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"perception" - 138 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Perception

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Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

05144023 Compare and contrast the `direct` perception theory of Gibson with the `constructivist` perception theory of Gregory. Which provides a better account of human perception? Sensation involves physical stimulation of the sense organs, while perception is the organisation and interpretation of incoming sensory information. The Gestalt theorists first identified many of the principles that dominate in human visual perception. As Dowell (1995) has observed: "To perceive seems effortless. To understand perception is nevertheless a great challenge" (cited in Gross, 2005, pp 244). This essay will look at Gregory's theory and Gibson's theory of visual perception whether one or the other offers a better explanation of human visual perception. According to top-down perceptual processing theorists, perception is the end result of an

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Introduction summary notes MRdd

INTRODUCTION TO SRI ISHOPANISHAD. We need sun for illumination, similarly we need scriptures to give us eternal knowledge. As we have four defects, we can not acquire knowledge properly. These four defects progressivly and increasingly limit the knowledge that we can acquire. Four defects that every human being has, are: propensity to cheat, illusion, mistakes, limited senses. Because we have limited senses we can not perceive what is beyond our sense perception, therefore we make mistakes and stay in illusion ­ taking that "what is not (maya)" as something real, and we tend to cheat by creating our own mental speculations to prove our "truth". Therefore we need Vedas to acquire the perfect knowledge, transcendental knowledge. Vedas give universal and axiomatic wisdom. Universal means ­ applicable at all times, axiomatic- implicitly true. Vedic knowledge is superior to pratyaksha (direct sense perception) and anumana (mental speculation) knowledge

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sheep senses and social cognition

communication of social signals. Popular belief tends to emphasise the absolute importance of smell for sheep in line with many other mammals, however as we shall see this another misconception with all three major senses playing essential roles. Vision Sheep depend heavily on their vision. They have excellent peripheral vision and can see behind themselves without turning their heads. However, they have poor depth perception. They cannot see immediately in front of their noses. Some vertical vision may also have been sacrificed in order to have a wider field of vision. For example, it is doubtful that a sheep would be able to see something in a tree. There was a research about sheep recognising faces and genders. Pictures of sheep and humans were shown. Sheep was supposed to choose between face images in order to gain access to the real individuaal whose face-picture had been seen

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelsed fraasid

1a fraasid Feared natural predators- kardetud looduslikud kiskjad Beyond the limits- piire ületades/piiridest kaugemale Developed such a special bond- loonud (sellise) erilise sideme Brought up on a farm- farmis üles kasvatatud How to interpret- kuidas tõlgendada/selgitada Dedicated to- pühendunud (millesegi) A unique and unforgettable- eriline ja unustamatu The negative perception- negatiivne mulje He aims to sh savagely fierce ow people- ta soovib näidata inimestele The ferocious and mindless- metsik ja tundetu Are portrayed in the media- kujutatakse meedias Have personalities- omavad iseloomu Interacting with people- inimestega suhelda To swim alongside them- ujuda nende kõrval Occasionally- mõnikord Dorsal fin- seljauim Marvel at- imetlema (midagi/kedagi) An endangered- ohustatud (kasutatakse ohustatud liikide puhul)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Review Of Donald Norman Design Of Everyday Things

Norman to act, he approached it from a constructive perspective, doing thorough research on what exactly was wrong with those irritating designs, how it could be improved and how to organize the findings, which systems of concepts and models they would constitute. Norman himself states that he makes it a rule never to criticize something unless he can offer a solution (p.??). Norman concentrates on person's perception of an object, on nature of human perception of the world in general, on how people approach tasks that designed objects are meant to aid with and poses as an advocate of a user-centered design approach. The book places numerous tools - models, concepts, the whole approach described in detail in 7th Chapter, encompassing all previously mentioned notable notions - at the disposal of anyone involved in design willing to use them. Had it really been made a part of compulsory reading for every designer ever educated from now on, the world

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Neurobioloogias sönade seletus, ingl keelne

surface of all cells; it controls the movement of various substances into and out of the cell. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYTEM (CNS) – The brain and the spinal cord. CEREBELLUM – A large structure in the hindbrain which helps control movement by making connections to the thalamus, pons, medulla and spinal cord. Involved in some aspects of motor learning. CEREBRAL CORTEX - The outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. It is responsible for all aspects of conscious experience, including perception, thought, planning and speech. CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES – The two specialised halves of the brain. The left one is specialised in speech, language and writing. The right hemisphere is specialised in spatial abilities, face recognition and some aspects of music perception and production. CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) – A liquid which is found in the ventricles of the brain and the canal of the spinal cord. It collects products of neuronal and glial metabolic activity.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

Korruptsioon ja selle vormid

Korruptsiooni määratlus Korruptsioon on ametiseisundi kuritarvitamine omakasu eesmärgil. Samuti ei pruugi see, mida peetakse korruptsiooniks ühes ühiskonnas, olla sama teises. Siiski tuleb igas ühiskonnas ette tegevusi, mida kultuurilistel põhjustel taunitakse. korruptsiooni peetakse valdavalt avaliku sektori nähtuseks korruptsioon võib vohada ka era või kolmandas sektoris ( näiteks riiklike või Euroopa Liidu toetuste saamisel) Korruptsiooni tagajärjed Tekitab ebavõrdsust Suurendab kaudselt riigil saamata tulude arvelt vaesust Poliitiline ja majanduslik ebatsatbiilsus Kahaneb majanduskav Korruptiivne majanduskeskkond ei soodusta investeeringuid Korruptsioonivormid Korruptsiooni liigitatakse väike ja suurkorruptsiooniks ning bürokraatia ja poliitika korruptsiooniks Korruptsiooniliigid Altkäemaks Häälte ostmine Omasatamine/ kelmus Onupojapoliitika Parteide varjatud ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
21 allalaadimist

Enesetesti küsimused ja vastused: Webwri seadus, eristuslävi jmt

Enesetesti küsimused ja vastused: 1) Maitsemeele puhul kehtib nii spetsiifilisusteooria kui mustriteooria. JAH 2) Sea mõisted vastavusse meeltega: a. NOTSITSEPTOR ­ valutundlikkus b. HAISTESIBUL ­ haistmismeel c. VESTIBULAARNE SÜSTEEM ­ tasakaalumeel 3) Kehast pärit info, mis jõuab kiirusagarasse, moodustab kiirusagara pinnal kaardi inimese kehast. Seda nimetatakse HOMUNKULUSEKS. 4) Lõhnatundlikkus mõjutab maitsetundlikkust. JAH 5) Seda protsessi, kus (välis)keskkonnast tulev füüsikaline või keemiline signaal moondub närvisignaaliks nimetatakse TRANSDUKTSIOONIKS. 6) Kepikesed ja kolvikesed(rods and cones - inglise k.) on retseptorid, mis on seotud NÄGEMISEGA. 7) Eristuslävi on: Vähim tunnetatav erinevus subjektiivsetes intensiivsustes (nt vähim helitugevuste vahe, mida inimene eristab). 8) Weberi seadus võimaldab omavahel võrrelda erinevaid sensoorseid moda...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
16 allalaadimist


meilt, nii et liin tundub pikem. Veel üks alternatiivne teooria on seotud katsega modelleerida kognitiivseid inimprotsesse arvutis. D. Marr proovis modelleerida visuaalset tajumist, kuid täielikku edu ei saavutanud. See räägib sellest, et visuaalne tajumine on veelgi keerulisem, kui eeldati. Järelikult on kõigil teooriatel õigus olemasoluks, selgitades ainult osa kogu keerukast tajumise protsessist. Kasutatud kirjandus: 1. Perception & Psychophysics, Aug 2007 2. Perception & Psychophysics, Jul 2008 3. , 20, #1, 1999 4. , 21, #2, 2000 5. , 23, #3, 2002

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
32 allalaadimist

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS)/ Todd’s syndrome

Wonderland syndrome (AIWS)/ Todd’s Ülle-Mai Kesamaa 10th grade 2015 Content What is it? Causes Signs and symptoms AIWS is named by … History Treatment Sources What is it? disorienting neurological condition that affects human perception. most common perceptions at night. micropsia(feeling yourself smaller) macropsia(feeling yourself bigger) pelopsia(objects appear nearer) teleopsia(objects appear further) Causes typical migraines temporal lobe epilepsys brain tumours psychoactive drugs Epstein-barr-virus infection abnormal amounts of electrical activity Exact causes are not known! Signs and symptoms hallmark sign is a migraine experiences of altered body images “lilliputian hallucinations”

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Prosopagnoosia, teatud ka kui näopimedus, on sündroom mille korral patsient ei suuda eristada inimeste nägusid. Olenevalt sündroomi intensiivsusest võib haigus piirduda vaid tuttavate nägude mitte eristumisega. Olemas on ka juhtumeid, kus ravitav ei suuda teha vahet nägudel ja teistel objektidel. Prosopagnoosia täpne levik pole teada, kuna tihti ei saa patsiendid aru, et nad põevad antud sündroomi. Uuringute põhjal, mis on sooritatud erinevatel inimgruppidel arvatakse, et see arv võib kõikuda ühe ja kahe protsendi vahel. Arvatakse, et sündroom võib tekkida, kui kahjustada saab oimusagara ja kuklasagara vaheline ala, mis tegeleb nägude tajumise ja mäluga. Haigus võib avalduda peale insulti, peatraumat või mõne häire tulemusel. Vahel on sündroom ka kaasasündinud, sellisel juhul arvatakse, et haigust põhjustab pärilik mutatsioon, kuna sel juhul jookseb see tihti perekonnas.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Organic Future: The Case of Organic Farming by Adrian Myer

offlowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants. 2. Caveat (hoiatus)- a warning or caution; admonition 3. Husbandry (põllundus)- the cultivation and production of edible crops or of animals for food; agriculture; farming. 4. Yield (tootma)- to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation 5. Intuitive (vaistlik)- perceived by, resulting from, or involving intuition 6. Cognition (tunnetus)- the act or process of knowing; perception 7. Silt (setted)- earthy matter, fine sand, or the like carried by moving or running water and deposited as a sediment. 8. Unequivocally (ühemõtteliselt)- in a way that is clear and unambiguous 9. Fungi (seened)- a taxonomic kingdom, or in some classification schemes a division of the kingdom Plantae, comprising all the fungus groups and sometimes also the slime molds. 10. Enlivened (elavdama)- to make vigorous or active; invigorate 11

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Walter Scott

· Traded in his house and income to his creditors hoping to get out of debt · Kept writing and publishing fiction until he died in Abbotsford in 1832 · Was buried in Dryburgh Abbey · Abbotsford House was a farmhouse what Scott had bought. · He essentially invented the modern historical novel · Influence the Edinburgh's central railway station now called Waverley Station · He contributed to the reinvention of Scottish culture. · His novels followed the rehabilitating of public perception. Thank you for listening.. (tekst) Early Life was born August 15 1771 in College Wynd, in Old Town of Edinburgh to a solicitor Caught polio and survived however he lost use of his right leg Sent to Sandyknowe , his grandparents farm, in order to restore his health Taught to read by his aunt Jenny, who influenced the speech patterns and tales/legends which he used in later works given private tutoring in arithmetic and writing by James Mitchell

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Visaul Image

Cook in picture D is not visual image important as well he should be able to make food. The official in picture E is visual image important because he must be creadible that he could give advise. It is hard to say which job is the most difficult to do well. I do not judge people on how they look, because the first impression may be wrong decision. In my opinion I think the fashion and art is influenced people's perception of beauty and ability, because people have been accompanied by the current fashion and it will become more beautiful by following it. Someone is attractive, if he/she is able to properly express yourself and and he/she becomes appealing if it is not fake it will gives him/her a lot more beauty. Yes, I've bought a few things that seemed to me a very good but after I have been disappointed in that because it was not as good as it seemed

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

John Constable

1831, one year after his wife's death. He later added nine lines from ,,The Seasons" by 18th Century poet James Thomson that reveal the painting's meaning: That the rainbow is a symbol of hope after a storm that follows on the death of the young Amelia in the arms of her lover Celadon. I like the name of the painting Sailsbury Cathedral from the Meadows, because there is everything very clearly depicted in the painting is the perception and the message. In front of the painting you can see chariots with horses and in the background can be seen church and rainbow. He has used oil colors and he used dark colors, but not all in sky he has used brighter color. In left of painting he used sooty, fawn colors and church is grizzly. The sky is light grizzly and sooty. In conclusion, it can be said that Kumu visit was very enlightening and diverse. We can also participate in raffle, which could lead to London art museum.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Filosoofid, kes räägivad teadusest

ii. we think that there is a link between one event and another because we expect there to be one from experience. Kant ­ Cause and Effect - Argues against Hume - He does not believe that the connection between a cause and effect derives merely from a habit - "all changes take place in accordance with the law of cause and effect" - there is a difference between the way we: · perceive an object: order of perception is reversible if I observe a house I can observe the basement first and then move up or observe the top first and then go down ­ it does not make a difference · perceive an event: order of perception is not reversible if I observe a boat moving downstream I cannot observe the downstream position before its upstream position

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
10 allalaadimist

The whole manager

The Whole Manager Achieving Success without Selling your Soul Author Peter Bolt Managing yourself ü If you can not manage yourself . . . ü Prepatarion is the Key ü Accountability ü Managing with "Bottle" ü Developing a Positive Attitude ü Adversity ü Perception Managing your time (1) ü Time ­ your most Click to edit Master text styles precious possession Second level ü Deling with time Third level Fourth level ü Developing a new Fifth level mindset ü Managing your diary

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Värvipimedus - referaat

ee/?disease=v&sisu=disease&did=603 (7.04.2012). Värvipimedus. (2012).ärvipimedus (7.04.2012). Testi oma värvitaju! (2010). (8.04.2012). Eesti Nõukogude Entsüklopeedia. (1970). Värvipimedus. (515). Tallinn: Valgus. John Dalton. (2010). (7.04.2012). Color blindness. (2012). (7.04.2012). Color perception test. (2012). (7.04.2012). Flück, D. (2006). Tritanopia ­ Blue-Yellow Color Blindness. (8.04.2012). What is colorblindness and the different types? (7.04.2012). Living with colour vision deficiency. deficiency/ (9.04.2012). Color perception test

Meditsiin → Patoloogia
32 allalaadimist

Can you buy everything for money?

Can you buy everything for money? Money is a resource for which you can afford to buy anything, of course, if this is enough money. But they are also a lot of things (values) that you can not for the money. You can not buy friendship, family, acquaintances and loved ones much more. Money can be used as means of payment can shop in peace, by paying taxes, etc.. Coming back on the friends you can not afford to buy your friends, we do not pay for this, for us who they are. But between, we have a friend do something (to help), and for a small fee to give to a friend. In my opinion, as well as many others have money in the all-powerful, for it can get things done, you should not get in when it is earned. However, I need to stay alive. Money has grown to what it is today. It was originally just a matter of money, which can be converted or wood grain, it was the same as those of high value goods themselves. Bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Värvipimedus - ettekanne

Olenemata mõningatest takistustest elatakse iseseisvat ja täisväärtuslikku elu. HUVITAVAID FAKTE Värvipimedad jahimehed eristavad loomi segase tausta juures paremini. Värvipimedad sõdurid näevad mõnikord kamuflaazi, mis normaalse värvitajuga inimesed ära petab. On mitmeid värvipimedaid kunstnikke, kelle värvitajuhäire neid sugugi tööd tegemast ei sega. Näiteks Clifton Pugh. Tänan kuulamast! KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Color perception test. (2012). (9.04.1012). Wade, A. (2000). Can you tell red from green? (9.04.2012). Flück, D. (2006). Tritanopia ­ BlueYellow Color Blindness. (8.04.2012). Color blindness. (2012). (7.04.2012). John Dalton. (2010). (7.04

Meditsiin → Patoloogia
27 allalaadimist


THE IMPACT OF THE MEDIA ON BAD BODY IMAGE IN CHILDREN Kristiina Tammik What is body image? Body image is the perception of one's own body, based chiefly in comparison to socially constructed standards or ideals The way you perceive yourself How you feel IN your body What you believe about your appearance What is the issue? Negative body image is important to recognize because often, whether the person has control over the issue or not, it leads to harmful results. Poor body image comes from the idea that there is only one type of "perfect body"

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Reflective Statement Antigone

At the same time Antigone actively believes in the Gods and bases justifications to her actions on the will of the Gods. Through the characters of Antigone and Creon, Sophocles is able to express his ideas about the balance between the artificial man- made world in comparison to the natural laws and traditions. The conflict between man and nature presented in Antigone has deepened my understanding of the customs and traditions of the ancient Greek era and influenced my perception of our current world. The conflict is still relevant today, when we argue about the issues of abortion and gay rights, which are both religiously frowned upon, and try to find the balance between beliefs and traditions from the past, while accustoming them to our world today. Word count: 410 1 Robert Fagles, trans., Sophocles: The Three Theban Plays (New York: Penguin, 1984) 76.

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Miks tajuvad inimesed kehaväliseid kogemusi?

Manipulation of bodily self consciousness" Science. 317, lk 1096-1099 · Osis, K (1974) ,,Perspectives for out-of-body research" Research in Parapsychology, lk 110-113 · Wiseman, R (2011)"Out-of-body experiences" Paranormality, Macmillan, Mackays, UK, lk 13-57 Artiklid: · Blackmore, S.J. (1987) ,,Where am I?: Perspectives in imagery, and the out-of-body experience" Journal of Mental Imagery, 11, lk 53-66 · Debner, J. A.; Jacoby, L. L. (1994) ,,Unconscious Perception: Attention, Awareness, and Control" Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, American Psychological Association Inc, 20 (2), 304-317 · Hayden Ebbern, Sean Mulligan ja Barry Beyerstein (1996) "Maria's NDA: Waiting for the other shoe to drop" Skeptical Inquirer, 20(4), lk 27-33 · Klauer, K. C; Musch, J; Naumer, B (2000)Psychological Review, Vol 107(4), Oct 2000, lk 852-884 · Sireteanu R, Oertel V, Mohr H, Linden D, Singer W, (2008)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
12 allalaadimist


mõtteliselt jaganud kultuurmaastiku kolmeks osaks. “Otseselt religioonist ja ideoloogiast laiemalt on põhjustatud nn. rituaalne maastik, ..., Võimu ja omandisuhete baasil on kujunenud nn. sotsiaalne maastik, ..., Kultuurmaastike kolmas komponent on agraarmaastik.“ (Lang 2001) Edasi tegelen välisartiklitega ja püüan neist selgust ja nende käsitlusest aru saada. Esimene artikkel „From 3D landscape visualization to environmental simulation: The contribution of sound to the perception of virtual environments“ tugineb visuaalsele keskkonnale uurides heli tajuga 3D maastiku kujutamist. Uurimisega selgus, et heli võib olla tõhus vahend maastiku kujutamisel. (Lindquist, Lange, Kang 2016) Teises artiklis „Integrated landscape management for agriculture, rural livelihoods, and ecosystem conservation: An assessment of experience from Latin America and the Caribbean“ on juttu uuringust, mis iseloomustab integreeritud maastikku Ladina Ameerikas ja Kariibi mere saartel

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
26 allalaadimist

Organisatsioonikäitumise 1. arvestustöö

Osa rolliootusi on sõnastatud käitumisnõudeis ja etiketis. Teine osa ootustest põhineb üldtunnustatud kirjutamata reeglitel. Ametirollid on osaliselt fikseeritud ametijuhendites. Grupisisesed ootused tekivad sageli harjumusest kedagi just säärases osas näha. Rolliootuste kandjad eeldavad ja loevad endastmõistetevaks, et rolli täitev isik on teadlik temale suunatud ootustest ja et ta neid ootusi tunnistab. 13. Rollitaju (the role of perception?) ­ tähendab võimet tähele panna ja kindlaks määrata, mis rolli üks või teine isik parajasti täidab. Valdav osa rolle täidetakse paaris: teenindaja ­ klient, ülemus ­ alluv. 14. Rollikujutlus (the role of imagination?) ­ näitab, milline on mingi rolli potentsiaalse täitja enda ettekujutus oma rollist. 15. Rollikäitumine (role behaviour?) ­ on vastuvõetavaks tunnistatud rolliootustega kooskõlas tegutsemine. Roll ühelt poolt küll piirab käitumisvabadust ja suunab selle

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsiooniline käitumine
48 allalaadimist

Merleau Ponty

Maurice Merleau-Ponty kunstifilosoofia ja tema tajukäsitlus Paul Cezanne maalide kunstifilosoofilise analüüsi oluline aspekt on tajukäsitlus, kuidas Merleau-Ponty selgitab maailma ja inimese vahelist suhet, inimese silma ja vaimu vahelist suhet. Oma tajukäsitluses kritiseerib Merleau-Ponty nii empiriste, nagu Hume, kui ka ratsionaliste ­ Descartes'. Järgnevalt kirjeldan Merleau-Pony filosoofilist lähenemist maailmale ja kunstile ning lisan ka mõned ideed, mis mul tema tekstidega tutvudes tekkisid. Merleau-Ponty eristab inimese juures tema keha ja ihu ­ keha tähenduses füüsiline objekt, ihu kui elav süsteem, mitte kunagi tabula rasa vaid alati maailmaga seotud olev. Sellise tõlgitsusega vastandub ta empiristidele, kes väidavad, et inimene on puhas leht ­ kõik meie teadmised kujunevad kogemuse kaudu, kusjuures kogemus on kokkupuude välise maailmaga. Samuti erineb see Descartes'i ideest, et keha ja vaim on rangelt lahutatud,...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
11 allalaadimist


Tõlgitud raamatud · Laplace, P.-S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, tõlge.). New York: Dover. (Originaalteos publitseeritud 1814) Tekstis: (Laplace, 1814/1951). Artikkel või peatükk kogumikus Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Artikli pealkiri. Kogumiku toimetaja, Kogumiku pealkiri (artikli lk-d). Ilmumise koht: Kirjastaja. · Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick, Jr., P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. Kui entsüklopeedia märksõnal ei ole autorit, siis algab viide märksõnaga, millele järgneb aasta. Publitseerimata uuringud · Almeida, D. M

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist


She feels nervous and uncomfortable, waiting to see if he is in school. Bella feels as if his lack of presence is her fault, despite common sense trying to tell her otherwise. At the end of the day, as she is leaving school, Bella notices the car belonging to the Cullens and Hales, and their clothes. She realises that they look wealthy. Their car is expensive and well looked after and their clothes are particularly fine. Showing a high degree of insight and perception, Bella decides that the Cullens must live in Forks because they desire isolation. After school, Bella goes shopping so she can start cooking Charlie proper meals after having discovered his inability to cook anything other than fried eggs and bacon. Once again Bella is playing a maternal role in her relationship with one of her parents, in this case her father rather than her mother. After shopping, Bella checks her emails, discovering a series from her mother who appears to

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


- kuulimsagnoosia - võimetus ära tunda mitteverbaalseid helisid ja muusikat /agnoosia on enamasti seotud aju orgaanilise kahjustusega/ Derealisatsioon: (derealization) häiritud on väliskeskkonnast pärit üksikaistingute süntees terviklikuks tajuelamuseks. Derealisatsioonielamus võib esineda joobes (hallutsinogeenid, alkohol), aju orgaaniliste kahjustuste ja mitmete psüühikahäirete korral (võõrutusdeliirium alkoholist). 1) luululine taju (delusional perception, delusional mood) - ümbritsev maailm või teatud objektid omandavad erilise sära, salapära või tungivad muul viisil subjektiivses tajuelamuses esile. 2) ruumitaju häire - mikropsia (micropsia, lilliputian hallucination) - objekte tajutakse tegelikkusest väiksemana - makropsia (macropsia) (objekte tajutakse tegelikkusest suuremana) - värvitaju häirumine 3) ajataju häired (sündmused kulgevad kiiremini või aeglasemana; nt kõik toimub nagu aegluubis)

Psühholoogia → Sissejuhatus psühholoogiasse
127 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne intervjuu

When a man and a woman decide on being partners in private life as well as at work, they are bound to run into problems ­ or such often seems to be the public perception. If that is a rule, however, there certainly are exceptions. Marc (45) and Catherine (37) Brown have had to cope with that situation for many years now, with Marc being a cow farm manager and Catherine a milkmaid at the same institution. The exact name and location of the farm shall be left undisclosed, but it is certainly one of the most prestigious in England, meaning that stresses and strains are many ­ meeting high expectations demands intense work.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Keemia termodünaamika alused

exponentially at first, if no artificial immunization is available. Each infected person can infect multiple new people. o Human population, if the number of births and deaths per person per year were to remain at current levels (but also see logistic growth). o Many responses of living beings to stimuli, including human perception, are logarithmic responses, which are the inverse of exponential responses; the loudness and frequency of sound are perceived logarithmically, even with very faint stimulus, within the limits of perception. This is the reason that exponentially increasing the brightness of visual stimuli is perceived by humans as a smooth (linear) increase, rather than an exponential increase. This has survival value

Kategooriata → Üldloodusteadus
31 allalaadimist

Computers - indispensable part of our life

affecting out health? Working for hours on end with a computer is now a fact of life. Whether it's an aspect of your work or whether you use computers just for fun, there are certain risks involved with prolonged computer use. With the increasing use of computers, computer related vision problems are affecting a growing number of individuals. Visual symptoms include: eyestrain, blurred or double vision, headaches, red or irritated eyes, and color perception changes. But there are even more side-effects on using computers. When sitting on the same position constantly, we may experience neck or shoulder tension, general fatigue, or pain in the back, arms, wrists or shoulders. Using computers daily and more than few hours a day is risky and may affect our health. That is why we should always have pauses using computers and enjoy more outdoor activities. Computers are vital part of our every day life, as they provide us with so many

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

A doll house

loved (her)" (1149) and that she was leaving him and the children at once. This statement makes a mockery of Torvald's claim that he'd "often wished that (she) could be threatened by some imminent danger so that (he) could risk everything (he) had - even (his) own life itself" (1146) in order to keep her safe. Ultimately, their relationship will be over and Nora will be free of the pressure to be his doll. The terms of having a "perfect" life are far too steep if society's perception is held more important than family and a marriage. Torvald and Nora's relationship was doomed to fail as Torvald embraced being accepted in his community more so than keeping his wife safe. Nora would inevitably have the realization that her marriage was flawed, and her true, strong nature was revealed as she left her superficial life for the unknown. Her change of character contrasts with her initial character and the title of the play, which both resembled perfection and happiness

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Questions for the Second Philosophy Test

8. According to Hume, what is belief and why is important for life? Uskumus on tunne, „elujuht“, mis võimaldab inimelul eksisteerida, kui see peaks olemas olema. G. Kant 1. What is Kant's philosophy goal? Päästa teadus ja usk Hume’i skeptitsismi käest. 2. Why Kant believes that his philosophy is a Copernican Revolution? Sest tema filosoofia leiab erinevalt varasemast, et mõistus on aktiivne instrument. 3. What are the pure forms of perception and the pure forms of conception? Taju puhtad vormid on aeg ja ruum; kontseptsioonide puhtad vormid on põhimõisted e kategooriad. 4. What is the difference between noumena and phenomena? Noumena ehk „maailm iseeneses“ on maailm sellisena, nagu ta tegelikult on; phenomena ehk „maailm meie jaoks“ on maailm sellisena, nagu meie teda tajuda saame. 5. According to Kant, in which field does religion have a place? Moraali vallas.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Addiction and drugs

Mushrooms work by disrupting how your nerve cells and the neurotransmitter serotonin interact throughout the brain and spinal cord. By changing the normal functioning of serotonin in the brain, mushrooms distort the way you process information and can make you hallucinate. When you hallucinate, it becomes difficult to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. You may see, feel and hear things that don't exist. You can also have rapid and intense emotional mood swings. This shift in perception can be frightening. It can cause panic attacks and a complete loss of contact with reality. As you can imagine, in this state of mind, it can be very easy to have a dangerous, or even fatal, accident. 6 5. LSD LSD (or its full name: lysergic acid diethylamide) is a potent hallucinogen that dramatically alters your thoughts and your perception of reality. It was discovered in 1938 in a fungus that grows on rye and other grains

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


ka seaduseloojate äraostmist), mis võimaldab riigivara riigi jaoks kahjulikel tingimustel teatud väikese otsustajate grupi kätte liikuda. Riigi riisumist ei saa reeglina pidada üksikjuhtumiks, vaid hästitoimivaks süsteemseks võrgustikuks, kus on omavahel seotud nii poliitiline kui majanduslik eliit. Korruptiivsuse mõõtmine Korruptiivsust mõõdetakse indeksiga, mida nimetatakse CPI-ks (corruption perception index) ehk korruptsiooni tajumise indeks. Nagu nimetus ütleb ­ absoluutarvudes ei ole mõõdetav. Eestit on hinnatud alates 1998.a. ja on asunud vahemikus 5,6-6,5 (2007). 2005.a. oli Eesti selle CPI skaalal 27-nes, Leedu 44 ja Läti 51. Korruptsioonitase Eestis Täna(01.12.2011)avalikustatud 2011. aasta rahvusvaheline korruptsioonitajumise indeks paigutab Eesti pingereas 29. kohale. Mullu saavutati 26. koht.

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
10 allalaadimist

Intonatsiooni varieeruvus diatoonilise helirea mängimisel viiulil

68% juhtudest vahemikus ± 5,43 senti. Alla mängides kasutas viiuldaja vaid ühte lahtist keelt, mille juhuslik kõrvalekalle esines vahemikus -1,69 kuni 1,69 senti. Hüpoteesiks oli, et süstemaatilsed helikõrguse kõrvalekalded esinevad suuremal või vähesemal määral iga noodi puhul pidas paika, v.a lahtisel D-keelel. 16 Kasutatud allikmaterjalid Carterette, Edward C.; Kendall, Roger A. 1999. Comparative music perception and cognition. Chapter 2: Pitch: A. Musical pitch and human hearing. - The Psychology of Music. Toim. Diana Deutsch. San Diego, CA, US: Academic Press, lk 730 Denckla, Ben 1997. Intonation Theory., vaadatud 07.12.2015 Denckla, Ben 1997. The Role of Intonation in Music., vaadatud 07.12.15. Freienthal, Heli. Olulised mõisted. http://www.lvrkk

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

The giver 1-6 chapter

released. 7. Why is Jonas apprehensive about the Ceremony of Twelve? He is apprehensive about the upcoming Ceremony of Twelve, when he will be given his official Assignment as a new adult member of the community. He does not have a distinct career preference, although he enjoys volunteering at a variety of different jobs. Though he is a well-behaved citizen and a good student, Jonas is different: he has pale eyes, while most people in his community have dark eyes, and he has unusual powers of perception. Sometimes objects "change" when he looks at them. He does not know it yet, but he alone in his community can perceive flashes of color; for everyone else, the world is as devoid of color as it is of pain, hunger, and inconvenience. 8. Why is December so important for children in the community? We learn that every December, all of the children in the community are promoted to the next age group--all four-year-old children become Fives, regardless of the time of year when they were actually born

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Ülevaade Psühholoogiast

Psühholoogia on teadus, mille eesmärgiks on elusolendite mõistuse-psüühika (mind) ja käitumise mõistmine ning seletamine. Käitumine toimub alati mingi eesmärgiga ... eesmärgiks on säilitada organism kui tervik muutuvates keskkonnatingimustes. Geograafilises keskkonnas kehaga toimuvad muudatused pole käitumine vaid liikumine (Nt. keha liikumine maavärina ajal). Gestalt- (ehk ühe kõrvalvoolu) psühholoogia jaoks oli käitumine (behaviour) need liigutused mis toimuvad käitumiskeskkonnas. Psüühika- individuaalsetel kogemustel põhinev protsesside kogum. Psüühika (mind) esimeseks funktsiooniks on individuaalse kogemuse organiseerimine. psüühika jaotatakse kaheks. 1.) Keskkonna mõtestamine: Keskkonnast andmeid koguv ja organiseeriv süsteem. 2.) Käitumise loomine: Tegevust – sihipäraseid liigutusi – organiseeriv süsteem Teadus on eriliste – teaduslike – teadmiste avastamise ja säilitamise protsess. paradigma- Laias mõttes on paradigma t...

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
11 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

­ READ these Chapters! Psychology · Personality extra reading Differential Developmental ­ Funder, D.C. (2010). The Personality Puzzle (5th edition). New York: Norton. (Earlier editions are fine.) Perception Biological · Intelligence extra reading Cognitive ­ Deary, I.J. (2013). Intelligence. Current Biology, 23, 673-676. (Memory) Social ­ Deary, I.J. (2001). Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Methodology Cognitive Oxford University Press.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Referencing style, kuidas kirjandites autoritele viidata PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES Sometimes you will know about research findings not from the primary source where they were originally reported but from a secondary source. For example, a textbook, such as Gross (1987) might be your source for research reported by Asch (1946). When mentioning Asch (1946) in your report this should be followed by a reference to your secondary source, thus: "A study investigating interpersonal perception was carried out by Asch (1946) (cited in Gross, 1987, pp 200-202)........" The secondary source only (i.e. Gross) should appear in your reference list, using the format already outlined. So, your reference list lists only works that you have actually consulted. It is, therefore, clear to everyone that your warrant for attributing certain claims to Asch is not what he said, but what Gross said about them.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1010 allalaadimist

Shaun White

Shaun White Shaun Roger White (born September 3, 1986) is an American professional snowboarder and skateboarder. He is a two-time Olympic gold medalist. He rides regular stance, twelve and negative three degrees on his board. Addressing his perception of the nickname "The Flying Tomato", Rolling Stone wrote, "he used to embrace it, even wearing headbands with a flying- tomato logo, but he has grown tired of it." He has also been nicknamed as "animal", a reference to a character from the satirical puppet show The Muppet Show. Early life White was born in San Diego, California. His ancestry includes Irish and Italian. He was born with a Tetralogy of Fallot, a congenital heart

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

They don’t create revenue straight-forward, however. They define whether the brand really has appeal. If enough of people connect deeply to the brands myth, a magnet effect is created, bringing more people to the fidelity circle. Feeders use the brand as vehicle, to build social solidarity with their acquaintances. DOI theory: Practice and Application in Branding products & Services Branding is pretty much creating or changing perception of the product, in order to influence the favourability towards adoption by the customer segment or mass market. In this article the concept of product brand is used, and differentiated between two categories: Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) – they could add to social value, but rather fulfil a definite purpose. Decisions on these kinds of brands are done rather quickly. The decision to even buy something in that product category is a simple need. The products don’t also differ too much

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Lapse füüsilise arengu vaatlus

Seega on ka lapse kasvuga seotud arengud normis (Maailma tervise organisatsioon, 2011). Kogu vaatluse vältel ilmnenud omadused ja oskused on iseloomulikud 6 – kuu vanusele lapsele. Vaatluse all olev laps on väga hästi arenenud ning omab head kontrolli oma keha kohta üle, arvestades 6 – kuuse lapse füüsilise arengu etappe. Kasutatud kirjandus Butterworth, G. E., Cicchetti, D. (1978). Visual calibration of posture in normal and Down’s syndrome infants. Perception, 5, lk 155-160. Butterworth, G., Harris, M. (2002). Arengupsühholoogia alused. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus. Griffiths, R. (1954). The abilities of babies. London: University of London Press Maailma tervise organisatsioon (2011). Laste kasvu standardid. Vaadatud: 25.10.2014 McGraw, M. B. (1943). The neuromuscular maturation of the human infant. New York: Hofner.

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
23 allalaadimist


NÄGEMISMEEL · Silmamuna ehitus · Pupill · Silmamuna liigutused · Silma kaitsvad struktuurid · Silma optiline süsteem · Fotokeemilised protsessid võrkkestas · Värvuste nägemine · Võrkkesta tsentraallohk · Lääts ja ripskeha · Nägemismeele tsentraalsed teed · Silma reflektsiooni anomaaliad ja uuringud · Nägemismeel on inimese tähtsaim meel · Inimese nägemismeeleelund on silm (oculus) · Nägemise abil saab inimene 90% kogu infost SILMAMUNA EHITUS I Silmamuna (bulbus oculi) asub silmakoopa (orbita) eesmises osas SILMAMUNA EHITUS II Silmamuna kestad 1. Fibrooskest: sarvkest (cornea) ja kõvakest (sclera) 2. Võrkkest e reetina pigmentepiteel, horisontaalrakud, bipolaarsed ja ganglionirakud, sensorirakud (kepikesed ja kolvikesed) 3. Soonkest (choroidea) · vikerkest (iris) annab silmadele värvi · ripskehas on ripslihas · pärissoonkestas on...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
12 allalaadimist


Kusjuures mõnes olukorras võib haigus hoopis kasuks tulla! Näiteks värvipimedad jahimehed eristavad loomi segase tausta juures paremini. Samuti on leitud, et värvipimedad sõdurid näevad mõnikord kamuflaazi, mis normaalse nägemistajuga inimesed ära petab.(Living with ... 2017) Ennetamine Värvipimedust ennetada ei saa. 9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Color blindness. (2012). (5.05.2018). Color perception test. (2012). (5.05.2018). Facts About Color Blidness. National eye institute.2015 Heiting, G., Bailey, G. (2018). Color Blindness. (25.04.2018) John Dalton. (2010). (5.05.2018). Living with colour vision deficiency. http://www.colourblindawareness

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

"The whole manager" referaat

positive attitude about your abilities. The skill and commitment may be there in abundance, but a negative or cautious approach can undermine your potential every time. Though very few would actually welcome adversity, advice is to see it for what it is and make the most of it: learn how to face it, learn how to cope with it, keep your feet on the ground, and when it has passed look back to see what you could have learned from it. In recent years, it seems that perception ­ how one is perceived by others ­ has become critically important to success for managers. You need to understand how others see you. As a start, you might ask during assessment or appraisal meetings to have the papers put aside for a moment and get an honest, off-the-record assessment of how you are perceived generally. Managing your time It is critical, therefore, that you devise a strategy for dealing with time. The first step is to commit to a specific plan for how you allot your time

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Short analysis of two phonetics articles

were strongly related to judgments of perceived height and perceived speech clarity made by independent groups of listeners. Conclusion: Taken together, the results provide a more comprehensive picture of the acoustic and perceptual characteristics of GLB speech styles than has been provided by previous research. Moreover, the results of Experiment 3 suggest that listeners' percepts of GLB speech styles may be related to their perception of other speech characteristics. Judgments of self-identified gay and heterosexual male speakers: Which phonemes are most salient in determining sexual orientation? Authors: Erik C. Tracy, Sierra A. Bainter, Nicholas P. Satariano 2015 Goal: "While numerous studies have demonstrated that a male speaker's sexual orientation can be identified from relatively long passages of speech, few studies have evaluated whether listeners can

Filoloogia → Foneetika
1 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimine ja organisatsiooni käitumine inglise keeles

However, should they be given alternative benefits, they will be willing to leave the organisation. Mowday, Porter and Steers support the "side-bet" theory by describing organisational commitment as a behaviour "relating to the process by which individuals become locked into a certain organisation and how they deal with this problem. Wiener and Vardi describe organisational commitment as behavioural intention or reaction, determined by the individual's perception of the normative pressure. Meyer and Allen discribes organisational commitment as a psychological state that characterises organisational members' relationship with the organisation and has implications for the decision to continue or discontinue membership in the organisation. Effects Organisational commitment can have either a negative or a positive effect on the organization. The negative effect implies that the level of organisational commitment is low. Employees with a

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist


Kordamisküsimused 1 Kuidas saab rakendada tarbijakäitumise tundmist? turunduskeskkonna analüüsil turu segmenteerimisel toote/brändi positsioneerimisel turundusmeetmestiku (marketing mix) - toote, selle hinnakujunduse, väljapaneku, toetusvahendite (promotsioon, reklaam jne) kujundamisel turundusuuringutes Tarbijate käitumist mõjutavate tegurite liigendus. TARBIJAST ENDAST JA TEMA SUHESTATUSEST ÜMBRUSEGA TULENEVAD TEGURID Psühholoogilised tegurid ­ vajadused, motivatsioon, hoiakud, isiksusetüüp, emotsionaalsed ressursid jne Sotsiaal-demograafilised tegurid vanus rahvus haridus pere elukoht tulutase töökaaslased, sõpruskond huvid, elustiil religioon jne ÜMBRITSEVAST KESKKONNAST TULENEVAD TEGURID Sotsiaal-majanduslikud tegurid ühiskonna struktuur seadusandlus, normid konkurents, pakkumine, ...

Majandus → Tarbijakäitumine
67 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun