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Molekulaarbioloogia praksi kontrolltöö vastused - sarnased materjalid

rakk, neur, rakutsükli, apoptoos, rakud, plant, seerum, tumor, apoptoosi, tüvirakk, potent, membraan, seerumi, protein, diferentseerunud, binding, genes, factor, other, kasvaja, patient, rare, kromosoomid, genoom, retinool, part, mutatsioon, prax, class, retinoid, these, nuclear, related, thyroid, result, therapy, replikatsioon, mehanism, nekroos

Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia konspekt

Kaks subühikut; ja ' subühik; subühik ja ­faktor. EUKARÜOOTSED POLÜMERAASID ­ I ­ III on struktuurilt samad, mis prokarüootsed polümeraasid. 1. polümeraas I ­ preRNA 2. II ­ mRNA prekursorid, snRNA, micoRNA 3. III ­ tRNA, rRNa, muud väikesed tuuma/tsütosooli RNAd 4. IV ­ siRNA taimedes 5. V ­ sünteesib RNAsid, mis on seotud siRNADe juhitud heterokromatiinide moodustumisel taimedes. VALGU FUNKTSIOONI REGULEERIMISE RAKU POOLT a. Rakk hakkab valku tootma alles siis, kui selleks tekib vajadus. Näiteks kui E.Coli keskkonda ilmub laktoos, hakkab ta tootma laktoosi lõhustavaid valke. b. Rakk jaotab erinevate ülesannetega valgud eri organellide vahel. Niimoodi ei lähe substraadid ja produktid segi, ning vastupidised protsessid saavad korraga toimuda raku eri osades. c. Rakk saab kontrollida valkude aktiivsust erinevate lülititega: a

Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
179 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

[A very low] does not. max 3 [3] 6. (a) (i) award both marks for correct answer 10 000 / 800 000 (× 100); 1.25 / 1.3 / 1(%); 2 (ii) R any reference to energy / light missing the plant reflected (off plant) / only certain wavelengths of light can be, absorbed / used; ora absorbed by / hits, non-photosynthetic parts; e.g. bark passes through leaf / misses chlorophyll / misses chloroplasts; some is heat that is used in evaporation / respiration; max 2 (iii) bacteria / named bacterium decomposer; (Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas) 1

Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Neurobioloogias sönade seletus, ingl keelne

NEUROBIOLOGY AUXILLARY GLOSSARY ACETYLCHOLINE – A neurotransmitter in both the brain and peripheral nervous system* (PNS). In the brain it helps regulate memory, whilst it controls the actions of skeletal and smooth muscle within the PNS. ACTION POTENTIAL – An electrical phenomenon which occurs when a neurone is activated and temporarily reverses the electrical state of its interior membrane from negative to positive. An electrical charge travels along the axon to the neurone’s ending (terminal) where it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter* and then disappears. ADRENALINE (U.S. - Epinephrine) – A hormone released by the adrenal medulla* and a neurotransmitter acting at the level of the autonomic nervous system and the brain. ADRENAL CORTEX – The outer layer of the adrenal, a small endocrine gland located near the kidney. It produces and secretes several hormones* (corticosteroids) e.g. cortisol. I

31 allalaadimist

Immunoloogia eksami kordamisküsimused

molekulid ja struktuurid, mida leidub vaid prokarüootidel. PAMP-e toodavad vaid mikroobid ja seega kaasasündinud immuunsüsteem on võimeline tegema vahet oma ja võõra vahel. 3. Joonista adaptiivses immunsuses osalevad tähtsaimad molekulid: Ig, TCR, MHCI ja MHCII, millistel rakkudel need ekspresseeruvad, millistele struktuuridele seonduvad/milliseid peptiide seovad ja mis neid iseloomustab? alfa beeta Ig (BCR) ekspresseerub B- raku pinnal. B- rakk tunneb ära kas lineaarseid või konformatsioonilisi epitoope (valgulisi, karbohüdraatseid ja lipiidseid). TCR ekspresseerub T- raku pinnal. T rakk tunneb ära ainult lineaarseid peptiidseid epitoope mis on seondunud MHCII või MHCI molekulidele. TCR spetsiifilisus MHC suhtes: Kui autoloogne MHC presenteerib viirust mille suhtes T rakk on spetsiifiline, siis toimub raku lüüs. Kui allogeenne MHC presenteerib sama viirust või kui autoloogne MHC presenteerib teist viirust, siis lüüsi ei toimu

57 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

Intragenomic Profiling Using Multicopy Genes: The rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences of the Freshwater Sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis Liisi Karlep, To~nu Reintamm, Merike Kelve* Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia Abstract Multicopy genes, like ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA), are widely used to describe and distinguish individuals. Despite concerted evolution that homogenizes a large number of rDNA gene copies, the presence of different gene variants within a genome has been reported. Characterization of an organism by defining every single variant of tens to thousands of rDNA repeat units present in a eukaryotic genome would be quite unreasonable. Here we provide an alternative approach for the characterization of a set of internal transcribed spacer sequences found within every rDNA repeat unit by implementing direct sequencing methodology. The prominent allelic variants and their relative amounts c

Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia eetilised, õiguslikud, ärilised aspektid, eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

viljastatud munarakk hävineb sisemise rakumassi isoleerimisel Embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude saamine · Laboris saadakse embrüonaalseid tüvirakke in vitro viljastamise teel. · Blastotsüstistaadiumis olevast embrüost eraldatakse sisemine rakumass, kasutades mehaanilist lahkamist ja immunokirurgiat. · Saadud sisemine rakumass pannakse kasvama abirakkudele ehk toiterakkudele. · Hiire embrüonaalseid tüvirakkse kasvatakse zelatiini juuresolekul, ning rakud vajavad leukemia inhibiitorfaktori (LIF) juuresolekut. Inimese embrüonaalsed tüvirakud vajavad toitepinda, mis koosneb hiire embroünaalsetest fibroblastidest (MEF) ja vajavad põhilise fibrobrasti kasvufaktori (bFGF) juuresolekut. · Diferentseerumise tekkimiseks eraldatakse embrüonaalsed tüvirakud abirakkudelt, et moodustuksid rakuklimbid, ehk embrüonaalsed kehad, kasutades selleks seerumit või muid diferentseerumist soodustavaid meetodeid.

Geenitehnoloogia aspektid
50 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

Psychology ­ Gleitman Blood flow in the brain during different activities: the rate of blood flow is measured by special radiation counters that are placed at various points of the skull and that monitor radiation from mildly radioactive gas injected into the bloodstream. Blood flow pattern depends on what the patient does ( different pattern is found when person is reading aloud, yet another when he watches a moving light and so on). Ambiguous sights and sounds: The way ambiguous figures are perceived often depends on what we have seen just before. For example, if we are first shown an unambiguous figure of a rat, the ambiguous picture will be seen as a rat. If we are first exposed to an unambiguous face, we see the ambiguous figure as a face. What holds for visual patterns also holds for language. Many utterances are ambiguous. If presented out of context, they can be undestrood in several different ways. For example, ,,The mayor ordered the police to stop drink

22 allalaadimist


comparative genomics studies. Identifying the overlap among orthologous clusters enables elucidation of the functions and evolution of proteins across multiple species. · Expression of SNARE3, SNARE5 and SNARE6 were differentially induced by P. triticina during compatible and incompatible interaction, · suggesting the possible involvement of these wheat SNARE genes in · response to leaf rust infection. Similarly, a Qc-SNARE domain containing plant specific SNARE in wheat TaSPY71 was differentially...... · · induced in response to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici during both compatible and incompatible interactions . · Secretory processes are thought to help in defense response in plant-pathogen interaction. Site- specific, localized increase of an antimicrobial secondary metabolite (phytoalexin) was found in the apoplast of S. bicolor in response to the fungal pathogen · Colletotrichum graminicola

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

vi Contents 12. Smoking 231 Zdzisław E. Sikorski and Edward Kol ´ akowski 13. Meat Packaging 247 Maurice G. O’Sullivan and Joseph P. Kerry 14. Novel Technologies for Microbial Spoilage Prevention 263 Oleksandr Tokarskyy and Douglas L. Marshall 15. Plant Cleaning and Sanitation 287 Stefania Quintavalla PART II. Products 299 16. Cooked Ham 301 Fidel Toldrá, Leticia Mora, and Mónica Flores 17. Cooked Sausages 313 Eero Puolanne 18. Bacon 327

Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Molekulaardiagnostika kordamisküsimused

Kordamisküsimused (Jõers) 1.Millised on PCR-diagnostikalabori organisatsiooni põhiprintsiibid? Puhas ruum · Puhtas ruumis hoitakse reaktsioonilahuseid · Segatakse kokku reaktsioonisegu nn. mastermix · Puhtas ruumis oma kittel, pipetid, räkid ­ nendega ei tohi liikuda teistesse ruumidesse Mida tehakse patogeeniruumis? · DNA eraldamine proovimaterjalist (seerum, uriin jne) · Rakud lüüsitakse, DNA vabastatakse teda pakkivatest valkudest · Edasi liigub juba mittepatogeenne materjal ehk puhastatud DNA · Siin oht nakatada iseennast ja keskkonda! Segamiseruum · Segatakse kokku patogeeniruumist tulnud DNA ja puhtas ruumis kokku segatud mastermix ­ Siin enam nakkusohtu ei ole, kuid kantakse kummikindaid ­ oht kontamineerida testitav materjal ­ Siin tavalisi desinfektsioonilahuseid kasutada ei saa, pindade puhastamine DNAd lõhkuvate ainetega (kloor!)

96 allalaadimist


In all cases, absorption appears to be limited to cell layers immediately adjacent to the point of contact. Entry of formaldehyde into the blood (i.e., systemic absorption) occurs to a very limited extent, if at all. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE In reviewing the fate of formaldehyde in the environment, it should be noted that the environmental factors that influence the bioavailability to humans of formaldehyde from contaminated air, water, or plant material have not been studied. Air Formaldehyde is removed from the atmosphere by direct photolysis and oxidation by photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. Formaldehyde absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation at wavelengths of 360 nm and longer; therefore, it is capable of photolyzing in sunlight. A half-life of 6 hours has been measured for photolysis in simulated sunlight. There are two photolytic pathways, one producing H2 and CO, and the other producing H and HCO radicals

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


AMBER AND RUSSET - LATE COLOUR CHANGE GENES Copyright 2014, Sarah Hartwell The ancestors of the domestic cat were nondescript black/brown striped tabbies. Over the centuries, mutation produced a wide array of colours based on 2 different pigments. Eumelanin gives the blacks, browns and blues while phaeomelanin gives the reds, fawns and creams. A few other genes give further variations on those colours such silvers, colourpoints and solids/selfs. Mutations continue to occur and unexpected colours also turn up due to inbreeding where recessive genes, hidden for generations, start showing up. AMBER AND LIGHT AMBER During the 1990s, some purebred Norwegian Forest Cats in Sweden produced chocolate/lilac and cinnamon/fawn offspring. However, those colours are not found in the purebred Norwegian Forest Cat gene pool. Had the gene pool become polluted by someone, perhaps generations ago, breeding their Norwegian Forest Cat to another breed? Was it a spontaneous mutation? Crossing of those c

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


MOLEKULAARBIOLOOGIA. 1. Missugusi geneetiliseinfovahetuse protsesse tähistavad 1) transformatsioon, 2) transkriptsioon 3) translatsioon. Transkripitsioon ­ RNA molekuli sünteesimine vastava DNA molekuli pealt RNA-polümeraasi abil. Translatsioon ­ valgu sünteesimine vastava mRNA molekuli pealt, toimub ribosoomide abil. Transformatsioon ­ pärilik muutus eukarüootse raku omadustes (geneetilise info kadndumine ühest bakterirakust teise, rakust isoleeritud DNA abil). 2. Mis on TBP funktsioon initisiatsiooni kompleksi tekkes? TBP ­ TATA Binding Protein TBP seondub DNA TATA-box saidi külge painutades DNA molekuli nurga alla 3. Kas transkriptsioonifaktorid (aktivaatorid) interakteeruvad otse (vahetult) TBPga? Mitte kõik, interaktiveeruvad vaid TFIIB ja TFIIF+polII. 4. Mis on transkriptsiooni aktivaatori 2 funktsionaalset domääni ja kuidas mutatsioonid ühes või teises neist mõjutavad

29 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

All utility-scale reactors heat water to produce steam, which is then converted into mechanical work for the purpose of generating electricity or propulsion. In 2007, 14% of the world's electricity came from nuclear power. More than 150 nuclear-powered naval vessels have been built, and a few radioisotope rockets have been produced. Nuclear life cycle The Nuclear Fuel Cycle begins when uranium is mined, enriched, and manufactured into nuclear fuel, which is delivered to a nuclear power plant. After usage in the power plant, the spent fuel is delivered to a reprocessing plant or to a final repository for geological disposition. In reprocessing 95% of spent fuel can be recycled to be returned to usage in a power plant. What is nuclear energy? Nuclear energy was first discovered by French physicist Henri Becquerel in 1896, when he found that photographic plates stored in the dark near uranium were blackened like X-ray plates, which

22 allalaadimist

Uurimustööks vajalik teada

1. Uurimisprobleemi (research problem) püstitamine, täpsustamine ja sõnastamine 2. Uurimistöö eesmärgi (purpose) määratlemine 3. Tutvumine olemasoleva kirjandusega (literature review) (teoreetiline kirjandus, empiirilised uurimused) 4. Uurimistöö taustraamistiku (framework) konstrueerimine 5. Uurimisülesannete (objecctives), -küsimuste (questions) ja hüpoteeside (hypotheses) sõnastamine 6. Uuritavate valik 7. Uurimismeetodi valik 8. Uurimistöö plaani (uurimisprojekti) koostamine 9. Uurimiskeskkonda sisenemine 10. Andmete kogumine 11. Andmete analüüsimine 12. Uurimistöö tulemuste esitamine, arutelu ja järelduste tegemine 13. Uurimistöö avaldamine (teaduslik ettekanne) 14. Tulemuste juurutamine praktikasse 8. UURIMISPROBLEEMI PÜSTITAMINE, TÄPSUSTAMINE JA SÕNASTAMINE Uurimisprobleem on... · erinevus lähtesituatsiooni (reaalsuse) ja soovitava (prognoositava) situatsiooni

Uurimustöö metoodika
278 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia vastused

Kakskümmend peamist (standartset) aminohapet moodustavad enamiku elusorganismide valgud. · Alfa-aminohapped ­ valkude koosseisukuuluvad monomeerid · Valkude struktuurne ja funktsionaalne mitmekesisus baseerub 20 erineva aminohappe kombinatsioonidel Valkude lühiiseloomustus Valgud (proteiinid)- on polümeerid, mille monomeerideks on aminohapped. On 20 erinevat aminohapet (neist 8 asendamatud ja 12 , mida rakud saavad ise sünteesida), mis võivad kuuluda valkude koostisesse. Amonihappeid iseloomustavad amino- ja karboksüülrühmad. Valgu molekulis aminohapete vahel on peptiidsidemed: N-H ja karboksüülrühma vaheline kovalentne side. Peptiidsideme moodustamisel eraldub üks molekul vett. Valkudes on kolm osa: N-terminaalosa, peptiidsidet moodustav osa ja C-terminaalosa. Peptiidsidemete süntees toimub alati kindlas suunas: N- terminusC-terminus. Valkude omadused sõltuvad: a

104 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

Tallinn University  Natural and exact sciences  Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology                  Maria Gnidenko     Capillary electrophoresis     Essay                   Supervisor: Kert Martma                 Tallinn  2015    Table of contents Acronyms and symbols used  Introduction  History and development  Physical basis and principle of separation  Elektrophoresis  Electroosmotic flow  Separation process  Electrodispersion  Various methods of separation  Capillary zone�

6 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading search/27eye.html? pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=technology A Burst of Technology, Helping the Blind to See Blindness first began creeping up on Barbara Campbell when she was a teenager, and by her late 30s, her eye disease had stolen what was left of her sight. Reliant on a talking computer for reading and a cane for navigating New York City, where she lives and works, Ms. Campbell, now 56, would have been thrilled to see something. Anything. Now, as part of a striking experiment, she can. So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror frame, and whether her computer monitor is on. She is beginning an intensive three-year research project involving electrodes surgically implanted in her eye, a camera on the bridge of her nose and a video processor strapped to her waist. The project, involving patients in the United States, Mexico and Europe, is part of a burst of recent research aimed at one of sci

Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

Emotion regulation in relation.. 1 Emotion regulation in relation to physiological stress response. University Name Research Project Module Code: xx 2007-2008 Supervised by xxx Word count: 7261 Emotion regulation in relation.. 2 Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between psychological and the biological stress response. It is known that humans, interacting with each other or their environment, have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. These emotional responses are linked to changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, which are essential for metabolic support when preparing the body

103 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

energy for heating and lighting. Picture 2.5. How energy is used in commercial buildings Electricity and natural gas are the most common energy sources used in commercial buildings. Commercial buildings also use another source that you don't usually find used in residential buildings--district energy. When there are many buildings close together, like on a college campus or in a big city, it is sometimes more efficient to have a central heating and cooling plant that distributes steam, hot water, or chilled water to all of the different buildings. A district system can reduce equipment and maintenance costs, as well as save energy. 9 Picture 2.6. Types of energy used in commercial buildings Retail and service buildings use the most total energy of all the commercial building types. This isn't too surprising when you think of all the stores and service businesses in most towns

Inglise keele foneetika ja...
19 allalaadimist

Aniliini riskianalüüs (eng)

Tallinna tehnikaülikool Riski- ja ohutusõpetus keemiatööstuses Referaat: Kemikaali riskianalüüs Aniliin Õppejõud: Karin Reinhold Üliõpilane: Kood: 000000 Tallinn 2012 1. Introduction Aniline (also known as phenylamine or aminobenzene) is an organic compound with the formula C6H5NH2. Consisting of a phenyl group attached to an amino group, aniline is the prototypical aromatic amine. The largest application of aniline is for the preparation of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. The majority of aniline serves this marke

Riski- ja ohuõpetus
38 allalaadimist

Rakubioloogia II kordamisküsimused

X kromosoom on suur ning seal on mitmeid regulatoorseid geene, millest paljud on essentsiaalsed eluks. Y kromosoomil on aga vähe kodeerivaid geene, millest ükski pole essentsiaalne. Seepärast on X kromosoom vajalik kõikidele inimestele, mitte ainult naistele. Kuid naised ei saaks funktsioneerida, kui neil oleks topelt valke, mis tehtud kokku kahe X kromosoomi poolt, seega tuleb üks X kromosoom inaktiveerida (seda tehakse varases embrüogeneesis). Iga rakk valib ise juhuslikult, kumb X kromosoom inaktiveeritakse. Tihedalt kokku pakitud inaktiivses olekus X kromosoom on Barri kehake. Avaldumine fenotüübis – kuna nad sisaldavad võrdsel hulgal mõlemat tüüpi rakke – olles seetõttu X kromosoomi suhtes geneetilised mosaiigid, on nt emane, kes on heterosügootne mingi x-liitelise geeni suhtes võib omada kahte erinevat fenotüüpi – kass on ühest kohast valge ühest must ja ühest punane. 12

12 allalaadimist


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual(iga aastane) plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (inflorescence(õiekobar, õisik, õitseaeg, õidumine)). The stem(tüvi) of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with the flower head reaching 30 cm in diameter. The term "sunflower" is also used to refer(nimetama, viitama, üle andma) to all plants of the genus(perekond, sugu) Helianthus, many of which are perennial(alaline, aastaringne) plants. What is usually called the flower is actually a head (formally(ametlikult) composite(liit-,

Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia vastused

Kakskümmend peamist (standartset) aminohapet moodustavad enamiku elusorganismide valgud. Alfa-aminohapped ­ valkude koosseisukuuluvad monomeerid Valkude struktuurne ja funktsionaalne mitmekesisus baseerub 20 erineva aminohappe kombinatsioonidel Valkude lühiiseloomustus Valgud (proteiinid)- on polümeerid, mille monomeerideks on aminohapped. On 20 erinevat aminohapet (neist 8 asendamatud ja 12 , mida rakud saavad ise sünteesida), mis võivad kuuluda valkude koostisesse. Aminohappeid iseloomustavad amino- ja karboksüülrühmad. Valgu molekulis aminohapete vahel on peptiidsidemed: N-H ja karboksüülrühma vaheline kovalentne side. Peptiidsideme moodustamisel eraldub üks molekul vett. Valkudes on kolm osa: N-terminaalosa, peptiidsidet moodustav osa ja C-terminaalosa. Peptiidsidemete süntees toimub alati kindlas suunas: N- terminusC-terminus. Valkude omadused sõltuvad: a

5 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite options awaits those who would read this book an

Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

PSYCHOLOGY PART 1: CORE Biological level of analysis Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. 1) Behavior can be innate, because it is genetically based. Evolution may play a key role in behavior. 2) Animals may be studied as a means of understanding human behavior. 3) There are biological correlates of behavior. Cognitions, emotions and behaviors are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine system. Explain how principles of the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 1) Correlational studies: Study by Buss, who hypothesized that across cultures, men will prefer to marry younger women because of greater reproductive capacity and women will place greater value on a potential mate's earning potential to provide survival advantages. This evolutionary hypothesis was tested in 37 cultures by sending out questioners. 2) Twin studies (type of correlational stud

45 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

Extended Essay Research Question: To What Extent Does a Plant Based Diet Lower the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease? Subject: Biology Word Count: 3482 Abstract: Because there has been much debate over whether plant based diets are beneficial or not, I’m willing to learn more about it and since there’s eligible data available on the effects of vegetarian/vegan diets on cardiovascular diseases, my research question is formed accordingly: To what extent does a plant based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease? The importance of this study lies in my own curiosity and my desire to acquire further knowledge on the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease.

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


density rural areas which results in spreading of city over more and more rural land. Urban sprawl results in land degradation, increased traffic, environmental issues and health issues. FIND OUT 5 WAYS HOW TO FIX URBAN SPRAWL. 10. Genetic Engineering: Genetic modification of food using biotechnology is called genetic engineering. Genetic modification of food results in increased toxins and diseases as genes from an allergic plant can transfer to target plant. Genetically modified crops can cause serious environmental problems as an engineered gene may prove toxic to wildlife. Another drawback is that increased use of toxins to make insect resistant plant can cause resultant organisms to become resistant to antibiotics. FIND OUT 5 REASONS TO AVOID GM FOOD. If humans continue moving forward in such a harmful way towards the future, then there will be no future to consider

Akadeemiline inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Rakubioloogia ülevaade

taime kõik osad koosnevad rakkudest või nende produktidest. Järgmisel aastal tehti samasugune järeldus ka loomorganismide kohta Theodor Schwanni (1810-1882) poolt. Schleideni ja Schwanni järeldused loetaksegi rakuteooria formuleeringuks. Kolmas mees, kelle nime rakuteooria loomise juures samuti mainitakse, on Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902). Tema väitis, et "niisamuti kui loomad tekivad vaid loomadest ja taimed taimedest, peab ka raku tekkimiseks olema temale eelnev rakk". Ehk lühidalt: rakk tekib rakust (omnis cellula e cellula). See teooria rõhutas elusorganismide ühtsust ning tõi esile kontseptsiooni elusorganismidest kui rakkude kooslustest. Koos evolutsiooniteooriga on rakuteooria praegu ühed tähtsamad üldistused bioloogias. Elu tekkis abiogeenselt nn. ürgpuljongis. Esimesed rakud arvatakse olevat tekkinud 3.5 - 4 miljr. aastat tagasi. Elu tekke eeldused: • katalüütilised süsteemid (polüpeptiidid, polünukleotiidid)

43 allalaadimist

Horisontaalsest geeniülekandest seeneriigis

X., Moncalian, G., Perez-Luque, R., Gonzalez, A., Cabezon, E., de la Cruz, F. & Coll, M. 2001. The bacterial conjugation protein TrwB resembles ring helicases and F1- ATPase. Nature 409: 637-641. Hawksworth, D. L., Kirk, P.M., Sutton, B.C. & Pegler, D.N. 1995. Ainsworth & Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi. CABI, 616 pp. Holst-Jensen, A., Vaage, M., Schumacher, T. & Johansen, S. 1999. Structural characteristics and possible horizontal transfer of group I introns between closely related plant pathogenic fungi. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16: 114-126. Ito, Y. & Hirano, T. 1999. A group I intron in the 18S ribosomal DNA from the parasitic fungus Isaria japonica. Journal of Molecular Evolution 48: 337-340. Jamrt-Vierny, C., Boulay, J. & Briand, J-F. 1997. Contribution of various classes of defective mitochondrial DNA molecules to senescence in Podospora anserina. Current Genetics 31: 171-178. Jazwinski, S.M. 1996

3 allalaadimist

Valgud ja geenid

· Kriminoloogias kasutatakse VTNR (Variable Number Tandem Repeat) meetodit, otsides kindlaks märgitud kohtades korduvaid nukleotiidide järjestusi (n. CAG-CAG-CAG- CAG vmt) · Microchip ehk SNP microarray sisaldab (tihti kogu genoomi ulatuses) eristuvaid DNA geeniregioone nagu andureid, mis kirjeldavad proovides vastavate geenivormide olemasolu või puudumist ­ kasutatakse diagnostikas Tüvirakud · Universaalsed rakud · Loote arengus spetsialiseerumise eelne material · Transformeeruvad vastavalt keskkonna tingimustele · Valgusünteesi spetsiifiline juhtimine vastavalt "kohalikele" vajadustele Retroviirus · Rakus paljundatav RNA viirus, mis kasutab pöörd- trakskriptsiooni ensüümi RNA'st DNA valmistamiseks · Seejärel kasutatakse integraas ensüümi viiruse DNA liitmiseks raku DNA'ga. · Edasi toimub viiruse paljundamine tavapärase valgusünteesi käigus

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Sissejuhatus 1.)Gram+ ja Gram- bakterite rakuseina ehitus ja esindajad: Gram pos rakusein koosneb peptidoglükaanide kihist. Omane on teihoiinhape, ioonide liikumine ning kaitse, antigeenne spetsiifilisus. Gram pos rakuseinaga on nt Bacillus anthracis, Lactobacillus sp. jne. Gram neg bakterite rakusein koosneb peptidoglükaanist. Olemas on välismembraan. LPS= endotoksiin. Kaitse. Poriinid. 2.)Prokarüoodi raku ja genoomi suurus: Rakk on 1-10 mikromeetrit. Genoomi suurus (bp) mükoplasma 3×105 batsill 3×106 E.col 4×106 i 3.)Eukarüoodi raku ja genoomi suurus: Rakk on 5-100 mikromeetrit. Genoomi suurus (bp) Seened: pärm 2×107 Drosophil Loomad: 2×108 a kana 2×109 inimene 3×109 Taimed: uba 9×109 Trillium 1×1011 4

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Füsioloogia kordamisküsimused 2014

Organismi talitluste regulatsiooni üldised põhimõtted. Rakkudevaheline kommunikatsioon füsioloogia kontekstis. Autokriinne, parakriinne ja endokriinne regulatsioon. Närviülekanne. Keemilised ja elektrilised sünapsid. Virgatsained. Virgatsainete retseptorid. Organismi talitluste regulatsiooni üldised põhimõtted. Tagasiside mehhanismid: negatiivne, positiivne, ennetav (vt. K.1) Rakkudevaheline kommunikatsioon füsioloogia kontekstis. Rakud kontakteeruvad omavahel kolmel viisil: 1) Diffundeeruvad keemilised signaalid (toimivad distantsil) 2) Otsene kontakt plasma membraani ja lähedal asuvate rakkude vahel (on tähtis näiteks lümfotsüütide puhul, kui nad liiguvad kudedes ja skaneerivad rakke: kas seal on võõrad antigeenid). 3) Otsene tsütoplasmaatiline kontakt gap-ühenduste vahendusel (mulk-ühendused) (tähtis roll lihasrakkudes)

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun