. If the required speed would rise, the mechanical time constant do not change. Time constants are measured by ms, s, hours. The mechanical time constant is high if Td is low. In the case of quick action - ??

Masinaehitus → Sissejuhatus robotitehnikasse
36 allalaadimist


EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituut NÄIDE KURSUSETÖÖ VORMISTAMISE KOHTA Referaat õppeaines Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Koostaja: Anett Saron Juhendaja: lektor Mihkel Mets Tartu 2012 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastö...

Informaatika → Informaatika
80 allalaadimist

Merepraktika aruanne: Praktikakoht Victoria I

ferries . Removable Storage Unit (White Box) allows the ship's history to be archived ashore (option) allows 30 days continuous recording. .Office PC Playback Software for training and monitoring purposes [option) ** . Playback of data allows VCR style viewing of sensor information, including sound and ship's movements, on an electronic chart background [option) . Remote LCD Real Time Display (RTD) ­ providing conning information . Integral and optional Remote Status and Alarm Module (SAM) . 'Black Box' CSM data for the last 12 hours using solidstate memory and an acoustic beacon to aid underwater location (38 hour option is available) . Integral UPS for 2 hours for all data items . USB port for on-board downloads to laptop or ship's PC [option) . AC and 24V DC Operation [option) 78

Merendus → Merepraktika
295 allalaadimist


krt Omanik Inimesi Pindala 1 A. Kask 3 65,3 Variant 1. Tulpade nimed 1 A. Kask 3 65,3 Variant 2. Tabeli nimi 1 A. Kask 3 65,3 Variant 3. Oma funktsioon - Ta 1 A. Kask 3 65,3 Variant 4. Oma funktsioon - Tu Koostada oma funktsioon IND, mis vastab Exceli funktsioonile Function IND(prk, rivi, Optional tulp = 1) IND = prk(rivi, tulp) End Function Viidata piirkonna (tabeli) Kask 25 3400 1 elementidele VBAs saab nii Saar 21 5700 2 prk(rivi, tulp) Tamm 33 5680 3 prk(1, 1), prk(1, 2), prk(1, Paju 17 9800 4 3)

Informaatika → Informaatika
119 allalaadimist

Kuidas kirjutada esseed

You may also distinguish between your short and long term goals in the process. Secondly, you should write about how this specific college fits in your plans for achieving your goals. Open-ended Questions: Definition: Open-ended questions are non-specific, they do not require you to write about a specific thing rather they can be something like, "Please provide any additional information about you that you would like us to know". If the open-ended question is optional, don't feel an obligation to answer, only try to answer it if you really have something important to share with the review committee. Ideal response: If an open-ended question is the only essay question your application includes, you are left with a wide variety of options, you can write anything you wish to. But the most ideal thing to do would be to treat them as key influence or goal questions because these two are the most common types of specific essay questions

Keeled → Inglise keel
434 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

2013). However, it can be said that world has become more international and global – they have had an impact upon cultural value system (Kinnaird & Hall, 1994). When Arabic female tourists are visiting western countries to learn their culture, it is nearly impossible to identify the actual culture of the country. For instance, in England, women from Islamic countries do not need to dress according to their religion, it is optional, but many of them choose to do so. From tourist point of view, England has a mix culture society and it is impossible to classify it as a genuine culture. The second problem would be generating enough tour companies who would deal with only with 5 Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike female travellers who would meet female specific demands. Or who would adapt their tours for

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Funktsioonid

EXCEL – Funktsioonid 1 - 11 Sisukord 1 Matemaatilised ja trigonomeetrilised funktsioonid.....................................................................................................2 2 Kuupäeva ja kellaaja funktsioonid...............................................................................................................................2 3 Statistilised funktsioonid..............................................................................................................................................3 4 Tekstifunktsioonid.........................................................................................................................................................3 5 Loogilised funktsioonid....................

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed materjalid
49 allalaadimist

Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

451. admit the claim ­ tunnistama nõuet 452. substantive law ­ materiaalõigus 453. judge sitting alone ­ üksik kohtunik 454. preparatory decisions ­ eelotsus 455. assistent judge ­ kohtunikuabi 456. minutes ­ protokoll 457. file ­ kohtutoimik 458. contempt of court ­ lugupidamatus kohtu vastu 459. coercive measures ­ sunnimeetmed 460. expiration of terms ­ tähtaja möödumine 461. juristiction ­ kohtualluvus 462. general ­ üldine 463. optional ­ valikuline 464. exclusive ­ erandlik 465. by agreement ­ kokkuleppeline 466. value of a civil matter ­ tsiviilasja hind 467. state fee ­ riigilõiv 468. pay security (bail) ­ maksma kautsjonit 469. procedural assistance ­ menetlusabi 470. procedural expences ­ menetluskulud 471. commence ­ algama 472. bring an action ­ esitama hagi 473. seizure of a property ­ vara arestimine 474

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Russian is also the second most widespread language on the Internet after English. Russian distinguishes between consonant phonemes with palatal secondary articulation and those without, the so-called soft and hard sounds. Almost every consonant has a hard or a soft counterpart, and the distinction is a prominent feature of the language. Another important aspect is the reduction of unstressed vowels. Stress, which is unpredictable, is not normally indicated orthographically. though an optional acute accent ( , znak udareniya) may be used to mark stress, such as to distinguish between homographic words, for example (zamók, meaning a lock) and (zámok, meaning a castle), or to indicate the proper pronunciation of uncommon words or names. The standard form of Russian is generally regarded as the modern Russian literary language ( ). It arose in the beginning of the 18th century with the modernization reforms of the Russian state under the rule of Peter the Great, and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele variandid (Varieties of English)

Deviations from the standards: 1. Multiple negations ­ ,,I didn't do nothing." 2. Ain't ­ negative of ,,have" or ,,be" 3. ,,Never" used to refer to a single occasion in the past ­ ,,I never done it" (I didn't do it) 4. Extension of 3rd person ending ,,s" to 1st and 2nd person forms ­ ,,I/You wants" (used by the working class) 5. Regularisation of ,,be" ­ ,,Me/You/They was" 6. Regularisation of some irregular verbs ­ draw/drawed/have drawed; go/went/have went 7. Optional ,,-ly" ending on adverbs ­ ,,He writes real quick." 8. Unmarked plurality on amounts of measurement after numerals ­ 10 pound, 20 year 9. Different forms of the relative pronoun ­ ,,The man what lives there."/ ,,The man as lives there." 10. Regularisation of reflexive pronouns ­ myself; herself; hisself; theirselves 11. Distinction between main and auxiliary verb ,,do" ­ ,,You done it, did you?" 2) The spread of English. The Inner / Outer / Expanding Circle

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Japanese festivals

Japanese festivals Japanese festivals are traditional festive occasions. Some festivals have their roots in Chinese festivals but have undergone dramatic changes as they mixed with local customs. Some are so different that they do not even remotely resemble the original festival despite sharing the same name and date. There are also various local festivals (e.g. Tobata Gion) that are mostly unknown outside a given prefecture. It is commonly said that you will always find a festival somewhere in Japan. Matsuri is the Japanese word for a festival or holiday. In Japan, festivals are usually sponsored by a local shrine or temple, though they can be secular. There is no specific matsuri days for all of Japan; dates vary from area to area, and even within a specific area, but festival days do tend to cluster around traditional holidays such as Setsubun or Obon. Almost every locale has at least one mat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

parameter Skewness, kurtosis ------ (Skewness, Kurtosis) Sk, Ek Sk 0.25mm optional 0.0063 < Sm 0.05m not defined 0,02 < Ra 0,1m Rr & c for Ra on 0.02 < Sm 0.16m 0,1 < Ra 2m 0.8mm Ra 12.5m not defined

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Andmebaasid eksami kordamisküsimused

Andmebaasid 1.9 Teema 1 • Erinevat tuupi andmemudelite (hierarhiline, relatsiooniline, objekt­orienteeritud) ja  vastavate andmebaasisusteemide valjatootamise kronoloogiline jarjekord ̈   (koigepealt hierarhilisel mudelil pohinevad andmebaasisüsteemid ­ puustruktuuriga  hierarhiline mudel, kus tekivad anomaaliad andmete lisamisel ja kustutamisel ning on  palju liiasust; seejarel relatsioonilisel mudelil pohinevad ­ on relatsioonid ehk tabelid,  ̈ millel on atribuudid ehk veerud ja andmed esitatakse korteežidena ehk ridadena; koige  viimaks objekt­orienteeritud andmebaasisusteemid ­ neis saab hoida objekt­ oritenteeritud keeles kirjutatud objekte, kapseldada ja polümorfismi kasutada). Teema 2 • Andmebaaside valdkonnas tuntud inimesed ja millega nad on end ajalukku  jaadvustanud – E. F. Codd (relatsioonilise mudeli "...

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
78 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

different elements. In prose rhythm is defined as "the regular alternation of acceleration and slowing down, of length and brevity, of similar and dissimilar elements". Any written text is rhythmically organized. Rhythm helps to convey a certain mood; it is a potent means of signaling heightened emotions, increased excitement, speed or slowness. Rhythmical parameters do not usually occur together in one poem. There are optional rhythmical elements, which may or may not be resorted to by the author. And there are also obligatory parameters in classical versification, without which no poem exists. Obligatory are: are final pauses, anacruses, clausulae, lines, metre, and rhyme (except for blank verse). Optional are: are framing, epiphora, stanza, syntactic parallelism, anadiplosis, etc. Rhythm is closely linked with the message of a poem

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

 The attribute: identifies or characterises the referent of the clause element to which it is related. Adverbial: Form: normally an AdvP, PP or adverbial clause. It may also be a NP. Position: the adverbial may occur in more than one position in the clause. Its mobility depends on the type and form of the adverbial. SVA – after the subject and verb SVOA – after the direct object Syntactic functions: Except for the obligatory adverbial in the SVA and SVOA types, adverbials are optional. Semantic properties:  the circumstances of the situation (adjuncts and subjunct);  comments on the form or content of the clause (disjunct);  provides a link between clauses (conjunct). 8.4 Characteristics of clause elements Morphology/Form: Clause elements combine to form clauses. The number of patterns is small. According to David Crystal there are only seven basic types. o S + V: I / yawned o S + V + O: Fred / opened / the door

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Andmeturve konspekt / kokkuvõte

· Iga autentimist vajava teenuse jaoks saame valida mingi hulga moodulite vahel PAM moodulid · Nelja liiki mooduleid: ­ auth -- autentimismeetodi valik ­ account -- kasutajakonto piirangud ­ session -- konkreetse sessiooni autentimine ja piirangud - remote IP-aadressid, logimise kellaajad ­ password -- paroolipoliitika pealesurumiseks · Iga moodul tagastab ühe järgmistest väärtustest: ­ success, failure, ignore · Mooduli atribuudid: üks järgmistest ­ required, requisite, optional, sufficient, binding PAM konfiguratsiooni näide auth required nullok_secure auth required account required session required session required session optional password required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 password required retry=3 minlen=6 difok=3 Windows NT turvamudel · Subjekte (kasutajaid ja gruppe) identifitseeritakse süsteemisiseselt turvaidentifikaatori (SID

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
32 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö ''Kasside eest hoolitsemine''

Subject is topical in the world, because many people don't know other families cats, and cats aren't important for others but certainly there are those who have and do everything for their cat For they will be a good and safe. The work was carried out during the research: in the researches included 59 people in the Republic of Estonia, a very different ages, youngers and olders people. The interview consisted of 14 questions which five of the questions were optional. The interview goal was to find out how people regard their cats, and cats and what they are doing for them Analyzing the questions author became aware of: · What do people do their cats when they are going on a trip; · Interesting answers, how to care for their cats; · how many cats people have been in their lifetime; Assumptions of the study that were confirmed by work set basis: · Many people don't care for their cats as it should be;

Muu → Teadus tööde alused (tta)
43 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

others might take pleasure in seeing them. No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning much from it. Learning new things can be the most exciting hobby. Choosing an Occupation (2) I originally became interested in the law during my 9th form when I realized that my skills as a writer, speaker, and leader -- as well as my powers of logic -- would probably serve me well in a legal career. That is why I entered an optional class where I could have lessons on law twice a week. All that I have done and experienced in my studying of the basic aspects of the law has further stimulated and reinforced my interest in the law, especially international obligations and public law, and my determination to pursue a legal career. Studying to be a lawyer represents the fulfilment of one of my longest held dreams. Whatever I could do as a lawyer to help people who are victimised by unscrupulous

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun