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"closing" - 107 õppematerjali


Roman Jakobson Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics

Roman Jakobson Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics Resümee R. Jakobson uurib kommunikatsioonifunktsioonide teoorias poeetika seost keeleteadusega ning väidab, et poeetika pole eraldiseisev, vaid on osa keeleteadusest ja seda peab analüüsima sellest lähtuvalt, tegeledes struktuuriga, uurides sisu. See väide on aga kehtiv mitte ainult sõnakunstile, vaid ka kõigile keelevariatsioonidele. Paljud poeetilised jooned kuuluvad mitte ainult keeleteaduse, vaid ka kogu märgiteaduse alla, kuna keel jagab paljusid omadusi mõnede teiste märgisüsteemidega või isegi nende kõigiga. Poeetika on oluline ka teatris, kinos, muusikas jne. Poeetika tegelebki peamiselt küsimusega ,,Mis teeb verbaalsest sõnumist kunstiteaduse?" Kirjanduse uurimine koosneb nagu keeleteaduski kahest probleemidekogust: sünkroonia ja diakroonia. Sünkroonne kirjeldus vaatleb mitte ainult iga antud staadiumi kirjandusloomingut, vaid ka kirjandustradi...

Keeled → Keeleteadus
7 allalaadimist


TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of International Relations CLOSING KALARAND FOR PUBLIC. Essay in Expository Writing Supervisor: Tallinn 2015 Kalarand is a part of Kalamaja district in Tallinn, it is a unique beach in the city centre, only few hundred meters from the Old Town. While being close to the city centre, it still has a

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tõlkimine müügitöö

1) Miinimumpakett ­ 16 eur kuu, 96 eur 6 kuud, 192 eur aasta 2) Tavapakett ­ 20 eur kuu, 120 eur 6 kuud, 240 eur aasta 3) Positsioonipakett ­ 25 eur kuu 150 eur 6 kuud, 300 eur aasta Vaata positsiooni Google näitab 16366 lehekülge meelsasti, kui seal andmeid ei ole on ei saaTeile päringuid suunata. Kust Te ise infot otsite? Küsime raha, et andmebaasi üleval hoida Saadan pakkumise ja helistan paari päeva pärast uuesti. Hundikoera ja kuldmedali closing Prooviclosing President Lennart Meri closing Jah-i closing Kuuma kartuli closing Õngekonksu closing Vastuväidete closing ,,Ma mõtlen järele" closing - Do not go for the sale now. Give them time to think. Tell them that they probably need time to consider the offer you have made. Use this when: You can see that they are not going to decide now. You have set up enough tension that you are reasonably convinced that they will

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kuidas müüa lihtsama vaevaga rohkem?

Veena klienti rohkem kauba positiivsetes omadustes ja räägi talle teiste klientide arvamustest selle toote kohta. Isiklikud kogemused annavad kliendile rohkem usaldust. Müügitsükkel Klassikaline müügitsükkel näeb välja järgmine: 1. Ettevalmistus ja häälestamine ­ suhtumine ja tooteteadlikkus 2. Kontakti loomine ­ ICE BREAKING 3. Vajaduste lahtiselgitamine 4. Toote esitlemine 5. Vastuväidetega tegelemine 6. Müügi vormistamine ehk closing 7. CROSSELL ­ lisamüük Väga sageli üritatakse üht või teist osa tsüklist esile tõsta. Kui keegi väidab, et näiteks closing on konkurentsitult tähtsaim osa müügist, siis on tegemist kergelt ebapädeva inimesega. Tegelikult on closing (jne) ainult üks osa võrrandist. Müügitulemuste võrrand ei ole mitte liitmis- vaid korrutamistehe: Suhtumine x kontakti saavutamine x vajaduste kaardistamine x toote esitlemine x closing x vastuväited x ... = MÜÜK

Majandus → Müügitöö alused
15 allalaadimist

Turunduse ja müügijuhtimise aluse eksam näidetena

¤hirm, et ei saa hakkama ¤Hirm, et klient teab rohkem kui sina ise ¤Tekitatakse varalist kahju ¤Vargus ¤Tagasiside negatiivne ¤Agressiivne klient • Ostja: ¤Hirm osta mõtetud asja ¤hirm osta halba kaupa ¤Hirm saada petta ¤Hirm suhelda ¤müüja on pealetükkiv ¤kaua aega ¤raha on vähe ¤järelteenindus kallim kui toode ¤Praak, võltstoode Müügi lõpetamine • kahe(kolme) valiku closing • Vaikuse closing • rahunege maha closing • kui ostad kohe ja praegu saad odavamalt/midagi kaasa • Andke oma postiaadress, email, telefoni nr • pikema lepinguga saad 3 kuud tasuta kasutada • garantii closing • sõbra leidmise closing – leiad inimesi, saad allahindluse • kas suundume siis minu kontorisse? • Kingituse closing • käsu closing • kas kirjutame kohe arve välja? • Lõpetame järelmaksuga

Majandus → Majandus
28 allalaadimist

Inglise keele riigieksami kirjutamise spikker / suur kokkuvõte

To make recommendations: I would recommend/suggest ..., one solution/recommendation would be to..., it would be a good idea to... To express cause and result: by doing this, we could..., doing this would solve the problem, in order to, so that, this would mean that, as a result, this way General outline for letters: Salutation - Paragraph 1 - Paragraphs 2, 3 - Final paragraph - Name Dear... Reason for writing development closing remarksYours... Ametlik kiri, kui saaja nimi on teada 2nd August, 2011 Dear Mr Smith, ------------------------------------------------ Yours sincerely, Mary Stevens Ametlik kiri, kui saaja nimi ei ole teada 5th September, 2011 Dear Sir/Madam, ----------------------------------------------- Yours faithfully, James Robbins Linking words to list points: also, furthermore, in addition, moreover To make questions: I would like to know if, I would be grateful if you could, do you have

Keeled → Inglise keel
144 allalaadimist

LETTERS in English

LETTER OF APOLOGY Opening remarks: I am writing to apologise for/ I must apologise for/ Please accept my sincerest apologies for/ How can I apologise enough for .... , etc. Making amends: Please allow me to offer/ suggest .... As compensation (for) ... I insist on + ing form to make up your inconvenience/ loss, etc. Closing remarks: Once again, sincerest apologies for/ I hope you will accept my apologies/ I hope my apologies will be/ are accepted, etc. I hople you will forgive/overlook this regrettable error. THANK YOU LETTER Opening remarks:I am writing to thank you for.../ I am very grateful to you for .. Giving reasons for your positive experience:I am pleased that .../ One of the best things.../It has helped me a great deal Closing remarks: Once again, many thanks... NB! Thank twice! LETTER OF APPLICATION Opening remarks: I am writing to apply for the position /post of .... as advertised in..../ I am wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


FORMAL LETTER 120 (+/-10%) words I It is a formal letter. Do not use any contracted forms (don’t, can’t, I’m etc.)! II * Dear Mr. Smith / Dear Ms. Smith (No first name!!!) * Kui teame nime, siis lõpp – Yours sincerely ja ülesandes antud nimi * Kui nime pole öeldud, siis – Dear Sir or Madam * Kui nime ei tea, siis lõpus Yours faithfully ja ülesandes antud nimi Do not use your own name!!! Te olete kas Jürid või Marid, Urved või Urmased jne. Enamasti Mart Mets või Mari Mets TYPES OF LETTERS 1) Asking for advice I am writing to ask if you could help me with … I am writing to ask for your advice … Closing line: I would appreciate if you could give me your advice as soon as possible. I look forward to receiving your advice … 2) Giving advice I am writing in reply to your letter asking advice about …. Making suggestions: I would suggest that ..., I would advise you to … ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Eri stiilides kirjade näited

I hope that you can find your way follow the directions given, etc. alright. Please pay special attention to the directions. My directions shouldn't be too difficult to follow, etc. Application for a job Opening I am writing with regard to your advertisement. I would like to apply for the post of. remarks Closing I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. I look forward to meeting you. remarks Please contact me regarding any queries you may have, etc. Letters of apology Formal Informal Opening Unfortunately I must apologize for ... I hope you will understand when I say that. remarks Please accept my sincerest apologies What can I say except I'm sorry that ... I

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks valmistumine, kirjutamise reeglid

Writing Letter/Email [ greeting- PH1 Opening remarks, reason for writing-PH2,3 developments(arengud)-PH4 closing remarks- sign off] Informal- are sent to people you know well. Semi-formal- to your friend parents Formal-are normally sent to people an (friends, relatives) ect.. official position or to people u dont know well

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Film Studies - The Black Dahlia

How genre and narrative makes meaning in ``The Black Dahlia`` When analyzing a film, people understand the movie is much more complicated than it seems. To make a difference, to give a meaning to the film, film-makers have used different visual and thematic features. There are macro features (genre, narrative) as well as micro features (mise en scene, cinematography) and they are linked together in many ways. I have chosen to analyse the closing sequence of ``The Black Dahlia``, directed by Brian de Palma, and I will focus on macro features in this essay. Brian de Palma is well known director, who is focused on noir area through his career (he was once considered as a Hitchcock imitator) ``The Black Dahlia" can be classified as Film Noir. The genre is called Film Noir due to the `serie noir` books, which were publised in France (bethween 1940s and 1950s). These books were translations of

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Letter 2008

Dear Mr Roberts I am writing to express my concern about the closing of the art studio and to bring out reasons why the art studio should be left open. Firstly, there are teachers at the studio, who offer tutoring for many fameous artists. Therfore young students can learn from the best. Furthermore, there are lots of necessary facilities. Secondly, the studio is located in an easily accessible area, so students all over the city can attent in the art department. Moreover, young talents can exhibit their creations in the studio.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kirja kirjutamine inglise keeles

Complaint with justification / explanation I was disappointed with the quality of the kettle that I bought at your store two days ago. I was appalled at the inferior quality of the kettle that was sold to me at your store two days ago. 4. Expected solution I expect you to replace the kettle or refund the money. I insist that you refund my money or replace the item at once. 5. Closing remarks I look forward to your reply on the matter. I hope this matter will be resolved. 6. Sign-off Letter of application 1. Salutation 2. Reasons for writing I am writing in response to your advertisement in Sakala on Tuesday March 24. I would like to apply for … 3. Qualifications + previous experience I have previous experience … . While at school I also worked for/at … . 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Letter of Protest

Dear Mr Roberts I am writing to express my concern about the closing of the art studio and to bring out a couple of reasons why the art studio should be left open. First of all, the teachers of the studio are offering to tutor many possible artists. That way the new skills are guaranteed to be learned. In Addition, the studio is located in an easily accessible area and it is open 24 hours a day, so that students from all over the city can attend the art department anytime they want. Furthermore, young talents can exhibit their creations in the studio

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Writing a personal letter

Writing a personal letter 1. Kirja paremasse ülanurka kirjuta koht, kus kiri on kirjutatud. See ei pea olema täielik aadress, kui just pole vaja kirja saatjale uut Aadressi teatada. Piisab linnast/ alevikust/ maast: London/ Wales/ Tartu/ Estonia. 2. Selle alla kirjuta kuupäev, kas numbriteha või kuu nimetust lühendades: 10/02, 10 Feb. Soovi korral võid ka lisada nädalapäeva ja/või aastaarvu: Tuesday 10 Feb 2007 / Tuesday 10/02/04 Punkte ega komasid pole kuupäeva kirjutamisel vaja. 3. Kiri algab kirjalehe vaakust äärest avafraasiga (opening phrase) Dear (Piret), millele võib järgneda koma. Kui kiri ise algab taandreaga avafraasile järgnevalt realt. Kirja avalauses (opening sentence) ja sissejuhatavas lõigus avaldada tänu saadud kirja/ postkaardi eest. 4. Kiri, nagu iga muugi kirjutis, peaks olema jagatud lõikudesse. Uut teemat alusta taandrealt uue lõiguga...

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Letter and Essay 2008

Dear Mr Roberts I am writing to express my concern about the closing of the art studio and to bring out reasons why the art studio should be left open. Firstly, there are teachers at the studio, who offer tutoring for many artists. Furthermore, there are lots of necessary facilities. In addition, as the studio is located in an easily accessible area and opened around-the-clock, it is irreplaceable for lots of students. Moreover, young talents can exhibit their creations in the studio.

Keeled → Inglise keel
426 allalaadimist

Foneetika ja fonoloogia

ᴅ - pot, gone, cross (o) ɔ: - bored, called (oo) ᴜ - put, pull, push (u) u: - food, choose (uu) ɪ - pin, chin, king (i) i: - teeth, meat (ii) Diphthongs are sounds that consist of 2 vowel sounds and when producing these the tongue glides from one position to other. There are 2 kinds of diphthongs:  Centring diphthongs – ending with ə - tongue glides to the centre  Closing diphthongs – ending with ɪ and ᴜ - tongue glides to close position Diphthongs of English: Centring diphthongs Closing diphthongs ɪə - beard, fierce eɪ - paid, pain eə - aired, cairn aɪ - time, nice ᴜə - moored, tour ɔɪ - void, voice əᴜ - houm, load

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Turundus ja müügijuhtimise alused

¤ klient on ignoreeriv ¤ Kliendil ei ole raha ¤ hirm, et ei saa hakkama ¤ Klient tekitab varalist kahju ¤ tagasiside hirm negatiivne ¤ vargus Ostja hirmud : ¤ Hirma osta mõtetud asja ¤ Hirm osta halba kaupa/teenust ¤ Hirm saada petta ¤ Hirm suhelda ¤ Hirm, et müüa on pealetükkiv ¤ Hirm, et läheb kaua aega ¤ Hirm, et raha on vähe ¤ Järelteenindus on palju kallim kui toode ise ¤ Praaki ostmine ¤ Võltstoote ostmine Kahe(Kolme) valiku closing – keskendub müügitehingu vähemtähtsatel valikutele Vaikuse closing – kes esimesena vaikuse katkestab, annab alla „rahunege maha“ closing – millal ? kohe esimene asi, kui siseneme kliendi koju. „Kõdi“ closing – millal? Siis kui klient hakkab muretsema liiga kalli hinna pärast ¤ Kui sa ostad kohe ja praegu, saad toodet odavamalt või midagi kaasa ¤ Andke oma emaili või telefoni nri. ¤ Kui teed nt. Pikemat lepingu, siis saad nt 3 kuud tasuta teenust kasutada

Majandus → Majandus
57 allalaadimist

Letter of application, complaint and inqury

Paragraph 1  Reason for writing, name of the available position (+add the source, if available) I am writing to apply for the post advertised in... I am writing in response to your advertisement in... Paragraph 2, 3  What are you doing now, previous experience  Qualifications (also personality traits, if necessary) NB! Relevant information I have graduated from... (with honors) My degree is in... I attended a.... course Final paragraph + closing sentence Closing remarks: thank the person for considering your application, ask the person to consider you for the job, mention the possibility of further communication. I have enclosed my CV... I am enclosing my curriculum vitae together with two references, I would be happy to provide any further information, if you wish me to attend an interview, I am available at any time, Thank you for considering my application. NB! I look forward to hearing from you. Sign-of

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Corporal punishment

realistic to think that the idea of corporal punishment would ever take hold again in schools. I think that most children would respond negatively to a change like this and that this change would only create more of a problem in the long run. Bullying can have a very bad effect on the child who is being bullied and on the child who is allowed to go on bullying. Corporal punishment was not allowed in our school. That is strictly denied to physically punish students in any way. In closing I believe that corporal punishment in schools is a thing of the past. I think that corporal punishment is wrong. Children should be punished when acting out in schools, but that punishment should be in a non-violent form.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

The Millenium Footbridge.

THE MILLENIUM FOOTBRIDGE What, where & when? • For pedestrians • located between Southward Bridge (downstream) and Black friars Railway Bridge (upstream) • Connects St.Paul’s Catherdal and Tate Modern • owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates • Construction of the bridge began in 1998 • opening on 10 June 2000. Closing, unexpected & not safety? • Londoners nicknamed Wobbly Bridge • crossed by 90,000 people, with up to 2,000 on the bridge at any one time. • a charity walk on behalf of Save the Children • Swaying motion • Closed after two days of limited access. • Reopened after two years when the bridge was entirely safe. In 2002. Particulars : • Design : Suspension bridge • Total length: 370 meters • Width: 4 meters • Longest span:144 meters • 5,000 people on the bridge at one time • on 28 April 1999 by Monberg Thorsen and Sir Robert McAlpine • cost of £18.2 million A little bit mo...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist


Letters Letters FORMAL, INFORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL TASK 1 Read the extracts and answer the questions. · Where are the extracts from? · What is the purpose of each letter? · How do they differ? · Which extracts are examples of formal letters? · How is the reader addressed in a formal letter? · What are the closing remarks for formal letters? · What is the salutation in a friendly letter? · How would you end extracts 1,2,3 ? · How would you begin the extracts 4 and 5? 1. Dear Mr Miller, I received your kind invitation to the reception. Unfortunately, owing to other commitments. I will be unable to attend ... 2. Dear Ralph, l just got your invitation to the company's event. l `m afraid I can't make it because I've a/ready made plans which l can "t change ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

"Mälestusnäitus" Retsensioon

Vaala Galerii; Eesti Saatkond Riias; Valitud grupinäitused ja projektid: 2004 ­ EU-Positive. Akademie der Kunst, Berliin; 13. Tallinn garaafikatriennaal; MAK NITE special EUROPA JETZT, MAK, Viin; Salt of Life. Contemporary art from The Baltic States, Vartai galerii Vilniuses; 2003 ­ maalibiennaal Väsby Kunstihhones; 2002 ­ Graafika Euroopas: Trendid ja perspektiivid. Neapoli muniptsipaalgalerii Kreekas; Cinematheque Vivante. Pärnu Linnagalerii; About Belief. Lõuna-Londoni galerii; Closing the Distance. Lania Kaasaja Kunsti Keskus Gdanskis; 2001 ­ "Ars 01" Kiasma Helsingis; 2000 ­ "Grosse Kunst Ausstellung Düsseldorf NRW"; 10 PAAR. Kuressaare loss; Kuurne, Belgias; "Painterly Issues". Vilniuse maalitriennaal; 1999 ­ 23. Rahvusvaheline Ljubljana graafikabiennaal. Preemiad: 2003 Sadolini aastapreemia; 2003 Hansapanga aastapreemia; 2002 Kultuurkapitali aastapreemia; Maalikunstnike liidu aastapreemia; 2000 Kristjan Raua nim. Kunstipreemia; Harpuun, Vaala galerii preemia;

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
78 allalaadimist

My ideal school

My ideal school I've often wondered, what my ideal school would be like, but I haven't quite figured it out yet. I'm almost sure, that my ideal school would be near the forest. Students could go there and sit on benches to gather their energy. In the schoolyard, there would be big maple and oak trees and a lovely pond- what a nice place for a picnic on your break time! The lessons would take place in an old manor, where doors opening and closing by themselves wouldn't be anything unique. The classes would be small, but cosy and warm. We'd have a huge library with hundreds of old books. There would be a huge section only for romantic novels and books about love stories. The lessons would start at 9am. In my ideal school I'd have to study the average level of general subjects. There would also be certain amount of specialty studies, which I could be able to choose for myself.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Turismi sõnad

Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot Järsku alandatud-rock-bottom price Juhi töökoht-Management job Kasum,tulu-Revenue Kallis-expensive Kaaskiri-Covering letter Koopia-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Hüpoteegi kindlustuse esitlus inglise keeles

annually, monthly payments tax-deductible(maksustatavat tulu vähendav kulu) Private mortgage insurance types Lender-Paid Private Borrower-Paid Private Mortgage Insurance Mortgage Insurance (LPMI) (BPMI) Cost included in the Premium added to monthly interest rate mortgage payment Higher monthly mortgage Lower monthly payment payment No closing costs Cancellation feature (LPMI) users (BPMI) users move within ten years remain more than ten shorter term mortgage years down payment under 15 longer term mortgage percent down payment over 15 reduce monthly percent mortgage payments higher monthly payments increase in home value Pros of private mortage insurance lower down payment protect your lender

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Topic - Sport

watched from both near and far by hundreds of millions of spectators. The differences between the modern and ancient Olympic Games can be clearly seen. For instance, in ancient times only men were allowed to watch and participate but that has changed now. Also, athletes don't have to perform nude, although the original idea of the games was to honour the human body. Each Olympic Games has an opening ceremony during which the sports stadium is filled with music, singing, dancing and fireworks. A closing ceremony in the same spirit takes place on the last day of the Games. The opening and closing ceremonies are an invitation to discover the culture of the country hosting the Games. Although most of the ceremony is creative and imaginative, there are some very strict rituals that have to be followed. Summer games: In the Summer Games, athletes compete in a wide variety of competitions on the track, on the road, on grass, in the water, on the water, in the open air and indoors. The Winter Games

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Writing e-mails in English

already): Hello! Hello, Mary, Dear Mary, Specifics ­ ending a letter If you begin with "Dear Sir/Madam,", end with "Yours faithfully," If you begin with "Dear Mr/Ms Smith,", end with "Yours sincerely," If the letter is impersonal, not so official or you have been sending many emails to each other, "Regards, Best regards, Best wishes, ..." is also acceptable Commas after the opening and closing remarks! (and then start the next line with a capital letter) Dates Dates are always said as "the first of April, the twentysecond of June" etc. British English: 2 April, 2005; 02/04/2005 American English: April 2, 2005; 04/02/2005 Enquiry I am writing to you to enquire/apologise/explain/ask/send/... Thank you for your enquiry of (date) about/concerning (object) In answer/response to the question about... With regard/reference to ... I have attached/in the attachment you will find ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is becoming more popular every day, with a growth rate of 7 percent per year. There are about two million children currently learning at home. Homeschooled kids do well on standardized tests and are welcome at colleges and universities. Pros: Individual teaching attention Continuous population growth is leading to overcrowded schools in many areas. Add this to the recent economic struggles, with many schools laying off teachers or closing altogether. This means that teachers are more overwhelmed than ever, often handling classes of 40 or more children at a time. Personalized learning Another important consideration in the pros and cons of homeschooling is your ability to tailor lesson plans to your child. In traditional school environments, classmates often learn at very different speeds. This helps slower learners stay on track with the class, but often leaves bright children bored and distracted

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Comparison of diesel and petrol engine

which the gas mixture will be ignited, or self-ignited. The combustion stroke is the stroke following the explosion of the mixture, and this stroke is what powers the car. It is this stroke that powers the crankshaft, and allows for the car to move. The final stroke is the exhaust stroke. The exhaust valve opens when the piston hits the bottom, and the piston pushes the exhaust out. Both engines also have camshafts, which operate the opening and closing of valves. Difference The main difference between a gasoline engine and a diesel engine is the fuel used. The main difference between these fuels is the combustion ratio at which each will explode. Gasoline does not self-ignite when compressed, because it does not generate enough heat. It needs activation energy to explode, and this energy is generated by a spark plug at the top of the cylinder. Diesel on the other hand, does not require a spark plug to ignite it because it

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise kuldvillak

Juhtimise Projekti Definitsio Projektiju metoodik Projekt liigitamine onid htimine ad 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 Infosüsteemi loomine on just seda liiki projekt IT projekt TAGASI Projekti faasid on : algatamine (initiating) planeerimine (planning) täideviimine ja kontroll (executing and controlling) lõpetamine (closing) TAGASI eesmärgi juhtimine, aja juhtimine, kvaliteedi juhtimine, kulude juhtimine- on? projektijuhtimisvaldkonnad TAGASI Mille järgi võib projekte võib liigitada? 1. eesmärgi konkreetsuse jär...

Haldus → Projektijuhtimise alused
28 allalaadimist


............................................ people know as much about computers as Tomas does. d.But it does him .......................................... good when the whole system goes down. 4.Fill the gaps with a few, few, a little or little. 1)....................................... people came to see the play.It was rather sad. 2)Come on!We've still got ....................................... time left to finish this. 3)Jordi gave very ..................................... reasons for closing down the bar. 4)With time and ................................... patience, you'll forget her and be happy again. 5)He's not a good teacher.He's unimaginative and has very ........................... patience with children. 6)................................. of that group's songs are excellent but I don't really like most of their music. 7)I've been to that Asturian restaurant .................................... times.It's good. 8)...................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelne presentatsioon "Coco Chanel"

influential men at the time · Never got married · Affairs with women Coco Chanel with Dmitri Romanov Coco Chanel and The Duke of Westminster On their yacht in 1928 Muse · Muse for all of the leading edge artists · Her popularity faded during the World War II · People could never forgive her for being a Nazi supporter Salvador Dalí with her muse Coco Chanel Later years · Chanel's muse, Vera Bate Lombardi · World War II- closing of the shops · Affair with Hans Gunther von Dincklage, a Nazi spy · Chanel was arrested and charged as a collaborator · Intervention by the British Royal family · Returning to Paris ­ returning to the fashion world · Karl Lagerfeld Coco Chanel's Ritz suite in Paris It costs between $4,000 and $5,000 USD to spend one night in the suite that Coco Chanel resided in. Coco Chanel in 1957 Coco Chanel sits at her desk in her private apartment at 31 Rue Cambon in Paris, France.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Writing a formal letter in english about a newspaper ad

How far is Finsbury Park from central London? The advertisement did not mention if there are any extras to pay like electricity or water." The third paragraph: ,,Another thing I am interested in is what kind of furniture there is in the flat. Is a phone included?" The fourth paragraph: ,,Lastly, I would like to know if the flat is big enough for two persons. I am coming with my girlfriend and we would like to share the flat." It would be good if you could write a closing sentence. P5: Closing sentence For example: ,,If there is anything else we should be aware of, please let us know as soon as possible" or ,,Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other information". It is compulsory to end the letter with ,,I look forward...". It is NOT ,,I am looking forward to...". P6: Ending the letter For example: ,,I look forward to your answer.", ,,I look forward to your reply/response", ,,I look forward to hear from you".

Keeled → Inglise keel
99 allalaadimist


independence in the past, despite Soviet attempts to eliminate such ideas. The tradition before the Soviet occupation, which has now been restored, was for a fire to be lit by the Estonian President on the morning of Võidupüha. From this fire, the flame of independence was carried across the country to light the many bonfires. During the transition to the re-establishment of Estonia's de facto independence, Jaanipäev became an unofficial holiday, with many work places closing down. It once again became an official national holiday in 1992. On Jaaniõhtu, Estonians all around the country will gather with their families, or at larger events to celebrate this important day with singing and dancing, as Estonians have done for centuries.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Maiade tsivilisatsioon

juhtub aastal 2012. Antud kujund, mille väidetavalt on koostanud UFO-d, on seni selgeim ja konkreetseim sõnum.Nimelt pilti vaadates on aru saada ,kellega on tegemist ja plaat ,mida UFO käes hoiab, sisaldab sõnumit: "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing. 0x07" CD-l olev muster on sama ,mida kasutab lugemisel DVD ja CD. Kindel on see ,et maiad on seni kõige müstilisem ja salapärasem hõim üldse. Arvatakse ,et maiad olid mitmeid kordi targemad kui praeguse aja inimesed. Miks UFO-d kasutavad maiade keelt? Kuidas suutsid maiad nii täpselt ennustada? Kuidas suutsid maiad tuhandeid aastaid tagasi püstitada ehitisi, mis püsivad tänapäevani ja on unikaalsed? Vastuseid meie ühiskond veel ei tea,

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
8 allalaadimist

The Republic of Estonia - referaat

r The Estonian tax system consists of national taxes and local taxes collected by local governments in their jurisdiction. National taxes include income tax, social tax, land tax, gambling tax, value-added tax, duty and excise taxes and heavy goods vehicle tax. Local governments have the authority to impose local taxes, but effectively only a few have introduced local taxes, in particular: sales tax, boat tax, advertisement tax, tax for closing of streets, motor vehicle tax, tax on keeping domestic animals, amusement tax, and parking fees. The financial market of Estonia is relatively unique when compared to the rest of Europe. Our position in the current turbulent situation is better than that of some others. References 1. English Wikipedia 2. Estonian Wikipedia 3. 4. 5.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Courage in the Storm

Again, I swallowed the fear and run. I was headed back to the house, when I heard our dog Bingo howling in his kennel. Instantly I was on my way to save him. I took him into my arms and hurried back to the shelter. My sister was so happy to see me and Bingo, but her face changed. "You are going away again, aren't you?" she burst into tears. "I have to find them. Don't worry, I'll be back. Besides, now you have Bingo with you," I tried to comfort her. I winked at her while she was closing the hatch behind me. I made it back to the house and I screamed for my parents. I was panicking and losing hope when I suddenly heard a clattering noise from upstairs. I bounded up the stairs and searched for them. "We are here! Help us!" I heard them shouting in the attic. Kadi Bruus I felt tears in my eyes when I opened the attic hatch. Never have I ever been so happy to see my parents

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tugevate rühm

the summer, well-known DJs perform at the various clubs on weekly schedules, in between touring to other international destinations. Many of these DJs use Ibiza as an outlet for presenting new songs within the house, trance and techno genres of electronic dance music. Tourism The season traditionally begins at the start of June with Space and DC10's opening parties and finishes on the first weekend of October with the Closing Parties. A typical schedule for clubbers going to Ibiza includes waking at noon, early evening naps, late night clubbing, and "disco sunrises". Due to Ibiza's notable tolerance toward misbehavior from young adult tourists, it has acquired the sobriquet "Gomorrah of the Med". Also well-known is Café del Mar, a long-standing bar where many tourists traditionally view the sunset made famous by José Padilla. That and other

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Estonian national holidays

Midsummer's eve is important for lovers. Among Estonian fairy tales and literature there is the tale of two lovers, Koit and Hämarik. The tradition before the Soviet occupation, which has now been restored, was for a fire to be lit by the Estonian President on the morning of Victory Day. From this fire, the flame of independence was carried across the country to light the many bonfires. St John's Day became an unofficial holiday, with many work places closing down. It once again became an official national holiday in 1992. On Jaaniõhtu, Estonians all around the country will gather with their families, or at larger events to celebrate this important day with singing and dancing, as Estonians have done for centuries.

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

Business english

A cost of depreciation ­ thisisnotanactualsum of money paid out, butis showni theaccountstoallowforthewaythatequipmentwearsout and declinesinvalueovertime and willhavetobereplaced. Thisleavesuswithouroperatingprofit. Thenwesubtracttheinterestpayable on money we have borrowed in the form of bonds and bank loans. This gives the profit on ordinary activities before tax of pre-tax profit. Exceptional items are to report, for example the cost of closing a particular operation, but fortunately this doesn't happen very often. Ofc, we pay tax on our profit, and it's called corporation tax. From the profit after tax, we usually pay dividends to shareholders, and you can see the figure for dividends per share. When business is bad, we may not do this ­ we may pass, omit or skip the dividend. Profit after tax is also referred to as earnings. We keep retained earnings ­ some of the profit to invest in our future activities

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
21 allalaadimist

John F. Kennedy elulugu

what you can do for your country. He also asked the nations of the world to join together to fight what he called the ,,common enemies of man:turanny,poverty,disease and war itself." He added:"All this will not be finished in the first one hundered days. Not will it be finished in the first one thousand days, not in the life of this Administration, not even perhaps in our lifetime on this planed. But lets begin." In closing, he expanded on his desire for greater internationalis: '2Finally wheather you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you." As one of his first presidential acts, Kennedy asked Congress tocreate the Peace corps. His brother-in-law was the first director. Through this program, americans volunteer to help underdeveloped nations in areas such as education,farming,health care and constructions. Since

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party Henry Lemendik 8b About The Boston Tea Party was an act of direct action protest by the American colonists against the British Government in which they destroyed many crates of tea belonging to the British East India Company and dumped it into the Boston Harbor. The incident, which took place on December 16, 1773, was a key event in the growth of the American Revolution and remains an iconic event of American history. Background Europeans developed a taste for tea in the 17th century. When tea became popular in the British colonies in North America, Parliament sought to eliminate foreign competition by passing an act in 1721 that required colonists to import their tea only from Great Britain and the East India Company. Because Parliament heavily taxed this tea and charged the East India company tarrifs, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tower Bridge

Gunter made a split-second decision to accelerate the bus, clearing a three-foot drop onto the north bascule, which had not started to rise. There were no serious injuries. · Before dawn on 31 October 2003, David Crick, a Fathers 4 Justice campaigner, climbed a 120 ft (37 m) tower crane near Tower Bridge at the start of a six day protest dressed as Spider-Man. Fearing for his safety, and that of motorists should he fall, police cordoned off the area, closing the bridge and surrounding roads and causing widespread traffic congestion across the City and east London. The Metropolitan Police were later criticised for maintaining the closure for five days when this was not strictly necessary in the eyes of some citizens. Traffic · Tower Bridge is still a busy and vital crossing of the Thames: it is crossed by over 40,000 people (motorists and pedestrians) every day. · The bascules are raised around 1000 times a year

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Cernobyl Disaster

estimated 18 billion rubles (18 billion $USD) . During the accident itself, 31 people died, and long-term effects such as cancers and deformities are still being accounted for. • The Soviet government also cut down and buried about a square mile of pine forest near the plant to reduce radioactive contamination at and near the site. Chernobyl’s three other reactors were subsequently restarted but all eventually shut down for good, with the last reactor closing in 1999. The Soviet nuclear power authorities presented their initial accident report to an International Atomic Energy Agency meeting in Vienna, Austria, in August 1986. Elimination of the consequences • Emergency crews responding to the accident used helicopters to pour sand and boron on the reactor debris. The sand was to stop the fire and additional releases of radioactive material; the boron was to prevent additional nuclear reactions

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


[7] During the summer, wellknown DJs perform at the various clubs on weekly schedules, in between touring to other international destinations. Many of these DJs use Ibiza as an outlet for presenting new songs within the house, trance and techno genres of electronic dance music. The season traditionally begins at the start of June with Space and DC10's opening parties and finishes on the first weekend of October with the Closing Parties. A typical schedule for clubbers going to Ibiza includes waking at noon, early evening naps, late night clubbing, and "disco sunrises". Due to Ibiza's notable tolerance toward misbehavior from young adult tourists, it has acquired the sobriquet "Gomorrah of the Med". Also wellknown is Café del Mar, a longstanding bar where many tourists traditionally view the sunset made famous by José Padilla. That and other bars close by have become an increasingly popular

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The present continuous

2. We use the past simple and the past perfect together in a complex sentence. We use the past perfect to talk about the action which happened first, and the past simple to talk about the action which followed. _____ - _________________________ - ___________NOW Left behihd went back home I went back home because I'd left my money behind. As, when, while 1. As can mean when, while, or because. As (while) I was closing the door, the phone rang. As (because) I had run out of petrol, I had to call the emergency services.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


It's vibrant and hip, it buzzes till dawn and will leave you exhausted, exhilarated and aching for more. For a sleepless weekend, Barcelona is the place to go. CATALANS The Catalans really know how to have a good time. They love life, love to party and see little point in sleeping when they could be out enjoying the night scene. At the hour when most people in Britain are heading home to bed, the action in Barcelona is just warming up. And when most Scottish clubs are closing their doors, the hippest clubs in this city are just opening theirs. GAUDI Most tourists will want to take in stunning sights such as Gaudi's wackily- designed flats, his unfinished Sagrada Famiglia church and the city's more traditional Santa Eulalia cathedral. Young locals, however, are more likely to be found worshipping the latest chart hits in a noisy club. RELAX It doesn't take long to get into the swing of things, as I found out.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


he defines as "a natural phenomenon producing symbols that prove to be meaningful.") FGI 1811 Proseminar I. Ladusseva 6 4. With the quotations interrupted by the author we need commas on both sides of the author's words. Here quotation forms one sentence ­ so only first letter is capital (e.g. "Ideas," writes Carl Jung, "spring from something greater than the personal human being."). 5. A closing comma or full stop goes inside the closing (e.g. "High school," writes Ellen Willis, "permanently damaged my self-esteem."). 6. A closing semicolon or colon goes outside the closing quotation mark (e.g. The head of the union announced, "The new contract is a good one for management and labor"; then she left the room.). 7. A question mark or exclamation mark that belongs to the quotation goes inside the quotation.

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

The Use of the Telephone in Relation to Customer Service

The Use of the Telephone in Relation to Customer Service **Telephone skills are the most important aspect of being successful in a call center job. When you work on the phone all day as a customer service representative, the telephone is the one and only tool that will make or break your success. The phone is probably the most used tool in modern business. **Answering the phone professionally The rules for answering a telephone are simple but they need to be continually reviewed and practised. Following are the most basic ones, which should always be employed. 1. Use the four answering courtesies: · Greet the caller · State your organisation (or department) · Introduce yourself · Offer your help "Good afternoon, Accounts, Andrew Batt speaking. How may I help?" 2. Show enthusiasm when you answer. Help make the caller feel welcome A tired voice lacking in enthusiasm is very unappealing and reflects on the professionalism...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun