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"infants" - 32 õppematerjali


Mähkmedermatiit imikutel ja väikelastel (lõputöö)

ei ärrita nahka ja aitavad kaasa naha paranemisprotsessile. Sellised tooted sisaldavad näiteks kummelit, Mg 2%, tsinki, hüdrokortisooni, hennat või aloe verat. Seendermatiidi korral tuleb kasutusele võtta ka seenevastased vahendid nagu klotrimasool või nüstatiin. Märksõnad: mähkmedermatiit, imik, väikelaps, tekkepõhjused, ennetamine, leevendamine 3 DIAPER DERMATITIS CAUSING FACTORS, RELIEVING METHODS AND PREVENTION AMONG INFANTS ABSTRACT This research is a theoretical literature review. The aim of this research was to describe diaper dermatitis causing factors, relieving methods and preventing methods among infants. Resources used in this paper were published in years 2007 ­ 2017 and were available as free full texts. Authors used 40 resources and 38 of them were evidence based articles of wich 22 were theoretical literature reviews and 16 empirical researches.

Meditsiin → Nahahaigused
23 allalaadimist


Mahla pakutakse lapsele 7-- 8 kuu vanusest siis kui ta on võimeline jooma ise tassist, mitte pudelist. Piima pakutakse joogiks aasta vanusele lapsele. 9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Cricco-Lizza., R. (2016). Infant Feeding Beliefs and Day-to-Day Feeding Practices of NICU Nurses. J Pediatr Nurs. 31(2): e91­e98. Harami, E., Mazarakou, H., Tsoromokos, D. (2015). The effects of breast feeding on the mental health of infants. Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 32(2):245­249. Imiku toit ja toitumine.(2012).Eesti Lastearstide Selts. (08.05.2018). Imikute täielik rinnapiimaga toitmine kestuse ja maakonna järgi. (2016). Tervise Arengu Instituut. (08.05.2018). Jackson Allen., P. (2014). Promoting Breastfeeding in Infants with Cow's Milk Protein Allergy: A Case Study

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
78 allalaadimist

Cigarettes - Enemies or Friends?

habit-forming and as we all know, it is really hard to abandon. When people think of cancers caused by smoking, the first one that comes to mind is always lung cancer. Most cases of lung cancer death, close to 90% in men, and 80% in women are caused by cigarette smoking. There are several other forms of cancer attributed to smoking as well. Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and has negative health impacts on people at all stages of life. It harms unborn babies, infants, children, adolescents, adults, and also seniors. All in all, cigarettes are definitely not our friends, likely enemies. They are quite expensive, they are addictive, absolutely bad for smokers health and all the other people surrounded by them and what is the worst ­ it kills. Something which can take a life from a human being can not be good, definitely not a friend.

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

Infant's flesh will be in season throughout the year, but more plentifully in March, and a little before and after ... that fish are a prolific diet, there are more children born in Roman catholic countries about nine months after Lent than at any other season; therefore, reckoning a year after Lent, the markets will be more glutted than usual, because the number of popish infants is at least three to one in this kingdom (Swift 54). Despite the fact, that British wanted to dispose of the Roman Catholics, they were afraid of the emigrants. According to Swift's A Modest Proposal there are only two options for poor children: they "either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the pretender in Spain" (52). The latter meant to argue

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Anna Freud

ANNA FREUD Pille Korb 11. Klass 2015 LÜHIDALT  Anna Freud (3. detsember 1895 Viin –9. oktoober 1982 London) oli Austrias sündinud Briti psühhoanalüütik.  Ta oli Sigmundi ja Martha Freudi kuues ja viimane laps.  Anna oli Sigmund Freudi lastest ainus, kes ei abiellunud ja tal ei olnud lapsi. KOOLIAEG  Kooliõpilasena oli Anna rahutu ja ta ei viitsinud koolis käia, sest seal oli igav.  Enda sõnul ei teinud ta seal midagi, luges raamatuid ja kirjutas.  Kodus sai ta aga palju teadmisi tänu isa külalistele ja õppis ära heebrea, saksa, inglise, prantsuse ja itaalia keele.  1912. aastal lõpetas ta Viinis lütseumi ja sõitis peale seda vanaema juurde Itaaliasse. ÕPETAJAKÄRJÄÄR  1914 sõitis ta Inglismaale, et oma inglise keele oskust parandada, aga algava sõja tõttu pidi sealt kiirest lahkuma.  Samal aastas sooritas...

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemispsühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


Tartu. Glasper, A., Aylott, M., Prudhoe, G. (Edited by). (2007). Fundamental Aspects of Childrens and Young Peoples Nursing procedures. London. (Fundamental Aspects of Respiratory care. Lk 181-215) Hockenberry, M.,J. & Wilson, D. Wilson, D., Hockenberry, M. J. (2008). Wong`s Clinical Manual of Pediatric Nursing. 7 th Edition. Mosby Elsevier. (Procedures Related to Maintaining Cardiorespiratory Function Lk 367-372) Hockenberry, M.,J. & Wilson, D. (Edited by). (2007). Wong´s Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 8 th Edition. Mosby Elsevier. (Lk 1273-1286, 1315-1322) Jaanson, T. (2000). Haigete uurimismeetodid ja õendustegevus. Tartu. Kallas, E., Uibo, O., Talvik, T. (1999). Lapse uurimise põhitõed. Tartu: TÜ Lastekliinik Kingisepp, P-H. 2006. Inimese füsioloogia. Tartu: AS Atlex. Siimes, M. (2005). Lapse uurimine. Kogumikust: Haige uurimine. Mustajoki, P., Saha, H., Sane, T. (toim.). Tallinn: Medicina. 65-79. Tukiainen, P. (2005). Kopsud ja hingamine. Kogumikust: Haige uurimine

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
18 allalaadimist

Thoughts on Air Pollution Essay

ruined or endangered by air pollution. Many different chemicals in the air affect the human body in negative ways. Just how sick people will get depends on what chemicals they are exposed to, in what concentrations, and for how long. Studies have estimated that the number of people killed annually in the US alone could be over 50,000. Older people are highly vulnerable to diseases induced by air pollution. Those with heart or lung disorders are under additional risk. Children and infants are also at serious risk. Because people are exposed to so many potentially dangerous pollutants, it is often hard to know exactly which pollutants are responsible for causing sickness. Also, because a mixture of different pollutants can intensify sickness, it is often difficult to isolate those pollutants that are at fault. Many diseases could be caused by air pollution without their becoming apparent for a long time.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The giver 1-6 chapter

Lily's father got her to stop being "angry" at the little boy on the playground by talking to her, and reasoning with her. He asked her how she would have felt if she was in a new, strange place. He suggested that maybe the boy did not know the rules of their community, and did not know he was breaking them. Lily said that she understood, and said that she was no longer angry with the boy. 5. What is Father's job in the community? Nurturer who works with infants. He enjoys his job and takes it very seriously, constantly trying to nurture children who will stay alive until the Ceremony of Names. However, even if he is attached to a child, he will release it if that seems to be the best decision. 6. Why is father worried about one baby? Jonas's father speaks of a weak infant at the nursery whom he is going to temporarily bring home in order to provide better care, since if the baby cannot recover he will have to be released. 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Lapse füüsilise arengu vaatlus

Seega on ka lapse kasvuga seotud arengud normis (Maailma tervise organisatsioon, 2011). Kogu vaatluse vältel ilmnenud omadused ja oskused on iseloomulikud 6 – kuu vanusele lapsele. Vaatluse all olev laps on väga hästi arenenud ning omab head kontrolli oma keha kohta üle, arvestades 6 – kuuse lapse füüsilise arengu etappe. Kasutatud kirjandus Butterworth, G. E., Cicchetti, D. (1978). Visual calibration of posture in normal and Down’s syndrome infants. Perception, 5, lk 155-160. Butterworth, G., Harris, M. (2002). Arengupsühholoogia alused. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus. Griffiths, R. (1954). The abilities of babies. London: University of London Press Maailma tervise organisatsioon (2011). Laste kasvu standardid. Vaadatud: 25.10.2014 McGraw, M. B. (1943). The neuromuscular maturation of the human infant. New York: Hofner.

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
23 allalaadimist

Varajane sekkumine Soomes - referaat

nende vanematele täisväärtusliku elu. Kasutatud kirjandus Laste- ja noortepsühhiaatria 2006. Toim. Jüri Liivamägi. Tallinn: AS Medicina. Euroopa Eripedagoogika Arendamise Agentuur, 2010. Varajane märkamine ja sekkumine ­ Edusammud ja arengusuunad 2005-2010, Odense, Taani: Euroopa Eripedagoogika Arendamise Agentuur. McWilliam, R.A., Rantala, A., Uotinen, S. 2009. Providing Early Intervention: within Natural Environments. ­ Infants and Young Children, vol. 22, No 2, pp 119-131. Häidkind, P. (2012). Varajane sekkumine. SHTK.

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
86 allalaadimist


rasvunud. Riiklikul tasandil on see protsent 20. (Russell jt 2016:2). 9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Dorothy Einon Meie terve laps (2001) Roper, N., Logan, W. W., Tierney, A.J. (1999). Õenduse Alused. Tartu: AS Kirjastus Elmatar. Russell, Georgina, C.,Taki, S., Laws, R., Azadi, L., Campbell, Karen J., Elliott, R., Lynch, Ball, K., Rachael, T, Denney-Wilson, E.(2016). Effects of parent and child behaviours on overweight and obesity in infants and young children from disadvantaged backgrounds: systematic review with narrative synthesis,BMC PublicHealth, 16, 151-163. Varava, L., Hermlin, K. (2009).Lapse rühi kujundamine.Tervise Arengu Instituut. Preliminary Assessment of a School-Based Healthy Lifestyle Intervention Among Rural Elementary School Children : Ling J, King KM, Speck BJ, Kim S, Wu D. Preliminary

Meditsiin → Õendus
22 allalaadimist

Nahaprobleemid imikutel

või hakkab leemendama. Samuti võib arsti poole pöörduda juhul, kui lööve levib edasi teistele kehaosadele (nt. põskedele, seljale, rinnale) või kui lööve häirib imikut, näiteks sügeleb. Kasutatud kirjandus Association of Women's Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Neonatal Skin Care 3rd edition. Evidence Based Clinical Guideline (2013). Blume- Peytavi, U., Hauser, M., Stamantas, G, N., Pathirana, D., Bartels, N, G. Skin Care Pracitces for Newborn and Infants: Review of th Clinical Evidence for Best Practices. Journal of Pediatric Dermatologi 2011; vol 29 (1): 1-14. Jackson, A. Time to review newborn skincare. Infant 2008; Vol 4 (5): 168 ­ 172 Sakrak, R,. Basu, S. Skin Care for the Newborn. Journal of Indian Pediatrics 2010; vol 47: 593 ­ 598. World Healt Organization. Guidlines of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health. Recommendations on Newborn Health. (2012).

Meditsiin → Pediaatria ja terviseõpetus
23 allalaadimist

Molekulaarbioloogia praksi kontrolltöö vastused

discovered prenatally by fetal ultrasonography. Neuroblastoma originates in the adrenal medulla or the paraspinal sites where sympathetic nervous system tissue is present. The most common symptoms are due to a tumor mass or to bone pain from metastases. Proptosis and periorbital ecchymosis are common and arise from retrobulbar metastasis. Extensive bone marrow metastasis may result in pancytopenia. Abdominal distention with respiratory compromise due to massive liver metastases occurs in infants. Because they originate in paraspinal ganglia, neuroblastomas may invade through neural foramina and compress the spinal cord, causing paralysis. Fever, anemia, and hypertension are found occasionally. Multifocal neuroblastoma occurs rarely, usually in infants, and generally has a good prognosis. Rarely, children may have severe watery diarrhea due to the secretion of vasoactive intestinal peptide by the tumor. Diagnoosiks:

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
78 allalaadimist


kindlaks teha, milliseid uusi võimalusi on loodud, et ära hoida vastsündinute kehatemperatuuri langemist. Samuti oleks hea, kui õed oleksid pidevalt kursis uute uurimuste ja vaadetega, et imikute haiglas veedetud aega mugavamaks muuta. 10 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Kingisepp, P. H. (2006). Inimese füsioloogia. Tart: Atlex. Knobel, R. B. (2013). Optimal body temperature in transitional ELBW infants using heart rate and temperature as indicator.Duke University, School of Nursing. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 39(1), 2-20. Kristman,V. (1978). Sisehaigused. Tallinn: Valgus. Roper, N., Logan, W. W., Tierney, A. J. (1999). Õendusealused. Tartu: AS Elmatar Turnbull, V., Petty, J.(2013). Evidence-based thermalcare of low birth weight neonates. Part one.NursingChildren&YoungPeople.25(2), 18-22. 11

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
9 allalaadimist


In addition to attention deficits, problems with judgement, comprehension, and abstract think are common. Some new research says that kids with FAS and FAE are more vulerable to alcohol exposure. Another thing is newborns exposed to alcohol before birth may have a weak sucking responce and irregular sucking patterns early in life. Some describe them as easily distracted and fatigued when sucking. Sleep disturbance, and jitteriness have also been reported in infants exposed to alcohol before birth. Some studies also show that a higher incidence of impaired vision and hearing, motor incoordination, and problem with balance are possible attibuted to alcohol use by the mother before birth of the infant. Fetal exposure to alcohol can also result in adnormal thyroid function and some decrease in the immune system effectiveness. No one is sure the role alcohol plays on the fetus, some of the possiblities are:

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Laste füüsiline aktiivsus

Kasutatud kirjandus Fogelholm, M.,Kannus, P., Kukkonen-Harjula, K., Luoto, R., Nupponen, R., Oja, P., Parkkari, J., Paronen, O., Suni, J., Ilkka, V. (2005). Tervislik liikumine. Tallinn: Medicina. Pani, K. (2013). Lapsevanemate roll eelkooliealiste laste kehalise aktiivsuse mõjutamisel. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool. Roper, N., Logan, W.W., Tierney, A.J. (1999). Õenduse alused. Tartu: AS Elmatar. Stewart, L. (2012). Managing and preventing obesity in infants. Practice Nursing, 37d0a3bce3ac %40sessionmgr4002&vid=0&hid=4107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d %3d&preview=false#AN=104452843&db=ccm(24.04.2016). 12

Muu → Uurimistöö metoodika
60 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

What holds for visual patterns also holds for language. Many utterances are ambiguous. If presented out of context, they can be undestrood in several different ways. For example, ,,The mayor ordered the police to stop drinking". · May be a command to enforce sobriety among the population at large · May be a call to end drunkenness among the police force How it is understood depends on the context. Perceptual world of infants: Other psychological accomplishments seem to be part of the innate equipment that all of us bring into the world when we were born. ( EX: infant's reaction to heights ) The visual cliff- an infant is placed on the center board of a heavy sheet of glass and his mother calls to him. If he is the deep side of the cliff, he will not crawl across the apparent cliff.This suggests that the perception of depth is not learned through experience, but is built into our system at the very start.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist


The results (see TABLE 7) show a rather typical Southern-Estonian village cemetery (the comparison given from a number of similar cemeteries from the period). There seems to be a bigger ration of females buried and juveniles. The author of the present study can not explain that. TABLE 7 Men Women Sex not Juveniles Infants Age determi- not ned deter- mined South- 97 (17 %) 109 95 (17 34 (6 %) 186 (33%) 33 Estonia (20%) %) (6%) 1450- 1730

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
5 allalaadimist

Lapse objektiivne läbivaatus. Üldseisund, kehatemperatuuri mõõtmine.

London: Quay Books. Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo, T., Uotila, N. (2012). Lapse ja nuoren hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy. Hillbom, M. (2005). Närvisüsteem. Raamatus: Mustajoki, P., Saha, H., Sane, T. (toim.) Haige uurimine. Tallinn: AS Medicina. Hockenberry, M. J. ja Barrera, P. (2007). Communication and Physical and Developmental Assesment of the Child. Raamatus: Hockenberry, M. J. ja Wilson, D. (Ed.) Wong´s Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 8th Edition. St.Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Iivanainen, A., Jauhiainen, M., Korkiakoski, L. (koostaja) (1997). Õenduse käsiraamat. Tallinn: Medicina. Kallas, E., Uibo, O., Talvik, T. (1999). Lapse uurimise põhitõed. I. Tartu Ülikooli Lastekliinik. Tartu: AS Atlex. Kantero, L. R., Levo, H., Österlund, K. (2005). Lasten sairaanhoito. WSOY Porvoo. Korppi, M., Kröger, L., Rantala, H. (toim.) (2011). Lastehaiguste valvearsti käsiraamat. Tallinn: AS Medicina. Kunnamo, I

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
44 allalaadimist


Kliinilised faktorid – muud: ema ja loote immunoloogiline sobimatus, raseduse tüsistused (platsentaanomaaliad) Mis on ja milles seisneb NIDCAP meetodi olemus? The Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assesment Program (NIDCAP) Koolitada, anda nõu ja toetada vastsündinute intensiivraviosakonnas viibivatele lapsevanematele (The Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) offers an individualized and nurturing approach to the care of infants in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and special care nurseries (SCN). It is a relationship-based, family-centered approach that promotes the idea that infants and their families are collaborators in developing an individualized program of support to maximize physical, mental, and emotional growth and health and to improve long-term outcomes for preterm and high medical risk newborns.) Mis on ja milles seisneb “Känguru” meetodi olemus?

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
212 allalaadimist


49 Hiironen, K. (2001). Lapse ettevalmistamine proovi võtmiseks ja protseduuriks. Raamatus: Mustajoki, M., Maanselkä, S., Alila, A., Hyvärinen, S., Huttunen, R., Rasimus, M. (toim.). Õe käsiraamat. AS Medicina. Hockenberry, M., J. & Barrera, P. (2007). Communication and Physical and Developmental Assesment of the Child. Raamatus: Hockenberry, M., J. & Wilson, D. (Ed.). Wong´s Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 8 th Edition. Mosby Elsevier, lk.173-177. Iivanainen, A., Jauhiainen, M., Korkiakoski, L. (koostaja). (1997). Õenduse käsiraamat. Tallinn: Medicina, lk.122-129. Jokinen, E. (1999). Südame ja veresoonkonna haigused. Raamatus: Raivio, K. & Siimens, M. A. (toim.). Lastehaigused. Tallinn: AS Medicina, lk.327-339. Kallas, E., Uibo, O., Talvik, T. (1999). Lapse uurimise põhitõed. I. Tartu Ülikooli Lastekliinik. Tartu: AS Atlex. Kaljusaar, H. (2007)

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
26 allalaadimist

Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine

and perceptions on cuff selection.// Pediatrics, 104, e30 Battersby, E. F., Hatch, D. J., Towey, R. M. (2007). The effects of prolonged nasoendotracheal intubation in children.// Anaesthesia, 32 (2): 154-157 Beckmann, U., Gillies, D. M. (2001). Factors Associated With Reintubation in Intensive Care: an analysis of causes and outcomes.// Chest, 120, 538-542 Black, A. E., Hatch, D. J., Nauth-Misir, N. (1990). Complications of nasotracheal intubation in neonates, infants and children; A review of 4 years experience in a childrens hospital.// British Journal of Anaesthesia, 65(4), 461-467 Bogovski, P., Kull, R.(toim.)(2004.) Meditsiinisõnastik. Tallinn: Medicina, 78, 167, 309 Darmstadt, G. L. & Dinulos, J. G. (2000). Neonatal skin care. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 47(4), 757­782. Dinwiddie, R. 1997. Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Respiratory Disease. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 297-307 Donn, S. M.(toim.) 2003

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
94 allalaadimist

Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid

Võitlus näljaga: USA’s 3 föderaalprobrammi selle jaoks: 1) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamp Program) – üks vanimaid ja suurimaid sotsiaalabi andmise organisatsioon USA-s. Antakse krediitkaart, kuhu sotsiaalhoolekanne raha kannab toidu jaoks. Hästi paindlik. 2) The National School Lunch Program – mitte nagu Eestis, antakse tasuta enamasti ainult piima ja mahla. 3) The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. --- Toiduturvalisuse komponendid (FAO kohaselt): Vaesus kui individuaalne mure: Vaesuse geneetiline seletus:  Mitteadekvaatse käitumise sündroom, vaesus on edasikantav põlvkonnalt põlvkonnale  Vaimuhaigused ja ebastabiilne käitumine  Madal intelligents ja sellest tulenevalt madal haridustase, vähetasuv töö ja madal sotsiaalne staatus Pika traditsiooniga teooria, pärineb sotsiaaldarvinismist

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
216 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

Pinget ja vastutust vähem! Seligman: õpitud abitus Martin Seligman (s. 1942, Ameerika psühholoog, aktiivne eneseabi tekstide tootja) Õpitud abitus ­ seisund, kui inimese püüdlused ja kavatsused ei kanna püsivalt vilja. "Condition resulting from the perception we have no control over the environment". Eksperimendid rottide ja koertega. Apaatia, loobumine reageerimast, motivatsiooni kadu, depressioon Kontrollikogemuse olulisus: "... especially vulnerable as infants and children. Early interactions with environment will determine later feelings of control over environment". Seligman: positiivne psühholoogia Mis toetab sisemist kontrollitunnet, eluga rahulolu, õnnetunnet. Seligman ­ PERMA: Pleasure, Engagement, Realtionships, Meaning, Accomplishments. Isiksuseomadused: Low neuroticism, high extraversion and conscientiousness, Autonomy, competence, self-esteem, self-acceptance. Environmental mastery. Trust. Internal locus of control

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

Pinget ja vastutust vähem! Seligman: õpitud abitus Martin Seligman (s. 1942, Ameerika psühholoog, aktiivne eneseabi tekstide tootja) Õpitud abitus – seisund, kui inimese püüdlused ja kavatsused ei kanna püsivalt vilja. “Condition resulting from the perception we have no control over the environment”. Eksperimendid rottide ja koertega. Apaatia, loobumine reageerimast, motivatsiooni kadu, depressioon Kontrollikogemuse olulisus: “... especially vulnerable as infants and children. Early interactions with environment will determine later feelings of control over environment”. Seligman: positiivne psühholoogia Mis toetab sisemist kontrollitunnet, eluga rahulolu, õnnetunnet. Seligman – PERMA: Pleasure, Engagement, Realtionships, Meaning, Accomplishments. Isiksuseomadused: Low neuroticism, high extraversion and conscientiousness, Autonomy, competence, self-esteem, self-acceptance. Environmental mastery. Trust. Internal locus of control. Emotional

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist


• Kokkuvõte: lastel kerge ekspressiivse kõne arengu häirele kaasus Normal development of language – funktsionaalne motoorika ja sensoores taju häire, • Healthy newborn infants – sotsiaalse suhtlemise häired võrreldes tervete ja düsartriaga lastega. – no differences between hemispheres in perception and expression of the language, – LATELARISATSIOON ALGAB 3-st elukuust. Motor function at school age in children with a preschool diagnosis of developmental

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
259 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal. Then weigh what loss your honour may sustain, If with too credent ear you list his songs, Or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open To his unmaster'd importunity. Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister, And keep you in the rear of your affection, Out of the shot and danger of desire. The chariest maid is prodigal enough, If she unmask her beauty to the moon: Virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes: The canker galls the infants of the spring, Too oft before their buttons be disclosed, And in the morn and liquid dew of youth Contagious blastments are most imminent. Be wary then; best safety lies in fear: Youth to itself rebels, though none else near. OPHELIA I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, As watchman to my heart. But, good my brother, Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven; Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine,

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Õigussüsteemide võrdlev ajalugu

kohustusi.Teovõimele avaldab mõju inimese iga. Alaealisus oli sagedasem teovõimetuse juhtum ka Roomas. Inimene loetakse õigusvõimeliseks juba sündimisest saadik. Teovõime saabub teatava füüsilise ja psüühilise küpsuse saavutamisega, kriteeriumiks oli suguline küpsus. Sellest tehti vahet ka rooma õiguses · puberes (suguküpsed) ja · impuberes (mittesuguküpsed). Naiste jaoks oli vanuseks 12.a ja meeste jaoks 14. Ent rooma õiguses on impuberes · infants ­ lapsed kuni 7a ja · infantiae maiores ­ lapsed 7-14a vanuses. Infantes ei saa üldse tsiviilkäibest osa võtta, lapsed 7-14a omavad piiratud teovõimet. 3.3. Vaba inimene ja ori Status libertatis puudutab isiku vabaduse seisundit. Sellest seisukohast jagunevad kõik inimesed vabadeks ja orjadeks. Status libertatis´e kaotamist nimetatakse capitis deminutio maxim, sest siin kaotas Rooma kodanik oma õigusvõime täielikult. Selline õigusvõime kaotamine toimus Rooma

Õigus → Õigussüsteemide ajalugu
594 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

on the animated adaptation of The Jungle Book, Walt insisted, " T h e bear lives!" In the end, it was decided that The Lion King would confront death directly, and the scene was shot as originally boarded. T h e arguments that prevailed were that the movie was striving for the realism of a nature documentary, that the audience was used to seeing realistic treatments of animal violence, and that we were making a movie for the entire spectrum of the audience, not just for infants who might be traumatized by the scene. I agreed with this choice, feeling that it was true to the animal world we were trying to depict, but was somewhat disappointed when the movie then strayed from realism in Act Two, with carefree comedy replacing what would have been a desperate struggle to survive. I was bothered by one structural element in Act One — the excursion to the scary Elephant's Graveyard. Instinctively I felt that though it was a good scene, it was

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

ve times per week (Monday through Friday). The former caused grand mal­like shivering and the latter caused no shivering. Nonetheless, looking at the bodyfat results, Protocol B appeared to be around 60% as effective as the torture baths in Protocol A. effective as the torture baths in Protocol A. Not a bad yield, considering that no convulsing is involved. In 1999, amusingly, most researchers firmly believed that BAT, while abundant in infants, was nonexistent or negligible in adults. I was in the midst of my Guantanamo Bay baths21 at this time, and these conclusions did not square with my experience. It wasn't until years later that better tools, most notably positron-emission topography (PET), became more widespread and were used to demonstrate that BAT is most certainly present in adults, particularly in the neck and upper chest areas. That explains why the ice packs on my neck and upper trapezius worked.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


  Tähtis on veel teada, et kuigi üliaktiivsed lapsed on püsimatud ja .rahutud, ei tohi neile anda rahustava toimega ravimeid. Häire sel puhul .võib veelgi süveneda.   Soovitav   on   pöörduda   lasteneuroloogi,   psühhiaatri   .või psühholoogi poole.  .Kasutatud kirjandus:  .1.   Baumgaertel,   A.   Behavioral   Problems   in   School   Children.   W.A.I.M.H. .Conference   on   the   Mental   Health   of   Infants,   Children   &   Parents.   Riga,   . 1994.  .2. Garbuzov, V. I. (1990). Närvilised lapsed. Moskva, "Meditsina".  .3. Gillberg, I. C. (1987). Deficits in Attention, Motor Control and .Perception. Uppsala.  .4. Keltikangas ­ Järvinen, L. (1992). Agressiivne laps. Kuidas suunata .lapse isiksuse arengut. Tallinn, "Koolibri".  .5.   Knorring,   A.­L.   Hüperkineetiline   sündroom.   Ettekanne   konverentsil "Mis .on koolilapsel muret"

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
196 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

that cause nonbloody diarrhea and dysentery result, the conventional methods must be by invading and multiplying within colonic used to confirm the presence or absence of epithelial cells. Serotypes include O28ac, E. coli 0157 : H7. O112, O124, and others. From a food industry point of view, E. coli EAggEC—enteroaggregative E. coli— O157 : H7 has an even more important role in cells affect infants and children with persis- food safety and commerce because in 1994, tent diarrhea. They have the characteristic this was the only microbe to be declared a pattern of aggregative adherence on Hep-2 “food adulterant” by officials of the U.S. cells. government. This implies that if E. coli EPEC or enterotoxigenic E. coli has been O157 : H7 is found in a batch of ground beef, defined as “diarrheagenic E

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun