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"immune" - 64 õppematerjali

immune - to-brain communication for understanding behaviour, mood, and cognition.

Süsteemne erütematoosne luupus

· Uriinis erütrotsüütide silindrid Diagnostika · Patoloogilise uriinianalüüsi korral neerubiopsia · Luupuse ekstrarenaalsed avaldused · Seroloogia ei ole diagnostiline · Anti-dsDNA antikehad korreleeruvad kõige paremini neerukahjustusega · Hüpokomplementeemia (70-90%) · Ainult biopsia võimaldab kindlaks määrata luupusnefriidi morfoloogilisi vorme Luupusnefriidi klassifikatsioon CLASS I Minimal mesangial LN: · Normal glomeruli by LM but mesangial immune deposits by IF CLASS II Mesangial Proliferative LN: · Mesangial proliferation and/or expansion by LM with mesangial immune deposits by IF and/or EM without endocapillary proliferation CLASS III Focal LN: · segmental or global; focal subendothelial immune complexes, +/- mesangial alterations CLASS IV Diffuse LN: · diffuse subendothelial immune complexes, +/- mesangialnalterations CLASS V Membranous LN: · global or segmental subepithelial immune deposits, +/- mesangial alterations

Meditsiin → Arstiteadus
43 allalaadimist


ALLERGIES An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Reactions occur when a person's immune system reacts to normally harmless substances in the environment. A substance that causes a reaction is called an allergen The most common allergens include dust mites, molds, pollens, animal dander, cockroaches, peanuts, milk, eggs, latex, and penicillin. The dust mite is the most common cause of allergies. Mild allergies like hay fever are very common in the human population and cause symptoms such as red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

How to avoid colds?

wear something windproof, mostly in early spring and late autumn. In winter the dressing should be warm and layerd. Eating healthy food, doing sports and sleeping normally are also very important actions to stay healthy. Healthy food, for example, is different fruits, vegetables and non-fat soups and fries. Also it's very important to drink herbal teas and eat different berries, like bilberries and cranberries. Sport is neccessary to stay active because it strenghtens the immune system and illnesses do not attack that fast. Sleeping less weakens the immune system as much as wrong dressing and unheathly eating together. That is why it is important to sleep every night about 8 hours. I am sure that if people could pay more attention to avoid colds, they would be more healthy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Allergies Ülle-Mai Kesamaa 10th grade 2015 Content 1. What are Allergies? 2. Types of allergies. 3. Food allergies 4. Seasonal allergies 5. Pet allergies 6. Other allergies 7. Sources What are allergies? Allergic diseases are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that usually causes little problem in most people. Types of allergies There are 4 different types of allergies: I. Food Allergies II. Seasonal Allergies III.Pet Allergies IV.Other <- the ones that don’t fit in any of the above. Food allergies ★ affect nearly everyone at some point ★ is an abnormal response to a food that is triggered by the immune system.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Dioxins and furans in the atmosphere

Their resistance to degradation and semivolatility means that they may be transported over long distances and give rise to transnational exchanges of pollutants. In addition, dioxins which were released into the environment many years ago are still contributing to current exposure. Even very small dioxin concentrations can cause negative effects on the environment and on human health, in particular on the most vulnerable groups like children. Human health effects include impairment of the immune system, the nervous system, the hormonal system and the reproductive functions. Dioxins are also suspected of causing cancer. How Are We Exposed to Dioxins? Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global. Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found in plants,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Poison dart frog

Colourful skin is very appealing yet venomous. Dart frog venom These frogs some species are absolutely lethal. Poison dart frogs keep their poison in their skin and this can kill anyone that touches them. The golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans. Only two micrograms of all dart frogs venom is enough to kill a large mammal. Other facts Only some predators like certain spiders and the Amazon ground snake seem immune to the poison dart frog toxins. Frogs get poison from animals which they eat. Medical have already developed a synthetic version of one compound that shows promise as a painkiller.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Johne haigus - immunuloogia

Haigusel on väga pikk peiteperiood, mis raskendab haigestunud looma tervetest eristamast. Patogeen levib peamiselt alimentaarselt ja nakatab looma peensoolt, harvem jämesoolt, põhjustades sooleseina paksenemist ja vähendades toitainete imendumist. Seni ei ole leitud paratuberkuloosile ravi ja et vältida haiguse levikut, haigestunud loom hukatakse. Arsenault, R.J., Maattanen, P., Daigle, J., Potter, A., Griabel, P., Napper, S. From mouth to macrophage: mechanisms of innate immune subversion by Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis. Veterinary Research. 2014, 1-2 Bannatine, J.P., Bermudez, L.E. No Holes Barred: Invasion of the Intestinal Mucosa by Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis. Infection and Immunity. 2013 10.09.2017 Chaubey, K.K., Gupta R.D., Gupta, S., Singh, S.V., Bhatia, A.K., Jayaraman, S., Naveen, K., Goel, A., Rathore, A.S., Sahzad, Sohal, J.S., Stephen, B.J., Singh, M., Goyal, M., Dhama, K

Meditsiin → Immunoloogia i
4 allalaadimist


IMMUUNSÜSTEEM Lümfiringe Lümfisoontes liikuvat vedelikku nimetatakse lümfiks. Tekib vereplasma filtreerumisel kapillaaridest. Lümf on värvitu läbipaistev kehavedelik, mis sisaldab: lümfotsüüte koevedelikust pärit olevaid aineid rasvaosakesi. Lümfisõlmed Lümfisoonte koondumiskohtades. Hävitavad ümbritsevatest kehaosadest kohalekandunud baktereid ja võõrkehasid. Suuremad lümfisõlmed on: kaelal, lõua all, kõhuõõne keskosas, vaagnaõõnes, kaenlaaugus ja kubemepiirkonnas. Põletiku korral lümfisõlmed suurenevad Põrn Põrn asub kõhuõõne ülemises vasakpoolses osas ning kuulub meie keha lümfisüsteemi. Puhastab organismi mürkainetest, hävitab haigustekitajaid ning lagundab kasutuks muutunud punaseid Seetõttu suureneb põrn mõnede nakkushaiguste ajal. Antikehad Lümfotsüüdid toodavad antikehasid, mis võitlevad haigustekitajatega. Iga haigustekitaja vastu oma antikeha. Immuunsus Immuunsus on organismi võime tõrj...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
15 allalaadimist

Boolean Functions and their Cryptographic Criteria

In such a combination generator, the correlation-immunity order 𝑘 of the combining function determines the minimal number of LFSRs which must be considered in a correlation attack - the smallest number of LFSRs involved in a correlation attack must be 𝑘 + 1. 9 Definition 4.3. A Boolean function 𝑓 on 𝔽𝑛2 is said to be correlation immune of order 𝑘, where m satisfies 1 ≤ 𝑘 ≤ 𝑛 , if the values of 𝑓 and any subset of 𝑘 input variables are statistically independent. If a function is correlation immune of order 𝑘, it is also correlation immune of order 𝑘 − 1. There is a strong connection between correlation immunity and the Walsh transform of a function. Theorem 4.2. A Boolean function 𝑓 on 𝔽𝑛2 is correlation-immune of order 𝑘 if and only if 𝑊𝑓 (𝑢) = 0

Informaatika → krüptograafia
1 allalaadimist

What Is a Healthy Lifestyle?

We need to be healthy to cope with the demands of daily life. But what does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle? To have a healthy lifestyle, we must eat a variety of healthy food most of the time, get regular exercise, have time to relax, give up all our bad habits, get adequate sleep. Food is a key element of our good health. Eating healthy, nutritious and vitamin-rich products can improve your health. Doing simple exercises every day can increase your health level and improve your immune system. A person with bad habits risks to get a lot of illnesses. Sleep is one of the main factors that influences our health. Every person needs to sleep about 8 hours to stay active during weekdays.) The healthy life-style is popular . Today everybody wants to be fit, feel good, look slim and stay young. Many people go to fitness clubs, swimming pools. Health is very important in life of every person. People should be more careful of their health. If

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

AIDS-i kokkuvõte

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) Laurits Tani 9.b Sümptomid · Lümfisõlmes suurenevad. · Klassikalise AIDSi puhul võib kehakaal langeda nädala jooksul 10% võrra ja päevas erituda kuni 10l vett. · Nakatumisest saab teada ainult, kui sinu verd uuritakse laboratooriumis. · Suur öine higistamine Ennetamine · AIDSi vastu ei ole veel vaktsiini leiutatud · AIDSi on võimalik ennetada Kuidas vältida AIDSi: · Kasuta alati kondoomi, kui sa pole oma partneris kindel · Hoia eemale süstimis-, tatoveerimis- ja muudest nõeltest · Raseduse esimestel kuudel alustatud ravi, keisrilõike teel sünnitamise ning rinnapiima mitteandmise abil võib nakkuse ülekandumist lapsele vältida. Levik (Riigid) · Üle kogu maailma · Sai alguse Aafrikast · Haigus pärineb ahvidelt. Levik (inimeselt inimesele) HIV levib inimeselt inimesele jä...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Science reigns people

Thirdly, studies will be helping to make the medicaments less harmful. Fourthly, making complex transplant operations can help many people to survive and live a full life. While it is true to say that development of medicine affects people, I think that there are at least three drawbacks to this kind of progress. Firstly, terrorists or psychopaths might use medications and researches to attack innocent people. Secondly, viruses are becoming stronger and immune to drugs, because people are using too much medicaments and pathogens are becoming more familiar with them. The biggest problem with advanced medicine is that people are counting too much on it and do not take care of themselves anymore. While the pros of medical development are understood, it still has a lot of disadvantages. My own opinion is that even if the evolution seems initially harmless and life-saving, it has its own demerits that people cannot even imagine

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

demands that influence the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system. He conceptually defined stress as a General Adaptation Syndrome (G.A.S) comprising three phases. Firstly an alarm reaction phase accumulated from an arousing external stimuli, followed by a period of adaptation to the stressor or so called resistance stage, until finally the body expresses exhaustion. More recently the effects of exercise- induced stress has been extensively studied in relation to the immune response (Brydon et al 2005,Morita et al., 2005). In psychology stress is studied in terms of psychosocial factors, which in turn are thought to affect physiological and immunological responses. In addition to questionnaires that are largely used to measure mood, emotions, the steroid hormone cortisol has been widely measured in experimental psychology to explore physiological stress responses. In addition to physiological responses to external

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist

Inglise keele lühendid

H.E. His/Her Exellency Tema hiilgus NB. Nota bene Note well Pane tähele No. Numero number Number St. saint/street pühak/tänav Sq. Square Väljak Rd. Road Tee AIDS Acquired immune deficiency Omandatud syndrome immuunsuspuudulikuse sündroom. Adv. Adverb Määrsõna B&B Bed & Breakfast Kodumajutus Ca Circa, about Umbes Co Company Firma dB Decibel Tetsibell,valjususe ühik DIY Do it yourself Tee seda ise Afr

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

Power Pointi esitluse näide

Lumelaud Suusatamine Rattasõit Ujumine Järeldus: Ujumine on 200x ohtlikum tegevus http:// Paul Suumann Teadus Adrenaliin tõrjub haigusi ja parandab immuunsust. ,, Behavioral coping strategies in response to social stress are ass monoaminergic and immune response profiles in mice " Paul Suumann 14 ISSN: 01664328 Tänan! [email protected] 53580280 Paul Suumann 15

Informaatika → Informaatika
40 allalaadimist

Loodusprobleemid inglise keeles.

* Entered sunlight can't get out of atmosphere anymore. So air goes warmer and finally may come a big flood. Illnesses (lung diseases) *Air pollution - breathing * Weakening of the immune *Organize campaigns against *Dirty seawater systems-(lung) diseases etc. factories. *Ozone depletion *People will get poisoned. *To use more public transport. *Soot and ash *Very harmful UV lights- etc. *Hypercars. skin cancer. *Do not dump rubbish.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
14 allalaadimist


VIIRUSED Koostas: VIIRUSTE AVASTAMINE · Teated viirushaiguste kohta Egiptusest 3500 a. tagasi. · 1796 esimene vaktsineerimine. Edward Jenner (1749 - 1823) rõuged KOCH ja PASTEUR · 1880-ndad R. Koch & L. Pasteur esitasid haiguse "idu teooria". Robert Koch (1843-1910) Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Louis Pasteur: marutaudi põhjustab viirus. Inimeste vaktsineerimine marutõve vastu 1885. VAKTSINEERIMINE Organism toodab viiruste vastu antikehi Viirushaiguste vastu vaktsineeritakse Vaktsiin ­ surmatud või nõrgestatud viirused. Viirushaigusi ei ravita antibiootikumidega! Kas viirused on elus või eluta? ELUS ORGANISMID ELUTA OBJEKTID Ehituses on valgud ja Puudub ainevahetus nukleiinhapped E...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
108 allalaadimist


VIIRUSED Koostas: Kristel Mäekask VIIRUSTE AVASTAMINE · Teated viirushaiguste kohta Egiptusest 3500 a. tagasi. · 1796 esimene vaktsineerimine. Edward Jenner (1749 - 1823) rõuged KOCH ja PASTEUR · 1880-ndad R. Koch & L. Pasteur esitasid haiguse "idu teooria". Robert Koch (1843-1910) Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Louis Pasteur: marutaudi põhjustab viirus. Inimeste vaktsineerimine marutõve vastu 1885. VAKTSINEERIMINE Organism toodab viiruste vastu antikehi Viirushaiguste vastu vaktsineeritakse Vaktsiin ­ surmatud või nõrgestatud viirused. Viirushaigusi ei ravita antibiootikumidega! Kas viirused on elus või eluta? ELUS ORGANISMID ELUTA OBJEKTID Ehituses on valgud ja Puudub ainevahetus nukleiinhapped Evolutsioneeruvad Ei paljune...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
11 allalaadimist

Haigus ja immuunsus

viirusnakatunuid rakke organismi tunginud võõrmolekule või ­rakke tänu patogeenide pinnal B- olevatele eriomastele lümfotsüüt molekulidele ehk antigeenidele Abistaja T- lümfotsüü t Vaata lisaks http://Teachers' Domain: Immune Cells in Action Lümfotsüütide areng Perifeerne lümfoidorgan- luuüdi tüümus lümfisõlm, põrn T-lümfotsüüdi eellane T-lümfotsüüt Rakuline

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

What is nutritional therapy

latest theories and research in this field. My personal and professional experience assure that wholesome nutrition can enhance health and be the origin of natural glow from the inside out. What is wholesome nutrition? Wholesome nutrition consists mostly of foods of plant origin that have been processed as little as possible but as much as necessary to retain all essential and health-promoting substances necessary for supporting immune system and self-healing properties of the body. ֎ For exampleFor For exampleexample, when doing your grocery shopping, it is better to buy raw carrots rather than tinned. When possible buy organic carrots and regionally grown since it is beneficial for health, ethically attractive and ecologically sustainable. Nutritional Therapy specially focuses on using wholesome and unprocessed foods and the therapeutic effects of any particular food for specific health conditions

Toit → Toitumisõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

, 2007). IBK can occur without clinical signs and bacteria can be cultured on the healthy cattle (Angelos, 2015). Problem is the resistance of Moraxella bovis in bovine herds and the establishment of biofilms in the nasal cavity and eyes of ruminants without any sings of infection (Ely et al., 2017). Pathogenesis Moraxella bovis is a gram-negative bacillus causes IBK in cattle. The occurrence and clinical signs depend on environment, season concurrent pathogens, host immune system and Moraxella bovis strain. The disease is highly contagious and can easily spread in the farm. Moraxella bovis is not capable to move but can cause the destruction of red blood cells (M.H. Brown et al. 1998). All Moraxella isolates of veterinary importance, including Moraxella ovis, Moraxella bovis, and Moraxella bovoculi, have the ability to form biofilms. Researches have shown that biofilms are related to the chronicity because of the increased antimicrobial

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist


unhygienic practices. Because the poor in developing nations commonly have no running water or sewage() facilities, human excrement and garbage accumulate, quickly becoming a breeding ground for disease. In cities, especially in ghettoes() and shantytowns that house only poor people, overcrowding can lead to high transmission rates of airborne diseases, such as tuberculosis. In particular, the incidence ( ) of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among poor people is higher than average. In developed countries tramps ( ) , hobos (-) , dossiers ( ) , down-and- outs , as they are called, can be found sleeping in derelict ( .) houses or on park benches . () If they are a nuisance( ) to passers-by, police usually tell them to move on. How and why do people become down-and outs in w elfare ( ) countries? There `s no easy answer to this problem. Some have consciously rejected

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


.................................................. 4 Kuidas ravida HI-viirust?........................................................................................................4 TULEMUSED............................................................................................................................ 5 3 TEOORIA Mis on AIDS? AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom) on immuunussüsteemi puudulikkus, mis hävitab keha võime tulla toime ja võidelda teiste haiguste ning nakkustega. AIDS-i põhjustajaks on HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), teisisõnu on AIDS HIV-i viimane aste. Hetkel on AIDS ikka veel surmaga lõppev haigus. AIDS-i tunnused on: · lümfisõlmede suurenemine · suu limaskestade seenhaigused · vöötohatis · tugev öine higistamine · pikaaegne palavik · köha

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
56 allalaadimist


Some describe them as easily distracted and fatigued when sucking. Sleep disturbance, and jitteriness have also been reported in infants exposed to alcohol before birth. Some studies also show that a higher incidence of impaired vision and hearing, motor incoordination, and problem with balance are possible attibuted to alcohol use by the mother before birth of the infant. Fetal exposure to alcohol can also result in adnormal thyroid function and some decrease in the immune system effectiveness. No one is sure the role alcohol plays on the fetus, some of the possiblities are: -Acetaldehyde which is the primary product when alcohol is metabolized; -fetal malnutrition especially if the mother is undernourished. Even when she haseaten the proper foods, the placenta may not beable to carry yhese vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which are so important to the developing fetus; -lack of oxygen due to less blood flow to the fetus through the placenta; and

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Viiruste geneetika

vastu puudub täielikult immuunsus Gripi pandeemia – Hispaania gripp 1918, suri 40 miljonit inimest PB1 – viiruse polümeraas Retroviirused RNA genoomilt sünteesitakse pöördtranskriptaasi (revertaasi) abil DNA, mis integreerub raku genoomi Raku kromosomaalse DNA koostises olevalt viiruse genoomilt toimub RNA süntees: mRNA – viiruse geenide avaldumine genoomne RNA – viiruse genoomi paljundamine AIDS – acquired immune deficiency syndrome 1981. aastal kirjeldati USA-s homoseksuaalsetel meestel immuunpuudulikkusest põhjustatud haruldast kopsupõletiku vormi ja Kaposi sarkoomi; Ilmselt levis inimestele 60-80 a

Bioloogia → taimefüsioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

1 antibiotic resistance (gene) introduced and survivors have plasmid; 2 fluorescent marker (gene) introduced and glowing bacteria have plasmid; 3 identify bacteria producing insulin using antibodies; 2 [6] 8. referring to pig insulin: ethical / religious, reasons; incompatibility / lack of tolerance / immune response; ora not exactly the same as / less effective than, human insulin; ora referring to human insulin from bacteria: engineered insulin is cheaper; ora greater supply of engineered insulin; ora 1 [1] 9. allow max 5 for following: transcription; DNA unzips / H bonds break;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


body cannot keep this up indefinitely (määramatult), so its resources are gradually depleted (otsakorral). Exhaustion (kurnatus) is the third and final. At this point, all of the body's resources are eventually depleted (otsakorral) and the body is unable to maintain (säilitama) normal function. The initial (algne) autonomic nervous system symptoms may reappear (sweating, raised heart rate etc.). If stage three is extended (pikendatud), long term damage may result as the body, and the immune system is exhausted and function is impaired (kahjustatud) resulting in decompensation (tasakaalust väljas). There are several ways of coping (toimetulemine) with stress. Some techniques of time management (aja mahavõtmine?) may help a person to control stress. In the face of high demands, effective stress management (ohjeldamine) involves learning to set limits and to refuse some demands that others make. A destressitizer is any process by which an individual can relieve stress

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust

enough cash in 2016 to cover payouts, it's hard to put much trust in any energy company's ability to pay a steady divvy. As you can see above, Phillips 66's dividend only consumes 24% of profits. That leaves the company with a pile of money to invest back in the business (both for upkeep and expansion) and activities like share buybacks. The elephant in the corner is oil and natural gas prices, right? Not so fast. Phillips 66 may not be completely immune from energy prices, but it's structurally much less affected than the majority of the industry. The company's refining segment benefits when domestic crude prices are down relative to Brent, and natural gas is a major feedstock for its chemicals business. In other words, cheap oil and natural gas mean lower input costs. That's good for the bottom line. The risk is in its midstream segment, where commodity exposure has seen profits fall by 75%

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

the hardship and dedication from those scientists we would not have this knowledge. In this case we do find more value in knowledge that is obtained by hardship, but there have been situations where knowledge has been easily obtained and still found to be very useful. Edward Jenner observed people who had caught a disease called cowpox and noticed that they did not catch smallpox. His theory was that those who had been inoculated with cowpox would become immune to the smallpox virus. To support his theory he performed the world’s first vaccination on an eight-year-old boy by first inoculating the boy with cowpox virus and later with smallpox virus, without smallpox disease ever developing.2 There wasn’t much trial and error when it came to his experiment, he provided evidence for his theory and that’s how vaccinations came to be. This example shows that although little effort was put into obtaining this knowledge, in comparison to

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


inimesele kasutamiseks. Suurem osa mageveest on poolustele ja Gröönimaale kogunenud jää ja lumena. Vaid 0,01% kogu maakeral kasutuses olevast veest uueneb, kuid piiratud veevarusid peab jätkuma ka taimedele ja loomadele. Tööstus, põllumajandus ning kolmanda maailma mittetõhusalt toimiv kanalisatsioonivesi saastavad veesüsteeme ja põhjavett. AIDS (inglise keelsest lühendist Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome või Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, omandatud immuunpuudulikkuse sündroom OIPS) on inimese immuunsüsteemi kahjustavate sümptomite ja infektsioonide kogum, mille põhjustajaks on HIV.(1) UNICEF Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni Lastefond (algselt ÜRO Rahvusvaheline Laste Hädaabifond (ingl. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).(2) 7 2.3 Põhjavee taseme kaitse

Geograafia → Geograafia
23 allalaadimist

Viiruste geneetika

Heterodupleksit sisaldava DNA molekuli replikatsioonil toimub lahknemine, üks tütarmolekul kannab r ja teine r+ alleeli. Eukarüootne viirus HIV. 1981. a. kirjeldati Los Angeleses ja New York'is homoseksuaalsetel meestel immuunpuudulikkusest põhjustatud haruldast kopsupõletiku vormi (haigustekitajaks parasiit Pneumocystis carinii, millega normaalne immuunsüsteem toime tuleb) ja Kaposi sarkoomi, mis on samuti haruldane haigus. Sündroomi hakati nimetama AIDS-iks (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). Haigust põhjustab viirus HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Praeguseks on teada üle 30 miljoni HIV-ga nakatanu. Mõnes Aafrika riigis on nakatunud veerand täiskasvanud elanikkonnast.

Bioloogia → Geneetika
45 allalaadimist


A variety of staph bacteria are normally found on the skin or in the nose of about three in every 10 people at any given time. If you have staph on your skin or in your nose but aren't sick, you are considered to be "colonized" but not infected. Staph bacteria are generally harmless unless they enter the body through a cut or other wound, and even then they often cause only minor skin infections in healthy people. But sometimes, usually in older adults and people who are ill or have weakened immune systems, ordinary staph infections can cause serious illness. Although 30 percent of the population may be colonized with ordinary staph at any given time, just a small percentage of those people are colonized with MRSA. Healthy people can be colonized with MRSA and have no ill effects. However, they can pass the germ to others by sharing items such as towels, clothing and athletic equipment. Several antibiotics continue to be effective against MRSA in the community, but this type of

Meditsiin → Nakkushaigused
35 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

When comparing human characteristics with the characteristics of other animals, evidence suggests that humans are rather herbivorous and thus it’s self evident why individuals with plant based diets stand a lower risk of getting heart disease.12 
 10 ‘’Where is Cholesterol Produced in the Body?’’, Disabled World, artman/publish/body-cholesterol.shtml 16.10.2016 11Ella Haddad,’’Dietary intake and biochemical, hematologic, and immune status of vegans compared with nonvegetarians’’, the American journal of clinical nutrition, content/70/3/586s.full 16.10.2016 12William Roberts,’’Twenty questions on atherosclerosis’’, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, 16.10.2016 7 Investigation: Californian Seventh-day Adventists study

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Neurobioloogias sönade seletus, ingl keelne

NEUROBIOLOGY AUXILLARY GLOSSARY ACETYLCHOLINE – A neurotransmitter in both the brain and peripheral nervous system* (PNS). In the brain it helps regulate memory, whilst it controls the actions of skeletal and smooth muscle within the PNS. ACTION POTENTIAL – An electrical phenomenon which occurs when a neurone is activated and temporarily reverses the electrical state of its interior membrane from negative to positive. An electrical charge travels along the axon to the neurone’s ending (terminal) where it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter* and then disappears. ADRENALINE (U.S. - Epinephrine) – A hormone released by the adrenal medulla* and a neurotransmitter acting at the level of the autonomic nervous system and the brain. ADRENAL CORTEX – The outer layer of the adrenal, a small endocrine gland located near the kidney. It produces and secretes several horm...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

Vaktsineerimis töö

Hällisurm (SIDS) ja difteeria/teetanus/läkaköha (DTL) vaktsiin. Esimesed andmed, et läkaköha komponent vaktsiinis põhjustab ajuturset ja kroonilisi ajukahjustusi ning võib põhjustada surma, ilmusid juba 1930ndatel aastatel. 1933.a ilmus Taani arsti Madseni artikkel, kus ta kirjeldas kaht beebit, kes kohe pärast DTL süsti surid. Aastate jooksul ilmus uusi samalaadseid uurimusi, kuid kogu see aeg jätkus ka miljonite laste vaktsineerimine DTLga. Austraalia arst ja teadlane Viera Scheibner oli esimene, kes leidis põhjaliku ja tõestatud seose DTL vaktsiini ja hällisurma vahel. Uurides hällisurma põhjuseid (kahtlustamata tollal üldse vaktsiine), konstrueeris Scheibner koos abikaasaga spetsiaalse aparatuuri, mis registreeris beebide hingamisrütmi muutused. Oma suureks üllatuseks avastasid teadlased seaduspära, kuidas pärast vaktsineerimist hakkasid beebidel rasked hingamishäired ja seisakud, mis kulmineerusid 16l päeval suure kriis...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
51 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia eetilised, õiguslikud, ärilised aspektid, eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

any modifications and effects would be restricted to the individual and not heritable Germ line gene therapy · is when germ cells, such as sperm or eggs, are modified by the introduction of functional genes · these functional genes are integrated into their genomes, therefore the change would be heritable and could be passed on to later generations Problems · Short-lived nature of gene therapy · Immune response · Problems with viral vectors · Multigene disorders Geneetiliste haiguste diagnostika- probleemid ja võimalused Geneetilise diagnostika eesmärk Pakkuda infot molekulaartasemel mis ühendades patsiendi sümptomite, kliinilise pildi ja ajalooga võimaldaksid täpsemat ja tundlikumat haiguse diagnoosi ja võimalusel vihjeid efektiivsete ravivõtete kohta Testid · Amplifikatsiooni põhised · Hübridisatsioonil baseeruvad · Elektroforeetilised meetodid

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia aspektid
49 allalaadimist

FCE Result Words and Phrases

FCE Result Words and Phrases Alphabetical Wordlist a bite to eat (phr) abandon (v) abruptly (adv) absent-minded (adj) abstract (adj) abusive (adj) access (n) accuse of (v) achievement (n) aching (adj) acknowledgement (n) acquire (v) activist (n) adaptation (n) addicted to (adj) addictive (adj) additional (adj) admire (v) admission (n) adoptive (adj) adrenalin (n) adulthood (n) aerial (n) aging (n) aisle (n) alarming (adj) alien (n) alike (adv) allegedly (adv) alley (n) alongside (adv) aloud (adv) alternate (adj) amateur (n) ambitious (adj) anaemic (adj) analysis (n) ancestor (n) ancient (adj) angel (n) ankle (n) announce (v) annual (adj) anthropologist (n) 1 anticipate (v) antisocial (adj) apart (adv) ape (n) apparatus (n) apparent (adj) appeal to (v) appetising (adj) applicable (adj) apprenticed to (adj) approach (v) approximately (adv) arch criminal (n) archaeological (adj) archbishop (n) architect ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Üld- ja käitumisgeneetika kordamisküsimused, kevadsemester 2015

b. Personnaalne genoomika 10. Mikrokiiptehnoloogia DNA-mikrokiiptehnoloogia (ingl. DNA microarray technology)- Molekulaarbioloogias kasutatav multiplekstehnoloogia, kus tahkele kandjale (klaas, silikon Affymetrix-kiipidel või kuulikestele Illumina platformil) kovalentselt kinnitatud kümneid tuhandeid spetsiifilisi oligonukleotiidseid järjestusi hübriiditakse spetsiifiliste cDNA- või cRNA-proovidega. 11. Immuunsüsteemid immuunsüsteem (ingl. Immune system)- Organismide bioloogiliste struktuuride ja protsesside süsteem, mis kaitseb organismi haiguste eest, tappes patogeene ja kasvajarakke. Kemikaalid, viirused, kiirgused, bakterid. 12. Kaasasündinud immuunsus Kaasasündinud immuunsus a. Keemiline kaitse - Põletik - Komplemendisüsteem b. Rakuline kaitse - Patogeeni spetsiifilisus 13. Adaptiivne immuunsus a. Spetsiifiliste rakkude “meeskond” - T-rakud e

Psühholoogia → Üld- ja käitumisgeneetika
168 allalaadimist


As a Jew and a nonveteran, Cohn is a convenient target for the cruel and petty antagonism of Jake and his friends. Read an in-depth analysis of Robert Cohn. Bill Gorton - Like Jake, a heavy-drinking war veteran, though not an expatriate. Bill uses humor to deal with the emotional and psychological fallout of World War I. He and Jake, as American veterans, share a strong bond, and their friendship is one of the few genuine emotional connections in the novel. However, Bill is not immune to the petty cruelty that characterizes Jake and Jake's circle of friends. Mike Campbell - A constantly drunk, bankrupt Scottish war veteran. Mike has a terrible temper, which most often manifests itself during his extremely frequent bouts of drunkenness. He has a great deal of trouble coping with Brett's sexual promiscuity, which provokes outbreaks of self-pity and anger in him, and seems insecure about her infidelity as well as his lack of money.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

TV from television and American PJs or peejays from pyjamas. Special letters, such as those of the signal alphabet, Initialism> An abbreviation that consists of the first letter or letters of words in a phrase. Unlike acronyms, initialisms are not spoken as words; they are spoken letter by letter. Examples: Acronyms: typically the initial letters of several words, pronounced according to normal orthoepical principles: • aids ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome’. Some forms mix the two kinds of pronunciation: Beeb from BBC, with clipping of the final C. 25. Clippings, fore clippings, back clippings, ambiclippings Clipping refers to the shortening of some word while the original meaning is retained. Clipping does not create lexemes with new meanings, but lexemes with a new stylistic value.”In morphology, a word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word, such as cell from cellular phone

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

research on disgust. He argues that the emotion of disgust allowed our ancestors to survive long enough to produce offspring, who in turn passed the same sensitivities to us. He investigated nausea experienced by women in their first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, certain hormones lower the level of the mother's immune system, so the body will not fight the new foreign genetic material in her womb. Fessler hypnotized that the nausea response helps to compensate the suppressed immune system. He gathered almost 500 healthy pregnant women and asked them to consider potentially stomach-turning scenarios. He found that women in the early trimester scored much higher across the board in disgust sensitivity than their counterparts in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. According to Fessler, many of the diseases that are most dangerous are food-borne, but our ancestors could not afford to be picky about what they ate. The natural

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Matemaatika-loodusteaduskond Analüütilise keemia õppetool RASKEMETALLIDE MÄÄRAMINE AHVENAS Magistritöö Kristiina Fuchs Juhendaja: teadur Ph.D ­ Anu Viitak Konsultandid: MSc ­Leili Järv Bioloogiakandidaat Mart Simm Tartu Ülikool Eesti Mereinstituut Tallinn 2009 Sisukord Sisukord..........................................................................................................................2 1. SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................3 2. Kirjanduse ülevaade...................................................................................................4 2.1 Raskemetallid............................................................

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

parenting, and coping. It has been suggested that spirituality also leads to finding purpose and meaning in life. · Enesetõhusus - self-efficacy´is one's belief in one's ability to accomplish a task by one's own efforts. Low self-efficacy is associated with depression high self-efficacy can help one overcome abuse, overcome eating disorders, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. High self-efficacy also improves the immune system, aids in stress management, and decreases pain. · Õpitud optimism - learned optimism is the habit of attributing one's failures to causes that are external (not personal), variable (not permanent), and specific (limited to a specific situation). For example, an optimistic person attributes his/her failures to external causes (the environment or other people), to

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

Immunoloogia eksami kordamisküsimused

Kordamisküsimused Immunoloogia I 1. Mis on immuunsus? Kirjelda organismi kaitsemehhanisme inimese näitel! Immuunsus on organismi võime muuta kahjutuks mitmesuguseid haigustekitajaid, nende mürke ja kõrvaldada surnud rakke enne, kui need haigust põhjustavad. Samuti reageerida siirdatud kudedele ja muundunud rakkudele (kasvajatele). Immuunsüsteem ei ole meie arenguks hädavajalik, kuid ilma selleta jääksime ellu vaid steriilsetes tingimustes. Kaitsemehhanismid: Barjäärid- nahk ja limaskestad, ensüümid, antibakteriaalsed peptiidid, konkurents Nahk: mehhaaniline tõke ja happeline keskkond (pH 3-5), RNAsid, sebum (sebum- triglütseriidide, vaha ja õli segu mis teeb nii naha kui juuksed veekindlamaks) Limaskestad: Sealne normaalne mikrofloora on patogeenidele kinnitumiskoha ja toitainete konkurent. Enamus patogeene pole vôimelised tervet limaskesta läbima. Ripsepiteel väljutab mikroobe. Lima koosneb põhiliselt mutsiinidest, ...

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
57 allalaadimist

Õpilaste Suhtumine Seksuaalvähemusse

7. Bailey, M.; Zucker, K. Childhood sex-typed behavior and sexual orientation: A conceptual analysis and quantitative review [WWW] %20Zucker,%201995.pdf /Internetis/ 8. Bearman, P.; Brückner, H. Opposite-sex twins and same-sex attraction [WWW] (10.2001) /Internetis/ 9. Blanchard, R. Fraternal birth order and the maternal immune hypothesis of male homosexuality [WWW] (09.2001) /Internetis/ 10. Etymology of Homosexuality [WWW] ttp:// %20Indecency/homosexuality_word.shtml (2.10.2007) /Internetis/ 11. Frankowski, B. Sexual Orientation and Adolescents [WWW];113/6/1827 (06.06.2004) /Internetis/ 12. Hamer, D.; Hu, S

Muu → Teadus tööde alused (tta)
114 allalaadimist

A New Earth

It almost seems like a paradox: When you are in touch with the inner body, you are not identified with your body anymore, nor are you identified with your mind. This is to say, you are no longer identified with form but moving away from form-identification toward formlessness, which we may also call Being. It is your essence identity. Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego. It also strengthens the immune system and the body's ability to heal itself. FORGETFULNESS OF BEING Ego is always identification with form, seeking yourself and thereby losing yourself in some form. Forms are not just material objects and physical bodies. More fundamental than the external forms – things and bodies – are the thought forms that continuously arise in the field of consciousness. They are energy formations, finer and less dense than physical matter, but they are forms nonetheless

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


part of and contributing back to something larger and more permanent than themselves (e.g. nature, social groups, organizations, movements, traditions, belief systems) Enesetõhusus - self-efficacy´is one's belief in one's ability to accomplish a task by one's own efforts. Low self-efficacy is associated with depression high self-efficacy can help one overcome abuse, overcome eating disorders, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. High self- efficacy also improves the immune system, aids in stress management, and decreases pain. Õpitud optimism - learned optimism is the habit of attributing one's failures to causes that are external (not personal), variable (not permanent), and specific (limited to a specific situation). For example, an optimistic person attributes his/her failures to external causes (the environment or other people), to variable causes which are not likely to happen again, and to

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
650 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

abuse, marital functioning, parenting, and coping. It has been suggested that spirituality also leads to finding purpose and meaning in life. • Enesetõhusus - self-efficacy´is one's belief in one's ability to accomplish a task by one's own efforts. Low self-efficacy is associated with depression high self-efficacy can help one overcome abuse, overcome eating disorders, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. High self-efficacy also improves the immune system, aids in stress management, and decreases pain. • Õpitud optimism - learned optimism is the habit of attributing one's failures to causes that are external (not personal), variable (not permanent), and specific (limited to a specific situation). For example, an optimistic person attributes his/her failures to external causes (the environment or other people), to variable causes which are not likely to happen again, and to specific causes

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

The country's major export categories include: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, steel products and steel structures; chemical products (including fertilizers; plastics and rubber); agricultural products and food (mainly grains, cereals; food processing and packaging). As seen from the list above, Ukrainian economy is strongly dependent on various commodities and as result of price fluctuations of those commodities. Perhaps, the only commodity group, which is in long-run rather immune (not 100% though) to cyclical changes are agricultural products. Taking into account growing population worldwide and gradual income growth, particularly in food importing Asia and Africa, it's rather safe assumption that demand and prices for agricultural products will continue upwards trend. Ukraine with Europe's best and largest areas for agriculture is very well positioned to benefit from the World's growing demand for food.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Molekulaarne ja rakenduslik immunoloogia

1. Molekulaarne ja rakenduslik immunoloogia – ARMP 02.024 (3 EAP) 1. Nüüdisaegse immunoloogia ja rakendusliku (sh. kliinilise) immunoloogia arengu põhijooned. Immunoloogia teaduste roll meditsiinis ja selle erinevates distsipliinides:  ülesandeks on uurida neid rakulise immuunsuse nihkeid, mis määratlevad autoimmunisatsiooni kujunemise  immunoloogia põhieesmärgiks on antigeensete märklaudmolekulide ja nendega seotud immuunreaktsioonide uurimine rea autoimmuunhaiguste ja mikroorganismide poolt indutseeritud põletike korral.  saada uut informatsiooni antikehade ja rakkude poolt vahendatud immuun-mehhanismidest autoimmuunhäirete korral  töötada välja uued seroloogilised ja molekulaarsed meetodid nende häirete korral esinevate immuunreaktsioonide iseloomustamiseks.  olulisemaks praktiliseks ülesandeks on uute immunoloogiliste diagnostiliste ja ravi jälgimiseks sobiva...

Bioloogia → immunoloogia
45 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun