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"myth" - 85 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Myth

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Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

’ (Tina Gouws and George Peter van Rheede van Oudtshoorn p. 239) Thus, a lot of already well-known brands must change their message or visual in order to fit to the current time. What every company is looking for is repeat-buy or longevity of business. This also can be paralleled with brand loyalty, which is nurtured through three constituents of the brands: insiders, followers and feeders. Those stakeholders are part of creating the myth of the brand, following it and serving it up (to others). Followers are the base – they find the creates value in the myth and identify themselves with it (and with whatever the brand sells). Insiders make the brand seem more legitimate and add credibility. They don’t create revenue straight-forward, however. They define whether the brand really has appeal. If enough of people connect deeply to the brands myth, a magnet effect is created, bringing more people to the fidelity circle

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


conf tive pa he es uent itions o la c ly tie f Relig vers ted w kage. It oteric s t he a it i any , becaus h myth has of nto on e it h olog te n e pert figurati as b y , a b een ain ve e e n n d to t time is he d story t assume vice dom no o ha d inan t of the minant t does that

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist


Abstraktsionism XA 2011 Vassili Kandinsky ,,Kompositsioon VII'' värvide, joonte, punktide,erinevate pindade, vormide abil maailma ja kõige sellega kaasneva(meeleolu,tunded) kujutamine ei lähtuta reaalsetest objektidest kujundanud impressionism, romantism, ekspressionism Picasso ,,Les Demoiselles d'Avignon'', 1907 Vassili Kandinsky 1866-1944 vene maalikunstnik, graafik, kunstiteoreetik abstraktsionismi rajaja 1886-92 õigusteadus 1896 siirdus Münchenisse (Anton Azbe,Franz von Stuck) 1901 võttis osa Phalanxi ja Der Blaue Reiter asutamises 1910 maalis esimese abstraktsionistliku kunstiteose 1918-21 Bauhausi professor 1933 siirdus Prantsusmaale ,,Kompositsioon X'' Click to edit Master text styles ,,Kompositsioon VI'' Second lev...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
12 allalaadimist

Karl Popper

KARL POPPER Sir Karl Raimund Popper oli Austria juudi päritolu briti filosoof. Ta oli üks mõjukamaid 20. sajandi teadusfilosoofe, kes kirjutas palju ka sotsiaal- ja poliitikafilosoofia teemadel. Popperit tuntakse kõige rohkem selle järgi, et ta lükkas tagasi klassikalise arusaama teadusest, esitas teaduse ja mitteteaduse eristamiseks väidete ja teooriate kriteeriumi ning kaitses liberaalset demokraatiat ja ühiskonnakriitika põhimõtteid, mis tema arvates teevad võimalikuks eduka "avatud ühiskonna". Popper nimetas oma filosoofiat kriitiliseks ratsionalismiks. See nimetus viitab lahtiütlemisele klassikalisest empirismist (teadmine põhineb kogemusel) ja induktsionismist(teadus saab alguse vaatlusest). Popper ründas induktsionismi ägedalt, osutades sellele, et teaduslikud teooriad on loomult universaalsed ning neid saab kontrollida ainult kaudselt, nendest tulenevate järelduste kaudu. Popper väitis, et ilma teooriata pole võimalik vaatlu...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
36 allalaadimist

Chivalric Romance

one. Romance vs. Pastoral ROMANCE PASTORAL Lady was from the higher class than a knight. Lady was a shepherdess who seduces the knight. Impossible love Impossible love There are 3 categories of Chivalric Romance 1. The Matter of Britain About King Arthur and his court. 2. The Matter of Troy About the antique myth of Britain origin from the ancient city of Troy through its founder Brutus. 3. The Breton Lay Main character is Merlin. Chivalric romance is a mixture of: local myths ­ Anglo-Saxon heritage French courtly tradition ancient Greek and Roman myths (Troy) The authors' imagination Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100-1155) Supposed to be the history of the kings of Britain. Wanted to write the family tree of King

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" Hanna Keir D. Defoe Elas 1660-1731 Defoe oli andekas inglise kirjanik, kes oskas oma geograafilisi ning ka teisi teadmisi raamatu kirjutamisel hästi ära kasutada Tuntuim romaan "Robinson Crusoe" Oma ajakirjanduslike artiklite tõttu veetis palju aastaid vangis Defoe suri vaesusesse kuigi "Robinson Crusoe" oli bestseller Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase "Robinson Crusoe" Raamat avaldati esmakordselt 1719. aastal, ning seda peetakse ka esimeseks inglisekeelseks romaaniks Teos on esitatud väljamõeldud tegelase Robinson Crusoe autobiograafiana Crusoe veetis laevahuku tagajärjel 28 aastat üksikul saarel Arvatakse, et Daniel Defoe sai ainest raamatu kirjutamiseks Alexander Selkirki tõestisündinud loost õpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide re...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

"ARVUTIMÄNGUDE MÄNGIMISE MÕJU ÕPILASTELE" uurimistöö kokkuvõte ja kasutatud kirjandus

KOKKUVÕTE. Kunda Ühisgümnaasiumis 10.-12. klassi hulgast mängivad arvutimänge rohkem kui 50% noortest. Ainult 24% vastanudest on kursis arvutimängude heast mõjust inimesele, kuid halbu mõjusid teavad koguni 53% vastanudest. Järelikult on rohkem levinud teadmised arvutimängude negatiivsetest mõjudest. Arvutimängude mängimisel leidub rohkem positiivseid mõjusid, kuid inimesed ei ole nendest eriti hästi teadlikud. Positiivsete mõjude alla lähevad oskus lahendada probleeme ja loogiline mõtlemine, logistika, kiire otsustusvõime ja mitmeid teisi asju, mida enne ei osanud arvata. Peamine negatiivne mõju arvutimängude poolt on nende vägivaldsus ja aja raiskamine, mida saaks kasutada hoopiski kasulikumate asjade tegemiseks. Kaasa arvatud arvutimängude heli, graafika, mängitavuse, kui ka süzeele mõjutab mängu edu ka see kui põnevalt see algab, kuidas on mängus suhtutud huumorise ning, kui suur on mängu taasläbimängimise väärtus. Illegaalselt kõi...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
40 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

a great many of which havebeen invoked in attempts to "explain" it. These include consent (Brighouse, 1998: 720-1); authority (Hurd, 1999); justice (Steffek, 2006); the `moral basis for social interaction' (Kelman, 2001: 55); normative belief that a rule or institution must be obeyed (Grafstein, 1981:; popular sovereignty (Beetham, 1991); democracy (Beetham, 1991; Buchanan, and "right" or rightfulness Rousseau, 1968 · Key myth: "international anarchy is the permissive [or underlying] cause of war" (Waltz 1959: 232) orealism: Behaviour of actors in a system dictated by its character ­ hierarchy or anarchy,. Features of anarchy:Security Dilemma + Balance of Power. Realism: Attempt to impose hierarchy fails because no `orderer' Conflict thus breaks out. Liberalism Key myth: "there is an international society" - Informal collective or cooperative set of social relationships

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Liftides esinevate mikroprotsessorite tööülesanneteks on uste õigeaegse avanemise ja sulgumise kontrollimine. Sensorite abil teeb see kindlaks, et uste sulgumise ajal keegi lifti ei sisene ega sellest välju. See tõlgendab ja töötleb nupuvajutusel saadud andmeid, määrates ära, mis korrusele lift sõitma peab. Samuti kontrollib lifti mikroprotsessor, et lift sõidaks õigele korrusele ning et ta hakkaks enne õigele korrusele jõudmist hoogu maha võtma. %20systems/microprocessors/miniweb/pg4.htm A hydraulic elevator system includes a hydraulic jack for raising and lowering the car and a distributed intelligence microprocessor control system, containing a number of subsystems, each having designated control responsibilities. A door operator microprocessor subsystem initiates stored open and close cycles responsive to external commands. A selector microprocessor subsystem determines target floor ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
12 allalaadimist

Noun/Adjective, Verb/Noun

government governmental neighbor neighboring gratitude grateful identity identical crime criminal monument monumental myth mythic naturalist naturalistic continent continental magic magical fun funny magnet magnetic day daily

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Ülerahvastumisega seotud keskkonnaprobleemid

hävimine · Hoolimatu tarbimine; ­ Taastumatute loodusvarade varud ei täiene küllalt kiiresti · Taastuvate loodusvarade vähene rakendamine. Probleemide leevendane · Pereplaneerimine · Abieluea tõstmine · Laste arvu piiramine · Taastuvate loodusvarade laiem kasutuselevõtt · Ülerahvastumisega juba kaasnenud tagajärgedega tegelemine Videod 1.) Ülerahvastumine on müüt? (lühiklipp) Overpopulation is a myth? 2.) How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? - docfilm How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? Kasutatud kirjandus 1. - Säästev areng Globaalsetest probleemidest koduste lahendusteni, Mari Jüssi (2005) (külastatud 11.10.2011) 2. - Outgrowing the Earth: The Food Security

Geograafia → Geograafia
39 allalaadimist

Hypermobility. The effect of hypermobility on flexibility

SCHOOL Academic English course Hypermobility. The effect of hypermobility on flexibility. A research paper Student: Grade: 10 Tutor: Tallinn 2016 Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JMS) is a condition which describes joints that are able to bend further than normal. The syndrome is generally induced by changes in bone structure. It occurs in about 10%-25% of the world’s population.1 Joint hypermobility causes several effects, both positive and negative. This essay describes the syndrome briefly as well as discusses the benefits and consequences of the condition. However, the expedience of the condition outweighs the negative issues JMS can bring about. Hypermobile joints are a serious case in which the tissue...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Literary modernism: end of the 19th century-1920 (reached its height) and ended 1940s. A self- conscious break with traditional aesthetic forms. Rejecting the sentiment and discursiveness typical of Romanticism and Victorian literature for poetry that instead favored precision (täppis) of imagery and clear, sharp language. Modernist writers embraced the unconscious fears of a darker humanity. Sub movements: surrealism, formalism, avant-garde, symbolism, imagism Structuralism: Writers used myth and music as a part of the books structure. J. Joyce "Ulysses". Deep structure is the same as in "odyssey" and T.S. Elliot "the fisher king"-more complicated experiment. Aldous Huxley ,,point counter point"-builds his chapters on principles of music. R. Aldington ,,death of a hero"-a jazz novel. Polyphony-harmony. Cacophony Virginia Woolf ,,the waves"-symphony. Psychoanalysis: The greatest influence of psychoanalysis on literary production has

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Sir Isaac Newton

there must be a drawing power in matter. & the sum of the drawing power in the matter of the earth must be in the earths centre, not in any side of the earth. therefore dos this apple fall perpendicularly, or toward the centre. if matter thus draws matter; it must be in proportion of its quantity. therefore the apple draws the earth, as well as the earth draws the apple." It has been said that the apple story is a myth. Theory of gravity · Newton came up with the theory that the centre of the earth was pulling the object down Newton's tree, Botanic Gardens, Cambridge. Newtonian fluid · Water and air are examples of Newtonian fluids, which include most common liquids and gases. NonNewtonian fluid · It's a fluid what is not a really fluid. · solid fluid. NonNewtonian fluid · In pool v=f2XQ97XHjVw

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Roman Britain

Roman Britain 1.Ülesanne 1.Roman empire exited,more then 400 years ago. 2.Colchester was the capital of Britannia for some time,soon London or Londinium became the capital 3. Romans speaked Latin. 4. Roman rules Britannia. 5. Julius Ceasar ,Hadrian 6. Romans rules Britain before the Vikings. 2.Ülesanne  a–2  b–5  c- 1  d-3  e–4 3.Ülesanne  1–d  2–g  3- i  4–h  5–j  6–a  7–b  8–f 4.Ülesanne 55- Julius Ceasar first came to Britain in the year 55 BC (before Christ ). 400- Britannia became a part of the Roman Empire for more than 400 years. 20- About 20 large towns grew araund the camps of the Roman army. 2,000,000 – The whole population of Roman Britain was about 2 million. 2000 – There were abaut 2000 villas on the south of Britannia . 12 000 – Romans built abaut 12000 kilometers of road which were wide and straight . 410 – ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

USA tuumaajastu diplomaatia ja Kuuba kriis

pooldanud.6 Külm sõda tähendas nende jaoks diplomaatia ja välissuhete täielikku ümbermõtlemist – saadi aru, et enda julgeoleku huvides on demokraatlike väärtusi vaja ka 2 Autor on külma sõja alguspunktiks võtnud Winston Churchilli kõne 5. märtsil Fultonis 1946. aastal. 3 Gordon Alexander Craig. War, politics and diplomacy: selected essays. Afterword: new dimensions of war and diplomacy. New York ; Washington: Praegar, 1966, lk. 282. 4 Walter L. Hixson. The myth of American diplomacy: national identity and U.S foreign policy. New Haven ; London: Yale University Press, 2008, lk. 165-166. 5 Ibid., lk. 167. 6 John Lewis Gaddis. Külm sõda. Tallinn: Tänapäev, c2007, lk. 25-26. 4 mujal juurutada.7 Toimus transformeerumine ning strateegiaks oli üheaegselt nii demokraatia levitamine kui kommunismi takistamine. Selline kahepoolne olukord maailmas, kus kaks

Ajalugu → Õiguse kujunemine
5 allalaadimist

Born to be King

He hunts (with his black Labrador Retriever Widgeon), skis, rows and paints. 14. Which university did he attend as his first choice? the University of St Andrews 15. Where did he spend his first gap year? on a Raleigh International expedition in southern Chile 16. What kind of workexperience did he gain? as a farm hand on a dairy farm 17. He bein his studies at St Andrews University in 2003, didn't he? No, in 2001 18. What do you know about St Andrews University? St Andrews has its own myth, students claim that it is an 'established fact' that more of its graduates end up marrying one another than from any other university. St Andrews University was established in 1412, and it is the oldest in Scotland. The university has a high international representation: many American students come for a year. 19. Why did the Prince choose St Andrews? Because he don't like the attention and there was no other university town in UK,

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The Germanic Invasions

The Germanic Invasions Anglo-Saxon invasion During the 5th c. a number of Germanic tribes invaded The Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes Different peoples, but common language and customs Advance halted by King Arthur Distortions of popular history In folklore, myth (and films) ­ a great English hero, an example of medieval nobility and chivalry In fact ­ a Romanized Celt, lived before medieval times, fought the Anglo-Saxons (people who became "the English") Predominated by the end of the 6th c. Kingdoms established: Wessex, Essex, Sussex, Mercia, Northumbria, East Anglia etc. Kingdoms constantly at war with each other

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Nali: The World According to Student Bloopers

unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients. Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments. David was a Hebrew king skilled at playing the liar. He fougth with the Philatelists, a race of people who lived in Biblical times. Solomon, one of David's sons, had 500 wives and 500 porcupines. Without the Greeks, we wouldn't have history. The Greeks invented three kinds of columns - Corinthian, Doric and Ironic. They also had myths. A myth is a female moth. One myth says that the mother of Achilles dipped him in the River Stynx until he became intolerable. Achilles appears in "The Illiad", by Homer. Homer also wrote the "Oddity", in which Penelope was the last hardship that Ulysses endured on his journey. Actually, Homer was not written by Homer but by another man of that name. Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock.

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Kõige kummalisemad paigad kust võib leida protsessori

Tolmuimeja Protsessor tolmuimejas kontrollib tema voolutarbimist, et ta käima pannes liiga palju voolu ei tarbiks. Seda nimetatakse ka Soft-Start funktsiooniks. Protsessoris on algoritm, mis minimaliseerib voolutarbimist tolmuimeja käimapaneku hetkel. Protsessorita tolmuimejad võivad käimapaneku hetkel tarbida kuni 60 amprit voolu. Selline suur ja järsk tarbimine võib põhjustada voolu kõikumist. Näiteks võib juhtuda, et valgustus läheb hetkeks tuhmiks. Hetkel on protsessoriga tolmuimejad küllaltki kallid, kuid mida aeg edasi, seda odavamaks nad muutuvad. (Foto 1. Automaatne tolmuimeja) Auto Esimene auto milles oli mikroprotsessor tuli välja juba 1978 aastal, selleks autoks oli Cadillac Seville. See oli pardakompuutri ekraani jaoks, mis andis juhile infot mitu miili ta on sõitnud ning lisaks veel erinevat informatsiooni sõidu kohta. Tänapäeval on igas uuemas autos mikroprotsessor. Neid ei kasutata mitte ainult autode nav...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus informaatikasse
15 allalaadimist

Reading task

some Shrek-inspired collection of tired pop culture riffs. Yet that's exactly what this Chris Columbus helmed half-success does. We begin by learning that the fabled gods of old do exist, and that Zeus is especially mad at brother Poseidon. Seems the head hocho's magical lightning bolt has been stolen, and each accuses the other of using the crime as a means of starting an all out Olympian war. Zeus specifically blames Poseidon's son, Percy Jackson, and soon, all the various creatures of myth - harpies, centaurs, minotaurs, and hydras -- are after the unsuspecting teen. When he learns of his lineage from his mother Sally, Percy teams up with half-man, half goat protector Grover, the battle skilled daughter of Athena, Annabeth and mentor Chiron to take on Medusa, Hades, Persephone, and the clashing forces of these timeless titans, all in the name of uncovering the real crook. Comprised of five main volumes and three supplemental companion books, Rick Riordan's

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

the southern became poor and abandoned. The poverty dominated the minds of poeple for several decades, it is the atmosphere where the authors grew up. The first world war marks the transition. Southern school of American literature. Features: 1. southereners are extremely critical, especially for the hatred for the yankees. 2. From the point of view of literature method, southeneres are strongly influenced by the modernisms. The southern myth- according to this myth, before the civil war southereners were commonios nation with almost greek democracy which means that it was heavily romanticised. According to the myth there were beautiful planters, all the ladys wore belles, they were all beautiful and young and blonde, all the men wore beauxs, noble and honest and so on. They thought of themselves as aristocrats, compared to the barbarians in the north, everything was perfect and in its place. The poor white people were white trash and slaves.

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

To conclude, linguists argue that (1) London influence on English is not only apparent on the Thames estuary (Rosewarne himself wrote: "it seems to be the most influential accent in the south-east of England", not only in the Thames estuary), and (2) `Estuary English' is not a felicitous or adequate name. Nonetheless, it is now so solidly entrenched in the English language, particularly in the academic circles, that it would be unwise to struggle against it. 2. Historical background-a myth destroyed - Estuary English - a result of certain long-lasting processes People who have had a chance to read newspaper articles concerning Estuary English, might have had the impression that it is a relatively new Cockney influenced language variety making its way into various regions of the country at a rapid pace. In this respect, the opinions held by the coiner of the term and other linguists are congruent but different from the journalists' ones. Rosewarne (1984) explains that the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

English history

The Fall of the Empire The fall of the British Empire was caused by World War II for two reasons. Firstly, many nations felt that their sacrifice should be rewarded with independence, for example India. Also, the losses to the Japanese destroyed the myth of the European omnipotence. Secondly, heavily in debt to the United States, the United Kingdom was financially exhausted. This left it almost impossible to defend its wider colonies by force. So the vast markets were opened to American companies and to weaken the UK in general. No empire has been larger or more diverse than the British Empire. At its apogee in the 1930s, 42 million Britons governed 500 million foreign subjects. Britannia ruled the waves,

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kubism ja abstraktsionism

Fourth level · Oli innustunud Runge värvikäsitlusest, tema Fifth level teooria kujunemisel mängisid olulist rolli Goethe ja Kandinsky ideed. · 19211930 õpetas Weimari Ja Dessau bauhausis Miraculous Landing Flower Myth Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Tale à la Hoffmann Sirje runge

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
17 allalaadimist

English literature summary

;     2)   who   are   opposed   to   a   vicious   puppet   master,   who   serves   as   the   symbol   of   the   patriarch;     3)  non-­‐linear  texts;     4)   the   postmodernist   type   of   play   –   intertextuality,   allusions,   references   to   myth,   violations  of  syntax,  etc.;     5)  revision  of  the  cultural  canon;     6)   images   of   women   in   classical   texts   and   mythology,   fairy-­‐tales   revisited   (Ophelia;   Sleeping  Beauty,  Red  Riding  Hood);     7)  wrote  in  the  new  genres  of  fantasy  and  dystopia.    

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


BC to the 16th century. The wall was built throughout several dynasties to protect the empire from Xiongnu attacks. The Great Wall of China stretches over approximately 6,700 kilometers, passing through Gansu Province, Ninxia Hui Autonomous Region, Shaanxi Province, Shanxi Province, Inner Mongolia, Hebei Province and Liaoning Province. It was once claimed the Great Wall is visible to human eyes from the moon. But it is proved to be just a myth as no astronaut has ever claimed they had seen the Great Wall of China from the moon. Three main passes of the Great Wall of China are Juyongguan, Jiayuguan and Shanhaiguan. Juyongguan is located at the north end of the Great Wall, which is inside the Changping County of Beijing City. Jiayuguan is the west end of the Great Wall located in the Gansu Province while Shanhaiguan is the east end of the Great Wall located in the city of Qinhuangdao, in Hebei Province.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Jackie Chan

Around the World in 80 Days Passepartout/kaskadöör/võitluste koreograaf The Twins Effect II Lord of Armour New Police Story Senior InspectorChan Kwok-Wing/ laulude kirjutaja/kaskadöör/tegevuse lavastaja Enter the Phoenix Mr. Chan The Myth General Meng Yi/ Jack/laulude kirjutaja/kaskadöör Rob-B-Hood Rob-B-Hood/kaskadöör Rush Hour 3 Chief Inspector Lee/ laulude kirjutaja Air Diary Produtsent The Forbidden Kingdom Lu Yan / Old Hop

Teatrikunst → Näitlemine
1 allalaadimist

Old English Literature

moral lessons, often performed in front of the churches before the service 2) Chivalric romance ­ court literature that originated from France. It is in the form of narrative poetry, which tell a story of a knight who undergoes several adventures ( to win the heart of his lady love). 1) The matter of Britain ­ about King Arthur and his court called Camelot 2) The Matter of Troy ­ about the myth of Britain's lineage from the ancient city of Troy, by way of Britain's Trojan founder, Brutus 3) Breton Lays ­ about unearthly magic The most famous collection of the King Arthur legends is Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain. Ballads ­ short poetic folk tales that tell a story. Origins are in the oral tradition of story telling. They are of Anglo-Saxon origin. The author is usually unknown and the end is unhappy 9

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
30 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

Step 4: Great marketers tell stories we believe. The marketer tells a story about what the consumer noticed. The story changes the way the consumer experiences the product or service and he tells himself a lie. Consumer rationalize anything that doesn´t match that prediction. Step 5: Marketers with authenticity thrive. The authenticity of the story determines whether it will survive scrutiny long enough for the consumer to tell the story to other people. The biggest myth marketer believe: ,,I have money, which means that I am in charge. I have control over the conversation, over the airwaves, over your attention and over retailers." There are only two things that separate success from failure in most organizations today: 1. Invent stuff worth talking about. 2. Tell stories about what you´re invented. Make up great stories. That´s the new motto. This is urgent. The transformation of our

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Augusto 1

 Osaleja meenutab korda, kui teda rõhuti, survestati ja ta sellele allus ning hakkas käituma vastupidi.  Stseen luuakse uuesti, nii et osaleja on tema ise ja teised (kes on osaleja poolt valitud).  Siis mängitakse uuesit läbi nii, et allasurutu hakkab vastu, üritab võidelda.  Myth theater  Erinevate müütide/legendide paljastamine, mis rahvastel on kogunenud ja mis on tihti seotud hoopis kapitalistlike valgete inimestega (nt kullakaevandus mäel).  Analytical theater  Keegi räägib loo, näitlejad improviseerivad, hiljem võetakse lugu tükkideks, räägitakse eri rollidest.

Sõjandus → Riigiteadus
2 allalaadimist

Surmaesteetika muutmine ja selle muutuse peegeldus ehtekunstis.

ning must klaas sai populaarseks alternatiiviks, sest see oli kättesaadavam, odavam ja lihtsam töödelda. Teised populaarsed materjalid leiaehe valmistamiseks olid Onyx, vulkaniit, gutaperts ja tamm. Niimodi tekkis mõiste Victorian jewellery. 2 Surm oli Läänemaailma kunstis armastuse loomulik vaenlane kuni hilise 19. sajandini. Pärast võib aga näha, et surm kunstis muutus sensuaalseks õndsuseks. Oma töös "Love beyond Death. The anatomy of Myth in the Arts" Rudolph Binion kirjutab, et kaasagses kunstis muutus surma mõiste ja kuju füüsiliseks armastuseks. Rudolph Binion jälgib fantaasia joont füüsilise armastuse surma pärast ja Kristliku mõistet vaimse armastuse surma pärast vahel, ta uurib fantaasia rolli füüsilises armastuses pärast surma ning kristlikus mõistes vaimses armastuses pärast surma. Kogu XIX sajandi jooksul ning ka veidi enne ja pärast seda, Lääne kõrgkultuuris oli levinud

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
4 allalaadimist


mischief. Galileo's separation of the intellect foreshadows the dominance of the analytical mind over that part given to creativity, humor, and wholeness. And in Descartes' epistemology, one finds the roots of the radical separation of self and object. Together these three laid the foundations for modern education, foundations now enshrined in myths we have come to accept without question. Let me suggest six. First, there is the myth that ignorance is a solvable problem. Ignorance is not a solvable problem, but rather an inescapable part of the human condition. The advance of knowledge always carries with it the advance of some form of ignorance. In 1930, after Thomas Midgely Jr. discovered CFCs, what had previously been a piece of trivial ignorance became a critical, life-threatening gap in the human understanding of the biosphere. No one thought to ask "what does this substance do to what?" until the

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Eros ja Psyhe

Susanna Oja Tartu Ülikool Skandinavistika osakond Eros ja Psyche Erose ja Psyche lugu on räägitud mitut versiooni. Isegi armastus- ja erootikajumala nimi ja päritolu varieeruvad erinevates tekstides. Enamasti jumaldati Erost/Amorit/Cupidot (edaspidi: Eros) koos Aphroditega, keda mõne loo järgi tema emaks peetakse. Kuid oli ka pühapaiku, kus austati ainult Erost, näiteks Thespeias ja Hellespontias. Teda kujutati kuldsete tiibadega alasti poisslapsena, kes hoiab käes vibu ja nooletuppe. Tema nooled ei läinud kunagi ühestki sihtmärgist mööda. Psyche oli seevastu kaunis surelik, kelle kauniduse imetlemiseks inimesed kaugetest paikadest kokku sõits...

Teoloogia → Kreeka religioon ja...
39 allalaadimist

Müüt ja mütoloogia eksam

"Tautegooriline" müüdikäsitlus: F. Schelling (1775-1854), Philosophie der Mythologie: müüdi anatoomia; müüdil puudub tähendus, eraldi "kujund", pole millegagi seotud Loodusallegooriline müüdikäsitlus: F. M. Müller (1832-1917), Comparative Mythology: solaarmütoloogia, solarism Evolutsionalistlik müüdikäsitlus: Tylor (1832-1917), Primitive Culture: "edasikandumised" (survivals), animism; Lang (1844-1912), Custom and Myth, Myth, Ritual and Religion Ritualistlik müüdikäsitlus: Frazer (1854-1941), Kuldne Oks; Mannhardt (1831-1880), Die Korndämonen ja Wald und Feldkulte; Harrison, Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion (müüt kui riituse toime sõnaline vaste); Raglan, The Hero, Myth and Drama (kangelaskuju tüpoloogia); müüt kui igand, olulisel kohal maagia, Psühhoanalüütiline müüdikäsitlus: Rank (kangelaste tüpoloogia); Freud (unenägude

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

1900-1910 aastate rõivaste ajalugu

1900-1910 rõivaste ajalugu Mis mõjutas 1900-1910 moodi? Antud ajastu suurimaks moe mõjutajaks on tööstuslik revolutsioon. 1900-1910 ajastu naiste mood Antud ajastu moed olid ülinaiselikud ja graatsilisemad, varasematel ajastustel. Kasutati vabamat joont ja rõivastiil oli uhke ja külluslik. Moodi tuli lopsakam siluett ja ideaaliks oli küps naine. Uue siluetiga kaasnesid ka uued mustid ja värvid. Populaarsuse tipul oli S-figuur. Loobuti dekolteeosa katvate väikeste rinnarättide kandmisest. Moodi tuli ümar kaelaauk ja populaarsust võtsid ka bubikrae, V- ja gladkaelus. Kuni abiellumiseni pidid neiud ja vallalised naised kandma piiratud heletates värvides ja vähestes kaunistustes rõivaid. Üha enam kogusid populaarsust kostüümid. Võrreldes 1890ndatega oli kostüümijakk märgatavalt pikem ning seelik sirgem. Uueks suunaks sai selgel...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
18 allalaadimist

Psühholingvistiline essee keeleuniversaalide leidmisest

pdf. Vaadatud 26.02.2015. Chomsky, Noam 2000. The Architecture of Language; Vaadatud 26.02.2015. EKSS 2009 = Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat 2009; Q=keel. Vaadatud 26.02.2015. EKSS 2009 = Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat 2009; Q=viipekeel&F=M. Vaadatud 26.02.2015. Evans, Nicholas, Stephen C. Levinson 2009. The myth of language universals: Language diversity and its importance for cognitive science. ­ Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32, 429­492. Klein, Wolfgang 2009. Finiteness, Universal Grammar and the Language Faculty. ­ Cross- Linguistic Approaches to the Study of Language 24. Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics, 333­344. Osgood, Charles E. 1961. Language Universals and Psycholinguistics. ­ Universals of Language. Ed. Joseph Greenberg. Cambridge: The M.I.T Press, 236­269.

Filoloogia → Psühholingvistika
9 allalaadimist

Putinist referaat..

113. [17] 114. II. 13 2008 . 115. David Linley wooed by `Kremlin's cashier'. Billionaire friend of Putin set to buy stake in viscount's furniture business. The Sunday Times 13 , 2008. 116. 2007. 117. 2007. 118. 2007. 119. 2007. 120. [18] 121. 21 2005 . 122. Anders Aslund. Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth. The Moscow Times 28 , 2007. 123. «. » // . . 09 7 2008 ., . 12. 124. . Die Welt , 11 2007 . 125. Olga Craig, Andrew Alderson and Helen Womack. The rotten heart of Russia. Sunday Telegraph 11 2006 . 126. . «» « » 9 2007 . 127. « »: . 11 2008 . 128. 26/09/2007 129. : «» 1 207 . 130. . 2007. 131. www

Keeled → Vene keel
21 allalaadimist

Addiction and drugs

structural and functional deficits of the brain. This could cause you to develop weakened verbal and communication skills, lowered learning capabilities and a shortened attention span. In addition to the possible effects on your brain, smoking marijuana may also be hazardous to your developing lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke. You may have heard people argue that marijuana is a "gateway drug" to harder drug use. Some say this is a myth, others insist it is a fact. The truth is that there is a link. Research shows that the earlier you start using marijuana, the more likely you are to become dependent on it or other types of drugs later in life. Marijuana is also known as : Blunt, dope, ganja, grass, herb, joint, bud, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, green, trees, smoke, sinsemilla, skunk, weed, hash, tea, chronic, 420 4 2. Ecstasy

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Teised aga olid veendunud, et neid kahte otseselt seostada ei tohiks. Nende seisukohtade alusel kujunes välja mitmeid eraldi uurimissuundi. Samas keskenduvad enamus varasemaid kirjaliku kõne hälvete tekkimist seletavaid teooriaid vaid ühele valdkonnale ja puudulikuks jääb erinevate riskitegurite kompleksne analüüs. Tükk aega kaheldi kas arengukäigus tekkiv düsleksia on ikka päris. Isegi lähiajal sai Channel 4 näha dokumentaali "Düsleksia müüt" (The Dyslexia Myth, 2005) (Hoyles & Hoyles, 2007). MIS ON DÜSLEKSIA? Mõiste on tuletatud vanakreeka keelest - eesliide dys tähistab häiret, lexis tähendab sõna või kõnet. Düsleksia ehk vaeglugemine on spetsiifiline lugemisvilumuste häire. RHK-10 kirjeldab, et sellele seisundile on iseloomulik eriline ja ilmne lugemisvilumuse arengu häirumine, mis ei ole seletatav ainuüksi ealise ebaküpsuse, nägemisteravuse puudulikkuse või ebaadekvaatse õpetamisega

Pedagoogika → Koolipedagoogika
124 allalaadimist

History of philosophy

there are hidden mathematical relations governing harmony) Political Theory: A Pythagorean was asked how one could give one's son the best possible education, to which he replied that one should make him citizen of a state with good laws (cited in Hegel) · Something of a mystery cult, with special rituals, diet (no beans) and claiming to have access to hidden knowledge. (early form of brain washing) a c b Plato's Timaeus- dialogue, myth of Atlantis. Chaos kosmos. Pythagorean Table of Opposites The one Multiplicity Unity · Limit- Unlimited · Odd- Even · One- Many · Right- Left · Male- Female · Rest- Motion · Straight- Curved · Light- Dark · Square- Oblong · Good- Evil 7 is a magic number. Number 7 produces changes. Heraclitus 535-475 BC Loner. Lot of people hated him.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
12 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoof - Karl Popper

evolutsiooniline lähenemine) · 1976 "Unended Quest; An Intellectual Autobiography" (Lõppematu otsing: intellektuaalne autobiograafia) · 1977 "The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism" · 1982 "The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism" (Avatud universum: argument indeterminismi kasuks) · 1982 "Realism and the Aim of Science" (Realism ja teaduse eesmärk) · 1994 "The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality" · 1994 "Knowledge and the Mind-Body Problem: In Defence of Interactionism" 8 Tunnustused ·1965 ­ kuninganna Elizabeth II lõi ta rüütliks. · 1976 ­ valiti Kuningliku Seltsi liikmeks. · 1982 ­ Order of the Companions of Honour · Briti Akadeemia liige · Lippincotti auhind · Sonningi auhind

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
29 allalaadimist

Vana-Iiri Jumalikud Rassid-Eloise Hart

and T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1911. MacManus, anus, Seumas, The Story of the Irish Race, Devin-Adair Devin Adair Company, New York, 1921. Markale, J., Celtic Civilization, Gordon and Cremonesi, London, 1978. Rees, Alwyn and Rees, Brinley, Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales, Thames and Hudson, London, 1961. Spence, Lewis, The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain, Rider, London, n.d. Squire, Charles, Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance, Gresham Publishing Co., London, n.d. Wentz, W. Y. Evans, The Fairy-Faith Faith in Celtic Countries, Oxford University Press, London, 1911. Eesti keelde tõlkija kommentaar kommentaar: ''Kes on kogu Hingega tõeotsingutel tõeotsingute ning soovib sukelduda sügavamale inimkonna ning selle

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
4 allalaadimist


*I am 99,9% sure he doesn't like me.But it's the 0.1% that keeps me going. *Kas päike tuli välja või Sa naeratasid? *Who needs chocolate?I'm sweet enough. *Never knock on Deaths door:ring the doorbell and run away!He really hates that. *Suicide is a way telling God:" You can't fire me , I QUIT!" *Don't play dumb with me ,I'll always win. *if Barbie is so popular ,why do we have to buy her friends? *I used to have an open mind ,but my brains kept falling out. *Gravity is a myth : the Earth sucks. *333 I'm only half evil. *I don't have a drinking problem : I get drunk, i pass out .No problem. *I bet i can stop gambling. *Caution: I know karate.. and six other chinese words. *If you choke a Smurf what colour does it turn? *Tegelikult olen ma ingel ,aga nädalavahetusel pistan tiivad kotti. *I wish I was Santa ,He knows where all the Bad boys live. *Tüdruk istus pingil ja küsis poisilt:No millist armastust on Sulle vaja?"Poiss sosistas:"Sinu oma..."

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
48 allalaadimist

Karl pPopper

evolutsiooniline lähenemine) · 1976 "Unended Quest; An Intellectual Autobiography" (Lõppematu otsing: intellektuaalne autobiograafia) · 1977 "The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism" · 1982 "The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism" (Avatud universum: argument indeterminismi kasuks) · 1982 "Realism and the Aim of Science" (Realism ja teaduse eesmärk) · 1994 "The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality" · 1994 "Knowledge and the Mind-Body Problem:In Defence of Interactionism" 11 Kokkuvõte Sir Karl Raimund Popper (28. juuli 1902 Viin ­ 17. september 1994 London, East Croydon) oli Austria juudi päritolu Briti filosoof. Ta oli üks mõjukamaid 20. sajandi teadusfilosoofe, kes kirjutas palju ka sotsiaal- ja poliitikafilosoofia teemadel

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
12 allalaadimist

The Death of the Author

critically appoints itself the champion of the reader’s rights. The reader has never been the concern of classical criticism; for it, there is no other man in literature but the one who writes. We are now beginning to be the dupes no longer of such antiphrases, by which our society proudly champions precisely what it dismisses, ignores, smothers or destroys; we know that to restore to writing its future, we must reverse its myth: the birth of the reader must be ransomed by the death of the Author. — translated by Richard Howard 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kodu kosmoses

kes 20. saj. kõige rohkem... Läheb algusest peale mööda tylorlikust käsitlusest, kus müüdile otsitakse algelist seletust. Müüt on tõde, see on igapeäevasest tavalisest tõest suurem. Sakraalse/profaanse dialektika. Romantiline vastandus. Alati võimalik vahet teha nende komponentide vahel. Kogu modernne kultuur on sakraalse ja profaanse vahel Eliade järgi. Sakraalne ajalugu kompenseerib kogu kurja, mis profaanses ajaloos tehtud on. Tuntuim Eliade kriitik Douglas Allen Eliade kohta. Myth and Religion in... (1996): 1) Müüt on alati religioosne müüt. Muud jutustused võivad olla müüdi sarnased, aga kui neil pole sakraalset struktuuri (mitte levy strauss), siis nad päriselt müütilised pole. Religioosne mõõde on taandamatu ja tekib hierofaania kaudu ja väljendab ajaloovälist pühadust. (Antireduktsionism. Reduktsionism müüdi puhul tähendab taandamist algeliseks primitiivseks (vale) teaduseks või

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriteadus
6 allalaadimist

Euroopa pronksi- ja rauaaeg

Neoliitikum/eneoliitikum arengud Innovatsioonid, mis eelnesid pronksiajale, iseloomustades Euroopa neoliitikumi ja eneoliitikumi. *Põllumajandus -hobused (ratsutamine jne) -lambad(vill,piim) -adrad -alkoholi joomine *metallide kasutuselevõtt, metallurgia Hilisneoliitikum on seisuste tekkimise aeg, mis viis pronksiajani "wave of advance" - neoliitiliste põlluharijate edasiliikumine üle Euroopa 8000 eKr Küprose põlluharijad (sarnasus edela-Aasiast) 6800 eKr Ida-Balkanil (Franchthi koobas Penoponnesuse saarel, Sesklo, Argissa mandril) -Franchthi koopas jätkub ka varasem eluviis (kivi töötlemine) -mandril ongi otsitud spetskoht, kus põllumajandusega tegeleda, varasem asustus puudub Natuke hiljem ka muu Balkan (Serbia) -sarnasused varasemate põlluharijatega 5500 eKr suur põlluharimise laienemine Euroopas lössialadel -Lössiala- kevadeti üleujutav ala, mis on igiviljakas -kõrrelised, oataimed -koduloomaluud (veised) Miks levisid Euroopas...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

of storytellers. Filmmakers and students from many countries have reported their interest in the Hero's Journey idea and their appreciation for the book as a practical guide for designing and troubleshooting stories. The Writer's Journey, meanwhile, has been put to work in many ways, not only by writers in many forms and genres, but by teachers, psychologists, advertising executives, prison counselors, video game designers, and scholars of myth and pop culture. I am convinced the principles of the Hero's Journey have had a deep influ­ ence over the shaping of stories in the past and will reach even deeper in the future as more storytellers become consciously aware of them. Joseph Campbell's great accomplishment was to articulate clearly something that had been there all along — the life principles embedded in the structure of stories. H e wrote down the un­

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

time: *the twelfth cent borrowings: court, country, cabbage, prison; *the thirteenth cent borrowings: accuse, poison, pure; *17th cent borr: capital, commerce, investment, bank; *18th cent borr: democrate, royalist, to terrorize. 16. Sources of borrowing : Greek came mainly from Latin and France. There was great interest in Ancient literature and philosophy. English scolars borrowed words directly from Greek. They were bookish and scientific words. (nt, athlete, myth, enthusiasm). The Dutch lg- ship building terms were borrowed in the middle ages (nt, deck, rift(hari), skipper, yacht. Italian ­ in the 16th cent Italic words penetrated into the Engl lg. Italy had a very developed culture (nt, violin, trio, piano, solo, libretto; studio, fresco, canto) Also casino, macaroni, spaghetti, fascism. Spanish borrowings were borrowed directly(nt, banana, cocoa, tomato, burrito,mosquito).Portugese: cobra, emu, port, tank, veranda. Russian: ruble, verst, steppe,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun