Letter of application Salutation Dear Sir or Madam Dear Sir/Madam Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Paragraph 1 Reason for writing, name of the available position (+add the source, if available) I am writing to apply for the post advertised in... I am writing in response to your advertisement in... Paragraph 2, 3 What are you doing now, previous experience Qualifications (also personality traits, if necessary) NB! Relevant information I have graduated from... (with honors) My degree is in... I attended a.... course Final paragraph + closing sentence Closing remarks: thank the person for considering your application, ask the person to consider you for the job, mention the possibility of further communication. I have enclosed my CV... I am enclosing my curriculum vitae together with two references, I would be happy to provide any further information, if you wish me to attend an interview, I am available at any time, Thank you for c
Letters Letters FORMAL, INFORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL TASK 1 Read the extracts and answer the questions. · Where are the extracts from? · What is the purpose of each letter? · How do they differ? · Which extracts are examples of formal letters? · How is the reader addressed in a formal letter? · What are the closing remarks for formal letters? · What is the salutation in a friendly letter? · How would you end extracts 1,2,3 ? · How would you begin the extracts 4 and 5? 1. Dear Mr Miller, I received your kind invitation to the reception. Unfortunately, owing to other commitments. I will be unable to attend ... 2. Dear Ralph, l just got your invitation to the company's event. l `m afraid I can't make it because I've a/ready made plans which l can "t change ... 3. Dear Sirs, I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the items which I received from your co
FORMAL LETTER 120 (+/-10%) words I It is a formal letter. Do not use any contracted forms (don’t, can’t, I’m etc.)! II * Dear Mr. Smith / Dear Ms. Smith (No first name!!!) * Kui teame nime, siis lõpp – Yours sincerely ja ülesandes antud nimi * Kui nime pole öeldud, siis – Dear Sir or Madam * Kui nime ei tea, siis lõpus Yours faithfully ja ülesandes antud nimi Do not use your own name!!! Te olete kas Jürid või Marid, Urved või Urmased jne. Enamasti Mart Mets või Mari Mets TYPES OF LETTERS 1) Asking for advice I am writing to ask if you could help me with … I am writing to ask for your advice … Closing line: I would appreciate if you could give me your advice as soon as possible. I look forward to receiving your advice … 2) Giving advice I am writing in reply to your letter asking advice about …. Making suggestions: I would suggest that ..., I would advise you to … If I were you ..., I
Riigieksami teiseks ülesandeks on kas essee või aruandekirjutamine; nõutud pikkuseks on 200 (+/- 10%) sõna. Esseed ja aruannet hinnatakse neljast kriteeriumist lähtuvalt: ülesandetäitmise täpsus, teksti korrasta tus, sõnavara ja grammatika. Essee (Essay) teemad on õppekava teemade põhjal sõnastatudarvamused või väited, mis puudutavad kaasaegset maailma janõuavad seisukohavõtmist antud küsimuses. Essee pi kkus onneli kuni viis lõiku. Esimene lõik moodustab sissejuhatuse, kusesimene lause peak s tõmbama lugeja tähelepanu (hook) ningpaar järgmist lauset peaksid viima sealt essee p õhiväiteni (thesis statement). Kaks kuni kolm lõiku peaksid nüüd põhiväidetavama. Igas lõigus esitatakse esi meses lauses väide (topic sentence) ja tõestatakse/toetatakse seda siis näidete, arvude võitsitaadiga (supporting evidence). Oluline on, et igas lõigusräägitakse ainult ühel teemal, ega hüpata ühelt argum endiltteisele. Viimane lõik moodustab kokkuvõtte ja peaks
Writing Letter/Email [ greeting- PH1 Opening remarks, reason for writing-PH2,3 developments(arengud)-PH4 closing remarks- sign off] Informal- are sent to people you know well. Semi-formal- to your friend parents Formal-are normally sent to people an (friends, relatives) ect.. official position or to people u dont know well An informal greeting (Dear Formal greetings (Dear Mr and Formal greetings: Dear Sir/Madam-when u dont know the Lucy, Uncle Bill,Mum) Mrs Jones, ) name. Friendly, relaxed style (How
LETTER OF APOLOGY Opening remarks: I am writing to apologise for/ I must apologise for/ Please accept my sincerest apologies for/ How can I apologise enough for .... , etc. Making amends: Please allow me to offer/ suggest .... As compensation (for) ... I insist on + ing form to make up your inconvenience/ loss, etc. Closing remarks: Once again, sincerest apologies for/ I hope you will accept my apologies/ I hope my apologies will be/ are accepted, etc. I hople you will forgive/overlook this regrettable error. THANK YOU LETTER Opening remarks:I am writing to thank you for.../ I am very grateful to you for .. Giving reasons for your positive experience:I am pleased that .../ One of the best things.../It has helped me a great deal Closing remarks: Once again, many thanks... NB! Thank twice! LETTER OF APPLICATION Opening remarks: I am writing to apply for the position /post of .... as advertised in..../ I am writing with reference to your advertisement, which
LETTER OF ENQUIRY An enquiry letter is what we send to a person or a company when we need more information about a product or service offered by that person or company. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement. 1. What is the intended purpose of the inquiry that I intend to write? 2. Who is the intended recipient? 3. How can I let my recipient know that I am seriously interested in their product/service/job offer? General Rules to Follow: Be polite. Be clear and organized about what you want/need to know. Express thankfulness for time and effort. The K.I.S.S. principle keep it short and simple SAMPLE LETTER Dear Ms Smith I am writing in response to your advertisement to enquire about the pub and restaurant placement in England. /I am writing to enquire about the pub and restaurant placement in England, as advertised by you. To start with, where in England/in which area of England is the workplace located? Could yo
)on keelatud! Kaotate kohe punkte II * Dear Mr. Smith (ja eesnime ei tohi kirjutada!!!) * Kui teame nime, siis lõpp Yours sincerely ja allkiri ja ülesandes antud nimi * Kui nime pole öeldud, siis Dear Sir or Madam * Kui nime ei tea, siis lõpus Yours faithfully ja allkiri ja ülesandes antud nimi Enda nime ei tohi mitte mingil juhul kirjutada!!!!! Te olete kas Jürid või Marid, Urved või Urmased jne. Kirjade tüübid: 1) Kui peate kirjutama kirja , kus tuleb kelleltki nõu küsida, siis alustage: I am writing to ask if you could help me with... I am writing to ask for your advice... Ja lõpetage I would appreciate if you could give me your advice as soon as possible või I look forward to receiving your advice... 2) Kui peate kirjutama kirja , kus tuleb ise nõustada, siis alustage: I am writing in reply to your letter asking advice about.... Ettepanekuid tehke nii ---- I would suggest that, I would advise you to... If I were you, I
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