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"warfare" - 51 õppematerjali



Summary In this summary I will analyse three articles on the topic of whether it is justified and morally right to use drone warfare in the tribal areas of Pakistan and in Gaza. To begin, we do not know if the drones have done more harm or good in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Most of the information about drone attacks is coming from dubious Pakistan media, which we cannot seriously rely on. Hence, we cannot be sure if the persons killed by drones were innocent civilians or extremists. (Fair, 2013) One the one hand, using drones can be more discriminate, because they hover over the enemy

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


arvutimängudest sõltuvusse jäämine. Neutraalseks mõjuks võib olla pingete maandamine, mis võib olla erineda inimeseti. Arvutimängudel on kindlasti nii positiivseid kui ka negatiivseid mõjusid. Arvutimängu teeb heaks selle mängu lugu, heli, arvutigraafika, mängu meelelahutuslikkus ning palju muid asju, millele niisama mängides väga tähelepanu ei pööragi. Enim illegaalselt allalaaditud mängude hulgas on arvatavasti "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3", "Crysis" ja "Battlefield 3", on ka teisi mänge aga eelmainitud on ühed populaarsemad. Kõige rohkem müüdud mängude hulka kuulub "The Sims" ja "Half - Life". Videomängudest võib jääda sõltuvusse, mille puhul on negatiivseid arvutimängude mõjusid rohkem kui positiivseid, aga sellest sõltuvusest saab vabaneda, nagu näiteks ka alkoholismist. Eesmärk on laiendada oma teadmisi arvutimängude mõju vallas ja teada saada, kui palju on

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
4 allalaadimist

First World War

If so can say, then the most inenses connections were Germany and France among. The biggist question about theses countries was Elsass-Lotring question. It was a eart what subject to Germany, but half these peoples who lives there were Frentshmans. After the war was changed the Europe countries. Brokend were four empire: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Osmans country and Russia. The first name about First World warm was position warfare that about all Western front. First World War used first time chemical weapons and happened first massivs bombings about private aeroplane. After the warm relanted countries armistice. With peace treaty maked smalle the earth and they had new political and military burdens, who lost.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Teine maailmasõda

GULAG- oli 1930. aastal loodud NKVD peavalitsus, mille alluvusse kuulusid vangilaagrid Nõukogude Liidus. Peavalitsuse üheks ülesandeks oli tagada Nõukogude Liidu riiklike majandusülessannete täitmiseks orjatöölised. 13 laagrit ,,Fat Man" - the codename for the atomic bomb that was detonated over Nagasaki, Japan, by the United States on August 9, 1945, at 11:02 (JSP). It was the second of the only two nuclear weapons to be used in warfare and was the third man-made nuclear explosion. The name also refers more generically to the early nuclear weapon designs of U.S. weapons based on the "Fat Man" mode .Fat Man was possibly named after Winston Churchill. Nürnbergi kohtuprotsessid toimusid Saksamaal Nürnbergi linnas Õigluse Palees aastail 1945­ 1949. Protsessidest on tuntuim peamiste sõjakurjategijate rahvusvaheline tribunal (IMT), kus süüdistati Saksamaa 24 tähtsaimat vangistatud riigimeest. See leidis aset 20

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Wars involving the UK

Stalin at the Yalta in Nagasaki. June 1944. Conference in 1945. The U.S. destroyer Shaw A British Crusader tank Bombed buildings in passing a burining exploding during the Attack London. German Panzer IV. on Pearl Harbor. Warfare of the UK now · Second best military after U.S. · 429.500 active military personnel · Counter-terrorism · Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

History of Different cultures

ambitions of the Carthaginians known as the ,,Punic Wars,, finally destroyed in 146 BC By 70 AD Rome ruled every country that touched the Mediterranean was not the largest empire in total territory in world history until 27 BC the Roman Empire was a Republic Julius Caesar declared war on the Roman Senate itself became sole ruler Brutus, Cassius and others assasinated Julius Caesar Octavius declared himself "Caesar Augustus" and first Emperor of Rome 200 years of peace followed by 100 years of warfare in 284 AD Diocletian divided the Roman empire into two halves: East and West in 306 Constantine I declared Christianity in 401 the Visigoths invaded Italy the last emperor in Rome was deposed in 476 Ancient Egypt one of the oldest in the world and began more than 5000 years ago lasted for over 3000 years was divided into two kingdoms - Upper and Lower Egypt King Menes had conquered Lower Egypt - 'King of Upper and Lower Egypt` the age of the 1st Dynasty had begun

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

European yew - plant in Estonia

However, death occurs so rapidly that many times the symptoms are missed. Fatal poisoning in humans is very rare, only occurring after eating a lot of yew foliage. Traditional uses In recent years it has been found that taxol, a chemical found in the bark of the yew, inhibits cell growth and cell division, and may have some promise in the fight against cancer. It was also one of the most important trees in the history of European warfare, as its wood was used exclusively for the making of the longbows, spears and dagger handles. In the past they were used as landmarks, because of their size and longevity, and their dark branches would make them stand out in the landscape. It is excellent for furniture making, interior, fences, gates, chairs, doors, tables, and rustic furniture. Where the Yew Grows It is also possible to find small trees growing near bigger trees, which transplant well. They prefer a

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Cultural history

Celtic Europe and Galatia during the Iron Age and possibly earlier. Very little is known about the ancient druids because they left no written accounts about themselves. They were healers, teachers etc. Celtic language ­ There are actualle many Celtic languages.( there were many Celtic tribes and every tribe had a litte bit different language). Celtic languages are also spoken in todays Europe (Welsh,Cornish etc). Celtic warfare ­ Celts loved ware. They fought very often with eachother and with strangers. They fought naked(painted in blue). Their chariots had spikes on the wheels. They liked to throw spears and took great pride of their weaponary. They also chopped their opponents in battle and it was considered a sign of prowess and social standing to have a goodly number of heads to display. Hill forts ­ It is not known if they were built by Celts or Britains. Hill forts were bulit mostly at the

Keeled → British culture (briti...
4 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline turundus

Reflektsioon: Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, Global Edition Book Lugesin ja analüüsisin läbi käesoleva raamatu 11 esimest peatükki. Peatükid keskendusid strateegilisele juhtimismudelile läbi mille töötati läbi strateegilise auditi loomine. Igas peatükis käsitleti ka keskkonnasäästlikkust seostuvalt peatükiga. Raamatus kirjeldati strateegilise juhtimise põhikontseptsioone. Loetu aitas mõista strateegilise juhtimise kasusid ettevõttele. Selgitati lahti strateegilise juhtimise põhimudel ja erinevad alaosad ning kuidas selle alla kuuluvad keskkonna uurimine, strateegia väljatöötamine, rakendamine, hindamine ja kontrollimine ning selgus kuidas need osad tegelikult kõik üksteist mõjutavad. Varasemalt ei pidanud ettevõtted edukaks olemiseks eriti keskkonnale mõtlema nind jätkusuutlikkuse all mõeldi pigem konkurentsieelistele, mitte keskkonnale ­ nüüd on globali...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline majandus
36 allalaadimist

Unit 5 p.102-105

· high-tech gadgetry/industry · experimental stage/research · space exploration/station · digital voice discs/camera 1. Originally, the Russian space station MIR was supposed to last for five years, but in fact it remained in operation for fourteen. 2. Professor Smith has recently had his findings published in a prominent scientific journal. 3. This is the product prototype; as you can see, it is still at the experimental stage. 4. Technologycal warfare has put an end to the use of conventional weapons and traditional vattle strategies. 5. Supposedly, digital voice discs, or DVDs as they are called, are far more resistant to scratching than records. 6. People looking for meaning in today's confusing modern world often immerse themselves in new age philosophy. MAKE, HOLD, HAVE, DO 1. do experimental work 2. make advances in one's field 3. have a successful mission 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Tere, mina olen Lauri Lahtvee 11. klassi õpilane Kunda Ühisgümnaasiumist. Ma tegin uurimustöö teemal "Kunda Ühisgümnaasiumi õpilaste teadlikkus arvutimängude mõjust". Uurimustöö eesmärk oli uurida arvutimängude positiivseid ja negatiivseid mõjusid inimestele, uurida, mis teeb arvutimängust hea mängu, mis on kõige rohkem illegaalselt allalaetud mäng ning, mis on kõige müüduim arvutimäng läbi aegade, samas oli soov ka laiendada oma teadmisi arvutimängude mõjude kohta. Arvutimängude positiivsedeks külgedeks on · juheditele järgnemine, enamus arvutimänge algab sellega, et tuleb järgneda juhistele, tuleb teha järgemööda tegusid, mis kästakse, see õpetab ka reaalses elus juhistele järgnemist. · Käe-silma koordinatsioon,mängija peab jälgima ekraani ning samaaegselt peab ta ka tegutsema ka hiire ja klaviatuuriga. · Resursside haldus ja logistika, seda omadust arendavad peamiselt strateegia mängud, kus män...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
46 allalaadimist

Henry Ford

Domination, or, if neccessary, a battle of attraction until he achieved domination, was just about the only organizational tactic that Ford used. Slaid 2. Peace ship versus Warship Ford insisted that he would give up his entire fortune, estimateted at over $30 million, if it would bring peace to the world. He even offered prizes and investments for peaceful endeavours of various kinds. By 1917, even though Ford remained commited to peace, the German announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare against all shipping suspected of carrying material to the allied side led Ford to do an about turn. Instead of executing his original threat to burn down Highland Park rather than use it for war, he asserted that the entire plant would be turned over for war production. With this move Ford made $29 million dollars profit, although he promised to not take a cent of 'blood money'. Slaid 3. Depressions and Downsizings The cash-flow crises caught Ford dangerously in 1921

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Epic (ingl. k eepos)

EPIC ,,A long narrative poem on a great and serious subject, related in an elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race. The traditional epics were shaped by a literary artist from historical and legendary materials which had developed in the oral traditions of his nation during a period of expansion and warfare" An epic is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation. Nonetheless, epics have been written down at least since the works of Virgil, Dante Alighieri, and John Milton. Many probably would not have survived if not written down. The first epics are known as primary, or original, epics. One such epic is the Old English story Beowulf. Epic Conventions, or characteristics common to both type...

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Position Paper The Kingdom of Belgium

The Kingdom of Belgium Sten Nurmsalu, Tallinn German Gymnasium Position Paper for the First Committee of the General Assembly I. Addressing and Preventing the Growing Threat of Lethal Autonomous Weapons. The Kingdom of Belgium recognizes the serious threat of Lethal Autonomous Weapons. Permitting machines to take human life in warfare or in law enforcement and other circumstances raises a host of serious ethical, legal, moral, societal and other concerns. Autonomous weapon systems, as defined, are not specifically regulated by International Humanitarian Law treaties either. However, it is undisputed that any autonomous weapon system must be capable of being used, and must be used, in accordance with IHL. These weapons don't yet exist but are under development in several countries

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Estonian War of Independence

Though the Red Army was continuously supplemented it could not stop the Estonian armed forces. On counterattack the Estonian army took 6,000 prisoners of war and more than 40 cannons. The successful offensive also greatly helped Estonia's neighbors ­ Latvia and Lithuania. On May 12, 1919 the Estonian army went on a decisive offensive and conquered Pskov on May 25. The ostentatious attack of the Red Army towards the West had failed and Soviet Russia was forced into defensive warfare. Estonia was not alone in the War of Independence. Great Britain was the first to answer Estonia's call for help and sent her naval squadron to Tallinn on December 12, 1918. This provided coastal defence until Estonia could build her own navy. The British fleet also brought armament and other military equipment for Estonia. The United States of America helped Estonia with humanitarian aid. The greatest number of volunteers came from Finland

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Canadian patriotic songs

authorship. It is believed to have been written just prior to or during the First World War. "Farewell to Nova Scotia" brings the listener back to an age when Nova Scotia was renowned for "wooden ships and iron men". Wooden Ships and Iron Men, now-classic 1924 book about the last days of the Age of Sail in Maritime Canada. Written by Frederick William Wallace. · The Age of Sail was the period in which international trade and naval warfare were dominated by sailing ships. · The Maritime provinces, also called the Maritimes or the Canadian Maritimes, is a region of Eastern Canada. "God Save the Queen", (alternatively "God Save the King") is the national anthem of the United Kingdom and its territories and dependencies. As "God Save the Queen" is the Royal Anthem of Canada, the first verse has been translated into French for use in that country.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Referaat Spanish California

converted tribes or "gentiles." In fact, neither the Spanish government nor the Franciscans ever judged any of the neophytes ready for "secularization" or life outside the mission system, and Christian natives or "Mission Indians" and their descendants remained at the missions until the system was abolished in 1834. By then, sixty-five years of exposure to Europeans had reduced the number of California's native peoples by half to about 150,000. Although outright warfare cost few lives, Spaniards had introduced not only Christianity but also new diseases to which the neophytes had no resistance, and thousands died in epidemics. Crowded, harsh living conditions at the missions contributed to the Indians' health problems, and infant mortality and death rates among young children soared. It was the tribes of the coast, the "Mission Indians," who were most drastically affected. Tribes like the Modocs in the northern mountains had

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Britain in WW I

16. Britain in WW I Causes of WWI: Mutual defence alliances (if one country was attacked then allies would rush to help and it snowballed into a war between many countries) o The alliances at the time were: o Russia and Serbia o Germany and Austria-Hungary o France and Russia o Britain and France and Belgium o Japan and Britain Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend Serbia. Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war on Russia. France was then drawn in against Germany and Austria- Hungary. Germany attacked France through Belgium pulling Britain into war. Then Japan entered the war. Later, Italy and the United States would enter on the side of the allies. Imperialism: empires got bigger and with that the competition between the empires grew. Everyone wanted more ar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


04.2012). 5. Kohal ebaseaduslikult allalaetud mängude seas on "Mafia 2". Allalaetud 3.55 milijonit korda, väljalaske aeg 2010. aasta augustis. Mäng toimub ühes ameerika linnas, kus peategelane satub juhuslikesse sekeldustesse ning lõpuks liitub mafia perega. Pilt 22. 4. Kohal ebaseaduslikult allalaetud mängude seas on "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3". Allalaetud 3.8 miljonit korda, väljalaske aeg 2011 novembris. COD:MW3 on FPS tulistamine, kus leiab aset 3. maailmasõda, ning üritatakse ära hoida tuumasõda. Pilt 23. 3. Kohal on "Crysis 2". Allalaetud 3.95 miljonit korda, väljalaske aeg 2011 aprillis. Crysis 2 on üks parima graafkiaga mänge eales, mis teeb selle mängimise piltliku ilu nautimiseks. Pilt 24. 2. Kohal on "Battlefield 3"

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
5 allalaadimist

Terrorism and fighting against it

public's. The phrase "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" is a view terrorists themselves would accept. Terrorists do not see themselves as evil. They believe they are rightful combatants, fighting for what they believe in, by whatever means possible. A victim of a terrorist act sees the terrorist as a criminal with no caring for human life. The general public's view is the most unstable. His sympathetic view of terrorism has become an integral part of their psychological warfare. Terrorism is a criminal act. So, whether the terrorist chooses to identify himself with military terminology, or with civilian term, he is a criminal either way. Terrorism is classified into six categories: civil disorder, political terrorism, non- political terrorism, quasi-terrorism, limited politival terrorist, official or state terrorism. These categories are further divided into different types. For example, Germany's bombing of London and the U.S

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance • The UK is an active and regular participant in NATO and other coalition operations • Britain remains one of five recognised nuclear powers, with a total of 225 nuclear warheads Royal Navy • The Royal Navy is a technologically sophisticated naval force, and as of April 2015 consists of 77 commissioned ships • The Surface Fleet consists of amphibious warfare ships, destroyers, frigates, patrol vessels, mine-countermeasure vessels, and other miscellaneous vessels • A submarine service has existed within the Royal Navy for more than 100 years • The Submarine Service's four Vanguard-class nuclear-powered submarines carry Lockheed Martin's Trident II ballistic missiles, forming the United Kingdom's nuclear deterrent Royal Marines • The Royal Marines are the Royal Navy's amphibious troops

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

TTK-Taktikalised Tingmärgid

CSAR Combat Search and Rescue CSS Combat Service Support CSSA Combat Service Support Area CTL Control DET Detainee Collection Point D DGZ Desired Ground Zero DIA Defence Intelligence Agency DISA Defence Information Systems Agency DTG Date-Time-Group EA Electronic Attack E ENY Enemy EPW Enemy Prisoner of War Collection Point ERP Engineer Regulating Point ESM Electronic Warfare Support Measures EVAX Evaluation Point EW Electronic Warfare F F/W Fixed Wing FARP Forward Arming and Refuelling Point FAADEZ Forward Area Air Defence Zone FC Fire Control FCSSA Forward Combat Service Support Area FCZ Forward Combat Zone FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area FLET Forward Line of Enemy Troops FLOT Forward Line of Own Troops FMA Forward Maintenance Area

Sõjandus → Sõjandus
86 allalaadimist

Old English Literature

The way the fathers acted, influenced the life of their sons. 7.) The Norman conquest ­ dates, influences of the Norman conquest to the culture, architecture, language, politics, law; What is the Bayeux Tapestry? Britain 1066 ­ 1485: The Middle Ages. Anglo-Saxon Britain was divided into many small kingdoms. King Alfred the Great of Wessex united most of them under his reign. England became the most powerful kingdom on the Island of Great Britain. Constant warfare with Wales and Scotland till 13th century. Edward the Confessor reigned 1042-1066. No male heir to the throne. William I, Duke of Normandy, later William the Conqueror reigned 1066-1087. Invaded Britain in 1066. The Battle of Hastings. The Bayeux Tapestry is a 50 cm by 70 m long embroidered cloth which depicts the events of the invasion itself. Importance of the Norman Conquest: 1) Norman influence to Anglo Saxon culture 2) New buildings and fortification of England

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
30 allalaadimist


prophets by either altering the text, introducing a false interpretation, or both. Islam includes many religious practices. Adherents are generally required to observe the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community. In addition to the Five Pillars, Islamic law (sharia) has developed a tradition of rulings that touch on virtually all aspects of life and society. This tradition encompasses everything from practical matters like dietary laws and banking to warfare. Almost all Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni and Shi'a. The schism developed in the late 7th century following disagreements over the religious and political leadership of the Muslim community. Roughly 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni and 15 percent are Shi'a. Islam is the predominant religion throughout the Middle East, as well as in parts of Africa and Asia. Large communities are also found in China, the Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe and Russia

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist

Inimeseõpetuse referaat - Arvutimängusõltuvus

psühhiaatrite sõnul on ta mängusõltlane. Breiviki ülekuulamisel on paljastunud, et aastatel 2006­2010 oli Breivik arvutis mängimas 8700 tundi ehk ligi ühe aasta, kirjutab Aftenposten.Ainuüksi 2010. aasta novembrist kuni 2011. aasta veebruarini mängis Breivik populaarset mängu World of Warcraft 500 tundi. Breivik ise on öelnud, et mängimise asemel kavandas ta hoopis rünnakuid. Breiviki teised lemmik arvutimängud on Modern Warfare, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age ja Warhammer. Norra politsei püüab kindlaks teha, kas Brevikil oli mängukaaslasi või palkas ta kellegi enda eest neid mänge mängima." Samas ei saa olle kindel, et arvutimängud olid süüdi tema vaimse seisundi pärast. Küll aga on veel juhtumeid kus on arvuti kindlasti süüdi. Eesti Päevalehes on artikkel poisist kes viidi sundravile. ,,Arvutimängusõltuvusse sattunud rootsi nooruk sai oma kodukoha kohtus

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese õpetus
16 allalaadimist


toitumisest, stressist või lihtsalt kiirest elutempost. Elu toimub suuresti reostatud aladel ja toidulauale satuvad samade firmade toidud, kes aitasid seda korralda. Raske on elada teadmisega, et keemiarelvad on juba oma töö teinud ja selle vastu ennast kaitsta on raske. 7 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Jüri Kaup. 2003. (4.12.2013) Thomas J. Johnson. A History of Biological Warfare from 300 B.C.E. to the Present (4.12.2013) Toe Nõmm. 2008. Keemiarelvane Eesti (4.12.2013) Alex Williams. 2013. Children of the Apocalypse: Agent Orange still affects people in Vietnam. in-vietnam/ (4.12.2013) Barry R. Schneider. 2012. Weapons of mass destruction. http://www.britannica

Keemia → Keemia
8 allalaadimist

Normandia meredessandi eel: petteoperatsioonid ja õhudessant

jõel ja teine Caeni kanalil. Nad pidid sillad vallutama enne, kui neid valvavad sakslased jõuavad lõhkelaengud õhkida."32 Need sillad omasid järgneva meredessandi jaoks olulist tähtsust, sest maabuvate jõudude kiireks edasiliikumiseks oli vaja need sillad vallutada ühes 29 Crookenden, N. Dropzone Normandy: The story of the American and British Airborne Assault on D Day 1944. New York: Scribner, 1976. Lk. 28. 30 Beevor. Lk. 52. 31 Harclerode, P. Wings of war: Airborne Warfare 1918-1945. London: Cassell, 2005. Lk. 307. 32 Beevor. Lk. 52. tükis.33 Esimesed mehed võõral territooriumil tegid oma tööd kiiresti ja hästi. 6. juunil 1944 kell 00.16 maandusid esimesed purilennukid koos dessantväelastega. Piloodid maandasid lennukid ülitäpselt määratud sihtmärkide lähedale.34 Rünnak tabas saksa valvureid ootamatult. Kuigi nad osutasid vastupanu, vallutasid ründajad sillad mõne minutiga.35

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
13 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque Character List Paul Bäumer - A young German soldier fighting in the trenches during World War I. Paul is the protagonist and narrator of the novel. He is, at heart, a kind, compas-sionate, and sensitive young man, but the brutal expe-rience of warfare teaches him to detach himself from his feelings. His account of the war is a bitter invective against sentimental, romantic ideals of warfare. Read an in-depth analysis of Paul Bäumer. Stanislaus Katczinsky - A soldier belonging to Paul's company and Paul's best friend in the army. Kat, as he is known, is forty years old at the beginning of the novel and has a family at home. He is a resourceful, inventive man and always finds food, clothing, and blankets whenever he and his friends need them.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist


To launch a rail gun projectile, power would be diverted from the ship's engine to the gun turret. The gun would be fired, up to six rounds per minute, for as long as required. Then power would be shifted back to the engine. 8 3. Research advances so far 3.1 A functional 32 MJ railgun weapon In 2009 BAE Systems delivered a functional, 32 megajoule Electromagnetic Laboratory Rail Gun (32/MJ LRG) to the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center. The U.S. Navy's experimental railgun is getting new upgrades to make it fire more powerful shots, and fire them faster. It's the latest bit of progress on this still-landlocked weapon, but when and where it actually would be installed on a warship is not clear. The goal, according to Tom Beutner, head of Naval Air Warfare and Weapons for the ONR, is ten shots per minute at 32 megajoules. One way of looking at it is that a .22 bullet has 1,000 foot-

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

genuine elections, to have access to public services. 26. All persons are equal before the law and entitled without discrimination to equal protection by the law. 27. Minority groups shall have the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their religion, use their own language. Lecture 14 READING WEEK 28.10-4.11 NO CLASSES. Law of war = International Humanitarian Law (academic name) = Law of armed conflicts Jus in bello ­ law that governs the way in which warfare is conducted IHL divided into: Geneva law ­ protects victims of war (wounded and sick, shipwrecked, prisoners of war, civilians) Named after the 4 Geneva Conventions, from 1949 (last version of the Geneva Conventions). I ­ wounded and sick armies, II ­ wounded and sick shipwrecked navy, III ­ prisoners of war, IV ­ civilians. After that 2 additional protocols, in 1977. I ­ international armed conflicts, II ­ non- international armed conflicts.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


They belive that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or alerted over time, but consider the Arabic Koran to be both the unalerted and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment. There are two main denominations in Muslims: Sunnis and Shias. The largest denomination in Islam is Sunni Islam, which makes up 75%-90% of all Muslims. Sunnis are also called as Ahl as-Sunnah what means ,,people of the tradition". These hadiths, recounting Muhammad's words, actions, and personal characteristics, are preserved in traditions known as Al-kutub Al- Sittah(Six major books). Sunnis belive that the first four caliphs were rightful successors to Muhhamad

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Muslims maintain that previous messages and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time, but consider the Qur'an to be both unaltered and the final revelation from God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, encompassing everything from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment. Most Muslims belong to one of two denominations; with 80-90% being Sunni and 10-20% being Shia. About 13% of Muslims live in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country, 25% in South Asia, 20% in the Middle East, 2% in Central Asia, 4% in the remaining South East Asian countries, and 15% in Sub-saharan Africa. Sizable communities are also found in China and Russia, and parts of the Caribbean. Converts and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the world

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

September 1980 to August 1988, making it the longest conventional war of the twentieth century. The war began when Iraq invaded Iran on 22 September 1980. In 1982 with Iranian success on the battlefield, the U.S started to support Iraq publicly. This support included several billion dollars worth of economic aid, the sale of dual-use technology, non-U.S. origin weaponry, military intelligence, Special Operations training, and direct involvement in warfare against Iran. In 1982, Iraq was removed from a list of State Sponsors of Terrorism to ease the transfer of dual-use technology to that country. President Ronald Reagan initiated a strategic opening to Iraq, signing National Security Decision Directive 4-82 and selecting Donald Rumsfeld as his emissary to Hussein, whom he visited in December 1983 and March 1984. According to U.S. ambassador Peter W. Galbraith, far from winning the conflict, "the Reagan administration was afraid that Iraq might

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

American English Take-Home Exam

In 1877, George and Edward Butler founded a small wholesale mail-order company in Boston, which later became known as the Butler Bros. Their innovation of the “Five Cent Counter” started the epidemic of department stores all over the country. From the French department, which meant “group of people” and “departure”, English has borrowed the sense of “separate division”. Meanwhile, store originally meant “supplies or provisions for a household, camp, etc” and was related to warfare. The word as “a place where goods are kept for sale” was first recorded in 1721 in American English. Eskimo pie - Eskimo Pie was America's first chocolate covered ice cream bar and it was invented by Christian Kent Nelson in his home laboratory in 1920. Nelson got his inspiration for the invention of Eskimo Pie when a boy in his confectionery store could not decide whether to buy ice cream or a chocolate bar. In 1921, Nelson secured an agreement with local chocolate producer Russell C

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
6 allalaadimist


of the 14th century. Although the Bruce dynasty was successful, David II's lack of an heir allowed his nephew Robert II to come to the throne and establish the Stewart Dynasty. The Stewarts ruled Scotland for the remainder of the Middle Ages. The country they ruled experienced greater prosperity from the end of the 14th century through the Scottish Renaissance to the Reformation. This was despite continual warfare with England, the increasing division between Highlands and Lowlands, and a large number of royal minorities. Modern history In 1603, James VI King of Scots inherited the throne of the Kingdom of England, and became King James I of England, and left Edinburgh for London. With the exception of a short period under the Protectorate, Scotland remained a separate state, but there was considerable conflict between the crown and the Covenanters over the form of church government.

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
17 allalaadimist

Riigi ja valitsemise III osa

IX Loeng Poliitilised reziimid. Autoritarism, totalitarism ja demokraatia Poliitiline reziim Poliitiline reziim on suunatud riigis valitsevale õhustikule ning lähtub valitsevatest sisulistest eesmärkidest, huvidest ja tegutsemisviisidest. Eesti sõnaga võiks reziimi ligikaudselt nimetada võimutüübiks, poliitiliseks õhustikuks või valitsemisviisiks. Reziimi mõiste on protsessikeskne ja politoloogidel tugevalt kasutuses Poliitiline süsteem Poliitilist süsteemi on kasutatud väga erinevates tähendustes. Kõige tavalisem on, et ühiskonda/riiki iseloomustatakse tervikuna avaliku võimu institutsioonidest lähtudes: missugused institutsioonid on, kuidas toimivad, missugused on nende vastastiksuhted, mis jääb institutsioonide poolt katmata jne. Eesti keeles võiks lihtsamalt öelda riigikord Reziimide üldjaotus Demokraatia n valitsemisviis, kus võim põhineb üldva-limiste kaudu saadud piiratud mandaadil valijatelt, kellel on poliitikas o...

Politoloogia → Riik ja valitsemine
149 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

*Kenneth MacAlpin and the unification of Scotland ­ The unification of Scotland began when Kenneth MacAlpin became king of the Picts and the Scots. Prior to this unification, Scotland had been a country divided between the Scots and the Picts. Kenneth MacAlpin, defeated the Picts. MacAlpin was not immediately recogninzed as the King of Scots and Picts for some years. Before defeating the Picts, he defeated the Vikings, driving them from the land. Once the warfare had ended between Scot and Pict, MacAlpin turned his attention to reforming laws, repressing and punishing crime, as well as improvements in the administration of justice. MacAlpin is credited with a code of laws known as "Code MacAlpin". *Malcolm III Canmore and Queen Margaret ­ Malcolm married Margaret, who was his second wife, the great-niece of Edward the Confessor. Margaret's impact was dramatic. She favoured the Roman Catholic church to the Celtic Church

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

They comprise a large number of distinct tribes, states and ethnic groups and, many of which are still enduring as political communities. The European colonization of the Americas nearly destroyed the populations and cultures of the Native Americans. During the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries, their populations were ravaged by conflicts with European explorers and colonists, disease, displacement, enslavement as well as internal warfare. Scholars now believe that, among the various contributing factors, epidemic disease was the overwhelming cause of the population decline of the American natives. In the sixteenth century, Spaniards and other Europeans brought horses to the Americas. Some of these animals escaped and began to breed and increase their numbers in the wild. Ironically, the horse had originally evolved in the Americas, but the early

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Poliitika ja valitsemise alused

Poliitika 1. Mis vahe on mõistetel politics ja policy? Politics on eesti keeles poliitika, mis väljendub võimuvõitlusena. Policy on tegevuskavade elluviimine. 2. Mille poolest erinevad poliitika tegemine ja poliitika uurimine? Poliitika tegemise puhul lahendatakse igapäevaselt poliitikaküsimusi, kuid poliitika uurimise puhul püütakse mõtestada inimeste käitumist poliitika tegemisel. 3. Mille poolest erinevad valitsus, administratsioon, bürokraatia ja juhtimine? Valitsus on täidesaatva võimu institutsioon. Administratsioon on erinevad riigi valitsemist korraldavad organid, täitva võimu e valitsuse asutused. Bürokraatia on juhtimise ratsionaliseeritud ja depersonaliseeritud süsteem, mis kindlustab ettevõtete jms tegevuse maksimaalse täpsuse ja efektiivsuse. Juhtimine on tegevuse juhatamine, lähedane mõistele administratsioon, sest see juhibki tegevust. 4. Kuidas on tekkinud tänased poliitik...

Pedagoogika → Arenguõpetus
461 allalaadimist

Rahanduse konspekt

Kui töötada välja/võtta kasutusele mingi keskkonnasõbralik tehnoloohia, siis saab maksusoodustuse. SOTSIAALKINDLUSTUS – sotsiaalpoliitiliste abinõude süsteem, sotsiaalne kaitse sissetulekute katkemise või vähenemise või kulutuste suurenemise korral. Eesti sotsiaalkindlustusskeemid on pensioni-, ravi-, töötuskindlustus, peretoetused, vanemahüvitis, puuetega inimeste sotsiaaltoetused ja matusetoetus. Heaoluriik – pärit UK-st, vastand warfare state (Saksamaa). Kõige ulatuslikum mõju tekkis pärast laevakindlustuse väljapakkumist – annab turul väärtust juurde. Rahalised väljamaksed riigilt: 1)sotsiaalkindlustuse põhimõttel: väljamakseid tehakse neile, kes on teinud sissemakseid. Nt töötuskindlustus. 2)sissemaksega mitte seotud: universaalsed- nt lastetoetused. Sostsiaalhoolekande toetused- nt toimetulekutoetused. Heaoluriigi eesmärgid: 1) Elamisstandardite toetamine: vaesuse leevendamine, kindlustus (et

Haldus → Riigirahandus
58 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

Hungary, and Russia Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia and its ally France 10 mln dead, USA new world power, germany, 2 nd rate counrty, 3 other empires Russian, Austrian, Osman declined The Callipoli campaign In 1915 following the Turkish attack on Russia, the allies-Britain, France and Russia launched unsuccessful campaign It was a British attempt to end deadlock of french warfare by forcing a passage through the Dardanelles, forcing Turkey out of the war. Operation failed Expeditionary force witdrew The Mesopotamian campaign Began in 1914, when an Indian force landed at Abadan to protect oil installations. It was a British campaign, aim was to secure Persian oil supplies. 1916 10 000 soldiers were captured by the Turks. Baghdad fell. The Tyrks were defeated, adied by the Arab revolt. Jerusalem was taken in the end of 1917 and

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Marlow later finds Jim work as a ship chandler's clerk. Jim tries to remain incognito, but whenever the opprobrium of the Patna incident catches up with him, he abandons his place and moves further east. Nostromo (1904)- Nostromo is set in the South American country of Costaguana (a fictional nation, though its geography as described in the book closely matches real-life Colombia). Costaguana has a long history of tyranny, revolution and warfare, but has recently experienced a period of stability under the dictator Ribiera. Charles Gould is a native Costaguanero of English descent who owns an important silver-mining concession near the key port of Sulaco. He is tired of the political instability in Costaguana and its concomitant corruption, and uses his wealth to support Ribiera's government, which he believes will finally bring stability to the country after years of misrule and tyranny by self-serving dictators.

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist


silence. This fact was of course known to the Germans, and in view of it England made no attempt to keep its direction-finding activity secret, using it as a smokescreen for its less obvious and more valuable cryptanalytic work. Two other sources of radio intelligence were the identification of ships' radio call-signs and the recognition of a radio operator's "fist," or characteristic way of sending Morse code. After Jutland, the German emphasis on submarine warfare intensified Room 40's concentration on the U-boat messages. These were encoded in the four-letter code of the High Seas Fleet, but were superenciphered by columnar transposition. The Germans called the one for the regular U-boats "gamma epsilon" and that for the larger cruising submarines, whose keyword differed, "gamma u." Keywords changed often but not daily. Three or four staffers specialized in this; they became so adept that they usually managed not

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

A New Earth

occurrences throughout human history, as had slavery, torture, and widespread violence inflicted for religious and ideological reasons. Humans suffered more at the hands of each other than through natural disasters. By the year 1914, however, the highly intelligent human mind had invented not only the internal combustion engine, but also bombs, machine guns, submarines, flame throwers, and poison gas. Intelligence in the service of madness! In static trench warfare in France and Belgium, millions of men perished to gain a few miles of mud. When the war was over in 1918, the survivors look in horror and incomprehension upon the devastation left behind: ten million human beings killed and many more maimed or disfigured. Never before had human madness been so destructive in its effect, so clearly visible. Little did they know that this was only the beginning. By the end of the century, the number of people who died a violent

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

For since there are two ways of settling a dispute: first, by discussion; second; by physical force; and since the former is characteristic of man, the latter of the brute, we must resort to force only in case we may not avail ourselves of discussion. The only excuse, therefore, for going to war is that we may live in peace unharmed; and when the victory is won, we should spare those who have not been blood- thirsty and barbarous in their warfare. For instance, our forefathers actually admitted to full rights of citizenship the Tusculans, Acquians, Volscians, Sabines, and Hernicians, but they razed Carthage and Numantia to the ground. I wish they had not destroyed Corinth; but I believe they had some special reason for what they did - its convenient situation, probably - and feared that its very location might some day furnish a temptation to renew the war. In my opinion, at least, we should

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


Independence means being capable of effectively defending yourself, militarily, economically, socially and culturally. I can say it with certainty that the whole of Africa is incapable of defending itself on its own without outside aids, if one of the European powers decided to attack the continent. The reality of the situation is that Africa cannot defend itself, right now or in the near future. None of the weapons of war, either old or new warfare, is produced in Africa. None of the 53 countries, maybe with the exception of Egypt and South Africa (Caucasian apartheid monsters had started manufacturing war materials), have war manufacturing capabilities: no gun factories, no ammunition factories, no bomb- making factories for fighter-and/or bombing-jets, no helmet making factories for our soldiers to wear, no binoculars to spy on our enemies, no walky-talkies to communicate with our own people, no water

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


But what will surprise you most of all is that despite the high temperatures prevailing, one should find Angora cats at Baghdad, though certainly these are not so fine as those to be found on the northern slopes of the medique and Taurus mountains, though whether the difference is due to the hot atmosphere or the hostility of the people of Baghdad, I cannot say. You will no doubt settle that point better than I could, all I can say is that the people of Baghdad are in constant warfare with their cats, maintaining, not without good reason, in my opinion, that they bring the plague, because of their fur coats and their habits." While these longhairs might not have been appreciated in their native land, their charms were not lost on British cat fanciers. In "Our Cats" in 1889, Harrison Weir wrote of the various longhaired cats: "There are several varieties - the Russian, the Angora, the Persian, and Indian

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

goods such as honey. The latter is controversial for some vegans, but that is an argument for another book. If you are considering test-driving a PPBD, which I hope you will, I suggest that you make the transition from an animal-based diet gradual. It's better for the environment if you locally source a 70% PPBD12 inde nitely, rather than eat 100% vegan for two months and quit because you nd it unsustainable. Some vegans, lost in ideological warfare, also lose sight of cumulative e ects: getting 20% of the population to take a few steps in the right direction will have an in nitely greater positive impact on the world than having 2% of the population following a 100% plant-based diet. To both uninformed meat-eaters and vegetarians--stop ad hominem attacks and focus on the big picture. Of course, there are many vegetarians and vegans who object to any consumption of animal

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Think and Grow Rich. New York: Fawcett Books, 1990. Holmes, Ernest. Creative Mind and Success. New York: J. P. Tarcher, 1997. ccc_tracy_bib_256-259.qxd 6/23/03 3:39 PM Page 258 258 ➤ BIBLIOGRAPHY Holmes, Ernest. Science of Mind. New York: J. P. Tarcher, 1998. James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York: Touchstone Books, 1997. Keegan, John. A History of Warfare. New York: Vintage Books, 1994. Leonard, George. Mastery. New York: Plume, 1992. Lin,Yutang. The Importance of Living. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1998. Luvaas, J. Napoleon on the Art of War. New York: Touchstone Books, 2001. McClelland, David. The Achieving Society. New York: Free Press, 1985. McCormick, Blaine. At Work with Thomas Edison. Irvine, CA: Entre- preneur Press, Inc. 2001.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

where neither money nor commercial exchange is at issue. Perhaps my favorite il- lustration of the enormous force available from the reciprocation weapon of influ- ence comes from such a situation. The European scientist Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1975) provides the account of a German soldier during World War I whose job was to cap- ture enemy soldiers for interrogation. Because of the nature of the trench warfare at that time, it was extremely difficult for armies to cross the no-man's-land be- tween opposing front lines, but it was not so difficult for a single soldier to crawl across and slip into an enemy trench position. The armies of the Great War had ex- perts who regularly did so to capture enemy soldiers, who would then be brought back for questioning. The German expert had often successfully completed such missions in the past and was sent on another

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun